Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 21 Mar 1908, p. 3

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RESAASS20123029204000004808400404000440 4048 Std 0% 3 3 A Millinory Showing OF mee eee IMA STERPIECES. ns . Stup in our Millinery Department WEDNES- DAY and FOLLOWING DAYS. The new 8 Spring Hats are ready to receive you.--ready surprise, delight and charm you. 'Never has been our pleasure to offer such an assemblage beauties. Verily--every bat is a masterpiece. The Spring Shapes are radically dif- ferent -- strikingly beautiful -- rarely becoming. And under the subtle in- fluence of the trimmer's art they have been evolved with bewitching grace into confections of enticing loveliness. oo xg -- or LH000D0000000000000000000'000000000000000000000000F0NRBRBLENRLLIGREEES a You'll enjoy their viewing. Women will spend 8 hours in our Hat Department admiring, studying e § trying on and selecting bats. 'Tis' an' unmistak- $ . 8 able demonstration of the attractiveness of our millinery. wk And not the least of the charm and at- tractiveness of the hats unexpectedly reposes in their prices. = We. never offered such extra good valiies--nhear- x every visitor will remark that. "CRUMLEY BROS. ] BROS. od Bsssecassens 000000000000 FORGO GOGOOO "The 20th Century Policy issued vy thie Canada Life assurance Company fits into any. case requiring life Before placing ydur insurance correspond with, or call.into the office, where full information how 'a policy on this up-to-date plan will shape for you. AGENTS WANTED ----Apply--Office; 18 Mark 'Bt. "J. O. HUPTON, Manager, Hingaton, On Ont. rket a Yictor Gold in Guwilight Mra, C Nailes Liewelivs Bilkey held her first reception since coming to hingston, 'at 32 Union street, on Thursday and Friday. Mr. Bilkey was fear the door, introducing visitors to his wife, who has already attracted to herself many friends in the beginning of her life as a matron. Mrs. Bilkey wore a pretty white gown, with efiec- tive lace decorations: Receiving with the bride, on Thirsday, was Miss Norval Maedonald, wearing painted silk mousdeline, with a pretty trim- ming of baby ribbon set on in cross-bar efiect; and lace, The latter is an old friend of the bride, Mrs, Nicholls and Mrs. Macdonald having begun house- | € keeping ext Hote 10, a other. : Mig, Jd, Harty at Miss Mabel Brownfield were the guests of bonor at enjoyable tea 8. en. by Mrs, Rivers, on nesday after- noon, Mrs. Harty looked very lovely in a beautiful coat of cream chiff velvet trimmeéfl with sable and a big pale blue picthre hat. Mrs. Rivers wore cream lace and black sequins. Daffodils centred the tea table, which wad presided over by Mrs. Yaylor and Mrs. Edward Fauquier, who were assisted by Miss Dorothy White and Miss Marjorie Rivers, - > = Mrs. H. W. Snelling, Division street, asked a few of her married friends to tea, on Thursday, the guests actual ly numbering sixteen, It was a "thimble" afternoon, and tea was lnid at gquarictie tables. Miss Lillian Slater and Miss Maud Publow assisted the hostess. White hyacinths decked the rooms. or > - Mra. R. Uglow, Barrie street, gave a délightiul little. party, last night, for Mids Helen Uglow and her. girl friends. The first part of the. evening was spent in progressive games, dancing closing the pvening. Miss Mattie Robertson and Miss Isabel Polson assisted hostess. -> - - Major Norman Stuart Leslie has put up a prize for the bridge players connected with the Badminton club, and these will go a-bridging for it some time towards the close of the sn. 'The prize in the tournament, in jwhich the men are to play left handed, is put up by Major Scott. - - - There was a little luncheon party, at 'the Country Club, yesterday, with Miss May Townsend, of Halifax, as guest of honor. The other ladies pre- went were: Mrs, James Gildersleeve, Mre. John Bell Carruthers, Mrs. T. PD. R. Hemming, Mrs. Walter Macnee, Mp. Jiynes Cappon, Miss Lois Saun- des; and Miss Lily Norton-Taylor. After luncheon there was a game of bridge, oe " - Gilbert Johnston, who has y fe daughter, Mrs, R..J. 5 t sa returned ta *Bhe was on. a ie Ji Tittle way, Mrs. - ap ie Rule her "of Montreal, is the guest of Mrs. James Colter, Al fred street, and will be in town for a fortnight. Miss Aileen Rogers, Gore street, is expected home from Lachine oh Mon- day. -> Nrs. H. MeMureny Kelso, of Toron- to, is the guest of her: sister, Mrs. R. Barrie street, Miss eo Sullivan, who is now in New York with Mrs. C. J. Crookall, will probably come back to Ottawa for another little visit, and will then go out to Winnipeg to visit Mrs. Hngh Osler. re. J. J. Harty and Miss Mabel Brownfield aré having 4 most delight- fol visit in Ottawa. They age being widely feted, and are enjoying the gayest wide of the gay sessional life. . - - Nr. D. O'Connor, of Ottawa, ahd his daughter, have gone to Naples, will be away till some timedn May. Miss Annie Cotter, of Montreal, staying with Mrs. James Cotter, fred street. Mr. Stuart Dobbs, who has been staying with Mrs. Adam Shortt, King streels. will shortly take rooms om George street, Mrs. 8. Daly, of Lloydminster, who has been visiting Miss Amnie Daly, Brock street, for some weeks, will leave town early next week, -> -> - Mrs. W. B. Carey, Brock street, home from Gananoque, Mrs. John Bredin will leave, on Monday, for Toronto. She will take is Al Lawrence the by IK TUESDAY, MARCH. 34th. JOS. M. GAITES OFFERS JOHN L. KEARNEY in BICEARD CARLE'S Greatest usical Show "THE MAYOR OF T0k0" 5 People--75 P A Ginly irs of Music See the Famous Feanut Ribbon Chorus. "Fries 26-50-76-§ Seats now on sale. # SATURDAY, MARCH 28th.' Matinee, at 2.804 i i The, Rork Company's Pi Distinguished Musiosi pA roveyion., 1 'Coming Thro the Rye" we wréat matchless coabipsay of © Ss Dancers and an Immense Uboras. ° uperb Scenic apd Costume Display. Matinee, 25¢., Boe. 0k; 76¢. » Children 25¢. to reser Eve, 300753 Boe 8, $1.50. Smoker ! Grand Rally Rally of Young Liberals. of the Yous Liberals, of of TT zation ors will be held in os inubt. Baller, +Bive First 6 Rows, $1.50. xA meetin i ton, for ang' elostion o the WHIG HALL, Wednesday Ev'g,, March 25 AT 8 QCLOOK, "Health and Accident Insurance That Insures The Fidelity & Cnsuialty "Ooiipany, one of the largest gawd oldest: gamcerns in the business. offers $20,000 iu case of death bu accident, and dollars per wenk in for 52 week, or for ong or more duration dn the same proportion. In 'ense of disability hy seekdent, they will pay $560 per week for 200 weeks, or for ome or mare days siration in the same yotio, Apply to; WwW. J. FAIR, Wellington and Clarence Sty ease of any iliness days Cer. MR. FRANK SPEAIGHT'S Dramatic and Humorous Dickeu's Re- oital, DAVID COPPERFIELD City Hall, Thursday, March 26th, For Aho benefit of the Limestone Foot- ball Club. Plan at Uglow's, 'tickéls, 20c., 85c:; his b0¢., Tbe. "Mr. Speaight kept | audience shaking with laughter the Whole time"-- Cambridge Daily News. hon Soa a Pleasant visit, and a re, A o ih Alice street, gre buck from g visit to Mr. Cyril Knight in Toron- to. EE Miss Ella Brown, Napanee, is the guest of Dr. and Mis. Brown, Princess street, Miss Edith Young is the guest of rs. Raney, Toronto, who will give a small dance in her honor. ; Mrs. J. R. C. Dobbs came in from' Renfrew, on Thursday, hut was imme- diately called back as her sister's chil- dren had taken seriously ill, following bad colds, which they bay when she left for Kingston. > announced of prasker, elilest - The angagement is Miss Agnes Cowan daughter of the Ifev. C. Parker, of Vancouver, B.C. fornlatii of the First Avenue Baptist church, 'and of Mrs. Pgrker, and Mr. Bertram A, Rawstton, of Westmount; Montreal. Tie wedding will take place early in June. CONCERT AT COOKE'S CIURCH Given Under Auspices of the ble Circle. The concert given in Cooke's church on Friday night, urker the auspices of the Thimble Circle, was a great suc- cess. The rampe was 4 most delightful one, and much appreciated by the large audience present. The pastar, Rev. Dr. 'MacTavish, was the chairman of the evening. The o- gramme included the Yollowilig nom- bers : Instrumental by or- chestra; vooal solo, Mise' i; vhah swinging, Miss Berned: feciti#fion, Miss NM. Dutton; violin sole; "Mw 3. Bar tello; solo, Miss A. Rosevear; piceolo gale, Nr. Cameron; 'recitation, Ming c Kenzie; didlogue "By yo ladies and gentlemen; - piano Yet ta McKee and Bwart; flower drill by metabers of the circle; recffiition hy Miss Lowry: violin an indenpity of Gfty, P. night a Mise. Fhlis } They hdd a delightful little trip. CONDENSED ADVERTISING "RATES i hat cent First insertion lc. a word. insertion for ope in- secutive eo word, Mipimum coarge sertion, 2c. WANTED--MALE, GROOM, + WHO UNDERSTANDS someltiog of gurdening Apply to 450 Printess St. in the evening WANTED-FEMALE, A WANTED--GENERAL, A COOK AND HOUSEMAID, to go to Cobmit. Auply to Mrs. Lesslie, - 57 George sireet. WILLING Ww. TO PURCHASE 5 TO 7 ACRES WITH . Bewr city, Apply McCann, 81 Brock street. GENERAL SERVANT. NO WASHING Apply in the evening to Mrs, Mac pherson, 162 Karl street ¥ PLAIK ENING PONE, gl ior write to Mrs 3 King steeet, over ei Bl dg A Tria on Salar, on ASHES ee oF ee Yo pe FLAIN Johason A CENERAL SERVANT, chk. aeferences. Apply 191 St, between 7 and 8 pom. 600D GENERAL SERVANT. in cook. Ap to Mrs. Ettinger 305 Albert St. below Union St. A Lytle, General ot ABOUT 1ST WANTED, DOWN. TOWN)" April, sitting-room and One or two bedrooms furnished, for two gentle rr Address Bex "A, G." Whig © le UPHOLSTERING AND CARPET 5 ing, sowing, "by we Milan, Tas, wellington Orders taken at Drury's Cowl ols "Phone, 443, LSB GENTIEMER TO GET RE Y made at Gallo Toki to ples Fg Brock "Br. fel 0 y's CARRIAGES, WAGGONS, BULK] tare, Pianos, or joy article for stor- ne. A the , OF any way 0 furibier juformation, har TO RENT, mother Carcinge® Works, 58 Pr inches St, "Phone, BY. A EADY WITH a residence " containing about A gt .s; for. $320 to $26. Mc roe 51 lg street. KINGSTONIANS TO KNOW THAT Newman and Sprigg's Electric Co' are always n is to do repair worl at inosuent's od for wiring. Besutiful 'impori- ed fixtures a specialty, Fresh Bal- tories and Sparkers on hand Tele phone, 441; 79 Princess street. ARCHITECTS. ELLIS, ARCHITE WOT, OF- ARTHUR Queen ahd Bagot streets. fice, Cor. t's Bank Buidiog, gorner Brock pee Wellington streets. * hone, 213. HENRY Pr. SMITH, ete. 'Anchor Building, M: "Phone, 345. » ROHITECT, arket Square. WM. NEWLANDS, ARCHITECT, OF- fice, second floor over Mahood's Drug store, corner Princess and Bagot streets, Entrance on Bagot street 'Phone, 608. PERSONAL. MANIOURING FACE by sompetent 75 Bay St. MOLES, BIRTHMARKS, ete., removed igen er TL years ex J. Lake, Eye, Throa Skin Breciatist, 258 Pagbti street, SHAMPOOING, 1 and Pp Ma person. Miss Doyle, HAIR, wart ar, t and ish | MARRIAGE LroEwsEs. S. KIRKPATRICK, ISSUER OF C. Marriage Licenses, 42 Clarence St. HUSBAND WAS INFATUATED. Shot His Wife, Then Himseli, and Will Die. Milwaukee, Wis, March 2]1.--George Witloughby, manager of the Jewett & Sherman Co., coffee "and spice mills, yesterday shot and killed his wife at their home in Prospect avenue... Wil loughby then fired two shots into his breast and is not expected to recover. It is said he confessed to the police that he had committed the murder be- cause he was infatuated with another woman, whom he had 'been supporting for four years, Mr. and Mrs. Wil foughby last evening bad attertied a #ocial at the Park Place Methodist Episcopal chureh, where both. were prominent workers. Mr. Willoughby also taught a Sunday school class. They returted home. There a. quars rel followed, after which both retived, While Mrs. Willoughby was asleep he chioroformed her and then shot her behind the left ear, causing instant death. He then shot himself. Willoughby at first denied he had shot his wile, but later admitted it. ' Willoughby is fifty yeurs ago. His wile was three years his jupior and was a native of Michigan. Fatal Row Over 70 Cents. Norfolk, W. Va., March 21.---John B. Blayler, a contractor, of Lambert's Point, was 'Shot . aud killed, ' last night, by Henry lystop in a quarrel over seventy tenis. Hystop, who wos, a route agent from the Virginian Pilot, was at Blayler's home to dol- lect a bill. The latter attempted to eject him and was shot. Hystop sur rendered to the police" : Brown Derbies. The. correct shades and new shapes at Campbell Bros, Kingston's style centre for men's Rats. Ganong"s And Lowney's. Chocolates, fresh, § Ih. 28. 1 Ib. G0c., Edwards & Jenkin. ber of the firm employi at aleoner, whose charges - the marine department ave the subject of investigation, endorsed them at Ot notice. Estimates fore re ------------ ' POWER & BONS, ARCHITECTS, MER- Ho Fm QENphaL SERVANT. NO WASH- Apply al 138 Barbie street, be apd 8 o'clock in the eveming. A tem GOOD GENERAL SERVANT, plain cook, bo washi Apply in the evening to Mrs, Felix Shaw, 115 Bagot street, LADY, SEWERS MAKE SANITARY belts ut home ; muaterigls furnished ; $13 per hundred. Particulars stasup- ed envelope. Dept. 918 Dearborn! Specialty Co., Uhicago. SITUATIONS VACANT. MEN AND WOMEN T0 LEARN BAR- her trade. G Les ean twelve to dighlecn dollars weekly. Help secur positions, Will equip shops Con stant practice. Curelal imstruetions. Few weeks cpmplete course Cate logue irve. Moler Barber College, Torento WANTED- MALE. THE EQUITABLE LIFE AS- surance Society of New York will be pleased to receive ap- plications for its General Agency for the Counties of Addington, Frontenac, Leeds, Kingston and Brockville, with Headquarters in Kingston. To A e FOR SALE, vO, 138 UNIVERSITY AVE join brick Bouse, hot Open Smbing. Apply Saliva c arene Street . DOUBLE water heal Ww, H UTOMOBILE-SIDE ENTRANCE, fourteen horse opposed wotor under hood, shaft drive, ren one season, perfect, extra, tubes, search ght. tools, $750, at Watertown N.Y V. Barker VALUABLE PROPERTY FOR SALE Double house, cn Jobuson street, the of the lgte Joseph Jamie son, Dov used as A dwelling apd a mber's shop, ply to Megsrs, Walken &. Walkem, im SINGLE BRICK DWELLING, TWO stories, 36X86, 7 rooms and frame eXtension kitchen, with lat Mgrias. good ella and garden, Cor." Main and John Sts, Portsmouth. Apply McCann, mn Broek Su. CHESTNUT STALLION, 16 HANDS high, good action, Sound, kind and well broken. Formerly bamdied by De, MoGill For information, apply to Jas. Stratford, 287 Princess sired, Kingstom NO. 78 SYDENHAM SOLID BRICK with extension kit rooms, bot water beatlcg. ate removate ed throughout. Fossession st May, Also pair of good houses Nos. 60 oa 63 Wellingtun street. Apply A. Cunningham. 429 AND 481 JOHNSON, ST, Soup de rick house, centre wall, hriok, latest provessemts, heated LY fur nace, six bedrooms, parior, diming room, kitchen uid back Kitchen, all ah repair, within two blocks re Collegiate { Joha street, MONE ESS. 3 a OUR POLICH IVER MORE OF Idi and pontelts than any other company offers Rxamine them at Godwin's Insurance Emporium, Mark. ot Square. LIVERPOOL, LONDON AND GLOBE Fire Insufance : Company.: Available assets $61,187 215 In atdition to which the policyholders have for securdy the unlimited lability of all the right man, even without life insurance experience, but who ean show a good business record an attractive] income contract will be made. sired, C. T. Gillespie, Manager | Equitable Life, 24 King St. W., Toronto." Fo-LET, STORAGE FOR FURNITURE, and dry. Frost's City Storage, Queen St. 536. CLEAN 299 'Phone, 251 UNIVERSITY AVE. COR. JOHN- son, 9 roonis, bot water furnace, B & C. Apply at McCann's, 51 Brook street. HOUSE, NINE ROOMS, GARDEN, modern conveniences was, furnace, 285 Alfred St on premises. "vivo, inv oak, at THAT LUARGE RESIDENCE fully situated, 63 Wost medintely opposite City resent occupied by Prof. Mc™auh | on. Possession May 1st. Apply to McKelvey & Birch, 69 and 7% Brock' | stoeet. past | Ad@ress, confidentially if de-| electric Hght, | Apply | BEAUTY the stockholders. Farm and city pro- porty dusured at IpWest poseihile ! rates. Before renewing old or givimg new business gel rates from Strange & Strange, Agents. 'Phone, HAS BUSINESS CARDS, J. BIRCH, FLECTRICIAN, WAS removed from 179 Wellington St. to 206 Wellington St. All work promot. ly attended to ; estimates teraishad | i "BU SINESS OPPORTUNITIES. : | f i {ror A CONSERY ATIVE INVEST ment in ow Water power, eletric tight irrigation and Yaad Qampany that will pay large dividends Address i Gen. H Sova, Hitte, Montana ROOMS TO LET. ' DRAWING ROOM FLOOR PURNTSN ed am bed and siting root folding doors, also two inrge root second floor suitable for 1 men, five mites walk from Office wil give breakfast if desired { Address 5 Lo Whig office LAUNCHES FOR SALE. FROM 18ST MAY, 1908, NUMBER 158 gtreat, at Present oecupled hy "Oat, Hudon, €.M.G., heat. Junproverents. ng " Apply to Argastrone Mol acslek, 102 | Contre treet, or Thomas Mills. 79 * Clarence street. THE PARAGRAPH PULPIT REV. ZT w. Ty ASSON. A Challenge. Do you believe that to have a pure heart and a righteous life is a per son's highest achievement and a firm foundation. for heaven ? Do you be lieve that God cares impartially for all souls, leading each by his love to final goodness in an everlasting growth, and that when punishment becomes necessary 'God uses it for the reformation of the sinner, and pever for vengeance ? Do you believe that in Jesus we have an example of what religion is summed up in love to God and love to man ? If so, then youare a Unitarian, Rev, C. E. St. John, W. Casson, at 25 Address, Rov, C. for the Beacon street, Boston, Mass. literature, FIRE ESCAPES! All lengths, all sizes and to suit all eondi- tions. Built to order each one should "become, and that the | LAUNCH, WIT 3 angrinie, spot 10 wiles, with 3 cy der angie, , AS mites, wisa 20. foot Jruneh , Cheap Tor smick sale. Apply to the Kingston Doat U4. at the Yacht Clty Yard ONE 16 ¥OooT horwe-power one 28° foot, | AT VAN LUVEN'S. Evaporated Apric Evaporated Pe Several Choice Lines Prunes Baneoes, Dates, Celery McLarew's Tuvincable Jelly Seedlony ne. pad bos. \ Powder) Oratges He a5¢. gad BO und dor doz, Californie nd Sweet 4 Mexican Sweet Oranges Pearl Taploca, 3 hs Corn stud Fens, 3 cans 2 tins Piok Salmon es a 25¢ Ontaup, bottles, . 10c, atnd 15¢ Lowhord Plums, (chic cn Naptha Soap Powder, pigs. wires BOC 4 ax, 160 16 jew), and erected in place on . short notice: Estimates Furnished on Request. Selby & Youlden, Lid. EVER-READY SAFETY RAZOR =~ 12 Blades $1 complete, quality on Campbell Bros'. $2 Derbies. Have ov equal at the price e Dougall, esteemed lady, of Dalhousie, age of sixty-one years. name was Janet Conroy. Mr, Foy a pat six wats ave. ard 8 and' Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea are sold in King at Gibwoti's Red Cross Crag «The national and international labor . ak Otasa, are at war over moties. special os 2 Pressed Hose Soep 2 cukey Dairy aad Cremnery Datter F. W. Van Luven Phone 417 - 246 Princess St THE FRONTENAC LOAN AND INVESTMENT SOCIETY ESTABLISHED, 1863. President--Sir Richard Cartwright Money loaned on City amd Farm Fro- trtian. Read and County Deben od Softgager burthased, Deporite , allowert, MeGill, Managing Director. ATTERTION, FURNACES ay in wa ot fin want Water ull, You Wt romps Sivan = DAVID HALL, T= rr Fy s, ot 8 0 pest place to got an 'll round Lonel in the city. Meals of all kinds on shortest inl ad Chinese dishes » & . Wm. Murray, Auctioneer 27 BROCK ST. New Sale of T * CREAR FET HIT ES VPP ner ey Institute. A A CER sve Ro, » Fes

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