Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 12 Feb 1908, p. 8

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SIO Ts wet RE 9 ---- | FRONTENAC | MATTERS ==. | | FINANCIAL QUESTION of patronage rl : " AGAIN DISCUSSED. nh It that unti ein PAGE EIGH® DAY, FEBRUARY 12, 1508. E------ pr . A ------------ THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, WEDNES CITY AND VICINITY. v INCIDENTS OF THE DAY. » expenses y plan or specifi | Were tenders | Newsy Paragraphs Picked Up Bv i Reporters On Their Rounds. "Violet Talcum {at Best's. riends, | - The Untario Churchman on sale at the ac- | Uglow's Book Store. verv | Several loads of hay ere totals | over from Wolfe Island this morning William Swaine, piano tuner. Orders asf received at MeAyley's hone 778. improvements I'he Ports ¥ » soard the commut- meet In rey Th and '1 thick it the greatest e {uight. Feb." 10 oof time and money for a comn of | ar reply to my letter farmers or laymen to be experiment- : ing, with bridge building or any other improvements callings a life proficiency Lake bridge, " at estimate of cost of constructing set forth in the applica bridge, from an ex-cit legislature in your issue © of 10 %3.100, and if built by this which totals 860,000, cay | Would 120 feet of the county officials on), the rest to be filled in, whereas, Hors explain to the rate- | Present under of the 251.000 ¢ 1y where that the auditor's report for the year 1897 * }i the coun- | will give you the financi- [400 feet of bridge which he refused to the [expense -- Yours will be conferring a |RATEPAYER, on the latter giving | ~ The farmers from Wolfe and Amherst readers in the county fulll The Whig will vive further explana- | Islands are bringing large quantities jbons concerning the county's finan- {of hay to the city, and are finding a Its object simply to {ready sale for it. The price paid place the actual facts before the peo- [still very high, from $Is to 320 per cil hds been borrowing on Own ED, - ton. the law allows, | -- | The Portsmouth" council has a gang liable to . dis-| The Yor} Road. jol men at work clearing off the snow two vears for voting! Perth Road, Feb. 11.-4To the Edit- [on the main street, and it is expected for such measures." MH they have act-'or) 1 The question has' heen asked | that the work will be completed by to wd illegally by allowing large why the county did not provide for |night. The snow is being dutnped in debt to necamulate without raising the the York road be fore it was compell- [one of the vacant lots. the the (ed to, The county council failed to | A $1 two-quart hot water bottle for government going to legalize it by act €Ye 10 eye, in providing a county 1 80c., at Wade's Drug Store. of parliament, and allow then to road system for the York road, which Fourteen patients are being cared for raise this money by debentures with- (would have brought one-third of its | at ¢ station hospital Tete first | wequainting the people ? 'expenditure from the government. | Pont This is an unusually I think, when the This was introduced and voted | large number. Nowe of the at stake, {down, while economy might have been {of a serious nature first send a in so doing. At [the pre The St. Lawrence les e the time some of the county council- a gang of men at work who {lors have declared a check should be [The harvest this year is Put---upon so-called extravagant ex- las good as last, The ice is penditure. We would like To outline [about twelte inches thick, two some of the unnecessary expense in [three inches of this being snowy. the county council. { Special bargains in woollen goods Une is voting | See underwear and stockings for chil by-law, | Re- {to mneurred cation wmvited Speciin work every | regular 20¢, for 15c, ution nse al { counts were edd little known as to would be." n apswer to these queri ascertained, the have been surpervised in ther brought what was their RS * acon rento J. M. Stonness the York Economy and Permanent provement. Explains About Road--sde Favors Ime s, as far be ill au © iar ses arsday The telephone company is working ou Princess street, poles The city necessary | Princess oughbor the an Four regular, ten-eent yolls toilet pa- that | per for 25¢., at Toilet powders and high class fumes it pays to go te Gibson's Cross Drug Store for these. The members. of Loyal Orange lodge, 250, concert I putting | in new oO i) © 6th, of the debt, ate that the pre v, leaving $55,000, allowing for all the improv { deht wn in almost all these employees were working on street this morning, digging Crossings oat experience Take the 1 instance, | debenture Granting a this and ments to 1 | | | | out house, jail and bri for have extr GOOD VALUE IN INEN TOWELS We are now showing a very large range of New Linen Towels at very attractive prices, and as many of these cannot possibly be had later at the prices we now offer, it would be well to see what we are offer- ing, Huckaback Towels. 10e, 121c, 15. : Huckaback Towels, 18¢, 20c, 25¢c. Huckaback Towels, 30¢, 33c and up to 75c8 in the past vears, the Best's. figures to engineer per Red gant vlan bridge the construction, will | Portsmouth, will realize between £30,000 to result of the recent the committee's ex- [their kall and having nearly | Corsets ordered or 'ready-made. We which will be a hig | guarantee a perfect fit. See our spe- truly, COUNTY |ecial dip-hip corsets, 28¢c.- New York { Dress Reform, Lian Saturday, have only you or any of one as held a mn county co payers wnat became surplus shov treasurer dohn McKay Fur House, Kixasrox, COO OOCO TOOT ODOOG inno. & g + Bomach troubls is but a Symptom of, and not $aolf a true dlsense. Wo think of Dyspepsi, burn, and Indigestion as real diseases, Aro symptoms only of a eertain wwocle sick ness els. "It was this fact first correctly led Dr. Shoop the creation of theft now ver optiar Stomac dy--Dr. 8hoop's Restorative Going direct the stomach nerves, alone brought that SUCCoss and favor to Dr Shaop and his Restorative, With. that original and hohly vital principle, no ng accomplishments wire ever to be had, OF stomach distress, biosting, billonsness, bad th and mllow complexion, try Dr, Shoop's prative--Tablets or fini ana soe for youn Kx what it ean and will do. We sell and clean ent ly recouttnend to investi penses are added ty al standmg, ratepayers, vau great favor by your many particulars, In your article of the that late the a9 county cinl standing, is 5 vou state "of years coun He ple authority more than and its members qualification for is are HO a rate to meet requirements, is soe, at de out barracks. Rather interested ratepayers by-law are the commis of the momber cases govern ion' considered are These towels are froin the. looms of one of the mast reliable Linen Manufacturers in North of Ireland, and we are confident there is nothing better for the money in Canada. Crash Towellings Linen Towellings by the yard, 7c, 8¢, 9¢, 10c, 12ke, 15¢, up. Glass Towelling assistance ning to the prag Be, 10¢, 12%, 15e, 20c. excepting for one, {duce offered was soon disposed of . . . . 2 ALWAYS didge building ther ipnprover {BY been der thy count sysoen |10ere was a good Supiaint for Itiue Kitchen Towelling in Great Variety. FINE PURE LINEN HUCKABACK TOWELLING Er ments ar 1 the court house and |21d drawing oue-third from the gov- | with continued good ; In great variety. jail, for your editorial of the fth [¢r"ment. But the has | shape now, and ans est good Bath Towels, White or Natural Shades, | weather, a large » {compel} he v » inst. is a niasterpiece, and "when vou | pelied to borrow the money to re- | 5 Of fe 20¢, 256e, 3 pair the right-of-way. The finance | Saturday. oe, 45be, 19¢, up. " [chairman seemed to think, that jt | Ls company has } 11 hould afiairs coun- sent cutting ee not nearl and lisqualify every ust. Dr ' has not been faithful to his tr . oop S One thing 1 am certain of is that if Restorative ni . "ALL DEALERS" only or t the Ia CLiGns have to | down the county road which has . forced the council | dren, all sizes, New York Dress to point out the | form. pursue. Under the | The market corporation was forced to as. | attended, and rebuild county | rough weather, without any from | quite low, and wernment would not fy them. The it themaelve their v for years, bat vould have honestly would Ole for lide | deaexy. 1iuW people secure a solicitor I gy legal have done retest serene [nt Gly and they ed it. I do not think it necessary for me BEST'S SHORT STOP ridges, with Ra LT | om to calighien vou alan the |e £overnment, on Tuesday was well the @ontinued supplies were begin fourse to the | sume two Owing to lil teen { bridges, get county and ps council heen {Was not in the interest of the county, pand raises objections [travagance. When I appealed to the tin the remarks of jcounty council to assume and repair | ' | i n last evening's | Loughborgo bridge, it was voted do { ] ] | ' } a wn | pleased > the : 3 not. dis. thy the finance chairman, pleased to state that he has not d and | ghused ¢ mind he leas he his influence thi . | 8busec my mind in the least, as he two bln bias hich . compelled | oan't find an equal to the silver pen- l palitics, Storrington and [ny of 1766, and as for the silver coin | ©oughboro, to force the county coun- | : » fh » . jal to protect the travelling 'public, | P'° And unc-hali penny, , Must state land thereby *jin my travels, 1 have failed to see caused another, so-called | : . . hi XIU yugano, by calling the council Hu. Fr J. A | . ad hal together under unnecessary | » ave never hea d ol {One step further on, we bret down | Such small smn before. being in exist: janother by-law, which we were com [ renee. b , . pelled to pass in order to receive our | } Richard Edward ; James called one-third on thé Kingston and Perth | 490 hig office this afternoon, fRoad. Then we meet with opposition | °F Sibited a wilver penny pi {from our finance chairman. He calls 9) the ren col George 11 ; fhe yeas and nays upon the the coin above mentioned, of date | nnd stood alone {law been defeated we could | | 1766 nay. Had | 1766, {got one dollar from the government { "Balance Of This Week Only." Hn the face of a large expenditure oy | Five lbs 25 the Kings Ye af y g | he Kingston and Perth roa l, under | Jpesh eggs, for boiling, per boz., {the present fystem of management 2 1 1b. 40¢. "Japan tea =0C, {with ten members on the roads i : IY pH BRA LT Jhb, pure Java coffee (fresh ground) | widge committee, our by-law pro Be {vided to reduce ron ne ry 3 aa Incis i JE that committee to! (ood creamery butter; per Ib. 30c jlous } : nk Ne 4 rseer,. said com- 1 box soda biscuits, 20¢ | ' esiding within two Lar | for pam .arge Labrador herrings, drive from said work. » 2 chairman has thrown slugs |representative of Loughhoro We have just received from the Manches- ter Bleachers' Association of Manchester, should have fullen where they rightly | + » belong, } England, Richardson Sons and John S. { 1 have proven the interest 1 had | ; . 8. £ nla % rar {in the coulity ratepayers, having had | Brown & ( 0.. of Belfast Ireland, the over |the honor, for three years, of being | makes and mill ends of these three large Jchaicman on te toil and Snunty rONdS | ohnute on Briers: sheet. that they t . jcommittee, and if you wish to refer | y yh a3 a ey { manufacturers, the largest stock of Linens [to the auditor's report, you will fing |mU*¢ 'lear off more spow olf and Cottons ever imported to this city {the cost of that commitice amounted |0¢ Walks, and of this i $ his ly, which we have placed on sale at prices 20 to 30 per cent, lower than regular price, Silver Penny Of 1759. to so-called ox- | "Still in Doubt," writes : In regard "There Are Oth- {ers Whig, | am expense at and " Do You Buy | Bakers' Bread | ---- _-- SNOW REMOVING FINISHED, 0 0000000000000 0000 WATCHES REPAIRED A Watch that hae been proper- repaired and properly cleaned cerininly show hetler results Weir longer, by-law, the by- not have Ald, Graham Says the Railway Line is Clear. cleaning al railway far go state The sdow street evening, ne of { ine of i t A Barrel of Flour makes 300 loaves, | and costs, at the Baker's, Ge. % loaf, or | $15 { of Flour Costs --34.50 | Yepst and Shorter $1.50 Total Sve 6.00 You save $9.00 everytin vu use up| a barrel of flour ¥ you make your own Been" tread. xX Good 1 and is made with one of our. new dates, oR the 2c px, \ ; Ald 1 to morn 0O0CO000 as intends to chairman, w" ---- tative, this the stree in condition. On the blocks O-O0< ly - ered ts bel Wer taat to a there t had hours | The finance | at the | which | per dozen, it and ertain ¢ only a few equal minutes Bread has no in three Home-Made pet fect Our we are of in this ranch tee especially both fides and we cleared on tent On the clearing requir street y wk Kun Universal Bread Makers : Hise And only$2 5/0 loaf size. And only $3, for 4 loa! size, 'W. A. Mitchell, Hardware; 3 lbs. prunes, 25c. 2 good cabbages, At Mullins' grocery, and Division streets, Portsmouth line wl Low w Graham to that Se. was the line only on one side Al not agree that it is nece away any the corner Johnson depot OBOCOTOVOOOOTOOOOONO on Swiss V Must Clear Of The Walks. The police, to-day, notified the mer- ssATY for suring Fine American Watchess $150 more Snow | ren an a Can be made to perform as well when new cost of snow day, it has for opening Down in Montreal awful condition. It is estima it will st S200 O00 make streets along which the railwad tracks | lie, fit for traffic. The work-of snow | removal there ceased last night, ows to the refusal of . cost 30 ax ot : the as a spsult str MA Warning, a great many were ol) jto $29.70. 1 am strongly in favér of Lod to a oS aany an 'i 5 ' shove jcconamy, and permanent improvement I be RN rs : A 4 Pick am shove {throughout the county. 1 femain, al. me phrts od th i angerous m {servant to the people.--J. NM, STON- {7 id 4 "ep 15 10 ve NESS. Peoy i . fit levelled off as much as possible, ! -- ------------ Death Of A Child. LETTERS TO THE EDITOR! Vely Spangenberg iw JEWELLER As ile the street company to pay half of the : The city is doing the work, | ympany claims that the work] cost, Mr. and Mrs. Torrance Murray, Bay street, have the sincerest sympathy of 18. large. qirele of friends in the loss of their infant daughter, Thelma, who passed away Tuesday afternoon. The funeral was held to-day 10 St Mary's cemetery. ' agreed and; the cc is being done in too ancient and cost-i ly a manner The city actually used the old-fashioned little box sleighs for | removing the Montreal's board | of control will have to come to Rings- ton and take a few lessons in tho art of snow removal The metropolis needs the services of Ald. Graham and | Streets Foreman Timms to show people there how to remove snow rap wdly, They camprise remnants of Sheetings, Pil- low Cottons, Odd White Quilts, Bed Room Dr. Aybroyd is the Man Frontenac Towels, - Table Linens, odd dozen Ward Needs, ai " y : "wm . J Kingston, Feb. 12-(To the Editor): Table Napkins, Roller Towellings, Glass We are about to decide wpon an oh . . dorm: wr Frontenac dd. Why- de Towellings, Bleached Table Cloths, Dish ay alget ery Tr pry Why, do Towellings, Ends of Pillow and Drawn Work, Linen Doilies, ete. Railroad Watch Inspector, GOOTOOOOOOVOO000T oo W. H. Aldridge, chief neer-of the CPR, states that ny J up a Lows 10 he mining engi snow the comj coal apeni Bi of con COVVOIHO00000 OOVO0000000 of --_---- hl Holland ha Modis cause we like to have representatives Great Clearing Sale. with ma than LOL wind in the council, or is it that we elect | Prevost, Brock street, has made a men that will give us the best pe- | Feat reduc fion in price in the order sults. Frontenac ward needs consider | 80d ready-made clothing department, able attention. The people living at [2130 in the gent's furnishings. The the head of Pine street would like to | Stock is well assorted with new goods. have the street wttended to next sum- mer, as a person could plant pota- toes in the road and have no trouble in pulling them up. As I was passing down Pine street the other evening 1 saw a resident of St. Catherin: sitet up to his knees in 'snow, trying to make a footpath for his harse 'to pain an entrance to Pine street, That street has been closed up since the big snow gtorm. It needs attention. The present aldermen will need to east their eye over that ward, Lie Was Soon Straightened. Dr. MNylks wax thrown out of cutter, this morning, but luckily caped without any serious injury. He was driving around the court house corner at Union street, when the cuf: ter slid and before' the doclor knew what was happening the cutter had overturned and Sa was throw n into a deep snow bank. in the mix-up + the | horse got one leg over the shaft. The timely arrival of some students on their way to early class, saved his oa seesssssssssissssesssssssssnesssssetenseons New Spring Stock Empress Shoes At The Lockett Shoe Store. 1 You will find this an excellent chance to) replace your wants in thisline of goods at this sale, Visited The Hospital. A party of junior and intermediate boys of the Y. M. C. A paid a visit to Rockwood hospital last night, and gave a fine exhibition of gymnasiom work. Albert, Shannon accompanied the boys, and gave an exhibition of club swinging, A Sad Tragedy. It often happens--vour sore corn is i : he stepped on. Why net use 'Putnam's' Corn Extractor. It cures in one day. Absolately no pain with "Putnam's." Use no other. 1 saw by your paper that Mr. Hoag had been asked for favors for that ward when he was chairman of streets. He has been weighed in the scale of Justice and found to halance the wrong way, t we need is an alderman that will fight for his ward apd get what he is working for, I think by electing Dr. Avkrovd that we will get an alderman that will fight any pro. ssition to a finish. Try a change. don't elect the old for the new when | we find the old has worn out. We must replenish. with the new. T howe the Sectors of Frontenac will vote for Dr. roel, an is the best man.-- 3 FRONTENAC ELECTOR. 1 situation, for the aniinal would have kicked up trouble. The accident oe curred just when a great many stu dents were on their way to college and quite a large number collected in a very few seconds. The boys lost no time in righting the owtter gnd oet- ting it in shape for the doctor to continue his trip home. Much Scarlet Fever, It is stated that there are stil many cases of scarlet fever in the city. | The members of the board of health are taking every precaution in having the "school rooms fumigated. but it js often the case that a pupil kept owt of , on account of some mem}er of the family having the fever. is al- Cs lowed to go oul around the street, ju different p For comfort, for durability combined with at- tractive shapes these Shoes for Ladies easily stand without a rival. Oxford Shoes 'High Lace Shoes $3 to $5 $2.50 to $4. , ask anyone who has | | : | For recommendation worn them. : Gbhe Toockett S, yen

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