ma i ---------------- A ---- . + Nearly all our little ills} come + through inactive it bowels. Those "days that you lose because you don't feel right--Cascarets will save them o! In the old days, physic was drsadful-- calomel, castor oil, salts or cathartics, And they were worse than they seemed, for they irritated the stomach and bowels, > They acted much as pepper acts inthe nostrils, bowels with fluids, But those fluids were digestive juices, lack tomorrow. . They flooded the And a waste today means a A You secured relief, but, you were actually worse off thay without it. - It's different with Cascarets. Theje effect is the same as that of laxative foods, or of exercise. They stimulate the bowels to natural action. : No griping, no irritation. They act as & bowel tonic. The old way, too, was to take Targe doses of physic. People waited until the bowels were clogged. The new way is to take one Cascaret when you need it. box in your pocket or purse. Ward off the troubles instantly. The modern plan is to keep at your best. many good hours. Cascarets'are candy tablets. but never in bulk, Carry the The old way wasted too They are sold'by all druggists, Be sure you get the genuine, with CCC on every tablet. The price is 50, 25¢c and x TEN CENTS PEK BOX Lots of Odds and Ends to clear out during the | balance of February. 1f you missed the Red Letter Sale come in ¢ and let us show you some of our "Odd and End" lots.: We can very on your purchase. likely save you a tidy sum J. H. SUTHERLAND & BRO. The Home of Good Shoes. THE 201 CENTURY TREFTRENT, The source of ail Power, discovered in the ratories of Dn The Fount of Youth, 5725 'The result of 50 of scientific research, manhood brought back after years of weakness and ir. « de of the rarest chemical reagents in the world. three Nature's Secret restored by combini . is no experiment. it is proved by ifs use in the 5. Jspital of Europe. Tens of thousands of weak and cases cured by 30 deys treatment. This is a fact} Prove jt yourself by a test. A 5 days treatment with "full particulars sent absolutely free: All packages are carefuily sealed in & lain wrapper with no mark. A full 30 days treatment (180 doses) with guaranteed cure or refund of money, for $3.00. Bend for sworn Canadian testimonials received within (be last twelve months, om Or. K HA MEDICINE GO.. P.O. PrawerL 2041. MONTREAL tary Mattresses to fit At | Shap to every buyer, James R The most delicate Our Big Clearing Sale Brass and Iron Beds. Her- cules Springs to fit, and Sani- -- COW. 1k Chocolate, dr S$. | Raa 1] was spent at 'W. W. Roche's, THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 12, 1908. NEWS OF _ NEIGHBORS WHAT WHIG CORRESPOND- ENTS TELL US Occurrences In The City And Vicinity--Other Brief Items of Interest Easily Read And Re membered 4 5 Waits From, Wilbur, Wilbur, Feb, '10.-A pleasant evening was spent at 8S. Jackson's, on Satus- day H: Roche is visiting his par here, A very énjovable evening on Tues- day. Mrs. T. Moore, from Michigan, alter a long visit at her mother's Mrs, Alcorn, returns home to-day Miss Annie Scott has come to stay at Mrs, Alcorn's, Wilbur. W, G. Boyd was home, on Sunday, from Folger Mrs. T. Moore and Miss Annie Scott visited at W. C. Boyd's, "on Sunday. ents Sangster Personals. Sangster, Feb. 10.--The are still in bad condition. Sehool is pro gressing favorably, with Miss Mayme Walsh as teacher, Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. James Murphy, at W. Ryan's; I. Fitzgerald, Railton, at ¥. O'Riel- ly's; J. Murphy and Miss Walsh, at I. Bennett's; Miss Nellie Corcoran, Watertown, spending a few weeks with her parents. 1). Robinson at P. Egan's, Michael Connors spent Sun- day at home. M. Daley, at TT. Young's; Mr. and Mrs. J. Sheehan, at T. Hickey's, Fish Creek, roads is From Lavant Station, Lavaunt Station, Feb, I1.--A very enjoyable time was spent at 8, Jack- son s, Saturday evening, Herrick Roche is home now for a few days Misses Lee and Hendrick visited at Wilbur on Saturday. Joseph Paul visited friends here last week, Mrs. Mclntyre and family returned home to Arnprior on Monday after spend ing a week with friends at. Wilbur Miss Nettie Rocje accompanied her home, The young" people gathered at Mrs. Roche's Tuesday evening of last week, Ihe evening was spent in danc- ing. The thermometer one morning rogistered fifty below zero, Misses Net- tie Roche and Pearl McIntyre, and Messrs. MH. Roche and J. aul spent Sunday in Lavant. + Tidings From Caintown. Caintown, Feb, 11.--Much credit is due the road master, Eli Tennant for keeping the roads in passable condi tion during the great storms of last week, Heury Powell has returned home after a business trip to Ottawa. Wil- liam Hall has returned home after visiting friends in Rochester, N.Y There was no school on Monday last on account of the bad roads, Drawing ice for the cheese factory has been the order of the day. Stanley Gibson spent Saturday in Junetown. William Grah Jr, went to Brockville, on WedAesday last. The young folks from Caintown spent a very pleasant time, l'uesday evening last, at the home of Harry Franklin, Junetown. Service oext Sunday night in the Methodist church instead of the afternoon. Jas. Leader has moved into the house own ed by James W, Tennant. James A Ferguson, spent Sunday, at his home here, : Brewer's Mills Briefs, Brewer's Mills, Feb, 10.--The talk of an open winter has subsided, since the "two heavy snow storms of the past week, The roads were completely blockaded and traffic Was quite im- peded. Miss F. Dunn has returned to Kingston, after 4 month spent with her grandmother, Mrs. T. Berrigan M. McDonald and sister, Lansdowne, spent a few days last week at J Murray's. V, Fisher returned on Sun- day, after visiting for the past week with. his sister, Mrs. W. Smith, Har rowsmith.. J. Rochefort returned from Kingston on Wednesday, "James Dock rill is visiting in the city W. Rogers and Miss J. Milne 1eft. on Saturday alter visiting the latter's parents. Messrs. Darragh and Cunningham, Kingston Mills, spent Sunday at J. Murray s. Budget From Stella. Stella, Feb, 10.~The snow storms of the past ten days have filled all the roads and travel is almost at a stand- still. There is wot much drivine on the 10, as it is not considered very safe. Un January 29th, Miss Mary Hill, daughter of William T. Hill. was united in marriage to Samuel Glenn Rev, James Cumberland performed the marriage ceremony. The happy couple left for the west on the evenine train. The shock of the explosion of the Ontario powder works at Tweed was fit hove. The X.OUW, ball held on Friday evening, January 3st passed off very successfully! The con. gregations ol the Anglican church here intend erecting a pew drivehouse and stable in the spring for the use of the minister. J. Kilpatrick has purchased bien on the south shore. W. H, Pres. ton lost a valuatle horse last week, W. Reid, Kingston, purchased a num ber of fat cattle here last week. H Meorpick: us Setusand home from --dirnnn Doings At Mountain Grove. Mountain Grove, Feb. 1].- In spite of the receiit heavy ttorms, the sleigh- ang is excellent, as the roads are snow. ploughed. . The concert given in the Methodist church, on Saturday even- ing, was a decided success. The fea. ture of the evening was a debate on the question, "Resolved, that Napoleon was a greater man than Wellington." The uegatives won, although both sides put wp good arguments. Mr. Carley's singing was very much enjoy ed. Mrs Gilmore and son, Omer, are spending some weeks with Mrs. George Somers. Miss Mabel Johnson, White Lake, is clerking for James McDonald, merchant. Mc, and Mrs. William Me- Gee, Adelphustown, spent last week at Is L. Price's. Mr. and Mrs. Chris topher Grass, New Hampshire" are leaving for home, after spoiling a couple of months visiting , relative: in this vivinity. Mes. Albert the property of the late Lucien Begu- NEW WAY 10 BE WELL Healthfulness of Oranges. | The one lesson which most people never soem, to learn is, how to guard their health We have been eating oranges since time immemorial, yet how ma us kmow thal orange julce contains 4] medicinal principle which has a mark- | ed action on the stomach, bowels, | kidneys and skin. Some . physicians go so far aslo say that they can cure the average case of Indigestion, Con- stipation, Billlousness and Dry Skin with 'orange juice and proper diet, This can be easily proved to .the | satisfaction of any eufferet. Take the juice of one or two oranges every morning before breakfast take one or two "Fruit-a-tives" every night at | bed-time, exercise a reasonable care in diet, and the proof will be found in health, The cure will be greatly assisted and hastened by taking "Fruit-a- tives" in conjunction with the orange | julce. "Fruit-a-tives" are fruit Juices in which the medicinal principle of oranges, apples, figs and prunes are | many times increased 'by the spectal | way In which they are combined. made into tablets. may be obtained at all dealers, or will | be sent postpaid on receipt of price-- | 0c a box--§ $250. "Pruita- | tives," Limited, Ottawa. | "Fruit-a-tives" | for i | = Open Froat y= Full sight Why rent typewriters of doubtful merit when you can rent i Monarch | Visibles| The machine famous for light | action and beautiful work at the! following rates : { ONF MONTH FO LOWING MONTHS --- OR SIX MONTHS In event of purchase the rented 3.00 |, machine is replaced by a néw one and the first month's rental ap- plied on purchase, i We have a large stock of rebuilt | machines of other makes which! we will sell at bargain priges. Write for list, | The Monarch Typewriter 98 King St. W. Toronto, Ont, EASTERN- ONTARIO BRANCH. | 254 Bagot St. (Near Princess St.) Kingston. | "Phone, 321.1} | | | | You will notice such an improvement to- Morrow. Mathieu's Syrup of Tar & Cod Liver 0il the. passages of your throat and lungs, strengthens vou all round . and hanishes | the cold from your system. Nothing is so | Try It To-Day for That or 50 its ae- cough so quick Cold. BE ule tion; ~ Cures every kind of and cold quicker else. 3b5c. large bottle, ir dealers. than anything | all 2m Je Lo MATHIEU ( Sber-| #rooke, 1's Q. | } Dye «x At Home! "Maypole" is 8 cake of washes a yes at one operation' Not | | | | | | i i 16 ie church, morning, when Miss Mary man. | costly | twelve from here {the Company, Limited. sof Fe disinfects | good, so economical, | | ors [ head convention at Parbam lanan is attending business college | sovideny on Sunday | home of her daughter | tof 162 earliest settinrs | Olden. ithe cemetery at Oconto. {tors : § "| ned WOLFE 15 A NUMBER OF WEDDINGS RECORDED. | Capt. David Cummings and Miss | " Furlong Wedded--The . Council Appointed the Officers of the Ferry Boat. Wolfe lsland, Feb. took' place Marysville, 12 at \ very pretty' the ( fing wedding utholu on united in matrimony to Capt Cumming, both of this place. bridé wore a pretty travelling blue broadcloth, with white trimmed with Irish point blue bat with plumes bridesmaid was Miss Sadie Furl sister of 'the bride, who wore a tailor made suit of Burgundy, with velvet hat to match, W. Furlong was best The happy couple received many presents They take up in the village couph and to the of waist, velvet will resitence for a of months then remove LIND NEWS fromm mre PREVENT UNDUE FATIGUE ' [tis a gfeat mistake to take spirits or hyt drinks such as ted or cocoa prigr to 'any. special exértion or expostire. Stimulants do not prevent fatigue but leave depres- sion proportionate to the stimula- tion. A cupof *BOVRIL" contains the essential" éléments of beef and taken before exertion or exposure will give the necessary vitality, cnergy and power. you need. * city. Miss Katie Keys, of the vil lage, but now of Chatham, is to Ix formerly | married to a young man ol the above Then tonics are added and the whole Place to-day. A pretty house wedding is to take {place at the residence of William B ton to-day when bis eldest daughter Miss Annie, is to be united in wari age to Wallace Mosier, voung farmer here. Miss Cassie Comér, of Kingston, to be united in marriage to Thoma White. here. The young take up residence on the island. Mrs. Robert Barry is ill in the Hotel Dien, Kingston, with pneumonia. Wil son Taylor is confined to the house with la grippe. Mrs. T. Briceland and son, Orel, . and daughter, of Wate town, are friends here attendeu neers' City. Miss McDonald is very low at present John Colfar, an engineer on one the gee boats running out : falo, 1s the guest of Mr. O'Brien, pro- prictor of the Island hotel! Mi Hicks, of Mendon, is mother, Mrs. Furlong Ryan and 'two boys are at R R. Moore amd wife, of Cape are at Mrs. J, Boyd's. Master Wal lace Hall, son of Charles Hall, has an attack of appendicitis. -D. McRae is home from the west, The council met for the third on Monday. Me. Keegan was appoi a prosperous couple will visiting ball in the visiting he Mrs. Earl Moore's Vincent {ne WHISKY Largest Sale because of its really Fine Quality! ed purser of the steamer; J. Craw captain: R. Mullin engineer; I". | NSBCSBOT, T. Hutchison offer? charter the but this was not considered the boat from The dance to have taken place unde management of James McCloy and M. Johmuson on Wednesday last was a failure owing to the bad weat! er and roads. Arthur Laughlin eel brated his seventv-eighth birthday on Monday last, All his relatives presetit The Workmen's ball take place this evening. A vanload left here for the Garden Island ball. | Miss O'Connor, of Kingston, is visit ing at. Mrs. James Lyon's. "D. J, Cosgrove, captain of Island hockey open for wer is to Wolk elub, is LAGER The Best Milwaukee Beer. For sale by James McParland, Kingston rement with any amateur team Sa alternoons Richard Moore old city, a thoroughbred 1,950 pounds. LIVE STOCK MARKETS, from no to Greer bull. we turday Paid at Various Centres. Montreal, Feb. 10.--~The only at the Point Charle this mor 180 "hogs, The Prices ings vars and for se being « condract, Sic.; second g 5e., and common er hb, East. Buffalo, N.Y, Receipts, 1,900 head: others active and str oF; p ping, $5.10 to to £5.55: heifers 83 to $4.75; bulls, and feeders, X50 me steers, heifers, and springers, er, $20 to = $57. active; 25c. IR700 head; 5c. to jower: heavy to $4.70; mixed amd vorkers, £4.75; roughs, $3.80 to $1.10 3 50: dairies, $4.60 to $1.70 ing Sheep and lambs--Receipt IS 000 head: active, ewes wixed | Ihiep, 10 to 13e, lambs Be lower; lambs, $5 to $7.75; a few, £7. 8. yearlings, 5 to 26.75. Kethers, 85:50 to 86» 525 to Sh 60 shiney mixed, $2 to & ceeipls, i slow and Maberly Matters, Maberly, Feb, 11.--The tow much improved by a « Thomas Charlton has we, looking hale and Willis Buchanan purchased un vety fine from George Ferguson. A carload Hungarian seed will be shipped Maberly station this week, Mr. Moon has had two carloads of pressed sent in. An offer has been made to ship No. | hay to Maberly Scation for 216.50, freight prepaid Fa) mers | will he glad to. hear this, as hay is scree in this jocalite. A nomber are | going ® Harper concert. Ww. My Alum is attending the Sunday schoo' i Austin. Buch- turned hon heart olt of ] ia Kingston. 4 Was 102 Years Old. i St. George's Lake, Fob. 11.0 of | | thie oldest residents of this community, | } very the Haw age | 2 | Lhe J of Mrs. A. MeGinnic, passed away Merning at Mrs, W She had attained the ripe vears, She was one of in the township Her remains were placed T. Wikonl ost a valuables horse fast wedk. Vig! Earl Thomason, M. Young and | 3. McKivor, at 'T. Tryon's; Mrs. Pa. ! four, at P. Riley's, . i tl sm-------- The fount Tvania railw or Address plainly written, $500.90 in Prizes to the 128 fevsoss composing the best ast lines for the St. George's Baking Powder Limerick $200.00 'will be 50.00 to the 25.00 : 5.00 each: to thie next {¥e 300 #0 wv Ipne One vear ago Canadian people a iz in the best line, best, wen to the person sending son sending in th d St. George's Baking Powder was introduced to the Now, thousands of housewives us and Hiscuit But therp are still » vy more who do not we want them 10 an of St, rge's : because we know that one can will nuake them finn friends of this absolutely pure Cream of Tartar Baking Powder That 19 why we are takivg this m of getting YOU to see hov t ist ing you a chance e $500.00 prizes ¢ nay compete--those who are now George's us well as those who have never used it. Conditions: 1st. Your line with your name and address must be plainly written on the coupon below 1. Carefully rewove the trade mark from L George's Baking Powder Ly wetting with a cioth dampened in hot water { Ye careful not to get the powder in the tin damp.) Paste or pin the trade mark 10 the corner of thie coupon in the space provided, Sed. Competitors may send in as many lines ss they like providing each is scrompadied by a trade mark cut from a tin of 5t. George's Baking Powder " ih. THe Biter of he Montreal Star has kindly y eomsented 10 act 28 judge asd all answers must he addressed fo the Editpr. St. George's Baking Powder Limerick, Star Office, Montreal Sth. All answers must be posted not later thas Feb 2th, [908 The names of the prise Stoners will be published in (Ris paper as soon afier that date as possibile Bo trademart cof from oor sample pactage will be secapted. Limerick For Cakes, just as light as a feather-- Aid Bisciits and Pies, the best ever -- You can easily bake them St. George's will make them t for Cakes, Pies, Rolls try Jv one ¢ Gee good 1 Paste or pin the trade mark from the label of a tin of S¢, George's Baking here 129 8 is. coupon with our trade mark 6 stacked, and your line sad signatary