Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 12 Feb 1908, p. 2

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HE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, WEDNESDAY, F ! PAGE TWO. : February Furniture 'and Carpet Sale. s 5 IPINONS._OF PEOPLE ' GOVERNMENT CONTROL OF T EBRUARY 12, 1908. a. EN ------ ---- ee A VERY CHEAP POWER and $23, per horse power per - that evidenth I g } the cost of power CAN BE HAD FOR KINGSTON /*ir | using discarding ese engines an using between the Fijian Niagara power at a price between $20 Nwing arcanged {and an eleven of Sydney Methodist ministers. . Vive le 'sport ! TE HOGIEY "BOE =: 2: THE K AHA. DRAWS up? to in extra time at Welland You know that Bilious Attacks gris oy 2 S come from a The Wel . gas engines must have as 3 decd $20 per horse power per vear w A SCHEDULE. Cd 10 The Hockey Results of Yesterday --Big Match Between Toronto St. Georges and the 14th Regiment This Evening. At a meeting of the Kingston Ama- teyr Hockey Askociation, the ing schedule was drawn up R.C.H.A. at Black Watch; Royals at Mic-Macs, February 13th : Mie-Macs at Royals, Februg.y 15th Plack Watch at RTC. H.A., February 20th. ' Mic-Macs at R.C.HA.: Royals Black Watch, February 25th R.C.H.A. at Royals, February 27th Black Watch at Mic-Macs, March Ird The following officers for the year at a recent meeting the Mic-Ma~horkey team: Honors president, Jamgs Spence; vice-president, Jpmes Chatterton; pre- sident, .B. (0. Webster; vice-presidents, J. McDonald, J. Hunter, T. McCam- mon: manager, G. E. Trotter; cap- tain, John Metcalie. The Mic-Macs have a good team and have not vet heen defeated this year -- '090 Medicine Won. At Roval rink on Tuesday noon, the team representing "09 medi- cine, trimmed the seven from 10. The game was fast from start to finish, hoth teams putting up good hocke At half time the score stood, 4 to 0, in flavor of "00, ang in the second half '10 secured two goals, making the final score 4: to 2 The teams lined up as follows ' . '09--Wickware, goal: McCann, point; Marcellus, cover: Craig, centre; Mur- phy, rover; Dougall and Carmichael, wings. "10--Mavety, goal; Nevell, point; A. Wickware, cover: Des Rosiers, rov- Matthews, centre; Bissell and Bow, M. Covne made a satisfactory SBPIIN bargain en i prices u had NES Lady Dressers, ined Mahogany reduced to $47. restuced to $42 reduced to 2 reduced 20 10 $16.50 15 reduced to $12.50 Oy 40 styles choosg from, to at were elected of a COUCHES--A whole flat full of fine Falues, $5, 86, $7.50 up 10 $45 cach. PFARLOR SUITES, regular = $90, $85, $60, re- duced to $ PARLOR duced to 87 ARLOR SUITES, ad to. B51 "ARLOR SUITES, regular $45; d a9, SUITES, regular re- 0 regular re- after- re- to $3 Suites tH choose from. Finds of Axminsters, regu- going at $1, about 15 to 35 kind » Odd Hugs, at Half Price. erent and Spring, $12. Our made to Mattress Bed, regular ily 85. This was on our hands. mbination 6 'mech Yours, TT F. Harrison Co. PHONE 00. : 1 or wings bh [ referee. Ho have a well-balanced team Manager James Hutton open challenges and for 18 any Oswego Is Sorry. Osweeo Times "Chaucer" Elliott and Oswego quits. The only manager who brought a baseball-_pennant to wego will not take up the game this year. Elliott has such a job "over 'ome' as manager and ath- lectic 'director of the Montreal Athle- tic Club that much as he would like to come back he cannot consistently do so and sacrifice the fine salary he is to get. His Oswego friends will re- grot his decision. He gave Oswego the best baseball it ever had and its really too bad that he cannot come back. The Oswego Baseball Association will probably assume the franchise and en- deavor to organize a team for the sea- son. are ever Os- here good Our Wire Mat impor- tation from Germany has arrived. ' The Mats are suitable for inside or outside of your porch and cannot rust in any weather. We Have All Sizes from 60c. R. McFaul Carpet Warehouse. To Have A Kennel Club. From present appearances, Kingston will have a kennel club in the near future. Many of the dog fanciers of the citv have got together and called a meeting, to be held next week, to fully consider the matter. If every. thing goes all right a show will be held here in the spring. St. James' Beat Black Watch. In the junior city league series Royal rink on Tuesday evening, the St. James' seven defeated the Black Watch juniors, 6 to 2. The St. James team have not yet been defeated and stand in a good way to land the junior championship. -- Win For The Mic-Macs. the Kingston Hockey League the Mic-Macs 'added another victory to their list, when they de- feated the R.C.H.A. team, 6 goals to 2. At half time the score stood 50 in favor of the winners. The teams lin- ed up as follows : Mic-Macs--Saunders, point; Lemmon, cover; er; Houghton, centre; Dowsley Barrie, wings. R.C.H.A.--Payette, point; Bell, cover; Pike, centre; FPennack wings Referee--"Jack" Powell. For the winners, Saunders, Metcalfe and Dowsley were the stars, and for the soldiers, Bell and Brown showed up well, 1 at In sores about the MARVEL Whirling y The sow Josep y BE Jago goal; Cherry, Metcalle, rov- and t goal; Brown, ; Waddell, rover; ¥ CO., Windsor, Onn nd Glaucher, Generul Agents for Canada. ane . che a - wane We ewsary. 5. Our new bor M in Canaries" out With ook. we send few. I you ase shit Fa 4c packet BIKD BREAD. Abe, "How to Rist Birds of d "Bord Magacine," Send 150 today: stamps of coin. 4A yon bay hardefrom us. Binds o Ad D SEED Ont St, Georges And The 14th. Everything is in readiness for the big game this evening, when the St. Georges, of Toronto, and the 14th will meet in the senior O0.H.A. series. The rink was closed to skaters all day and the ie is in fine condition. This game has aroused considerable inter- est throughout the city, and should be witnessed by a record crowd. The 14th players have been working faith- fully since their last game, and realize that this will be the hardest pame of the season.- They will not have any easy time in putting it over St. Georges, as they have a good strone bunch. Smith, from Regina, and Pike, from Winnipeg, will make their first appearance with the Toronto seven to-night, and it' is understood they are both very fast men. "Jim" Richardson, last year's point man for the 14th, will play the same position for the Saints to-night, and is in bet- ter form than ever. The lith line up will be the same as the last time they met St. Georges, the line-up being : Hiscock, goal; Powell, point: Van. horn, cover; Crawford, rover; Bersier, centre; © Kennedy and Richardson, wings. rite us Letore buying. an COTTAM BIR 32 Bathurst St., London, Point of View. Did you ever think how much . there is in a point of view--how much there is in seeing a thing from the other man's standpoint? The architect who drew the plan of the single brick residence as Seen at this office, had vour point of view in mind. rot himself way round to your side of the question and saw the sort of house yon wanted not the kind he wanted. It is made with a view to economy in building as well as being so compact as to get the "full benefit of heat. Won't you irop in and let us tell u what we will undertake to build a house like this for. making any changes you may desire. 'Remember the earlier we can let the contract, the cheaper it can be ty Sporting Notes. ough Macdonneil has been chosen t t's between Mth and St EShts ~game i No date has yet arranged for the return basketball game to be play- ed here between Watertown and Kings- ton Y.M.C.A's. Indian Advocate, Bombay : Cricket is the great humanizer. It is the only yed by the most impossi follow- | honorary | ble | tendance was velly full-time score Hand lassies were {time by 5 to 3 At the last meeting of the London football association a r+ [solution was passed to the effect that ino applicant who had reached the {age of forty" should be alowed to sit {for examination as a referee The St. Georges hockey team ed from Toronto at noon, to-da { companied by a large crowd oi porters. "Jimmie" Richardson savs | that St. Georges will win out, but | brother George save that hie wees only the 14th in the winner's seat Thomas CC. Flanagen, Toronto, left for Boston yesterday with -Fhomas | Longboat, Claude Pearce, Percy Sel {len and W. Cumming. Thursday night | Longboat will run a ten-mile race | against Pedree, Sellen and Cumming, {who will each run three and a third (miles, Ottawa Citizen : ialso a tower of wn the lead at half the council of ac- sup Marty Walsh was strength. Marty's {work was very effective, if not al | ways conspicuous, and although bat- | tered and bodied by the heavy (Uuebec |defence, the little Kingstoman man- | aged to get in his usual goal tallying, hree. | Montreal Herald : Walsh, the little | Kingstonian, upheld his reputation of { being one of the most useful members of the Ottawa seven, always in that bad spot in front of his opponent's net, when a pass comes across. (Only Moran's great work prevented him from figuring more largely in the scor ng. Any person "who is or has been trade or employment, for wages, mechanic, artisan, or laborer, or gaged in any menial duty, or who has ever been employed in or about boats or in manual labor for money or wages," is barred from rowing on crew in the regatta next sununer at the Olympic games in England. This snnouncement will hit the Don Rowing club and Toronto hard. It puts out of business such men as Jacobs anc | Bowler, of the Dons, and | crews, for the club is composed of men I most of whom work for a living. Lou {Scholes will not be bothered, for he { qualifies as a partner in his father's by a en all | business. {RECEPTION AT ST. GEORGE'S A Happy Event on Tuesday Evening. Once again has the great social ev- ent of 'the year in St. George s cath- edral passed. suecessfully. On' Tuesday night,' members . of the parish, claim ing Portsmouth on the west, and the outer station" on the east, as their abode, met in. the avnod hall for the parish gathering, All ages and. sta- ing was one of great pleasure to all who came. Fhe ball was filled, and when 'refreshment time came it was all 'the stalwarts - gmohg the pouny men could do to get about with cof- fée. Sandwiches and cake were dis- pensed chiefly by the younger girls. The reception committee proper con- sisted of Dean Farthing, Canon Starr, Mrs. Lennox Millk--and Mrs. J. C Farthing. Mrs. Ladd was unable to be with those receiving, and her absence was much regretted. Besides those there was a general reception commit- tee in charge of Miss Muckleston and composed mainly of Sunday school teachers, and district visitors and bright with light from red can dles, in had Mrs. E. T. Taylor, Mrs. Syden- ham McGill, Mrs. Robert Carson, and Mrs. R. Waldron, pouring coffee, and tea, with Mrs. R. W. Mrs. W. II. Dalton as aides. Joyaile. Miss Carrie Bajus and Hazel Massie sang in the wav made people sorry were over, their voices fre so sweet and tuneful; Mrs. A. R. B. Williamson and Louis Marchand played, and the audience paid them the most delicate of all compliments--silence. that forth, and ©: core were most heartily enjoyed. W Cousins, who is becoming a great fav- orite with the cathedral tion, was have come to us from C. B- 8, Harvey chose of Nelson," for his interrupted in the first verse by outburst of patriotic applause. An Ir ish song followed, and the "Death the audience called him back for "Fa ther O'Flynn," which he sings only can. D. C. Waring recited well, usemeént by a humorous mixture of song and story: and Mr. Harvey and King Water Colors And Etchings. Exhibition of foreign water colors and beautiful etchings, all by cele brated hutch artists--under the au- spices of the Women's Art Association of Canada, in Kirkpatrick's Art Gal- lery, Wednesday, Thursday. y and Saturday of this week. Open 10 Admission, 25¢. The Diamond Cough Ready. This remedy occupies the same rela- tion to cough cures that the dia- mond Joes to lesser % Tr air passages, pleasant, quick paid" positive care for coughs, colds, hoarseness and sore throat, 2c. at Wade's drug store. Attended Ice Races. Messrs, William Mcllonskd © and James Gibson, of Amherst Island, were in the city, to-day, on their way home from attending the ice races. held in Ottawa. The meet was a most successful one, all the events being warmly contested! As usual, the at- large. * {tisfied that what defects existed the | The programme was thoroughly en- | Miss | that their songs | till the end came, and applause broke | tillespie's gong and en-| congrega- | enthusiastically brought | back after his first song. As a tribute i to the many present who but lately | old England. | solo, and he was | an | C then, though | the singer's overcoat had been nut on, as he | and W. Keeley, Sr., caused much am- | hig choir boys closed the eveming with | a rousing rendering of "God Save the | Ean ot to 6. AT PRESENT. J. M. Campbell So Reports-- Hydro-Electric Commission's Scheme He Terms Unreliable. Aldermen An McCann and were t {chairmay), Mccartney Larvens grove, committee's vesterday after noon. : A feport was received from J. M. {Campbell regarding the new gas tank. The iron work, Mr. Campbell said, was satisfactdry, with but one expep- and that was a very minor Mat- The sum of $300 was retained, and would more than make the rém- eddy As to the concréte work Campbell said that Contractor had not pushed the work ahead rapidly, and in order to get the tank in operation for the winter of 1907. 08; the steel "work was started before the concrete work was completed, The latter was defective in several places, but . the contractor had asked the ilight plant management to make re pairs at his expense. The sum of £540 from the contract was in the {city's hands, and would more 'than cover the defects. Mr. Campbell re {ported that the defects were of minor nature, and the city was fully wotected. 4 Ald. Givens stated that he was meeting on, ter. Tait sa- Were of a could be not fatal nature. easily remedied, | Ald. McCartney thought that a mis. take had been made in erecting * the steel work before the concrete work was completed. Ald. Givens pointed jout that it was necessary to get the tank finished for this present winter, This was very essential. | Ald. McCartney eriticized the spe- |cifications for the concrete wall for the {gas tank. He held that large stone {should never have heen allowed in concrete. To build concrete vou must use only pure concrete. It was im possible to get a water tight wall where rubble stone was used in the concrete mixture City Engineer Beckwith was called in for some information, but he stated {he had net prepared the specifications, | The report of Mr. Campbell will be forwarded to the city council. . J. M. Campbell reported with refer ence to the cost of electricity under the different plans asked for by the city _counc Ag to the proposed wa- They 3. ter power 'development of the Ontario governmént! Nr. Campbell said it had {Leen impossible. to obtain from the HHydro-Blestric commission any figures {which would-snable him to 'arrive at the cost of power. The commission, jhe said had apparently not perfected tions were represented, and the even-)the plans for supplying power in. this district, and. 'the present scheme he {considered altogether unworkable and nreliable. As to steam 'production the cost of power will depend 'to a great extent on the output' and on many local con- {ditions. Under the present operations {the cost will vary from one and a half {to two cents per kilowatt hour, | Under" the -gas producer system Mr. | Campbell said" he had been unable to secure any reliable data, showing the vost of current under the system. The [Lackawanna Steel company, of Buf Halo, he pointed out, put a very ex {tensive gas engine plant in, but are The supper table, laden with silver, | many-branched candlesticks, | Garrett and | | Ws {3 7 & 4A '| High Class Persian '| Lamb Jackets at Great= ly Reduced Prices Dur= ing Our SURPRISE SALE OF | Our Surprise Sale has al- | i ready left some odds and ends that must be closed out right away. Here are i | (J. 216) Persian Lamb Jacket, plain, long rever style, made of fine glossy even curl skins, 34 bust, 24 long, regularly sold for $150. Surprise Sale Price, mew sun vanes «3110.85. (J. 205) Persian Lamb J , No. 1. quality, long revers, 26 inches long, 36 bust, regularly sold for ~ $160. Surprise Price meee seas -$136.50. J.217) Persian Lamb Jacket, with Mink Collar and revers, blouse style, a beautiful garment, size 34 tust, 24 long, regulan price, $170. Surprise ud Price -$133.00. eee. Mr. | very | aj Mr. Campbell shncluded thus "The present plant is capable of generating and. delivering power in small units at a price that will be economical to | the consumer and at the same. thue will give a margin of profit 'to the | city, When, however, units of fifty horse power and larger are considered Ev Lpresent at the Light, Heat and Power then it is absolutely necessary to have {power produced at a very low fate in order to displace existing stean plants, |The Hydro-Eiectric commission have {not yet put forward any feasible plan [but may deeide on something later. { Unfortunately the {distance of any | available waler power i<7%0! great and {the fixed charges on long transmission | lines are so heavy that at present 1 ido not see how RAingston can obtain {any very cheap power,' This report will also_be referred {the city council i to GRAND OPERA HOUSE. ---- Green's Moving Pictures Please Large Audience. There Was a very large and enthusi- Astic audience In attendance at the Green moving pict: at the Grand {Opera House, last evening. There was | a magnificeny pn presented, the like been exhibited im past. People tastes the traveller, the 'sailor and the mih- er--while scenes of everyday life, were realistic in the extreme the rescue of a little | | i oN uction of which has never this city with all manner in of child from thrilling scene milkman in london production Beautiful winter scenes in Switzerland were given, the gran deur of which could not he surpassed Baby's Day, showing ing getting its morning bath. Dumb Sagacity, showing a child caught the tide saved hy her pet dog. Lost a Leg of Mutton scene. The Miner's Daughter is as pa- thetic a romance anv roSRhie stage production. {The mine explosion was a vivid portraval of the dangers of fire<damp in coal miwing life. Star Road Race in Montreal, in which many of the leading sprinters of Can ada took part, was exciting, showing Longhoat in the lead. The concluding scene was Terrible Tod, the Novel Reading Kid, showing him rescuing an Indian maiden from a teddy hear and the wiping out of the whole In dian tribe at midnight, 4 dren from which he was rudely awakens by his mother with a box the Ber ton V, Peters sang three of the latest ballads in a rich , and eapti- vated his audience. He gave 'In the Wildwood Where the Blue - Bells Grew," "I'm Tying the Leaves So They Won't Come Down." and "She Was a Gand Old Lady." There will was a laughable as on ear VOM be to-night. ST. VALENTINE'S DAY. Big Mail Promised For Postme on Friday. Friday will be St. Valentine's day, and the various signs go to show that the postmen will have a very busy time on that day. Yesterday, in the shops down town, where valentines were displayed for = sale, a rushing | business was . done {day has been restored vor. Let no Valentine's day is less popular than it in the vears of long ago t he in ' these dainty love, messages | appears to I the There {is still quite a demand for comic b-valentine but "ay this | valentine a extent. In artistic {ittle St fa Nt to popular that one suppose was | rade merease the that 15 dying out, dealers to class of has come | certain its stead {the dainty, | the love-lorn | maiden fair. The {appears to make |are of neat.appearance { verse. Some of them | morous Then, there | tines which are very more expensive | There. 1s a. big demand jor these. thing man sends to the card young post quite a hit. "They really valen- just as ar are the costly | the Christmas B. A. Hotel Arrivals. J.B Kidd, Eng: D. Pot | ter, Peterboro Kinsella, W._A { Wood, Ottawa Cockburn, Luke | F. Moore, E, E.- Chisnall, Montreal iJ, F, Sherlock, A. W. Peart, london tW. T. Kelly, Oil City, Pa.. H. Howell, W. W. Cole, W. Marshall, Arch, Thick- son, Toronto: Stewart {A. Barragar, H. Nl A. H. Andrews, Rochester, NX; J {U. Young, Brockville; J. A. Plunkett | Chicago C. Knowles, Hamilton; M i McMillan, Cornwall. | | i London, Rp I. b Killed By Touching A Wire. Robert Cecil Thompson, a Belleville { ad, thirteen years of age, while on! | his way to school, on Mav 7th last, | | tour bed a guy wire that had broken! {loose and was hanging from a pole; | belonging to the Trenton Electric and | { Water Power company, and was in- { stantly killed: The father, Charles | Thompson, brought an action against {the company and recovered $1,200) | damages and costs. The company is | now appealing to the court of ap-} peal. Judgment was, reserved \ Colds Cause Headache. : Laxative Bromo Quinine removes the | cause. Used the world over to cure a cold in one day. E. W. Grove's signa- ture on box. 25ec. A middle-aged man was given shel- | ter at the police station, last might, He was the only unfortunate in the | eclls during the might. Lorsets ordered or ready-made; we guarantee a-periect fit. See our spe- cial dip-hip corsets, Xe. New York) Dress K - ! The non-commissioned officers amd | men of the ROCHA. are giving a! {smoker in Ontario Halli on Friday | |evening. . j Special bargains -in woollen goods. | See underwear and stockings of ehil- | dren, ail sives. New York Dress Re- | form. " The things you don't say cauge you! less grief in this life than almost any- thing else. ; Eu piano tuner from Me 1] i i i H. Cunhinghasn, hickirings. leave orders at Book Store, ; scensg South Carolina forr a while, the | burning building in New York wae al Early rounds with alin stpte socialism, and the man with a comical English | The | an entire change of pictures and songs | Valentine's | that | valentine | and contain a | hu- | cards Fm Masson, Geg | Bishop, Belleviligs: (3 - | 4 Fo » t ¥ ew 4 Faint an "4 4 | | 4 LIQUOR. . Gets a Blatk Eye { Carolina=Dr Evans South Gives in Some Facts to Those Interest- ed in the Question.: Feb. 11 To 1 Edi weeks ago, in editor the an Kingston | tor) Some ial, you asked Ling the oper the government | Boutrol "bi liquor in the form of t pensaries, Dean Farthing was auxiolts to secure some data along the same line, as he rather leaned to the opinion that state of hquor sales was best interests of tem | perance and promotion | cipalities information regard tion of { dis wis control in the in muni its In reading the New York Telegram, on Saturday, 1 came across the Tol {lowing article which will be of inter to" all _who have given the dis | pensary method of dealing with liquor {any consideration from the standpoint of benefiting the victims of intemper The article headed Gets Black Eye Hest ance 8 { Ownership reads thus { The oratorial advocate of goyern- | meat ownership wants to keep at oi sad Col state, at night, The shows that It a Millan, of that Manhattan, last scandal {James P the Hotel i state dispensary {law the state was robbed of not less | than 000,000 state into trade. It was a costly flyer ownership argument plenty { the | wants to give South Carolina lof room for a long time to come | The dispensary plan has two « government lis {by the man who believes its estab moral reform First I'he | tisties pros | the erim¢ the consumption per capita Second temperance aspect. Sta that South Caroling dispensary les drunkenness ' m has n SOT convictions, or of beer ai operate The socialisti t awned nsec a povernment and susceptibility t othe with greater than business | maladmipistration which T might any business into te in competition It or with te cap "ml enter ital cise | brief and merely to {thought for vourself for | the beuelit the Dear | Farthing and others who are looking { for facts from the where they have experimented with a dispensary I intention to the written little M: estimable is hot my tem mn letter food Editor condemn BVS hastily uve but a for of centres government | liquor | EVANS Not Worthy Oi Confidence. Kingston, Feb. 11L.--(To the Editor) "State could be gratified--the artist, | during the existence of the dispensary The whole thing was he Hero, or | a failure, and gave the people a good a {lesson in the danger of throwing the mother's darl- | tinet aspects that must be considered by | lishment will be a help in the work of \ i this GWALIA we tearn that another of the of 1905 is again aiming ittance into the council ing bye-election in Frontenac | Is he worthy of it hands of the electors 7 Not bit o it, in opinion, for what he [that for this company sufficient the tors to him, and him to be altogether unworthy returned "to the neve at a my he very wa year for how of { being counci| as he was r or practi worthy, or conscientious, man, and therefore unsuitable | purpose. ~FRONTENAC WARD X t Eat It And Digest It Eat what vou like, but don't over rat. H your digestion faulty take Day's Dyspepsia Cure and it will » of food stomach your to normal sure perfect digestion and restore condition This preparation has digestive and laxative properties Fach contains sixteen davs' treatment at Wade's Drug Joseph Tait Drops Out. Avkroyd and F. JJ. Hoag aldermanie candidate your tom bott] For sale only Store 1 will be 3 Dr the Mon file qual h election next did not ning, the r ward ph GT ait papers last and a f fication cordingly drops out o ATE ar - gich's for roast beef, pork meats, Ask grocer The thermometer degrees ay a4 horse radi all Kinds for it tered fresh grated and of your about reg | x zero this morning Above A d Weak in the Morning "That's bow you feel when up, and if negl dtod you feel miserall all day. When this discomfort presents itweli there is just one thing to do take ten drops of Nerviline and vou feel better at stomach lated, nausea disappears and you ready for breakfast. For bo stomach disorders, bloating, cups, and indigestion, you'll ing with ball the merit of Nerviline try a 250. bottle--really it worth its weight in gold to the man that's sick vou wake once Is regu are and © get noth 'MAXIM'S MAXIM. Modest Claims Often Carry More Conviction Than Loud Boasts. When Maxim, the famous inventor, placed his gun before a committees of judges, he stated its to be considerably below sure the gun would wecomplish result of the trial was, therefore, a triumph of surprise instead of disap pointment ax it might have lwen if had overestimated his effi- CIency. Our claim regarding Newbro's Her. picide is based on actual w facts. Ha living germ is causing to fall out it's the most thine to kill that verm. Newbro's Herpicide does this quickly and eflectualiv. Destroy the cause you remove the effect. ; " Sold by leading drugeists. Send Wc. in stamps for sample to The Her. picide wy Detroit, Mich. Two sized 50c. and #1. OG. ahood, carryin what The gun = scwentifi vour hair sensible .t f | dhiveard to at the ' disordered liver? Did you know that keeps the liver active-- and prevents Biliousness and Constipation ? = 25¢c. and 00c- = bottle. At druggists, SILVER DEPOSIT WARE. Is the applying of "Pure Silver' in lacy floWwer-like de- signs, to the surface of specially prepared iridescent glass and China. The novel ties are all new consisting of Vases, Violet Holders, Flow- er Baskets and Colognes | AS a very Nothing is prettier gift and the prices are moderate, SMITH BROS., | Jewellers, Opticians. | 350 KING ST. | Issuers of Marriage Licenses. For those Grade Furs tions on our advise those what we are Coats. Ladies' Persian Lam Ladies' Hochoran J Ladies' h y Ruffs, St I Mutt W. F. GOURDIER, Exolusivel Furrier 76, 78 and 80 rock St 'Phone, TOO, 'Wood's Phosphodine, The Grea: Fnoli wed a rus Dobilit wondency, Price 81 per b will cure. Bold by ail « Anin pkg. on recuipt of ju nadlled free. The Wood Med ine Ca. forvieriy Windwwt Yo: mio, Ont intend olleriy £ to buy to Woane Men's b Jackets, an OOOO 10 + DOE White Waists | Sale. 2 good This a new Every Lady likes a surply of White Waists weak we are making special display. of designs Big wariety styles to choose from prices ranging from B89c¢ $4.95. We note a few of the many dainty garments our showing. White Lawn Waists, open front, with Insertion and Tucks, - Collar and Sleeves finished with Tucks and Lace, sizes 32 to 44. Special, at 89c. White Lawn Waists, with allover Embroidery front, Collar and Cuffs Tucked Sleeve, Tucked Back, sizes, 32 to A2. A barrain, for $1.39, Extra Pretty White Waists, made of fine quality Latiite, fine Swiss Embroidery front, trimumed with Pabv Irish Insertion. sizes, 32-40 A snap, at $2.50. Extra Swell Waists, made of very fin Mull, trinuned with Fill Embroidery and small Tucks, Collar and trimmed with Lace and Insertion, our MOCO OOOO Pattern i Sleeves sizes, 34.40. A really swell. garment for a moderate price. Only 82.75. BACHE OOO OOH OQ OHO ORO

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