Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 11 Feb 1908, p. 7

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CLI RTL { a AN IN COANECTION WITH Canadian Pacific Raflway TRAINS LEAVE KINGSTON : 132. 10 p.m. ~Expre y- For Ottawa, Mon ! Ereal, St. John, N.B,, alifax, Toronto, Chicago, Denvet, frew, Bauit Ste, Marie, Duluth, Paul, Wipmipeg,. Vancouver, Portland, aod San Francigeo. 500 pa.~--Local for Sharbot Lake, Connecting with C.P.R., Fast and West. 7.45 e.m., Mited--For Henfrew and in- Becinediate | points Kassengers leaving Kingston at 12.10 P.m., arrive In Ottawa. at 4.4! in. Petertoro, 4.48 pm. ; Pou. Montreal 8.50 pone ; am, 3 St, John 11.20 a.m. KINGSTON--OTTAWA. Leave Kingston, 12.10 p.m., arrive Ottawa, 4.45 p.m. Leave Ottawa, 10. 45 Rm., arrive Kingston, 3.45 pun, connections at Hemirew with CP.R. Mb. | I, leave Renfrew, 4.15 p.m., for Pem- broke, Port Arthur, Winnipeg and Paci- | Const Points. ¥ NWAY, Gest: Pass Agent, t. Boston, 7. 30 . Bay of Quinte Railway | New short line for Tweed, Descronto, and all local leave City Hall Depot W. DICKSON, Agent B.Q.Rya, AAA. Ontario Horse Breeders Exhibition Toronto, Ont Feb 2th, to 14th, Tickets will ve sold at SINGLE FIR? CLASS FARE goin I'uewds Wednesday, Fels. 11th turning on or before Sat urday , Feb Local Branch Time Table. Trains will leave and arrive at Depot, Foot of Johuson street GOING WEST. Lve. City Arr. 5 mall ee 12.30 a.m; 1.02 8 express o... 2.88 amy B.02 AML local one V.15 a.tn. VAT ** 1 Inter, Ltd. 12.25 moon 14.54 M7 mel] eee 8.19 pm, 8.51 £15 local wee 7.08 poy 7.88 p. GOING EAST. hive. O Nov 8 mall . 1 express 3.38 wood r 15tn City City No, a. - . P P ed m Hepp |. Seattle, Direct | m. m. m | m i Kinnear & d'Esterre Perfing HAS THE and the seams STRENGTH 6 j because the - 3c 80 hrmly proper twist to secured that withstand wear is giv- en to the yarn, i i | LATE AGAIN | Being late for work often . causes a man or'woman to lose their position. There is no excuse. If your watch does not keep the cor. rect time we will make it. Possibly there is some little thing out of order that will only take a few minutes to repair, or it may need to be cleaned and regulated. Bring your repairing here. Our watchurakers are experts, i having had long | thorough experience. guarantee every watch | repair, Cor. Princess and Wel - #6 mall ---- -- 1.00 p.m. 1.99 p.m | V 4 fast express .. 1.00 p.m. 1 13 local 7.08 p.m. Rr in daily irda y 7 and except ppiy to J. Johnson * full purtdujars HANLEY, Agent, ( Ontario Sts INTERCOLONIAL} RAILWAY Royal Mail Trains From Montreal to Halifax] CONNECTING WITH Royal Mail Steamers From Halifax to Liverpool (Canada's Famous Train THE MARITIME EXPRESS 1.29 pm | 7.48 p.m | Dr. Woos Nowa Pine Syaue in rich in the lung-healing virtues of the Norway Pine Tree, skilfully combined with {| Wild Cherry Bark and the soothing and | expectorant properties of other pectoral | herbs and barks. It isa pleasant, safe and | effectual medicine for- Coughs and Colds, Hoarseness, Sore Throat, Pain in the Chest, | Anh, Bronchitis, Croup, Whooping Cough, Quinsy and all troubles of the | Throat and Lungs. | A single dose will convinos you thas is J 4 stop the cough, soothe the throat, and start you on the road to recovery. Bo sure and do not accept a substitute for Dr. Woed's Norway Pine Syrup. The genuine is put up is a yellow wrapper, three pine trees the trade mark, and the prices 25 centa. | Miss C. M. Woodcock, Kinmouns, Ont., | writes: "For some time I suffered from a Leavig MONTREAL Fridays, at 12.00/ lingering sough. I was afraid it would noon) carries passengers baggage and | Ouropean mails, reaching the steamer's dock at HALIFAX the following Satur day afternoon. SPECIAL TRAINS ¢ arrying passengers baggnge and wails when inward gteam- ors do not connect with the MARIIIME EXPRESS, leave HALIFAX immediate ly after the arrival of the steamer, mak- Kk commections for Ottawa, Torouto, Detroit and points West, FOR TICKETS AND FURTHER IN: FORMATION, apply TRUNK RAILWAY AGENT, or to Montreal Ticket Office| 41 St. James St, QUEBEC 8.8..COMPANY BERMUDA Reached in 45 hours from New York | "Ber | mudian,' 5,600 tous, Sailings every Sat | by the new Twin Screw Steamship urday at 10 am, Ber muda to Nassau, Bahamas 8.8. Trinidad' fortnightly ia Yobreasy | pnd March, West India Cruises from New York Now Steamer "'Guiana," 83,700 tons, | with all up-to-date improvements and | piher first-class steamers sail from New Xork every 10 days, ! For beauty of scenery and perfection of Nimate these trips are Se arpasted. For llustrated pamphlets giving rates of ¢ and all information, apply to A } UTERBRIDGE & CO. A Sat teathship Co. 29 "Broa New York: A. AHERN, pee x » Qiebec , Kaoada, or to Ticket "Agen ANLEY, and J, P, SERS Lev, | "rL Frere Royal ALLAN 72: LINE TO LIVERPOOL From St: John. Halifax, Tunisian, Fri, Feb. 14. Sat., Feb. 15, Corsician, Fri, Feb. 28. Sat., Feb. 29, Grampian, Sat, Mar. 7 way, { er oY Rates of Dassige ahd A informa. tion may lB rom rr O. 8. BANE, Re Loca 0 Are you looking for ® something that willgive § both pleasure and com- 8 fort? She will _appre- & 'ciate a load of] 2 COAL FROM P. WALSH'S YARD, Barrack Street. to nearest GRAND wosesosserv. tarn to consumption, and, as I had tried many remedies and "found ne eure I asked my father to got ma a bottle of Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup. When I had taken that bottle I was wo much better I got three more, and I am mow semplotely sured." You cannot possibly have a better Cocoa than EPPS'S A delicious drink and a sustaini food. Fragrant, nutritious an economiCal. This excellent Cocoa maintains the system in robust health, and enables it to resist winter's extreme cold. COCOA Sold by Grocers and Storekeepers in }-Ib. and §-Ib Tins. EDUCATIONAL, 000000000 OROIROOOOOOY It you wish to be successful ate tend The Kingston Business College Limited, head of Quees street, CANADA'S HIGHEST GRADE business school, Bookkeeping, shorthand, typewriting, tele y, and all Subjects thoroughly t ompeten iS * » * * ° > # * » #* * * #» » * . FF ALFE, President. J. BE, CUNNINGHAM, Secretary; TAATRE LAS 4SAVRSIO/ALD § ONPROVE Tous EDUCATION INCREASE YOUR EARNING . POWER . Day mond Evening Classes WM the | Frontenac Business College, Barrie and Clergy Ste, T. N, STOCKDALE, 'Phone, 680, b _ - VaVS The Japanese youth gives his sweet. heart, instead of an engagement ring, a piece of silk tos ber sash. One of secrets a woman the See in prcate cpnion of her bus: 0 THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, TUsSAr: FEBRUARY 11, 1908, NEWS OF F NEIGHBORS a WHAT WHIG Col CORRESPOND. «1 ENTS TELL US bat Occurrences In The City And Vicinity--Other Brief Items of Interest Easily Read And Re- membered ™ liam Bo d slar an go Li éd home, a few spending three w 1 ttawa. Marshal Pr Wz wood to the ( with two teams spending the wother, Peter Carsea 9 Mises May M K m have gone months char ry : RIDE ON AN AVALANCHE 'DEAD MAN IN C CHARGE OF | RUNAWAY SLEIGH. -- n ae 41 Thrilling Experience Lives of Four Swiss Were Endangered. 11. ~The igh with slecring alarmed villagers n Ley ts ming busy n Fl liam Cars ter with his Tamworth Emma. | pance for wee Wh Tourisis in and E a lew School able manag Peseronto totally lohn the ment Wilson destroyed Ly MeKim and made a business trip aturday last i fiams are Me. Jocks mine. | girl ar. hten the bone ot Mr at The Misses May ard . * in the the No WOH week i) orth ing 'fast lat two flour ale | stores no James as i Ww [ atcompanie reopened, under of Miss ndell, Wood i no | tac ad 'mn wWit- Spx a d wheel Harlowe Happenings. Ha Feb. here «chool Thurgday on account 1 about Hipos sible for teacher pupils to get-to school were so bad. TT. Whiteman turned home from Brennen Sherman, and family S. Clanes's, Miss | Mills', Mr Jamieson East, was in this vicinity buying "hay. 'The stage is these days in arriving in roads are almost impassable " as was owe, N Ww nessed al the mountain Sepey, vesterday Yhe tragedy of four lives instead. of one Four Swiss tourists had procured large bobsleigh for the steep run from Lev lofty village nearly three and feed | miles above Sepey Cummings, = One of their Mics Fanma who had considerabls were renew- | bobsleizhing, acted of 1 be- ot road betwer in and roads has Rev. are visiting Miller , Nia this Very a nearly caused the loss come Mrs has and Gertic work a AY sin a at are number named Derchen, Xj rience steersman town tore r bv ber sister, n sOme as Napanee, as and J, Gray are the sick list. - Miss L, McCausland is at sister's, Mrs. H. Black's. last a few of the young people joyed a pleasant evening at Mrs Palma teer s. " beeler, visiting this week at Miller on en >. 'Cosy Nook." edn Hal A Good Evening. Charleston Lake, Feb, 10.--The cent snow storm has left the roads a bad condition. The mail carrier was obliged to cancel fis day, February 1st," find on last. Charle Slack and Bertha, spending a fow days Long Point Miss Annie Beach returned home after spendi A her aunt, Mrs. DD. Beach( re in Thursday are has with Nirs, A.W, recent illness Jack" Earl gave party of his friends on Fri day the hall, Oak Leaf, which was much enjoyed by all wha attended. Master Robbic who was so seterely. hurt Kicked by a horse able agam. Miss Harriet all winter, is imp wing of the fall 5 no crossing on the 10 some night at by being to be Green, quite count heavy Tidings rrom er, Feb, 8.--The pecial me closed. The people were pleased "and profited iy tions by. Mrs. McKenzie, Miss Viola Lawson is Sydenham. Miss | Is spending a few days Miss Mag M. Dowsley Martin, Sydeuham. Sherman Powley' rance, Bath, Edwin Lawson's" and Mrs. Snook, Desert Lake, at brose Mrs. Switzer, Cam Fast, has returned home, aiter ing some time with her Switzer George Lawson and Svdenham, are vi iting their Herbert Lawson. Mrs. Eliza Lawrance who has been spending a few days at | her daughter's, Mrs. Harvey Buck returned Mrs. McRory, ham, is visiting at Herbert Buck's Kepler, Key have the ex Ki Visiting F'ownsend aston mn in the and are visiting Miss Inda Law- Mr Am at Orser's Ww wile, son, son has home Vennachar Notes. Veunachar, Feb, I'he snow and wind storm of this winter commenced about 6 p.m. ath and continued till between four and live o'clock on the 6th. The snow in the three and one-half feet deep took the stage, from Ploy na to' Denbigh, till Friday mornis at "ten © clotk i got here until Saturday en o'clock to get back from Denbigh in the midst of the, storm. A wee girl came to gladdén the home of Mr. and Mrs Stanley Gregg. On the 5th inst., R Ww piloted Rev. 8S. E. Ward and William Trumble aero. oun try and West McCoon Lake, shoes oa re hig to Gunter. G. M. Be . and wife have gone on a business trip to ky front. Thoma has left his cabin for the months and is living th firm i st on the woos i It Conner the on spo bee Stewart winter Alfved wi News From Point Traverse Point Feb. K.- Miss Farrington is Visiting at D. Woods' Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Minaker and Mr and Mrs, Arthur Bongard are visiting at Big Island Manly Danard purchased the. Murphy farm lingtont and is moving there ly service held at Carmen Sunday last. Anson Collier has laid up for a week with a very back. Arthur and Fredeilok Bongare are building new boats, Simon Bongard, M. Spafiord, Thompson and M. Voice. are booming tor fishermen, teacher boarding at J, Frank Brown and brother, cently visited at Mrs. M. J her's. P. M. Korabeck is the mail carvier. On account of the snow storm he was unable to through on Saturday. Cole W altham | sold a fine team of young horses on Saturday and received "R60. Mrs Minaker and son, Elmer, have Traverse, Aliey near Quarter was been lam as also are Isaiah Prosp 3 John, new heavy Rev. A. L. Brawn held a thank offe ing service at Union recently, -- Reports From Bethel. Bethel, Feb. 10. ~The roads been impassable for a number of days during the last two weeks. The fuhe- ral of the late Mrs. John Galbraith was held on Monday. It would have | been on Sunday had it not been for the terrible storm of the dav pre- vious. Visitors : Miss . Isabella Jackson. : Napande, Mr. and Mrs. have her | Ou Friday | wia- | friends | city Miss F.| at] spend- | Svden- | and | has | Wel- | on | Bongard's, | re- | Mina- got ! been : visiting at Salmon Point and Picton { Miller, both of ing friends i I has com | William A little home of this vicinity to stay at the A. Parry Road, | trips on Satur~| daughter, | at week | Johnson has recovered irom her a | Ferguson, | tings | much | illustration presents a practical street costume, which was Aubergine chiffon 1 road consists "af four pie laid large box ip of three backward placed on each s finished The { and simple made of cloth, The | es. The plait, and a | turning plaits | an inverted bo plait, { back. A deep fold of the material i { placed on the skirt just a few inchs the knee and a bias band is on between the fold and the bot skirt. The male a broad tusk on each consists of skirt front in one xX the i below | put tom of the | close fitting, has shoulder, . the trimming '| straps of the material, {lar and velvet sham | sleeve is the regulation CONVICTED PASTOR, coat is | a velvet col pockets The coat sleeve, Reswines His Place in Pulpit at Wheaton, Ill. Pen) HL~Rev James R conyieted irr the United States ourt,.at Springfield, resumed the pastorate of Congregational church, of H1., and conducted the Sun SOT I I'he unterfeiting the penitentiary on January to the and, Chicago, {Ke Ave { district | terfeiting, | the First Wheaton, | day vieted of co {to two vears Fort Leavenworth His cas Sates dav, hu | field county | had bee { red after federal secret | : for the edlyng of money home. at Lincoln, pastor claimed the sal for bright | the minister was con and sentenced at! 1th United in was taken of appeals Fri was released from the Spring jail, of 82.500 court on after bonds I~ His ervice arrest ogeur men |} found dies preacher' where he former! | church I'he | were used in making ape Sunday school pupils, but cided otherwise the Wa minister dies jury de Lynched Another Negro Brockhaven, Miss, Feb. 11.-Eh got, a negro, who criminally asse led Miss Wells, in this county, a fe weeks was taken the en tody of a Jackson military company land a poste of deputies and hanged {early yesterday The itary | pany was overpowered by a moh over 2,000 citizens. A hots were fired and tw { the mob were wounded, i" ult ; w | from ago, mu com of " ; number on » members of | Sores Inside "The Nose. The lining of the row very sore and Soothes away the ointi ng with ' Dr | ment Kah it on tl | skin forms at once or irritation, vou'll ton's Ointment best of all | box, | -- The Regicides Buried. Lisbon, Feb. 11.~The bodies of three | regicides, killed by the police while! | engage rd in firing on Ring Carlos and ithe crown prince, were buried, last | I night. No demonstrations were per- | mitted, crack 7. Noth like an- m's Oint nose will irrit Fou Hamilt orougrhl For find , and n an sore, cut Dr Hound il Try a 50 If you have catarrh rid yourself of] this repulsive disease. Ask Dr. Shoop | & of Racine, Wis., to mail you free a! [trial box of his Dr. Shoop's Catarrh | Remedy. A simple, single testy Will | surely tell you a catarrh truth well) worth your knowing. Write to-day. | i ide, | ward | short except « fers will be {the of The several descents in safety lapparently chen, who ease. Shortly Leysin on one sithihg uarteite made but the terrific speed was too « exhausting for Der to heart dis bobsleigh left the man him swav for Ww was subject alter the of its trips, Dvachen saw his Bead dropped behind slightly, and ward His hands steering wheel, not under cor Ibe other passengers thot i Derghen had fainted, but unable to reach the Whee bobsleigh, decided to trust to lack The bobsleigh poy at lightning speed, ed two other into a fountain. Derchen's three friends received seri que injuries, and Derchen himself Jatind to have died from heart disease Five Geneva Adpinis te on an avalanche in the Jura mountains, ves- terday. and one of them was Fhe Alpinists glissa after axcent one 1 when remained on the bs leig th was ight that thev were by , or stop thie hold and still but the trol on ' 1 through Se miss travelle narrowly bobsleighs and dashed was rode killed down peaks, tl © were ol swept hng the by an of they were Four surface and escaped with but the fifth was buried away of them manaced to the injuries Nit a man olini, STRANGE CIRCUMSTANCE Coffins Are Missing in Family Grave. London, Feb. 11.--A strange event startled the usually quiet little Hall Green, Birming m= hamlet of | ham F'wenty neat x SIX years ago a married cou Purier purchased a small ground in the parish church the purpose of a family ple named piece of vard for al place buri Girl Had Scalp Disease pan of holling water off the stove, townrds me and knocked the Pin upwa~ds. Zam Buk cures « and atl eos post-paid upon rece Children of Mr. and Mrs. Webster, Montreal CHILDREN CURED BY ZAM-BUK Mother also Benefits EN Webster, of 51% Seigneur street. Mont "Last summer my little girl contracted This took the form of bad and we Mrs real, says scalp disease st school. gatheriogs, which broke out In the head, a very bad head and probably lose her hair 1 ofvZam- Buk, « 1 ented it from 8, leaving the scalp Ire Boy adly Scalded went over his neck and sealded him very badly. It was a very awkward and several things which we tried applied Zam-Buk, This 'acted like a e pain, and soon heikled the scald" another Mrs, Webster feared sie wo she had suffer box. puch ¢ of a trace nerits o "Nitting he my sem Eddie ran The water plaster We ther away tt Ww g at place on which p a failed to give charm, quickly dre Mother's re Eye Wounded A the eye with 2 stick he was » force of the } This was « improven hose just t appl to keej n relief awing y relates ay . while » indoors, me over Inging ah Buk is handy for we have proved it an WHAT ZAM- BUK CURES wa hands 4, CALArTh, § Of all druggi ipt of price from Zam Buk TAL 2: We ha piv eors, eoxe want you fo Buk Free starup for postage nd receive a sample box THE GREAT SKIN-CURE afterward they had oe casion to use the a young son and daughter having died within a brief period of cach other fhe fun lerals took place, and there people {living in the district who can recall the ceremony The father himself and arrangéments were made interment to take place While engaged in opening the eription | A short while grave, ar week, the died last for the grave igEers came. acry an in late which had been on the little girl's coffin, hut of | eoflin could be found. The other cof fin, that was known to have ed the body of the boy ished When grave no trace the contain had also van wor etting to Jeph a the digg the the ry required space coffin which had struck the been om t firsd that thi fallen out of an this theory was dis was noted that the nearest the grave and, ap OL upon there eve cipherah o coflin might have but nt of vault was composed of blue undisturbed that i was thought a ad vault, Secccceasecssesiscssssiennsene when the brick question the other likely such a tor it would ely two co that they omparati Where 1s not have ars at all decaved in space of time COMMERCIAL MATTERS What is Going on in the Business World--The Markets produsti mere anthracite 61x,. average JON, argest month 1903 January an I he Steel compa yournties HAN on pig 112,417 on tarted its tc 1516 and makes ver L£12.000.000 iron, wir oa yearly chief 6,000 tou a I he at Lillie, where annually. At the treal Cott ¢ the sharebhol 22.000, Heed for annual meeting of smapany, the to ratify a be kod 000 boad issue which will purpose of buying out two cotton compailics in course of truction at Three Rivers and Cot Paul, just outside of Montreal The by fue the United States and Canada during the mont January, as compiled from the re cords of The Journal of Commerc and Commercial aggregate Sulletin, the enormous sum of $29.552 600, - or over five and a bali milhon dollars igreat?c than than sum credited in January last year, which was $21. 064,900. Canadian were, how jever, comparatively light con ot losses m losses Hawley, Hay Bay, don Kast, Mrs. Jayne week at her father' and Jawes A. George Rose is here again. i and son John spent Jayne's, Miles Evans, Cam- | Don't suffer longer. All denlers. A Danville hen recently thousandth eg This is bel be the record. al Aster Hawley Gosport. Al 8, A Bl twoquart fountain syringe for | The announcement that the Pennsyl- laid her |vaniy system had decided to place or teved . to [ders for 55.000 tons. of steel rails {ereated a better feeling in regard to {the steel industry, and served in no Walter Hix Orange lodgn day. bert Salsbury has the job of keeping the county road open and it has ror him working for a few days to doit. Miles Evang left last Tuesday for Manitoba. Mrs. Evans wili join him later. A. Salsbury lost a valuable cow lately. Miss Pearl Diamond, chigan, who came B\me to attend n funeral of her brother's wife, Mrs. Fletcher Diamond, returned last week. as unable to attend at Napanee last Budget From Northbrook. Northbrook, Feb. ~The men of this vicinity have been very busy with snow ploughs. Thomas 'Preslar, (Clare eat | Mich., returned 50c., at Wade's Drug Store. | smail degree to give strength to the Tues | Statistics show that the Tongest- liv] I people eat the beartiest breakiasts. | Black Watch . Chewing Tobacco Rich. -and satisfying, Albert howe. after visiting Presla ] The big black plug. « 8, steel issues. It is understood t this order represents only the systern's noeds: for renewals, the matier becomes doubly important, as indicdting the extent to which the mn ilrcade) must buy, even with their new construction work cut down toa minimum. 0 Query--1i a man is in church: with two half dollars in his pocket and be |. isn't sare that one of them is good, which one will go into tae contribu- is father to thought, it is up to the parent support the child oe Some men acquire dollars bv mar riage and some others remain with. out sense all their days, the to P8000 ecvececsevevece 90000 OOCOGOIOGOGROES January Ambulance In Call. EE ------------ Irsurance in fo Assets (over) the og Public wi NEXT Div ISTON OF PROF partici 0000000000000 0POCOCOIOIBOINTS 9000000000000 000 OCIS CLEAN SWEEP Bas Joots, sizes 1 to 5, regular Boys' School Clean Sweep Sale price $1.50. - Girls' Fine Kid and Box Calf Laced Boots, sizes 11 to 2, regular price $1.50. Clean Sweep Sale - Little Boys' Strong Boots, size 8, 9 and 10 regular 85c. Clean Sweep Sale Fine Button Boots, sizes 4 to 7, 60c. Clean Sweep Sale, Babies' regular regular Babies' Button Boots, sizes 3 to 7, 20c, Clean Sweep Sale "oe Men's $5.00 Tan Calf Bluchers Only $3.97 During Our Clean Sweep Sale. Abernethy's; February FURNITURE SALE Big Savings for yon. Discounts, Z06.. 10 to 20 per cent. SIDEBOARDS, regular $23. "Sale Price: $18.50, SIDEBOARDS, Jegular $20. (Sa'e ite, $16.50, SIDEBOARDS, ieegitlar $18. Sale Prion, fh 'Others, from $6. 7% and up. I Lounges in Leather and Velours. LOUNGES, in Velour, regular $7 50, reduced to 85.75. LOUNGES, in Velour, regular $6.50, reduced Jo 85. LOUNGES, in Velour, regular $32.50, reduced to $26.50 R. J. REID, Pb.as, 577. ' ------ Canada Life Assurance Company The Sixtieth year's business of the Company the best yet. 568 (over) - "e srmcsesea $117,500,000.00. 35,000,000.00, Take the New 'QUINQUENNIAL POLICY with this Company, The oo Quineuennial Holey of of this 8 Company. has always bebn popular with TTS VEUEMBER 3st, 1908. Apply now snd alwa ured 2 ve nf Li and 'do busi A ol give an. Sad do 1 tires. grates war ied J. 0. BUTTON, Manager, 18 Market St., Riagston, Ont, ig this division.

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