Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 11 Feb 1908, p. 6

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THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 11, 1908. ee ---------- NORK OF PATIENCE]... mer [or mam eee According to Evidence, He Was' Some Readable Incidents of : Mean to Wife. | Big Snow Storm. PRISONERS ESCAPE IN DAR- ING MANNER. ESTABLISMED 1070 STANDARD BANK OF CANADA Head Office - « « - Toronte the { » 5 [CONEY S | * PERFECTION AT La ¥ meen a Pittsburg, Feb. 10.-By the sudden | Wolfe Island, Feb. 18.--Trafic dur death in Orange, N.J., of John 'F.ling the past week was completely tied Walton, known as the "Coal King' of lup, owing to the storms and it will Pittsburg, a divorce case with sensa- (be some days before most of the roads tional features suddenly closéd. Testi- will be passable. On Wednesday even mony shows Mr. Walton kept an es- ling, Henry Hinckley, while yeturning tabhshment in Orange, N.J., while his {home after moking a late run with lawful wife lived in this city with her passengers to from Cape five children. { Vincent, was caught in the ternhi Mrs. Annie F. Walton sued for di- [storm and it took him twe hours to J vorce June 2Vth, 1907, but the matter {cover a distance of two miles. His was kept secret. The suit was brought | horses becoming weary in common pleas court, No. 3, known | through the snow, he was obliged to as "the secret divorce court." A mas- | seek refuge at 11 pm., at a farm ter was appointed 10 take the testi- house on the wayside, and remain un mony in secret, Hearings were held [til the next day, | and the report was about to be filed,| On the same night a gentleman from in which it was said a decree was re- [Cape Vincent, with a Kingston lady commended, when Mr. Walton died. It (on their way to attend the C.M.B.A. ! ix charged that Walton was guilty of tbhall in Cape Vincent, got lost in the | ertion, that be would not allow his storm, and gladly accepted the kind | a to buy a new dress, but when | hospitality of McGlynn brothers, anted oné went with her and | who persuaded them to remain their journey the Notice to Contractors SEALED TENDERS ADDRESSED 10 the undersigned, marked on the en- felope "Tender tor Uoastruttion,' wil 1 received at the offices of the Commis pomiers of the Transcontipentul Railway, Bt Ottawa, until twelve o'cioek noon of Tocsday, the 10th day of March, 19H, for the Work required for the consirac- tion, in wmecordance with the plans, pro- filen and specifications of the Come 'd- glomers, of the following sections of ihe Framscontinentsl Reatlway, viz --- £1) District 'A. ~From a point desig- nated on the plans of the Comnnss about the 58th wile west of Mone the crossiog of the Intercolomial Railwa at or about wile 97 7, a distance imbout 89 :7 miles. ° (2) Distriat 'A. ~From nated on the plens of the Cotamissioners, at or about the erossi of the Intors colonial HRailwey by the ater tinental Nallway gt mile #7 :7 west of Moneren Jo the Tobigue River, at or about wile 265 :7 less ene mile, a distances of #l out 67 miles. Their Two Csilmates Surprised *o Find Them Gone One Morn- ing. . Milan, Feb. 11. A remarkably dag- ing escape has been made from thé rison at Busto-Arsizio. The prison is situated in the municipal buildings, which include also the law courts. in ja large room were six prisoners, two of whom, on awakening yesterday their charm--thereare alwavs MOONEY'S morning, were surprised not to ses y their companions, one of whom was the chief of a nated band of robbers. P E R F E Cc T I 0 N I'he daring malefactors had taken CREAM SODAS to away from a folding bedstead, which coax back "sweets" When lose their sweetness-- Kingston The Standard Bank pays interest four times a year on all Savings Bank deposits. ~ Savings Bank Department in Connection with all Branches. ploughing | and '"substantials,"' KINGSTON BRANCH J. S. Turner, Malager COR. PRINCESS AND BAGOT STa a point desig was placed in a corner of the room, 1. bar of iron, by means of which they had, with infinite precautions, re- Over Members of (5) Distret 'D. ~Frem a: point desig: nated on the plans of the Commissions rs, Bt or near the 'Tobigue River to a point shown on the said plans about 24 miles west of the Town of Grand Falls, in the moved pieces of the flooring from un- lerneath the bed. Then they made a wle in the wall communicating with he garden which surrounds the build- the appetite. Walton was heavily insured, the policies being payable to his wife. Afl- ter the divorce suit, it is alleged, he inight, completing next day, but pot in ball. On the previous Saturday night ex 'Irom time for the 72 ng Street Wea, Toronto T O O NTO Stock Exchange Phones, Main 6733-34 DoYOU Se i ng. This work must have heen carried know how on with the greatest patience for at good they 'east two or three weeks. Every morn- are? claimed the equity in all his policies | Reeve Drieccland was awakened to prevent her sharing them in the his slumbers hy a trio who drove in event of his death, In one company|to his yard and were upable to pro- | he carried $100,000, " {ceed further owing to the drifts on the | Rumors that he left two wills ave yond. He kindly went to their disquieting to his friends here. One {tance and catered to them and their will is in the possession Hf Rodgers & |horses for the night. Un the follow- McCreery, attorneys for Mrs. Walton, | ing morning they resiimed their jour A member of the firm said this after (ney. : noon this will would be filed in a few | The relatives of Arthur Lauehlin days. He said he did not expect any | tendered him a birthday party on contest over the estate, | Monday, February 3rd, he being then The Walton family has held a high | eighty-eight years of age, and still social position for several generations. quite vigorous. lle enjoyed the games The founder of the family fortune, |that were indulged in as much as the Joseph Walton, began life as a miner, [younger element who were present. Mrs. Walton was Annié Fadley, dangh- | Quite a number of his-great-grand ter of James Farley, formerly auditor [children were in attendance . VennsyiVEnia. pailway lines] The committee in charge of the AO, | 2 Lal : U.W. ball are sparing no efforts to {make it a huge suceess, and all it re {quires is a fine night to crown their | efforts. The dance billed for village hall for last Friday night was | 2 failure, owilgy to the sform a The Farmers' Institute held their | eeting on Tuesday, but the attend ance was small, owing to the bad | roads and extreme cold, The banns $16. st 1 {were published . to-day of Miss Mary ), straw, per ton, . y bavi ( mings. Their | BIE 50 +e he te Res Ror Bt no bavi, Commies, Tie | bush., 8 50 to $8.75, Alsike, No. 2, It is rumored that on the same hush., 3 7 to 38.95 Red clover, $10 two other couples will be united to 810.25; dressed hogs, $7.75 to $8.-| iio Jeahella McDonald is 50; ezgs, new. laid, dozen, 35. to 40c,; {ill. Mrs. Michael Dovie was eggs, storage, 2c. to 26c.; butter, | ddenly ill 'on Saturday. dairy, 28¢c. to 32¢.; butter, creamery, - : Frovines of New MHrupswick, a distagce of about 'B13 miles. (4) District 'B'~From a point desig- fitted oi ® plans of the Comumissioners, > or and boundary line between the rovinces of Quebec and New Brunswick Westerly a distance of about 52 4 miles. (5) Disgrict 'D.'~From a point des g- nated os plans of the Commissioners, about eight miles west of the Abitibi = Jtiver crossing, in the Province of Ontario or a distance of about 100 - . a - F. H. Deacon & Co. STOCKS, BONDS INVESTMENT SECURITIES 'Dealt in 'om All Exchanges ' [lished vn Correspondence 7 Invi »° d * assis ing before the regular visit of the varders the four prisoners put_every- thing in its place, so as not to arouse any suspicion, Their flight would wem to have been effected between midnight and four o'clock in the morning, Underneath the hed the escaped pri- sondrs had left the following letter : "Signor director of the prisons of Busto-Arsizio--Finding the tribunal of Busto-Arsizio too hard upon us, we have taken advantage of a hole casu- ally found in the wall of the garden, md of the profound sleep of our two lof the tell companions, to effect our escape. |west, With respectful salutations," - Two of the runaways were captured Toronto Street Market. ast night, but the police are still Toronto, Feb. 10.4Wheat, whith searching for the others, . hush. Rc. to Ye.: wheat, red bush Sy ---------------- 9%¢, to 9¢e.; wheat, spring, bush., 95¢; | PURITY AND CONSERVATISM. |theat. goose, bush., $c. oats, bud, 56c. to 57c.; barley, bush., 70e, to! 72¢.; rye, bush; Bdc.; peak, per bush., hay, timothy, ton, $20 to $23; hay, clover, ton, 18 (8) Disfirict 'E."--From a point desig pated onthe plans of the Commisyioners Bbout 1904 miles west of the crossing of Mud Riveg near Lake Nepigon, in the Provines ®of Ontario, easterly for a, dis tance of ghout 74 miles, Plans, pad specifications may Suffered From Heart sad Nerve Troubles FOR THRE Last Ten Years. - The heart has supplied to it two sets of Berves, one sot which quickens, the other SEE LBLL0 011 BP LER IHHIT ELSPETH 20 Per Cent. Discount Off: From now until March 1st; we will give 20 per cent. Dis- count. off all AGATE WARE Which consists of the best CANADIAN make, alsa and Elite Ware, which is the best manufactured. +4 the office of the Chief Fu- Commissioners at Ottawa Ye offices of the District En cerned, viz '~QGuy CC, Dunp, A. BE. Doucet, Quebec, n Ayien, Acting District Ene rth Bay, Ont." and 1, $ ristrong Nepigon, Ont. Persons tendering are petiied that ten- ders will #hot be considered unless made in duplieMe, and on the printed supplied x the Commissior A sepafte tender mus for each Pecvion Tendere shall not be in any way en = to Wely upon t Classification, or any othelinformation given by any pers *on on bEBaii of the Commissioners wid before suitting any tender bidders should sapko a careful exam tion of the Plans, profiles, drawings ar specifica » tions, and read the forms he execut od, and I@ly inform themselves as to the nuantity wl, quality of materials, and character #f workmanship required © and are under ood to aceept, aa ngree to By, the terms and conditions pi of . comtract, specifications, td to the form of tender er must be signed and' sealed mrties, to tha tender, and nd be accompanied by an ec ue on a chartered bavk of the $F of Canada, payable to w Commissioners of the Trans. Railway. as follows -- For Section No. 1, District 'AY 8 75, i i ing » ¥ in the | forms F444 : submitted Cumulative Effect of Recent Portuguese History. London, Feb. 10.-The most impar- ial advices from Lishon give the im- wression that the cumulative effect' of eeent political history, which culmin- wed in the royal tragedy, will be 10- ward purity and conscrvatism. It is wt impossible that the man who will G1 the real task of pacifving and un- | 3]c. to Me.; geese, dressed, 1b., le iting his country will be the Marauesa | ¢, 1le.; chickens, per Ib., 13ec. to 15¢.; | Soveral, the Portugpese minister at | j,cks, dressed, Ib., 12c. to 13c.: tur London. He is one of King Edward's Goel per lb., 17c, te 20c.; apples, per | closest and most intimate friends bbl, $1.75 to $3: potatoes, per bag, | mong the members of the diplomatic |g] ¢, $1.10; cabbage, per dozen, 0c. | London, Feh. 10.--An sorps and he has been in constant | 1a 30c.: onions, per bag, 81 to 81.25: [counter between a farmer communication with Buckingham Pal- | beef, h ndguarters, $5.50 to $10; beef, has occurred at North Curry, Somer wee since his arrival here on Wednes forequarters, $5.50 to $6.50; beef, set. | lay. English sympathy and help choice, carcase, $ to $8.50; beef, medi-| Charles Winter, while at work in a i | 1 8Re.: Strousky ¥ + We have a large stock of CARPET SWEEPERS On hand and for one week only will allow a DISCOUNT oi 20 per cent. off, Elliott Bros., "soreeee™ FEST OT VVVPPPOVTTOIIVIPPOOTOPVDOTIOOPOT 54 date | +H seriously taken FES + FIERCE FIGHT WITH FOX. + as English Farmer Has a Painful Ex- perience. exciting en- and a fox | +7 - Xr 23.000 decided to give Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pi i Iam th ful to say thas, as . 150,000 . 6, 100.000 ing mine os, 1 am Sntirely Any person whose tender is accepted X A would mend them te shall iain jo Soya after the accept nonce t urn h additional y [towed mibrity ns may be' roauiied 13 | otf qual ma are cor $1.25, a4 ice by The T. Milburn Co., Limi vhich he will be able to command in | ym, cirease, $8 to 89; mutton, per | field, was attracted to a hedge by the | such a mission will be of tne greatest antics of his sheep dog. \ssistance to him in Portugal, where to ascertain the the Portuguese hold their English al- cause, the farmer thrust his hand | ies in the highest esteem. {underneath the roots of a tree, and fox's head shot man realized the animal's teeth ewt., $8 to 89; veal, prime, per ewt., 1 #0 to $11; lamb, per cwt., $10 tg $12. | While endeavoring i | A Pronounciation Contest, Recently in England 'the mild of the [On withdrawing it a public has been much exercised as to {out Before the the correct pronunciation of the word situation the i r "Bovril,"' the name oi the well-known | firmly fastened in his hand preparation of beef. A concensus of | outs and blows failed to relea opinion has been obtained by the pro- | the animals hold, and the prietors of the preparation. As many {combat continued for some time. i as 90,640 voted for "Boveril" and that Fortanatels the farmer, . who was seems to have been the favorite pro- {suflering great pain, remembered a for nunciation. A Mrs. Brain, of Shire- {Midable knife in his trousers' pocket | hampton, near Bristol, secured a prize and, withdrawing iy he opencd the | of £100, by giving the exact number | He hu Mis teeth of the majority of persons voting for {, He P unged the steel several time "Bov-ril."" Whether pronounced *'Bo- ito the fox's side till it rolled vril" or "Bov-ril"' the preparation is J very acceptable at this time of year. x the Comubissioners ; sign the contract, Specificatiohs, and other documents ro. fitired to Be signed hy the said Commis- slotwers ; dod, in any case of refusal or failure on ghe part of the party whose tender is ftcepted to complete and ex. scute a cohtroct with the said Commis sioners, afl to furnish the additional ap- proval security within ten days after the fhCeshtanet' of the tender, the said cheque shall be forfeited to the Cesnmissioners Is liguidaged daimnages for such refusal or lure and all contracts rights acquired by the ucgeptance of the tender shall he orfeited. @ cheques deposited hy parties a tenders are accepted will pe deposited to the credit General of Canada as part of the security for the G8 and MIThIGY Performance : of the contragt according to its terms mes deposited by partics whose ten- Adler are tod will be returned within ten days tract. ter the signing of the con Attention is called to the following £lauses in the forin of contract innics, labourers, or other per- erform labour for the purposes ruction of the works hereby contracted "for, shall be paid such wages us are genlirally accepted ws current for Smpetent "workmen in the district in hich the work is being performed, and if there igmo current rate in such dig- "dict thew & fair and reasonable rate : snd, {ot event of dispute arising - ms to wh in the current or a fair a reasonable "rate, it shall ve the Commissioners, Hl be fal.' - : "This agement is subject ta the regu- - Iations now in force, or which ah Why time Rereafter be in force during the Construction of the works hereby con- Aracted for, made under the authority of the Departmeit ">of Labour, and which hb, or shall be, = applicable to such works." (The schedule of minimum wages mined upon Ly said Department will Hm part iof .the contract), contractor shall | noection With the Whole of the said work, as far as practicable, use only material machin- -ry, t. supplies and rolling stock manu attured or produced in Canada, Provided the same can be obtained as cheaply, and as elsewhere, upon as good terms; in having regard to quality and price. The contractor shall conform to the fire Pepulations adopted by the Commission and also to the' laws and regula Pespecting fires, in the different pro- Tore Wherein the work is being per right is reserved to reject any BH tenders, - By ender, P. BE. RYAN, ks bi a Secretary, The Commissioners of the nscontimentai Railway, Ottawa, 1st February, 1908. Newspapers inserting this weivertise. Afitont without authonity from the Come loners, will not be paid for it. stg ---------------------- The Phoenix Dry Powder Fire Extinguisher Shops Soha, Iowans 0 Jhinel then, Railroads, 'aronto, Ont. SLUMP IN CANNON MAKING. were 0 slifl-bosomed suit, no matter how well it fits, can ever g v the same comfort that a soft bosom does With a Neglige, or Soft-bosom Shirt, there is no binding across the chest nothing stiff or uncomfortable to impede your mioveujen!; Tooke Neglige Shirts can be had either with plain or fie ited bosoms in a big variety of exclusive designs They are made either with or without attached cufis Shirts having attached cuffs are the most popu and most convenient, TOOKE BROTHERS, LIMITED - Dulness Prevails in Krupp"s Great Works. Berlin, Feb. 11.--Krupp's cannon and armor plate factory, which has een working overtime on great pres- rg of orders until the latter part of last 'year, js now experiencing very of the Receiver lull trade. To obviate dismissals at the cannon foundry, many men are ww employed on industrial works of wave, The decline in turning out war material is ascribed to the fact that several states have recently rearmed their artillery, The Roumanian war minister is now at Essen negotiating for the ecstab- lishment of Krupp's works at Bucha- cest, which would take over the man- agement of the Roumanian arsenal. In the event of acceptance, Krupp's Rou- manian branch would also undertake orders for the neighboring states, strange | This is the barrel that wd § means baking satisfac- i tion. Whether it's Bread, Rolls gr Biscuits--Cakes, Ses or Fancy Pastry-- you can always depend on Beaver Flour for the - best results every time. Try it. At your*Grocer's 3 Dealers « write Yor ices on alBcinds of Winter's wounds had to be me dically dressed. The Diamond Cough Ready. MONTREAL. This remedy occupies the same rela- tion to cough cures that the dia- | mond does to lesser gems, It is concentrated, healing for the To Win A Wager, Paris, Feb, 11.-Shortly alter the | arrival of a goods train from St. Om | er at Pantin, just outside Paris, last lungs and air passages, pleasant, | night, a oud knocking was | quick and positive cure for coughs, | heard in a hermetically sealed wagon colds, hoarseness -and sore throat, 25¢. | The waggon was opened and there | at Wade's drug store {emerged a lean and hunery-looking | man, who said he came from Eng Keeping Crown Prince Busy. {inndd, and that his name was Jack! Berlin, Feb. 11.--When the crown | Duncan, princs finishes his civil service studies| To a police official he declared that | he will undergo a course of theoreti- | for a wager he had undertaken to cal training at the famous technical | travel to Paris in a goods wagon. He school, at ( harlottenburg, aiter which | concealed - himself among a number of | he will be apprenticed to an English | sacks filled with oats. He had engineering firm to get a practical | provisions with him, but the train acquaintatice with the machinery, | was five days on the journey wiore it | | ARC Olek Protects Against Pneumonia Ceay'$ Syrup breaks up a cold - helps to reduce the fever noize Metermined whose decision WHOLESALE DECORATIONS, w and often prevents taken in This Syrup is compounded of Spruce Gum, Blood Root and other valuable drugs-- well known for their efficiency in all throat, bronchial and pulmonary troubles. Gray's Syrup has been tested for 56 years--and is the recognized cough specific throughout Canada and the U.S. It was never so popular and so widely used, as it is today. At all drug and general stores, 25¢ and soc. Ribbon Honors. Paris, Fel. 11.---The French govern. ment has decorated 5,317 persons for wrvices of varying merit, the decora tions in every case being either. that of officer of the Academy or Olicer a HI of Public Instruction. EAHA 4 FEES . The list of honors takes up no meidc hone - 3 fewer than 106 colums in the Journal Made in Canada Officiel. It took over forty-ohie hours raavs §@ nan for the various cabinet sign the diplomas. The conferring of the decorations has necessitated the use of 1,130 yards f violet silk ribbon for every one of 1s made wfter years of experi- | mee, havitly gotten over the ex- 3 WPerimental Yards of New Pneuwwonia if time some reached Paris, and he was obliged t | make more than one meal of vats. He a raging thirst was consoled hy wager, Heavy Losses To Poor. 4 Berlin, Feb. 11.--8ig. Friedberg, a|Wa® suffering from banker, has absconded, leaving un-| When liberated, but secured a large clientele among small | the fact that he had traders and artisans through the In- "F -- eT vestors' Review, a newspaper owned by him. These people are likely to lose all the money they had in his hands. 1 ministers to won his No flower could at all compare, With this pretty lass so young and | fair ; | | Her step is light. her heart is free, Since taking Rocky Mountain Tea. Relieves Colds--Hoarseness--Cold in the Head Cou hs-- Bronchitis-- Asthma --Pain in the Chest-- Night Coughs--and permits Restful Sleep. Rubber Security. When Hot Water Bottles, Syringes, Invalid Cushions, Atomizers, etc, are needed, remember that we have every- thing you want and that yon can get the best possible goods for the price. Two quart hot water bottles or foun tain syringes at 30c. up at Wade's! Drug Store. Water Colors And Etchings. Exhibition of foreign water colors il jand beautiful etchipgs, all by cele- '4 | brated Dutch artistsNunder the au- spices of the Women 8 Art Association of Canada, in Kirkpatrick's Art Gal- lery, Wednesday, Thursday. Friday and Satarday of this week, Open 10 to 6. Admission, 25¢, ths pew officers, a large proportion of whom are women, are {titled to wear stage. Comfort and | our metto. 'Gursn- a strip of velvet ribbon on the breast unshri nkable; Made only by r in the coat lapel, THE KINGSTON HOSIERY ; ce ---- C0. ILID., KINGSTON, Killed Br A Cat." am oe ONT. 3 London, Feb. 10.--Margaret Butt, the btels, ete., ughout U. 8, " \ infant daughter of a private in the tains no quid Agr Your Dealer For It: Royal Marines, was placed asleep in a aw . ohana ah was ig | mail cart at Chatham, yesterday and ? : 2 A Military Outbreak. Paris, Feb. 11.-The Temps reports a serious riot in the 22nd colonial in- | fantry regiment at Hyeres. There were | rifle firing and bayonettipg all night. | Several soldiers wers rerfotaly wound- | ed. This is the second military out-| break within a few days. FEELERS EERIE ESS 4 444 MAGI! LEVEE "POWDER Ns -- £352 d i 2 - Il not, freeze or clog: Price, a little later the mother saw a cat lying over ths child's face. When she WSON & STALEY, 17 Princess St , pulled the cat away she found that Kingston. the child was dead. Grado Pianos ac | Talking Machines on assy, rom I Mrs. Emeline Peck, an aged lady in| her eighty-fourth year, died Friday | night at the Belleville Hospital. Some two weeks ago decemsed had the mis- fortune to: fall, receiving injuries which no doubt hastened ber death. She had lived in Belleville for amnum- | ber of years. | Mrs, William Kimmerly, Belleville, fied very suddenly on Friday eves. ing, husband, employed at] MAL other makes combined ... 2,388. the Crystal Hotel, at hots he was | THERE ARE REASONS confronted by the dead body of his N wife lying on the floor pear the bed. | pronounced the cause of | § ws the. Unders pod 48 so popular: A tor : in nod let as show you. os death to be heart disease. 4 J. R.C. Dobbs & Co., Customers come all parts of | - Typeuniter Census of Ontario Haderwoods i$ mse mot tnclud- ing Toronto and Ottawa 2.614. in-use not including [Empites in and Ottawa. . 874. THE FAVORITE IN CANADIAN HOMES FOR MANY YEARS. : TRY IT. §| REFUSE ALL SUBSTITUTES. - Sold Everywhere, in the Dominion by the Best Dealers. E.W. GILLETT COMPANY LIMITED TORONTO, ONT. Mak MADE IN CANADA. from the city to Gibson's Red Cross Drug Stare for hot water bottles and rub- her goods. Pure gum rubber ones are Trenton is without a ehiel of poli & *

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