Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 11 Feb 1908, p. 5

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"= applicatium © # ing not more Bumdingrily cancelled. . aia " -- - A NIGHT CAP Take two Beecham's Pills on re- i y ill gffects Then you will h a high opinion ch remedy, . -- r 3 ACCUSED OF NOT CARRY: ING OUT A CONTRACT. ? . -- Aylesworth Wordy Duel on Question of Release of Prisoners--Techni- cal Education Talk. Ottawa, Feb. 10. The order pager cleared of three mo tous standing in the names of private members, - to-day, and considerable headway was made with a fourth. The talk ranged irom the question of the soundly waken with clear head and a of the great s - Beecham's Pills In boxes 23 co $36 toa Foster and N 'as contentious Cald ne : tiramd 'Frpuk not carrying out B con- | ving a subsidy for of the appdint- to investigate BO 5 tract after doing, 10 the matter Synopsis of Canadian North fest ment of a Commission BOMESTEAD REGULATIONS. . ' y ered section of Domips rn na. or the North-West rvs. SINE Land A wera given, was again brought up, Mr som the soie head of a family, or male [ake securing an order for, the pro- over 18 years of age, to the extent of 4. iio, of original timber limity ten- pne-quarter section, of 160 wucres, more ders. on. the vround oe 1000: ion for homestead entry must did not give the desited information. be mude in person by the applicant ate Sir Wilfrid granted "the request, Dominions lands Agency or Bub-agency making the proviso that these papers Kmry or proxy may, however, be 4 bos hi fu: firethe custody 'of the: Seek Pn Taina or. son, daughter, hroth- er or sister of an intending homesteader. | An application for entry or cancella- tion ads or SOR Sub-aents ing a return which the form requir Sub-agent, at the expense of the appli- ed to be brought down, giving the | cunt, and & the land applied for is vacant number, and names of prisoners pes | on receipt of the telegram such SPOUSE eds or pardoned since 1896, and the Lon ls 12 have pr WTS and thy lane to | vetisong for the exercising of clemency, complete the Lransaction are received by | Mir Poster ¥elerved to the newspapers | mall, t "pers tion™ or fraud the ports, speaking of the release of | ap will Paes i of clatm | Gudemue nen as a public 80 anal { or if entry has been granted it will be | MF Ayles®orth, in his first speech | his session, defended his poliev dur- ing his term oi office and regarded the of confidence | of ! | inienl education. The old familiar i ginal docuteniy when suitable reasons There was a duel between Mr, Fos- ter and the minister of justice regard- | ) | An application for cancellation must be i wminde iG person. +The applicant must fiwant #igible for homestead entry, and only onc (MOtion as ong o : hi r. cancellation will pe re |in him. HoWever, by st#ikine out ceived ont ividual until that ap | the motion: the request for the names lication has been tdisposed of. { of rddned prisoners, Sir Wilfrid ac- y Where an eutry 18 cancelled sut.sequent 4 Ie x Mr E ane z to mstlution of caniellation proceedings, | "eded to My, Oster s 1 the applicant for cancellation will been | Aylesworth will bring down the titled to prior right of entry. 1 {turn | Applicant for cancellation wust state ip I'he adjournment of 4he talk on | Nhut purticulars the humwestender 1a *® | technical education was moved by Dr, | efuult. | 2 : . A homestoader whose entry is not the | Sproule, at 11:30 p.m. subject of cancellation i may | Sir Wilfrid subject to the approval of depart. | wi aah i Am went, relinquish tia lavor of father | he folloy ing special CORT Los mother, son, daughter, brother or sister! en appoipied to investivate the | - ling | yuestion of ald age pensions: Hon. # eligible, but to no one else, on fi & ge Ff A | declaration of abandonment. re R.Lemieuw, Messre, Melntore (South | DUTIES --A settier is required to per Perth), Sinclair, Ralph Smith MeKen- 4 low-| bs § r, Ralph | ; Juris the Subios under one of the folio rie {Brute bo Verville, Monk, Pringle, (1) At least six months' residence up | McCarthy (Calgary) pn and cultivation of the land in each According to a return brought down year during the term of three years. to-day the daily cost of maintenance (4) A bomesteader may, if he so de \ > + . . i Sires, perform the required residence | *! the Royal Military College, King- | duties by living on farmiog land - owoed | ton, is filly cents a day: of the per- | svlely by. bi, mot less than eighty (89, | manent corps at Halifax, twenty-one | acres in extent, 'in' the vicioity of hi ind one-hall cents, and of the per- | manent corps at Quebec, twenty-one | vl nine-tenth cents per day { ---- | homestead. Joint ownership io land wii DETROIT BARS TO CLOSE. | equest, and Mr | re | Laurier announced that | has | not meet this requirement. "(8) It the father (or mother, {f the ther is decensed) of a homesteader hat Jermanent residence on farming land PWnod solely by him, not less than eighty (80) weres in extent, in the Vicigi- ty of the homestead, or upon a howe sioad entefed for by him in the vicinity such homesteader way performs his owp residence duties by living with the fath or (or mother.) (4) The term "vicinity In the two preceding paragraphs is ned as m than mine wiles in a direct line, exclusive of Wis width. of road al lowance crossed in the fueasurement, (8) A homesteader intending to perform his resides * duties tn. accordance with the aboy ile living parents or on farw and owned LY nimseit mus notify tn gent for the district of such latention. ' Yefore making application for the settler must give six in writing i to! the minion Lands at tion to do soi : SYNOPSIS OF CANADIAN NORTH WEST MINING REGULATIONS, COAL~Coal mining rights - may eased for a period of tw wnuty-one years at an annual rental of $1 ger acre. Not more than 2,560 acres shail be leased to one individual or Company. 1: royalty at the rate of 'five cts per ton all be collected om the merchantable cee toed QUARTZ~A person eighteen years age or over, having discovered mineral fr Place, may locate a claim 1,500x1, 504 eer, The fee tor recording a claim is $5. At least $100 must He expended on the claim each year or paid to the mining reenrder In lieu thereof. -When $500 has been expended or paid, the locator may Bpon Bdviog a survey made, and upor complying with other requirements, pur haze the land at §1 per acre. The patent provides for the ayment | pf a royalty of 24 per cent on the Se ; Over A Century ¢ Placer mining claims generally are 100 Nesbitt, Man.. Feb. 11.--1he death | feet Square ; entry fve $5, renewable year | took plade on Wednesday of Mrs. dr | yr que, known fs the oldest woman Canada. cords sho, would have been 108 years | ald wex® Adgvst, although several of | hor relatives claim that she was in her | FHth 'year, She was peaceful to the | last, and it was clearly evident that leath was due to advanced age only, | On. $he Whole she: had remarkable | health and vever to her daughter's | knowledge had she been ill during her | whole life, Mrs. Argue, who maiden name was | Margaret Jameson, was born near the | village I Pettito, Fermanagh county, Irland, Kughist 15th, 1800. She was | marfifd in Ireland, and had one daughter, Mes. Miller, sr. with whom she was living at the time of her death. Mrs. Miller is eighty-one years old. To Drop 200™Licenses to Forestall | Prohibition. | Detroit, Feh. 1l.--Another of the | moves of the brewers to forestall the | local prohibition movement became | known to-day. They have decided to | close 200 of their saloous when the Ii | venses expive May lst. J | This statement comes officially and | direst from 'the brewérs controllin most of the saloons in Wayne county, and was.made to the city comptroller, | when he asked regarding licenses for the coming vear in order to get a tne | on budget estimates. Every 'brewer reported that a num: ber of the saloons controlled by his | institution would not renew licenses. The smallest percentage given by any | vas ten per cent., while others placed | itat filleen and some even above that. | Ihe comptroller's office estimates that | Bt deast twelve - and a half per cent, | onthe whole number of 1,80 saloons | will quit, or about 225 When asked | bor give yd wtatement as to the actual | number to quit in Detroit the brewers | almost invariably placed it at 200. | Another of the moves of the brewers | | | paient months' notice Commissioner of Do Ottawa, of his iaten 18 to cogse violating the Sunday clos: 'ng lag and fighting the cases brought in sugh 'actions, Few of these have ever Tome to trial, { cases | wie | nj : " | According to the family re. | Ant applicant may obtain two leases to Hredge for gold of five miles cach for a term of twenty years, renewable at the discretion pf the Minister of the In terior. The lessee shall have & dredge in oper ation within one season from the date of the lease for each five miles. Rental $10. ger, angum for each mile of rive leased. "Royalty at the rate of 2% per cént collectbd on the output after it ex. ceods $10,000, W. CORY, Ww. Reputy of the Minister of the Interior. N.B.~Unauthorized publication of this advertisement will pot be paid for, Mattresses All Kinds of Mattresses in stock made to order on short notice, It' your dealer does not keep Our Mat. tresses 'send or call at our office, 110 Clergy street and get the best value you ever fad for your woney. Halt Mattresses = renovated and covered ns good as new, KINGSTON MATTRESS or To Have Clean Elections. St. John, N.B., Feb. I1.<In a -Ser- mon, Rev, James Crisp, president of the Methodist conference. declared that there should be a vigilance com. mittee "in every donstituency to ex- hose cases of bribery and corruption in the comity elections. An organ- izefl movement of honest citizens in every county would, he said, soon de liver the province from bribery and its attendant evils. A convention isto be held in Mone lon. te promote a purity campaign in Westmoreland, wad re and notice of it ry in ull' the Moncton churches. (Fig dt +3 A etesnt-- Delivered Judgment. Toronto, Feb. 11.--Chief Justice Mulock deliversd: judgment. this morn- ng. iu the civil action brought by Francis Amoldi, K.C.. to recover $7500 from G. R. R. Cockburn, former president of the Ontario bank in con- nection with Mr. « Cockburn's police oepention. awarding Mr. Arnoldi 2,000, with 81.400 costs, His lordship makes no comment. in his decision merely Maing the amounts and what they ave for, . {e ¥ t Windsor i {~ John 1. Ivey was elected chairman | Had [of the dry goods section of the Board | For the Removal of i{annda's needs in the matter of tech: | [ {cient the pecessity of producing ori- | that the copies | of the house, l | vessel was off Sausilito. { next | obtained {lo go to Europe { come, THE DAI PITH OF THE NEWS, y The Very Latest. Culled From All Over The World. The unémploved, of England, ask to the idle land f use ot permission Park of Trade, Toronto, An man who frozen death ix the Holland swamp, has been identified > The CPR. has placed for steel rails' with the S00 and old was not vet large orders Do mimon Steel companies Toronto resign rather than put into order of the city council license commissioners effect may the a call fo the Methodist church, Perth, Ont. The Toronto city council od to ask the Ontar increase the | j city. Rev. Alexander MacGillivray, pastor of Bonar Presbyterian church, Toron- | to, to Clifton Springs for has decid 0 legislature to 18 going ten days' rest Frederick M. Coombs, { the Cobalt region and engines r, was found dead | Yo&h in Bulialo. | The boiler tubes on the oruiser | Louis blew out on Monday while the Several per- none seriously Arrangements are now being made to take members of the cial legislature on a visit to tario Agricultural College week, Vancouver milkmen were fined $100 and costs, one other $50, and a res- taurant kecper 310 and costs for hav- ing in their possession milk deficient in total solids. At Peterboro, son of Thomas in bed well known in mm St. sons were injured, hut the CrOvin- the On- at Guelph, the five months Jones was found dead The little one was smothered to death hy becoming wrapped up in the bed clothes Rev, W. H. Andrews, M A.,~son of the late Rev. Dye Andrews, Keene," has received an unanimous call to the pas torate of Queen street east Preshyter ian church, Toronto. ! Count Boni de Casteliane Tuesday, battery sin, and was, on found guilty of assault and on Prince De Sagan, his! co- Yined $20. 'I'he prince ceived 20¢ damages. The twentieth anmversary of Con- stitution Day was observed in Tokio, on Tuesday, as a national holiday. The emperor entertained at luncheon the chiefs of the foreign missions, ig the paluee Countess re Hadik stated, on Monday, that she knew nothing about hep brother Alexander's reported engage- ment to Mrs. Cornelius Vanderbilt, of New York, and was convineed the re- port was untrue, The Salvation : Army will bring its first contingent of wunigrants to Bri- tish Columbia late this month, (On February 20th over 400 will leave England, and a month later over 200 more. All of these will go direct to the western prov ince, Though the St. Petersburg press is not permitted to publish the fact it is positively known, through official channels, that the czarina is suffering from hallucinations and that her phy sictans have 'warned the czar of b urgent Russia. The Due de Chautnes, lof France, and Miss Mary Theodore Shonts, daughter of Theodore Shouts, president of the interborough Metropolitan company, went to the New York city hall and & marriage license, after fil] ng out the necessary papers _ Twenty-seven persons have Leen in- ured, two probably fatally, in coast- ing accidents in Creater Pittsburg, during the past . 5 Deven persons were ably fatally, at West Homestead, on Tuesday, when a street car plunged over a fifteen-foot embankment. The trans-Atlantic passenger rates agreed on at the London conference of the wanagers of the trans-Atlantic steamship line nave gone into effect. and the man who has always wanted cheap, and, at the same time, go first clags, has lost his chance, perhaps for many years nccessity for her removal from mjured, tw Q prob FED PINS T0 BABY NURSE GIRL'S RUSE TO GET FEW NIGHTS OFF. Gave ' the Child Needles, Pins, Matches and Other Things to Make Him Sick--Then His Parents Did the Nursing, New York, Feb, bourne, a fourteen-year-old nurse girl, who 11. Aurelia Light- ; is a prisoner in the Nassau county jail 'at Mineola, I.1. charged with assault in the second degree, Yesterday, made a full confes- fon to Assistant District Attorney Coles concerning her reasons for mak- hg two-vear-old Robert Purdy, her charge, swallow pins, needles, matches and other materiale Yo make the child Mi. "I have been working for W, A Purdy, at Rockville Centre," she said. "I had his son Robert in charge. A few months ago Robert began to ay at nights and 1 had to get up to at- tend him. I got tired of this thing. 1 needed "sleep, so 1 hit on the plan to give him the matches and the Pins and the other things. That kind of stuff made him sick, and Mrs. Purdy had to take care of him. "It wasn't only because the baby made me lose sleep that I gave him the pine and matches, I'd come to like dances, and parties, and 'socials,' and got acquainted with a lot of white folks who liked me. 1 wanted to go to their aflairs, birt because Robert needed attention I couldn't get off nights. So by making the boy sick, and making Mrs, Purdy 'nurse him, 1 managed to get away many nights, "The Purdys never: ld" have known, I guess, just what was the matter with Robert if a minister hadn't come to Rockville Centre to start a religious revival and get mon- *¥ Snough to build a Baptist church to Rev. Charles Deacon, Sydenham Me- | | thodist church, Brantford. has received as a mining expert his old | the | twenty-four hours. | to | colored | + LY BRITISH WHIG, TUESDAY, FEB 10 TEST AGGOUNT -- Snow Fron | the Streets of Montreal on the i Ground That the Cost is Ex- i cessive. | { Montreal, Feb. 1]. -- The removing snow, of which plenty, from stop to-mght, the has notified the road the appropriation compli- Montreal the mn that They work of there as still of a greai the streets {| Montreal, city treasurer department that exhausted I'he situation is {cated by the refusal of the | Street Railway to pay half { expenses to as provided {their conjract, the ground {the cost exer will as 1s ol date for on been has RIVE iquor license fees in the {will contest the city's account. Aldridge, chief mining engi the C.P.R., states that the ends up a new Hosmer, B.C, at once, this time next vear, it 3.900 tons of coal F'w'n | neer of | company | coal mine a {and that. by { hopes to be |a day ! SHORTAGE IN ACCOUNTS. | Employe of Trust Con.pany faulted $5,000. tnt., Feb. 11 is made that has béen a trusted em- {ployee of the London and Western [rust company, for the pust five years [had focently defaulted to the extent | of £3,000 Craig left last week, presumably to accept a respon- sible position with a $t. Louis firm, and the discrepancy was not known funtil a-day or so ago-when the wel tors' exgwpination revealed the short- age. - I'he whole shortage, involved in one transaction on Febru- fary Ist, 190s. Tt stated by the {manager that "the shortage will be [covered by the bor { the. company will {thing opening mining De- ~The an- J. Walter J.ondon, nouncement Craig, who ot more it is claimed, is is assistant's practically Ie HEAVILY FINED, He Had Piit Up Defiance to Law and Officers. Hamilton, Ont., Feb. 11 police this morning, Birks, a news vendor, wad fined American papers on day, January 12th, contrary to provisions of the Lord's Day Act Birk: thd not" deny the offence, but Mr. Ardagh, of the Toronto law firm of Davernet '&® Jones, who avpeared for him, contended that under the act, Birk had as much right to sell papers on Sungay as on any, other day. The madistrate thought other wise, and impesed the maximum fine, becanse, he said Birk, had been dis obeving the law, the police, and the courts hy persisting in selling papers on sued after being eautioned. He refused to prafit h stated case, but it is altogether Tikclv an apreal will be made ~In the Louis $40 Sun- the court, for selling 5 INCIDENTS OF THE DAY. Newsy Paragraphs Picked Up Uy Reporters On Thair Rounds. {+ Archbishop Gauthier Sunday | and Monday in Peterboro, guest of Bishop O'Connor. The annual meeting of the Calvin company, which was to have {held this afternoon, has been postpon- spent the been ed for a week Mes. E. lL. Peterboro, is in the city owing to the illness of { her mother, Mrs. J. Kilpatrick, 81 niversity avenue, | "Allameda'" waltzes by H. J. Lin {coln, composer of "A Southern Dream," j waltzes now. on sale at 15¢. a copy. i McDermott Bros., 260 Princess street, | Alderman Gaskin wag a little better this morning, spd hopes are now en tertained for his recovery, There are | constant enquiries made from all quarters about the veteran ald:r Goodwill, of | being { man's condition { -- [No SMALLPOX AT BROCKVILLE, Patient [Pischarged From ! Isolation Hospital. | Brockville, Ont., Feb. 11.--The ' last Last batch of small-pox patients were dis charged vesterday from the isolation {hospital, and the institution closed, . {thus marking the practical wiping out {of the epidemic which extended over {two months, and cost the municipality | upwards of ¥5.000 to > with it { There rema®hs only two mild cases un der quarantine in 'one house, Owing to peculiar circumstances, those pa tients could not be removed to the hospital. cope | Had Enjoyable Time. The members of the Young People's {Sociéty of the Cataraqui Methodist church paid a visit to the society at Brock street church, on Monday night, when a most pleasant time was spent. The visitors came to the city in three vans. Rev. T. E. Burke was chair- man, avd in opening the proceedings delivered an address. The programme consisted of solos by Miss Edith Or ser, dnd Miss Harpell, of Cataraqui, and selections by the male quartette of Dethe] charch, composed of Messrs. Frederick Wilson Allen Hafner, Wil lam Thompson and Frederick Hafner. Every number received a hearty en core. if Governor Hughes has' sent a mes. sage to the New York senate, recom- mending that Otto Kelsey, be remov- ed as state superintendent of insur ance, on the grownd of inefficiency. based on the report made to the gov. ernor, by Matthew Flemin~ who in- vestigated the department of insiie- ance, Vi At Paterson; NJ... word has been received by the Cooke Locomotive company, that sixieen jocomotives, built by thew for the Manchurian railway, were 10st at sem in a vessel that foundered off the coast of China Jast week. Nine men are dead and one is dying as the result of an explosion of gas in the mine of t Foody Coal com- pany, at South Charlotiston, Ky. RUARY 11, 1908. THREE GREAT ISSUES. To Divide the People: of the United States. ; Feb. 11. Wiliam Jennings Bryan arrived in Toronto, this morr ing, from Montreal. He was met dt the Unipn, station by Johns Turnbull the president of the Canadian Club and J, Macdonald, of the Globe, and conducted to the National (lub { which institution Mr Brvan a guest luring stay - here After breakiast Mr. Bryan was interviewed "It is too carly to,speak vet of the chances of (he nominations of the candidates and too early to figure up on the platiorms, as still in a good questions seems nomi ques lions ill tion. These The the tarifl question, railway "There ix Toronto, his being mean to nt eco congress, session, is action may deal," said he, in reply "But this probable that Ww time great divide trust the at three alten are & question, juestion of regulation a larger however which Issue, he continued, all shall be conducted interest, tection of their is embodied in whether governnfent by the people in and for the pro own rights, or in the of predatory wealth, which itd machinery as' a pri in business Mr. Brvan the Canadian Club at their these, viz. their own interests desires to use vate asset addressed luncheon This afternoon Mp Bryan visited the parliament buildings and also called on Goldwin Smith, at the Grange. and the . lieutenant governor at' ment House. To night, Mr speak in new convocation hall of Govern Bryan will S Toronto University, when an audience of over 2.000 is expected to face him. WONDERFUL WIRELESS. ih ---- Remarkable Incident That Makes Experts Ask Questions. Washington, Feb. 11.--A remarkable instance of wirelegs telegraphic com munication has been verified at the Buréau of Equipment, Navy Depart- ment, A- wireless ..station at. Point Loma, near San Diego, picked up the Conneeticut, then talking off the coast of Cuba, took down the message, and also picked up a message being sent from the wireless station at Pensa cola, Fla wondering whether the across the contineAt or in other "direction around the. world. Experts - are message went the YOUNG COUPLE DROWNED. Their Lives in Euclataw Rapids, B.C. Vancouver, Feb. 11.--Drowned in the fierce: mad © swirl of the Euclataw Rapids, last 'Tuesday, when almost within sight of their home, was the fate of M¥. "and Mrs. John Ashman. a young couple, who recently made their home with Mr. Ashman's father on a ranch a few miles below the Euclataw. The death of Mr. and Mrs, Ashman was not witnessed, hut it has been learned they started down the rapids in a small boat, and as they have not been heard of since, there little dbubt of their fate. ------ Echo Lake Echoes. Echo Lake, Feb. .S8~The about three feet on the men were going to underbrush all win ter, but their buried up for the present. School has opened again, with Miss Goldie Sandborn, of Bell Rock, teacher. Owing. to the heavy snow storms the preacher has been unable attend services here for sOIe Angus and Ella Melrod and William Wagar spent a wesk at Moscow, visiting fridhds. Lucretia Wa few days with her aunt Wagarville. Visitors: W Lake, D. McLeod's: J family at William Ve Wagar and childrén, at Jacob Babeock, on tho time Lost is Snow ig level, "Some bush as to time gar spent «o and unch Drew, Lo Switzer d ley's: Mrs. A H. Babcock's giek list for improved at some not much Burned In Room. New York, Feb. 11.--Mrs gels, of Toronto, Ont. vsiting married daughter was burned about ' the shoulder fainting--=pell in her room Victoria Hotel, yesterday her apartment a scream. She 1 Thonins climbed fire Annie her painfully during at heve, a the A maid was when she heard mtormed the Keves, the hotel through the from He found Mrs gel on the floor Her feet rested on the edge of the hed. She taken to the New York Hospital where it is said she will recover passing manager and electry can, mn window a escape unconscions was The Father May Die. Woodstock, Ont Feb 1 Holdsworth, who, yesterday, son through .the wood shed door, and then turned the gun himself, still living, though not much hope is held out for his The not in much danger, but will up for a long time by the injuries his arms. If Holdsworth recovers will have to face charges of attempt od murder and attempted kuicide Alfred shot his on recovery son is aid to he be | " Unanimous Call. Catharines, Ont., Feb. 1H. --~By a unanimous vote of the membership of the church, the Queen Street Baptist church, of this city, has decided to extend a» invitation 'to Rev. A. IL Huddleston, sf Hamilton, to succeed Rev. _«. 8. 8, Butes, who a couple of weeks ago esigned the pastorate io become financial agent for McMaster University, Toronto. St New Dutch Cabinet. The Hague, Feb. 11.--Queen Wil belmina has approved the new cabi net under the premiership of Deputy Heemskerk, The last cabinet resigned December 3rd, as a result of its de. feat on the army estimates. Jonk heer R. Narees Van Swinderen, minis ter of the Netherlands to Washington, becomes foreign minister in the pew cabinet. Died Of Heart Failure. Campbelliord, Ont., Feb. 11.--James Carruthers, electrician, of this town. died suddenly, last evening, while re. turning from a drive with a friend. Heart failure was the cause of deaths Mr. Carruthers was thirty-eight years of age and Wnwerried. A mother and four sisters survive him. rush and in getting out the day's mail is often caused bv clumsy, antinruated methods of obtaining copies correspondence. . Our Rapid Roller Letter ier makes co pies in one-twentieth of t and at 50 per cent. less expense than other method. This Booklet free or write. THE OFFICE SPECIALTY MFQ{. CO. Limited Phone Main 4240. 97 Wellington 8t. W., Toronto confusion the Copi time any | Phone ol 1e is e FE STOCK-TAKING SALE 0DD LINES MUST C0 . -- GOOD.WARM COATS, $1.00 each. Another lot of SKIRTS, better value than ver, $1.75 each. ts - Long Black Coats, $4:00, 5.00. 6.63 and 7.67. ; Long Fancy Tweed Coats, $4.00, 6,00 and 6.¢ v } Jed, Children's Coats about half usual prices. Special value in Warm Underwear and Flan- nelette Nightgowns for ladies and children. L SPENCE'S ™ Leading Milline.-v Store, 119 Princess St A Delicious Luncheon for Yourself or for Unexpected Afternoon "Callers' wafer, ready- The rich Shredded "Whole Wheat cocked and ready to serve. Delicious as toast with butter, cheese or marmalades etter for children than pastries or white flour crackers, nourishing and easily digested, Triscuit Biscuit for Breakfast All Grocers, 13¢ carte ALONE ny chy roe Fing shvexd dered " wi IN ITS FIELD HE LIVING AGE : Ful week th pi w 11 i " ter Lh Bn any oth ' x ' The Best Fiction. The Best Essays The Best Literary Criticisms. The The Ablest Discussioas of Public or abt ¥ ¢ Best Trave Affairs » oF four I hun 63° , is Pens reader g y "ew telligent $6.00 a year, Canadian Postage, 50 cents a year. Three Months' Trial Subscription, $1.00. DE MP ANY. Boston, Mass. THE LIVING AGE CO 6 Beacon Street, . ® : - - wre Fibrewalre is the leading material for Pails, Tubs. ri: Dishes, &ec. is the best Make of FIBREWAR .. Market, . It is of Better Longer than other makes, M . Ask Your: Gro EDDY'S » : Cu the Quality and Lasts and it Costs Less cer for it, and . - DD} Tt ¥

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