Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 11 Feb 1908, p. 4

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= had teft clipped very close. Reduced ------ NII Hockey Skates & Sticks 25 Per Cent. Off. ------ A pleasure to show goods and compare prices. orbett's 34 | Lo [od | ur WooD AND COAL THE VERY BEST. S. ANGLIN & CO. Cor. Wellington & Bay Sts. "Phone 66. Best for Baby, Best for You. Chapped Hands Avoided The daily use of Baby's Own Soap prevents your skin from becoming chap- ped or cracked. Albert Soaps, Lid. Mfrs., Montreal. w: A DOUBTING THOMAS. Had His Falling Hair Stopped, and Dandruff Cured, Without Faith, H. B. Fletcher, Butte, Mont., Oct. 20th, 1509, says: "Like many other people | have twea troubled for years with dandruff, and within the last few months my hair cam®*out so badly that | was compelled to have what 1 A friend recommended Newbro's Herpicide, 1 . confess that 1 doubted his story: but I gave Herpicide a trial. now my hair i% as thick as ever, and entirely free from dandrafi.," "Destroy the cause, you remove she effect." Herpicide is a y delightful hair dressing for regular * use. Sold by leading druggists. Send i 10¢. in stamps for sample wo The Her- § picide Co., Detroit, Mich. Sold in two : Sizes, SOc, and 81. G. W wlahood, spe- 8 cial agent, t Real Estat e + Headquarters If you want to buy or sell City Property, go to a man who makes a specialty of same. ey GEO. CLIFF, 95 Clarence . St.,, Opposite Post Office. "Phone, 325. . DAILY BRITISH WHIG, published at 306 | 310 King street, Kingston, Ontario, at-$6 per | year. Bditions at 2.30 and 4 o'clock i | lished in parts on Monday and Thursday morn img at $1 a year. To for postage has to be made $3.98 for Daily; | 50c. "for Weekly | Offices mn Canada; rapid, ot | work; nme mnproved presses, EDW. J. B. PENSE, Daily Whig. | MANITOBA'S REDUCED ASSETS. A dismal note comes from Manitoba led assets, and such a poor outlook | that the treasurer talks of retrench- {ment. But only in ¢ome things. Grants to various purposes will be re- duced, and the aid to odueation will not be so gencrous. Of all the ob- jects that need encouragement. educa- tion - should "stand st the head, and the fact that it is to suffer is indeed regrettable. While there is a plea for cconomy in other directions, the members of the government and members of the house will vote themselves larger salaries land indemnities, the one set from $3,000 10 $5,000 a year, and the oth- er. set from $500 to $1,000 per an: num. A grab or a graft under the circumstances certainly does not look well. k ee The province claims a sirplus---in ten years' operations of about $2,000,000, but there is really only $864,000 band, and it is part of the sinking fund which will pe wanted to meet the bonds coming due in 1910 and amounting $1,043,000. The gov- { ernment, too, practices what "the con- on to servatives of Ontario condemned as a { wrong. .Jt puts the revenue from the | sale of land, representing capital, into | consolidated account, and uses it for general expenses; at the same time all [items of capital accolnt are Subtract- [a and this should not be unless the from the account. The marvel is that the decrease of assets is not laid to the financial con- tingency of last year, or the "rich man's panic,' as the treasurer des- eribed it. But it is candidly admit- ted that the financial results are 'not due to the hard times," and it is a statement which will be regarded as significent under the circamstances. KINGSTON'S RELIGIOUS CENSUS, The census which is tao, be takes on the 18th, will not be a religious one only. It will embrace a complete je- gistration of every individual who is a resident of the city, and will be, in all probability, according. to uresent prospects, the most complete thing of its kind. The plans for it are certainly Leing carefully and systematically laid. The procedure is somewhat different. from that going in advanee of a national census, and for the reason that the federal methods "of secur'ng certain specified information is attended bv long and persistent preparation." For a house to hoyse visitation--which is the better name for the work in hand --~there is no organization of a perm- anent character. Nor is tiure any fixed routine, Every city or town works out ils own programme from the limits or suggestions which follow ex- periences elsewhere, What suits in one place may not suit in another. How- ever, Kingston has ite own devices, land in some respects they are unique. They work of preparation is about complete, The wards have been divid- ed into districts and divisions; the Supervisors and canvassers have been appointed; the educational mectings have been held in the wards; the work- ers have been notified of their assign- ment to certain districts and divi and nothing remains but the Tuesday, Febroary or regular sions; registration 18th, What to be gained from it? Much, very much. There is to be prac- tically a stock-taking of the city, and later the churches will be called upon to visit those who have expressed pre- ferences for them. In a sense each church will come to its own, by the i ry work or discovery in which on is ComwaICwr all churches have participated. In a sense the cards which tell of persons 'hitherto unknown will convey to the pastors information they will be glad to receive and addresses of followers whose acquaintance they did not have before, THE STORY OF A LIFE. Dr. Parkin has written a new and concise biography of the late Sir John Macdonald. It is not claimed that it affords light on the life of one of Can- but that it is the result of that study of the man which enables the author to offer an exalted and impartial criti- | ment, wrote what may be termed the official blograshy of Kingston's form. i wt -- a i -_-- y f _-- wr -- . _ -------- ~r THE WHIG, 75th YEAR |thorizd biography, and that which | WEEKLY BRITISH WHIG, 16 pages, pub mited States, charge Attached is one of the best Job Printing | century before lish, and chea ¥ "P| Macdonald can be The British Whig Publishing Co., Led. | correct place among contemporary | ! ,| difficalty of any one writing with that|.J, B. Pense presided. whose budget for 1908 shows diminish- | precision which distinguishes the his-{received from the various committees, {men keep on reforming the law they items of capital revenue were removed | ada's great men not hitherto seen, |, co THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 11, 1908, HAVE ASS MEETING OF THE RELIGIOUS CENSUS WORKERS. the | presented a contivuous and connected | indrrative of a life, | Dr. Parkin, who has been writing | for Morang & Co., confesses to a great | truth when he says that it may be al final biography of | "and his | Arrangements For a written, Census {statesmen assigned to him on clear and T. J. Rigney in Charge ¢f thistorical grounds." In other words, | Catholic Census. the biographers of to-day are living | A meeting of the éxecutive committee | within the influence of conditions, po-|n connection with the religious cen- ™ al 'and social which 'were afiected [208 WA held on Monday morning in } tical and' soca', | the office of J. J, Behan, at the C(a- {by the deceased statesman. Hemve the [tholic Mutual Benefit association. EF. Reports were | each report being Jone of progress. It {was decided that the census of pub- lic stitutions should be taken by special agents. The Catholic institu- tions were pl 1 in the care of Messrs. Behan and TON, Rigoey, the military stitutions to the care of Canon Starr, the General Hospital and ' Or- phans' Home to TT, F. Harrison; the Infants' Heme t5"B. J. B. Pense, and the 'House of Industry to R. Meek. : It was arranged to hold a final meeting for visitors, supervisors and ward chairman at the Whig hall on Monday night, the 17th inst, the even- ing before the census, at which meet- ing Thomas Yellowlees, of Toronto, torian. That Mr. Parkin is an admirer of | Bir John Macdonald goes without say- ling. He shows it by many apt and | pleasing phrases. But he is not blind | to faults or follies, and in the course {of the book touches upon the events {which 'left a stamp on Canadian public life as undesirable as it" has proved hard efface."" The bio- graphy will have many readers. It {fills a place in the literature of the | times as a concise and critical an- { alysi t { one of the ; | alysis of S gener ol one of th and others, will give addresses. It wan jraaters of Canada. reported that while the district ecom- Ar re mittee had a "sufficient number of ! EDITORIAL NOTES, . namgs in its possession of volunteers Mr. Roblin, premier, is very anxious [ge RE rs it had a smaller list of that the world should know that the [reserves than was desirable, and it boundaries of Manitoba cannot be en- would be sary to make some few larged except as he dictates, We will ("hanges in the list o SUPEEVISOFS, : i \ The point was made in the commit- sée about- that. tee that, while this census was firstly T : " 4 a religious census, it was the wish of he local governmeni has lone wise- | jy, executive: committee, and of all {ly in securing an experiencet¥ journalist the committees to make"it 'so accur- to edit its state papers. They ~ show {ate and complete as to be of true his handiwork: - to value as a ecivie census. It would as such be of gervice, not only to the churches but also to the citizens gene- rally. The following is a complete list of the officers and committees : Mr. Hoyle, M.P.P., proposed to tax express companies, There is no business which can. stand the levy Honorary president, Hon, W. Harty, that of these same com- | A P.; chairman, E. J. B. Penge, N.P. {P.; secretary, Rev. Charles Villiers; treasurer, George E. Hague. Executive Committee--E. J, 1. Pense, chairman; Rev. J. Charles Vil- liers, George FE. Hague, T. ¥. Harri son, R. Meek, Rev. W. H. Sparling, D.. G. Laidlaw, D. A. Shaw, J. J. Behan. Finance Committee--T. F. Harrison, chairman; . George 'EF. Hague, H. A Calvin, B. W. Roberton, D. G. Laid- law, E. T, Steacy, George Mills. * District" Committec--R. Meek, chair man; W. 8. 'Gordon, secretary; F. W Albree, Francis King, William A. Gray, E. J. Lake, M.D., ¥lmer Davis, E! Bennett, J. 8. R. McCann, James Jobnston, T. J. Riguey, R. M. Allen, W. H. Dalby, 1saae Cohen. * Printing and Publishing--Rev. W. H Sparling, Dr. MacTavish, Rev. J. Charles Vjlliers, R. Meek. Workers' Committce--Rey. W. H. Sparling, chairman; Jghn Macdonald, secretary; Revs, Dean Farthing, Dr Good. more than panies, -- A Toronto lawyer abolished in legal procedure. wants "writs"' If some will abolish the business of a very ancient and honourable profession. Some of the papers in Toronto de- mand that the rights of the majority shall be respected on the: license ques- tion. Yet they support the three-fifths clause in the local option law. -- Mr. Ames, M.P., now complains that he was misreported in the timber deal, But he did not discover this until Mr. Sifton got after him and immediately wigged him for his misstatements. The man who announced in the legis- lature. that the Whitney government ar; . had redeemed its promises had not Macgillivray, C. A. Sykes, D. Laing, examined the record very closely, A J. C. Villiers, Archdeacon Nacmorine, G. A. McKenzie, J. Fraser, F. D. Fitz. been con- {sorald, Dr. MacTavish, T. FE. Burke, H. D. Whitmore, R. 8. Forneri, W. H Sproule, J. D. Boyd, Ensign Coy, S.A., Isaac Cohen. good many promises have veniently forgotten, Mr, Foy (or My Dear Foy, of _elee- tion literature), will put into legisla- tive form or enactment the ideas which Mr. McKay has expressed in his addresses. So that the leader of the opposition is an educa: tor, and of the government as well as A CLOSE SHAVE, Farmer Has Narrow Escape From Being Killed. Last Friday Herman Mott, son of Joel Mott, Elizabethtown, had a narrow escape from death. He was walking on. the track of the B.,, W. & N., near Seeley"s and did not notice the approach of the snow plough, which was following. Having a cap palled down over his ears he did not hear the screeching of the whistle of the locomotive as the ehgineer en: deavored to attract Lis attention. Seeing that he was deal to the loud appedls of the whistle, and that an accident a red unavoidable the en gincer applied the air brakes to the emergency position, shut off steam and was suecessiul in bringing the swiftly moving train to a 'full stop, but a few feet of where Mr. Mott was trudging along, all unconscious of his danger and the close proximity to perhaps a horrible death. publio people. en The proposition that twelve of the aldermen of Toronto resign and run as temperance, reduced license, candidates, will not go. And if it did would the twelve be defeated ? Boh Fleming once tested public opinion on this question and was triumphantly successful, SPAT OF THE PRESS A Tolerant People. Galt Reporter (Coun) e laugh at the parade old and new world millionaires make: at~times to surprise the people, and yet we toler- ate all the nonsense seen at the open.' ing of Ontario's legislature. or Late Thomas Baker. The funeral of the late Thomas George Baker will take place on Wed- nesday' morning, and interment will take place at Cataraqui cemetery, The funeral will be held from Corbett's undertaking parlors, and Rev. Capon Starr will officiate at the service. A Blessing In Disguise. Toronto News. The rise in the price of white paper will prove a boon to humanity if it leads to the abolition of the 100-page Sunday editions of the American yel- low journals, What Causes Headache. From October to May, colds are the ) most frequent cause of headache. Lax- Mrs. Thaw is planning to have a dtive Bromo Quinine removes cause. country home, the idea being, no E. W. Grove on box, 20e. doubt, to. get some place so secluded that Harry ean have an occasional brain storm without disturbing his neighbors, Harry's St orm. Toronto Star. «> = The Cost So Far. It is costing the city $150 a day to claar the streets of snow for the streets railway, The work has heen proceed- ing for nine days, and the cost so far has, therefore, heen about $1,300, Rev. Dr. Torrance, of Kingston, preached able and practical sermons on Sunday in the First Presbyterinn fhurch, Brock ville, Scienetific Surprise. Ottawa Journal. I less than fifty years ago a person had affirmed that it was possible . to communicate with a ship in mid-ocean his hearers would probably have deems ed him crazy. This has been accom- plished, What next? Billy In Danger. Toronfa Telegram, t Great Britain paid $100,000 as a ran- som for Kaid Maglehs, and thus en- courages W. F. Maclean to get ecap- tured, in the hope that R. L. Borden will whack up a similar amount for is release. RIERA aE THOUGHTFUL SUGGESTION tr wre fully threequasrt- A Wealth And Crime. Joseph Tope, of (he state depart. | indignant o He knew S the literary pxecutor of the ex-premier. gen About Complete--J. J. Beha | {ing with subjects that will sway Heaven For a (ers dh -- mn sg GRAND OPERA HOUSE, Green's Moving Pictures Are the "Attraction. Green's moving pictures were the attraction at the Grand Opéra house last evening. There was a large and {appreciative "audience present, . who were more than delighted with the en- tertainment. The pictures "exhibited portrayed scenes of beauty. 'They are {of a variety to suit all tastes, deai- one from pathos to laughter, from the imaginative to the instructive and from the commonplace to the sensa- tional. Professor Green gives a run- ning comment on each scene as it is presented, which is very instructive and interesting. 'The light is clear, brilliant, and flickerless and does not tire the eyes. The principal scenes shown on the canvas were The Baby's Peril, a touching scene in 'the life uf a young mother; Storms Winds Do Blow, or What Became of a Gentleman's Dignity; a magnificent description of Bostwick's wonderful menagerie in England, a view of the animals in the menagerie and young Bostwick in the lion's cage; a French magic "scene, the red spectre or the black art of the under world, a very realistic picture of Hades and its denizens, and showing how a woman beat the devil; Looking at a Balloon; The Burning of Warsaw and the work of the anarchists in Russia: Angling in Norway, closing with a de scription of Daniel Boone, hunter and trapper, or the suffering and dangers of the white settlers in the pioneer days in America. The singing of Berton V. Peters, who. possesses a fine baritone voice, in connection with the illustrated pictures, was a rare treat and was greatly appreciated. He gave "When the Golden Grain is Waving, Mary Dear," "Is There Any Room in Little Girl Like Me, "Good Bye Annie Laurie," in which he introduced many well-known Scot tish airs. To-night there will he an entire change of moving pictures, as well as illustrated pictures and songs INCIDENTS OF THE DAY. Newsy Paragraphs Picked Up sy Reporters On Their Rounds. No police court session to-day. Have you got your xalentines ready? CU. J. McSorley went to Watertown, N.Y. vesterday. Miss A. O'Hara, Yarker Monday, for Watertown, N.Y. William Swaine, piano tuner. Orders received at McAuley's. 'Phone 77 "Coltsfoot Expectorant" Cough Syr- up is sold at Gibson's Red Cross Drug Store. Mr. Clark, of the Hepworth Furpi- ture company, Hepworth, is in the city. Miss Maudie Carter, Belleville, is in Kingston to visit friends for a couple of weeks. H. Cunningham, piano tuner from Chickering's. Leave orders at. Me Auley"s Book Store. Burtch's fresh grated horse radish for roast beef, pork and all kinds of meats. Ask your grocer for it. Quite a'large number enjoyed tobog- ganing on the fort hill, last nicht, and report the sport to he good. Corsets ordered or ready-made, We guarantee a perfect fit. See our spe- cial dip-hip corsets, 25¢. New York Dress Reform. Physicians recommend the Red Cross Brand Beef, Iron and Wine. Sold only at Gibson's Red Cross Drug Store, 60¢., not 75c. Foreman Flynn and his stafi of men are engaged in driving. the spiles for the extension of Richardsons' feldspar wharf. - Special bargains in woollen goods See underwear and stoekings for chil dren, all sizes. New York Dress te form. Capt. Patterson has been doing a great deal of work on the schooner Mary Ann Lydon. The government tug, Trudeau, is alsc undergoing ex- tensive alterations. During the cold spell many custom- their 'shopping by telephone 230, Gibson's Red Cross Drug Store, has a prompt delivery service The electors of Frontenac ward can give expression to their views on_ the street railway deal. F, J. Hoag voted to saddle all the expense -of cleaning the streets upon the city. The street railway company gathers in all "the profits. There 1s trouble between two resi dents of St. Catharine street. One bad a fine shade tree on his lawn. The tree hung over into a neighbor's place. The other day the neighbor cut off the branches that trespassed on his pro- perty, A lawsuit may result One reads many ads claiming won- derful results. Some we believe, others we don't. We are not trying to deceive you by fancy ads, but simply ask you to try Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea; if it fails, get your money back. 35c., Tea or Tablets. Mahood's Drag Store. leit on His Patrons Pleased. At the Princess, last night, the pic tares were simply all that could be desired, and were probably the best ever shown in that house, f not in ithe city, and to say Patrons wete highly pleased is putting it mildly. tieorge Hammond sang another New York success, 'When the Golden Sun Fades Behind the Hills," in a way that would do eredit to a graml opera star. His voice and manner fit him for a much higher position in the song world than he holds ia King: ston. George wore the smile that won't come off last night as be ac cepted congratulations from many pa- trons at the success of his new ven ture. rtetmecse Woman's Council Meeting. Annual meeting of local Council of Women, Thursday, February 13th, at three o'clock, in the city council cham- her. Reports of federated societies will be read and other business transacted At the close, the annual meeting of the Victorian Nurses will take place All are invited to attend both meet- ings. | 1 Semi-Ready Tailoring to 'your Saits and Overcoats Ready-to-Try on, finished order in two hours. Come in and take a look at the new Styles and Fabrics. You'll be interested, surely. of It is far better to come here and get the top notch style than to he a few notches below it. SUITS, $15, 18 & 20. See Our Silk-Lined Full Lress and Tuxedo Suits. » | THE H. D. BIBBY CO. SEMI-READY TAILORING. RT SS ER) sescccssesesceccscccas 000000000008 000000000 Pretty Things We have just opened up a shipment from Europe, consist- ing of FEL hebben Tea Trays, Waiters, Fancy Coal Vases, Copper Flower Pots, Metal Smoking Sets, etc. If you want a nice present for relation or friend come in and see these pretty things. ] ° * * . ° ° eo ° * * ® * e " ( cKELVEY & BIRCH, 69-71 Brock St BAA 404000020 Aad iO t J 4 ' 00000000000 CCROROORD OROOGOROOROOOILY " . ® ® * ® * ® . ® * ® * > ° * AAPA ASAT AY A AAA A A A a 7 ANGES Sweet Navels, Seedless Oranges from 15c to 60c Per Doz. ; A. J. REES, 166 Princess Street POTD TIITITIIY a % Sees ap -- VII TIITIITY We Do Galvanizing and Tining Prompt and Good Work.' .Let us do your work, Canada Metal Co. Ltd, "S225 swamps Ia the Dergholm distriot alone 150,000 acres of grass, miles of fencing and 10,000 sheep, besides Whe Fire Raging For Days. Sydney, Feb. 11.--The heat wave has culminated in a sfrivs of disastrous bush fires throughout the common- farmers' buildings, destroyed wealth, especially in Vietorse. 34 3 "Thousands of sheep that escaped "are soon yet to calculate losses, hut their [carrying their fleeces weorched total must be enormous. In the] A squatter at Hamilton had 2,700 Edenhope district a fire spreading over {sheep burned to death, The vignal forty miles has been raging dor five lights the Victorian have days, despite the efforts of hundreds [been obscured by clouds of smoke, of fire fighters, many of whom were | thereby imperilling shipping. One wreck temporarily = blinded by smoke al deast '« attnibuted to this cause heat. They made many heroiw » cues, A "Cd At Dergholm the settlers rushed into the river when they saw that it was mnposdible to save homesteads Elsewhere people is Will Interest Old Folks This Wi orest olks. Life to elderly people can only be pleasant when all the faculties nre ac "tive. Bat as we all know, the human body is merely a 'mochioe. It gradual ly wears away, grows weak in spots, must be patched here and there of are on coast and res S------------ 1 Linseed Livorice, and Aniseed Tab joie, for coughs aml sold at vibwon's Red Cross Drug Store The sulphur mines of Sicily employ 15,000 men. colds thelr sought shelter in * break down. In old age it ie well to remember thé adage that 8 stitch ip time savey nine, --in other words, health should be carefully guarded. The blood is sure to grow thin and lack the nutrition of younger dave, and to over come. this condition there is probably no remedy that gives such immediate results as Ferrozome. Pirst of all, Ferrozone iperemsss the sppetite--then it assists digestion and in consequence all that is eaten is st ounce copvertvg into nourishment. A well nourished body is bound to grow siromg, and by using Ferrozone the advance of oldage can' be pushed buck for vears. In high concenirgted form Ferrorone contains strengthening elements that A te 10 every nook and corner of the body. By supplying exhaostad nerves with life and toning up organs that are weak or insctive, the change it brings sbowt is marvelous. H you ire feeble. sleep poorly, have nervous fear, weak heart or rheamatiom, voulwill surely he cared bw Fer rpzone. M it's better health you seek--Ferrordne will bring it surer and yesiekes than soything else. Get it today, Hci per lox cr six fo 22.9, as Ce ~~

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