Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 11 Feb 1908, p. 3

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PAQE THREE. THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY -11, "1908. GOT HIGH AS MINER: 3 | SACRIFICED HIS HIS TITLE FOR A SHOP GIRL. ® | Coins $30,000 in Colorado Copper : --Welcomed on Business Visit : to Berlin By All Friends. ® | Denver, Colo., Feb ® | to light that is Barnes City, Fremont : jeounty, Colorado, Hans Frederick "Barnes i4 re ally 'Count Haps Frederick i von Hochberg, of the illustrious Pless : family, of Germany, and a nephew of § |Lrio Marie von Saxe-Weimar, and {for many yéars a playmate of Crown as the first § | { Prince William. The count has given . blossoms which mark s o|up his title" 0 wed a shop, shi, and he % > Mas further reling uished a claim to the advent of warm : | bis inheritance and has become an . weather with all the 8 American mine promoter. In. less than ; ® lone year he has accumulated over beauty of the natural ® 830,000 in ctish and a Tourth erent flowers so cleverly CO-® lina copper mining company which is vied in their delicately e |producing ore. ti ted le id tl ate y ® | This young scion of German nobility in ( esigns, 1e new rented sensation in court vircles Wash' Fabrics for Wo- snes timé ago, when he handed in his men's and Children's | commission as frst lieutenant in the Summer Wear are now being given their ini- tial display at the The People's Forum. WANTED-GENERAL, AND CARPET; Millard 293 Ww St Orders taken at office np HAmusements. B Sesaguseentterernivesssioreesessiteiseniiy FIRST SHOWING OF THE NEW 1908: Wash Fabrics | | Fresh HELP WANTED-MALE, {A SMART Boy, el TONIGHT "hai wr Eveniogs, 8.15. Saturday Mat, 2.30. ingbton & Bro., B MN The ' Fins CLASS Moving } ionary eagine i Presentiog the Highes; Conceptions in| ! | THE Liv : 3 : o> ro App rock si ree; jEARN UPHOLSTERING vy to C work, by R. W ton Coal 10.~It has come FOR Thursday Hub Hoel ENGINEER, Appl at A JOB CLEANING ASHES OUT OF yards or cellars, or other heggage carted. Prices right Appl to NS, Lytle, General Carter, 85 Main St, wm age 13th, A. M HELP WANTED--FEMALE. --~GF CANADA--~ ng, Feb. Chisholm. the, Moving Picture Art Berton V. Peters in lilustrated Songs. Fmtire change of Yrogramiu Nightiy, rved Seats 15 No Higher Children under 12 years, Seats). Seats now on sale. HOCKBY MATCH: SENIOR O.H.A. fro St. George' S$ | SITUATIONS VACANT, VS. 14th Batt. MEN AND - WOMEN. TO LEARN barber trade 1 ight 3 radu- WEDNESDAY, FEB. 12th, | ates sorn twelve © elghtoce: re Gane called at 8 po { Weekly: oliare help secure itions ; age, by the month, year, or any way Admission, Cents logue free. Maler arber Gollege, required. For further {nformation, Admission, ladies Queen and Spadina, Toronto. apply to Laeturney's Carriage Works Reserved Seats, 20 ° | Hol Foot Guards and then came to 1A and 393 Princess St. this country, where he was engaged as jin Nand in aie ndance, seats and] ARCHITECTS. 153, ® | chauffeur at farrytown, XN.Y., and | tickers, on afternoon of Fetn Ith, | - - ' - IEFORE MAY 1st | later married at Ossining, N.Y., Youise jaRTHU Rot AS, he . bet ween Bro ce, Cor, . hool, 4 Bed Crumley Store, These charming ma- terials present the latest ideas of color combina- Count von Hochberg has dare tions and designs, which include an almost endlots & | which rio other mine promoter in o [erica has done--he has sold stock { Pless, his uncle. It is said the crown prince also has stock in. this com- {pany. At any rate, it is estimated . $ | to his wealthy relatives Tor sale at : par. | The A HOUSE "TO COMMENCECyiry PURSE, CON any time betwee dM ol Toh ca sat Reward ONCE "Run [0001 PLAIN COOK, AT Mes Family of three. Apply Mrs, 2 Emily St tr Tike ' weeks, oflice Parland no within Address ) FOR SALE, BUILDING LOTS FROM $25 Up Cann's Heal Estate Oflice, 51 alreely TRIMMER AND but experienced D. M. Spence, 119 MILLINERY salesw oman, none hands need apply. Me- GENTLEMEN TO BRING THEI: Prock Overcoats and have them pressed and cleaned, also get a pew velvet collar on, it makes them like new. Prices right. Galloway, The Tailor, 131 Brotk St, pext to Bibby's livery. KENETISCOPE, Steel care EDISON 300 and ome 300 gal, Capt, Ito yu, ONE 1907 Dew ; two tanks; Apply Steamer Aleths. CARRIAG WAGGONS, FURNI turd, Pianos, or any article. for stor- MOVING good sel bing 'I'bone. Nox a PICTURE Te tawn } A. B. ( YALUABLE Double house property of th son, now used as a d umber's shop. Apply alkems & Walkem PROPERTY FOR SALF t J ob n sireet, the } soph J ng Hing end a ta Messrs HOUSE a a known HENRY P. SMITH, ARCHITECT, ete. Anchor Building, Market Square. 'Phone, 345; ------------------------------------------------------------------ POWER & SONS, ARCHITECTS, MER- chant's Bank Building, corner Brock end Welllugton streets. "Phove, 2132, NEWLANDS, ARCHITECT, OF. fice, second floor over Mahood's Drug store, corner Princess and Bagot streets. Entrance on Bagot street 'Phone, 608. BOARD AND ROOMS, MARRIAGE LICENSES Those desirous of ling Class will attend Wednesday Evening 8 oclocke MUNDELL, Captain. ANNOUNCEMENT OWING TO PREVIOUS JCCESS, 1 intend running smother ce at Port. smouth, Feb. 12th. Games and Ilefresh- ments as usual Ve ave Corner of Montreal sud P + At 8 o'clock sharp, for of patrons ming 10 « returning thé day Ihe "Man a right to reject any i. WESTLAKE, ler 8S. KIRRPATRIL Cc. ER Marriage Licenses, 43 Clarence St that Am- to MONEY AND BUSINESS, STORES OFFICES MoCamn's, } ; WM. DWELLINGS, ry 41 of at DUR COVER MORE Of building apd contents than. say other com pay offers Examine them at Cudwin's Jusurance BP one, Mark. et Square. Fg LIVERPOOL, Fire Insurance Asgets $01 18 PEK POLICIES . a » ° ° . eo . » *» ® * ® Ld » * ° . ° eo . * o ® ° * * *® ° ® ® * ° ° ° . "» ° o . . . ® ° . Ld ® . oo! o | si o| | 9 ALFRED LONDON AND 1 hy Prof mpany COMFORTABLE FRONT with Mrs. Roche, 60 Arch St UN eTHences he comm- GQLORE Availal tic LARGE room modern farts As usual, our prices are re- markable for their modesty -- a fact emphasized. by the ex- clusive character of these beautiful new Wash Goods. ® Inuneiation of the Allovers Flouncings ; 8 [fox the name of " * . . 90c yd., instead of 75¢ yd., instead of 85c © [that leads up to this mining adven- if 75¢ ? : fh @ ture begins more than a year ago. 60c yd » instead of 7 IC $1 yd, instead of $1.25 ® | The count had been selected for a mili- 7bc yd., instead of 90c¢ $1.50 yd., " of $1.75 ® [tary career by his family and was $1 yd., instead of $1.25 $1.7 yd, " of $18 ro | ONC in daily attendance at the im- J o |perial palace as an officer of the kais @ |er's personal bodyguard. However, | the count' military duties were not Se yd., insteag of 8c 8c yd. instead of 10c 10¢ yd., instead of 12ic Crumley Bros. : ble oh pn Berlin. In one of his ram- Sesesssesnstesittsnseverbrstariistatocasiit blings he met Louise Carow, who was NOW ON! working in a shop, and became infatu- Some time elapsed, Our Big Clearing Sale ® [then a scandal came to the ears of Brass and Iron Beds. Her- ®, | the count's noble father. It was in tended that the voung count should cules Springs to fit, and Sani- At A FI RNISHED HOt SE, S at present t water nts may 'see prox 3 wed hu | Carow, whom he had in Gor- SIGNALLERS ! | Sopa rate dinins number of shades and a beautiful profusion of der- § Germany's royal family. Several that at least $70,000 in stock * has {many as .a shop girl. Modern. © Dh The count, with bis young bride and if © suitable Apply | baby, are now living in Barnes, City, 3 Wiig | Calo, y oining the Signal- | at the Armouries, ® ted, flowered, figured and plain effects--new shese © his wealthy and titled relatives have Lawns, Organdies, Figured and Plain Muslins, eS, in his mining company, : among em being rines enry Tol India Linens, Ginghams, English Prints, etc. Reuss, his great uncle, and Duke of {been sold bv Von Hochberg to the heating : | German nobility, and he has another house iplan on foot, when more stock. will be taken by the young man to be offer ans any PERSONAL. | I PROF, HALSTEAD, P AL MIST, | Psychologist and Teacher. Owing tol many appointments will remain & #5 IS THAT SO? | know thet Leach had taken | Salter's Auctioneering aad Farni business, OR Brock St. 1 must send hime my things Xo as I hear he | prompt ond attenti Two Seated Cutter "| Heaters, Winchester Rifle, Store Fittings, | Clothing, ete. on band, Book exchange Upholstering , dow days longer in Kingston. ner passed consultation daily, 78 wi liam street in was mine promoting scheme, count is now engaged, degree for his re name of Hochberg Barnes The story I over ture dick not *® | which the » | responsible in some THE PARAGRAPH PULPIT Unitarian. REV. C. W. CASSON. Attention, Furnaces! i your furnace needs reps + "¢ if you ant any work done in the of Hot Water Heating. or Plumbing, me o call, you will get prompt atte. . good satisfaction: DAVID HALL, foes: i pe HURTH his government and straightened out! all things before the count started for | Germany. videnly the count friends his connection with the new cop per company, He showed them 'the prospectuses, A promise was required of hin not to use th# family name on mining stock literature, He agreed to do this. However, $70,000 shares of stock in the new company were taken | by his relatives and friends. It is not | known what legal steps were resorted | to'to separate Count Frederick from | London, Feb. 11.--"Tommy" his family name, but that the renun- | the Canadian heavyweight pugilist, | ciation was made is apparent from the | last night, Jack" Palm 1908 edition of the Almapach de Go- |r, English cham tha. pion, round of what | After the a twenty-round | erick returned to America with his wife | cont st, for heavyweight cham and child, but he returned nw Hans | plonship Some 2.000 persons saw | Frederick Barnes. 'Hans Barnes is the | the fight, which took place at Won: ! most prominent citizen. He is loved and derland, a big music hall on the East his grit im marrying the | Side, but it a one-sided 'afinir | all the miners in his em- | from the sound of the first ny until dae i the middle of the fourth round. Palmer, on his knees, was counted out, The referee might have given a de- cision in the first minute of the test, Palmer beaten moment he also called vn him. After he so =ud- denly left the army he was disgraced, and for a time was threatened with court-martial, but this embarrassment was avoided by Baron Speck Sternberg, the German Next Sunday. alter asson will prea King dl, or '"' What is Religion 7 77 He strict! disavow Next Sunday Jay «LW ft ston City ? Brock von 1 *® 3. ambassador at Hic yd., instead of 18¢ 25¢ yd.ainstea? of 35¢ . 45¢ yd., instead of 65¢ She andy whi h troat lern that * will . ® * * * * # ® » ° ® » * ® * ® » * . ® ® ° . ® ® ® ® ® ® ® * ® ated with her. Mo announced to his CANADA'S FIGHTER KNOCK- ED OUT PALMER. Sr i ciples can and aflirmir upon alone marry w princess in June of last vear, firmly and preparations were being made for the wedding. The father of the noble- man became enraged and demanded to know what he intended to do, but young Frederick said calmly: 'I will marry the girl." The count's father then determined to send him to America to travel, He came to New York city, and then determmod he would no longer accept the kindness of his father, so he "se euretl a place as chaulleur with Max well-Briscoe at Tarrytown, N.Y. In the following August he cabled to Louise Carew to come to him, She came in September of the same and they were married at Ossing. The story of the gnarriage, of course, | rend broadeast in Germany and seandglized the court. Many business offers came to the count. A play wright quickly" wrote a play around the story of the count and bis shop gitl bride. It was submitted to the count with a proposal that he take the stellar part, but this ofier was re- jected, Soon after an offer came to drive an automobile up Pike's Peak. Suck a feat would be a big advertisement for the company, and since it was fraught with danger the price offered was great, but his wife woald not con- sent to wus risk of his hfe. Count Frederick continued to act as chauffeur, yet with his bride he was very happy: 'Lhen-the mining fever pseized the, count. It happened in this way : Noah Barnes had'read of the ro- {mantic and sensational career. of Count von' Hochberg. Barnes was a mining man from Colorads; and it dawned up- on him that to secure his name and co- operation would méan much for the [success of the mining concerns. Barnes visited and convinced Von Hochberg and when Barnes returned to his Color. ado camp the count was his compan- be based " American Qils Coal Oil Lubricating Oils Gasoline One-Sided Bout From Start-- Palmer Took Count Twice in First Round and Was Hope- lessly Outeclassed. on | C. W, Casson, Boston, Mass., Address, Rev. Beacon street, literr dure. Fis free | lurns, | knocked out. Newcastle, the the fourth stock wad Soll Connt'Fred- | was scheduled be of in to the year wa We dling speciality of har Oils of all admired for make a shop girl ployment. hy ng Lubricating kinds when | finally | ent RECORD BREAKER Bers? $1.90 Box Calf Our Men's rovun«d ' nr { Blucher Cut, with good are of the | Sole. These Boots Palmer pe clossly | hard to beat for the price, i ond ox | H. JENNINGS, King St. ; ability either to delves n tellin wg "blow or to defend himself In the fina! ELECTORS OF FRONTENAC WARD, round he to the oo several times, "and at last was hardly able to Sr ---- + S + he, GENTLEMEN :- ing Rois hind at ation Prices 'W.F. KELLY & £0. Ontario i on appli Grippe is sweepin, g the country. Stop it with Preveaties: Before gets deop- ly seated. To check early colds with these little Candy Cold Cure Tablets is surely sensible 'and safe. Preventies contain no quinine, no laxative, no nothing harsh oe sickeping. Predmon- ia- would néver appear if early colds were promptly broken. Also good for feverish childrens Largs ho, 45 tablets. 25c. Vest pocket boxas be. H. Corby and Frederick R, Ling- ham, with a few other Dellevidhy capi talists, have purchased. several hun dred acres of land in Fyendinaga, "he low Shannentille, gid this'ls » for the purpose of erecting a huge 'coment mill, as well as Jarge Hmekilng, The land is nearly all rock 'and #5" and is said to be just suited for those in dustries. - A tissue builder, flesh progucer, brings health and hanpiess Ata the svstemn. That's what Hollister's Rocky | Mountain Tea has done for millions "Twill do the same for you, 30ec., Tea or Tablets. Mahood's Drug Store. Monday, Miss Margaret Bates, who resided near Poucher's Mills, Tharlow township, was the vittim of no stroke of apoplexy, which proved fatal ln a few minntes. Decensed was in her sixty-ninth year Corsets ordered or ready-made; - we guarantee a perfect Gt. See al spe- cial dio-bip corsets, 2 3.4 cons South Cor POTATOES IN ANY QUANTITY { Wholesale or Retail. A very Boots, choice stock gftown in sandy 1 heavy at A GLOVER'S, pretty Bago t as was on man from the Burns elimbed ing, and showing his customary con fidence, while Palmer at pervousness. * Without anv prelim... ry sparring, Burns went afte; him, the first round had hardly begun fore the Englishman was knees. He took the count {| during the rest of t} busily engaged in covering This repeated in each other roumds, heing ho outclassed entered theCYing the smil he under tary Mattresses to fit, a snap to every buyer. James Reid's. 'Phone 147, ropes displaved and bee on ¢! twice, ane | e was or | TES DOLLARS FINE FOR PR ING THIS IS A FRAUD was seat drag himself to his knees, where he remained with his elbows on the floor until after the ten had beep tolled off. Jem Roche, who has been backed hy a syndicate headed by Richard Croker, the former Tammany Hell leader, Witch 1 fight Burns in Dublin, on St. Patrick's jTive 17 day, was a spectator at the ringside | est 1c last night. His only comment was: |Ward "Palmer fights Yike an old woman, while Burns is a master of the art. and, besides, was in splendid condi tion." American Shoe The Canadian and » "88 wil pairing Shop, 20 count of LADIES AND or 1 respec Candichite fo r I mmable t Fie conmgn Ll dorm g » nn peseitia We he a tri whith ta » AY.! T lead, fe to ' ers fol While prospecting the German nohle- ot man eame across veins of copper, which he staked off, and it Aran became J. Gree cn. the property of a holding concern, Mr, Barnes, an experienced mining . pro- moter, organized the Cottonwood Creek Copper company. 'The company We have' a large assortment of SE consisting of and 1 the elt, --S. A. AYKROYD THE FRONTENAC Frontenac Ward, | LOAN AND INVESTMENT SOCIETY ESTABLISHED, 1863. Blues, Blacks, AND Fancy Tweeds. Many these ohave Fur Bands, which we are offeringgat 25 Per Cent. Off. All Shapes. All Sizes. E.P.JENKINSCLOTH 14 PRINCES 8° was chartered under the laws state of New York with a capital £300,000, ' The count was made secre tary of the con¢ern and his name and P on all the prosfiéctus, The following was able to put stock on the mprket. Dari ith the greatest of which was "Colorado's Golden Glories," ogistic terms the rich opportunities for investors in mines. was paid to his own company. the count's literary efforts were printed in German, for the sirous that they should fall into fhe hands of readers in Germany, ld quite unopeng. Stock was sold on the New York corh and a dividend of five per cent. was of stock, termined to sail for Germany. His wile and child went 'with him. ile His old friends flocked to see hin and Pn a was the scene of many bril- ant of the of aph were displayed prominent- spring the company the winter the count was busy is fluent pen, writing pamphlets, which depicted in eul. Special attention All of company was de- guaranteed on a F115,000 issue |ant, in the spring the count de He stayed aiserhof in Berlin, but his remained with her relatives. the 'K gatherings. Count Frederich eali- where he was Tol his father, ded of weaks were "to see his relatives, The tiniest, corners of the he Jung treated, bronchial tubes are rea in the mose and throat is bathed the antiseptic balsam of Catarrhozone. Simply invaluable is Catarrhozone, because so sale, so effective, so sure Fh ga. STRRES monthe' treatment; | Dress Reform. NEW PINE AR URES FOR GATARRH COLD Dwellers in pine forests never have colds, never know eatarrh, Upon this faet is zone," and nostrils soothing antisepties The health 1a ozone" colds and catarrh--does it in 'a pleas the meaning of huilt "Catarrho- which forces into the lungs the healing balsams and of the pine forest, vapor of "Catarrh- cures the worst of coughs, simple way, are the evry celt in the uttermost The fight was for $2,500 a side and seventy-five per of the gate re ceipta, Burns; but there was very little bet- ting. There were no takers for bets offered by Palmer that he would stay six rounds, The London Mail says : could be seen, ment Burns inflicted would possibly make a baby ery. Palmer can elaim to have received . & record knockout Nobody saw it, nobody heard it. Burns is to be judged by this display he is the most humane boxer the world has produced." The. Express declares a more exhibition was naver seen and adds that Burns laughingly asked the Eng. hishman on one occasion, "Do vou re verse 7 Sporting Life says Palmer's display was uneriditable even for a novice, hat points out that Burns, who was again the acme of power and perfect master of ringeralt, carly delivered an effec: tive right, which badly shook the Englishman. Sporting Life thinks Burns could have put his opponent but in seconds, let alone minutes, but the champion recognized that people de serve something for their money. Burns himself says it was unworthy to be called a t and that Moir cent "As far ns pitiful The odds were six to four on! the amount of punish. (LADIES 4XD ¢ TLEMEN President--8ir Richard Cartwright I would respec i Money loaned om City and ' intl NCE te oe pertiesi Muidcipal and Fle " 3 . | sures, Mortgages pureh received and interest asilowed 8. C. MeGill, Managing Director. New England Chinese Restaurant 331 King Street. Opes from 10.3 to 8 mm, the best place to get as all round Lunch ia the city. Meals of all kinds on shortest jo, nou | notice. English 'and Chines dishes a aL Monthly spect aity. "Phone, 655 55 ie an Frank J. Hoag. Feb. 0 am, His : Fa] 'Wm, Murnay, "Auctioneer | 27 BROCK ST. New Carriages, Cutters, Harness + for sale. Sale of Horses every Saturday. ~ CHILDREN' S$ CLASSES | In Pencil and Charcoal Sketching The Compton Studio, 66 $arrie St, he, Per Lesson. R. C. CARIIER, Of N.Y. Art Sebool. Keeps out the Cold; Coits SRE "JUST IT." and Saves Much, Good Variety al' Por Bronkiost on wm cold morals ® hot slice of "Mild Owed Ham i Rirtcely er ha oie. BYERS, 0

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