Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 11 Feb 1908, p. 2

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THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 11, 1908. ---- Shilob's:~=:= [ITGN GIBLERS WEAEMOUSE OF WOUSTAYWATERNORKS NATERSVITORY FOR _PLTON THE MALLS OF QUEENS (Kinetic Enersy) "the harpet . cough Cgre _.:= Vs": | DEFEATED BY KINGSTON ANNUALMEETING HELD ON COMMITTEE DESIRES AMI- CANNING TOWN HOCKEY. PROF. MACNAUGHTON AN. » oney back t | Sa chia i La' Cures money back #1 | RINKS, IN TWO GAMES, | MONDAY AFTERNOON. | CABLE ARRANGEMENTS, |. ISTS ARE GOOD ONES. | NOUNCES HIS GOING. Kinetic is a good yok CURE quicker { ee . : ih fat bank account, a C 4 h than anything you | Both Games Were Characterized Reports Were Submitted Concern- | over Repairs to Wharf--Waste of | Defeated St. Gec:iges Juniors By He Was Waited Upon By Students ol A the edge of a hill, Ou S ever tried. Safe to By Some Fine _ Hlaying-- | ing the Work at the I Brig Water at Artillery Park Bar-| 5 to 2--The Game Was Strean- ~Rumor of His Successor-- a barrel of gunpowder, and take, ~nothing in Visitors Entertained By Local tion, and Directors Were Elect-| racks--Cheque Received ' For! ous--Picton Has the Rouadl Prof. McPhail Lectures to R. SCOTT'S EMULSION all and Colds to bur even Curlers. ee Shortage in Coal Supply. | Well in Hand. M. C. Cadets. ; contain kinetic-energy; baby. 34 years of One rink of Ut RY. tu "wee | The anpuat meeting of the board of Ths waterworks' committeg met last] Last evening's hockey match, be- Prof. M. B- Baker; M.A.. BSc.. has so the professor tells us. r tica, fers wee . y UICKLY SUCCEED ommend visitors in the city, vesi 7 nul {the House of Industry, was held in | ovening, with Aldermen Craig (chair-|tween the local St. Georges, winners pou, gppointed a ting profegsor of : ; Shiloh's Cure-- . : x , | the police court room at the city ball, |... ), Kent, Couper and Hanley in|of district No. I, and Picton, winpers! geology to succeed I'rof, R. W. Brock, Power is stored up in layed with the local curlers, in 25 c.. $1 51 F i 2 ' . h Monday aiter- | 40 . | i ie 2b . tie > 1 ok 25¢.; B0c., 3 3M | fternoon, amd evening, and on bgth [8t three o'clock, on, Mon a attendance { of district: No. 2, proved to be a very who has Leen appointed director of . : i A . occasions, the Yankees were defeated noon Mayor Hoss presided, pad it was decided that duting the ab- | exciting cantest' ol the stiennons Y8Y- {the geological survey at Uttawna He y | The afternoon score was 7-11 and the |OWers present were: Miss Machar, sence of Superintendent Hewitt, the jiety, Picton, having defeated Port will be assisted in the geological de 0 S e - - evening, 5-13, Mrs. Birch, Mrs. McDonald, Miss responsibility for the outside work | Hope, Belleville and Cobourg, were partment by E. LaRoy, a McGill gra F bruar Furniture The games were witnessed by a (DtF8DgeE, Mrs. Jordan, Rev. W, H {should rest upon Frederick Milo, as | looked upon as being more seasoned | duate of "95. y i let. loose in the € y large crowd of interested spectators, Sparling, Principal Gordon, J. B. acting superintendent, and that Col-!and capable of "going the route," and x This farce. the consumptive {and the old-timers of the roarin' game Walkem, Dean Farthing, Rev Cauon [lector W. A. Newlands, should take |\they certainly lived up to this impres-| gq op May, M.A. pedagogy, has re system of © and Carpet Sale. who were present in 'the evening, sta- | S1IT, W. 'B. Skinner, Nev. Dr la {charge of all the superintendent's cor- | sion. Within - forty-five seconds ofl vurned to the city after seting os subs gives him the strength to tod that the exhibition was one of the |gillivray, and Robert Meek, Te respondence. {play, 'the St. Georges scored the first! giiiyte on the Stratford Collegiate in take on new flesh. It is a best ewr given in this city doth | This your mths she diamtise hin ate In the coal supply of last vea®, the | goal. This looked fine from a loeal| jiiute staff since the opening of the powerful flesh- -producer. ¢ instisution, } 0 ay snden py py { i f y 5! 3 5 e Los inst ion : il , oe il superintendent had reported a short-| point of view, but alas! this was the ior term. All 0c. and $1.00. was opened with prayer, olle o0 | age" 'amdunting to about $93, The only point St. Georges were able to -- Druggists; The Utica curiers are-on- their way Dean Farthing. The minutes of the {committee received from the contrac- | score during - the half The work of | Appointments to the home from attending the honspiel held {18% annual meetir % were accepted as | ry James Swift &+Go., a letter Despard, the Pic ton point, was the university of SasNatchewan have Just in Montreal, where they were runners gh I ™ bitte crowed {stating - that the firm that had sup- | means of St. Georges' downfall. This| an announced. Of the clocted mem a * = nl . | he annua repo submitted showe 1 > > a . or 3 a \ at wor ; : up for the Gordon. international Fhat on January 31st 1007 there were i plied' them had discovered that a eur-| player is undoubtedly the best junior ihers = two are graduates of Quest's, trophy. Another rink of Utica curlers | i ; $ | load of coal had been charged fot | defence player ever scen on Kingston | Hon. T. H. McGuire, M.A, K.C., and | Fancy Lady Dressers, |intended playing in Kinston, vester- | thirty-eight inmates, and at the Pre" | that had not heen put aboard thelice. 1A. M. Fenwick, MA. . SILVER DEPOSIT Oak and Mahogany. L : - : {sent time, forty; admitted during the | "wp = fday, but was unable té do s avi i ' a Eg. | vessel at Uswego. Argo Ww ' : Picton braced up after ing the first! --- reduced to $47. 0 so, having | vear, forty-three; discharged, thirty- d at 262.64 eo I'he cargo was valu : pK « tuced £42. | missed train connectic a Ww pe | 2 Ort) 1) o 2. 5 whic fteen minutes on the defensive, and| : : akan). 'env Pde d ie $29 Hous : ater eight. There were three deaths during : . r wh ch amount af a. £ This | Editorially tne Journal avs, n re Teducsd | to | YORE : the year. While most of the inmates cheque in rebate, was given. The mat-| scored from a pretty side shot US | part "A neSspaper that will print . v fos : 4 8 : "8 | i a v od = lv » f » The visitors were well looked after, lhave been enjoying fairly good health [ter of completifig a settlement was | was followed shortly aiterwards bvif, (10 second time the details of reduced to {during their stay in the city Upon : | referred to the chairman another for Picton, and the first half he Th 1 should be 5 . mos 2, r I seirle. Seve- | 2 . X 4 estimony in the paw trial should be Over 30 styles "to | heir arrival, they were sutertained at I tS hem & in, he imole | H. W. Richardson; president of the |ended : Picton, 2; St. Georges, 1. | deprived of thé" privilege of using Our Is the applying of Pure choore from. fhe | minded, and one is totally blind. Ali | Kingston Skating Rink company, ap-| When play was resumed in the sec-} ug oa Coded from every decent Silver in lacy flower like de {eared before the commitiee with re-|ond half, both teams pressed hard 04h, 0 What can be said of the signs, to the surface oi ference to the curling rink water win, and there was consid rable trip | journalistic instinet that prostitutes specially Prepared feidestent | rate. For the past sixteen vears the | ping, ete., which 'was promptly penal-| jto low purposes the sacred functions Ria 3 and China. The nivel {rate had been $30" a year. Recently |ized by the referee Picton were the! of the press?" ties are all new consisting of the building has been enlarged, but|ofienders in most of these transgres-| - Vases, Violet Holders, Flow- Mr. Richardson pointed out that less [sions all evening Mier oe YI! Prof. H. 1. Wilson, of the classics er Baskets and Colognes. : : : i " y inatic . eton sdor: | . Ro {for duty at the institution, by the | "ater was being used Shen before. Speedy sembinstion a the Yop of lepartment of John Hopkins Univer Nothing is prettier as a city council. lh'regard to the dis- | o%ing to the improved™flooring, It ed two more gui, 5 & gy. | Hity, will deliver a popular lecture in gift and the prices are very W. Mcleod Prof. Gill (posal of the dead bodies of deceased | was decided by the committee to al-|St. Georges followers shy the physics building at the close of moderate Fred Allen A. Strachan inmates, it was stated that the act | low the old rate to stand, and make Georges, however, were pot peaten | the Alma Mater meeting on Saturday a. H._Mupsoy, Capt. W. Lesslie.| of the provincial legislature (1597) {no increase. " yet, and pressed the Picton goa Hef oning. Prof. Wilson is an M.A. gra Ski Te Ski : % Bs \ SUC ; r 2 MP. 1h cays that the remains of anyone who | Major Burstall, commanding t and again, until finally they succeeded | yo Tr (uaen's of the class of SK, COUCHES--A whole flat full of fine Evening Game {had been, before death, supported in | C-H.A., wrote the committee ut [in scoring their second, ald last wont | and, five years later his Alma Mater values, $35. 84 50 up to $43 each Utica . Kingston |©F by any public institution, shall be [ the large amount of money the 'artil-| of the contest. Picton came bac wil jconferred upon him the honorary de oy ~ . . rato ! ; ¢ { ; PARLOR SUITES regular $90, re- lpr. Gage T. M. Assedstine [immediately handed over to Mr. Reid, |lery parks' 'barracks is paying for [another goal and it was thu ted gree of LL.D Suess oy SUITES 1 $45 red Allen = E. Lvons unless such person,is within twenty- | Water, and asking what could be done [score stood when time was called: -- Jewellers, Opticians. FARLOR S 5S, regular 5 ro- T a "i dn ® : orges, @ AR Ro Rvlar . Ww. Melocd "n wv 8 paar four hours of death, claimed by rela- | towards a reduction. It seems that|Picton, 5; St. Georges, The * past fow years have witnessed 350 K ING ST 'ARLOR & " ), 're- Skip, 5. Skip, 13. [tives or bona fide friends. The jnsti- | the closets installed in the renovated| Referee Sutherland had a hard games | he oroanization of many new clubs PARLOR SUITES, regular $60, re Pv. kip 1 wed to $51 tution could not ignore that law, as [barracks allow the water to run con: |to handle, and kesp clean, but his. d societies at Queen's, and the lat * PARLOR SUITES, regular $45, re | Long Distance Ice Yacht Races.|it bad been so decided, several times. | tinually, and the meter, of course, re-| work was of the very best, and hon proposal is the formation of alll Issuers of Marriage tuced to $39. Thomas Fleming Day, editor of The |The stay of inmates, collectively, was [gisters a vast.amount of water. The | oughly 'impartial. Picton caus.d alupiversity snowshoe club. The fact Licenses. 85 different Suites to choose from, Rudder, the leading yachting maga- {13,120 days, or an average of 160 | remedy ies with the militia depart- great deal of discontent by their style [hat the wintér constitutes the great i t AR I rH Ends qr Axminatirs, regu: Zine of Aner has: ofiered a cup for days each, the cost of maintenance be- | ment, which will have to make some | of play and their penaltis, while of | op part of the college session and that ng Hybrid when' 19 30 a0 a long distance race on Lake Ontario | ing figured at 73c. per day. This re- |changes in its system. Major Burstall sion duration, were wel deserved in| many of the students are ford of this ¢ Odd Rugs, at Half Price. under similar conditions to the races {fers to the food, and not to all of {was so informed. very case. St. Leolges were also pens lendid Canadian sport would seem owbination Mattress "and Sprivg, [Beld off the Atlantic coast. All clubs | |them, as the garden Produlesis not | Principal Rielly, of St.» Mary's sen- alized frequently for minor offence to warrant such a step 4 It. Ginch Bed, regular $12. Our have been invited to take part. The | taken into account. There is the cost [arate school, wrote asking for wat-| For Picton the work of Croft in| --- Npecial, only 85. This Was made to race will probably be handled by the {of maintaining the house, salaries, | erworks connection for the school | goal was of the piltedie variety, but The Glasgow Herald publishes an ex rider und left on our hands. . Roval Canadian. Yacht Club, Toron- {light, heat, equipment, and other ex- |rink. I'he matter was referred to Ald. | the star of the game was Despard, [collent review of Prof. Watson's latest ' {penses. All around, the cost per in- | Hanley for report as to what was the Picton point. It was his work (Look, "The Philosophical Basis of Re You: to, in conjunction with one of the i " N | , . , Ih " , clubs from this end of the lake. King. | Mate is about $1.50 per 'week, ex- |des'red.:1t- was suggested that the |alons that proved ft. Georges' Wat ligiou. Ts F. Harrison Co., ston yachtsmen are to. meet very soon [slusive YX clothing. There has been a" f se hag! hay a standoipe connection, | erloo, On the forward line, Captain - ; to make arrangements for entering | grad ual improvement in the dietary, | #n arrangement - similar "to that of | Welsh was the best of the Picton I'he athletic committee will wake a PHONE 90. their boats. Unusual interest always jon it is satisfactory to have Dr. | Zion and Royal rinks team, but he marred his work by his | determined effort to wipe out all a {| Smith, the inspector of charities, in | The question of the waterworks' | incessant talk and protesting. {rears from the gymnasium subserip { his report to the government, declare {wharf repeirs was up for discussion. For St. Georges, Twigg, in goal, ition list At present these arvears {that "the food 1s nutritious and | This wharl is leased bv the Dopnelly played a stellar game, and saved his [total £1.725. Sporting Notes. Wholesome. Recent improvements at Wrecking company, v ese lease pro- | team many goals. Gaskin at point, -- | the Institution . were referred to with | vides that it shall keep the wherf in{was one of St. Georges' best his | Dr. W. Lougher, '06; is shakin with Lachie' for a game on Thureda [the sugge stion from the directors, | repair. The wharf is in bad condition | dashes up the ice were Lrilliant. Stew: [hands with many old friends in - the in Montreal, Hart the men 3 side of the house and | and requires immediate attention. |art at cover, played. a hard useful feity. President Hedges, "of the St. Louis the main ; pull ing. be renovated. It | City Solicitor McIntyre holds the game. On the forward line, Anglin, | For those who are in need was suggested also, that the sum of Donnelly Wrecking companyi- respon- Torrance; Roberteon and "Macdonnell;| Prof. McPhail ix « deliveging n gevics | Grade Fuse. We are making American «league baseball team, an ' "1 R100 be devote ' y : : " ; t : nounces that he has purchased Rube 00 be devoted towards the furnish- sible J. L. Whiting, K.C., solicitor | all played star games. They were alof Saturday lectures the kh. WM. « Jia on our tearing La ry tn Waddell, the Philadelphia pitcher, is alice, aid that ar better Hor the company, declares that the little weak in shooting goals, but [cadets on subjects pertaining to Dra whit Wg are , ofle g 0 considered The | city is the r sponsible partv. Howev-| they were closely checked and many | tical science. The testing plant in the [ Coats various. contracts for supplies during | 1 \ Ladies' Persiar ' er, the Donnelly ¥ , rs re y this ac [basement of the engineerme building Hes Hig 14 the year, were reported to be ver t vy company offers to re-| good shots were spoiled on e- | he o i o Totes Persian J team will be the ones to play off the pair the inner portion. of .the wharf count. is used for experimentation purpose Ladies' Astrachan O.H.A. premiership with Collingwood, satisfac tory. | winners of their district, on Wednes- It was decided to invite the. com- > n 2a Je is. a strong [an these occasions, Rufls, Stole and Mulls ' The m Picton team, ag a whole 1s. a report was _ received, and the A Tou co : - : : { = Shrubl is still "'knocking" Longboat. board of directors. {and adivst the matte amicably rath- deserved. © Its players shoud prove rrangepiont have Jean. mace, RB F In an interview in London Shrubb says | A ' . er than have litigation 4 Pe he championship | whereby Queen's science students, who xclusive Furriar A most satisfactory report was sul strong factors in the championship|™' j 76, 78 and B80 Brock St Phone, 700, that Longboat is not in the same | mitted hy the tre A uh-4 i race. They should, however, endeavor |8#re me mbers of the. Canadian Ming ¥ a ; street with Deerfoot. Longboat is g nate € easurer, J. Cro- i to improve on their, style of play By { Institute, are supplied with the Cana i i " & or . S10 | > {dig Mining Journal, at abo one Our Wire Mat por oy gn ilk ee ee. Phan On motion of Canon Starr, na! . devoting their time h | Playing : ean third of tn r 0 yg al : I i hitor BEST! 3 oe Stop 1 I gS : d 3 A O carty . ! , ckov, - the on ess lia Lo regi ar rate. oly aio tation from. Germany Bl |is feet. He is improperly trained, | CArtY vote of thanks was tendered {er hockey, - they would be ; ain] usiuess manager of The Caadidn » 4 Shrubt k : n gp ra uy d *Hthe directors and the secretary Ro at? [to adorn the penalty bench. One hoc Mining Journal claim Queen's as their CURES ALL COUGHS . y savs § . re oi b » - i 1 . . . g Jo a & ue 4 as thei has ar rived. The Mats Ey ii who returns to anada bert Meek, for their SET ices during f /, | kev plaver on the we 8 " hy ten Ainiz ater . ¥ A \ : To oa 5 > the year. Canon Starr said that , | sitting on the side lince he Jotlow: Sei LW \ br pepatch says | ot. ame. \ a --- AYS are suitable for inside & |. a nklvn or ates ayes 3a : could not help but be impressed with | L IW ing was the line up 5 : A fou dean : delogat MN I5¢ : " ! Syl 2 rece: 'y mate nthe ' » < S ete Gon Croft; point, sperd ge Ars AZo a delegllion repr or outside of your porch the Harvard Stadium between the a iy of any which had been | ar ; , Picton i h ol, a ih : a" Reid: Pe wn. | senting the theological stm y AND COSTS BUT f y 8 N , d ; cover it, Jewell over, R | 1 t a Harvard University and Metill Univer. ny and be paid a warm tri | 4 hd Over poi ; ° di 3 ht Queen's, waited uponfi'rof. John Mae and canno rust in any : fity Rockey teatinrit denot likely that buté to the work. of the secretary He! K | tre, Welsh: oft wing urns h TH . Fo referred to the institution lea) | wing, Hicks & McG: a je » Me - as an idea i eg, a . weather. Kl | any Mc Hl athleti team will ever one, and said that this was lareels St Georges--Goal, Twigg point, 8 | again be given a date in a Harvard due to the deep interest taken in the Gaskin: _cover-point. Stewart ; rover he & x ; . schedule. The feeling that now exists " . hs 4 ' entre, Robertson, left wing, We Have All Sizes among hockey authorities and stu- work by the directors and secretary Torrance: centre, Rob j 3 . i Xe On motion of Mr. Walkem. a vote of Anglin: right wing, Macdonnell dents alike 'at Harvard against 3 ) it] G tender sforee--. \ Sutherland Goal fr {| Gill is caused hy the recent discovery thats wos ndered . Miss Machar. | Reforee--.J ames utherl om . that McGill did not send her senior presented a retrospect of the past | | | i . SPRING GOODS at bargain prices ) ¥-Pay you to buy mow, even il you bad ]teams did fine work, and some plays to borrow the woney, Tol special interest were made Frontenac Club, and at the curl- ing rink, in the afternoon they were | i the » r forty Years of ag served with. refreshments. The visi- te Be re v Tg of es Joes Wore uli tenflered a supper at {six over eighty, and two over ninety, She ri . at the close of Hie match in | rhe medical supervision was reported y ning. ¢ scores follow : to be very good, tribute being paid to the good work of Dr. Beli, assignéd Afternoon Game. Utica Kingston Dr. Gage TN. A sselsting attends these races as all boats have an equal chance of winning. The Kingston lady curlers are drawn Hamilton Tigers intermediate hockey naughton with a view to impressing lupon him their ardent desire that he {should remain at Ques he ' pacity of professor of dogma Ho ever, they were assured by Peo. Ma nnughton that he had finally decided {to go to MeGill University, where hy had been offered the profs orship of Me. [fireek, a position which he orcupied oe A time-keopers--T, Mc Carmen. Penalty time-keopo for a time: several years ago. H ok. Timekeepers--Mae. Trimble; B CCABIO s i tee. TT Harvard men, but, instead, a hurried. |" on of its diamond. jubilee. The | ly gotten together team of substitutes retrospect wil be printed, in the min- Cammon and Dobson, discontinuation of duties will probabl | i | {ue Jges-- Mr, Chestnut and Eidward His- hockey tear to Cambridge to plity the history. of the inst tution; on this, the | | utes, ' er Boulter she ( emembier and volunteers, who had. never played Manager Boulter hould _ remember |p, pleco atthe end of the present The following directors were electoil {that it ix the style in Kingston 0 |term; and. if any "credence hy were actually students, vard and McGill met on the ice in Th . ; | ! 2 | Thursday Thiz will be the return {autumn in the hair of chdvFeh Carpet Warehouse, the Stadium a year ago, and at tha at . vontracts for supplies were | { game, voals on. the round to deter- [tory and the history of dogma time Mclot won easily. When Har-| awarded as follows, at a meeting of | I mine the winner. It looks as though | - . {the directors: Meat, W. H. Reid | Picton ' will "deliver the goods." The science . court will vard succeeded in turning the tables il i | " 3 on what was supposed to be the Me j mend, 3 J Lackey: nik, €. McCon- | FFS | Picton are an ageressive bunch. and morrow evening Gill "Varsity seven this year there | ™ groceries, John Gilbert; coal and | {not above taking advantage of the -------------- was much rejoicing and an appropriate | "304: 9 digg 1 i ol I - | referve's back™ being turned. A little] . 4 celebration followed the game. Then, | Ol 08s was elected chairman o : | cleaner work will make them a crack- dettler's Low Rates West. supply of White a few days ago, came the discovery | the board. Secretary Meek declined of- Our Surprise Sale produces The Chicago & Northwestern rail wWeid We are that Harvard men had been fooled 'in | ol Jor Juice ) gi) and The oh Bas marvels in value every day, Can Boulter's "Canning town team" | way will sell one way second clas special display . Am : electec oh 1s place 0 election | . ov {oe ve . BK Georges i ¢ return | settlers tLickéts daily fro Maret 1st r the team they had played. | of a: tremsurer was alive undesided nt and not the least enticing are an' the St Ores in th x wn ip : dal from : dus h designs Big -------- lw 2 C as | . { game on Thursday .-We are afraid they | to April 30th next to paints in Cali styles to choos JF. Crothers, the. present treasurer, | such little fur coniforts. as | can; fornia, Oregou,. Wastington and othe] prices ranging irom Stop. that ticking cough! Dr. | was absent |] Muffs. To-day we mention || " western states, also to Victoria, 'Van $4.95. We note a dy Souih Luce will surely Stop | NALLT {1 Mink Mall LaGrippe Mastered. couver, Nelson, Rossland, ete. Tourist many dainty garments it, and with peMect safety. It is so | SIGNALLING ( CLASS. m utis. : st #leoping cars daily froin Chica t j i thoroughly harmless that Dr Shoop | | A Mi k M ff . § La Grippe can and should be ur Ei: cial Pacific ) ) our showing. i : mn utl 1s one o SOGH. it starts. The remedy to Principal Pacific Coast points tells mothers to use nothing else even | Special Tourse Opened at the be fur. Joshi be he a oti Coie Tablets (laxa. | Particulars as to rates, routes White Lawn Waists. open with very young babies. 'Ihe whole- Armouries on Monday. the tur ony that mever jr) It provides just the aid rejuir- | folders write B. H. Bennett: gen front, with Insertion and some green leaves and tender stems of | A special course in signalling was | ws old=and it never will i hae Em - agent, 2 East Ring street, Toronto. Tucks, Collar and Sleeve lun, heal t shrut ! ! as ed to prevent the disease tting hold ¥ } : ne Jes. ng moun Vainohe & hv opened at the Armouries, on Monday: while Jack Frost continues { of vou Just vs effective for curing finished with Tucks and urnis ® cirative properties to | under the charge oi Capt, Mundell, | ! sud § Lave, sizes 32 to 44. Srecial 3 . : . ' . . * o « or coring headache and » 81 ~ Srecial Shoop's Cough Cure. It calms the with Sergt.-Major McGowan as ia | o nip--be it ever so little. olds ane 4 n BHNE 2 a Sold The Pain Must vo. at 89c, | { iti { \ ya tio boxes 25 cents : Did you ever think how much [CURR and heals the sensitive bron- | tructor. The cl be , Fade ug Store The worst aches and pains quickly there is in'a point of NS wach chial' membranes. No opium, no five, and adden ui Jet Tae my or. 284) Mink Muff. empire J #t Wade's Drug Store Money | | 4 White Lawn Waists much there is in seeing a thing | CMoroform, nothing harsh used to in-| R @ HA, 18th Regiment, 47th Regi- shape, 4 stripes. regular | i = together, and ru them o / B . C | atenight Medill i The| Miss _ Machar, Mrs Birch, Miss | | g ) N ¥ | "keep cool" while attending hockey | given veral ramors wi p au only mitigating feature is that they grange, Miss Holt, Mrs. Jordan, W i : SE SV _§ | contests 3 ircalation, it is possib wt ; MeGill ft |B. Sine. W. J. Crothers, -Robert Bh | St. Georges play in Tieton on (J. L. Morrison ma$ sucesed him { | ing good team il not satisiactc : . ; broidery 1 back I ment has! been applied ¢ quickly allover Embroi ery 6 Collar and Cuffs Tucked, penetrates, sooths the inflamcd ports i Sleeve, Tucked Back, sizes, disappear alur Smith 8 Ln from the other man's standpoint? | JUF° OF suppress. Demand Dr. Shoop's. met, Highland Cadets, 5th Field Bat. price, $30. Surprise Sale Many Do Not Conform. i draws away the sorefiess. amd gives , : 32 to 42. A bareain, for Take no other. All dealers. 5 th. Hussars, snd A Medical Price - = «-<...---821.85 The architect who drew the plan Beef, Iron and Wine, "Our Own" C a. The day lasses -y em 1 § inp Lief jot ; "a . t } y itd shill elicf as if Ly "magic. Get it today, _ of the single brick residence as |make. Pint bottles, 50c., at Wade's i . nd the lho ay a1) Mink Mut, Dire ive om Engines Bee heh ig work] | er have jt ha te but Pn $1.39. séen at this office, had vour point | Drug Store. which are for the local corps Spe, Stripes, = ding t i h to have it| only, at Wade's Drug Stor E t4 te Waist sarily 3 . , price, $40, for - - - -8$20.75. | building exits, and hopes to have it] ' v xtra Pretty White Waists of view in mind. He got himself _At an early hour on Sunda Mrs. | mest three nights a week, Monday, % | pearly complete for the city council, -------- made of fine guality tiite way rotund to your side of the | Susan L Burns, - wife of John T.|Wednesday and Friday. The class has (M. 651) Mink Muff, empire next' Monday 'evening. There cre qui te} Death Of A- Child Sine Swiss Eun te yeestion an oy the sort - of | Burns, > busidle, Sngtructo of priut- | created much onthusiasm. and a great shape, No. 1 quality, 1a number of buildings which have | The deatii Gionrrid' st eight uo cdock trimmed with Babv Irish Louse you wan not the kind |ing a e a Thumb, nstitution, | deal of interest is being taken. showing 6 stripes, regular | made no attempt to conform to the | Tuesday morning, of the onl hock Insertion. sizes. 32-40 A he wanted. on apa. Pecea bad been ill price, $45, for - © - -$36.50. | hy-law. Some buildings cinnot te al [ter of Mr. and Mire Annesley Bry snap, at 82.50 It is made with a view to. ---- A Masher Knocked Out. { (M. 657) Mink Muff, empire tered. There is going to be trouble | [00 Pine street, a aged six years or . economy in build as well a Last evening, about 9.30 o'clock. al : 214 Hor some »wople. eight months. The child was taken Extra Swell Pattern y ing s shape, No. 1 quality, 5 }/| ) I i 34d i ' w nad f very So compact as to get the A Toflct Luxury | Young ak aegsted » a lady, weighing tipsy. = and claws oz }i ----~ . ir with scarlet fever. four weeks azo Vai, made of ver v fin £ 4 Mira Skin-S6dp & a delight s, on Colborne street. His tail : "Three Swallows. | The funeral will take place on Wednes . naned ith Fillett benefit of heat ft ih 'ori 39 Ju were rejected, but the mash- bottom, regular price. 350. } Sir John P & Sons, day morning at tem o'c k. Exubroidery and small Tucks, Won't you tirop in and let us tell i away er followed the lady and repeated his fOF =ee-reu-- "Three 3 Powe Irish Whiskey, Collar and Sleoves trisimiod w what-we will undertake to | cares declarations of admiration. Suddenly, (M. 385) Mink Muff, extra Famous for over a cemtury, . A 8] two quart hot water bottle for wit ace an nsertibn, wild a house like this for. making the lady wheeled around _and struck lirge pillow shape, 8 §i0f highest standard of purity, We., at Wade's Dray Store, pizes, 34-40. A really swell any ch you may desire. perfomed the. man a terrific blow in the face, stripes tri ed with 10 | Distillers to His Majesty the King. | Stanley C. Chown has been se-clect. § garment for a moderate knocking him down aud dazing him : gular price, $85. J} od chairman of the Renfrew Doard of | price, Only $2.75, Remember the earlier we can let for The Tegu ar 261.7 { Charle deville. di | Education, : & moment. m she ran down the 3a iis "ssseaa an=-+-868LT5. J! Charles J. Cook, Belleville, died ou | ihe tontract, the cheaper it can be |. Re ve street until she met a gentleman ac y Sunday. Deceased had been ailior foe § 2 ; quaintance, who escorted her home. {some time, but bis death was by , ; Ouly One "BROMO QUININE, : The Young man The. Taceived ber fist imeans antic ipated. Mr. Cook wat Bromo ph, not likely 10 bot women sgain [tents nine Vea 4 age. for a while. i | Specie! bargaifia fin woollen soods. Cures a Cold fn One Dey, rn : i Ree umderwesr dnd stockings of chil 4 Aykroyd is the name for Fi : ha " : dren, ail sizes. New York Driss Re

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