Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 11 Feb 1908, p. 1

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rp ra British Whi " TIER ONTARIO, T UESDAY, FEB i Sl HA SAA 2 PYM I MTIRN E A. ? 7 r 11, '1908. IRUARY 9 LAST EDITION YEAR 75--KO. 35. - Cannot Be Smoked by Juveniles. ft TO JUNIORS, Special Places Arranged _or the Detention of Children Instead of Sending Them to Prison-- No Legislation Can Make Late Risers Do Better, London, Feb, 11.~In the House Commons, yesterday afternoon, an im portant act was read a first time, It prohibits smoking under the age sixteen, provides penalties for anyone less than sixteen years old caught smoking in the streets of other public places, and makes the sale of cigar ettes to any person, under the age of sixteen, a punishable offence. Among other interesting festures the bill tablishes juvenile courts throughout the country avd calls for special places of detention for children in stoad of sending them to the ordinary prisons. It proposes, that the imprisonment of children entirely abolished, Sir William Mahoney, the astrono mer royal, denounces as futile the daylight sping bill, prepared by Wil liam Pierce, the details of which were cabled on' Saturday. -He savs it is hard to imagine what difficulties it would not raise. It would bring into Ordinary afiairs the inconvenience ol timo changing as is done aboard ship, It is simply legislation for late risers and does not take into account the mass of workers who already begin work at six o'clock in the morning No act of parliament will ever make people leave their beds earlier, William declares, S------ FROZE AT WIFE'S DOOR. Tried to of bx Walk Nine Cold. Berlin, Ont., Feb. 11.---Frozen to death within 400 yards of his wile home, Joseph Lehmann, of Preston, was found, Sunday marning, in a field four miles northeast of New Germany. He went to Guelph from Preston, in- tending to travel hy the Guelph-Gode rich line to join his wife, who ix tend- ing his sick mother. "This line was blocked with snow, and with the--mer cury at twenty below zero - he started to walk the nine miles, car ving a heavy grip. He wore a light over coat, felt hat, kid gloves ond no overshoes. He was within 150 yards of a farmhouse when he dropped. . A p-------------- Two indictments for grand larceny were returned against C. W, Morse by a grand jury at New York. : Miles in DAILY MEMORANDA. Board of Trade, 8 pm Ziow, good ice to-night, Moving Pictures, 8.15 pm St. George's Parochial evering City Property Wednesday. Wonderland 'Theatre--Aflternoon evening ; good vaudeville. K. & I. Railway Company 11 wom. Wednesda v. Eng tamed Supper. St. Thursday, Feb. 18th, 6 pa. Exhivition of Paintings, at Kirkpat rick's. Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday Bijon Flare-Up 10¢ Grand Opera House, Reception, 1 Committee, pon amd annual Atidrew"s Theatrs ¢ English Pictures ¢ on Guy Fawkes' Day "De Notion of ma Game-Keoper's Dog' John Robert avis Sings, "Down Igy The Old Cherry Orchard.' At The Princoss~One _Jali-Mike Trand New Film. Subject . Wanted," * Mystified Coachman, 1 Duwinh avd Mind," "What Next ( Hammond Sings Another New Song iit Big 45 minutes Show. WHIG TELEFHONES, 243--Rusiness Office. 220---Kditorial Rooms. 202--Jobbing Department. Legal 'Forms, 611 kinds, at Whig. The Daily Whig is always gn sale at Gibson's Drag Store, Market Sguare-- Open till late vach evening. MODERN Apt decidedly uptodate, Nothing yet ved can equal the 3 DINNER SET Look We are ullering at presént. at the priee. $12, Fioest quality edly ~ ROBERTSON BROS. Magnifoant Propertios RINGWOOD, 12 acres wood dens, : beautifully «od, wll water front, Ga , Walks, ete. Modern Residence, Conservatory, Coach- Stables, Wash-bouse, Tool-house, Finest site in handsome spacious subur- ail | improvements, out- BSE TS REAL ABIL I ENGLAD CIGARETTES CANNOT BE SOLD | of | : {band could get furthermoty, | this | wi felled the plaintive prayer, * For Sale JOKE CAUSED DISLOCATION. AN ABLE MAN, Threw Her Jaw Out of | He . KINGSTON, Joint. =e SAVED BY DOG No. 32 First street, Prook- | Woman New (son, of The Animal Roused Farmer, to Attention. each ness dor son had run out MAN SAVED FROM FREEZING. lyn, a young bridegroom, generally has a new joke to tell his bride at the diiner table evening, and she { anxiously awaits his retorn from busi- { "that nightly laugh, Lamber. | | t of jokes last night but his wile, ¥, a pretty brunette, : of twenty-six, gave him his cue, un-| { constiously, when she suggested chop- | | ping a little wood for the next morn- | ! ing ® range-fire, As he started dowp | : t - the ceilar stairs he sang out : . ! "Mary, dear, how much wood would | AND A YOUNG woodchuek chuck if a woodchuek chuck wood'? He would | much a woodchuck a woodehuck could chuck | An would } chuck as wood as could if wood, : Mary fell of laughter wartome had not Episode on. Saturday Night] Last, Near St. Thomas--The | Boy May lose His Hands| and Feet As Result of His | Outing, St. Thomas, Ont. Fi be- |W, Mattis, an eightee from freezii a night, by a farmer's dog. Young Mattis is employed in a MEDICAL DIRECTOR JOHN © WISE {livery stable and undertook to drive g Medical Dire Nise js Of Mr. Lamberson did not { traveller about eight miles i radical ) : a gy JH | know what had happened to her and {eountry, He was poorly clad for such | Medical has recently {ran madly into the street and hurried 1 cold drive as it was between fifteen | i Tin ib {ly summoned an ambulance from {and twenty degrees below zero. On | Seney hospital. Surgeon Harden, when This return trip his hands became 50 | told of the joke that had brought | uml, he lost control of the horse an {about the didocation, immediately s€t {fell odt of the cutter He {to work, remarking Vv la lane toward a light in a farm house "Well, fit was no more laughable | fy collapsed and fell the than that, I guess we ean fix her for How long he lay there a better joke quickly," and he {but he would undoubtedly have fi Ito death, had not the barking [bad the jaw back in place. | {farmer's dog attracted attention. To Kill Wild Horses animal the farmer right t Reno, Nev,, Fob. 11.--Orders | spot. 'The hoy may se heen received here from the land feet, t | department instructing the: rangers on | {the Toelyabe, the Toquima and the | Kouitor reserves in Lander county, to {kill all wild horses found on the gov- {ernment domain, There are about 15, W wild horses on the reserves. They are doing much damage to vegetation and attracting domestic animals to | their herds. back which in a chair in a fit she might have | her husband asked er to repent what he had said. The | thought of such a thing seemed so | {funny to Mary that her hilarity jeame alarming, and before her hus- | wag saved § her out of the hys | Qaturdav {terical laughing fit she bad dislocated {her jaw. i i collie tor John C, the United id course into i - OO t at e by rea in | tained considerable prominen of the it stitulion at trained the medical of United States office are at sudldenly fact {ioen son that 13 at this i e i i | that there are up {| beers of the Annapolis tention t ts | tarted th } th navy just educated mn snow, 4 { | ; he gr amount of t 3. nol Kho hat been be soon medical rps ar 1s due, of course | ' of hospital ship Jed » the relief in the hands | | tend | should f mand of a i who has ge of "vy dd pos ship commander men an the medical corps tive of Virgin in 1870, of the most pros line in the old 1 ish-American by v, the emphatic + off | | | pr | have le his tests of all the li cers, who con forestry that no pers line officer the Save with I ------ ARM GROUND TO PULP. be entrusted com the ihly training of our for service a { Awful Accident to Peter Windover, Marlbank. Marlbank, Feb, 10.-- Peter Windover Iwho resides here and is employed © as | belt: repairer in ihe cement works, had {his left arm taken off just helow the Monday, while taking a {piece of coal from the brush on the Weer | big coal belt. With his arm ground to i {pieces and pinned fast he had to wait the | ntil some of the mill hands came to Ho | his rescue, He was at once hurried to - | Marlbank on the motor, where Dr. | t These conditions |p Loo of Marlbank nd Dr. He | prevail throughout the prairie pro- | fan wo hs ui : WE vinces and north as far as Dawson. jon of Janwarth, performed the op- | eration, amputating the arm above {the elbow Bernard Hinch, of Stoco, { visited his sister, Mrs. A. Smith, lest Bunday. Lesslie Deline, foreman for the PROSPEROUS BEGGARS : OPEN BANK ACCOUNT. Canadian P, C. Co., visited { Deat-Mute Swindlers at Enterprise, last Sunday. Thomas | Cowdy visited his home at Entirprise | Captured By Error, | last Sunday. Mrs. Martin Kehoe, of | Berlin, Feb. 11.---A gang | Marlbank, was visiting friends at | ewburygh Saturday. The Chosen | Friends an oyster supper might. Turkish, Greek and Russian profession al beggars, who have been "working"' | Berlin ber, after a series of successful opera {tions in other continental capitale, was {captured by the police to-day. Their {profits had amassed such a rate | that- they were compelled to open a | the serious injury of two otheg [hank aceount for the storage of their j fons. Mrs Clifford wi {ill-gotten gains | her friends the Their scheme was to send out { stove exploded, throwing oil of the youngest members of the gang, Mrs. Clifford, the : after and He ig a na 1 entered the consivel navy SET ying Von many ninent sh During he 1s of the the Spi | n elbow, on wished urgeon disting rvice as fleet Jaltimore, Mild Winter In West Ottawa, Feb. 1l.--Reports to {department of phe Royal North | mounted police go to that present winter is the mildest that the | Canadian west has experienced {number of vears. himself the his & on Sa BG. HUNT ORGANIZED show STARVING WOLVES. One Attacks Man 'on High Road and Another a Girl Near Home, Feb. 11 lucted his home wolf hint is ok the itihited lands } Paris, bast being | cople gave last HHitthe jor i argu the outskirts of the iT Berlin Own in Their cry night abi turn out lanterns Stove Exploded H.~Fhe explo in the he family yesterday, tion of th Lhe clever of Philadelphia, Feb, sion of an oil Walter Clifford } union being | the northeastern resulted in the death of Mrs { Thomas and Mrs. Minnie ( lifford, | | | | { w hs re held, since the beginning of Decem A : } was Was the vl by He the heav e took to ' t, but at and at od him per brim off vo} entertaining the 5 at piano when : ove 1 nearly s abtacked hy a vards o he and shortly Ihomas : A being unured the Walt fully dying mitted to thed- early this Ernest Clifford about the faee four | Mrs Yon who made a house-to-house canvas | former 1 : fof various oeighborhoods in fat I r the guise a hospital, : of deal and damb persosis. A printed appeal which the "mutes" presented Hold --a harrowing tale of how, during {the last 'Turkish-Bulgaviah hostilities, | {their parental homes had ml laged, and the tongues of all, the chil. | |dren of the hduschol! cut out bloodthirsty soldiers. Subsequent at- tacks of typhoid had then robbed [then of their hearing. "Help we, merciful Christian d, full in the face 3 } wireh- bolted: HIOTrRing, i pai and army are in a hospital, r ary burned ew They were mek T : { wathoritie have sent 00, I the villages warning been 1 at by! To Have A New Thermometer. | Ottawa, Ont., Feb.' 11. --Owir the differences to the | temperature i given -out-at Toronto awl at the Stupart, « ' s of 68.000 § shown lich own alicia] . th from | those recorded tlarm, R. F¥ pmoteorological service, is se g » | thermometer to the official govern The latter con experimental and God will recompense vou thousand times," "The "beggars" often home at might with pockets clinking . with gold and silver. The swindle |tleman has been taking the tempera | came to light last "week in conse { tures in his back vard, and yme | [quence of a piece of bad mEnagement [eight or more degrees difference h at the headquarters of the gang, |alwa¥s been shown in the temperatice which "resulted in oie of the beguars | takin at (he experimental farm and | | fail {applying by mistake at a house whiey [in the official figures. } 06 1 | i a CALI {recorder in the city, shot he vesterday rseli dan She as : 2 wine of go" that six oe she foun ise and asking to be buried as a | pauper, as she did not wish to reveal { her identity ja colleague had suecessiully "worked" She recently {a couple of days before. \ { Odessa, been and let but ved from of Parson Orders Hats Of. arri Pana, HI§ Feb. 11.-- "Women will | and made no secret BADLY CUT UP. please remove their hats," was the «i { imprisoned for & politi -------- mand made by the Rev. N. R. Kirk- | hor Although And the General May Not Get land, of Fulton, KRy., who opened - o she never Better {series of revivals at the Baptist chureh month received » | He gives as his reason that he cannot I--A sensation has the faces in his audience for tow. Leen caused "among military officers ering plumes, nodding Hower gardens Manslaughter Charged and members of society by learning | tall feathers, and says he cannot! Portignd. Mo. Feb. M.--Jeremiah ¥. that a fierce duel was fought, near get the results, Ho says hoods "and | McCarthy. formerly a prosperous Reggio i Calabria, by the well-know f Hascinators are permissibile, but hats | tractor in toxbury, Mass. wis arrest- General pial and Baron Vie ire barred. The majority of the wo- ied, yesterday, on the charge of map cenzo Negri. Gen. Bompiani. was . 3 ) : . {men do not take exception to the mew slaughter. gravely wounded and phere \. doulit { yj, r Prthur Norton. Both men were hat he - tones Boron eas td Iployed at the large fhm of Gob. W. N wero swords and the condition were| Died After Being Burned. {Castner a ember Yery severe. Hamilton, Ont., Feb. 11. --Mry, Jag-|Governdr Cobb, the ; gard, badly burned, last night, when botel hére. The her home on the mountain was | aving offense she wrote dd replies, money. esca ters, re i 5 «| every Rome, Feb. con em- * phigpwiotor of John T. Wilson Murdered. St. Louis, Feb. 11.--John T. Wilson, président and founder of the Interna- tional Brotheéthood of Maintenance of Way Employees, died, on Saturday, of a gunshot wound inflicted on Wed. nesday night. by his brother-in-law, Francis Engelmen, of Kansas City, during a domestic quarrel. Mrs. Wil- son aml son, Frames Wagner, a fiiteen years, ave under arrest on W tal during the night, having wever re-|8 blow of his fist, fracturing his skull, consciousness after being taken out of the burning house. The man, seventy-five years, was an vetefate smoker. It is thought may have fallen asleep while sme on the bed and that the bed cloth. | ing became ignited by coals from he pipe, An inquest will be held. % LC ---------- commissioner by the son's ante-mortem' statement that His Wife Talked Much. arnment 16 aes they were ino conspirney to kill him. | Walkerville, Ont., Feb. 1] --Convict. between the federal : ---------- fed of wife heating. on the evidence of | the provigees, ity ihis own children. a boy of ten years | jurisdiction can Iw scoured He will w. Bile and a-girl of eleven, who told the negotiate with all the proviiees. but been t f wo [way to the hospital. in- years old. she | king | Job For Mr. Bastedo. i Ottawa, © Feb. 11.-8. .T. Bastedo. F Hormerly commissioner of fsbieries at | Toronto, has been dominion gov- 2 modes Vivendi government nye story of a brutul assault in the mos! Mattee-oFinet ay. ishoe Lennon | was sen to a your in Cen | = ing for Victoria next wesk, ig -------- : *Canie, contitey -- [ATEST NEWS | | | | | Matters That Interest Everybody which Naval are a : the Washington) | by, the f p. Medical Director Wise | and two hotels is one of the ablsst | Toronto, but VILLAGES RAIDED BY tehbaged to Her Ontario d it {earlier link in th i given by Rev, on account of the desth of | tion of the stall ™ of ing the money over to the college is] a that the college-in its teachings scouts two wen quarrelied | the story of the Garden of Eden and des-4abodt their duties and it is said that | the troyedaby fire] died in the City Hospi- | McCarthy knocked Norton down 'with [whale Norfon died in the ambulance on the {nets he does not want to pay He was sixty [85.000 g< be "has no desire to indorss | appointed specie] | of the renewed crudade against wsur- | fifty vears ago, Monday, ut and | bell, a well-known money lesider, } which. one uniform | itis alleged, has violated the criminal] tended holding § will begin with British Columbin, Jeavy/ wvntler instructions irom the attormey- | f AB bottles for 2%. [not yet 'HISTORICAL ASSOCIATIONS, Has But Rate- payer, Parish Single Le nin, i Despatches From Near And ge Distant Places. THE, WORLD'S TIDINGS = GIVEN IN THE BRIEFEST POS. '"¢ miles north-east from White in the Hundre i SIBLE FORM, : itleman farmer besides being the « of SSS th a parish acres whose age is rt | overseer, rate { parish 11 co department of ngliways ia host of other things I'he Bucks Creslow Hrectory, as 'a I a quar j county | gives My lation { tion court divisio Rowland as There i Mr Rows Notes From All Over--Littls Y of Everything Easily Read [i servant: and Remembered. New York Bay, from Sandy Hook to Atlantic Highlands, is covered with ice from one three feet thick. ™S | Two we we Killed and \ two | other pers m jure byes the spa yim anos 5. : 1 Wi r sto Hh lelph a 3 a ©' Bn de Philadelphy {old manor house I'he Atlant passenger rates, | ) : T ; {have lived for many into effect, of Monday, "i . {from the fourteenth double those of a week at one time in the } Knights Templar the Order John. There is reputed to be other link with the civil of a his wife the al nssociati parish Signs of histor the | coachhouse the whict of are apparent in mano {Cromwell used as a stable i but originally orman chapel, of which the still at the house during the avil war which was a loorway feature. The the Row generations a noticeable Be " wher ww went : f I century nearly po on of bg paintings nave customs auth- | rO¢ - y The Russian Louis United 1 < ot vaned to the still an exhibition seized States S at war in shapx subterranean passage arities Uttawa servants than a mile church and Cre long conuecting will tax the of awvil this year, which 'will make a of $20,000 in the alaries DIES WHEN GIVEN RELIEF, difference city's re venue. Burn in Lx Monday fourth Fire, buildings Latchiord, Palmer hight mn defeated on the | Woman Stricken With Apoplexy in. ! Charity Office Wilkesbarre, Pa., Feb { With as she w { order for food for her starving Lily, Mrs, Moses Tucker fell {office of Charles Westliold { tor, to whom had | pathetic For weeks {to provide five small weak herself and many a too much to The famHy eat, and too pealed to Westfield ber an order for and she was murmurifig a praver thankfulness when staggered fell ya few jonds was dead m a Burns prizc won round, ricken apoplexy an fam lead in the poor dire just told troyed six large a part of office Sunday the nding on le business the in ir post she her | to al elections in were 9,666 women entitled mut 9 I here vote story as lhe only fhe had been struggling | for her "sick children, but she. conld time the struggle or scarcely husband and | ill i" more than one-quarter did so. The British post office has made a new contract with the Cunard Steam- ship company to carry mails between Liverpool and New York until 1928. The House Committee on naval af fairs, at Washington, has authorized an appropriation of $101,000,000 for the United States for next fiscal y being and little, | seemed | carn bear was weak to np anvthing without to she for He food and clothing work aid gave | the ear. The death of Mrs. Cade, wife of the she Rev. Robert Cade, D.D., oc Monday, the family avenue, Toronto, after ol pneumonia Weightman Walker, $6,000,000, is, married to of New years old. Paradis, the Quebe Saturday, as of paralysis that at two days previously. i H. Grim, Bovertown. daughter 1 in t holo | into a chair, and i urred on residence, 103 a short at QUNTUPLE MURDER 'FIVE PERSONS SHOT TO DEATH IN A VILLAGE. | Cowan ness Irs. phia, worth Philadel. it is said, Frederick ork, a be Courtland Penfield; widower fifty Rev. KE at i mathematics of Seminary professor passed the re- | ult tagked Mrs, a., recent i Monday, : the on Oy Suone Gardener the Discoverer--Found Four renale Bodies, Each a Different Room, and Man in a Nearby Woed. Fe ham villag: mm : George in whos ust nf t of shoek tatatity This | : . he the | Fawley Buk shocked mur -y ). ion D atte wrirkes Hist due no was irq. In agquarrel Holds ort stock, and then tu self and prove fatal The Mor tuple I a gun Alfred | fi Wood n the arm wi his f 0 Nie voung man (Ie was the of the g H. Holmes, wealthy residence was known tc was shot the him may we on that who outside alarmed at the LR unusual. qa morning. ente the bor Mrs lving had the in a nearby fate un minister lands and mines Lhe bhoun on | pa { sucCessively da Ie filo settlers lands for tents, on i a : } servants and gislature to confer or the right which they all in Each Later to minerals daughter n have re eive rooms i. 4 Lead body was tno wood HH. i. Wheth found had been he 3 mvst the sur-} yochipeftors London ander ground man of th th railwan vind 1 traf] trams or Lad shot in the and tul s are bafl y 5 phat committed suicide not rv. on rer Y an explanation ' As endravo wing ystems, buses make LACROSSE PLAYER DEAD. ------ Jack Irving Dies of Pneumonia at Medicine Hat , Ont, Fel une complaint has been charge of The Arle soon Orang ving, go Crosse tres {turn i demo © CrIne ( i" 1 Saturds the f champions | Hat had beer | Labor, Alta jand was t | leave w vas caused ed out that Adams went Ww al Ha to n h on rat: the expressed mn or leney Montre little volution al sympathy with Why was it "ape, Ua ims the three doetrine o Mr that fhe theory, asl Brean y ape ? COLLEGE LOSES DONATION. Died At Omaha, Neb On Monday afternoon a came to Wilham Glidden, Brock Hrom Omaha, Neb. saving daughter Edith (Mrs. George lin) was seriously pia. Another despatch, this morning auvsounced ber peaceful death on Mon Th lad letter fron ae written on eass etre Story of Garden of Eden. St: Louis, Feb. 11--An aniended an-} swer has been filed in court hyd Rev Gustavus Huffman, a retired Christian! church pastor, who now in the baskiag business in the suburb of the deceased was . Maplewood, in the suit' by which th 27th, when she was out in the Bible College of Missouri seeks to en- i) Corn wunshine with her force pavment 'of & note for ° 85,000 | [tor grip seized her awd then the Mr. Huflman as a dova-{ iol iliness. The remains mw brought here for interment A petition Rev. Mr. Hulman {p04 and two children, aged hiz reason for not turn- and two years, survive. The couple were married bere in December, 1<0y | Str. Angin is a son of the Inte Wi liam Anglin, Mrs. Anglin was a ver by the [15 able woman, known to mans in this city. Sineere sympathy will extended to those who sorrow, in Kingston and those on ward journey. : Scouts that H. Ang prenmo sick with in {day evening. bendy children in wing hus ns thre that In states swallowing of Jonah He declares that "in view of these both he heresics."' SE i Remembered The Poor. Accused Of Usury. {Major and Mrs. Edward leigh, #0 Montreal, Feb. 11.--The first result | Albany avenue, Toronto, were married Amherst | of the distress t ers, in this city, is the issuing of alldand. On secoomt warrant for the arrest of C. E Comp: lgmong the poor of the city who, leslled "the "At 'Home' thes . : and In place law relating to usury. Action basigave 830 io the Paby Fond. been taken by Col. Hibbard, acting | dbilaib------ hey can had 3 $ thereof Yor fest iolase. electrical work, call up F. J. Birch, 41 George street, | 'phome S14. AN work' will Peoeive attention. people who are in Jove act ax were : delightially ; Wises. » general. It is stated that Campbell | has left the city ond the warrant has been served. - scribing 7] Probabilities Toronto, Oat, Feb. 11, Ottawa Valley and Up- per St. Lawrence (10 asm. )== Light winds: fine and milder day and on Wednes» day. to ssi CRLLLLL0PRRER0E0ER0S Insertions AND Embroideries m wae LL A r-- Steacy's. Good needlework. All desirable widths. Many in matched sets and all great value: SEE OUR SPECIAL 12=inch Embroidery with Needlework inches deep. At 15¢ Per Yard. .Steacy's PIII FIFI INIIPON ' ¢ BORN ZBIED ROBERT J. REID, The Leading Undertaker. 'Phone, B77. 227 Princess stroet. MacLaren's Imperial Products w da * Fe he delly Powder 'Cream Cheese Peanut Butter Ww Lk You sre comiialiy mitted cold pwd sanipie them, Jas, Redden & Co. Importers of Fine Grogeries, Wonderland Notes. The manager we t Hs. presenticg Mack, and daocing comedian, ar ats Bognelly minstrels, he bas a treat the best assured, The wid pleasure w mn Sag ing & Hate ms wtore nre ist with Ea Cue Re Courteg manager fm Treaiment ¥ ese Lh AL always " . a Piles Cured In 6 To 14 Days. Pazo Ointment is guaranteed ta Cure any case of Liching, Blind, Blepd. lpg or Protruding Piles ie 6 to 14 jdays or money refunded ------l Hoe, foe A conscience is af good thing wof to have il you wee in 5 hurry to ge rich. Bae la massRs

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