Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 10 Feb 1908, p. 7

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" THE DAILY BRTY MONDAY, FEBRUARY #4, 1908, : PAGE SEVEN. : v CJ -- oo i - a. A -- T-- EE EE EE ope Tate nao hA WAGES AWARg pr NWS OF NEIGHBORS P= . EN (LATE AGAIN ge HE A peor pedaration, | WHAT WHIG CORRESPOND. a Dold. IN COANECTION WITH ! ------ S--------, S------------ = wed of dnvestigation which a -- 4 i he of the Grand suk | In The City And 7/ HA EE ot Trunk C i : Occurrences Canadian Pacific Raflway Being late for work often Bn Ployers Have Interests--Not ay and its telegraphers went Vicinity--Other Brief Items of : Y \ C OF ud the hines set b "TRAINS LEAVE KINGSTON : lose their position. the Public's Advantage RON ia such matters, and got i Interest Easily Read Aad Re- 3% i operties Shopld Be. M# Re realm of what may be called® the membered 12.10 p.m. ~Express--For Ottawa, Mon- | ll . There is no excuse. If your Unprofitable. P| higher politics of commerce, says . 3 Chase Rreal, Quebec, 81, Johan, N.B., Halifax, wat oe ot ke Toronto, Chicago, Denver, Reo | atch does not keep the cor. The February Labor Gazette. jj Montreal G The decision px Budget From Mosegly, Ste, Marie, Duluth, St. rect time we will make it, . oar ey i ; No tuk bart i . ¥ ¥ Winnipeg, Vancouver, Seattle, | Possibly there is some little the Feport of the board of investi} out, what. m a Sk bo t 1 Moscow, Feb. 7.-Mr. anY MAG ortiand, and San Frascigeo. i : ® $1 tion under the Lemieux act, com 1 ] AE Ene 4 ci) eturned aft pend . 5.00 p.m.--Local for Sharbot Lake. ne oi oider Sha} wil oF Tol. A. Shon ous nels Samp to, that there aré two parties so 1 x Laugh heive vebunted alles di d- connecting with C.P.I., East and Wes es co 9 4 : gu ORshderes hen demands t o Ig 8 couple ol Pek riends : ve. : we 4 beri a.m. Mixed--¥oc lenirew and io- |B repair, or it may need to be my i Y he "eh REL whieh reed] high Soph A t a pay a "ty | Morven and Cataraqui. A valuable If you are a coffee lover, mediate points, admste the Ispute between he | SERA expendiiuie ays are 0 sree Leloboing o Ne: lig as 3 o Passengers leaving Kingston 2 12.10 cleaned and regulated. Bring Gr I Trunk fo v and ho + the fore. There is no-one who gues he rse belonging = to Neil Milsap wa Chase & Sanborn's Ww ill gm. arrive in Ottawa at 4.45 pl your repairing" here. Our r Dernier * ay and tw e- | tion the 'worker's sight to a living kicked a few days age and it is " 2 sm. : OT to, 7.0 gl ¥ operators. It reads : A BIG Te a 1 3 1M Fhe t the an ' y 2 stertoto. Jhb Das.: Tetonte, vo watchmakers. are experts, Domed & : Ira: 1 + Twage, and if muy be added that in| thought the animal will not live. Mr ' win your heart. p.m. ; Montreal, 6.50 p.m ; - Boston, havin hadz lon "1 Vas much 1mgiressed yy | U9 " : ; Amos Huffman entertained a few . 8.5m. 3 St, John 11.20 a.m. 5 4 an - that ie same bogd the end he will get it whether the tiend n Thuiaday evening jn: homot KINGSTON ~OTTAWA. 1 thorough =» rience. We fa yamended a higher rate of py { men who have invested their money iu dy oe v avi Mics Mont rOmeEY of . Leave Kingston, 12.10 p.m. wrrive| guarantee every watch we to the telegraphers the service of | constructing railways receive any ie u nn ay iho ab visiting hier, I'he Ottawa, 4.45 p.m. Leave Ottawa, 10.45 ll repair. she (Canadian Pacifié - than it turn or not. But the mon who invest | MBES'OB, W 30 Wa VISIHDZ Dev 3A Sm. arrive Kingston, 3.45 p.t. "Direct | od ian 2 a ras ay CODStIUCting railwi vx | Shouk of | the redent explosion at re eee tan. prepared to recommend, in the presqit | their money ii g ™ @ I'weed was distinctly fet, here, News goniestions at Keutrew, § with CFR. pro f N {) I ht to ¢ id€rat Xa ve Renfrew, 4.15 pa. for Sil mstance, e are glad {0 be ahle §, | have also nights ps Gain reached here yesterday of the death _groke. P Port Arthir, Winnipeg end Fao | Kinnear && Esterre report that the partjes appreciaty] | whether the demand be on the part of asin : Craig, a voung girl. who left "ANADL \N BANK Casat-polo YG Pam Spits] he Feasons: why the members of thy | employees" for larger recompense, from ore ri I . aro Henry H Aiinon ost i Cor. Princess and Well- board could not in this instance sg! the public for 1mproved seevier, or good harse yesterday ( : Ba of Qui te Railwa ington. their way to the .reconunendation of | from shippers or trvell rs fou jiodued 8 a r- a "OF oO un any higher rate than that finally | rates. li awy or all of such demands C Y . amden East Wedding. - y \ agreed upon hetween the parties, and | are carried to the point where the moen Fob. TA BE dior of BEAD OFFICE, TORONTO ESTABLISHED 186Y pe I oa a: i some] operation of » road yields no profit, or | L yr a le attended a party ronto, mud ail local, points. Traine arkar i] B. BE. WALKER, President Paid-up Capital, $10,000,000 of the reasons why we came to this \ leave City Hall pot" at 4pm. R. | AD THIRTY- WO BOIS be. of 1 othe investments, | given in Lwart s hall, Yarker, on Wed 4 TKS B ngwtom. | conclusion, we obtaine rom r 1 m . a ava Jickion, 4 Bar : -- HA "We thought, under the present yeon-| then it becomes diicul or impossible staday eveuing. A ery prutty event A Re ul Rest, -- , 3/900, ,000 ditiops, that the ofier wf the eon «| to obtain money or extensions and OOK place here On Wednesda) - ELAND, tend: CRAND AL LH dy . ON HIS BACK in the hatter rE one pany | mprovements, an d trade cannot be » | whe n two of our noes popular ope Branches Total Assets, - 1 ,000,000 TEM § w H : } 4 ; ges of 1 should 1 1 ; ti people were united in matrimony he a . "al was all that could be justified: There | helped as it hou » n pointing | I . . a : , ut the boar his icular | bride was Miss Olive' Grace Saul and ughout Canada, and in the United States and England Ontario Horse Breeders Exhibition AT ONE TIME. a Intus. Soasiiarn lions Snleriug into this ha at lai > jard ~ n a the Too George herrepont Quigley, Branches thro £ da, ng Toren oth we tuestion. n our view, there is | case Rs jauk do a8 paniyne a fs 5 wsiiatas . » > Tickers A ! Nu the right of the men to rerefve a liv may well be considered by all who die is was sy a ou} bby Hin A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED 86 CLASS F f $ ) i pad | fing wage, and that right is paramount, | are called on to stand>between the inner, 9 ¥ Dh, it) ' . Feb and 12th, go ¢ " + ¥ sections of th ubl aid (Jackson, of Camden East, assisted the R wurning on or Seiore Satirday, Feb The Soliman is sntitiad to get a fnie | ublic, or tions af he Jub] ie y and ny it Oh hole F ARMERS BANKING i « 8 @ r ' avs work 8 . ' : ys Local Branch Tyme Table, | What, however, often sccms tn be ig | while he must tghe the ordinary On their arvival they will take up| Ryery facility afforded Farmers for their banking Baha will ave and ArEiYe 'aL GAY nored is that « apital and labor are chances of bad judgment, bad man- [apartments on Haydon avenue Fev. business. Sales Notes cashed or taken pot, Foot of Johnson sire Boils are simply evidence of the bad Mood both necessary in. order to nroduce <1 agement or unexpected competition, |J. J. McDonald "performed. the Cer for collection GOING WEST. | within coming te the surfaes. profit whether it in in th . i i" ti MM ehould not he subjected to artificial (mony, Mrs. Levi Salish ry is visit : ; : a i { ber mother, Mrs. W. Bb, Edgar, | BANKING BY M ATL.--Deposits may be made or withdrawn by Lve. Oity Arr. © | Just ; : ¢ sing fre ing when you think are oured of | of railways; in manufacturing, or in| restrictions or ditions arising from ing A 5 mall ed Bo. - " yo anv other branch of Afude: The aim | political' or non-commercial motives. | Thomsonville, mail. Out-of-town accounts receive every attention . of the wofker should be to secure a ' : * 1 Inter. Ltd. . 12.25 moon 12 | : E+ | 5 1 lle. rk r J . { f 8 - this pr be a Reports From Keelerville Y ' : air shar of this profit ut there Es, n u LR ee" 0 Be 7.88 hm) ly wb to 2 pot of balla, |i "1 to be considerd the position] LETTERS TO TEE EDITOR. | Keelorville, Feb. 7.--The . farmers KIN GSTON BRANCH GOING EAST. ples, rkin blotches blemishes, of the man who advances tf money | m-- {| were fortunate in having their wood ; CORNER OF KING AND PRINCESS STS, ive. City Arr. . that they will never return te bother | to cuable the undertakings to be car The Tailors' Strike. supply alfup before the storm. School ?. C. STE VEN SON. Manager No» 8 mall 1.43 a.m 2.13 ried on which gives employment. He, | Kingston, Feb. 8.~(To the Editor) :|was clased on Monday on account of ---- ---- - EE EO at ed A too, in entitiod tavroceive' return fof| Av ue who bas followed closely tho|tho decp snow Visitors ; Mrs, Thomas hi= money and his risk hundred | proceedings of the tailors strike, | Clark, of eda ~ahe, 3 i G00000000000000000000C000000000000000000000 * 6 mafl me wu 1.00 p.m. 1.29 | Wor this purpose there is no ether blood o's, John Robb's; Miss Annie Patter Pretty Things millions of the capital stock of the | which has just been settled, and whd We have just opened up a shipment from: Europe, consist. & Sanbotrn's delicious ) Coffee is always the same and always the best... fdiscussion of = we desire to put upon record {only yields a smaller profit than can our ¥ 4 fast expresa .. 1.00 p.m. 1.29 p.m : "13 Jota) we = 7.08 p.m. 7.38 p.m medicine to equal Bardock Blood Bitters. Grand Trunk railway receives no divi- | has had an intimate aequaintance with (son, of Mount Chesney, at John Pat Nos, 1,2, 8 4,5 0,7 and 8 run daily 1t has been on the market for ever thirty dend whatever If such dividends on |all the details relating to it, allpw me] terson's; Donald Fraser, of Kingston, Rls her Suse dad? wast Bumbe¥, , | years, sod in that time we have recsived | (I: preferred stock as are now being! to express my opinion of the out-lat J. E. Anglin's; Master Frank >le eh, HANLEY, Agent, Cor. Johnson wai thousands of testimonials stating positively paid are still further reduced by the | come. of Cedar Lake, at' R. J. Bagels, hie Ontario Sts that is will sure the worst known cases of | "22os bill being increased, what must | The tailors asked, about the middle many friends of Richard Yateman arn boils necessarily follow ¥ The company can-| of September, for a raise of pay, glad to see him back again alter an not obtain further money for expan- | shorter hours, and open shop. They absence of. fifteen years in Uncle * domains. Walter. Holder," of gr Mr. James Combs, Fden, Ont., writes ; . J j INTERCOLONIAL "1 think Burdock Blood Bitters great son, for it can be more remunerative- | presented their lemands to the merch- (Sam's glter. ne medicine for boils. I had them so Ih employed in other" undertakings ants, but before the latter were given Battersea, at John Pattersons 1 =] a | LWAY | could net work. I had thirty-two on m This certainly would be a disadvan ample time to consider their demands, | liam Yateman and wife sp ita few : | back at one time. I used only two oti tage to the vast numlbwr who ul | theypeemplovees went on strike I'he [days in Brockville last weck. Mr. amd | of B.B.B. and they a be employment on railwavs Then there | merchants immediately signified their | Mrs. R. J. Stanley have returned home | 1 cannot recommend it too hig "voi is the constant demand of the public | willingness to grant the increased [after an extended visit among friends | | shortened hours, but ex-lin Watertown, N.Y. For sale at all Druggists and Dealers, for the betterment of the service and | wages and equipment, for imercase of facilities, | pressed the determination to hold out h i the bettering of the roadbed and gen- [for open shop. It has been this issu "News From Folger. eral improvements in the accommoda- | which has kept the men and their em Folger, ¥eb, 7.--The mercury fell to 1 since last 'September. | forty-nine degrees below zero, 'last ing of . Tea Trays, Waiters,. Fancy Coal Vases, Copper Flower Pots, Metal Smoking Sets, etc. come in Royal Mail Trains From Montreal to Halifax CONNECTING WITH Royal Mail Steamers From Halifax _to Liverpool Canada's Famous Train THE MARITIME e ® . * . ® * * iP " » » - ® ® » | ° NG EDUCATIONAL, tions. These can only be obtained | plovers apart "oe ¥ {1 4 9000000000 OOGOGIOOOIODS where the parties asked to advance | Without entering into a discussion on | Tuesday, the coldest weather experien It you Wish 10, bo Suctewiu) ats CAR Re8 SO possibility of | the merits or demerits of the "open iced here in many years. The peopls, return for the advance, Our experi- | shop " let me briefly draw vour atten-Twho have material to draw out are ® o » ® » ® * ¢ S wy » ence on a number of these hoards has! tion To the result of the strike, The hustling Just now, and piling ground ® » College . * "* " » # If you want a nice present for relation or friend , and see these pretty things. MoKELVEY & BIRCH, 69-71 Brock St the money led us to the conclusion that there | tailors have now abandoned their at-will soon be getting scarce. Mrs, [G. Limited, head "of Queest street, seems to be an oversight on the part | tempt to institute 'closed shops" and |S8impson, who has been with her CANADA'S HIGHEST GRADE of the public of two things: First, that | are returning to work, under the scale | daughter, Mis. W, Young; Cloyne, has business school, Bookkeeping, f wages which is practically the same [returned hom A. Crawford took a ehorthand,: typewriting, tele Feaphy. and all commercial subjects thoroughly taught by y ~ Cy competent experienced eachers. EXPRESS Day and night classes. Enter at Leavilig MONTREAL Fridayh, ut 12.00) p fy time. [lates very moderate, moon) : dT Juropean reaching the steamers ® H. F. METCALFE, President. dock at HALIFAX the following Satur ° J. E. CUNNINGHAM, Secretary. compact what- her daugbter, Mrs, Craig, Ul say afternoon. fo eniployees niust Te increased from cots, they having HO: k SPECIAL TRAINS carrying passengers boeo 00000000 OOIOOIOGIOIOS Cn F nia . i" ! 3 : atin whan a tim® to time, and the public so de-|ever with it as such Rina Laura Manion at J sh's 9 ess do mot connect with the MARITL Mi ATITARA A A a 4 A AAT SAAT As mand, very serious considerations must It j= a matter of regret that this Miss Ida Prasky | visiting friends ip EXPRESS, 'leave HALIFAX immediate & "RAUF LL LIEW be given to the proposals for the r strike has been allowed to drag on for | Pembroke. Mp T. Moore called a ly after the arrival of ¢ Stamen mas y j rave yy TOUR EDUCATION ¥ duction of freight and passenger rates, | so many week when the samo result | friends here there is a continual demand for an in- | « crease of expenditure up®h the part of | as that offered the the company for facilities, and, pecond, | the begit ¢ of the strike, and which nolds spent several days last week at a continual demand for a reduction of | has been in operation in their shops [his home in Pembroke. Mi and Yrs the tarifis which furnish the monies | during the strike peviod. The hours of {J. Simpson and Mrs. G Simpson = weessary to provide these facilities and { working have been reduced to nine, [spent Sunday at V. Prashy's Miss accommotlations. The growth of earn: L which has also been the regular work- (Stella Dustan visited friends at Clar- ings is not keeping pace proportion- | ing day in the shops since last Sep-lendon lust week. Miss Mary Davis. Absolute purity and Seanliness in the manufacture union is not re- (Clyde Mills, spent Saturday at A m immediately after (fiying trip to Renfrew. ( M.: Rey- $000000000000000000000000000000000¢ | | | | | 1000000. 2000000 ately with the growth of #pense If | tember. lastly, the operating expenses and the wages | cognized in 1 by the me Stewart' M: G. Simpson visited fog commections for Ottawa, inasmuch as overs reduction directly [might have been abtained without Detroit and points West, FOR TIUKETS AND FURTHER . b | affects the abi of the railways tol sorting to o strike ws of wage s - . "3 FORMATION. apnly to mearest GRAND | & MeREASE YOUR BARKING $2 {oor ti wine her oi tro aio sorting, toon ste] ine a]. GeaTippetings At Glewvale, PERFECTION I TRUNK RAILWAY AGENT to Le Lt Ck 2% i hick id . ot - POWER eos. There ds no doubt that the cost{omployers arid the elgg os Sing, January 31st, a jolly load of | y KL [of Living has greatly increased and | inevitably the result of a strike, might! about mix ¥ bn 8 g 1 1 s ni mevitably about twenty voung people drove te . Montreal cket Office|! i Pay and Eveuing Classes a} the that the employees of a railway com- have been avoided if the matter had | he. henutiful home of Mr Gears * entitled to be better om- | been approached from the first mn a Binnington, Cataraqu and spent a 41 8. Jawes 5u | ¥ Frontenac Business » |ro ' pensated to meet such dnereaced east, | plain, straightforward wa Ita 1 Nery vable evening. Owing to the n College, ¥ | but surply they are not entitled to-be {lv a plea for more friendly ng be- {cove wwstorm the party was over (Maple Leaf Label) QURBEC 8 8. COMPANY [ ; Barrie and Clergy Ste, 8 compensated at the sole expense ¢ tween employer and employee, and hree hours driving home. it being .pe BERMUDA ; id : . » people who have invested their money | should lead in cas oy future Pre] Seven w.clock when thew arrived. in the Healthful and nutritious. y : T. N, STOCKDALE, wh WHS Wold Tn Feturn Be deprive to a calm consideration of Wel jj, 0 0) Tuesday night the Jude THE COWAN CO., Limited, TORONTO , ' by She pew Tr 43 hours from Non York 5 'Pious, 680, Principal, $ of their means of livelihood, The pub- | facts before drastic sare taken i pendent Order of Foresters held their the Sn) " lic should hear their share. The rail- | OBSE&AVER. annual ovster supper, i the Orange mudian,"' 5.500 tons, Sailings every Sat wr . prday at 10 Gi ty ng - TYPE PTT ET TI III OLY way employee spends his money for! ! rea - . 1 hall Members attended: from El gin? 4 oo . 4 Bermuda to Nassau, Bahamas tiie benefit of every other member of | At Ferguson's Falls. | burg, Sharpton, Catara i, and Ir . The Phoenix Dry Powder M ni} ss¥ssscnessersssersssierssscssseersuusnne £.8, "Trinidad fortnightly ia February the community from farmer to mann-| Falls, Fob. 6.--Willian | verar) sic was furniched by Sam fa Mates i i z facturer, and if the employes has to Ferguson bel uel Swain's gramaphic Mrs. Charl Fire Extinguisher obtain more money to meet his increa Sheppard and Mis . Mubed Shepya rd | Smith od a pa oar oo ih In one of our windows we have placed the following Bargains : i. West India Cruises from New York : Pon moe 1 have returned home from a Endorsed by the Leading Insurance | "4 cost of living, other elasses of the spending the wiriter Now Steamer "'Guiana,' 3,700 tons, snfrew Charles Hollie with ail up-to-date improvements and Companies, adopted by the UU. 8S. Gow [community who receive the benefit friends in Reatrew, gy to Mrs. Annie Gordon i ther firsteclnss sicamers sail from New ime a inetple' © aes: gialiroads. [of the money he spends should ron. | KOT shipped a ty fnrtnors 108, J. Knight, at ork every 10 days, " roughout the U. 8. apd {pi1.¢ their share towards enabling | Montreal on Monday. 'the farmers t ll h re id For beauty of scenery and perfection of iway ) hon - are geiting out their tee lene has returned - lrom 1 ays ready; contains i 0 ge he one "Ih { 5 » - 1 Jlimate these trips are unsurpassed. Por nl, Which do an Uh Je] uid him * get the money he bas to t they have | bene ral Hospital Wher lustrated pauiphlets giving rates of | fire, will not freeze or clog. Price, $2.50. | "Pond And it years. "Patrick | undergoing medical treatme all falormation, apply to A. | Ageuts wanted. reasons that, under the present condi- TERBRIDGS & CO. A tions cahid having | Doyle «ghd having "in view all the sur bank barn he intends building nexu| Long Lake Locals. Er SY ip Co. » Eoin b b ew Yor . : an rounding {irenmstancs, we. . thought}: : s ro ; Ko yy umbe a, OF to gents, J. that the offer of increase mude by the (Summer. ~ Miss Julid Staflord bas re} Long Lake Feb. 7.--X nusiBor of mn the 1 § 1 x Ha NLEY, and J + GILUERSLERVE, ofhcials of the Grand Trunk Railw | turned home after a short visit tu her |people, visiThg in this vicinity, have Kingston, R17 Princess St., Kingston. had , AVWAY | friend, Mrs. Michael Gray. been storm-stayed, Isaac Smith, Miss High Crade Pianos at living prices, | S0mpany had gone as far as could be -- Nellie Smith, Melville Smith and My Victor Talking Machines on easy pay | justified, though not necessarily to M i W ments. be } The Diamond Cough Ready. [and Mrs. George Smith, all of West the limit which the telegraphers ought | i ke, i to receive under other circumst | This remedy occupies the same rela. [brooké, who have been visiting at Ira circumstances | Smith's, leit for hope y esterday, Earl Royal SERBS ESALMVSESRENAZESS | The do serving of the investment of tion to . coug heures that the dio. { Aman, of Picton d L ( k Mail capital in railway undertakings would mond does to lesser goms |% wa 2 few 5 ry TE L To . certainly not be & benefit to the com-| It is concentrated healing for the [5 : - : ay 5 at 4 ig Lak ' I , [lungs and air passages, pleasant, | anc Is. rederic rosage, Lyden TO 1 1 ! munity at large, and if the property 1} 4 E v 2 Re : i m, are at Coleman Cronk's. Mis w cadlo actiaaliv wick and positive care for coughs, [B28 P 8 Mga of leaders is to 'be practically. con- [49 wd § ® { Kato Abbott, Lindsay, is visiting at coal W wload of cattle around here I now; they say it is the {scen for a good many is getting out timber for a is for the foregoin » . * » » . » 5 i . . vy The * WOMEN'S BLACK AND BROWN SPATS Regular 6%. and 17 : » Yor . " : ; E . = . WOMEN'S AND GIRLS' PLAIN BLACK, RED AND FANCY FELT SLIPPERS-- Regular prices, 83¢.. T5¢. and 90 47 : For aioe : . CHILDREN'S DEERSKIN MOCCASINS-Sizes. 6, 7. 4 47 ¢ » * » » . and 10. Regular price, 65 For BARBIES' FINE KID BUTTON BOOTS 8izee 1,'5, 6, sn Regular 60x 47 * For . fiscated between the demand of { Henry Drew's. Miss Goldie Sanborn public on the one side, and the ) wi d mand of the employees 'on the other, | it must lead to x general veduction iv wages or a shribkage in the number of employees, with a much greate ultimate Joss to labor. It has bee be sugested that this state of affairs muy be met, by the state becoming | sole owner of the railways. To accom- : plish this the capital necessary to Are you looking for X make railways and work them would |Ppersistent want advertising fails Robert Babcock's. Frederick 8 encer, -- . . - : still have to be found. The mere fact | One in a * blue moon. f Long Lake zinc mines. h i ft ic something that will give of state ownership does not bring The cream of society often turns out oi Lang dale sine min dad ot both leasur d capital down from the skies like the | to be as pobr and Weuk as the whey D. Mcleod's, Echo Lake. J. 1 Pen p e and com- ites i the | from the cheese val. ; Bk Ss : n et manna to the Israelites in the desert | is at Jacob Cronk's. Joseph Hassan fort? She will appre I borrowed by the state, interest | is at Alfred Charlton's. Miss Pearl ciate depend. Soidin must be paid for it, and probably at | Charlto t Jacob Cronk's. Snow- a load of] a higher rate than- the TE 30 all Shs roe rod Tor : stronger. hig! rate an state now has! shoeing is all the rage around here. i for ® ir. Jos two ius. frst, pes -- The mak sud, slide ure o thing of the C O A oe | e r ' A : /{ canse of the risk incident to industrial} Richard Pg rn. K. Beots 2 - FROM undertakings. MH raised by taxation, | . G. Scott's, Wagarville. Miss Myrtle : { this would be nothing more than get- ! ; Drew, who has been spending a few ting it from the collective resources of | . days at Elmdale, bas returned home. P, WALSH'S YARD, 4 the country. The wages, other than Barrack Street. From St: John. Halitax., te col. hoarseness and sore throat, 23e, at Tunisian, Fri, Feb. 14. Sat., Feb 15. d t Wade's drug store, : . A Corsician, Fri., Feb. 28, Sat., Feb. 89, ---------- iis at H. Drew's. Miss Gerprude Keid Grampian, - Sat, Mar. 7. Special, bargains in woollen goods Loa Helena lrew are at I. 3M, Rates of passage and full 1 | 8 nderwear and stockings for chil-{® Smith's. Mr. add Mrs. Charlton, Al ton may be obiaimed t th Sjormas eo un g New York Dress Re-(fred, Pearl and Ella Chariton, aud JER, er r | dren, all sizes. { Miss Helena } 58 MA rew paid a flying visit KIRPATHIE, 1 Local Agents, fro Bedford Mills. A load of young 4 lots, for coughs and. colds, sold at | people drove to Solomon Cronk's, | Gibwon's Red Cross Drug Store. {tor ten, on January eh, Miss Ger- ! "Walking around" finds few jobs jtrude Hill is at MH. Drew's, Mr. Tim- bat | Merman and Charles Babeock are at i : i » f i ol Licorice. and Auniseed Tab-| i Our Clean Sweep Sale PO00000000000R0TT ILA 00R000000000C000000 ing in your Shoe buying. . SEE THE MEN'S HEAVY TAN CALF BLUCHER BOOTS 3 97 . we are selling . They are regulor 5 Shoes, the living wage before referred to, which are paid by railway ed. Physicians recommend the Red Cross thas pogltvy. We a ae abet Bb a Se hb to their employees, must, therefore, ' . . Brand Beef, Iron and Wine. Sold only a " 2:0 | disguise it as i 0 at Gibson's Red Cross Drug Store, Se., not The. A goed any Christiane find it eon- the minister's advion i over, Abernethy's PE000000009000000sssa P8000 I0IRIRNINRIININIL * : ® # . ¥ * w » os : IS STILL ON, which means a great sav- : * w » ® *® » . * * rd * . . » Ld a P800csccccncseconcse

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