are the sedn't go to Turkey for fine coffee. ~ Practically every: rocery store in Canada has Chase & Sanbom"s SEAL BRAND -- that perfect blend of key ots g has only started. and enjoy the fun. | $1.50, 2.00, 2.50 to $2.00 and 2.50, $1.50, 1.75 and 2.00. sizes 11, 12 and 13, sizes 1 to 5, $1.50, ire newest and test. of good leather, all ethy's s 00000000000000000000 FEEHEEE HEPES > : + MAS! es for New >ifts : $2.75 to 5.00. 510.00. 'ks. ++ « FLEE E P4404 4 4 tbe tb Pots. S 77 Princess Jeg Street. HEPA EA EEE t bbb C Eetabliohed 1860 | . ox Toronto, Canada . For 48 years, we have applied brains, ingenuity, and a natural talent toper- fecting helps for theafllicted. We male not only Artifi- cial Limbs--but also Spinal Supports, Trusses, Abdomi. nal Supports, Elastic Stock- ings, etc. If youaredeform- ed inany way, write us fully about your case, and we will it you with the proper appliances. 4 rance Company RS OLD oe aee-caes- § 32,000,000.00. acm eas=«=-- $115,000,000.00. "ee ce--=<- § 8,000,000.00. t have the best." is Company 'as Agent call in the and satisfactory arrangements : -J. 0. HUTTON, Manager, Kingston District. FEEL EEE EE EEN HE 3 ¥ 3 Ripe Pineapples, se Tomatoes, lorida Grape Fruit. Princess Street ESSA EE P4044 P EAE 4 1 4 Judicial Sale of Property in th eCity of Kingston. Pursuant to an order of the High court of Justice made in the actiom us A i. S. McRae vs, W. DV. McRae et al, there will be oherefi jor sale with the approbativn of the cal Master at ning- gion, by Willisin Mufray, Auctioneer, at Auction Rooms, / on Tr next, et the hour 7th day sith the of : of eleven o'clock in the ollow ing parcels of land : Pagcel No. 1.--1he suop ou the" corner of Wellington and Brock streets, known he Golden Lion Grocery Store, parcel No. 2.~The stores on Welling- ton street being Nos. 150 to 156, oc cupied respectively by The Catholic Mutual Benevolent Association, R. J. wior and James Craig, together with cies up-stairs, and being part of the forenoon, genar Guia is aeabiad slouch, J'arcel No. 8.--The old stone residence Clarence street immediately in the is Nos. 1 and 2. Parcels No. 4.--Those ris of the Golden Lion Block bounded by Welling- ton, Brock and Clarence streets not in- in parcels Nos. 1, 2 and 3. 'The above parcels will be offered for en block, J. it not so sold will be sfjered in els as above. ole 0. 5.--~The stores 170 end 173 Princess street, Messrs Laidlaw & Son. : Parcel No. 8.=~The store being No. 174 Princess street, occupied by Thomas Mills & Co. " : parcel No. 7.--No: 277 Princess street, on which is a frame dwelling. : ; Parcel No. 8,--The premises being No 981 Princess street, occupied by S. S. Corbett as an Undertaking KEstablish- being Nos. occupied by pent. : ment. 1 No. 9.--Lot No. 6, on the West Collingwood street. On this side of tuated an old frame dwelling parcel is si y will be offered for sale Ouse The roperty The Pros The purchaser a reserve bid. '™ Brock street mj tbe City of Kingston, on FRIDAY, the. - | | {FONE S Bl Ee A I ; When lose their sweetness-- | | "sweets" {§ and 'substantials," their charm--there are | always MOONEY'S |} PERFECTION | CREAM SODAS to {§ coax back the appetite. Do YOU know how good they are? | subject to : hal pay ten per cent of his purchase it ; vend- mney at the time of sale to the et 3 their Solicitor, and the balance in thirty days thereafter into Court to the cregit of tivis action, without inter- Vendors will only be required to Abstract of Title copies there- est. a Regustrar"s irnish a Regs Te produce such deeds, of or evidences of title as are in their - In all other respects the SSeS. conditions of sale will be the terms and 1 3 Hinding conditions of this ( ourt Further particulars may be had from AB Cunningham Solicitor, Kingston J. B. WALKEM, l.ocal Master. Dated the 21st day of November, 1907. EDUCATIONAL. nd duran AAAN AAA EO 4% {IMPROVE YOUR EDUCATION an {INCREASE YOUR EARNING } 4 POWER : $ +4 4 Day end Evening Classes at the Frontenac Business College, » Barrie and Clergy Sts. R < © IT. N. STOCKDALE, Principal. S$ <4 Kingston Business College Limited, head of Queem street. CANADA'S HIGHEST GRADE * ® * e ® ° ® ° *° " ® business scnool, % * . e * ° " 4 * * Bookkeeping, shorthand, typewriting, tele- grabhy, Fr al Sommersisl rou, aug subjeots 0 Sua Lid ght petent eX H Pay and pnt classes. Fnter at any time. tes very moderate. Phone, . H. F. METCALFE, President. J. B. CUNRJNGHAV, Secretary. 000000000000000 aa o AAA AAA PS i. COAL.! gu The sudden changes in Woather : ought to suggest the wisdom < b §, putti in some good coal. 4 sell wood Coal. It's the kind that 4 wends out the most heat. and K makes the home comfortable ; it's > Jy the best money can buy and C i! there is none better mined. k Bh We deliver it to you clean and » W without slate, at the very yottom ' 4 TTIIITIT prices. \ Booth &Co., ¥ | hone 133. Foot'ef West St X Ad A de wad AAA AAAS ASSS Shell .Out Your ime Money. it with you. You can't take Just leave a little at McAULEY'S Pen | BOOK STORE. . We have the best Fountain that was ever made, from $1 up oa wards, (guaranteed.) Lage Print Bibles for the Books for Boys and Girls Folks. Catholic Prayer Books. Hymn | Books. Presbyterian Book Praise. Come and see us. 0 00000000000000000000! of | "Its Only a Cold, A Trifling Cough." Thousands have ssid this when caught cold. Thousands have' | to cure the cold. Thousands have filled s Consumptives grave through neglect. Never neglect a cough or cold. It eam have but one result. It leaves She throat or lungs, or both, affected. Dr. Wood's = | Norway Pine Syrup is the medicine you need. It strikes at the very foundation of all throat or lung complaints, relieving or curing Coughs, Colds, chitis, Asth- ma, Croup, Sore Throat, and preventing Pneumonia and Consumption. It has stood the test for many years, and is now more generally used than ever. It | contains all the lung healing virtues of the pine tree combined with Wild Cherry Bark | and other pectoral remedies. It stimulates the weakened bronchial organs, allays irri- tation and subdues inflammation, soothes and heals the irritated parts, loosens the phlegm and mucous, and aids nature te easily dislodge the morbid accumulations. | Don't be humbugged into accepting aa | imitation, of Dr. dod's Norway Pine yrup. It is put up in a yellow wrapper, Sheng Jin trees the trade mark, and price cen | Mrs. C. E. Bismete, Lombardy, Ont, | writes: "I have been troubled with a hard dry cough for a long time, especially in the mornings, but after having used Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup, for a few weeks, 1 find my sagh has left me. I =a itively sa: at this remedy is w worth a trial" y THE RYRIE Sovereign Fountain Pen | "1 HIS "special" Fountain Pen is made of the finest grade of Para Rubber, and is fitted with a 14% solid go'd pen with | Tridium tip, which assures a steady flow of ink (COMPLETE with a safety clip which holds the pen securely in the pocket, the price is $1.00. N larger sizes the Sov- ereign may be had for $2.00 Send for our RZ > Handsomely Illustrated Catalogue. - RYRIE BROS., Limited 134-138 Yonge St. TORONTO | | ~ 9, Wood's Phosphodine, The Great English Remed, 'Tones and invigorates the w ole Nervous Fr; sou, makes new w Blood in old Veins, Cures Nero- us Dability, Meninl and Brain Worry, Des ondency, Lorn al Weakness, Kmissions, 4 Lorrhea, and Effects of Abuse or Ercesses. . 1 y- { Broo $1 per box, ix for $0. One will please, six 93 Princess St. We have an ex stenographer and typist and we are prepared to do strictly first class copying of all kinds. Headquarters ers, Repairs and Supplies. Quadruplets His Present. Richmond, Va., Dec. 26.--The Christ mas preseat of Mrs. Willi nn Luck, Roanoke, 10 her husband, says a3 cial to the News-Leader, ! boys and two givis at a doing well. y plenty of average youth hot and he will have a Give the cold cash time. The chronic skey panion for 'children. wie is not a fit com- for Typewrit-}| will cure. Sold by all druggists or ma lain pkg. on receipt of price. iw pamphlet 'nronto, Ont mailed free, The formeriy Wine | | | All the slippgrs that are left over from the Christ- 'mas trade we will sell at! {COST PRICE for one week. 'H. JENNINGS, KING ST THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 26, 1907. RABIES CURSE TO INDIA MALADY CLAIMING MANY VIC. TIMS AMONG THE NATIVES. Grim Terror Comes From Many Sources--Pasteur Institute Filled With Horror-Stricken Patients-- Strange Sights In Operating-Room --Agony of Inoculation--Method of Treating Awful Disease. A writer in "Blackwood" gives his experiences of a dog bite at the Pas- teur Institute of India, Kasauli, where he underwent the treatment. India is the land of strange and sud- den death, he says. It offers you variegated facilities. You may be eat- en by a tiger, bitten by a cobra, maul- ed by a leopard, carried off by a bubonic plague, or stabbed by a heaven-seeking ghazi. But perhaps the grimmest of the many grim exits that the East offers is hydrophobia. This horror, thanks to the far-seeing though once derided policy of Mr. Walter Long, and his "muszling order," has practically ceased to be in the British Isles. But in India it 13 not so. The curse of rabies is on the city and on the village. Rabies--sporadic and epidemic--meets you everywhere. Daily this appalling malady claims victims from Tuticorin to Peshawur; daily men, women, and children, white and black, bitten hy mad dogs or cats, mad wolves or jackals, mad horses or camels--sometimes, horrible ty relate, by rabid fellow-humans speed to Kasauli in the north in quest of safety from a dreadful end. The Pasteur Institute of India stands on a spur about a mile below the main ridge. The road winds downhill among blue pines, and you look out towards Simla and the snows beyond. Turning a corner, you are confronted with a large tin-roofed bungalow, with a deep verandah running ite length. In front is a large flat promenade -- a disused tennis-court, probably--surrounded by a garden or fruit trees and rose bushes It was a curious sight. In the verandah and on the piazza were gath- ered the most extraordinary and het- erogeneous crowd imaginable. Here was a general and his wife chatting with two or three civil' and military officers ; there an Ajmere jeweler walk- ed to and fro hushing the cry of a little boy; a group of "Tommies" in uniform jested merrily; a line of swarthy, half-clad sweepers sat along the steps of the verandah ; three Eura- sian girls walked arm-in-arm chatter- ing "'chee-chee"; a large patient erowd huddled in the doorway; Bur- mans and Punjabis, Sikhs and Bhils, Cingalese and Gujeratis--the hotch- potch of the Indian Empire, gathered from thé ends of the East with the common purpose of avoiding a ghastly death. Every now and then the na- tive attendant would appear and call out a few names, and the owners would go in for the daily stab. 1 made my way in, and found in the library--a large airy room, full of sci- entific and medical works--a friend, who offered to introduce me to the director at once. I walked with him into the operating room with, I must admit, a slight tremor. Horrible stor- jes. are told of the agony of the ino- culation, and there is always some- thing disconcerting about antiseptic smells. Only the day before an able- bodied subaltern had fainted dead away. I prayed that I might not play the fool. The acting director, Capt. W. F. Harvey, I. 8. a large quiet man, was standing, syringe in hand, in the centre of the roorh. At the table sat, an assistant, with a list, deftly arranging the doses and filling the syringes, while the patients, one by one, undid their clothes, laid bare a patch of stomach, black or white, and received the sharp prod of the syringe with varying expressions of indifference or pain. It really is noth- | ing .to fuss about--a sharp prick, a segond grof somewhat nasty feeling while the contents of the syringe are discharged, and it is over. Of-course, aiter a few days it becomes much more painful. Swellings form round the seats of the bygone pricks, and there' is a general tenderness, easily, however, relievd by fomntation of hot water. Personally I never suffered much discomfort in this way; but some of the patients were apparently in considerable pain . with swelled glands and great stiffness. Capt. Har- vey is an ideal man for the post, gen- tle, kindly, and obviously perfectly self-reliant--a man to inspire trust and confidence Irish Heroine. The heroism of Mrs. Anne McNally of Sligh, Ireland, who recently res- cued seven children from drowning In Sligo Bay sat great personal risk, has been recognized by" the Royal Hu- a 1 YL h MARTI LH : 7 / ny IE A eu un ol in [i / AT TH | 10,1 dae wr A TUM UT RE rt 1 MRS. ANNE M'NALLY. frane Bociety and by the Liverpool Humane Society, both of whom have awarded her certificates. The chil- dren had been. cut off on a rock a narter of a mile from the shore by the incoming tide, but Mrs. McNally succeeded in bringing them salely to land, taking the youngest in her arms and making the others cling to her. ------------------ EE ------ Ouly One "BROMO QUININE," that is uinine Cures a Cold in One Day, 2 Days Pv on every LDV adorn. 33¢ | | | sentation. The Duke GIFT TO LORD STRATHCONA. Canada's High Commissioner Honor ed By Friends In London. received a behalf of the subscribers, made the presentation at Lord Strathcona's re- sidence in Grosvenor Square, and, besides the Duke of Argyle, there were present the Princess , Mr, J. G. Colmer, C. M. G.; Hon. J. H. Turner, Mr. G, A. Duff, Mr. Archer Baker and other old friends who have been associated with the High Com- missioner in his splendid work for Canada. His lordship, in the course of his reply to the address, said he had unbounded faith in milway ex- He was very tension in Canada. CENTRE-PIECE FOR LODD ETRATHCON A. proud of his long association with the Hudson Bay Co. aod the C. P. R., but. before leaving the High Commis- sioner's office in England, he hoped ts be able to assist yet further in de- veloping Canada by the establishment of the All. Red Line. Hon. Clifford Sifton antl he are busy at present in promoting the scheme which will so greatly accelerate the mail service and link up the different parts of the Empire. There are many in England who are eager enough for closer con- nections between England and the new countries, who are yet doubtful if an All Red service can be made a success. The fact that Lord Strath- cona with all his gptutemess and fore- sight, still holds of to the idea ought to give some fresh courage Ww the pro moters. In accepting the gilt of a handsome centre-piece, Lord Strathcona was moved by the kindness and grateful appreciation of, his friends. The gift was most appropriate. Tt showed on the medallion on its base two im- pressive scenes associated with Lord Strathcona's career in Canada---one i+ Lord Btratheona driving the last spike on|the completion of the C.P.R., and the other is the Royal Victoria College in Montreal. WOMEN TOIL AWAY LIVES. Cheapness of Human Labor In Lon- don Sweat Shops. Some of the sweated industries in England have been found almost in- credibly bad by Mr. Franks, who is investigating labor conditibns on be- half of the United States Department of Labor. It is hard to believe there are worse instances anywhere, as, for | instance, in Birmingham. Jisi® the chief of unskilled trades i# carding hooks 'and eyes, and although a ma- chine has recently been invented to dn this work, the cheapness of the human machine has hindered the in- troduction of the mechanical rival. The work consists of stitching the eves on a card, linking the hooks in- t. them and finally stitching them on card. Little Children Work. A pack consists of a gross of com- pleted cards with two dozen hooks and eyes on cach, which means that 384 hooks and the same number of eyes are linked jogether and stitched oa to the card for the munificent wage the | of one penny. Little children are at a Jory early age taught this work, the toil thus put into their young lives being one of the worst features of sweating trades. By constant work the wage of bs. and 3d. a weck can be earned, as against 3s. for hooks and eyes. The rates for pearl buttons vary from 2s. 9d. to 6s. 8d. per 100 gross; that is 1d. to 21-24. for carding 432. Their Long Hours. Some of © women employed in this industry work from three o'clock in the morning to 11 or 12 o'clock at night The working day is nominally from 7 o'clock in the morning 10 8 o'clock at night, a half hour being taken for breakfast, a half hour for tea and one hour for dinner. Bhould the neces- sity arise, however, women ev the factory laws and begin work at 6 o'clock in the morning, and work lat ec than B o'clock at night in their eagerness to earn a little more money. Woman's Lot Worst. Through always working in front of a hot fire the freshness of youth is soon lost, and the women generally are sallow-faced, flat-chested and round-shouldered. The pathetic drudg- ery of her life destroys all gentle, womanly qualities. The average unskilled man in Eng- Lind gets from 17s. 6d. to £1 a week, so that even with regular work such s man cannot keep his family above the poverty line, And very few un- skilled laborers get regular work. Such a wage makes the man's exist- ence one over which worry and terror ever brood. But the wife's lot is worse. The task of making the money go a long way is an extremely diffi- cult one. She has to fill the stomachs of the little ones or send them hall fed to school, and if illness comes along the heavy barden falls upon her as a rule. Virtue of Exercise. Do you ever see a woman with her ears covered, no matter how cold it is? Do you ever hear of a wornan having her ears frozen. Well, it isn't because women's ears are made of something different. Not at all. It is because they use their ears, and the exercise keeps them warm. A woman hears everything. a BAABMIAIAY A BPE se. BE BANKING Head Office - - - - re---- ESTABLISHED 187d THE STANDARD BANK Toronto BY MAIL If you live out of town, attendance in person is not necessary, you can send us deposits by registered post and make withdrawals by cheque With perfect safety. Special arrangements for this purpose. Write for particulars. KINGSTON BRANCH J. 8. Turner, Madager COR. PRINCESS AND BAGOT STS. The best kno Acts like a charm in often fatal diseases FE no bad effects INSIST ON HAVING Dr J COLLIS BROWNE'S CHLORODYNE. to many imitativas. N.B.~ Every bottle of Giavin. Chlorodyss "benrs on the samp the name of the inventor, Dr, J. Collis Browne Wholesale Agents, snap. $18. Closet, $20. 1 6-Hole, No. 9, Shelf, $15. 1 Oak, large for coal I Quebec Heater, me PLEAS DrJ.Collis Browne's DIARRHCEA, DYS Second-Hand Stoves We have a few ready for the next cold THE ORIGINAL AND ONLY. GENUINE. "The Most Valuable Medicine ever discovered. wn Remedy for CoucHs, CoLbps, ASTHMA, BRONCHITIS. ENTERY & CHOLERA. Eifecteally cuts short all attacks of SPASMS. Checks and arrests those too VER, CROUP and AGUE. The only palliative in NEURALGIA, GOUT, RHEUMATISM. Chilorodyne is a liguid taker in drops, graduated according to the malady. It snvariably relieves pain of whatever kind ; creates a calm refreshing : allays irritation of the nervous system when a and can be taken when wo other medicine can be tolerated, CONVINCING MEDICAL TESTIMONY WITH EACH BOTTLE. Sold by all Chemists Prices in England vi LONDON, SE. Lyman Bros. & Co., Limited, Toronto. 1 6 Hole, No. 8, Old style, Happy Thought, 1 6-Hole, No. 9, Stee] Range, with High Sure Luck, with High 5 Box Stoves, for wood only. 4 Pugs, for coal, assorted sizes. or wood. dium size. 1 Self Feeder, large. E NOTE: We guarantee every Second-hand Stove to be in first-class order and to work well in every way or money refunded. sleep ; H other remedies fatl. leaves Sole Manufacturers: J. 7. DAVENPORT Ld. 1 Mw, ae 000000000 td 0000000000000 000O Whesnoene 0000000000000000000000 skate made. BRANCH OFFICE, : "ie . What is Going on in the Business World--The Markets. change membership was reported at £65,000, The last preceding sale was $63,000, while a few weeks ago a sale took place at £51,500, Milling company, limited, with a capi- tal of £50,000, is being formed at Russell, Man., with the object of erecting a flour mill of at least 300 barrels capacity daily. The earnings® of the Twin Rapid Transit Co., for the week of December amounted City second Toronto railway earnings for the week ended "December 21st, totalled £67,796.10 or $3,015.26. more than in the corresponding week last year. A single fact is often better than a page of theory. , being Mn increase of £5381 or t5.10 per cent. © over the same week last vear, and an inerease over corresponlling period of 1905 of $15,- 819. I Flias Harmer, a Norton, N.B., mer- COMMERCIAL MATTERS. chant, and his sons, have completed McKELVEY & BIRCH, 69-71 Brock The "STARR RACER" combines extra long ice surface, strength and rigidity -- the three requisites of perfect racing skates. Both styles are illustrated in the new 1908 Skate Book, Write for free copy. The Starr Manufacturing Co., Limited DARTMOUTH, N. 8. CANADA. . . For Racing Stdrr "TUBE RACER." is made on exactly the same lines as the skates tised by leading professionals--and is the lightest TORONTO, Ow. St 19 ! arrangements for a | 'built on a lot adjoining will be of : type and will manufactur all classes The sale of ua New York Stock Ex: 'of feed from grain, which will be im- pot. The mill j ported. | 1t is understood that by next spring another saw mill will |Gibson, N.B. Arthur A corporation known as the Russell | son lumberman and millman, is {mainly interested in and it-ig said that talists. are ndso interested. compiled by Journal of Commerce and Figures specially {New York Commercial Bulletin | January a total of fo £110,- (be paid in dividends.and interest by corporations, various 900,000 in the same the |ago. Next month's interest payments namely, $100,700,000 output of bonds will be larger, due to the heavy and notes. large mill - to be L.C.R. de the modern be running at Sewell, the Gib the jroposition, St. John eapi- the show that in $185,600,000 will against $180,- period a year 0000000000000 00000000 000000000 oedovooocesoeecee RETURN TICKETS, SINGLE FARE EAS Fae until Jan. FARE AND A THIRD a CT PEE Rel , Ontario street. 24th ad st nn Thureday, ot oon. ad oo , HAA ED WER. Ar fa Thursday, January , 1908 ; also at First-Class Fare-and- One-Third. Decamber 21st, 29nd, 98rd, 24th, agen) VAT 26th, 20th, 80th, 81st: and January lst, 1908, to return on or before Jamu- ary 8rd, 1908. For full rtioulars, to J. P HANLEY, 'Ageat, Carel" Tobaon and" Ontario » ROYAL MAIL TRAINS THE MARITIME EXPRESS When mward mail steamers at Hal fo mot connect withpihe regular 5 the Maritime Express--west bound special = train with through sleeping and gee cars attached, for passengers, BAS. and mail, will leave Halifax for Quebeg... =a and Montreal, connecting with trains fog = Ottawa, Toronto and all points west: For further particulars, Monts © veal City Office, 141 St. A ot i Dat Monday, 17. L106 am. 1.00-8.00 5 {uasday, Tav18 am. 1,008.00 bs ednesday, 7.809.156 a.m. 1. 3 Brealey s he Bay 6.300.850 aur 1 000.80. pay Friday, 7.80-9.15 a.m. 1,008.00 p.m, saturday, 8.00---V.16 a.m. 1.00--3.00 pane * UORY eo ee 9.15 am. 12.80-8.00 py Leave Kingston. 8.801180 ama, 4.004.830 TUES. $011. WED, 8.80-11.50 sm. THURS., 8.80~11.30 a.m. 2 B p.m. ny, Time Table ee calls at Gardes Island ~ 3 and from K| a going u el CELAND, Manager E. QUEBEC 8.8. COMPANY with all Ale ue i Te other first-class steamers sail from York every 10 days, For beauty of scenery and pertection climate these tri aro, unsuspasted, fllustrated pa lots giving or TEN RIDGE 8 0. hPa Quebed Steamship © 59 Broadway, New York: A. AHERN, Sec'y.. Qu or hy HERE ag J. F. ARE: eV ALLEN 5a LNE| TO LIVERPOOL S. S. TUNISIAN