SY ET Fe TT] Lik |] well for's Man's or a Boy's , wear. What he wears he'll tire, New Styles and New Ideas [§ y do for him. yod rain or storm, $12.50. $12.50, $15, $18 and $20. 2.50, $15, $18 and $20. 1S. 50 to $10. to $6.50. s., $1 and $1.25. Lining, 75¢., $1 to $2.50. ned, $2 to $5. n Fancy Boxes. in Fancy Boxes. landkerchiefs, in Fancy Boxes. : Combination Set, (Brace, Arx.- 3 s, New Sweaters, etc. ---------- BIBBY CO. Victoria, No. 25--At Corner Beverley nd King streets; Ford Webster. Places Of Nomination. Nominations for aldermen and pub- lic school trustees will take place on Dec. 30th, at the following places : Sydenham ward--At. No. 9% Wil- liam street; Joseph Brophy, deputy re- turning officer. Ontario ward--At Ontario hall, Alex- ander Jamieson. St. Lawrence ward--At. No. 352 Princess street; John H. Johnston. Cataraqui | ward--At No. 82 (Quen street; Francis Tracy. | Frontenac ward--At. No. 63 ork street; George Keen. |e Rideau ward--At No. 350 University avenue; John Hamer. Victoria ward--Corner of Union and Division streets; Ernest T. Roberts. When the stomach, heart or kidney "| nerves get weak, then these organs al- ways fail. Don't drug the stomach nor stimulate the heart or kidneys That is simply a makeshift. Get a !| prescription known to druggists every- *| where as Dr! Snoop's Restorative. The Restorative is prepared expressly for li these weak inside nerves. Strengthen {these nerves, build-them up with Dr. -|Shoop's Restorative--tablets or liquid |--and see how quickly help will come. | Free saniple test sent on. request by | Dr. Shoop, Racine, Wis. Your health " is surely worth this simple test. Sold | by all druggists. Ii a man's sins find him out thev 1sually camp on the front porch and '® patiently await his return. 5 The only store in Kingston where | you can see strictly high-class confec- r= tionery in fancy baskets and boxes. t McConkey's and Huyler's are sold at k Gibson's Red Cross drug store. The starfish has no nose, but the "whole of its underside is endowed {with the sense of smell. r-| Bibby's for the best display of Christmas neckwear, 50c. n+} The hair from the tail of a horse is the strongest single animal thread rl known. See Bibby's great neckwear displa: n| If you cannot hate hypocrisies and evil you are not likely to love virtue 1g, Bibby's for President braces, in neat fancy box, 50c. n if- )was cured of hysterical attacks Ferro he | one. Here 1s her statement: "It he | would be impossible to describe the il- {horror of my nervous condition. Lit- te {tle things upset me and sent a rush mn. of blood to my head. 1 sometimes m- | burst into uncontrolled tears or else x- {laughed by the hali-hour. The at- ar- tacks wore away my strength and ng {completely disorganized my nervous v. |system. Ferrozone did me immense 'x- good. It restored my nerves, built up ily [my general health, and completely ne cured the hysteria. Toxlay 1 am ve- | vigorous, strong, look hearty, and in | feel just fine. Ferrozone wa this, and er-|1 can't recommend this excellent toni ns | too highly." by| For weak, nervous women who are ng pale and languid, who feel worn out jes {and distressed, there is no mor vital ri- | izing medicine than Ferrozome. Refuse is | a substitute for Ferrozome, which is vs- | prepared in the form of a chocolate wt {conte tablet and sold everywhere in ny | 50c. boxes, or six boxes for $2.50. By mail from N.C. Polson & Co., Hart ford, Cong, USA, aml Kingston. Ont. ig " " 3 BS » 4 ¥ v i Toilet Setts | As Xmas Gifts Ahab aad At : Best's. : Nothing could be more .} o> SAM bebebbit ceptable gift than a hand- some Toilet Set, in Ebony, § with Silver Mountings which we engrave free. - «> A AF We have the most complete and attractive stock of these ¥ goods shown in Kingston. x <4 Our immense stock of "Xmas X 4 Goods is sure to suggest 3 4" something. You are welcome 3 to inspect these goods. No <4 trouble to show them. > A --l - % The "Best" Drug Store § 4 © 124 Princess St. TITTITTIIIIIIITIITIIVYY Chocolates! Every Christmas Season we import from the celebrated manufacturers Rowntree and Cadbury A quantity of their Fine Chocolates. This year the boxes are exceptionally pretty and we cordially invite your im spection of them. Rowntree's Dainty Boxes, at 10 cents. Picture Balls, at 10 cents. Picture Balls, at 20 oemts. Picture Balls, at 35 cents. Foot Balls, at 20 cents. Foot Balls, at 35 cents. Pretty Boxes, at 85 cents. Assorted Chocolates, 1 Ib. boxes, 50 cents. Coffee Creams, 1 Ib. boxes, 75 cents. Chocolate Ginger, 1 1b. boXes, 75 cents. Bdelweiss - Chocolates, 1 Ib. boxes, 75 cents Emperor Assorted, 1 1b. hoxes, $1.25, Emperor. Dessert, 1 1b. boxes, $1.25. Cadbury's Pretty Boxes, at 10 cents. Pretty Boxes, at 15 cents. Pretty Boxes, at 30 cents. Pretty Boxes, at 50 cents. Pretty Boxes, at $1. Pretty Boxes, at $2. Assorted Chocolates, 1 Ib. cents. Assorted cents. tins, 60 Chocolates, I 1b boxes, 40 ETC., ETC., ETC: Jas. Redden & Co Importers Of Fine Groceries TYPEWRITING We have an experienced stenographer and typist and we are prepared to do strictly first class copying of all kinds. Headquarters for Typewrit- ers, Repairs and Supplies. J. R. C. Dobbs & Co., 171 Wellington street. FARMS WANTED Experience, Absolute Rel and t in values have ned for us an enviable reputation in iteal Estate Business and put us in touch with » long lst of prospective buyers. It you wish to place any Real Estate om the market, you will find it to your advant: age to communicate wi We waat sh us. at present a choice farm of 75 to 100 RETR, near Kingston, also a large dairy arm locality. 1.3 'Lockhart Real Estate Agent, 159 Welling- ton St., Kingston, Ont. with good buildings ia good COAL From P. WALSH You get genuine Scranton, as he handles nothing else. NOTICE.--1,000 ISLANDS. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN IN regard to the lollowing condition in the terms of sale of the 1,000 Islands im the be vu \ vi ail is reels ' or "As smal rocks, oho he eatin of disposing of the "same to the owners of larger islands "adjoining, will, upon application to the . ment, receive due consideration, vin unless applications for such oes, s or shoals by owners : . lands are made © the undersigned with- in three months from dats, disposition thereof will be made to first 8. The unauthorized mgertice ol vs ad vertisement will not be a y DY MeLBAN - Grom I ---- MURDERESS GETS JUDGE- MENT FOR BIG AMOUNT. : ¥ Order Assued in Same Court Where "She Was Sentenced--Recovered Insurance on Her Husband's Life. Lincoln, Neb., Dec. 17.--In the same | court room, at David City, where four years ago she was found guilty of murdering her husband and sentenced to life imprisonment, Mrs. Lena MN. was, last night, given a judg- ment for on a life insurance policy taken out by her murdered hus- band. "The policy was in the fraternal order of Bea Iur, and with interest amounts' to. $3,050. A year ago Mrs. Lillie was pardon- ed by Governor Mickey and is now employed in a Lincoln department store. # A suit against the Modern Wood- men of America for $2,500 is now pending. It is practically identical with that in which judgment was ren- dered against the Tribe of Ben Hur, and inasmuch as this decision estab- lishes a precedent, other 'suits against companies in which policies were held are expected to follow. The theory of the prosecution when Mrs. Lillie was tried was that the killing was chiefly to secure the insur- ance on the hfe of Harvey Lillie, placed all the way from $9,000 to £20,000. IMMIGRATIuw TALK. Western Members Say Japanese Should Be Kept Out. From Our Own Correspondent. Ottawa, Dec. 17.--lhe Japanese im- migration 'question monopolized the attention of parliament, yesterday, and the members of the house British Columbia had the day for the most part to themselves. _Harking back jor a moment to the situation, it will be remembered that last session of parliament the | treaty | with Japan was satisfactory, and | there was only one dissentient on the from | THE DAILY BRITISH present possessions of British Colum- bia from the Rocky Mouutains west- ward to the Pacific ocean, become a colony, and ultimately a possession of a united Orient. "England has made an alliance with this new world power, but this alli- ance and all other treaties or com- pacts of an Burasian complexion can never endure, They can at best pos- sess only the elements of expediency. It is impossible, it is unnatural. As individuals, the races do not and nev- or will assimilate. As nations, their ultimate individual destiny, their world-wide interests, their undying am- bitions centre in channels as opposite as the Poles." Dealing with the commercial aspect | of the case, Mr. Sloan declared : ""Ja-| pan's commercial and manufacguiin activities are rapidly increasing, and those who are now pressing for trade relations will in a few years be pray- ing for relief, for protection against the cheaper manufactures of Oriental origin." He cited Baron [Ishil's statement, that Japan would discontinue sending her laborers to the United States, but would continue to send a limited num- ber to Canada. "If this is correct," he commented, 'that Japan has yield- ed to the wishes of the United States disregarding the understanding with this government, as expressed on the floor of this house, the position of Canada as a colony of Great Britain is indeed humiliating." The conclusions of the member for Comox-Atlin may be summed up in his reference to Hon. Rodolphe Le- mieux's mission, which cannot be said to be optimistic : "That our representative to Tokio will be firm even to the verge of fail- ure, is my hope for Canada at this time, thus leaving the government in a position to carry out its avowed policy of 1903, and I trust that legis. Jation will be introduced this session with that in view. Canada should not and must not recede from the position that immigration to this country should be controlled from within, and not from without." Mr. McCarthy, Calgary, was inform- ed by L. P. Brodeur, that $92,459 had been paid to the high commissioner for Canada by the Russian govern: ment for outstanding claims in con nection with the wrongful seizure of government side, Siz, J. B Kennedy, | | 0 British Columbia schooners Car- of New Westminster. The provisions of | . or Belle. In th the treaty restricted emigration f {molite and Vancouver e018 Japan to Catmide: to & A from| ces of the schooners Maria and : nada; one per year|p i. (Olsen, the evidence warranted from each district of that kingdom, | 10 seizure of the vessels. which would mean between 500 and| 3, White was informed by the min- 600 per year. This agreement was ster of the interior that since Octo- grossly violated this year, and to se-'por 30th, 1906, 5,007 Canadians had cure a restriction of dapanese immi-| returned to Canady from the United gration, Hon. Rodolphe Lemieux is| States. now in Tokio. The result of his mis-| Replying to Dr. Chisholm, of Huron, sion is anxiously awaited in Canada. |}jon. Sidney.Fisher said the govern- Ralph Smith of Nanaimo opeped the ment was aware al the existence of subject from the point of view of the bubonic plague in the state of Jritish Columbia. Mr. Smith pointed! California. All vessels arriving at out that twenty-five years ago a reso- (Canadian ports from Californian lution was moved in the Commons ports were thoroughly inspected and that Oriental immigration into Brit-| disinfeeted, and the same system of ish Columbia, was not in the interests| inspection was carried out with in- of that country. The resolution was|coming trains at the border. withdrawn on the promise of Sir John| Hon. Mr. Paterson informed Mr. A. Macdonald, that a royal commis-| Armstrong that the government had sion Nould be appointed to ingure 'taken steps to prevent German goods into the question. | coming through England to Canada This was done and the commission gay the British preference, and an reported that the C. P. R., which was investigation was now ing mauie by being built at that time could not be|the trade commissioners and the sec- properly proceeded with without the retary of the high commissioner. Mr. Asiatic labor. | Armstrong was also ulorused that in From this point, Mr. Smith claim- 1906, to the 30th June, 3,052 gallons ed, the Asiatic immigration pestion of absinthe, lo the. valig of Ham, began to be serious, were imported into Canada, and dur- The member for Nanaimo explained |ing the same period 341,754 gallons why it was that he had endorsed the lof brandis pad imitation brandies, Japanese treaty. There had been no | valued at $553,102. demand for restrictions against Ro Nr. Fielding informed Mr. Macdon- nese immigration between the vears nell that $61,241,544 of dominion notes 19% and 1907. No demand had been |Were outstanding on October 3lst, made upon him which would cause | 1907, and the total amount of deposits him to think that anything other|in government and post office savings than the presemt regulations or or-| Jehartments on October 31st were rangements were wanted. | tin dy He declared himself against the pos-} sibility of making contracts by cor-| porations to -bring in Asiatic immi-| gration, unless these contracts were] supervised by the government. | Irwin Defendants. R. G. Macpherson, of ¥ascouver Toronto, Dec. 17.--The Union Trust spoke strongly upon the question of |company, this morning, issued a writ Japanese immigration. He condemned | against George W. Fowler, M.P., Wil the condition of the British-Japanese [liam Irwin and Peter Ryan, to re treaty, by which it was possible for cover £35,000 money received by the Japanese emigrants to come to Can-|defendants to the use of the plaintiffs ada sal enter the country with little |and interest thereon. The action more than a protest on the part of [arises over evidence that came out the local population of British Colum- [before the royal commission on in hia. {surance.' It was stated that Peter a| Ryan sold to Mr. Fowler, for 817,000, the|a certain timber property When the transfer of the property was being ar TIMBER PROPERTY SUIT. Fowler, M.P., Peter Ryan and W. He protested vigorous'v against treaty which made it possible for citizens of Japan to wink at the agree- : ment. | ranged for it was said that Mr. Fow- Mr. Macpherson said he found it dif- ler asked that the amount be made ficult to control his feelings when |¥225.000, as the bonafide price paid speaking of this subject, but he de- | for the property, which was being se- manded that this wholesale immigra- | cured for the Union . Trust company tion of the Asiatics should be put allt appeared to tho Union Trust com- stop to. He declared it to be a mat-|Pany. from the evidence, that the ter for the Canadian government to |company had to pay $53,800 more for deal with. the property than it was worth, and, Duncan Ross, of Yale-Cariboo, con- therefore, sues to secure this amount tended that the government had in the from Nz. HE awler, and those associa- past, always turned a deaf ear to ect with ha J British Columbia, which, however, { was simply looked upon as a source COMBINATION LOCKED UP of rovenue, which was to be spent free- ly in any other place save in British Columbia. The construction of the Crow's Nest station had done more to| The safe in the local branch of the develop Victoria than had any other | Bank of Commerce could not be op- thing which the government had un-{ened to-day. The clerk in charge had dertaken. British Columbia was just | Jocked his combination figures in the coming to her own, after many years| cash box in the vault, and as be had of patient waiting; they had room for | forgotten to send a copy. of the a million people, but a people of one | figures to the head office, the staff kind, not a mixture of white and vel-| was in a predicament this morning. A Jow. Jt may be taken for granted | couple of drillers arrived this mom- that the Oriental would outwit us for | ing from Toronto, having been tele good or evil in the. long run. The! syraphed for last night, and were at best means to restrict such immigra- | work all day drilling out the face of tion 'was the passing of what was| (hs safe in order to effect an entrance, called the Natal act, wo contract la: | which they finally succeeded in doing. bor should be allowed 'to come into] . be the country without the authority of | Fire did damage to the Catholic the government. {convent at Lafontaine, Ont. The roof And Bank of Commerce Safe Couldn't Be Opened. 10 BE EXAMINED SECOND TUESDAY IN MAY, 1908. Exantinations to Take Place at Headquarters of Military Dis- tricts--Where to Apply For All Information. Ottawa, Dee, 17.--la to-day's militia orders it is noted, for informa- next examination for entrance to the Royal Military College will be held, at the headyuarters of the several military districts, on the second Tues- day po, Prey fswo. Candidates should make ication to the secretary, militia council, headquarters, Ottawa, not later than April 15th, 19us, The report on examination for ad mission to the Royal Muitary College of Canada, held in May 1907, con- taining of the examination pa- pers, and syllabus of subjects and books in which candidates will be examined in May, 1908, is now avail: able for issue, and can be obtained by applying to the "Secretary, Militia Council, Ottawa," or to "The mandant, Royal Military Kingston, Ont." The defeat of the independent ecandi- date, at Chateauguay, yesterday, will have results in Mr. Bourassa's inten- tions. He will probably now give up the intention of entering Quebec lex- islature and come back to Labelle and contest the old seat for the do- minion house. The political parties of Hull are awaiting his next announce- ment to this effect. PERSONAL MENTION. Movements Of The People--Wial They Are Saying And Doipe. J. L. Whiting, K.C., is in Napanee attending the assizes. Daniel Whey, Princess street, return- ed from Cape Vincent, N.Y., today. D. A. Shaw, of Newman & Shaw, is seriously ill at his home on Union street. Mrs. W. H. Martin, Parry Sound, is visiting with Mrs. G. Kemp, Queen street. Miss M. Crothers, Earl street, arriv- ed home from New York, to-day, after visiting friends. George Oliver, Gore street, who has been so seriously ill for some weeks, is much better. 0 John B. Lemmon, who addressed the has left for Chicago. through New York state. Thomas Tobin, Rochester, N.Y., ar- rived, to-day, to spend the holidays with relatives in the city. Mrs. G. G. Morton, Russell street, has arrived home from a six weeks' visit to the eastern provinces. WHIG, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 17, 1907. : INTENDING CADETS] tion of intending candidates, that the kin. meme TROGIOUS_ GRIME DISCOVERED THROUGH CLAIRVOYANT'S AGN CY. Hunt's for house coats and dressing| The Way the Scheme Was Worked gowns, : and the Horrid Murder Dis- New table raisins, figs, prunes. Ed- a enki, ng . closed--A Man in a Trance. Combination ticks ud his Sal In connection with the murder of 2 y ¥ t g i ¥ The first games of junior O.H.A. series will likely be pulled off between Christmas and New Year's, if the "we. ts are carried out. Lake, Kingston, have ob- tained a C b patent on an au- tomatic stop motion for knitting ma- chines. Centre tables from $2.30, $3.50, 84. 30, $10 to $35. Some goods solid mahogany, $20 to 25, at RJ. Reid's. The Newman-Spriggs Electric com- pany has secured the contract for furnishing and placing chandeliers and fitti in the new biological build- in eons University. a Pomegranates at Carnovshys. hoo across the GO The steamer New Island Wanderer li was a little late, to-day, on account of the heavy trafic. Every day large bers «¢ gers are ing over to spend the holidays with friends and relatives in the city and vicinity. Box chocolates. "The Red Star." Canadian Freeman : The Whig is 5 § ) ie: is 5 £8 if i ih ge gt 4 i : 43 1 4 { g ir +1 >t l i i ih i i E i i 4 g Lt i fi 3 i th 4 LH g 8 tf g g gid wed a fine special Christmas number charged my x + i od, "Gentlemen, as true as God--you on Saturday which was an artistic | 8 out me in if you like--I piece of work in every particular. The | gig not put it dere: I am an inno ress work was exceedingly fine and - Dron Naat artistic work of this kind | SW0% man can be done just as well in Kingston as in any place in Canada PITH OF THE NEWS. The Very Latest Culled From All| defiphia police, on a charge Over The World. i i The Lusitania and Mauretania may | 289. be run from channel ports. Charles Campbell, a Hamilton | Hat 0 church warden, got three months for claimed, one being Saffer and the oth- stealing church funds and a watch. er Count Gottino, He has admitted J. H. Paton, a civil engineer of} his identity to the police. It is stated Montreal, was taken ill in Toronto. that he was once connected with the mass meeting on Inursday night last, | e n : : | in Laturel, Missouri, to-day, in which Hartford Chadwick and wife arrived | Edward . Bragg was killed by home to-day after an extended trip' He was admitted to St. Michael's hos- pital to undergo an operation. Mrs. Jane Ward and Mrs. Annie Shenery, Lynden, arrested in Hamil: charge of shop lifting, ad- ilt and werd sentenced to one each. A deliberately planned duel occurred B. W. KRharboro state senator, Was wow v Premier Nasir El Mulk and the min: ister of the interior, Sanin Ed Dow- leh, arrested on the orders of the shah, have been liberated, The former premier started to-night for Europe in exile. -- h, former Miss V. MeNieco expects to leave just after Christmas, for Montreal, to spend about a fortnight with friends. B. 0. Strachan, B.Sc. is expected home to-morrow from Ely, Minnesota, to spend the holidays with his parents, Bagot street. Mrs. (Dr.) Belch, Monday, to spend the holidays her mother, Mrs, James Reid, cess street. Miss E. Lyons and her sister ar rived from Watertown, N.Y., Mon- day, to spend the holidays with their parents on Wolfe Island. Clarence Mathewson, the ten mgnths old son of Mr. and Mrs. G. B." Ma- thewson, Ontario street, passed away on Monday afternoon. Hugh Robinson, jzer for 'he International Tailors' Union, left this morning for Cobourg, and will re- turn again in three weeks. H. MacDonald, of the Bank of Mon- treal stafi, left yesterday for Perth, 6 enter the branch there. Mr. Mac Donald's many [riends were very sorry to see him leave town. Thomas G. Bishop, chief engineer of the steamer Windsor, of the M. T company, left yesterday, via New York, to visit his parents in Cowes, 1.W., Eng. The remains of the late James Neil- son, son of J. 8. Neilson, mherst Syracuse, arrived, with Prin- for burial. five years old and had a promising future before him when stricken down. FIRE BUGS AT WORK. Tried to Burn Business Part of Dutton. Dutton, Ont., Dec. 17.--About 10:30 o'clock last night a fire broke out in a warehouse belongi to. OC. W. Hodder situated To gintay in the rear of Hockin & Co.'s warchouses, the buildings bei totally destroyed with contents, Tully covered by an insurance. About twelve o'clock fire broke out again in a lime house, owned by Dowswell & Som, which was destroyed. It is thought both fires were of intendiary : origin, and intended to wipe out the business part of the town, as a strong northwest wind was blowing at the time, An investigation will be held, this after- noon, by Police Magistrate Hunt, of St. Thomas. "Three Swallows." Sir John Power & Sons, "Three Swallows" Irish Whiskey, 'amous for over a century, (- Of highest standard of purity, \ Distillers to His Majesty the King. Elected Their Officers. At a meeting of C.OCF., No. 217; held on Tuesday night, the following officers were elected : Recorder, Dany! J. B. Kennedy, of New Westminster, | oo ,urned off. yeminded the house that he had em-| . phasirzed the danger last session. He! repeated his warning. i Mr. Sloan, of Comox Atlin, dealt | with some emphasis with certain im-| perial and international phases of the | question. . | "We are just rounding off the * first | century of British dominion on the} north-west coast of America," he said. | "In that brief space of time we have | Jost, through the indifference of im-| perial statesmanship, large areas of | territory and coast line, both on the north and south of what we pow hold, 'And my form conviction is in view of past history and ssent conditionk, that unless there is a complete re- Nepartment of Todian Afiaivs, N . 3 +" vorsal of policy, time will. see our Staley; vice-councillor, Daniel J. Daw- {son; treasurer, Mrs. D. Staley; mar- shal, Mrs. H. McCormick; prelate, {Mrs. P. 'Moran; guanl, J. Hurley: itrustee, James Daley; auditor, Miss {A Haggerty and R. Hanley; medical examiner and physician, Dr. Robert | Hanley. Fear He Cannot Recover. | London, Dec. 17.--Lord Relvin, the famous scientist, who has heen ill for several --weeks, is in a critical condi- tion. He has had a serious relapse. His physicians fear he cannot recover. ' Dee-licious. Sealskipt oysters of course, you can : si Island, will arrive from the west on | Wednesday and will be taken to Stella | The deceased was twenty-| After concluding the consideration of the general charges of the Canadian {express companies the Railway Com- mission has adjourned the enquiry un- i til after the new year, when the spe- "cial rates will be taken up. In New York the 3,500 members of | the Liberty Dawn association of Cab Drivers struck to-day, completely ty- | ing up the service at all hotels, clubs, stables and stands in the city. The] funeral drivers may also walk out. ( 1 King Carl { Portug 3 ing Carlos of Portugal, the royal Ancient Order of Hibernians: D. family, members of cabinet and diplo- matic corps and other notables, nar- nowly escaped being blown up by an- archists in the Lisbon cathedral on Sunday. A terrorist was charged with the exccution of the plot but failed. The Late A Brabb. Brockville, Ont., Dec. 17.--A. Brabb, Canadian manager of the D. H. Bur. rell & Co's dairy utensil manufactory located here, 'ied Sunday night of a | lingering illness, aged forty-two. De | ceased was a native of Bustard town | ship, and before coming to Prock- | ville many years ago, conducted | cheese and butter factory at Frank-| ville. He was an expert cheese and butter maker and at one time was in| the employ of the Eastern Dairymen's Association as an instruc. tor and inspector. He graduated from the Kingston Dairy School His wi- dow and three children survive. Fair View Items. Fair View, Dec. 16.--James Mcbon- ald, Camden Fast, called on Alfred Snider on Thursday. Mrs. Switzer and Albert Mchonald called on the latter's aunt, Mrs. Snider, on Thurs- day. Charles Lowery and family at- tended Miss Eva Miller's wedding on | Saturday John Bennett is drawing wood from Forest Mills. Thomas : Bennett, of Riverside, recently called on John Bennett. Mrs. Fenwick and { Mrs. Hodson recently called on Mrs. 'John Bennett. Mr. and Mes, A. D, Spider attended 'the tea-meeting at Violet on Wednesday. Was Taken Back. Heary Fisher, wanted at Aubum, N.Y., for violating his parole, went back this afternoon, in tha custody of Sheriff Caldwell. A report was sent the rounds that Fisher would fight! extradition proceedings when the time came for him to go, but he did not| do so. On the other hand, he was very! pleased to go, and gave Sheriff Cald-| well no trouble whatever. Since his! arrest on Saturday last, he has been| kept at the police station, and was not removed to the jail. { Basketball At Y. M. C. A, | Basketball is now in full swing at the Y. M. C. A. The past fow weeks have been given over to practice, and now the real hard work in the match- ee will commence. The junior school! boys play off their first game late | this afteynoon, und on, Wednesday! night, the first game in the intermedi-| ate series will be played. i ---------------- i Stewart's candy. The Red Star. i At a meeting in Hamilton, Rev. | G. R. Turk, after warning men to} avoid strong drink, said women also { should heed the warning. Many wo-| { men got drunk on candies. | Hunt's for umbrellas, $1 to 85. In-| itialed free. | Only tongue-tied women suffer from | brain fag. Seedless oranges. 'The Red Star." See Bibby's 50c. fancy hosiery. Sweet potatoes at: Cornoveky' ---------------------------------------- died Monday morning, is state in the winter garden of the villa, New Piano Warerooms a | Where the en ferred to the' Catholic court church inj , | Dresden, this | lie in state a second time, until the . | funeral, Ontario Wednesday dispute with N Italian army. 9veoe Evidently Took Life. Alexandria, Ont., Dec. 17.--An wn known man was found dead on Key- done street, last evening, with a bul- let wound in his head. 1¢ is supposed to be a case of suicide as a revolver was found near the . The wan was about sixty years old, well dress- ed and apparently a commercial man He had signed the at the Commercial hotel, as J. Moore, Otta- wa. An inquest will be held. Separate School Board. D. J. Millan has been appointed by the separate school board as return: ing officer for the trustee elections. Mr. Millan sucoeeds J. F. McDermott in that position. The nominations will be on December 26th, and the elections on January 2nd. There is scarcely ever . i a separate school board election, the £ trustees invariably being elected Ly 0 -- : : § | $ i | | i : : i ii i soecssbssdee -p pa ssssese 00000000000000000 acclamation. Elected Officers. : The following officers were elected at the last regular meeting of the Now is your time to select your prises. . "| We have a splendid New Stock Dennis, president; James J. Lackie,| of "Bibles," "Hymn Books," viot-prentdent; 4 J. Dheary, recording | «Story Books," for the Boys recretary; E. . McQuaid, financi secretary; James Lawlor, tregsurer ; Girls. New "Toy Books for the M. Corrigan, sergeant at arms; W. S.| Kiddies. X Flannagan, sentinel; J. Collins, mar- shall; Dr. R. Hanley, physician; Dr. C. A. Morrison, medical examiner, Dowager Queen Carola Dead. Dresden, Dec. 17.--The body of Dow- ager Queen Carola, of Saxony, who lying ia came. It will be trans evening. It will there Representing the KNABE, WILLIS, been fixed for | DOMINION, SOHMER sad FARRAND PIANOS, KNABE-ANGELUS, SOHM- ER-CECELIAN and FARRAND-CECEL- chocolates. "The Red|IAN PLAYER PIANOS and the DO- MINION ORGAN. : We will be Jistsed to 2ve yuu drop which bas Pretty box Star," Edwards & Jenkin. Hiram Conkin, deputy minister of mines for Nova Scotia, has been ap- and geo pointed representative of the Cumber- S land Railway & Coal Co. in its DAWSON & TALEY, its men at Springfield, ar Strest N.S. " Princess e.. Three solid oak sideboards, requiar| HS Grade Plance, ot Living Frc price $22.50 and $25, for $15, at bo Robert J. Reid's. " J. C. Bowen, of Marmora, has been "eT C } 2d appointed clerk of the tenth division {3 SSHORTSTOP court of Hastings county. CIDE ¢ IX er Vv Chocolates in endless variety. "The CURES LL LUULARS Red Star." JXR"7. See our special $1, $1.50 and $2 y gloves, at. Hunt's, See Bibby's great $1 gloves. thprfPillRnlrrRRRReRa Be Tom Smith's Christmas Stockings at Se, 10¢, 20c, 40c, 60c, . and $1.00. Crackers Finest Fancy Crackers at 15c, 20c, 25c, 40c, 60c and 75¢. per box of 1 dozen. HOLL. ! HOLLY ! A. J. REES, 166 Princess St. 58. ERRVEEE RROCARRRANIRROIRERYIRR g ~ ~3 Brass Castings