2 3 \ = Mes. J. | and . N. Dupuis. Shortly sight ses' room to Grant Hall by of the various committees, of the Alme Mater executive, and. the stately etitrance to the com- ¢ hall they received the guests, 700 in number, i mie, Rh s+ rok 2h ety. Se f g ge il g i g i i nature i : Tig i : h i F it | Lil F ok 2 Hi Ii Fa hr ' i b ; i f if F | i X Fe re fit 1ifs i i398 ¥ Hel: 0 Hu i it fick | ! f feopiit \ who accompanied the Man- and Glee Clubs on their tour of entertainment, would have a rare treat in of which it formed the a » Was follows : Violin solo, concerto, , Maud Buschlen; vocal solo, "The oars At The ve Boat A So 2 he 's 8 ar A A solo, "Create" Lovers Song," GC, bocal solo, "At a Rantamine' < y Song, Miss B se inglingale Has a Inve OF Massie: violin solo, "Salut D'Amour, Gold ," Miss O'Hara; violin solo, 'Gipsy Dances," Miss Buschlen: cor not solo, "Love's Old Sweet Song," W. Allen; vocal solo, "Bedouin Love Sang W. A. Beecrolt; accompanist, At the hour of 2:30; there came to a close one of the best and most thor oughly ever hold under the Sastice 's Alma Mater So- --------------------. i 7 = ¥ g H Ti j is 2 = 4 of i 7 ; : qr i ; # fr iE Smoking Will Be Prohibited. class at 2:45 p.m. Strangers ever wel- Suing So Somphwints of lady voters. [come lo 8 sorrices, a one at Tapeh Se io dnd Earl street oi fet municipal slections that they must|Rev. Prof. Jordan, D.D.; 7 pan., Alex: x allow no smoking or spitting in thelander S. Todd, B.A. y 3 polling booths. deputies will _bal3 Pv: Bible will not meet = to- to carry out this and | morrow; prayer We neddav ; more pleasant for] 1:30 Strangers cordially invited 1] way things io So not lich theft et. Congregational church corner way s are at same vot-| Ig Rations, . 4) i 1s Ville. Le at am. at 7pm Have They To Resign? oni mon; * | Have aldermen who contact for the |pardonable Sin" hoo a3 mayor's chair to resign, if their city pm. A welcome to all council term has not expirid * There feepecially invited to the serv Jn, the act re-comstituting [Seats are free. Siabidint. oi would seem that ; g u Pp. gt i 1 i 5 | i f cheap at Chown's Drug steamer Wanderer is still on the route. The steamer Pierrepont is being held in readiness if required, but the rest of the fleet is in winter Smits Pulls lady curlers are get- ing ready for the season. Bibby's for men's cardigan edats. L. E. Staples, M.A., who recently resigned from the Kingston Institute staff, has accepted a position as [science master in Ingersoll Collegiate Rib tor Dent's: Eo ish glo ibby's t's i ves. gt fumes, cheap at Chown's Drug Prof. Shortt, of Queen's the Canadian University, His will be "The Causes Of The Financial Crisis." Don's forget the place--Medley's on box of glove. that was near at hand Parcels, all shapes and sizes, were Bich In avidoucs, wind the rash js now T. E. Burke, B.D. Hl am. and 7 pam; nday school at 3 pam.; Y.P.S. NMon- day, 8 pm.; prayer meeting, Wednes- day, 8 p.m. St. George's cathedral--Holv com- -- a ed Canin munion, am; , Canon Starr. Sunday school and Bible class, , 7 p.m. student g i he ni i | i bike i i! de Excellent Time ~The Fire Committee Was Present to View the Test. At the fire and committee met Art |ing, x , were y = poses £5 ickle, Angrove and Henderson A The question of the recent surcharge duction in fire i was men- tiated. The reduction only applied: to business section city om the had been on the . man said that if the city made the additional water main and hydrant , all the surcharge might be wi out. of the t's hose was department's ae . {destroyed at the waterworks fire water committee hasagreed to pay for it, and the fire committee decided to replace the amount with new hose, and to call for tenders from local firms A notice was rectived from the Un- derwriters' Assosiation, pointing out the extra danger of fire existing du ing the Christmastide, and a visnl i fire committees to see that their de- mts were ready to respond quickly to calls. The notice also re- minded the committee of the necessity of there being constant attention giv- en the. hydrants so that they will not freeze, Brigade Had Test Run. On adjournment the committee de- cided to give the fire brigade a test run, and the members, with press re- presentatives, took a walk over to Queen's University grounds. Ald Nickle telephoned the two stations. Three minutes after No, 2 station got the alarm, its chemical engine and ladder waggon arrived in rear of the medical building, coming through the Union street entrance. Three quarters of a minute later, the chief and his men had a stream on. Four and a quarter minutes was the time made by No. 1 station men, who had a much 2, and up the college hill as well. The Chatham engine from No. 2 station arrived in five aug a half minutes. Considering the snowy condition of the roads, and the fact that the fire apparatus is still on wheels, the times made by both stations wis remark- ably fast, and Ald. Ross and his com- mittee were well pleased with the fire- men's efforts. It would be hard "to beat the bunch of fire-fighters Kings- ton has. The students of Queen's thought one of the buildings was afire, and many of them hurried out to see what the matter was. Some young ladies who bad hurried to énjoy the "festivities" were greatly disappointed because the call was only a "joke. Are you all ready for the great day ? Did you plan early in the. season about your Christmas gifts or are you leaving your 'Xmas shopping until the big rush omes? This i Hy © is a "Xmas Store" for here you can see scores of beauti- ful gifts which will appeal to men and women of good taste. What could be more suitable than furs? Furs and 'Xmas are linked to- gether for it's just at that season that furs are most appreciated. Then our Indian appropriate. Another inter- esting t is our glove department fairly would be a nice Umbrella. We have just received a fresh shipment of these for 'Xinas trade and invite you o come in and see them, for swell, We i} Read what we have to say about Furs, on page 4, in illustrated supplement of longer pull than their comrades of No. | Julia Lynett, Kingston. George McAllister, Wolfe Island. Bella McCall, Kingston. Gertrude Moran, iefield, Jennie Mundell, Joyceville. Louisa" Myers, Kingston. Carmel O'Brien, Appleton. Jane G. O'Neill, Bediord Mills. Katie Patterson, Mount Chesney. Charles E. Purdy, Prospect. Clara inn, Kingston. Maisie aud, Westport. Edith M. Scholes, Sunbury. Mabel Scholes, Kingston. Clara Sleeman, Kingston. Annie C. Smeaton, Kingston. Stella Taggart, Wolfe Island. Lulu 0. Todd, Dufferin. Vera B. Van Luven, Kingston. Teresa Whelan, Kingston, Mildred Wilmot, Eric. Gladys Wilson, Carleton Place. Charles G. Yorke, Verona. The Citizens Should Encourage Them in Their Laudable Desire to Keep Near to the Top. Now that the 14th Regiment has de- cided, to put two teams in the O.H.A. George D. Chown, Kingston. league, Kingston will be well repre- Vernon H. Craig, Kingston. coed in 1 hin year, four teams be- Joba W. > Lake Opinicon. ing entered. The citizens should turn Lulu W. B. Darling, Inverary. out and ' do their best to help the Eve E. Groen: Milo. | toh boys along when they are taking such an interest in the game. Sporting Notes. "Jack" Marks, now playing at Pittsburg, is slated for left wing on Brantford's professional hockey team. It 'is likely that he will be landed in the course of a day or two. London Advertiser: Everybody is talking hockey locally, and small won- der. Nine teams, including an inter mediate O.H.A. bunch, is an unheard of thing in London. / The roller 'skating fad is interferin, somewhat with hockey in many On- tario towns. In several places the rinks will not be flooded until Janu- ary lst, owing to the leases of the rinks, which do not expire until that tume. "AN" Smith and "Tom" Phillips are now reported to be engaged by the Montreal Wanderers. Smith has already signed an Ottawa contract, Secretary Dickson says, but that makes no difference when the Wander- ers want him. An Australian scribe says: "Those supposed to know most things in Eng- land are so hopelessly narrow-minded and conservative that they can see nothing good in any player who has not represented: England in twenty or thirty matches in international cricket encounters." Brooklyn Baseball Club has noti- fied the Toronto Club that it can have "Jimmy" Casey if the Maple Leafs will give Pitcher McGinley and $4,000 in the coin of the realm for the stockily-built player. President Meo- Cafferty is still in Chicago, and con- sequently no official action will be taken upon Brooklyn's offer until he i | | In accordance with the latest dic: tates of fashion the wearer should give particular attention to the shape as well as the trimming, as the hats of this season vary so in shape it is easy to obtain one to suit one's face. The above was a black French felt; trimmed with large bunches of red flowers in front and side, and had loops of black satin ribbon in the ba NEWS OF DISTRICT. Local Notes and Things in General. Miss Alice E. Kilborn and Alfred J. Leacock, both of Frankville, were mar- ried on Wednesday. High court in Napanee opens on Monday, before Justice McMahon. There are four cases. Miss Eliza Sobey, Napanee, leaves next week for a couple of weeks' visit with friends in London, Ont. Alfred Conners and daughter left Lanark last Saturday for Ansley, Nebraska, where a brother resides, Dr. and Nrs. Lynch, of Almonte, celebrated the twenty-fiith anniversary of their marriage on November 29th. Ernesttown electors will vote on a b¥-law for granting aid to Sharpe & Rickey for the establishment of grist, saw and planing mills and box factory in Bath. Deserouto will offer the Rathbun company $30,000 for the gas and pumping plant it conducts there and an additional $10,000 in débentures for $9,500, J Miss Ada A. DeLong, oniy daughter of the late W. C. Delong, of Lanark, was united in marriage on November 2th, to J. H. Orser, a well-to-do farmer, of Murray, Ont. The departure of H. S. Walker, man- ager of the Bank of Ottawa, from Lanark, was marked by two presenta- tions--one {rom the business men, the other from the Oddiellows. One of the best known men of Elms. ley died, Saturday, in the person of William Moore. Mr. Moore had suffer- ed a long time from diabetes. He was born in the township fifty years ago. There passed away in Belleville hos- pital, on Wednesday evening one of the oldest residents, in the person of Arthur Wensley. The deceased had been in poor health for some years past. The late Mr. Wensley was born in Somersetshire, England, seventy- three years ago. An interesting and happy event took place on November 28th, at Spring- bank Farm, near Cleveland, Ohio, the country home of Mr. and Mrs. S. R. Badgley, when his niece, Miss Blanche E. Hogle, formerly of Odessa, Ont., was married to Mrs. Badgley's ne- phew, James R. Gilleland, of &t. Oatharives. While on their way to a skating vy at Mr. and Mrs. T. S. Bul- 's a load of voung Reston people met with a serious accident. The horses, for some unknown reason, be- came unmanageable and ran awav. up- setting the vehicle and tossing the oc- cupants, ten in number, into a ravine about ten feet deep. All were more or less injured. Harrowsmith-Sydenham. Jas. Gordon, colporteur, will show His Christmas litetature at Harrow smith, in D. Graves' sample rooms on Monday apd Tuesday, wr 16th and' 17th, and at Sydenham, in Mr. Switser's sample rooms on Wednesday | and Thursday, December 15th and 19th. Ladies' Fur Jackets. . make quick sales. At that Ebuty Jue +tore, Gigs } Secretary returns. Crow, of the CAAU., has issued a warning to athletes hold- ing C.AAU. cards on the matter of competing in unsanctioned events. He says : ""Athletes registered with the C.AAU. are warned against compet- ing in walking races or other con- tests in sports under our control which have not been sanctioned by the C.AAU. There have been a cou- ple of unsanctioned walking races pulled off lately, in which C.A AU men competed, and another one is scheduled for to-night. Registered athletes should refrain from compet- ing, for if they do they endanger their amateur standing." "Chaucer" Elliott is back in Toron- to, from a week's tour through west- ern Ontario. He hoped to interest London, Guelph, «Brantford and Ham- ilton in an international baseball league with four good towns in New | York state, but has thrown the idea up as impracticable, in view of the apathy and stand of the Canadian towns. That settles the matter for {another year at least, and there will Ibe no ; international / circuit. *'Chau- cer" has not formed any 'plans for the winter. He is spoken of as referee in the Eastern Canada Hockey League, but he says they are not offering liv- ing wages down there, and unless they increase the price he cannot ai- ford to work for them. He expects to manage Oswego again next year on the ball field. VIOLATED HIS PARQLE. Henry Fisher [Under Kingston. * On a charge of having violated his parole at. Auburn, N.Y., Henry Fisher, about thirty-five years of age, living on Bay street, was, on Saturday morning, arrested by Constables Craig and Megarry. An officer from Auburn will come to the city for him. Fisher, who is married, was out on parole, on a charge of burglary. He has been in the city for same little time, and has been at work for John Parks, who has a contract for con- structing a drain on Charles street. He was at his work, when taken in charge by the officers. Fisher formerly lived in Kingston, but went to the United States some few years ago. He was identified by a photograph, sent to the loeal police, by the officers in Auburn. Arrest in 'No Mother To Guide Her." Thrilling climaxes, startling scenic and electric efiects, a natural blend- ing of refreshing pathos and infecti- ous comedy are the elements which is said. enter 'into Lillian Mortimer's successful comedy drama, "No Mother to Guide Her." which comes to the Grand on Wednesday, December 18th, for one night only, with the brilliant comedienne, Miss Alma Hearn, former- ly of Klimt-Hearn company, as the star, supported by a New York cast of selected players. Miss Hearn's well- known ability, to foil the contumaci- ous villian and arouse the sympathy of her audience by her natural dra- matic instinct are salient personal characteristics which find full vent in this latest successful comedy drama. Sent To Hospital. Toronto Telegram Ernest Joseph Orwell, the voung man who pleaded guilty to stealing pipes, etc., from Baxter's cigar store, appeared for sentence on Thirsday morning. His whole body was 'shak- ing when he stood up and Ti. Rich- | ardson, of the jail, sent a letter say. | ine he should be in the hospital. | "Well, I'll remand you till called on, | and you had better be sent to a hos pital," said the magistrate. ------ Perfumes, chéap at Chown's Store. See Bibby's elegant 30c. ties ! Rev. W. P. Garrett's resignatior of the rectorshin of St. Barnabas 'church Dttawa, after ten weeks incumbency is the latest church sensation. The question of ritual was at issue, Shaving mirrors from Be. to B50, at Chown's Drug Fancy Medley's Drug | i > tore. manicure sets at 5: Si Shs ages Sine SE Three Stone Pearl Rings will be much in vogue this gift-giving season. Our stock comprises <& special values in (3 Stome) (5 Stone) and Solitaire Set Patterns. SMITH BROS., Jewellers & Opticians 'Phone 668 ISSUERS OF MARRI- AGE LICENSES. Bring him and get a nice SEAL CAP for Xmas. We havelall sizes. W. F. Gourdier, Brock St Exclusive Furrier. Cook's Cotton Root Compound The Uterine Tonio, anu only safe effectual Monthly n which women can ~Y depead. Fold in three "a{ of strength--No. 1, §1; No. 2 { 10 degrees stronger, ; No. 3 cases, box. Sold y all druggists, or id on in of price. | pamphlet. Adress : "00x Meowoner 0a, ToroxTo. Ont. tormerly W RSIS NIGHT 1} Three Good Things for § Shrewd Gash Buyers. © 10- 10 Dozen Ladies' Kid & Gloves, imported, black or browns. in all sizes. The best dollar glove § in the trade to be sold 3 to-night at' : 75c¢. a pair 25 only Ladies' Silk Waists. assorted pat- terns, all sizes, black or this fall, § latest white, new made in very style, equal to any $3.50 Waist in the Jae. Special to-night | a : $2.50 Each: 20 Only Ladies' Tweed Goats. | Marked $10.00 and & 12.00 each. Your choice $5.00 Each. NEWMAN &; SHAW. ie = PR SR Judicial Sale of Property | the Gity of Kingsto jellington 8 on Gowen Grocery Store. Parcel No. 2.--The stores on Well street Nos. 130 to 156, cupied respectavely by The Cutt Benev £ Hutunl and James Craig, together + tenancies upstairs, and being part of el re 8.--~The old stone Clarence immediately in ar of parcels Nos. 1 and 2 Parcels No. #.--~Those a, Golden Lion Block bounded by ton, Brock and Cl D streets u cluded in Nos. 1, 3 The above will be offered sale en block, but if not so sold wil olered in as above. Parcel No. 5.--The stores being ! 170 end 172 Princess street, occupied Laidlaw & Soa. Marcel No. 6.--~The store being No. Princess Street, occupied by Tho Mills & Co. : A 1 parcel No. 7.--No. 277 Princess sti " I No. 8.--The premises bei 28) Prisoess street, occupied vy oS Corbett as an Undertaking Estab) ment. 4 P | No. 9.--Lot No. 6, on the a Collingwood street. On ° parcel is situated an old freane dwel house. he property Will be offered for --_-- Tere reserve bil. The purch ten per cent their Solieiter, e_ bal fu thirty days thereafter into Court the credit of this action, without i "Brie Vendors will only be required furnish a Registrar's Abstract of T amd to produce such deeds, copies ti of, or evidences of title as are in t possession. In all other respects terms and conditions of sale will be standing conditions of this Court Further particulars may be had 1 A. B. Cunningham Solicitor, Kingst J. B. WALKEM, Local Masts Dated the 21st day of November, 1 SaaS AAA AANN Xx 4 4 : <4 Here will be found somethin 4 for each member of the famil 4 something handsome and last gk 4 mg Toilet Sets (silver mounted 4&4 in ebony, copcohole and silver 4 $2.50 to ($15. 3 Manicure Sets; $2 to $10. & Writing Sets, silver, $3.50. ¥» Shaving Sets, $2 to 37.50 x Perfume, in Cases, 25¢. to $5 & Smokers Sets, £3 to '§5 Cigar Cases (in morocco aw seal), $2 to $7. Glove and Handkerchief, lar and Cuff Boxes. Kodaks, $5 and up. Brownie Cameras, $1 to $9. Christmas Packages of Choco lates, Buy early--have your gift placed aside till wanted. Col 3 The "Best" Drug Stor 4 124 Princess St. FOR THE HOUSEKEEPER Roll Bacon, 124c. per Ib. Forag Bin Hamburg Steak or B as Ba BYERS, 8 Brock » In the Sele ® . Gifts for House Coats a ; Con We're selling more than w and ladies will relieve themsel ing and seeing what. we have Anything going out from along with it. People like to from bere. 4 House Coats, Dressing Gow: E.P. JENKIN 114 PRIN