---- ' & Son. STORE NEWS FOR SATURDAY. Christmas sale of all 's Winter Coats that all's showing and while pening for wear, it is )r us. Many thrifty antage of this and get for two-thirds their Coat goes on sale To- IIRD OFF. nd Greatest [ 'Xmas erchiefs tlemen, for Children. 'HANDKERCHIEFS, ed border and very ers,'at 15¢ each. [andkerchiefs, [andkerchiefs, ce, 12 designs. and Lace Trimmed Linen Handkerchiefs, de, 15¢. 20e, 25¢ and andkerchiefs, 2 hed, special make, at ICY | BAGS | designs. 0, 2.99, 3.75. Slippers = . | Suitable Xmas Gifts. | ave a very fine assortment Is. Carpet, Felt & Leather. or Black High Slipper ............... $2.50 or Black High Slipper, same 2.00 pers, in black only same style at 1.50 Fine Opera Slipper ..........cc...cn... 2.00 Fine Opera Slipper, same style at 1.50 . 1.00 pper Comfort Shoe ....... per Comfort Shoe per Comfort Shoe ls. i & \ YEAR 74--NO. 202, IS. TORTURE Given to a Marquis by Bold Brigands. (RED TO A GROTTO AND THERE HE WAS BRUTAL- LY TREATET. i Policeman in Plot--Teeth of Victim Extracted and Lights Held to Soles of His Naked Feet. a Naples, Dee. 14.--The Marquis Cito, brother of the master of ceremonies hrigand, not being abl to read the address his accomplice, the policeman, who took it to Signor Canessa, saying that he must deliver it himself to the marquis' landlady. No sooner was he gone than the cabman arrived, and Signor Canessa's suspicions wore con- firmed. He sent his clerk, Mr. Green, and two others to the marquis' house, while the cabman drove a Mr, De Ber. nart to the grotto. : Mr. Green, arriving at the house, found not the accomplice, but the brigand himseli knocking at the door. Following him on the first floor, Mr. Green was about to seize him, when he jumped out of the window and escaped. The policeman accomplice, named Giuseppe Rossi, gave himself {up, saying the brigand was one' FEt- tore Gangi, to whose promises of rich reward he had yielded. To force the marquis to consent to write the letter, the kidnappers tore out all his teeth one by one. Still refusing, the marquis was held down and lights were held to the soles of his naked feet. BRIDE BOUGHT BY WEIGHT. on the letter, handed it to, a ib 3 SHE OWNS THE CASH Hetty Howland Robinson Green, the most noted female financier in the - {world, and ene of the world's richest Must Be Granted on Rails women, was born at New Bedford, | Mass, November 2ist, 1533. She was way. the daughter of Edward Mott Robin- son, and inherited a large fortune in 11865. Miss Robinson was educated | with the test care in Boston and DESO. OF RE Compelled to Sell Penny-a-Mile! Tickets Between Toronto and Montreal and to Have Accom- | modation For the Passengers. | Ottawa, Dec. 14.--The supreme court) delivered an important judgment, yes- | terday, in, dismissing the appeal of | tel. KINGSTON, ONTARIO, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 14, 1907. (ENTRATE === LATEST MEWS Guelph is to Distant Places. Despatches From Near And THE WORLD'S TINGS GIVEN IN THE BRIEFEST POS- THE GRAND TRUNK HAS LOST| SIBLE FORM, ITS APPEAL. 14 ---- i Matters ne Interest Everybody Notes From All Over--Little of Everything Easily Read and Remembered. have an $100,000 ho- Lond Strathcona is coming gver to Canada on the S.S, Mauretania. -- sme-- NOW ARMY PRIVATE. Loses Seat For Not Complying With Military Law. Paris, Dec. 14.~M. Archimbaud, who was recently elected deputy for Die, in the Drome depaftment, has lost his seat in the shamber on curious point of electoral law. Ia ads dition to this, he will have to do an extra two years' military, service, com- mending forthwith, z When the ex-deputy was called to the colors some years ago as Protesi- ant theological student about to take holy orders, he benefited by the two rs' remission of service to all the seminarists. But on leav- ing the army he abandoned his theo- logical studies, and when the validity of his election was challenged he was unable to produce any university de- gree or to show that he had become a duly authorized clergyman. The elections committee unseated him on the ground that ke had not complied with the obligations of the! military law. By its decision his sal- ary of $3,000 a year as deputy will be reduced to one cent a day, which to-morrow, at King Victor Emmanuel's court, has been seized, imprisoned in an under- ground grotto and maltreated so | Tips Scale at 86 Pounds, badly that he is compelled to keep to "Worth" $54. his bed. hy certain 'polices { Vienna, Dec. 14.--The Mavor of Kol- In Scpte ber last a certs ked, a Hungarian villag has v Jn 2 : ge, has acted}... was ive cl | man made enquiries about one of the as arbitrator in h dispute about the] ter, was bound to give third-class ac | : s d in stone in the . 8 © | commodation on its line between Mon- | many grottos dug In ; value of a bride. | 1 iT. 4 hr | neighborhood of Naples. He said he It is the custom in the district for | tT6® an oronto at two cents, or desired to usc it as a storehouse, and |) bridegroom to pay a sum to the | 20 benny a mile. The court upholds a short while ago hired a grotto at |, 45° parents, and in the case in dis- |." decision of the railway commis- the end of an orchard, reached by a pute the parties could not agree on | SOM rocky pathway and a subterranean |... on ount I, Robertson was refused a two-cent staircase going down thirty feet. He | vie mavor. who is & cattle dealer (PT. i~ket, and upon insisting for | told the marjuis, who is connected | was called in, and, after inspecting the a third-class ticket was put off the | with the well-known antiquary, Signor |} cq. Lo deel # hn train. Redress was sought in the ad vating | Pride, he dec ared that she was worth courts, but the railw , > au Canessa, that he had heen excavating |) .1f 34 crown a pound, and that Koet- | w T . ay Sompa; y e in this grotto, and had brought to | _ o. =. bridegroom, who is a well- coeded in having the case taken from light an ancient pistol in a gold and to-do Xasant. must : {the courts to the railway commission. as ' st pay at that rate. : {local ¥ | The latder held the contention that ivory case, The verdic coepto i 1 The verdict was accepted by both |, © Grand Trunk had" to supply third- the Grand Trunk vs. Robertson. The| court was unanimous. This was an| appeal from the decision of the railway commission, which decided that the] Grand Trunk railway, under its char | Yesterday morhing carly the mar: | parties, and the bride was weighed, ¥ quis, accompanied by the policeman, | + .lelass accommodation at a penny a ay } tt Th \ and found to scale at eighty-six | oF oc "0 Cel ha Sow hen] arrived at the grotto. ie cabman, |, unde. Koetvoes paid 854, and the | : A de n 3 i been | confirmed by the supreme court. AUSTRIA TAXES MOTORS. | | Money to Be Used For Repair of who had driven the marquis to the { wedding ceremony was performed. Roads. gate of the orchard; waited many | J et Vienna, Dec. 14.--By a bill for the hours for his return, and at last drove back to town. He alarmed LOVE ROMANCE ENDS IN sain of motor or, the proses LUNATIC ASYLUM. bE ed : oe Signor Canessa, who immediately, with policemen ad carabiv irs, re | proposed' that the annual tax on mo- | tor cycles be $2, with side cars $6, paired to the yrctto, the entrance of | which was firmly closed and barred. Forcing it open; they found the marquis gagged and bound, wound- ed and nearly choked. On being con- yeved to _ tlie sity and 'revived,' the | Dramatic Sequel to Wedding of Sharar Sure of weir hors and vet "The policeman Jeit: me belore the | German Count to Daughter ofl cer Bh, y-five-horsepower anc grotto alone. Immediately 1 was | Washerwoman. | Free froui tax will be the emperor's seized from behind, and after a sharp | Berlin, Dec. 14.--Count Erasmus Ex- | cars and . those of the embassies, the struggle with my. unseen assailant I'l bach was yesterday seized at Frank-|post and the fire brigade. Doctors was carried down with beroulean foree {¢ 4 0 Vain and carried off to au |and others using cars for business and tichtly bound. Then. liberating |). tic asylum. He violently resisted |purposes will pay hall the usual tax. my right arm, the brigand fetched a"|). captors, and after being over-pow- | -Cars brought by foreigners into the lamp and writing materials, covering | .,. attempted on the way to the| country will be taxed for ten days or his face with a hood like those used asviiin to escape. less at one-tenth the usual sum, in funeral sions. Threatening | The count's friends declare that he is|{ two months at a quarter. They must me with instant death, he forced me to | of 1c sano, and that his seizure is| be provided with a card of a recog- write to my landlady, telling her to | illegal His lawyers have made an ap- nized club. The proposed law give the hearer the money I possess- lication » the high court for his im- into force on January 1st. ed. At the same time he took fram | PHOTON 1 She AER : : . mediate release, my pers 1 pW bles sort . a . ¥ person all my aluables, = worth Count Erbach was seized on the ap comes DEATHS FROM PLAGUE. £225. He then left me, and it was dd : : ight vefore 1 "as rele aed Was | plication of his father and relatives, ------ ] 1 ad who consider him insane hecause he | Fanaticism Results in Terrible So far as can be ascertained, ' the s : A married the pretty plebeian daughter Expatriation. of a washérwoman, The marriage was Lahore, Dec. 14.~It is estimhted declared null and void. that a quarter of a million Mahome- | The love story of the young count! tans have died of plague. .in the Pun- | and his bride is of the most romantic | jquh. solely they refused to | character. Count Erasmus is the heir! leave infected villages on the ground to all the wealth and possessions of that Mahometans are forbidden to flee one of the most famous German fami- | from the wrath of God. DAILY MEMORANDA. because pt pt pk Four essentials, Quality, style, and good durability value. Always ound in Campbell Bros'. Furs.! lies. His father's annual income 1s! The principal maulvis (law doctors) Safe of Furs, 7.80 p.n., by Murray. | said to reach $1,250,000. He owns) of the Punjaub have now issued a fat Wonderland Theatre, afterncom aad (1.0 large estates, with castles on wa (judicial decision), declaring that ening: | them, as well as magnificent residenc-| the Koran expressly enjoins Mahome Roney & Co. offer some great bargains in their half-price advt. to-day. | At The Princess--The Trainer's Daugh- ter Great Race Course Scene from Saratoga. Song, "School Days." es in Berlin, Munich and Vienna. tans to quit places smitten: by Allah The prospect of one day possessing [with diseases. : all this weaith. was voluntarily sur . rendered by the young count for love of Wales oka. 188 ir Soa TRA When eighteen years of age he was Albert, died, 1861; Washington died, 1799. | riding in the forest at Erbach, when | An Read George Mills & Co's Ad. on the! he met the voung girl who was to be- Military Course next page, also their large display ad-icome his wife. Nel : ey : Yertisement on page 4 in the Liustrated| hey hoth fell in Jove at first sight. | bodes, Pee. 14.--Premier Deakin i pple i . i . 8 s ee x PY MN we SOS Bijou Thea tie: leon sings at every | and many meetings followed. But the |, I yo or Re rt Pe j yi 3 , & chase three submarines and two performance, eXcept between 7.05 p.m.,| girl was only a washerwoman's daugh- hipaa ar . and 10. Comedies "How Brown Saw! ter, and the count's father thréatened torpedo, ont annually for three the Dascball Match" and 'Neighbors i 1% ime 3 "he had more 1 | Years. The vessels will be altogether vt " to disinherit him if he had more to do : Who Borrow. with her. while her father and mother Australian in cost and under political v 4 » er and sontrol. The government's i * Ne equally strenuous in their oppo- cont ol he government military HIG TELEFHONES. tan to Hie mtimacy scheme provides for compulsory train 243--Business Office. sition to the Intmac ing of all youths over eightes Pars 229 Editorial Ofies, Connt Erasmus declared that he ior ah Sarid a i Tras 202--J t. | would marry the girl when he came' Es ps i XK years. Legal Formns, ail kinds, at Whig. of age. When that time arrived he" gle Daily Whig ia A | elored with his lowly sweetheart in a Concert In Spinning Mill & tore, ark v 1 crossinb the French : * Open till late each evening. j MOtor oar, ant 1 1 oP "RI Manchester, - De 11.-- Viscountess | Frontier, went to London via Pans, Brackles a) od wd a 1 where they were married. {rac €y, yesterday chyistene a ~ When the marriage became. known to horse power engine at the Walk- 4 den Spinning company's new mill at spin- 3 . smus' friends i r . Connt: Frasmus irie nd . his fathe Walkden, Manchester--the first called a family council, at which it] = = 8 buil et or thie Jocided "that Count Frasniug ning mil nit re lor over thirty ak . Subsequently refr ents were | should be disinherited and regarded years, 3 served to a large party of guests, fol as an outlaw unless the marnage ¥ GLASSW RE { were annulled. {lowed by a concert and dance in ¢ | SENATOR FULFORD'S ESTATE. COMPULSORY TRAINING. Youths Will Have to Take tastefully decorated room in the mill Dr. Barclay Resigns. Pa Montreal, Dec. 14.--Rev. Dr. Barclay, re of St. Paul's Presbyterian church, one Million. ; of the members of the Protestant Toronto, Dec. 14.--Justice Riddell |gchgol board, has resigned his position gave judgment in a suit involving a lon the board owing to the finding of million dollars, brought by Dorothy | the jury in the Hochelaga school fire !Fulford Hardy, daughter of the late |The jury found the board guilty of Senator Fuliord, the pink pill manu- | eriminal negligence. i facturer of Brockville, against her | - sister, Martha Fulford Sherifi, her | ' brother, George Taylor Fulford, and | the exceutors of the will of the late (fj; U, senator. The suit was for a declara- tion that the plaintifi and her sister, | {Martha Fulford Sheriff, one of the ds- SAID HE ARRANGED THE {fendants, becoming twenty-five years | lof age, shall be sach entitled to one- | MOCK DRUCE FUNERAL. Ithird of ninety per cent. of income of {the estate. This is granted by his We carry a large variety of Involving a these goods, in TUMBLERS, WINES, ETC. They are the very finest. Nothing better for a holiday gift. | Judgment in A pleasure to show them to you. Robertson Bros. A BARGAIN IN The Counsel For the Prosecution Prince Robert De Broglio announced {the state, dating from his marriage, in Paris, on December | will pay him as an infantry th, to Estelle Alexander. the line. France has warned the rebellious GERMANY BARS MORMONS. tribesmen in Morocco that all villages vofusing to come to order will be Strict Lookout Kept For Them at Two Seaports. burned. < I'he woman who threw the bomb at the governor-general of Moscow afew] Hamburg! Dec.' 14.--The German po- days ago, 'but wd not hurt him, has lice authorities, especially those at been condemned to death. the ports of Namburg ad Bi ! France and Britain are said to bel, heen ordered to keep sharp working together "'unofficiallf™ to sup-1 1 Loe for the Mo a who at press the present system of frauds in|}, grrived in England from Utah. contiection with the succession duties. | "5p {hare is any attempt to conduct The United States Pacific squadron proselytising operations in sailed from Old Point Comfort, Va. many, those who are not German sub- Bows ®t) o on Thursday. All 'their coal during |i. ts will be mptly expelled from Bellows Falls, Vt., but much of her [0 "oo Pin" be taken from British Ree 8 will be pros py expel 4 vou: time is spent in her office on Broad- i v ] way, New York City, where she directs sullias, v mans will be punished. the investment of her money in per- sony jer of | For many years Hetty Green was close to that veteran financier, Russel Sage and was largely guided by his advice in investments. Her fortune at this time is far greater than when she inherited it. Mrs. Green's home is at Rutherford, chief veterin- ary officer of the department of agri- culture, Ottawa, has been given an extended leave of absence on account § {of ill-health. b \ L E The London press thinks President -- Roosevelt's refusal to renomination is | ANDREW CARNEGIE'S GIFT " -- wise. "He is," they say, "the most {striking personality in the field, but TO THE TOWN. WHAT SHOULD THEY DO IN Ge trusts would never vote for him. REGARD TO POLITICS.? | Fdmund Weld, barrister, London, Has Been Formally Opened--It is | has been appointed clerk of the Picton's Uni ityn.Some 'of wm {crown for the county of Middlesex, to Holding Municipal Offices With| i (helate Col. John Macheth,| the Addresses at the Opening. Picton, Dec. M.--~Andrew Carnegie les¢ mentioned Salary Different to Holding (who died some months ago. Office Without Emolument--To | British Columbia penitentiary has a] could scarce have been Have An Investigation. new warden, J. C. Brown, in the pro-| if a notice had betn posted "keep From Our Own Correspondent. 2 . Ottawa, Dee. 14.--lhere was little | Westminster for twenty years and min- so mach as a "thank you, doing, yesterday, until the estimates |ister of finance in the short-lived Mar-| ton's new Unruegie library was form were brought on, and there was some |!iR government. ally opened on Thursday evening. The sparri ne between W. H. Bennett and | Sidusy Buxton, the postmastergen-| formal opening was rather & on. William Pugsley. eral, in shing as on, a An interesting. question regarding [estimated that as the result the, ina] | Intellectual preference, 5,000,000 maga- government servants and municipal { ) polities was brought up By Mx. W. H, Hines. mostly of a high class, are now | and separate I boards, E., L. and Bennett. P. M. Draper, the well-known |Déing sent to Canada. W. W. commissioners and council of the board of trade, representative men of Picton numbering fifty. Following a very an employee of the | He is] labor leader, is government printing bureau. running for the controllership. Mr. | -- Bennett wanted to know the govern- | How a Horse Saved the Life of a ment's attitude towards this. i Farmer. Mr. Fielding replied that if elected | Gananoque, Dec. 14.--The Willing Mr, Draper would probably have to] Circle of King's Daughters held its resign, as his duties would occupy | pnuual sale, in the lecture room of - " . » As to the right of civil | Rt, Andrew's church, yesterday after-| "The True University of these days, servants to occupy municipal offices [noon and evening, There were good quoted from Carlyle, "is a collection without salary, that was another ques- | y¢tondances. The Rees' orchestra, dur- | of books." Then Mr. Brown smiled as tion. The Ottawa emolument for con ling the evening, furnished music. { he waved his hand out and remarked, troller is $100. . The Young Ladies' Literary Athletic | "In pur new library we present to Mr. Foster thought the whole ques: | Club has arranged for an evening with | Picton this new university. We've on what part civil ser-| Mendelssohn, on Tuesday evening next, | worked hard to get helpful books and politics gener- | December 17th, and on December 26th! we, the board, feel that we have the an illustrated address on "Old Eng- | best equipped library of its class in lish Cathedrals," by Rev. H. H. Bed- | Ontario." 1 ford-Jones, Rrockville. | Rev. W. L. Armitage speaking on Toronto, claiming to be able to get As a well-known young man of the | behalf of the high school hoard, paid permits for old or erippled persons 10 | West ward was leaving his home, in| tribute to the men who 'represent the enter Canada, and also to issue pass- gh, enrly evening, to go down street, | library board. Mr. Armitage predict- ports into the United States. Sir Wil- [}¢ heard the neighing of a horse, | ed an increase of fifty per cent. in the irid Laurier promised an invesugalion. | whi attracted his attention, and as| reading public. Replying to a question, Sir Wilfrid [30 Sounded near, he walked towards it | Mayor Farrington said he felt pleas- Laurier ated that Mr. White, the | ,4 coon discovered an apparently [ed that he had from the first given government geographer, was DOW In {....t\ buggy with a horse attached, | his support to the Carnegie library. England, looking up data' regarding a | 4 "on closer inspection found the | "Though there are many prejudices possible fast Atlantic steamship line. | oo or of the buggy had fallen from it | against the taking of Andrew Car The government had no objection 0 land lav in under the rabe, with his | pegie's money, I think his idea of dis with Hon. Clifford Sifton {head between the spokes of the fore tributing his money is a good one" He was considerably the worse ! he commented. y Bill To Stop "Smoking By Boys. (for liquor. and was assisted into the | "It is all sentimental rot." was the way Sheriff Gibson termed the ideas London Dec. 14. --Herbert Samuel, | buggy and his horse turned homeward, M P under secretary for home af He is a well-known young farmer, a|af those opposed ta accepting the | Laird of Skibo's tainted money. He the annual prize |few miles east of the town. : Jewish Athletic | Mrs. George H. Walker, Charles | gaconded the vote of thanks tendered street, has left, to join her husband by Mr. Armit to the library board. st Milwaukee, Wis, where = they will| "py pujld and equip this very fine Miss Bessie Timber-} building, Andrew Carnegie gave to GANANOQUE TIDINGS. delightful little supper served at small tables, set in the large assembly room, by the wives of the members of the board, J. R. Brown, chairman of the board began the speech-making. tion hir vants should take in ally. Mr. Borden called attention to a cir cular being issued by Louis Gusofoky, his being -- wheel. fairs, speaking at distribution of the Association, held on Saturday at the Bishopsgate Institute, said that in the | parliament a bill {spend the winter next session of i a mb would be introduced to suppress--so { lake, nurse-in-training at Brockville Picton $12,500 ; the building proper far as it couid be done by act of | General Hospital, who has been ill for | eosting $10,000, the inder going parliament - cigarette smoking |some time past, has so far resovennd | 5, the equipment. wm countil. are amongst boys altogether. To - the jas to return to take a much egies { pledged to see that the library gets boys present and to boys every- | rest with her parents, Rev. and 2 | vearly ten per cont, of this amount tor | William Timberlake, at the parsonage. |. i tenance. re--he would say, "Try to become 8 where--he would say ry W Mrs. Anna Dunn, 'nurse, of Cape | fit and in good condition. We could | \ 0 not have soldiers, sailors, coloniza- iV incent, is spending a short time with | tion and workers we needed if we had [friends in town. Miss Gertrude La! Joyful Jester In Hospital. a stunted amd small population." The |France, Stone street, has returned to Binghampton, N.Y., Dec. 14.--Harry first imperial duty was to rear an im- | her duties at the city hospital, Au-| Russell, of Nichols, is in the Sayre, {burn, N.Y. | Pa., hospital, 'suffering from gunshot ee Grant To Newioundland wounds: ay 10 are | P ' v { peo i Trying The Loctor's Armor. London, Dee. 11.--Right Hon. Syd- |S _ en ad aoking in cn Ottawa, Dec. M4.--Dr. C. F. McGee, | Buxton, postmaster-general, says | then running away, A man in the { druggist at Carp, Carleton county, and [LF i nsidering a mipnation 10° OX [hagas ied vue of his. arms: with | a prominent teacher in the Methodist [44 the, postal privilege now enjoved |shot. Sunday school, was, yesterday, served ||, Canada to Newfoundland. | 1 i perial race = with a summons to appear in the po-| -------- lice court next Tuesday to answer a charge of selling liquor without + HAS BEEN RECALLED license. Local option is in force at} y } Carp, and it is said the accused sold | {of Seneca Falls, N.Y., fell into a cis- ee -- {torn, yesterday morning, and for bottles of whiskey from his drug store | i i . modi iat br. | HON. JAMES BRYCE GOES! seven hours stood in five feet of water without a medical va, hour hd hota wa McGee s one 'of the most active] ; i crying for p an ruggling to keep gr 2% ¥ cause | BACK TO ENGLAND I= her feet. Her predicament was not workers for the temperance | discovered until four o'clock, when Stood Seven Mours In Water. Rocheiter, N.Y., Dec. 14.--Miss Ca- thariné Brady, sixty-five years old, LAMPS rot lordship. In rendering his judgment, | {Justice Riddell rapped the lawyers in | 50 Faney Lamps. Just got them in a the case, saying that this had been | Come and get one for Christ- brought up in an unnecessarily costly | Declined to Rely Upon the Evidence of Testimony Concluded. job lot. { x 5 mas, as I am going to sell them way, {| London, Dec. 14.--The prosecution, At TURK'S Second-Hand Store, 3987 i yesterday, closed its casein the trial Princess St. 'Phone, 705. | No Light In Bordeaux. of Herbert Druce for perjury. The de- Bordeaux, Dec. 14.--The city was in! fence will open on December 15th. Af | darkness, last night, as a result of «| ter thé crossexamination, to which | strike of gas men and employees of | Robert 1. Caldwell, the American | the Electric Light company, who are | witness, was subjécied, Atherley Jones Double - Stuns Dwelling, Earl street, | demanding an increase in pav. All! said he considered it to be no longer bath, gas, ete. { business houses were compelled to |'proper to rely upon the evidence of Frame Dwelling, Al _ street, bar. close at night fall. {this witness. He made this statement, shed, large lot and RY others. | | counsel said, without prejudice to Mr. FOR SALE all improvements, grand location. aSKIFT'S [Re Estate asd Insurance No Doubt Whatever. { Caldwell. Caldwell declared, among she. I In vegard to the supremacy of other things, that he had arranged | See Bibby's §2 German sweaters, | Campbell Bros.' furs, the mock funeral of T. C. DIruce. . LE Caldwell--The | during the local option campaign. To Tonsult With the Foreign ne wan roncued,. almost ali Office--The Recall Has Come i : ! Locusts Raid Argentina. 1 | i Ss se to the Am- | Rio JaNeiro, Doc. T0--A great in- | po by rp | A Dividend Declared. {vasion of locusts has occurred in Ar- | assador. | New Haven, Conn., Dee. 14.--The an- | gentina, spreading over all parts of | Washington, :D, C.. Dee, 14.-It i#|nouncement was made here that the ! government com- | understood that the Right Hon. James usual quarterly dividend of two per | Bryce, hing Edward's ambassador has cent. was declared at the regular sects can no Jonger harm the wheat | received directions from his govern. meeting, in New York, yesterday, of crop, cutting: having already begun in | ment to return home. A statement the New York, New Haven and Hart- the northern zone in the provinces of | was publithed a week ago; to the of- | ford railway directors. Santa Fe and Cordoba: The pest is {fect that Mr. Bryee would retum to, sup-------------- being fought successfilly, and it is | London early next year to consult the | Case Is Hopeless. hoped that the maize crop will not be | foreign office, and L.at he would not! Dresden, Dec, 14--~The condition of |seriously damaged. | eohably return to Washington, At|Queen Carolina, widow of King Al that time Mr. Bryce said he had nolbert of Saxony, who is suffering from the country. A munique, however, states that the in Ton kt Campbell Bros'. Fums. {vince since 1862, postmaster of New! off." He, the giver of it all, t not | "when Pie BORN. HUFF.--At Bardolph, on 11th Dec, ta Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Huff, a son. BYGOTT.--At ig Pg to Mr. and Mrs. 'Frank B. , @ BOD. LEWIS. --At Napa r. sod Mrs. Geo. RUSSELL. 2th Sov... Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Russell, a son, OSTEVENS.--~At Napanee, Dee. 11th, to Mr. and Mrs, Fresk H. Stevens, & son. RUTHERFORD.~In Aroprior, on Dee, Ich, 1907, to Mr, and Mrs. T. Rutherford, & son. Day 1 LEWIS. --On Resesve, Nuv, 26th, to Mr. and Perry Luwis, twins, a daughter and a son. BLACK.--In Kingston, on Friday, Dec. 18th, 1907, to Mr. esd Mes. Fred Biack, 25 Vork strect, a deughter. DIED. BURNIP.--At Deseronto, on Dec. 6th, William Johnson Burnip, aged sevens Ly-Lwo years. OLDRIEVE. ln Kisgston, on ee I xX Funeral vate, from his late a pri ing West street, Monday afternoom. + two o'clock, . "Phone, 577. 227 Princess street. oe ---------------------------- re ------" "Their names guarantee the quality. £ Words canot y te ly, the real intiacs and downe right prettiness of this season's boxes. ° Come in and see while the assortmant is complete, he : Your good judgment will do the rest. piu Iniporters of Fine Groteries. P.S.--Tom Smith's Christmas St: in all sizes, Sc. to $1.75 each. 3 Campbell Bros'. Umbrellas. Make acceptable Christmas gifts. : _-- x intimation of any - intention on the nephritis, is hopeless. The last sacra: part of his government to recall him.lments were administered, yesterday, 5 "a Are more popular than ever, Silver shaving sets, $2.50 to.) Best's. js. i a 14