STRANGEST HORSE RACE. Winner is Given Extraordinary Honors. Surely the strangest horse race in the world is that held at Siena for the Pafio--the silken banner that is given to the winner. The course is stonp-paved, the race being run three times round the Piazza Vittorio Em- manuel, the big public. square of Siena. There are sharp corners to negotiate, and a bad bit of up-and- down hill, and over all an inch or so of sand is thrown to "soften" the falls, but principally to hold the hors es up. It is a bareback race; the joc- keys, dressed in a suit of colors and an iron helmet, are provided with an official whip, made of ox-hide, with which they may thrash each other, each other's horses, or their own, as they prefer. It is only essential that the horses should win, with or with- out its jockey does not matter, or count for or against. Some forty thousand spectators occupy seats in tiers that are built up all round the square, and fill the balconies, and the centre of the square itself. It is the Contrade, or wards, of Siena that compete. There are seventeen of them, and each has its chapel, its emblema tic animal or insect, its offices and officers, Only ten, however, can enter the race, the choice - being made by lottery. Twice a year the Palio is so competed for, and has been for over 150 years. Before then buffaloes were ridden, and earlier still donkeys, were driven round the square, and further back again battles with clubs took place. Accidents are numerous. The honors to the winning horse are many: among these its hoofs are gilded and t is taken around the town the next lay with more waving of banners and eating of drums. A week or so after e race there is a banquet, at which t is an honored guest, and eats at he head of the table. Waterman's Seli-Filling Pens. These are the highest achievement in ountain pen making; a source of mdless satisfaction. We have them $2.50 up. Waterman's "Modern" s at 81 up. Come and see them t Wade's drug store. Hardly Possible. 1 to 3 News. 'Oh, you can laugh all you want ,"" said Green, with a show of im- atience, "but I'm not as big a fool s you think I am." "Well," rejoined Brown, "to tell the ry didn't believe it could oe pos- ible. TRUE REMEDY AS e-apple Tablets fruit pepsin that is pleasant to ke,--powerful in the work it does, but as harmless as milk,--helps aH i¢ stomach distresses immediately id will give good relief to the most te-cases in one day. -- You go about our business,--eat hearty meals,-- e all the pleasures as they come, id as you do so the Doctor plays his rt.and works permanent cures. ts and Medicine dealers. 3 ES RELIEF IN 30 MINUTES DER gives relief in 10 minutes ADE, DRUGGIST, } ETM a ------ LAMPS | 50 Fancy Lamps. Just got them in a) Convict, After 47 Year? Prison, Scared of Appointed Genta] Megpeage: of New York. job lot. "Come and get one for Christ mas, a8 I am going to sell them At TURK'S Second-Hand Store, 393 Princess St. 'Phone, 705. \ ------------------------------------------------------ New York, Dec. 16.--Forty-seven, years a convict and now a free man, . Fran: Hoffman, in years of service the Earl street, | oldest prisoner jn New York state, is A J to leave Sing Hing prise oud " g; Albert atragt {come to this city, Ww fears eT ot Bh wy and Iusuranes may be run over or lost. Hoffman has OE , ---- d - av BI844 A V Ba QF & ABAS | the charge of perjury, but they lound/ 7 No. 292 KINGSTON, ONTARIO, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 14th, 1907. / Cr DECEMBER 1 9 6 7 { th he had sailed for New York on} : : - - . EES es - 3 | |i Rc. Ene ot Hammer Used. {been promoted he genetnl man- | : | agership of the Topia Mining com-| ten 3 hs -- { opia, Dyranga, Mexico. Mr. | : < : it" esas Bhobi AG Hotel 35 i v 1 str Bes Torin. 1 EH A. Bate-| Drange, N.J., Dec. ienf Siutick B os Toapon uy of 'the thing ol o i - Lin hy York, and man, Sydenham street, this city. ¢ | Bomor, an undurtaker, Rey To ® i stairs and 'office, as e window Th things to be found Wn os 1 fa : ldéath by a mme ¢ a was f 5 te a A Ld No gentleman in ingston ould; som in i atk aod ht some Romer' 70am whe br ee emo Lene wil at. | thnk" of giving. ay. oiber make of ime on Friday" night, vile the ocou® eared feds compen him here. Hoffman was con- {candy when be ean buy Metunkey's pats nearby re Do eat victed of murder in the second degree fand Huylers bigheclas candy A able real esta Thy Sey Eh #0 ci ed. ross dre