['o Women who suffers from headache, faint- ther ailments during those times and on-ler strength and vitality, I'S PILLS periods and to keep the system in The girl just entering woman- find equal benefit from Beecham's { derangement, they give prompt ctions for women with every box. le Sy America. In boxes ag cents. TON \s Limerick Limerick was so keen and the ood oa the whole that we ore Limerick, which will close pay the money to winners in buying. the opportunity of mas good cheer. 0.00 1 PRIZES WINNERS E, $250 CASH 50 a" contribut- 25 a" of $5 Each of $3 Each I TIONS EFULLY. pompetition are perfectly sim- to fill in the last line of the low and then sénd it, accom- label attached), of a package Red, -Pink, or Orange La- , (embossed lid only,) which n one Limerick. You may send pu like so long as a TIN LID , be prepaid at letter rates. ONS | F APPOINTMENT HE KING a ® Jorld Can Produce. n Airtight Tins. BY ALL GROCERS. ZRICK RISTMAS FOR ME HOUT LIPTON'S TEA," INION PINION G ion of the Editor of The Toronto d enter the competition on that dis by the Editor of The Toronto MAIL ust be accepted as final. Envelopes nerick," and sent to MAIL AND EM- nailed by last post, nber 10th. -- " *URNITURE Tables $6.50, regular price $8.50. <'Easy Chairs, $5.50, regular price $7.50. Couch $5.50, regular price $7.50. Book Cases $1.50, $3 to $25. Sectional © Bookcase, $2.50 to $4.50 per section. Couches and Davanports, Sparish Leather Earl 5 " y English Furniture, _ 830 Princess St. Telephome, 577. ARS e Company 'not have the best." this Company as Agent call in the , and satisfactory arrangements J. 0. HUTTON, go Head Office - - - - "BANKING BY MAIL If you live out of town, attendance in person is not necessary, you can send us deposits by registered post and make withdrawals by cheque with perfect safety. Special arrangements for this purpose. Write for particulars. 21 RINGSTON BRANCH J. §. Turner, Maaager COR. PRINCESS AND BAGOT STS. Toronto - - Synopsis of Canadian Northwest BOMESTEAD REGULATIONS. or less. Application for homestead entry must be made in person by the applicant at Dominion Lands Agency or Sub-agency. at an Agency om certain the father, mother, son, daughter, broth- er or sister of an intending homesteader. An application for entry or cancella- | a ost of the 'laisgra such pics! © WARMTH--FIT COMFORT--WEAR be held until the y papers to complete the transaction are received by The four essentials you demand in YOUR under- Bil ise of "personation" or fraud the wear. And these are the four features of licant will forfeit all priority of claim 44) entry has been granted it will be summarily cancelled. Stanfield's Unshrinkable that will appeal to you. Absolutely unshrinkable. Every garment teed. All sizes from 22 to 70 inches. 3 weights. 14 made in eligible for homestead entry, and only one application for cancellation will be re ceived from an individu al uatil that ap- cation has been dispo of. Phere an entry is cancelled subsequent to institution of cancellation procevdings the applicant for Sancellation will be en- titled to prigr right of entry. f Applicant for cancellation must state in * what particulars the homesteader is in elault. t the A homesteader whose eutry is no < subject of cancellation proceedings may subject to the approval of Depart: ment, relinquish it in favor of father, mother, son, daughter, brother or sister 8 eligible, but honor ope Hse on filing declaration a ndon - DUTIES--A settler Is required to uo form the duties under one of the follow- | plans =~ At least six months residence up on and cultivation of the land im each year during the term of three years. i (3) A bomesteader may, if he so de sires, perfora the oi Fesiqancs duties by liviag oa farming aad oolely by him, mot Jesu this eig! y (80) tent nity Mores fn OF Joint ownership in land will uiremen > on hia rou t mee! nos) If the father (or mother, if an h - ot Se farming a pel pent oobi solely . by him, not less thao is tead entered for by him in the vicinity. ue howesteader may perform his oXs residence duties by living with (he fa wr lor the "yieipity" in the two ing paragraphs is Jafined as mean Rg Japs miles in a direct while living with tn oalag land owned by h meet Must notify the Agent for the district of sw intention. application for n adelons making pi six months notice in writing to the Comuwissioner of minion Lands at Ottawa, tion to do' so. : SYNOPSIS OF CANADIAN NORTH- WEST MINING REGULATIONS. COAL--Coul mining rights may be -- for a period of twenty-one Fase at an annual rental of $1 Duc_ae h patent PURE AND WHOLESOME. ONE POUND CAN 2Se¢ E.W.GILLETT 2 Suffered From Heart " and Nerve Troubles FOR THE Last Ten Years. JARTZ--A person eighteen years AR having discovered mineral lo piace, may a claim 1,500x1, 'he B for recording & claim is $5. a least $100 must be expended 9a the claim cach year or pad to the m ing recorder in lieu thereo!l. When $500 been expended or paid, the Jguater ne having & survey made, an 0 On ing with other requirements, pur chase the land at $1 per acre. . The . patent provides for the paymen ol a royalty or 2% I= cent on the sales Placer mining claims generally are 0 feet square ; entry fee $5, renewable yea ears, renewable at the these to the term Ql LOL a ater of the In: | §f.thesh DOCU, nat bo the well The losses shall have a dredge in oper oi tion of the mervoas ates, 11 there ation within one season from the nerve y kind of the lease for each five miles. Rental | hound to all the varions $10 per annum for each mile of ve of } phenomena Jeased. Royalty at the rate A i cent collected on the output after it ox- 8 310,005: Ww. W. CORY. Dep ty of the Minister of the Interior, N. Unauthorized publication of this advertisement will not be paid for. Seowtutiont Si will cure off forms of ner itself, and in this is the secret of their success in euring so many cases of heart Our New StOCK Of | trouble which have desied all ether tesat "Mra. John Riley, Douro, Ont., writes: ' | "J have been a sufferer from heart Xmas Books. |.t at mien | After trying many remedies and for two without the least benefit, JUST ARRIVED, | decid ST er Hoars and Nerve BOYS OWN, | Pilla » trial. I am shaakful to sey that, GIRLS' OWN, | after rd pine bozes, 1 am stir QUIVER, | rs madwaad recommend them to SUNDAY AT HOME, | sufferers." CHUMS, | Price S0c. par box or thtes for §1.25, at YOUNG CANADA. all deal or led di - pt of Also alspecial line of Devotional Books nd The T. Milburn Co., Limited, by Rose Porter, Miss Havergal, J. R. to, Ont. ! Miller, F. B, Meyer. Call in and look them over. T. McAuley. | Phove, 778. City Book Store. i Wlhien You Buy 3 Ses ---- ¥ GASOLINE} C€02AT i |& F ; Put in Your Tank |§ om : at Our Dock. 3 P. WALSH 3 A large stock of Dry at- | ¥ ot bilics teries, Spark Plug and Coils| § ou he 3 always on hand. 4 handles nothing : SELBY & YOULDEN § else. 3 : LIMITED. ' THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, TUESDAY, ---- THE SPORT REVIEW HOCKEY PLAYERS IN NEW YORK. A Negro Barred From the Ameri- can Athletic Union--Canadian Unions Sink Their Differences. There appears to have been a slight | mix-up, ing the score in Mon- treal-Peterboro game. The score Sve out at the time was 71 to 9 in favor of Montreal. Now it is stated that each side should have an extra point, so the score should be 72'to 10. But what does it matter? The annual meeting of the Federal Hockey League will be held in Mont mal on Saturday, December Tih. It looks as il this league would, this include teams from Smith's Brockville and Cornwall, the Ottawa Victorias, a team from Mont- real, and perhaps Morrisburg. By their victory of 16 to 0 over he Varsity jumiors Saturday the] Parkdale Canoe club team showed that they are one of the best junior out- fits Canada has seen in some years, The O.R.F.U. junior champions had a shade the better of the Intercollegiate junior champions at all kinds of play and at all stages of the game. Toronto Telegram : That proposi- tion to hold a C.A.AU. meet in New York seems strangely flavored with gate money at this distance. It lis- tens like that to the C.AAU. andit is not likely the latter will either undertake such a thing itself or give anyone else a permit to do so. It seems some enterprising Yankee sent along the proposition to Tom Flana gan. That's where it all started-- and where it will all end. Sinking their differences for the bene- fit of Canada in its representation at the world's championship athletic meet in London, next summer, the Canadian Amateur Athletic union and the Amateur Athletic Federation of Canada have patched up a truce to tide the Dominion over the Olympian games, leaving this country unietter: ed in the selection of the athletes it will send abroad to compete for the honor of Canada and the Empire. TRAITOR CONFESSES GUILT. Plans of Toulon Harbor Offered For Sale, Paris, Dec. 3.--~Ullmo, the naval sub- | Aa licutenant, who was arrested some |upon time ago at Toulon, after ho had en- deavored to sell government plans of the harbor defences, which he was {i alleged to have stolen, has made a full confession of his crime to the ex- | Michigan copper for 3 ' amining te in Paris. He now [the enterprise, which consisted in admits that he was in communication | manufac ancient relies out of with an ageut of the German espion- |copper, painting them green to repre: age department, and had offerod him |sent verdigris, dipping them in corro- the stolen documents for $150,000, [sive acid and biifying them in mounds The agent considered the price too |after which they were dug us by relic EI A Will Cure My Cough. were suflicient to obtain their sale to eredulous collectors. As a finishing touch to a gigantic swindle the relic manufacturers branched off from In< dian relics. The diary of Noah was offered to a wealthy man of Wiscon- him. One of these said that "the price asked for the goods was too dear." The original telegram which Ullmo sent offering to sell the docu- ments was also traced by the au- thorities. It was in a disguised hand- writing, and did not contain the name |sin, who asked the advice of a mu- and address of the sender. Unluckily {soum curator. The sale still hangs for the traitor, at the last moment, he | fire. . decided to alter a word "in the mes- sage. As erasures have to be signed, Ullmo, forgetting the part he was | Rheumatism and a variety of other playing, employed his ordinary hand- | painful affections cannot comé as writing, and put his initials at the long as your blood is pure and abun- foot of the aeration, dant. These affections are due to pois- At the conclusion of his examina- ons in the blood which must be ex- tion he fainted, and a doctor had to pelled. Keep your vitality high and be sent for in order to revive him. your blood rich and red by use of A Paris newspaper stated, to-dav. | Wade's Iron Tonic Pills (Laxativel that Rear Admiral Siegel, ex-German [They are a great merve strengthener naval attache in Paris, who has just | nd blood maker. In boxes, 28ec., at been recalled, was mixed up in the | Wade's Drug Store. Money back if not Ullmo affair, and that it was to him |gatisfactory. ) that Ullmo offered to sell the papers. aici On enquiry at the foreign office this John Gets His Orders. evening it was learned ol . fi : d wus for th at there was A Newmiline woman was economical no foundation the statement that bund h to a degree that pressed rather un- Admiral Siegel had been implicated i : plicated in pleasantly on her guid man John. One any alfai of Sapictiage in France, fair night a neighbor called at their house, requedting his company for a stroll through the fair. John, appre ciating the contingencies of such ? cir cumstance, made advances to his spouse, "tae gie him twa or three baw. bees to keep his pooch." "Oh, I's warrant ve'll be wantin' that," she | replied testily. "Hae, there's three '| pence, and see and come hame like a { bast." Don't Invite Rheumatism. | LOCAL GRAIN RECORD. The amount of grain re- ceived at Kingston from the west during the season just closing constitutes a 3; record figure. Up to Dec. 1st, there had been re- EEAEEE *%% With five teams in the Amateur Hoc key League of New York, this year, instead of four last season, the St. Nicholas rink will be the scene of many a hard fought battle in the schedule of twenty games which will be played. All the games are played on St. Nicholas' rink, which is situa- ted at the corner of Sixty-sixth street and Broadway. In addition to the league games, Yale, Princeton Colum- bia, and occasionally Dartmouth and Harvard play out their intercollegiate schedule in this rink. Just because he is a negro and be- cause certain southerners object to this, and incidentally because he can run circles around any white athlete in a quarter-mile contest, there has been gushed through the A.A. .U. coun- cils a rule, apparently innocent, which bars J. B. Taylor, University of Pennsylvania's crack runner. The measure was devised by Capt. Bowie, of Baltimore, a lawyer, and onl he and several other southern members knew of its {rue import. This rule, while it lets Taylor run in intercolle- giate meets, bars him from all other competitions. Ottawa Free Press: The Ottawa hockey club just missed landing Ar- thur Rods, the clever cover point of last year's Kenora team. Club offi- cials have been in touch with Ross, who is at Brandon, all week, but not till late last night did President Mur- phy get final answer from the black haired defence player, stating that he had decided to join Wanderers when the cup holders journeyed west, and would play with them throughout the season. Ross has developed into a great player and will help to fill up the gap left by the late Hod Stuart and Lister Patrick, of Wanderers. Toronto Star: The New York Ath- letic Club's team looks very much like an All-Canadian intercollegiate outfit. Starting with Dr, "Dick" Mills, the former Queen's University player, for goal; then comes "Short" F C, Broadioot, an ex-captain of Toronto University, for cover-point; Dr. Bruce Sutherland, who played right wing for Queen's University, will play the same position for the winged-foot team. Dr. "Bunty" Dalton, the old Queen's University centre, is also out again this vear with the New York A. C. On the left wing is Dillabaugh, of Morrisburg, who played with the To- ronto University team in 1903. Dilla- baugh played last year with the New York team. For point the most like- ly player is Brophy, formerly of Mon- treal. : Waterman Perfection. Waterman fountain pens da. not leak, scratch, drop ink or do any- thing else except to give perfect satis- faction. The new 'modern' styles at $1 up and the "'seli-filling" styles at $2.50 up, at Wade's Drug Store. Lord Kitchener has entered upon a two years' extension of his five years' term as commander-in-chief of the British troops in India, his original term having expired. When December's icy fingers Have shorn each forest tree, It's time to tone your system By taking Hollister"s Rocky tain Tea. Sait smugglers at Quinsan defeated a fleet of Chinese war junks in a bloody battle, and captured nineteen of them. What do you -think of a year's sub- scription to the Whig as a Christmas gift for the absent one? In Brazil, George Rikard and Cecil Barker, Canadians, are amongst the captured filibusters, Moun- MARK REGISTERED, see eciaedl dist tiool duet Et and other results of impwe blood. They const the cause aod destroy the evil condition. Mires Ovntment soothes and heals all disoased shin. Miva Bleed Toms avd Mire Tabiets cleanse the bivod and mvigorate stomach, hver, kidneys and bowels. Ointment and Tablets, each 50c Blood Tonics, $I. Ar drugstores -- or from The Chemie' Co. of Canada, Limited, Hamilea= Toren Sr ceived here, 15,723,526 bus- hels of grain, that had passed through the Welland |% Canal. Of this amount, {¥ 15,038,602 bushels had been ¥ shipped in river barges down the St. Lawrence to Montreal. Several more cargoes are due this week, so that the total amount of grain receipts for the season will be over sixteen 57-62 The Critical Age. Height of vigor is past nature's | power slowing down--vitality ebbing | Fl away, endurance decreasing. Stop the 3 | progress of decay, tone up the weak- | ¥| ened nerve centres, impart vigor to *| the tiring body--prepare for the crisis * | Best means for rebuilding is found in . | Ferrozone; it brightens » the whole x being, imparts power, st ngth, vigor » Old age is pushed back twehty years, * the reliance of youth is restored, vig PEE XH FE. HEX £x¥F { EXELEX ¥ million bushels. Last vear, Bl or, vim and new life established {¥ the total amount received # | yu'll try Ferrozone, 50c. at all deal- ¥ was 12,165,460, so that ¥| # the increase this year is ¥| - a one-third. That, Kingston ¥| His Destination. % is becaming more imyort- ¥| §i Henry Campbell-Bannerman is # ant as a trans-shipping | said to possess the quality of "pawki- ¥ point is very evident. ¥ | aes." To illustrate the meaning of ¥ The amount of coal re- ¥| 4). word this tale is told of a "4 ceived here up to Dec. 1st, ¥| So ich railway official. It was al ¥ was 52,280 toms, or an in- | § ine of a railway strike, and it 3 crease of 11,140 tons over ¥| ,.. ypcertain how far trains were 3 the total of last year. | running from an important terminus. "Where will this train take me to?" asked a would-be passenger; and the railway official, who was about - to go on strike himsell and had no confi- dence in "blackleg" drivers and sig BY | nalmen, replied : "That depends upon your releegious convictions." | | RECORD PRICES GIVEN. Letters at Sale Auction. London, Dec. 3.--A collection of in- teresting autograph letters came under Forgotten Aches. : a the hammer at Messrs. Sotheby's, in- | Those who keep Smith's White Lini- cluding many rare letters from royal | ment at hand, and use it when re- personages, a series from Thackeray, | quired, are not troubled with aches Dickens, Disraeli and others, to the | and pains. Jt stops rheumatism, lum- famous Lady Blessington. | bago, neuralgia, ete., in the start. This last lot proved to be the fea- | Have the remedy at hand and keep ture of the sale, consisting of forty- | these ailments away. Large bottles two separate items. Tt was knocked | 25¢., at Wade's Drug Store. down to Mr. Sabin at $1,575 ! - Next in importance were seven let- | ters iri the autograph of Lord Byron. | all of extreme literary interest, six of them having been written shortly af ter Shelley's death. addressed to Nr Friend--Something Trelawny while the latter was in { {oI suppose ? sherge of Lord Byron's schooner, the | (abbe--I should say so. I heard nlivar ini ine 3 py Tren letters, ton; Sad additional in. | ie birepurchase men taking it sway terest, owing to the fact that none of | them is printed in Mr. Prothero's edi- ition of Lord Byron. For these seven | {letters a total of $430 was secured, {the purchasers being Mr. Pearson and Historic Joyful Noise. Crabbe--To-da¥, for the first time, I was really delighted to hear my uveigh- | bor's piano going. worth listening Real Rubber Goods. We are as careful about our line of rubber goods as wé are about drugs. Careful about the prices also. Two | Mr Mage» quart hot water bottles from 80c. up. | An especially: noteworthy item was a | 1 We quart fountain syringes at same |holograph letter signed by King |FOPg® of prices ! Wade's Drug Store. {Charles. | addressed to the Elector --- Real Thing. | Palatine, which Mr. Brown, who had | . "Yes," said the girl who is a deter. lcome sneciallv from Edinburgh, car- {ried off for 82%0 mined autograph hunter, "it is one The day's tots! emounted to close | of the best I have in my collection." on £5,500. | "But are you sure it is genuine *" ! asked her friend. "Quite. 1 eut it from a telegram { his wife received from him !" Poses As Frontier" Vienna, poe, Clara owe.» Don't Condemn Yourself to Bright's Disease Bohemian smuggler, has been arrested | TAKE GIN PILLS NOW ILLICIT WORK ENDED. Smuggler on the Austro-German frontier in the uniform of an Austrian frontier guard. | He confessed that after suffering | much at the bands of the frontier guards in his own smuggling career, | be had adopted their uniform to harre | Bright's Disease claims its thousands yearly solely because people won't heed other smugglers. He had caught tI rare's In twenty-six during six months, and Warn) . t head {had conliscated their goods as the Pain in the and t price of giving them their liberty. aches mean Kidney Trouble. Swollen In this way he had made a hand- jiands 4d Sukie a4 ne dhe some income. [lis career as an ama- Joints, to urinate--urine hot and scald |teur gendarme {met a party was closed when he i eh ig Kine ri, Rogie |guards, who recognized him in spite your ki fected |of his uniform, and made him prison Lay po inc stern jer. . give them the ele need--GIN -- {PitLs. Taking GIN PILLS regularly | Arrivals At B. A. Hotel. | L. Stevens, G. E. Morrison, {Chadwiek, F. W. Doran, J. B. { four, A. Hyfield, W. B. Stewart, To- i ronto; J. M. Treblecock, Bowmanville; | H. M. Richardson, Gananoque; W. H. | L "TC Roboson, Miss G. Blair, Sharbot kidne were in such bad h | Lake: James Thompson, South Lake; | 2 SF Hoop without great i A. Tilly, H. Diplock, Albert Green. | (hT PUned me nearly 4 Ibe He a {berg, James Robertson, W. J. Joyce, heavy work om the vid tnd did not lose 8 Moutredl; Clarence M. Warner, Napa- | "47 nee; J. R. Stratton, Peterboro; J. M.| And they Lynn, Moneton, N.B.; E. B. Garden, antee that soothes the irntated, inflammed mem-| , 80 the negotiations fll through. | hunting expeditions under e a ; 3 i Ullmo's house was searched, |ship of the promoters. The. affidavits - - , on - the police found there telegrams which [of prominent citizegs that they had -------- the German agent had addressed to seen the relics dug out of the ground STOVES! STOVES! | The "HAPPY HOME? range still holds its popularity as one of the most economical ranges made. It will bake perfectly with less fuel than any other range on the market. » We also carry a fine line of Steel Ranges. It will pay you to examine our stock before purchasing. ELLIOTT BROS. Telephone, §5. - 77 Princess St. "Fond Memory Brings the Light Fa Of Other Dane Le B -- MATCHES py » Everywhere the Favorites. Have You Tried Tham? Always, Everywhere in Canada, ask for Eddy's Matches. -------- ORANGES Sweet Mexican Oranges, 20, 25, 30, 40 and 50 cents per dozen Florida Oranges, 30, 40, 50 and 60 cents per dosen. GRAPE FRUIT. A. J. REES, 166 Princess Street PERRRRUR ERR EER RRR * Buffalo, N.Y.; R. E. Clysdell, George |S. Fenney, Wilbur; M. B. Cort, Chicy-|the understanding that igo: W. A. Wood, Ottawa;~4.'Y. Up.|cured or you get bam, Brockville: W. H. McWilliams, | So sureare we that Port Hope; W. G. Shannon, Smith's | Falls; C. P. Aguew, Winnipeg, Man. | write, | The CPR has secured a lease ithe Montreal cattle market, Canada Metal Co., Ltd., Toronto, oat £ Brass Castings TO PATTERN. Immediate Attention. Special Prices. : WILLIAM ST. n m-- a 3 000000000000 0000000000 9000000000000 OUR CHRISTMAS SPECIALTIES SLIPPER SOLES Extra good quality of leather coverings, heavy fleece, 35¢., 50c. and 60c. COMFORT SLIPPERS For Men, Women and Children, English and German makes, Plaids and Plain Col- ors, 75c., 85¢., $1.00 to 1.50. Corduroy Leggins for Children, 90c to $1.25 Leather Leggins for Children, $1.50. SPATS, OVERGAITERS, AND LEGGINS For Women, in Brown, Black, Red and Grey. 5c, $1.00 for Colors. 50c., 65c., 1.00 to 1.50 in Black. Sy MOCCASINS FOR BOYS & GIRLS 65¢., 75¢., 85¢., $1.00.to0 2.00, Abernethy's eesecceccscescocsoncnensacgiee