Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 3 Dec 1907, p. 1

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5, 7 ) Get Busy Prepare For Christmas. We can help you in many ways. Our stocks are now complete, only possible. This is a mu- tual benefit, MORROW MORNING ) 's Best Silks, dery Silks, Silks, >ss and others. y of most wanted shades. Silk is always sold regu- c¢ skein. norrow, 1c Skein SKEINS SHOP EARLY when Slipper Soles, Silk Cords, Japanese Baskets, Japanese Hdkf. Boxes, Japanese Glove Boxes, Ribbons Tor fancy work Ribbons for Sashes. kerchiefs Dainty EMBROIDERED fs. terchiefs for ladies. terchiefs for men. uitable for mailing can be ATCH FOR OUR ement To-Morrow. Very Special for dnesday. Cito 73 si ality Overstockings, Rubber Overshoe at- cloth tops. Button up the side. a Winter Outfit for Girls, very neat and 1.50; size 11 to 2, $2. -- ETT SHOE STORE. ppers for Boys, just arrived--the newest. ow YEAR 74--NO. 28%, IS OF INDIA RUBBER ------ ------ Laurier Jocular Over Conservative Platform. Says Its Remarkable, Not For Quality But Elasticity---He Defends Corporations--- Borden Pleads for Clean Politics. 1 } EE Mg 149 Ottawa, Dec. 3.--It had been ex-| tyeaty, and commented upon the fact pected that the debate on the ad-| thal Qanada had eared on the uo: ersell. n > gotiations dress in reply to th h fi th ' Ply to the speech Irom TH! ess is better done by oneseli," he re- throne would be delayed, but it is evident that it will be of short dura- marked. a : tion. It was moved and seconded by The premier, discussing why he had R. R. Hall, Peterboro, and J. A. | passed over members of the House of Lanctot. They were followed by R. L. | Commons when cabinet positions came Borden, who challenged Hon. William | to be filled, said frankly that in 1596, Pugsley to have an inquiry into the | when he was asked to frame a cabinet, La Presse affair, and the conservative | he went out to get the very best re- could get. He had campaign fund in the maritime pro-| presentation he } A vinces | done so again, and, said he, "No one Mr. Borden showed that in the five] ®'®X questioned my judgment on the years, ending 1896, the rate of taxa. Supject. . i Sy is pave tion upon each individual was £5.66: | The premier was giving some a during the five years ending 1902, it] + ar O . a 100 § p) rhe r re re- had risen to $6.93, and during the five] jocular manner, Ww hen Mr. Bord h i years ending 1907, it had further in-{ marked ; ig won ¢ a Jere. a 5 7 { i pr the ne sneral election, creased to $9.47, while durin the| ter, the next genera. €/0C. : pine months Ba March 31st 007 | Sir Wilirid referred to the conserva- the rate was $10.34. Eleven years ago| tive platform as a remarkable strye- th te was 273 mills, while to-day| or: remarkable, however, not for its He Hl aS ir oh 8Y | quality put for its very great it was 68 mills. The taxation rate}9 .? i v suitable had increased because the price of elasticity. India rubber ! suitable for : 3 3 -2" [time place and circumstances. Al- goods had increased. During the five a A 2 tion in It was years, ending 1896, there was an ad. | most every Dropositic Sh verse balance of trade of eight mil- capable of a double meaning. very Jions, while for the five years, ending step forward was followed by a step 1907, the adverse. balance was 287 backward. It reminded him of a caged 7, s 2 s 2 | millions. For the nine months ending | March 31st, 1897, the adverse balance] of trade was 133 millions. | squirrel revolving in a circle, but ac- | complishing nothing. } As regards ownership of public utili- | ties, one of the planks of the Halifax | to the leader of the opposition in a resides on this property. Senator Mar- Dealing with electorial corruption, the! Jeader of the opposition declared that| all contributions to campaign funds! should be made public. He wanted toj see electoral purity, and the Canadian | standard made as high as in Eng-| land.. This was not a political mat-, ter, and the premier could rest as-| sured that in the effort he would have the co-operation of the opposition. He was glad to know that in the recent Colchester election, not a single dol- Jar had been spent illegally. Mr. Fielding : "How can the honor- | able gentleman know when he was not there ?"' . | "What about the personal expens- es ?" asked another member. Mr. Borden: "Ii the honorable gen- | tleman will put his question into an intelligent form I shall try to answer him." Sir Wilfrid Laurier began by a re- ference to the imperial conference and to the Franco-Canadian commercial | DAILY MEMORANDA. Bethel Church Mission Circle Concert, 8 p.m. Wonderland Theatre, afternood and evening. "The Man On The Box," Grand Opera House, 8.15 p.m St. Paul's Ladies' Guild Sale and Tea to-morrow afternoon. Hear Miss Jameson, Temperance Evan- ngelist, Queen St. Methodist Church, Wednesday, Dec. 4th, 8 p.m. { Bijou Theatre--The Astonishing and Unsolvable Mystery 'A Maid's Dream,' Comedy, 'A Mischievous Boy." | This day in history -- Madrid captured, | 1808 : Robert Louis Stevenson died | 1894 ; Flight of King James II, 1688. | WHIG TELEPHONES. 243--HBusiness Office. | 229--Editorial Rooms. 292--J obbing Department. Legal Forms, all kinds, at Whig. The Daily Whig is always on sale at Gibson's Drug Store, Market Square-- Open till late each evening. | Turkey and Game Setts Just opened some very pretty DOULTON SETS, and very cheap cheap from $3.50 to $15.00 Quadnt old odd shapes and pretty designs. A very appropriate pres- ent at this time of the year. See Them At Robertson Bros. GREAT BARGAINS IN , HEATERS. mhirty Square Hall Heaters, Sor yous rfectly sound. Fifteen Cook toves, also a lot of Sheet Iron and Pug ves. All those must be sold this month. Those that wish for bargains, come and see US, as We are goieg to sell them. TURK'S Second-Hand Stove, 898 Princess St. Telephone. 705. FOR SALE Choice Brick Residence, Barrio striet all improvements, grand location Double Stome Dwelling, Parl street, bath, ges, ete. Frame Dwelling, Albert street, shed, large lot and many others. SWIFT'S Real Estate and Insurance Agency. The C.P.R. steamer Mount Temple was wrecked off the coast of Nova Scotia, on Monday. The passengers and crew were rescued with difficulty Chamois vests keep out the barn, uy them at Gibson's Red Cross drug | made hy cold. | that the elaborate preparations b impress' the | platform, Sir Wilirid remarked that! the matter had been forced upon the | conservative party by W. F. Maclean, | and was not really the creation of} the party. Quoting from Mr. speech itseli he argued that the leadef | President of the opposition was not himself | | convinced that the policy was a good | simply tried to please | Remarking that the Hali-| one, but had all parties. fax platform seemed to condemn cor- | porate interests the premier entered | upon a defence of corporations, while admitted that these were fallible as well as individuals. He said that corporation labor and corporate capi- tal were able to accomplish much that would otherwise be left undone, that aggregate effort was able to do more | than individual effort. | Replying to the leader of the op-| position, who had asked what the | position of the government was re | garding Japanese immigration, the premier said that Japan was not al country we could afford to treat with | contempt or indifference. Besic pan was an ally of the king and | further than that they had a commer-| cial treaty. He admitted that the! race prejudice in British Columbia~had to be considered, and that if this wholesale immigration was not check- | ed there might be repeated disorders. | He condemned Mr. Borden for the | ttitude he assumed in British Colum bia regarding Asiatic immigration, | but he condemned him more strongly for the position he had taken upon the provincial subsidies question. He agreed that two much money was being spent in elections, but "if he wants clean politics is it clean politics to go to British Columbia and promise that when he 'got into office 'he would give them what they want ?"' : "When the time comes to go to the people," concluded Sir Wilfrid, "T will not be afraid to lay my record before them." Hon. George E. Foster followed and es Ja-| jer iticized the premier strongly. Fined A Cent, Went To Jail. Wabash, Ind., Dec. 3.--Mrs. Lucy Burris, owner of two farms and much city property, fined by a Wabash oir- cuit court jury ofe cent for assault and battery on her farm tenant, Tom Sivets. was taken to jail because she refused to pay the fine. The jury gave her the least possible fine. Mrs. Pur ris, although wealthy, stubbornly os- serted she would never pay a cont affairs She attacked Sivets with a knife during an argurhent. Piles Cured In 6 To 14 Days. Pazo Ointment is guaranteed to cure any case of itching, blind, bleed ing or protrudifg piies in six to fourteen days or money refunded. 50c. -------- In the Druce trial, at London, a photographer told of taking a photo- graph of the old bazaar keeper and his false beard. "Por children," Gibson's Red Cross Cough Syrup is easy to take. Phone 230. Borden's JAhred indictments for perjury { veiling, and dedication of a monument She is a widow, and manages her own | HE IS A SENATOR. frente He Was in Military Service, Then |In Spite of Demonstration, Ver- a Lawyer. diet Unfavorable. Hon. Thomas Staples Martin, one of | Charlton, Mass, Dec. 3.---Suit for the United States senators, from Vir | $25,000 against a bath tub whnufac ginko, and who entered the senate in | turer was browght by Mrs. Sarah A. 859, was born at Scottsville, Vg., on | Lowe, a petite bruneite of thigty. Her July 29th,) 1847. In 1853 his allegation is that while using the tub removed to a farm which was located | four months ago it seratol her, and about two miles outside of Senator | because of upsanitary ma terial, blood poisoning set in. When Mrs. Lowe wanted the jury to take 'whispered to Mrs. Lowe. She blushed furiously, but advanced toward the jury box. ercising consummate modesty she displayed her knee, where it was stated, the permanent swelling had settled. The ungracious jury decided that it was too fine a point in law to distin- | 3. : guish between a plump knee ol Elaborate preparations had been mac swollen one.. It returned o verdict |1or the event and the banqueting hall against her. was beautifully arranged. The tables were set in the form of a T, reaching the complete = length of the spacious DISARMED BY POLICE. dining room. At the time appointed soventy guests sat down to the feast, Fight With Swords in a Public | President A. BE. Ross, M.D, presid- in Yie Peo Sour. pa | Sloe long the genial side of ' the " jenna, . 3. T'wo convicts named local Scots began to come to the immer and Trinkl, who were, yes-| gop, and the laughs were loud and terday, sentenced in the Vienna erim- long, general good-fellowship prevail. inal court to three years' hard labor, ing, for who can show more hospi c to be followed by detention in a talit . to his own or to strangers tin attended the Virginia Military In- penal colony, made a desperate at-| by the Scot, and last eveni is stitute during the civil war and when ' tempt to revenge themselves on the - oxoe stion. Ample atics pi the students at this historic institu: judge and public prosecutor. a ah a a Nil of § tion volunteered for military service in| Wimmer, on hearing the sentence, ne ial by Hout Telfer and ie the confederate army he went along. | shouted : "I won't take that!" and Be orth assiotants The ancient Th After the war Senator Martin studied | Poth prisoners made a rush for the of the H ris was hold, Pipers Frase lawand was admitted to the bar in |bench. They had clinched the balus- aud Macdonald pla, ring A m, a 1869, trade in front of the bench before| hits followis ih Ed A : Trinkl was Seized by a policeman and | ie the sn x a carryi is pulled down. Wimmer snatched a po- la - N _-- ne iy yy P= liceman's sword and struck at the Fe. Dalle ui CAg, a) or The R. | public prosecutor. | Burns grace over the haggis was said Fout policemen, with drawn swords, |} ny Gig Scott, who attacked Wimmer and disarmed him, 0 El sonny American Hotel on Monday avening, db Thomas S. Martin Martin's native village and he still FORGERY AND PERJURY. Are Charged Against Hegeman. John New York Dec. 3.--Seven indict- | Both rigo es * ners. were the My ed, | ments for forgery against John R. shouting from Oat oan Dr. Ross, president of the loeal so- Hegeman, president of the Metropoli- ------------ ---- { ciety, had during _ the day received | telegrams of greeting from many tan Life Insu ce company. growing out of the nt life insurance inves- 1 «d by supreme { places, including Scotland, Hamilton, tigation. 'were dismis Washington, B.C. Dee. 3. Joseph | Hlifax, Quebec, Prescott, Cornwall, court Justice Dowline. yesterday. | Cannon, of Illinois, was elected speak- {Toronto, Buffalo and many other against ler of the house over John Sharp Wil- i places, which he read out. Dr. Ross Hegeman were sustained. |liams, which virtually makes the lat- {spoke of the different St. Andrew's An appeal will be taken hy attorneys (ter the leader of the minority in the {societies now celcbrating the same ' | house. ' lovent, and also stated that St. An- |drew's society was the only national re {society in the city. After the toast to the king the president ealled on Prof. Morrison to respond to "The Land 0' Cakes," and iD. M. Mclntyre to "The Land 0' the Maple Leal." Prof. Morrison said that were he at home he would have -- Monument Erected over Grave of Late Miss! scan vlc spoke of tho coneit of Susan Greeley | the Scotch, saying that conceit was) {one of the greatest heights a nation | Cannon Re-elected Speaker. for Mr. Hegeman. HONOR HER MEMOR Pr. fcould attain, that England was ar- {rogant and Ireland and Scotland a ie . 1 + |good second. Canada and Scotlund Joven Simcoe to bring thirty set-|gap, the two most conceited nations and tlers into the country, supplying tiem wil} Therefore be the greatest. "If I vith provisions, tools; etc. He erect: ivy to the three score years and ten a fir i ills 1 . the first grist and saw mills in | allowed by the psalmist 1 will see these parts, in Brighton and Haldi- {Canada standing on its own legs abd So wsships, The seltjers were | friendly to England and Scotland, but . Ig 1, IL 18 sal a or iS | nove sles i i " her death, September 7th, 1904, at the | services Mr. Greeley was to receive a fwver he dost standing id ie In age of over ninety-cight years, Miss | large tract of land, but that Gover- making that prof sheey and that A eeley possessed the unique record of | nor Simcoe was called to England, | a - - ie Cobourg, Dec In the Presbyterian cemetery, at Grafton, eight miles from here, a few days ago, the un- erected to the memory of Miss Susan Greeley took place. At the time of The Local Scots Celebrated J Night. "EE SET Prof, Morrison Predicted That Canada Wi "Very well," said the lawyer, . who One Day Stand Upon Her Own Legs--- His Assertion Was Disputed. The annual banquet of the St. An- knew it was a popular and yet un: drew's 'society was held in the British | popular one. D. M. Mcintyre, for "The Land of the Maple Leal," spoke i i terms of the good done for Canada by the Scotchmen who came to this coun- try. He spoke of thé Canada bank- ing system, founded in Montreal by four Scotchmgn, the system that had successfully withstood the latest panic, while those of the United States quaked and Yell. Mr. Mcintyre said he could pot agree with the former speaker, in regard to Canada break- ing away from the home land, and that Canadians were not longing for the day to come when they would or could do so. "How Baptiste Came Home," one of the habitant poems by the late Dr. Drummond, was read by Dr.A. W. A John 10 Sa Richardson, in the way only he can of all days. read it. brightness yfulness an The foast to "The Day and a' Wha |@ good will to a Ea Honor It," was replied to by Prof.|§ of the yule tide gift giving. Macnaughton, in a bright, witty But comes the speech. Prof. Macnaughton spoke the Scot and what he had Gon for all countries under the British flag. ly by making a visit to this Eslie Carter and Rev. Mr. Laird store. There something responded to "Our Guests," and the for ) Never before latter spoke of the great immigration |4 have we Rody. so well pre to the far west. "If the present im-|® pared. We offer a tremend- & migration continues, gentlemen, the ous assortmen ovelties unpopular prophecy of Prof. Morrison he Torether may some day agme true in a way |@ with the more useful things | we least espect, ere is one way to time 1 bring out more Scots Shak ate £994 all the i stop thi he orporation of the City," was looked after by the mayor, who said he 'was glad to informa those present that the health of the city was excel fent. The mayor was greeted by "He's a Jolly Good Fellow," and stated that he would rather be called a good fellow by a crowd of Scotchmen than receive any other compliment. The toast-list was now drawing near the end, and after a Scotch song by Mr. MeMillan, William Dunnett, the nial William, "Annie question can be settled c for Christmas. Special Xmas Items IRISH CROCHET | PIECES, from $1 to $10.50. - e ; Ei ah & BELTS, from 208c. to $2.90. ENGLISH FEATHER NECK RUFFS, from $2.90 to $25. LACE SCARFS, from 65c. 2 to $6.50. HANDSOME REAL LACE | PIECES, from $2.50 to $40. FRENCH BEAD PURSES, from $1.25 to $3.25. : aurie" and "The Banks of Loch Lomond" in excellent voice. Pipers Fraser and Macdonald were in called upon to contribute to the fun, and another fine selection was given, Four old Scots not being able to keep their feet when they beard the pipes, joined in the veel and in the fling. Dr. Etherington Jeupondied to the toast drunk to 'The Ladies," after which all joined hands and "Auld Lang Syne" and "God Save the King' were sung by all present, end- ing another pleasant St. Andrew's night. having taught in a Sunday school for | and Governor Hunter, who adminis-| = - I -------- i over eighty years, and during a great | tered affairs in his absence, failed to ALL IN GRAVE DANGER BEAUTIFUL FLORAL RIB. BONS, trom bec. to $1.50. | part of hat ime the school Fw con- | ratify the compact made by his pre *® WE | ducted by her in her own home in | decessor. Dispusted ; is, ree | ecked CHAN 00L SCAR rom Haldimand township. The monument | ley accepted 'an oy im, Mr. Se Wedding Party: is = Wr By| . RUNORER OH aS, = ry 5, 5 is, : which is very beautiful bears this in- | him of being made surveyor-gengral of | Flood. » It is ¥ pa scription © the territory if he would go to Mi- | Paris, Dec. 3.%-An extraordinary ad- x Hontzeal, Duce "General Call and mee this Stors in Evected in grateful recollection of | chigan. His wife, Mrs. Margaret Rog- | venture happened to a wedding party x reported orig Tima * Holiday Atire, 3 a bong sul wsetul life of Christian ex- | ers Greeley, who was one 'of the first | Dear Nerac, the home of President » Bo. CPR at ¥ : v ample and devotion." party of United Empire Loyalists that | Fallieres. ¥ man, PR. ; y It has been erected through the | settled on the & of the Bay of | The bride and bidegroom and forty » Montreal, is to resign ia hd Steacy S voluntary subscriptions of a number | Quinte in 1784, with her little daugh- | guests were driving from the church | position, and that he oy 2 of frien Is and ex-pupils. ter, Miss Susan Greeley, and a faith- [10 a village six miles distant, where | H be succesdad he Senaral Miss Greeley's early life was a mo- | ful employve, made the journey in a | Wedding breakfast was to be held. On | # Superintendent Oborne, © * Yosseveni mentous one. She was a daughter of | small boat along the\ northern shores | their way they were overtaken by the ¥ Toronto. General Supsrin: Hf Aston Greeley, whe ho to thie of Lake Ontario and hround the head | Waters of the flooded Garonne, and | & fondant Bndy, yJorth > country from the United States in the | of the Lake to Nia Falls, camp- | their carriages were literall ship- | ® Y> 48 Lo : melC ~~ carly vears of the eighteenth century, | ing on the shore nant, , a | wrecked. 8 ¥ hi | ronto, and Superintendent od CAL or Te he wile 08D. Dy and who entered into a compact with | rejoin her husband. { The coachman who was driving the * Murphy, of London, will Soivin, a son -------- | beidel furcinge whipped up his horses, = ge Jo Horth Bay. Tt Ia n x MARRIED. re T - and tried to get through the water, arsloo g § CLAIM £80,000,000. ARE FOR BRYAN. | hich wan olling arom a field. A | younger officials will he GCHAR EHD NEGE wy MINT nd -- tree floating Ly killed one of the | 38 promoted to take Mr. #| Shearer, Laura May Ci he * Demers Deposited Money in Bank of Eng- | Senators and Congressmen Declare | horses, and the other was drowned, | # Murphy's place. > suvilie, to Hamu" Ouran 0 | land in 1722. 24s theca with the bride and | Bh ANION | -- ore eii . | bridegroom in it, floated. s " ™ DIED ih Jeondon, Dec. 3.--About the year | New York, . 3.-~0ut of seventy. | 772, a local governor in Russia, nam- [six democratic senators and represen- | o od Polubotka deposited a sum of |tatives polled in Washington by the | a money in the Bank of England, which, | New York World, forty-four declare | ghis time all of the guests, ten of with compound interest, pow amounts (unequivocally that the recent state | gem | ta draw e o te £80,000,000. It has not peen claim- iment of William J, Bryan, that he is ie. In _SAr\S Lawn by oxen, were { : " Lh pg | 4 s WH 5 more or legs in danger of their lives. | ed until the present, but now Profes- {a candidate for the demberatic nomin- The hridey "4 : : | sor Ribets, formerly of the Conserva- {ation for the presidency, eliminates |g) . iy oF ham reacund joie wife on toriwm, has requested a meeting of (all other candidates, Practically all _ ag by n e Jose, and after three Plubotka's descendants to take steps lof them believe that he should run en WR the Shite party reach. to procure the money from the Bank (a conservative platiorm, although dry 'ant, ht 3 ore Were twenty of Bociund. | there is a wide difference in opinion as | wo on one side of the rolling flood, | and twenty on the other, and the wed: The bridegroom jumped out of the ge into the water, bidding his brite have courage, swam for help. By "= lio what that platform should be. Of -------- i {those who do not consider that Bryan | dina hreakinst as eventually held Tea and sale by ladies' guild of [is the only man, only one, Senator without the bride snd bridegroom. 8t. Paul's church on December th, |Ransdell, of Louisiana, is definite in » | in school room; tea from 3 to 7 p.m. naming a candidate. He comes out Made An Honorary Major. | Sales at home-made table and work | flat-footedior Governor Johnson, of | Ottawa, Dec. 3.--A militia order itable. Good programme in evening. { Minnesota. | announces that Chavlhin and Honor | J. Edgar Will, of the | Admission, 10c. i ete {ary Captain | A young dressmaker at Winnipeg | INDIANS SMUGGLE LIQUOR. | 5th Royal Highlanders of Montreal, {gave birth to a child in her rooms, | ten | has heen granted the honorary rank {of major. The Rev. J. Edgar Hill, | MA. D.D., the pastor of Si. Ane , | drew's church of Scotland, Montreal, 3.--~The dominion po- | heeame honorary capfain of the bth was found in a | Bring it to Men on the G. T. P. Construction. Kenora, Dee. seized thirty gallons {and its dead body trunk, | Pure Olive Oil. Chown's drug store. | f Din 3.--There is a great London, Dee. growing belief despatches say jollowers. Durban the government store. Pure Olive Oil; Chowii's drug store, FEAR IN CAPE COLONY of the Uprising of the Followers of | mince. and during the past week that Cape Colony is faced by a general rising of Dinizalu's ¢ | kraal, public with the belief that there are serjous reasons for the secrecy being p------1 $100 along the G.T.P. construction line, and | : {poured it down a sewer. The police of liguor | Royal Scots on October 12th, 1897. ed. Indians, who refuse to tell where they obtain the liquor, are engaged in b> them were sentenced to iu. {months each for the offence. | vee If They Are i ' Fidd'er, the Indian recently sen- | |tenced to death in the north bv Com- | In addition | missioner Perry, of the RN.WAM.P., i Emma maintained about them to the militia the first reserves have for the murder of a girl in connection { . Monte Carlo, Doc. 3.--~The trial of been called , and horses are being {with certain tribal rites, has beente Verge St. Leger Goold, and his wife, comman wholesale. Dinizula is spited, and that sentence will be com- | : the royal pe to one of life imprisonment. {Marie, for the murder of Emma Ie- by police! FEx-Empress Eugenie is said to have vin, at Monte Carlo, last summer, the Isettled a fortune on the Spanish heir. [began yesterday. Death by the guil- Catharines citizens are going Jotine will be the penalty if the Goolds id to he at [Tsutn, surrounded and practically a hostage, but statement does not find geweral ac-| St. ceptance, ? © © | me {have a dillicnlt task in suppressing the | {illicit trade, nas the most ingenious | |g of smuggling liquor are adopt- | | Convicted of to raise $75,000 for a new hospital, |ate convicted, According to the legalthe regulars are unav Likely All Are Dead. 3 SMITH-As J fther's Pon ; | Pittsburg, Pa., Dec. 3.--~Up to mid- Cs feorge - i ar jeht thirteen bodies had been recover.) Funeral Yeo am. Eriands 3 | al from the Naomi mine of the United and soquaintances respectfully invil Coal company, near Fayette City yy pn vou Dee.' 2nd, 1907, Several of the men had been killed by . Jane Bush) 'relict of the late Joh seventy-six years a3 poisonous gas fumes, and it is al-| Quail, spe ah ' | most certain that the remaining thit- Pumaral from her son-inlaw's SS ldence; ty-six miners have succumbed to the ot 2 paw. od hy ! echntyit a doadly after damp. are Y invited (0 attend. i ei reap Trial Catarrh treatments ate bing ROBERT J. REID, it mailed out free, on request, by hy, a Shoop, Racine, Wis, Jucse tests are The Leading Undertaker. provi to the people--without a|'Phone, 577. 227 Princess str penny's "cost--the great value of this scientific prescription known to drug- 3 : & gists everywhere as Dr. onoop's Ca- % tarrh Remedy. Sold by sll druggists. or The king of Spain hunted on Sat- x ; urday, with the Cheshire hounds. Lord Is drawing very near, and we are ready Shaftesbury was thrown and is badly |for i, NOW, with a large stock. soar al hury 'own 13 hadiy . >. Sock. of soa Tho Vary Best Qualty © McConkey's caramels frédh on Fri. AT THE 2 & day at Gibson's Red Cross drug store. Lowest Possible Prices. Owe vies 120. BX FOW ang aveid, the Marder of Jas Reddo 4 Js Melia 8 Levin. usages prescribed by the code Napol-| John Hodges, leon, a president and two judges willlyear-old hack driver, was form the beoch, and the president will {ter firing four shota't William .choouse ren Jud, ges {fort % 2 s from the Monseo municipal eouneil Ca Bg Rov hy 3 So ge [Another supplementary judge also will | twenty-eight. be chosen but be will not serve unless! Razor _strops, first " absent, (Chown's drug. y Toronto, an i

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