use--a 'every toilet of this company of $2,712,450. DOWN. ud taxes, etc, were $10,224.36 LESS than in 1905--and were only 16.34% cf the income. « With this saving in expenses, the new business for the year amounted to $5,555,547.00 ~~a gain in insurance in force Take out your insurance in the company that is keeping its income UP and its expenses Write Head Office, Waterloo, lv, , | grand duchesses and the . princess , 100, is not likely to ' spoil" her boys, for she is imbued with the prevailing and ht hed gor She oP roam roles destined for them not by pam- them in nurseries "de luxe," v tiny czare- vitch are just natural, every-day chil- dren. ughters of Vie- now young m their devotion to . Tiey are Chasen Have v, Queen Victoria Pain, rown Princess of Roumania signal just before the kaiser t Portsmouth, is a little feud which has been the gossip of service clubs for months past. It is an secret that Sir Percy Scott got the swelled head after his in the South African war with in town, did not hesitate attacks on the Scott contingent. of auto-hypnose oc- A strange _{lurred in a dental tal lady was to have to use-an anaesthetic. He 1 The visit us ee {queen's te of Magdalen College, was the occasion of the C i "rag." It was even more violent the Oxford affair The undergrades were determined to make a bonfire and seized every: thing inflammable--and even ings not inflammable, like growing shrubs and saplings. There was the usual - {visit to the king's Norfolk home was . Jody's stories, which are always id- | It was really a most informal and - number of birds. The game keepers A {many bets among - ; One , who was fined by the Jocal magistrates next morning. On the occasion of her third visit to Sandringham, the Hon. Mrs. George , who was accompanied by her husband, swept all before her. Her i marked by a great coolness on the art of Queen Alexandra. Her second visit was far more plea- sant, and on this third excursion the succumbed to Mrs. ae the queen eppel pe round the 4 h the arm She} She kennels, and was noticed t ueen laughed almost as heartily at Mrs. Keppel's jokes as she invariably does at those YX de Soveral, the Portuguese min- Mrs. Keppel has a wonderfully dis- tinct way of speaking, and her ma- jesty, who is deafer than ever, man- ages to catch all the entertaining new, up-to-date, but never ill-natured. jolly house party. The Duchess of Westminster, always in high spirits, was seen one day, in vivid crim- son, playing diabolo with little Prince Olaf, the spoilt child of the party, and Lord Rosebery enlivened the men af- ter dinner with his witty anecdotes. Another feature of the house party was a sporting bet between King Al fonso and the Prince of Wales as to who should bring down the largest were wildly excited over it, and made n themselves. The ps however, was an easy winner y more than fifty birds. Mrs. Ronalds, better known to Lon- doners as oat Fanny," is back again in town after going through in- cain oir Sa si, Courses of massage and other aids to beauty, and the friends who crowded to her first Sunday concert in Cado- gan Place declare that this wonderful American bas continued with her se- venty odd years to look about forty n. was no very startling artist introduced to a abe a first Sunday. but "Aunt Fanny' has a young Bostonian up her sleeve of whom she talks mysteriously and who, she says, will make a sensation. Mrs. Ren is has a "'waiting list" very frequently of a hundred or more so- pranos, violinists, contraltos and tenors who are anxious to make their debuts at Cadogan Place, and it is whispered that engagements aren't easily obtained. Mrs. Ronalds has a serious rival now in Ernest Gilchrist, gpee a wealthy bachelor, who lost his for tune last year and has become a con- | cert age, At bis own house he also "privately" introduces new artist London societ; _. There is general surprise in theatri- cal circles that Beerbohm Tree was | given the "cold shoulder" and passed | over in favor of John Hare, who was knighted on the king's birthday. Sir John Hare is, it is generally ad- mitted, one of the most polished act- ors in this country. but he bas done nothing for the British stave. while Mr. Tree has worked unceasingly to raise its yore by presenting Shakes- pearean plays as they never were pro- duced before. By an almost thetic coincidence, John Hare, ey Santley, the vete- ran singer, and Mr. Tree were all stay- ing at the same hotel in Manchester when the news came that the king had been pleased to confer knighthood on 1 Santley. The actor and singer were both: completely surprised and equally delighted, ¥ . Mr. Trée was chatting with them when the news came. and he at once congratulated both his friends warm- ly. K he felt any emotion he man- aged to conceal it. but he retired early to bed that night. It is well-known that Mr. Tree is not one of the King's favorite actors, but recommendations for honors are made in the first place hy the govern- ment, and all Mr. Tree's' friends are surprised 'the present cabinet should have overlooked him. Constipation, indigestion, drive away appetitite and make you weak and sick. Hollistér's Rocky Mountain Tea restores the appetite, drives away Morntain Ton. 35c. T dome Unconscious young hl eae Soon Th of woman to sleep. aad pat he | An Ottawa man who smoked ciga- The dentist now decl that he rettes every dav from the time he was | will use hypnotism instead of anaes , {nine years old. died the other day. |thetics whenever he has to do witha The fact that he was run over by a nervous patient. street car not prevent this | London is in the of the most f i | | 1 HE | § E 1 | ner, and it will carry about, 10 per di , builds up the system. 3%c., Tea or Tablets. Mahood's Drug Store. Win iron ship weighs about 20 per cent. less than a wooden ship of the same dimensions. Its walls ate thin- cent. more cargo on less draft of water. A man is always proud of his chil- dren who are large for their cept when be i i TURDAY, NOVEMBER 30, 1907. ir. after each meal and at bedtime, drink- Easily Overcomes the Worst Forms of Kidney and Bladder Trouble and Said to Be Cer- tain Cure For Rheumatism: | A large health publication tells its readers of a number of simple and safe prescriptions that can be made at home. The following, however, for the cure of rheumatism und Kidney and bladder troubles receives the greatest praise, viz, Fluid Extract jon, one-hali ounce; Compound Kargon, one ounce; Compound Syrup lla, three ounces. These simple, harmless in; jents can be obtained at any preséription phar- macy at little cost and are mixed by shaking well in a bottle. "The dose for adults is a teaspoonful ing a full tumberful of water after each dose. It is further stated that this prescription is a positive remedy for kidney trouble and lame back, weak bladder and urinary difficulties, espe- cially of the elderly people, and one of the best things to be used in rheumatic afflictions, relieving the aches and pains and reducing swellings in just a short while. A well-known local druggist states that this mixture acts directly upon the eliminative tissues of the Kkidneys;| cleanses these spongelike organs and! gives them power to sift and strain the | poisonous waste matter and uric acid | from the blood which is the cause of rheumatism. i Cut this out and hand to some; sfifferer which would certainly be an act of humanity, Law Reform Needed. Pet erboro Examines. The plea of Hon. Mr. McKay, the liberal Ontario leader, for reform of law procedure in the direction of pre- venting the big purse trom oppressing tl r suitor, receives point from the fact that the Toronto Street Rail way company refuses to pay a widow $2,000 damages, the amount fixed by a judgment of the court as damages for the death of her husband. The company takes refuge in an appeal. Without reference' to the merits ot the case, this seems to be an instance of Providence being on the side of the big battalions--or big corporations. Mr. McKay points out that a rich corpor- ation, by appeal after appeal, can wear down a poor suitor and compel abandonment of a claim by default-- a tragedy in which justice plays no part. The long purse is stronger than the long arm of the law. He advo- cates a simplification of process which will prevent justice being drowned ir the abyss of a deep purse. Law isa good thing: but justice is a better, and equity an improvement on both. All Algne. Loudon Chronicle. . Some legends, especially those with a moral, die hard. A little boy bad told a fib, with the carelessness of imaginative childhood, and was re ceiving the conventional rebuke, coupled with the threat that the con- ventional reward of the future would not be his unless he told the truth. "Won't there be anybody in heaven who has told a story?" asked the small boy, much interested. 'No, dear," answered his teacher, at a venture. The small boy drew a long breath of deep reflection: "How jolly dull for George Washington !" he re- marked. Little Dose Cough Cure. The dose of the Diamond Cough Remedy is small. The remedy is pleasant, it is free from opiates, it is healing, soothing and expectorant. Cures coughs, colds, sore throat and hoarseness. No waiting for results. 25c. at Wade's drug store. SLIPPERS! SLIPPERS! SLIPPERS! It may seem early in the season to be thinking of Slippers, but now is the time to choose them, Our stock is new. Nothing but, Up-to-Date Slip- pers here. Men's Leather Slippers, in Black, Brown, and Tan, T5c.. $1.00, 1.25, 1.50 to 2.50. Men's Plain and Fancy Felt Slippers, 75c. to $1.50. Women's Fancy Felt Slippers, in Black, Brown, Red, Green, Blue, and Plaids, 75c., $1.00, 1.25 and 1.50. Women's Fine Kid Juliet Slippers, Fur- Lined, $2 00. Girls', Boys' and Children's Slippers, in Plain and Fancy Felt and Leather, 25c., 50c., 75¢., $1.00 to 1.50. TRY A PAIR OF OUR COSY SLIPPERS FOR SOLID COMFORT. Abernethy"s 000000000000 00000000000000002000000000000000000000000000000000V0 The Millville tailor who deems him- self heir to the estate of the Duke of Portland, may have a case, but he would be wise to hang on to his seis- sors and goose for a while yet. ain't feeling right to-day, Something wrong 'I must say; Come to think of it, that's right 1 forgot my Rocky Mountain Tea last night The value of the world's railways is _s " Fit-Reform copldn't pretend to be ght. Poe Fit-Reform. styles and Fit-Reform fabrics mus be right. Fit-Reform must know "What is going to be wom" --and Fit-Reform must be able to interpret every whim of fashion. Thousands of men, in every part of Canada, depend on Fit-Refom to tell them "what's what" in Suits and Overcoats. Stop in and let us show you how faithfully Fit-Reform lives up to its reputation. Suits and Overcoats, $15 up. 256 Ti-Sedorm E..P. JENKINS Kingston, Ontario. MONEY IN More profitatie Tv. fo ddvica tree. Our nlw 2ec bok oy Money in Canaries." | Want any work done in the way of Hot a 108 BIRD BREAD. Abo, "H Betad Bord 4 = ay: wy rite us betore buy put at $27,775.000,000. CANARIES | Attention, Furnaces! Experien-e unoecessary. We | your furnace meeds repairing, if you With book we send free. if you name thin | Water Heating. or Plumbing, give me a to Rid Birds of {call, you will ti nd Bl SATA Sr peal {govd "sagistactise: Prompt atten 868 Brock St corTAM BIRD seep DAVID HALL, 52s Pan well ? =2 The Best Cure For All Coughs and Colds A Cough is a sign that your system is run-down,--perilously near some ailment more dangerous. "mere cough cure" is needed. Your system needs a tonic as Something more than a MATHIEU'S SYRUP 'of Tar & Cod Liver Oil is the only combination of real a cure and a real tonic. It is an invaluable remedy to have in the house. It is the best and quickest of all cough cures. the symptoms, merely--but it removes the cause and strength- ens the whole system. _It is pleasant to take. Itis the safest and best thing to give them. Does not contain any harmful drugs-- From all dealers. 35c. large bottle. J. L. MATHIEU CO., Props., Sherbrooke, Que. Because it does not aim to soothe Children like it. Fhis is tl « that has the | that are alwa "crisp and g@ that are m the best bal Canada by t bakers. If these Biscuits you always ins your grocer --A Bi js an ex Every n directly « it allay quiet, re 'forms © stimulate nerves, : system. It is building ingredie: ALL DRUG FREE TO YOU--NY § a complete trial; and | cents & week, ot less Ahan two o Just gond me your DAME AAC our case, entirely | ae Sok WOMAN'S O h en suffer, and how t dy i and learn to think for hx tion," you can decide for yourse femedy, Jt cures all, old or y treatment which speedily and lar Menstruation in Young vhorever you live, I can refet sufferer that this ong, plump and robust 1s0 . Write to Bra Mi. SUMMERS, 8 . 16 diff "Rex" strong at 'Our 190% Skate B Write for afree ¢ The Starr Mar BRANCH OFFICE ase