Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 29 Nov 1907, p. 7

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Paid-up Capital, $10,000,000 Rest, ----- 5,000,000 Total Assets, - 113,000,000 d in the United States and England . BUSINESS TRANSACTED BANKING Farmers for their banking otes cashed or taken ollection 86 posits may be made or withdrawn by ounts receive every attention N BRANCH, AND PRINCESS STS NSON, Manager. i , TON=-- as Limerick it Limerick was so keen and the good on the whole that we More Limerick, which will close to pay the money to winners in ft buying. o the opportunity of contribut- stmas good cheer. 0.00 H PRIZES WINNERS 'E, $230 CASH 25 " of $5 Each , of $3 Each ITIONS REFULLY. competition are perfectly sim- is to fill in the last line of the below and then send it, accom- h label attached), of a package Red, Pink, or Orange La- E, (embossed lid only,) which in one Limerick. You may send vou like so long as a TIN LID st be prepaid at letter rates. ONS APPOINTMENT THE KING World Can Produce. in Airtight Tins. E BY ALL GROCERS. ERICK G HRISTMAS FOR ME ITHOUT LIPTON'S TEA," MINION . OPINION ision of the Editor of The Toronto nd enter the competition on that dis- d by the Editor of The Toronto MAIL must be accepted as final. Envelopes imerick," and sent to MAIL AND EM- mailed by last post, smber 10th. ck will be published in The Kings- day, December 3rd. BEAUTY Cf LAMP it and burns for 40 hours te. Lasts a lifetime, Will amp for - Halls, Bathrooms, &e b 75 Cents. y & Birch Brock Street. +" Sod KincsTaNg PEMBROKE RAILWAY : IN ECTION WITH Canadian Pacific Railway htt Irvrrind, TRAINS LEAVE KINGSTON : 12.10 p.m.~Express--For Ottawa, Mon- treal, Quebec, St. John, N.B., Halifax, Boston, Toromto, Chicago, Denver, Ren- frew, Sault Ste, Marie, Duluth, St Paul, Winnipeg, Vancouver, Seattle, Portland, and San F 5.00 p.m.--Local for Sharbot +Lake, connecting with C.P.R., East and West. 7.45 a.m., Mixed--For Renfrew and in-| termediate points. | Passengers leaving Kingston at 12.10] p.m. arrive in Ottawa at 445 pm, | eL.r 3 Toronto, 7.05 ¥ Montreal, 6.50 p.m. ; a.m. ; St, John 11.20 a.m. KINGSTON--OTTAWA. ( leave Kingston, 12.10 p.m., arrive] Ottawa, 4.45 p.m. Leave Ottawa, 10.45 | a.m. arrive Kingston, 3.45 p.m. Direct connections at Renfrew with C.P.R. No. | leave Renfrew, 4.15 p.m., for Pem-| broke, Port Arthur, Winnipeg and Paci- | fic Codst points. | F. CONWAY, Gen. Pass Agent. | Bay of Quinte Railway New short line for Tweed, N % Descronto, and all local points. ra Jeave City Hall Depot at 4 pm. R. W. DICKSON, Agent B.Q.Ry., ingston. RAILWAY YY DRETT SSS INTERNATIONAL LIVE STOCK EXPOSITION. Boston, 7.30) 1 you will find that Dominion Ammunition is made for it, and gives the best results -- becluse no cartridges are more carefully tested, guaged and inspected. Dominion Cartridges are best for big game because of their reliabitity, accuracy, high velocity and great stopping power. Sold at a "less-Zhe. duly-price." Witch The Stomach. It have either nave |oloei: the stom YOU | ted hen ANY OF for, a loatiiing of THESE food peel od SYMPTOMS ? | choting sumtions 1a the throat, headache and dullness of spirits, Chicago, Ill, Nov. 30th to Dec. 7th, | gonstipated bowls with alternate diarrhoea, 1907. turn will be sold on Thursday, Saturday, Sunday, Monday and Tues-| day, Nov. 28th, 29th, 30th, Dec. ist, | 2nd and 8rd at $21.55, good to return on or before Monday, Dec. 9th, 1907. LOCAL BRANCH TIME TABLE. Trains Depot, Foot of Johnston street. GOING WEST. Lve. Uy Arr. City No. 5 mail we 12.30 a.m, 1.02 a.m. * 8 express ww 2.38 a.m; 38.02 am. "11 Jocal viene ¥.18 am. 47 a.m * 1 Inter. Ltd. --. 12.25 noon 1 p.m * 7 Dail eee 3.19 p.m. 3.51 p.m, "15 local wee 7.03 p.m. 7.38 p.m. GOING EAST. - 9. 2 ? No: 8 mail ... * 2 fast express 2.38 a.m. ---- 8.18 a.m. wee ween 1.00 p.m ' 4 fast express .. 1.00 p.m. *12 local wee ---- 7.03 p.m. Nos. 1,2,8,4,5,6, Tend 8, All other trains daily except Sunday For lull particulars apply to | J. P. HANLEY, Agent, cornes Joh | son and Ontario streets; | Quebec Steamship Company. LIMITED. River and Gulf St. Lawrence ec. Summer Cruises in Cool Latitude. Twin Sgrew Iron SS. "Campian,"" with efectigc Hghts, electric bells. and all modern comfort. 2 Sails from Montreal on Monday, 9th and 23rd September, for Pictou, N.S. calling = at. Quebec, Gaspe, Mal Bay, Perce, Grand River, Summerside, P.E.I and Charlottetown, P.E.L BERMUDA Summer Excursions, $35 and upwards by ul new Twin Screw SS. "Bermud- jan," 5,500 toms. Sailing from New York 4th, 14th and 25th September. Temperature cooled hy sea breezes seldom rises above 80 degrees. The finest trips of the season for health and comfort. } ARTHUR AHERN, Secretary, Quebec. For tickets and staterooms, apply to " P. HANLEY, or P. GILDER- SLEEVE, Ticket Agents, Kingston, Ont. -------------------------------------------------------- ROYAL MAIL TRAINS INTERCOLONIAL RAILWAY Canada's Famous Train THE MARITIME EXPRESS Leaving Montreal 12.00 noon, Fridays carries the European Mail end lands passengers, baggage, etc. at the !iteam- ers side, Halifax, avoiling any extra transfer, the following Saturday. "14 . When inward mail steamers at Halifax Ho not connect with the regular train, the Maritime Express--west bound special train with through sloeping and dining cars attached, for passengers, baggage pnd mail, will leave Halifax for Quebec end Montreal, connecting with trains for Ottawa, Toronto end all points west: For further particulars, apply to Mont- real City Office, 141 St. James street. ---------- en A -- ------ Time Table, Beginning Oct. 13th. Sit Mon wulFE ISLANDER _ Leave Wolie Island :-- Monday, 7.30--9.15 a.m. 1.00--38.00 p.m. Tuesday, 7.30--9.15 am. 1.00--38.00 p.m. . Sr actiay, 180-915 am. 1.00--3.00 p.m Th S, ey's Ey 680-030 am. Lon-an ie Friday, 7.30--9.15 a.m. 1.008. mn. Saturday, 8.00--9.15 a.m. 1.00--3.00 p.m Sunday. ------ 9.15 a.m' 12.80-8.00 p.m g Leave Kingst MON. 8.80--11.30am. 2.004.830 p.m. TUES, 8.30--11.50 a.m. 2.004.830 p.m. WED., 8.30--11.30 a.m. 2.004.830 p.m. | THURS., 8.30--11.30 a.m. 2.00 Breakey's | Bay, 3.00--7.0u0 p.m. FRI. 8.30--11.80 a.m. 2.00--4.30 p.m. . 2.00--4.80 p.m. ---- 45 a.m. 1,153.80 p.m. ock trip from Ki to Wolfe 2 o'c stand, Spoor's Dock and Simcoe Island. Time Table subject to Change Without motice. Boat calls at Garden Island going to and from Kiogetom. "E. BRICELAND, Manager. een FOR THE HOUSEKEEPER. rickets to Chicago, Ill, d re- : ' "Friday, | %F® You gloomy and miserable? THEN YOU ARE A DYSPEPTIC. The cure is careful diet, slow eating, thor will leave and arrive at City hl: : . : oughly chewing the food ; avoid drinking at meals. regular habits, shun stimulants, tone digestive powers te the stomach and bo with Barak Blood Fitter It has cured the worst forms of lyspepsia, even of twenty-five years dura- tion. Mrs. Geo. Parks, , Ont., was cured ; che writes: 'I have used Burdock Blood Bitters and find that few medicines can give such great relief in dyspepsia and stomach ubles. I was troubled for a | number of with dyspepsia and could ] until I tried BEB. os get no relie It helped me right away and I think it a wonderful AD I would it to all sufferers from dyspepsia. For sale at all Druggists sad Dealers. The sudden changes in weather ought to suggest the wisdom of putting in some good coal. We sell good Coal. It's the kind that sends out the most heat, and makes the home comfortable ; it's the best momey can buy, there is none better mined. We deliver it to you clean and without slate, at the very bottom ) prices. Booth & Co, Phone 133. Foot of West St E6463 : THE ARE TO BE PLAYED HERE TO-MORROW. Vig 4-4 r-- Collegiate and Regiopolis Will James' and Queen's Campus. Regiopolis and Collegiate will play for the junier city ship in the cricket field on Saturday Crescents on only yed one or two games this year, bt are fairly strong and are jgolug to try to down the K.C.L boys. On gone through the season with only balanced junior teams in this district. The game will undoubtedly be a fine exhibition as both teams arg confi- dent of victory. The snow and slip pery field will hinder both sides and may be the K.C.I. more Phan. their op- ponents, as they are a lighter team. {| St. James' And Crescents. St. James' and Creseents will also clash on Queen's campus on Saturday afternoon and should put up a good game. They played last Saturday and St. James' won out by a parrow mar- gin, and the Crescents hope to turn the tables in to-morrow's game, Sporting Notes. _ Oshawa will have a new rink, and a junior O.H.A. team this winter. Owen Sound will have a team in the O.H.A. intermedinte series this win- ter. Thirteen players have been killed in United States football this year al- ready. Varsity II. refused to play Hamil ton Il Montreal 11. will play at Hamilton Saturday. | Columbia University has decided to | restore football to its list of sports in 1908, Inter-class games are to be re sumed at once. The Eastern Baseball League season will open next season on April 23rd, with the western teams in the east, *'Eddie" Burke, once a famqus hall player with the New York Giants, and a member of the Toronto team in 1888 is dead at Utica. Tom Phillips has written, to the Ot- tawa hockey club that he is out of hockey this winter, and will not go to Ottawa. He states, however, if the team needs him later in the season he will try and go hown. According to The Express, experts who know the abilities of Moir and Burns, think that the Canadian will not last ten rounds with the gunner. 'There is every promise that a record crowd will witness the contest. Percy Kprwin walked from Hamilton to Toranto. from 6.11 am. to 542 p.m., which is certanly a record for the course and the ronds were henvy with mud at that, He had 14 hours to do it in and his time was 11.30. Fdward Pavson Weston completed Ws 1,234 miles walk from Portland, Maine, to Chicago, at 12.15 o'clock yesterday. Weston broke, by one day, three hours and twenty-five minutes, a record made hv him forty years ago, on a trip to Chicago, over practically! the same route. The game between Montreal and | Peterhoro, to-morrow, in Montreal for the dominion championship, is arous- ine much local interest and the back- ers of both teams are about equal. Many hold out that the western team can put it over "Chaucer's" bunch, but just as many are of the opposite opinion. Tt is said that "Connie" Mack is getting tired of "Rube" Waddell, and | thot he will not be with Philadelphia Athletics next season. The "Rube" is a handy pitcher to have sitting arond the ball yard. no matter how bad he may be, and it is likely that some club will grab him up if Mack should decide to let him go. There is a movement on foot to run a strictly Canadian amateur athletic meet at Madison Sanare Garden, New York, shortly, and thus carry the athletic warfare into the American A.A. territory, same as the C.AAU. MATCHES. = 2 county council for the purchase of the Perth ; lic interests for Meet on Cricket Field and St. . plan for the improvement of high- ways afternoon. The Regiopolis team has |plan jt is expedient for the corpora other hand the collegiates have and to free the same rom walla wi to provide compensation for the sev-|oet So T8 ohay saved, That we do this, the crowds of people who have visited » defeat and h of the best |eral townships in said county of Fron- : : Hl png defeat aid . have gue of the Lest 14 hireinafter provided which, \our store since this sale started, will testify. PERTH ROAD BY-LAW Frontenac County Council. The by-law passed by the Frontenac toll road, is published at the uest of a county ratepayer : Vhercas it is expedient in the pub- is council to adopt t ,the county of Fron- And whereas in pursuance of sud. tion of the county of Frontemac to rchase the Kingston and Perth Road, a toll road in said county, tenac as by reason of the location of said road, will not benefit rpraportionately by a grant of the several amounts as hereinafter| mentioned to be expended in the improvement of the highways of the said townships re- spectively and which when so expend- ed will make such plan equitable for the whole county; by the corporation to expropriate the | said Kingston and Perth Road, and to free the same from tolls as a part of said plan for the highways, and an arbitration as to {the price or sum to be paid for the same has been held and the price or| sum so fixed is $7,000; Be it therefore enacted by the coun-| cil of the corporation of the coun-| ty of Frontenac, as follows : i 1. That the said Kingston and Perth Road from its southerly extremity ad- | jacent to the limits of the city of Kingston to a point where the Loughboro Central Road runs west from. said Kingston and Perth Road | be acquired, and taken over by this corporation -as a county road at and | for the said price or sum of $7,000, | to be paid. by this corporation, to- | gether with $1,974.92, the costs of the caid arbitration. to be paid hy this | corporation to the Kingston and] Perth Road company, and that from and after such acquisition and taking over the said road be freed from tolls and that the tolls upon the same be abolished. : 2. That pursuant to said plan for the improvement of highways, cow- pensation to be prov jded for the fol- Jowing townships in said county of Frontenac, which by reason of loca tion may not benefit proportionately by said plan to wit : the township of Barrie, the sum of $50; the township of Bedford, the sum of $30; the town- ship of Clarendon and Miller, the sum of $50. the township of Garden Is- land, the sum of $20; the township of Howe Island, the sum of $30; the township of Hinchinbrook, the sum of $75: the township of Kennebec, the sum of $35: the township of Olden, the sum of $35; the township of Oso, the sum of $25; the township of Portland, the sum of $75; the village of Ports: mouth, the sum of $25; the township of Palmerston, North and South Canonto, $60; the township of Wolfe Island, $150; the township of Pitts burg, $250. The said several sums, amounting in all to $000 and the same shall be expended in the im- provement of the highways of the said townships respectively. ee ---- 230 INCHES OF SKIN. Many Grafts Madé on Body of Little Girl. : Physicians in the Medico-Chirurgical | hospital, of Philadelphia, have pro-| nounced successful the most remark- able operation of skin gratung in me- dical annals. The case is that of Mil- dred Muriel Hall. The total grafts] amounted to 230 square inches and were taken from the child's own body and her mother and brother. as money earned. And whereas, steps have been taken which will make quick selling. 127 Princess St. / Since the chia was burned last April the mother has consented to three op-| erations. Three months she remained | iin: the hospital while the physicians, | | time after time, took away the cuticle | {from her body {burned places. where and gratwa it upon | flames had des- troyed the natural skin of Mildred. did at the Montreal meet. Ti such meet should take place, the C.AAU. | hnd better keen a safeguard on their | athletes, or else lucrative positions | will he offered the hest men to stay in Uncle Sam's domain. THE "BESPOKE ORDERS. in the Semi-ready Shops. CINCINNATI INDIANAPOLIS COLUMBUS, ST. LOUIS, LOUISVILLE and the SOUTH AND SOUTH-WEST reached quickly and comfortably LAKE SHORE RY. via Bufialo, or Michigan Central R.R. vis Detroit Through Pullman sleepers and coaches Iasist that your ticket read via a "AMERICA'S GREATEST RAILWAY SYSTEM" Call or write Louis Drago, Can- t., 80 Yonge St. Toroato, or oh Chevee, Eastern Pass. Agt., Bufiaio, N.Y. : i "By our physique type system we can fit any man of any type," say the Semi-ready people. In addition to tne stock carried in these storee t have a special order department. In England' they would call it a Be spoke department. Sets of patterns showing all the cloths carried in stock in large quantities, and each Semi- ready agent has one of these port folios of suitings and overcoatings. The ranges include all the reweet cloths and colors fashionable jusi now. A feature is made of prompt exe cution and punctual delivery. Four days is all that is required in tailor- ing a suit or an overcoat from an individual measure. Come at once to See Livingston's Don't hesitate. hoys' overcoat sale. advt. In a hand-to-mouth living, the mouth often demands more than the hands can furnish. Waldron's coat See window. No man ever helped hiz own village by calling attention to the poorest residences therein. See Bibby's $1 white shirts. sale, one-half price. Christmas Sailing R.M.S. "Victorian" , Triple-Screws.) Roll Bacom, 13 mw. Fors pool Bacon, 1H bars Steak or Pudding. A. J. MYERS, 60 Rrock Me | Of course it is sbsent-mindedness (Turbine From St. Jobs, Friday, Dec. 8 From Halifax, Saturday, Dee. 7. and full Intorp. LEN 2 UNE Help Him Ask your doctor if there is one single pew Avery delicate matter, to be sure, bu! do you think your husband is as good looking as he ought to be ? Help bin out! Offerto buy him a bottle of Ayer's Hair Vigor if he will only use it. Re moves , keeps the hair soft GILD- ¥ spd KIRKPATRICK, when you forget, but it is gross negli- gence when your wife forgets. i tion be tained (rom HAN ov Agent G.T.R., or nd smooth, the proper finis™ othe he ©. Oo. Suprlemental Tailoring For Men | In all, 200 square inches of skin were removed from her own body that the child might live. And then, when the {doctors said she could not submit to another operation Edward volunteer ed to furnish the rest of e skin |whigh should be needed to muke his uare inches of rom his legs. sispbr well. Thirty the cuticle were taken Uncle Remus' Visit. |Atlanta, Georgie, Despatch. | "HI I were president I'd have a brass {band in front of the White House and a brass band in the rear, playing all ithe time, and I would have a regi- | ment of soldiers out in the vard on {dress parade. It's a big job, being { president," sail Joel Chandler Harris (Uncle Remus), when he reached At. lanta from Washington, where he had been to dine with President Roose- velt. | "The president is a mighty fine talk- ler, and he gave us a sure enough wel- come. I'm glad I went, and 1 shall always recollect the trip with pleas- ure. He's got a mighty fine family, too. "The president said when I went in that be was glad to see me. "] said : 'Yes, sir, Mr. Roosevelt: but I'm a mighty skeered man," and I certainly was." Natural History Jots. Lions and tigers aie too weak in Jung power to run more than half a mile. An orange tree in full bearing has been known to produce 15,000 or- anges. A man respires--that is, draws in breath--sixteen to twenty times ao minyte, or twenty thousand times a day. . Rabbits, says a naturalist, have white tails, so that the young may be able to distinguish their mother in case of pursuit. The color of a rabbit is so like that of the ground that this would otherwise be difficult, if nos impossible. 1 would not lose faith in' a friend, for' when I do, I count him a friend no lonoer See Bibby's $18 black suite. When some men start out to look for the deserving poor, their first stop is in front of a mirror. See Bibby's swell S0c, ties. DOLLAR BIL And making no effort to catch them, would be about as wise & proceeding as eat . pursian _--te he an for Whe ih buying Clothing without first coming here and learning our pri : rugby champion: province of Ontario; ces. Our Great Sale Jives you an opportunity to save money, and money saved is worth as much Now, if we give you the same qualities as otliers at lower prices, 3 hE hs + Why pay $1250 for Overcoat or Suit when same quality, style, fit and make | specific can be had here for $9.45? Why pay $5.00 for Boys' Overcoat or Suit when same is offered here for $3.75? Why pay 50c. for Underwear that can be had here for 39c? Why pay 50c. for Working Mitts that are sold here for 39¢? It is the same all through. Everything in our store is cut down to prices You should buy your Xmas Presents now. We are showing New Neckwear, New Mufflers, New Hosiery, New Gloves, Car- | digan Jackets, &c., and all go at sale prices, which means a saving to you of 25 to 30 improvement®o! ~ \ 3 {per cent. COME IN AND SEE. RONEY & CO., The Store That Sets the Pace Sans me er Sn, S---- Stanfield's Underwear (Chapter 4) ) ay The Stanfield mills are monuments to the value of} Spinning good machinery. The won- the Yarn ag derful spinning machines do an incredible amount of work, and do it better than even the best spinning wheels can do. : As the Maritime farmers send their best wool to the Stanfield mills, it is washed--carefully sorted--and shrunk. It then goes to the combing machines, which comb out all short lengths, weak strands, and leave only the toughest, springiest wool. This goes to the Spinning Machines, where 18 machines do the work of 16,546 women with spinning wheels. ~ . . . . ' It is by using such improvements that Stanfield's Unshrinkable Underwear can be so good and yet cost so little, . - . ny -- -- The pure Nova Scdfia wool--the best in the world for Underwear--insures warmth, comfort and wear, 'The Stanfield process of taking the shrink out of the wool, | before the garments are woven, makes absolutely unskrinkable underwear, The Stanfield way of combing, knitting, cutting and sewing (which will be described later) insures the completed garments being satisfactory in every way. Stanfield's 'Underwear is made right here in Canada. There is no duty to pay on it. It is made by Canadians, who know what Canadians need in the way of protection for Canadian winters. It is made in all sizes for men and women-- from 22 to 70 inches. RED label means light weight--BLUE label means medium - weight--BLACK label means heavy weight. Your dealer has all sizes and weights, or can easily get them for you. 1652 STANFIELDS LIMITED TRURO, N. 8. BEST'S SHORT STOP Cures ALL COUGHS ALWAYS, PERE oh

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