Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 28 Nov 1907, p. 7

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TON mas Limerick ir last Limerick was so keen and the os so good om the whole that we One More Limerick, which will close "us to pay the money to winners in was gift buying. have the opportunity of Christmas good cheer. 00.00 3 WINNERS RIZE, $250 CASH 1] 25 111 zes of $5 Each izes of $3 Each NDITIONS D CAREFULLY. | this competition are > do is to fill in the last line of own below and then send it, accom- | (with label attached), g Gold, Red, Pink, or FEE, (embossed lid send in one Limerick. s as you like so long merick. s must be prepaid at letter rates. contribnt- perfectly sim- the You may send as a TIN LID nly in Airtight Tins. SALE BY ALL GROCF. 8, IMERICK M. THE KING } A we World Can Produce. a Tuesday, December 3rd. |" CHRISTMAS FOR ME G WITHOUT LIPTON'S TEA" E DOMINION {IS OPINION e decision of the Editor of The Toronto wal, and enter the competition on that dis sion must be accepted as final. Envelopes n's Limerick," and sent to MAIL AND EM- \ st be mailed by last post, , December 10th. imerick will be published in The Kings- I SEO TEEISRR | SEAMLESS ROASTER Strictly sanitary, Self-Basting Roast- er. By the special construction of the top, the condensed steam drains to the . centre, and bastes 1 = every portion of the xing it juicy without worry or CE 90 CENTS. BIRCH, 69-71 Brock St P00000000000000000000000650 Casti ngs neliate Attention. Special Prices. FCo,, Ltd., Torsion Ont a at Canadian Pacific Rallway |t t TRAINS LEAVE KINGSTON : 12.10 p.m.--Express--For Ottawa, Mon- treal, Quebec, St. John, N.B., Huliax, Boston, Toronto, Chicago, Deuver, Ren- frow, Sault Ste. Marie. Duluth, St. ive effort. Paul, rinnipeg, /ancouver, Seattle, i, Portland, and Sen Francisco. H 0 P S counted an intox: Eb, PmLoml, for Sharbot Lake, e : icant, is not so it wg wi .P.R., East and West. i i- 7.45 a.m., Mixed--For Renfrew a contain a medi is a blood-maker, termedinte points. Passengers leavi Kingston at 1210] i p.m, arrive in wa at 4.45 bony | which tones the enough alcohol Pet r ore, 48 pan. ; Toronto, 7.05 | NEIvVes without p.m. 3 Montel, 6.50 pans ; Boston, 7.30 : d in it to help the am. ; St, John 11.20 a.m. | reaction, anc so stomach do its KINGSTON---OTTAWA. | suppliesnervous § =e oer 4 Jouve Kingston, 12.10 p.m., arrive energyandsaves ' ttawa, 4.45 p.m. Leave Ottawa, 10.45 | | Beer with meals am. arrive Kingston. 3.43 tate, loti tas well. . with connections at Renfrew th C.P.R, No. ood 997 1, leave Renfrew, 4.15 p.m., for" Pens B E E R . 8 fr broke, Fort Arthur, Winnipeg and Paci- as brewed in | people out of c Coast points. | . 2 bo BONWAY, Gen. Puss Agent. | Ontario is made | every thousand ; New short line for Tweed, Napanee, | 5% 0 alt Jeseronto, wed all local points. Trains | ©S! er, ' | Jouve City Hall Depot 'at 4 pam. R.| with under condi- | beer is probably W. DICKSON, Agent B.QRy., Kingston. | tions which insure | good for you. » PTR purityand quality. DEER 1s 8 term which covers porter. and stout; GRAND TRUNK © INTERNATIONAL LIVE STOCK EXPOSITION. | {the best in the world) malt, bops, and pure water. wv Chicago, 1ll., Nov. 30th to Dec. Tth,| 1907. 'iickets to Chicago, Ill, and re- turn will be sold on Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday, Monday and Tues. day, Nov. 28th, 29th, 30th, Dec. 1st, 2nd and 3rd at $21.35, good to return ou or before Monday, Dec. $th, 1¥07. | LOCAL BRANCH! TIME TABLE. Trains will leave and arrive at City | Depot, Foot of Johnston street. | GOING WEST. Lve. City Arr. City m. GOING EAST. Lve. City Arr. City No. 5 mail wee 12.30 aun, 1.02 a.m. | © 3 express .. 2.88 amy 8.02am. | "11 focal vive $9.15 am. Y47 am | * 1 Juter. Ltd. .. 12.25 noon 12.54 p.m. * 7 DA m---------- 8 pm. 3.51 p.m, | 15 local mmm 7.08 p.m. 7.88 pum: | | { | No. 8 mail e.e --..1.43 a.m, 2.13 a.m, *3 2. m. 3.02 am. | "14 o a.m. 8:50 a.m | '6 mail --. -- 1.00 pm. 1.39 pm | * 4 fast express ..1.00 p.m. 1.29 pam | * 12 1008] wie seems 7.08 p.m. 7.38 p.m | Nos. 1,2,8,4,5,6, Tend 8, run daily All other trains daily except Sunday. For full particulars apply to | J. P. HANLEY, Agent, cornex Joba | son and Ontario streets, | Quebec Steamship Company LIMITED. { River and Gulf St. Lawrence | Eo own { Summer Cruises in Cool Latitude. Twin Screw Iron SS. "Campian," | with electric Mghts, electric bells und all | modern comfort. { Sails from Montreal on Monday, 94h | and 23rd September, for Pictou, N.S., calling at Quebec, Gaspe, Mal Bay, Perce, Gram River, Summerside, Pad. and Charlottetown, PEL | ERMUDA $35 and upwdrds 8 Hormud-, | from New | September. | Ss numer Excuggions, pew Twin Screw 00 toms Sailing York 4th, 14th and 25th Temperature cooled by sea breezes | seldom rises wbove 80 degrees The | finest trips of the seasom for health and comfort. ARTHUR AHERN, Secretary, Quebec.) For fickets and staterooms, apply to J >. HANLEY P. Gibek- | or Ticket Agents, SLE ingston, Ont. ROYAL MAIL TRAINS INTERCOLONIAL RAILWAY Canada's Fame s Train ) THE MARITIME EXPRESS Leaving Montreal 12.00 noon, Fridays carries the European Mail and lands passengers, baggege, etq., at the Steam- ers side, Halifax, avoiding any extra transfer, the following Saturday. When inward mail steamers at Halifax do not connect with the regular traim, the Maritime Express--west bound special train with through sleeping and dining cars attached, for passengers, baggege and mail, will leave Halifax for Quebec and Montreal, connecting with trains for Ottawe, Toronto and all points wests For further particulars,-apply to Mont~ real City Office, 141 St. James street. S Time Table, Beginning Oct. 13th. Sit: MER WULFE ISLANDER Leave Wolfe Island :-- Monday, 7.80--¥.15.am. 1.00--3.00 p.m. Tu , 7.80--9.15 a.m. 1.00--3.00 p.m. Wednesday, 7.80--9.15 a.m. 1. .00 p.m Thuredays, Breakey's ay 6.309. ih 3588 1 2.00 B SUN. cic mem 2 o'clock trip Island, Spoor's Dock . Time 'lable subject to Change Without motice: Boat calls at Garde Island going to and from Kingston. E. BRICELAND, Manager. ee ---------- ---------------- FOR THE HOUSEKEEPER. Roll " n. PB tye bh Bindi ert WH. J. MYERS a0 Rreack Ne Of - course it is absent-mindedness when you forget, but it is rine negh- gence when your wife forgets. ' nas certain food TIT better ainTood- ood elements which the healthy blood quicklyand with the ieast digest- {cal principle Bay of Oui : ae y of Quinte Railway | oa erected hops, and the pur- Inger, ales, 3 | aud In the practise of Ontario brewer, implies mmm | smothering , geSp and | feel as though about to die. In such cases | the action of Milburn's Heart and Nerve BEER'MAKES BLOOD RR MALT he body can a ransform into Jyti¢ health, and the surer the body to combat disease. effective ly. Beer, by some with barely --and is specially good for women. Ask your own doctor about it-- ost hygienic conditions from Omtarie WAS A TOTAL WRECK FROM HEART FAILURE H stealthy » sinking feeling ; or, again there THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 28, 1907. WHAT MAY HAPPEN "TICK" KILLS PARTRIDGE, STATE DEPOPULATED. Legislation is Sought to Bring About Close Season of at Least Two Years. 9 Albany, N.Y., Now, 28 --Commis- sioner J. S. Whipple of the state for- est, fish and game department an- nounced that an effort is to be made at the coming session of the legisla- |! ture to secure legislation to bring |} about a close season for partridge for at least two years. The state has practically been de- populated of partridges as a result of |} an epidemic known as tick" which |? has been prevalent in this state, New Jersey and Canada. At a meeting of the game protectors of the state and the New York State Fish and Game League, to be held in Syracuse, the proposition for. a close season is to be presented for the endorsement of those organizations. -------- " WILL NOT BE CHAPLAIN. Rev. 0. Darwin to Remain as Missionary Superintendent. Toronto, Nov. 28.--Rev. Oliver Dar- win, superintendent of Methodist mis- sions for Saskatchewan conference, who tendered his resignation some time ago to accept the chaplaincy of Stony Mountain penitentiary, will not change his work. His resignation was not accepted by the general board of missions, and he was requested to re- consider it, the matter being left in the hands of the executive committee. Mr. Darwin has withdeawn his resig- nation, and will continue his mission- ary work, his letter being received by the executive at its meeting in Wesley building, yesterday. Rev. Thomas Marshall, elected by the general board as local superinten- dent for the New 'Brunswick and Prince Edward Island and the New- foundland conferences, being = given time to consider the appointment, has accepted. -------------------- Fohn Winds. The Journal of the Meteorological ma, the most violent , with po Reel Fg Bp ol pn. Bind of the arteries. You may experi s ing sensation, for the heart, restoring its imparting tone to the nerve centres, is, question, mar- vellous. They give such prompt relief, such speedy restoration to th that no one need suffer. Mr. Darius Carr, , N.B., writes: "1t is with the greatest ure I write a few lines to let you know the great i Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills have been to me. I was a total rock from Hout fafluss,, m3 wis advined me to ° i , after using two Boxes 1 was rostered to perfect health. I am now sixty-two years as well as I did at twenty." Price 50 cents Pills in quietin, normal beat fice by The T. Milburn Co., Limited, 'oron! The Tonic Cure Cares All Coughs Mathieu's Syrup tonic as well as the best cure It for all coughs and Colds. never fails to ease cough, promote expectoration cure quickly and thoroughly. Keep a bottle in the house. "MATHIEU'S SYRUP of Tar and Cod Liver Oil brooke, ' Que. and almost | Westerly and cause Sel dryness of the air. all dealers, or mailed baer og "" {blowing down from the is a good | the | celebrated strengthen the system and to! From all dealers, 35c. large bottle. | Will Not | J. L. MATHIEU Co., Props., Sher | Hamburg, Nov. 28.--The police of RR, ---------------------------------------- Society of Japan contains an account |by Dr. Okada, of the occurrence in {Korea of those remarkable winds, {which have been called fohn winds. {The winds to which this name 'Was originally given are warm winds, {blowing down from the snowclad mountains of Switzerland and pro- |ducing extensive meltings of the {snow. They have hence been called {"snow eaters." The fohn is essential lly a phenomenon of mountainous re- | gions, and Wonsan, in Korea where Ithey have been observed is surround- led except on the east by high moun- {tains. In this region they are always abnormally high {temperatures and ¢ 6 |A similar wind in North America, Rocky moun- |tains, has been called the chinook. Fohn winds occur also in the Arctic regions. Blowing sometimes in mid- {winter they produce a remarkable cli- {matic paradox. As a result of the elevation of temperature caused by {them it may happen that Northern Greenland, though in winter darkness, lis warmer than Southern France. -- en ---- -- | DESTROYED FAMOUS FRESCO. | | Revenge, Not Accident, Believed to Explain Damage. Rome, Nov. 28.--Workingmen em- | ployed upon the electric lights in the banker Vicenza' have ir- damaged Angelo Busato's fresco. The plaster has been scratched and peeled away by ladders that were placed against the walls and otherwise defaced and {| broken by nails. | The extent of the damage leads to {the belief that it was done from mo- 9 tives of revenge and not through | negligence or by accident. i -------------- { | palace of the { reparably WILL SHUT OUT MORMONS. Be Allowed to Enter Germany. | this city have been informed that | thirty-seven Mormon missionaries | sailed from Boston, on the Cymric re- cently, with the intention of prosely- \ "y | t-ving in Germany. It has been de-|employed in what are now the Bagley said ds will take years to outgrow cided that any German subjects |& Sewall shops when the idea of a the evil ts resulting from the agi- among these missionaries will be al- [sleeping car came to his tind, Later | tation, reckless legislation and ill: considered prosecutions by those who CINCINNATI, INDIANAPOLIS COLUMBUS, ST. LOUIS, LOUISVILLE and the SOUTH AND SOUTH-WEST reached quickly and comfortably by using LAKE SHORE RY. via Buffalo, or Michigan Central R.R. via Detroit Through Pullman sleepers and coaches Insist that your ticket read via ae 7 WEW YORK ((ENTRAI wr LINES / "AMERICA'S GREATEST RAILWAY SYSTEM" Oe i eos Bt: an Pass. - f onge .r Toronto, or C. 5 Chevee, General Eastern Pass. Agt., Buffalo, N.Y. lowed into the country, but the oth- {ers will be refused admittance. An Economical Remedy. | Wade's Ointment is put up in large boxes at a small price. It is true in {the cheapest sense, because you get lfor the price a large quantity of a {most valuable remedy. Wade's Oint- ment cures skin affections that many dollars worth of other remedies would {probably not cure. |" Cures eczema, salt rheum, scaly or {itching eruptions of the skin, 'pim- ples, blotches, dandrufi, ete. In. big boxes, 25¢., at Wade's drug store. i . Killed Shooting Cats. Springfield, Ont., Nov. 28.-The | many friends of Mrs. George Beatty of Red Deer, formerly Miss Banner {man of this place, were shocked to | learn of the tragic death of her hus- | band, 'who lost hie life by the aceci- dental discharge of a gun, with which | he was shooting cats in his cellar. Mr. Beatty was well-known to several of our villagers. all of whom speak in the highest terms of his genuine good nature and boundless hospitality. 1 i | Wife Doesn't Have To Wash Dishes | Lima, 0., Nov. 28.--That a wife lies ALLEN i LINE Christmas Sailing R.M.S. "Victorian" (Turbine Ebgives, Triple-Screws.) From St. John, Friday, Dec. 6. J. P. G.T.R.. or GILD- KIRKPATRICK, lin bed mornings, fails to wash dishes, {fails to mend her husband's clothing lor sweep the house does not consti {tute gross neglect, held Judge Quail lin the suit of James Young. The court said any wife might be so ne- {glectiul, but that such conduct could not be "decreed as grounds for di- | vor'e. : Fall Information. Prevost, Brock street, has reteived | three cases rted goods; great var- {iety. * His $18 suiting made to order | beats anythi previous years. weaver's assistant in a cotton factory at Alleghany, enn. Later he donned since remembered lafgely through his benefactions, moments as ao messenger in the vice of the Ohio Telegraph company n learning telegraphy, and entered the ee ---------- ee . ANDREW CARNEGIE. am Began Fortune Along With Water- town N.Y. Man. Watertown N.Y. Standard. Lhree score and ten years ago An- drew Carnegie, who has since become world-famous as an ironmaster, phil- anthropist, and advocate of universal peace, was born in the little town of Dunfermline, Scotland. The future ca- pitalist came with his parents to this country in 1848, when eleven years of His first employment was as a he blue uniform of a messenger boy n Piusburg, a ph which he has He improved his spare - ANDREW CARNEGIB -------------------------------------- employment of the Pennsylvania rail- promotion until road, advancing by he became superintendent of the Pitts burg division of the system, od the nucleus of his fortune through his association with Theodore T. Woodruff, investor of the sleeping car, He gain- | WANTED IT OTTAWA ARRESTED AT THE SOO FOR BIGAMY. . -- Other Serious Charges May Be Preferred Against the Fashion- ably Dressed Man. A Sault Ste. Marie, Nov. 26--Police Capt. Henry Coulter arrested J. F. Laverne, or Lange, at the Fountain House, Michigan Seo, last night. He was turned over to Chief of Pol- ice Downey of the Canadian Sou, and will he sent to Ottawa to answer a charge of bigamy. Local officers were notified of the case by Chief of Police S. E. Delaroude, Ottawa, and the man was identified from a picture. Tt is also believed by the police that he was connected with a diamond rob. bery in New York city recently. It is said Lange claimed he intended to purchase the Grand View Hotel in the Canadian Soo, an also that he won the heart &f a young lady of the Algoma town and intended to marry her. When taken to police hendunaitats he was attired in ultra-fashionable wearing apparel and appeared to be a man of prosperity. He promptly as- serted his innoceoce and demanded a lawver, The police ransacked his pockets and brought to light forty: Sve cents, which, so far as they were able to learn, was all the money he had. Chief Swart told him he intend ed to notify the police of New York of his arrest and he then consented to go to the Canadian Soo. A search of Lange's pockets reveal Wd a large number of letters, address d to him by women, most of them sing marked Duluth, Calgary and Hancock, Chief Swart received a telegram this afternoon from the chief of police at Ottawa, concerning the prisoner. The message said his name was lLa- verne. He requested that the prisoner he asked whethér he would come to Canada without legal proceedings he. ing instituted, or prefer to go to Og- {densbhurg, N.Y., or New York city. From this it is believed the charges in New York state, alleged to have been made against the man, ate of a in the organization of the Transportation company along Thomas A. Scott and Edgar Thomp- inventor were the first to appreciate the utility 'of the sleeping car. During the civil war, Mr. Carnegie served as superintendent of the mali- tary railways and telegraph lines in the After the war was over he engaged in the iron industry, with which his name has since been inse- parably connected, In ged his great steel interests with the east Central | with | son, of Pittsburg, who aside from the | 1901 he mer | serious nature, You'll Hurt Yourself. There is no one who does not meet with some injury at occasional inter |vals. Why not be prepared with the best remedy in the world to cure with, Smith's White Liniment not only heals any injury to skin, muscle or tendom, | but cures aches and pains of all kinds. Relieves rheumatism and neuralgia ike magic, 25¢c., at Wade's drug i store. United States steel corporation retired from active business, then he has g¢ 1 almost his time to philanthropic pursuits, in ac « expressed belief that ie rich." with Sine cordance witl it is "a sin In connec the genius of a the foundation for his great fortune Theodore Tuttle Woodruff, the inven tor of the g car, was bora ir Watertown, April Lith, ISI when a resident veloped it and | his plans. It York Central, but take it up. The | of Alton, HL, he de d a car built . 1s tried on the that road did ed it up and made themselves Mr. Woodrufi made some money an lost it. At seventy be was penniless while Mr at seventy, many million ve away. La Tt i= the going to the other fellow. to cue your cough or No "ifs" or "buts" --justa straight statement-Shiloh's Cure will cure your cough or cold and do it quicker than anything you ever tried, or your druggist will return the purchase, ~ price. Geta bottle to-day, and cure that cough or cold. Shiloh's Shiloh's Cure is a safe and sure cough and cold medicine for children. It has been effecting cures for 34 years. All drug- gists--25¢., §OC. and $1.00. ANDREW CARNEGIE"S HOME IN NEW YORK. and entire Mr. Carnegie's birthday it is interesting to note that Watertown man laid He was not welvania officials of whom Mr. Carnegie was one, pick- a fortune, for has oft told story of the rewards of genius ¢ They are . e strength We Guarantee in. ox sess i cures colds | corier's Little Nerve Pills. Dyspepsia and coughs CR -- Pint bottles S0c., at Wade's SHAW FOR PRESIDENCY. i Ccnservative Treatment of Cor- poration Questions. Chicago, H1l., Nov. 238.--Leslie M, Shaw, ex-secretary of the treasury, at a banquet of the National Business League, practically announced his can- didacy for the presidency on a plat form of conservative treatment of cor While commend- poration questions. general terms, he nN Roosevelt in ing have been unable to appreciate the president's purpose." Mr. Shaw de- clared for more elastic currency, and suggested a system by which banks could additional currency, sub- ject to a five per cent. tax. issue | ---------------- 1 | The Results Of Poor Blood. The whole machinery of health must be kept in order or diseases of the » | stomach, liver and kidneys will fol low. These organs are so related {that when one weakens all weaken. To keep them vigorous they must" be supplied with pure, rich blood. Such blood is always the result of using |Wade's Iron Tonie Pills (laxative.) » | | Wade's drug store. Money back if | not satisfactory. -- Evangelistic Services. Miss Jamieson, of New York, will evangelistic services {in this city, next month, under the auspices of the Canadian W.C.T.U. | The opening meeting will be held in | Queen Street Methodist church, on | Wednesday, December 4th, and meet. {ings will also be held in Bethel and First Congregational churches. © Miss Jamieson, while in the city, will also deliver an address before the model | students, i { hold a series of If you are nervous or dyspeptic, try makes you nervous, and nervousness Imakes you dyspeptic; either one ren- Iders vou miserable, and thege pills {eure hoth. Outside of Halifax, there are. in | Nova Scotia, which is partly under local licensing regulations --only four If you live out of town, attendance in person is not necessary, you, .. can send us deposits by registered post and make withdrawals ; by cheque with perfect safety. Special arrangements " 0000000000000 000000000000000000000000000000000000008000000¢ | | GF CANADA "1 BANKING BY MAIL % bi SLIPPERS! SLIPPERS! SLIPPERS! It may seem early in the season to be thinking of Slippers, but now is the time to choose them. Our stock is new, Nothing but Up-to-Date Slip- pers here. Men's Leather Slippers, in Black, Brown, and Tan, 75¢c.. $1.00, 1.25, 1.50 to 2.50, Men's Plain and Fancy Felt Slippers, 75¢. to $1.50, : Women's Fancy Felt Slippers, in Black, Brown, Red, Green, Blue, and Plaids, 75¢., $1.00, 1.25 and 1.50. Women's Fine Kid Juliet Slippers, Fur- Lined, $2.00. Girls', Boys' and Children's Slippers, in Plain and Fancy Felt and Leather, 25¢c., 50¢., 75¢., $1.00 to 1.50. TRY A PAIR OF OUR COSY SLIPPERS FOR SOLID COMFORT. Abernethy"s . ) 0000000000000 000000000000 3 : : i 00000000000000000000000000000 Just a Minute or Two to Remove Grates When the Pandora grates require removing don't send for the plumber. His kit of tools are not needed to take the stove to pieces in order to get out the grates, as was the case with your former ranges. The Pandora is not constructed (in the usual manner. The removal of a button with a hammer (many just} use their fingers) allows the Pandora grates to be . easily drawn out, as shown. Just a minute No plamb- er's mess fo _ clean up. No bill to pay. triple, and are much heavier, longer than the ordinary double pay out for renewals. the Pandora triple grates are narrower than between ordinary double grates, which prevents good fuel slipping down with the ashes. Sifting" Pandora ashes is wasted effort. And that simple gearing arrangement on the Pandora makes the "rocking down" of the ashes just play compared to the heavy "shaking" necessary with ordinary ranges. If. your local dealer does not sell the Pandora write direct - to us for free booklet. M<Clarys | legal saloons. Iron and Wipe, "Our Own" drug | store, -- os S---- i

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