s giz fk ih exis : i: 1 | 2 F 131 g { ite i i i 5 : I i i i i g 5 | g 7 i g E i rk E ; E3E g H i es i; : i i I TT 73 i gi i ; ! : i i g% v 8 3 a? £5 § F } i = . 3 Hi 2 '2 = « i i ¢ i f i : I ; I i I ; I | ® i i he £7 I i ni i E £ i i i £ i 8 v Fi i 2 I T%8 : = it Fwd & i fi? - former proved easy winners, the final i. ? i i g g was od, ila packe avery avail at the back and on the sides. cast was an exceptional well- capable hands. The play was put on in five wis, each of which was * well Il 2 £ | i fs 5 i=f g { i I fel £° z £ - i : E ~ very clever actress, Uncle Tom, other hy &haracter, was ably ; Vetnon Skinner. ficult role of Simon Legree the lot of Gibb Watt, who was capable impersonati it. Dot Willigma, as Topey, » scored a big 4 & = hit rooel great recep : {from the audience, especially from the children in the afternoon. h parts were all well taken. The com- pany carried their own orchestra and excellent music was furnished by it. E iy g $i | *F 1 £. if : i g i ag ; i: g rabid I d | i TH { a Fi £2 i z i : t i + ~~ ir! 14 proven twirler, with the assistance of Tilson, is known to have struck out 144 men in 12 games, an of twelve men a game, also a great ;eye for the bases. Ho never bas id more than five hits Davidson and Evans are unequalled at' first and are always ready to get the out of the mud or jump and get it on the fly. Stokes and Joyce, at second base, can cover more Anderson is small, but is always on She fob at shortstop, and is a hitter at bat. Woodhouse, better known as "Dutchie," is a stayer at third and has a fine wing for shoot- ing across the diamond. Bolger and alsh, as batters, are always ready job, has thrown many men out at the boys are up to the mark and have a large and loyal following. > City Junior Champions. ™ On Saturday afternoon on Queen's lower campus, Collegiates and Maple Leafs came together again and the score being 10 to 0. Last Saturday these teams also played, the same team winning, 17 to 2. The K.CIL team would like to gét a chance at Cadets II, but the soldiers will not play. M Carter wrote to them and put a ge in the paper, but no notice was taken of it. So the K. Od. team stand ji champions, never having met at the hands of a city team. BIE a Sporting' Notes! . Little credence is placed by Ottawans in the report that Montreal ang Wan- + |derer teams are going to) amalgamate. Lester Patrick's ambition is said to be to organize. a team in British Col- umbia and come cast after the Stanley cup. . Montreal hockey teams are still scrambling for players. Laviolette is ow said - to have signed with the nderers, al B Chicago Record-Herald : Thirty-four hunters have been killed and sixty-sev- en wounded so far this year. A South American revolution is harmless in comparison with one of our hpilding seasons. A meeting of the 0.H.A. executive has been called for Friday, 6th, for the purpose of grouping all the clubs in the three series. Clubs must be entered and have their fees paid to fights in the drawing. police raided the Sharkey Ath- lotic Club, New York, and arrested the principals and the referee in 5 prelim- inary bout on charges of violating the law forbidding boxing exhibitioas where an admission fee iis charged. The Winnipeg Hockey Club, whose Wise Far 'Buyers Buy of Ex. perienced Furriers, We have been in the Fur busi- ness here for thirty years, and have gai a name an reputation for having the best Furs at most team, wants to meet Percy Roberts, the Montreal football player, in a fi- teen-round bout at some point between Ottawa and Montreal. Both men have won some good battles in the ring, and t to make an in exhi- bition. Waiters that if i g z G £ S F The Americans ve six a pair or the of 1908. Of thege, Cri- T. Danford, J. Milligan, Toronto; Stuart Brown, Flushing, N.Y; J. r +4 CITIZENS. PIONS, * das Ase 2 ON VARIOUS MATTERS OF CIVIC CONCERN. The Curbing on Lower Princess Street Criticized--Ald. Ross and Dr. Nichols Censured For Buying a Poor Fire Horse. Kingston, Nov. 22.--(To the Edi- tor) : 1 beg to draw the attention of the taxpayers of the city, as my own and that of many other citizens has already been, to the farcical, appar: ently useless, but expensive exhibi- Ltion to be noticed on the south side of Princess street, between King and Ontario streets, where a fine,' sub- stantial and costly curbing, about three and a half feet from the mew and handsome six-foot granolithic of the deal whereby Thoney, the great to Boston in the spring, hoy a valuable man to Boston last season, and ought to Nipper Matthew. make a corking good backstop for the Eastern League champions. CITY AND VICINITY. To Cure A Cold 3a Ona Day. Take Laxative Brown Quinine Tab- lets. refund money if it fails to cure. bE. W. Grovwe's signature is on each box. 25e. Winding Up Application. The application of the Bay of Quinte railway company to wind up the Stanley smelting works, of Ban- | came hefore Chief Justice Meredith in chambers and was allow- | they were before it was built, but it ed to stand for one week. Fall Information. Loughbore's Good Spirit. number of characters. Refreshments the attractive entertainment. Arrivals At B. A. Hotel. A. Eaton, J. E. Cunningham, Percy Bruce and party, -B. Spry, J. B. Snow, R. K. Fox, J. B. Burns, M. K. Seals, R. B. Brown, C. B. Johnson, New York; W. McIntyre, Boston; Mrs. anogue; Jas. Alexander, Hamilton; E Beck, Montreal. To Utilize Magnetite. George C. Mackenzie, Nova Scotia, formerly. of Brantford, has been com- missioned by the bureau of mines to make a report on the iron ores and jron industry of Ontario, with special reference to the utilization of. the magnetite deposits of Eastern and Northern Ontario. The enquiry will cover the process of concentration and purification of ores. There are large deposits of magnetite in Hastings, Frontenac, Addington, Renfrew and Lanark counties, ! Mackenzie may also visit some localities in the Uni- ted States, where concentration pro- cesses are in use. S MARLBOROUGH COAT. Himself." Prevost, Brock street, has received fires "His $18 ; great Yar | what is saved by that? Is that not suiting made to order | heats anything of previous FEarS. | ot as broad as it is long ? It turns The ¥ people of Loughboro are {portant matters are contemplated, ; | Preparing or a costume party to be held in Wesley Hall, Sydenham, Wed- {necessary stone quarry, the rebuilding nesday, December, 4th, in aid of the of many of our roads, and so on, to public library. Books, historical Per- (do which we are to be asked to vote sons and noted characters in fiction | through a by-law to raise $12,000 to are to be represented. A prize will be pay for it, or failing in that, we are given for the best costume, also ome frankly told that our taxes will be to the person guessing the greatest raised, commencing' with next year, promenades, and music will complete | the property-holders were not held to Ww. lof "Heads 1 win, tails you lose." At S. Thompson, Simcoe; H. White, cause of its uselessness and cost, J. A. Cote, Ottawa; F. J. Waldo, Buffalo; Stuart Scovil, Kenota; Geo. |On the elevator bonus or bonuses, a 8. Finney, Wilbur; W. J. Gibson, Gan- | prominent member of the city coun- | places of public trust. That is my The Dictum of Fashion is That] * «The Style is in the Man tor): On behall of the taxpayers of Not quite so extreme as the sur tout, the new Marlborough overcoat is a smartly draped overcoat, conform- which some prefer. Individuality in men's dress is re- to shape and color, is correct. best styles of the past few years com: mingle to harmonious effect. The style the chief consideration. "We have some Marlborough bver- coats in grey cheviots at $20 and $25 that are the highest type of winter dress for gentlemen," said the man- ager of the Semi-ready Wardrobe. The Semi-ready styles are the mode par excellence' in Canada. A member of the council recalled the fact yesterday afternoon, that some years ago he had found it difficult to Jocure | the ein he needed, and 'he ew were not anxious to hive for a. . The following winter some reference to the House of Industry was made i the cowsicil.' and the aldermen mov- ed for a return of the men who were inmates of the institution. When he got this report he saw on it the pames of some of the men he had a in vain to employ earlier in » season. "It was this and similar experienc- es," said a director of the House of Industry "that moved the hoard of management to give notice to .several -{ able-bodied men that if they wanted the protection .of the refuge during the winter they could contribute some of their summer earnings, and this Jom of persons has since' become Private Christmas Greeting Cards. Mr. Verity, the representative of ossrs. Renouf, Montréal, is in town and located at the Randolph Hotel. He has samples of the latest Eng- ish Christmas Greeting cards, and ing slightly to the lines of the figure. | It is not the tight body-fitting coat! |day until now this horse did not fill cognized in the fashion world to-day | 1 bill. 1} reports are true he most and that which suits a man, both as| 1 saw him on the street the] 3 * other day, when, in my opinion, he should have been in the barn. He] is in tha man kimself.. The quality 20d hardly put his front feet to the of the cloth and the good tailoring is | stand a row of cedar posts which car- {ry the electric wires, surrounded by | street scrapings, filled to the top of | the curb and sidewalk, giving the { whole affair the appearance of being a storage plot for the poles, or that they were put there to grow. Who { conceived the project, what purpose it was intendéd to serve, or who is re- sponsible for it, I have been unable to mn however, it cannot be blamed {on the city engineer, surely, as he has {no 'power or authority to do it, but |it being on the street. : : It is suggested to my mind that it {must have emanated from, and been {authorized by the board of works; not {that it was needed as such, as the {poles would have been just as safe without the enclosure as with it, as {may be claimed by the promoters of it that this bit of work was done in lorder to secure a saving in the width land cost in the repairing of the street when that comes to be done, but bbing Peter to pay Paul, or is it lout, too, that these little expensive | peccadillos are picked upon to be {done when more momentous and im- such at present as the buying of a , to make it up. It is a wonder that {do this, as they are on. the infamous |frontage sidewalk principle. What do these fellows mean ? Take them as we may, they hold us in the position all events the people on this silly {boulevard matter look upon it with feelings of amusement, and annoyance. With amusement because of the ridi- culousness of it, and anuvbyance, be- Some years ago, just after voting cil, after doing his utmost, by per suasion and threats, to induce the frovle to pass hi$ then favorite project, had the as- sidewalk, forming a trench in which | =» there is none more reliable and accurate than Every cartridge is guaged and carefully tested at each stage of its manufacture. Their light recoil, high velocity and great stopping power will increase your day's bag. Dominion Cartridge Ca. Ui, \ MONTREAL. Eien ammunition--and HIGH - CLASS DIAMONDS Any "DIAMOND either la or Small, in our stock is fully guaranteed. i THE SMALLFR O¥FES. hile not as expensive as the la sizes are just as brillant and perfect in quality. We have at present a line of SINGUE STONES, set in Claw Settings, at $25 that you will find it very difficult to eq al. SMITH BROS., Jewellers, Opticians. 'Phone, 666. Issuers of Marriage Licenses. 350 King St. WE GIVE FRIDAY(| AND SATURDAY : Ladies' Black Cloth' Coats, Lined, Canadian Rat, $40. Hamster; Lined, Sable Collar the larger bonus for| and Reveres, $40. Green Cloth, Trimmed with surance to tell us that the passage of| Mink, $60. the other bonus would always prove to be a. monurhent to the folly .of the people of Kingston; as both might have really been) hnd in the face of that they still go on, making these little but expensive and) useless monuments of folly, which, by way of compari- son, may be pigmies, at the same time are equally bad on principle. Surely such men as the promoters of these are not fit to represent us any- where, and should not be put in sentiment.--Yours truly, ONE OF THE MANY IMPOSED-UPON TAX. PAYERS. Sound Fire Horses Needed. Kingston, Nov. 23.--(To the - Edi the city 1 would like to 'atk a few guestions wurough your valuable paper. First, why did the chairman of the fire committee allow such a horse as the last one bought by Dr, Nichols to be pat onto the city. 1 am. informed on good authority that from the first certainly cost the price of a sound ground. Second, if this veterinary cannot buy 'sound horses for over $200, why not get a veterinary who can? LOE have some gentlemen in the council whom 1 know to be good judges of horses, and I think if their opinion| j were asked they would not see the; city beat. I hope that Dr. Ross will] 3 look into this matter.--~TAXPAYER. What Causes Dyspeptic Pains. Food is improperly digested. Gas forms and distends the stomach, 'vaus- ing heart palpitation easiness prevents fermentation, assists assimi- lation and converts what you eat into nourishment. Nerviline has been sue- cessfully used for nearly fifty years. Get a 25c. bottle from your druggist to-day. THE: MICROSCOPE \ Proves That Parasites Cause Hair| # ©f Ladies' | and Children's 3 Loss. Nine-tenths of the " diseales ; bi: ihe scalp and hair are caused by parasi- tic germs. The importance of this dis- covery by Professor Unna, of the Charity Hospital, Hamburg, Germany, can not he overestimated. It explains why ofdinary hair preparations, even of the most expensive character fail to cure dandruff; because they do not and they cannot kill the dandruff germ. The only hair preparation in the world that positively destroys the dandruff parasites | api "terrible un- The great .specilist for dyspepsia is Polson's Nerviline. Never yet failed to cure the worst cals. It The above are Sample Coats. W. F. Gourdier, Brock St 'The great Uterine Tonic, only safe effect: Mon & A ~ | SEASONABLE GOODS ! Ladies' Wool Gloves, Black and Colors. Special value, at 25¢. a pair. Ladies' Heavy Cashmere Hose, at 25¢. a pair and up. Ladies' Golf Jackets, all, colors, $1.75. Wool Toques, all colors, 25¢. each. Scarlet Sashes, Mitts and Overstockings, all sizes. Wool Clouds, at 25¢. and Ladies' Knitted Wool Un- derskirts. rl White Wool Blankets, at $2.95 a par. Srey Wool Blankets, $2 a § White and Grey Flannslette 3 Still selling the best. line Coats in the City. Not the § 5 assorted in the city. Try us 3 Wondefful Values In § All Kinds of Un- derwear. Sepak that burrow; up the ; and HRIATT EY OT i Newman: & 1 i ( 3 C » Radical Change in mage Men Must i Apart--Drop Gos Three Points. Ottawa, Nov. 25.--A in by "Nik" Bawli, amateur standing, Ww the executive of the Rugby Football \Union, meeting, on Saturday, emblematic of the chan senior. series was hand year's winners, Ottawa winldh SoArihy, Otta ident, Coll ate team, and of Guelph intermediate team. T next year's games was rules verning the tirely changed, the ol make it more open. A protest bad bear Bawli, the star full-b: lege team, was a pr charge was that he money for playing hoc at Cobalt. Bawlf, how affidavit that he hac money. and it was m the game referred to never played. This aff cepted by the executive previous to the gene the union at the Russe The following are t officers : Hon. President--Dr, Toronto. President--E. H. McA First Vice-president-- wards, MoGill, Second Vice-presiden wards, Queen's, Secretary-Treasurer--/ Toronto. The following is tI games in the senior se Oct. 11-Queen's at at Toronto. Oct. 18--Torodto at tawa at Mctail, Oct. 25--Quecn's at at Toronto. Nov, 1-McGill at Q at Ottawa. Nov. 8.~Ottawa at Q at McGill. Nov. 15--Queen's at 1 at Ottawa. It had been understoo College wag going to ¢ intermediate series, and intermediates were to in "A" series with Mc Rishop's College now h in the league. Accordiv of taking an intermedia noxville for home an stood as a strong object College entering. The d is hoped, be overcome College and McGill, an McGill, playing home & in this series, and Bisho) Ottawa playing a sudd at Montreal. Guelph will form a new divisic mediate series. The game between Qu Gill, at Kingston, whi¢ Cueen's by a score of four, and afterwards a count of a protest tl had not heeded an offen umpire, was given back The great work of the was the changes in th About two-thirds of the ing the game were alter The changes in the SPATS 2 In Spats we Fawn, Pearl, Brown, light ; Green, dark . Black Spats, Black Overg; Men's Black We are als MODE RUB Reid SUCCESSORS T : Sto A Equipped with district. We are i ly and well. We ¢ The following : for which, we alw; Active, Du Art Garland, : ~ Champion, | Dufferin. © Hi: 'HAF McK 69