Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 12 Nov 1907, p. 3

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in- the nlities and lowering our prices, a in- -- CRE 3ARR < 18° A Wo genuine \ bottle of Scott's Emulsion he word Nothing coats # to TERRREENPARRERE FE $8 . - vell. Any "DIAMOND" either la the or small, in our stock is fully wel- THE SMALLER ONES, while Vat- not as expemsive as the larger nes pizes ape just as brildeat and ; perfect in quality. , We have at present a line of and SINGLE STONES, set in Claw pre- Settings, at $25 that. you will Dur- | find it very difficult to equal. + (| SMITH BROS., heir { - Jewellers, Opticians. pith "Phone, 666. Issuers of Marriage had Licenses. was 350 King St. We are constantly raising up' our ucement (hat certainly ought to. . draw us a share of your tronage. The conti ory of low Pp does mot wean anything to you unless, coupled with them, you get sterling values. Those last we guarentee, and by cem- parison of Prices yau will surely find our goods the cheapest. It will do no barm to pay a visit and see for yourself, WwW. F. GOURDIER. RRR] CURES ALL COUGHS ALWAYS. costs sut [8% AND $00ATS ! COATS ! Received to-day a big g shipmentof latest styles in the popular shades of Navy Blue and Co-} balt Brown. Also a big variety of Black Coats at popular prices. If you intend buying a Coat there will not be a bet- ¥ ter time than now, and at no store can as!lice a range be shown as we are offering at present. $ 2" Lots of Coats for "Wee Ladies" at $2.00 and up. Re Tag8" Newman & Shaw ~~ Nutritive Value of Beef? You probably know noth- ing about Pefsmican except that it is a somewhat offen- sive mixture? The fact is Pemmican-- (pounded deer meat with the melted fat poured into it)-- a retains more of the-orjginal meat value than most of the Fluid Beefs and Beef Ex- tracts so much in evidence. Once the albumen and fibrin of the Beef is lost the whole nutritive value is gone. BOVRIL--and BOV- Rik only of all preparations of Beef retains the whole nutritive value of Beef in a highly concentrated form. No solid meat extract con- tains the albumen or fibrin ---consequently no such pre- paration has real nutritive value. Medical men and nurses understand fully what this means and that is why BOVRIL- is used in every large hospital in the World. BOVRIL is for your use. County of Frontenac. GAOL SUPPLIES. SEALED TENDERS WILL BE RE- Clerk ceived at the office of the County up to noon of THURSDAY, November 81st, 1907, for thie, While or Sug Dati of Supp to be Vi at the ah as required on end 1908. Beef, Pork and Mutton at--------per the follow, Pod at M --eeeiDET POUND. Barley, Oatmeal, Cornmeal, Sait, Pepper, at per pound. Milk, Molasses and owt Oily atm. per gallon. Peas, Carrots and Potatoes, at per pu . Brown Family Soap, at Straw, at per bundle of 10 lbs. Supplies to be of good guality i subject to the approval of the Chuir- man of County Property, or such person a8 he may name. J. W. BKDWARDS, County Clerk. JOHN FOLBY, Esq., Chairman County Property: FARMS WANTED. s made by his firm. , Abeolute Reliability end uy Walling. rons arvin, have gai jor Ww Druggit(s, ol . is internally, good us an enviable reputation in fea) acting directly upon the blood émd mucous Kastate Business and put us in touch with a long Met of prospective buyers. If you wish to place any Real Estate on the market, you will find it to your advami- a to communicate with us. We wast at present wa choice farm of 75 to 100 atres, near Kingston, also a large dairy oT with good buildings in good T. J. Lockhart, Real Estate Agent, 1590 Welling- ton St., Kingston, Ont. per box. Good and Wear a Crown Some Day. Peterboro Examiner. * A day or two ago, the Examiner had an interesting conversation with Mrs. Andrew Huyck, Hastings, paying a visit to the city. Mrs. Huyck is ome of the pioneers of Percy township, where she settled, with her husband, in 1842, and though she has reached many of them difficult with the hard: ships 'and hard toil of pioneer life, she is, physically as robust as an otto genarian vo 8 and as alert in intel lect, as youmg in spirit, as many a modern woman of half her age--like Moses, at his end, "her sight is not dimmed mor her natural force abat- Mrs, Huyck is a keen politician, and a "Grit," of the deepest dye. She too an intense interest in the East North- umberland bye-election, whose_loss to the liberals was pronounced to be "400 bad." Talking of this brought up the visit to the riding of Hon. G. P. Graham, minister of railways and ca: nals : i "Why, I knew his father well. We only lived half a mile from Andrew Credhom, George's grandiather. He liv- ed in the 'Backwoods of Perey," in the 10th concession. He came with his fa- mily from Murray township, sixty-Sev- en years ago. The family originally came from Ireland. George's father, William Henry, was converted when he was about twenty-five or twenty eight years of age. I think thé revival meetings were held in Flemming's log school houge, which was on a corner of our farm, either there or in a log the Trent; that was in the 13th con- » on. "Wasn't that 'a good distance to "Bless yofr heart, no! We'd hitch the oxen to the sleigh and away we'd skim over the crooked roads, and through the woods to the meetin.' We'd put straw in the bottom of the sleigh, pile in as many as it would hold, all sitting on the straw, with- out seatsi with quilts over us to keep us warm. 1 tell you those were happy days--going to these meetings. Everybody worked hard, had geod health, and was contented. It was like living, compared to these times. Then we'd--0, yes; George Graham's father was converted at one of these meetings, which were conducted by N. A. Howard, an Episcopal Methodist preacher--that was before they join- ed the union--and a grand man he ras. "Well, William Henr~. when he was converted, felt he was called to the ministry. Brother Howard gave him a license as 'exhorter,' or 'local preacher." He hadn't much education, but he was an awfil smart man, and a good speaker. All the education he fhouse on our place." "What was it?" "Why, it wasn't much to look at The slantine desks ran around the outside walls, with the seats made of slabs, flat side up, and with legs put Em---------------------------- HOW'S THIS ? sured ug « HEN SO boleds, 0: Hall's Catarrh cure surfaces of the system. Testimonials sent all Druggists. vation: Better not put off the Overcoat purchase too long. The days are near when you'll have ta settle it. See Our Black Overcoats at $10, $12.50, $15, $18, $20 and $22. See Our Manitoba Ul- sters from $15 to $22. Most comfortgble as well as stylish and distinctive. Boys' & Children's inmany styles and patterns E. P. Jenkins Clothing Co. Coats a 114 Princess Bt." FETED file . oZ= Tee 2 the venerable age of eighty-four years, {7 dohool house about two miles away on got then. was got in- the log school- We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward for any case of Uatarrh that cannot be him ly honorable in all business t free. Price 75 cents per bottle, Sold ty Take I's Family Pills for Constiy NewYorkChinese Restaurant Street, eracking and catching a glimpse of what he thought was a deer, om : = ~: What Determines SHE KNEW FATHE Be : {HOW HE CAME there were The Real METHODIST MINISTER. he Pua ; . Hopes the Son Whe Becaries a plates. tarts ot roy i Minister of the Crown May Be jugd sustiod hard--why, his hair was Fuld - ~5 knew George "Graham's well, and hope his son will be a map as his father was." as " # PAID NINE YEAR DEBT. Got Sebeheyve Cénts Prom. Rich Woodstork, Ont., Nov. 12.---Monday) morning a big, well dressed, prosper: ous-looking stranger, walked into the Oxford house, one of the leading ho- tels, and paid the clerk seventy-five k | cents, which he said was due for lodg- ing: and breakfast nine years ago. "Nine years ago," he said, "1 stayed here had my breakfast. 1 was broke, and I skipped out without pay- ing. Since then | have been all over the world, but never until to-day had the opportunity of personally paying "debt here. Six months after the occurrence 1 could have sighed a cheque for $30,000. My conscience has been troubled all those years, but now | will get some peace." With those words he put seventy-five cents on the counter and was gone before any ques- tions could be ed. Enquiry later did not locate thé man in Ahe city, and it is impossible to learh anything of his identity. APPORTIONING THE COST Of the Queen Street Sewer Ex- sion. There was a meeting yesterday af- ternoon of the special committee ap- pointed by the city council to appor- tion the cost of the Queen street sew- er extension. Mayor Mowat and Alds. jaskin, Elliott, Chown and Toye were resent. The whole cost of the sewer will be under $1,000, or $500 less than the estimate. The sides of the light and power committee and the board of works were both heard, the mayor 'actin~ as arbitrator. The board of works' representatives held that the light plant was responsible for the nuisance, in the sewer which consisted of tar and oil, and should pay the whole cost of the remedy. The light cominittee representatives opposed this idea, claiming that the general sewage of the city enterine the Queen street slip was as much a nuisance a% the tar and oil. The mayor, it is understoed, apportioned the cost to each committee at about equal. To Honor A Staunch Friend. Gananoque, Ont., Nov. 12.--The cor- poration of Gananoque, to-night, on behalf 'of the citizens, will present Charles Macdonald, C.E., LL.D., one of America's great bridge builders, formerly president of the American Bridge company (who recently ave the town of Gananoque, his father's home and his own in childhood, a clock tower, wostine over $10,000 and a quarter of a mile of concrete walks) with a silver casket. The presenta- tion will take place in the Grand Opera House, which will be opened for the first time for this occasion. The presentation will be made by Maver Lieut.-Col. J. A. MecUammon, being followed by a banquet at the Provin- cial hotel. Moving His Family. Marlbank, Nov. 1I.--George Wood- house, Tweed, intends to move his family here, where he is employed as timekeeper and freight agent for the Canadi Portland Cement company. Miss Jean Armstrone. who is at St. Agnes' Ladies College, Belleville, is visiting her home for a few davs. John Toppings, a former resident of Marlbank, was killed at Kenora, be- ing crushed between two cars. Mr. Toppings was a brother of Mrs. Del bert Cook, and had been employed 'as brak on the CPR. Thomas Murphy, Tweed, tinsmith," is doing some work for the Canadian Portland Cement company. St. Pierre In Darkness. Halifax, N.S., Nov. 12.--A despatch from St. Pierre says the town Pe in total darkness, and will likely remain so for some time, the result of an accident to the engine. That no loss of life occurred is almost a miracle, 48 when the machinery went wrong, parts of it were hurled with great force, tearing out a portion of the power housé, and wiecking it to the extent of $2,500. The accident occur- red: near midnight, when the streets in the vicinity of the electric station were deserted, or there would have been some deaths. Shot In Mistake For Deer. Peterboro, Nov. 12. --Lying in St. Joseph's Hospital in a serious condi- tion is William Cones, as a result of being shot in ¢ ide by his cousin, Roy Cones, who mistook him for a dere. The party were hunting in the vicinity of Deer Bay. Hearing twigs Cones fired. William Cones received the bullet just below the left hip, the missle coming out mear the right hip. Western School Lands. Winnipeg, Nov. 12--W. M. Ingram, commissioner of school lands has re- turned, from Essburn, Man., where he had been holding a sale of school lands. A little over 7,000 acres were disposed of at $69,865, or an avera of almost 810 per acre. In two sales held at Russell and Rossburn over $160,000 was realized from 16,000 acres. Fall Information. Prevost, Brock street, has received three cases imported goods; great var- {dety. His $18 suiting made to order {beats anything of previous years.|y, v vangelistic campaign. | Wear and fit guaranteed. (ihe Torey eva Prices-a8e., Heats mow on FRIDAY, NOV, 15th. 'Ben Greet Players 5 Fat, $2, $1.50. ot i of Shakespeare' Para a ndiinpiare Wrote it. , "JULIUS CAESAR" Acted frofn the co text, with stage "oF 'the Prats time, . iw 700. $1, $1.50, ts sale. . Sut., Nov, 16th --"The Shadow Behind The Throne." IMPORTANT MUSICAL EVENT u Auspioes of Vocal Students' clone Beet ce of - «MARK TWAIN'S" i. talented daughter, & Miss Clara Clemens Kntepite, Agiote by Miss Marie GRAND OPERA HOUSE, TUESDAY, NOV. 19th wih 8 PUN ee Seats on sale Saturday, at Box Office. Prices=-38e., 50c., 75¢. and $1, Box Seats, $1.50. Queen's vs. Toronto Saturday, Nov. 16th Queen's Athletic Grounds Prices 25¢., 35¢., 500. and 76e. Reserved Seat Plan at Uglow's. Charity Ball. Ta Ald of Work-- CITY, HALL, NESDAY, Nov, 18th. Patronesses :--Mrs. Ramsay Duff, Mrs. T. Taylor, Douglas Young, Mrs. J. M. Platt, Mrs, Norman Leslie. Tickets must be presented at Uwe door. Tuesday and Weds DAVIDSON Fancy and Trick Skater. Keelerville Boys Doing Well. Keelerville, Nov." 19 --Quifé a nice fall of snow here to-day. The roads are in a very bad state and farmers find it difficult to finish fall ploughie. Service on Sunday mening, Revéir. Morehouse, was « well "attended. The preciated. Our school teacher attend. ed the teachers' "convention, Our ter a successful season, and our popu- himsell hunting ducks on Girly lake. at John Banks' last Wednesday. Mr and Mrs. Banks hardly knew what it meant to see so many eoming in, but soon took in the situation, and prov ed themselves splimdid entertainers. Mr. Banks has a gramaphone. David chased cream separators. David Robb is home from: Sie saad, where he "has stopped at Saskatoon, and visited George E. Clark, William Loucks, Charles Holder and John Gilbert, all of whom leit here within the last two or three viars. He gives splendid re- his studies at Queen's. Mrs. John Patterson spent Friday and' Saturday in Kifigston. All the cheese will be shipped to Kingston, fosmorrow, at twelve cents Hiam "Pixon is im- proving daily, under Dr. Gardiner, Seeley's Bay. he ddereioes will be held in the t p Sunday morning; Rev. Mri' Meredith, Seeley's Bay, will o pe William Yateman was in' the fast weck. Our mail carrier is awhy on a deer hunt. ' Attended 12,000, Weddings E. J. Lupson, parish clerk of Great Yarmouth, Eng., who has just com- pleted forty-four yoaws' service, has at- tended 12,000 weddings at the parish church; and has been absent from church only three times out of nearly 2.300 Sundays. He has given away more than 1,200 , | brides, and has 1ately unfolded a story of amusing experiences in a book which he has written, entitled "Cupid's Pu- pils." ' It seems that couples who have eall- ed on Mr. Lupson to arrange for the publication of the banns experienced some difficulty at times in stating the object of their call. "S'pose you can guess what we are come arter 7" com- menced one young fellow; whije an- ing to do with her tongue what she couldn't undo with her teeth." 'This young lady wants to compe for better or worse. If it shal prove for woth, Pl bring heft | aganin," pro- mised another. column measure, is being hough, "bv the Chicago lavmen who are runnin~ } | He cannot pray who prays only for dha. If ¥ DAY, NOVEMBER 12, 19 First insertion f¢. & Word. Bach eon: SE EE ------ HELF WANTED--MALE. IE. 4 preperd 1) Grocery, Con. and gBNERA L WORK, FoR -- NS, oF Desige Fag : EOS SRY, JP, AE A wSENERAL A MAID, BOR SoNERA 100 RP rect. SR 8 A hha Roller Rink. wedneodar new organ amd singing 'were much ap- | must cheese factory closed on the 5th, af- lar cheese manufacturer is sporting A number attended a surprise party Sleeth and Clarence' Hanly have pur- been teaching. schabd." On his way he ports of all. Mr, Robb will resume SOLICITORS FOR WESTERN LANDS, Toerta. Land Cou % Bien a col W SPECIAL 8S. Ontario. bard workers. write Luke Brothers, treal. FALL SUITS AN make old clean, pressing and well, reason) Bibby's Livery. WANTED--GENERAL. A JOB CLEANING ASHES OUT OF yards or cel carted. Pri Lytle, General Carter, A HOUSE AND 107, IN SURURBS of Kipgston, or near city, chase. w "0, PF." CARRIAG ture, Plan: LARGE SUM its return to Whig office. SILVER BR nitialg "M Jleces, OwWer A PARCEL White K Alfred St. Umion Sts. Whig office. MARRIAGE LICENSES. GC 8S. KIRKPATRICK, ISSUER OF Marriage Licenses, 42 Clarence Ste THE PARAGRAPH PULPIT REV. 0. W. CASSON, OTTAWA. Is God Just ? Surely God is just. Who would dare otherwise ¥ But in order to just, He must rule by kindly, universal, inflexible. tions must receive ways. Evil actions must receive their penalties always. As a man sows, so The law of salvation be based upon these essential demands of justice. There can be no forgiveness that gives an undeserved reward, or prevents a deserved venal- ty. Salvation cannot be mercy or favor, but by human action and achievement. If this be not true, then is God not just. Address, Mr. Casson for free liters ture. Kingston Restaurant Open 7 a.m. fo 3 a.m. must he reap. Meals at all hours notice. Also quick lunches. TUBERGULOSIS Its prevention and cure. Watch for ad. to-morrow night. A HOUSEMAID, REFER! A to M Narn EN POR BASTERN Pidopd weekly, ARTICLES WANTE D. VING GOOD FUR- HAVING GOOD FU Thompson to St. Andrew's Church. MONEY AND BUSINESS. a. ---------------------------------------- POLICIES COVER M - - OUR indo and contents then FROM 1st JANUARY, 141 Xi NG at on or short lease, Insurance Kmporiun, Mark. LIVERPOOL, LONDON AND po Ider ha ty the undinited liebilit oekhoiders. Farm and or any article for stor age, by the month, year, or any Way required. 38nd ete. Anchor Duillding, 153. 845. POWER & SOKS, ARCHITECTS, MER- Bu amd Wellington streets. OF MONEY, IN PURSE, WM. NEWLANDS, ARCHITEOT, fice, second fl over strest, between Raglan 1s i Entranos on Bagot 608. y BUSINESS CHANCE. Bagot and b Prin Finder kimily return < ,, CONTAINING A PAIR OF i EDUCATIONAL. $10 FOR A PROF in Optics. Sheriff's Sale Goods and Chattels County of Frontenac, To Wit: Court of Justios, between: . Manson, Planti Under and wil of » writ of Fieri ) PY ot the above-nanwed Pembroke Radway, in the City of . King- ston, in the County of Frontenac ON FRIDAY the 15th day of .Novem~ ber, A.D. 1907. All of the under-mentioned Goods ard 1 Smelting purposes, THOMAS DAWSON, Sherifl County of Frontenat, Sherifi"s Office, Shy of Kingston, 19th { {to this perfect other said his be was "'com- || ---------- Newspaper space, by the three This is not only for ivertisement of the echiogs. Al so for the pub |Hieation, in di y type, of Dr. /Tor- rey's utteraices, " ENCLOSED in a hand- some velvet lined case this brooch sells for $6.50. THE pearls are all' selected and of the best quality. THE mounting is of heavy 14k. gold and very sub- stantially made. THIS artistic design is en- of the newest and prettiest brooches that our factory has yet produced. Our Catalegue is yours for "the asking. "RyrieE Bros. 134-138 Yonge St. TENDERS FOR TOLLS |¥: Cataraqui Bridge Company. at H. JENNINGS, KING ST i bibl ule Tiel C, H. Powell, "any der wil [Carpenter and Jobber THOMAS MILLS, Secy.- Treas. Kingston, Ont., Nav, 12th, 1907, * Deposits | Keeps out the Cold, Costs B. C, McGill, Managing Director. 'Offics, 87 Clarence street, Kingston. New England Chinese Restaurant 331 King Street. Open from 10.30 a.m, to 3 a.m, the best place to get an all round Lunch 'In pood Meals of all kinds on shortest STORAGE FOE FURNITURE, 1 resign bal 5 FURN OFFICE. OVER WADE'S DRUG store, Cor, King Brock St water 4 Caste 81 Broek Apply mt at : For terms, apply © 8. R. MeUant. iy 1 FURNISH FROM 1 ARs Sa ht Yate included in Appl; J. 8. R. McUann. : DESIRABLE APARTMENTS vicinity City Park. No other ers kept. ard electric meals awd room, Apply "X." office, SHOE FOR LADIES, year Welt. Price $4.00. 103 Raglan St. Wm, Murray, Auctioneer 27 BROCK ST. "WEATHER STRIP. and Saves Much, Good Variety d STRACHAN'S Attention, Furnaces! HM your furnace Deeds re x SE Ere I call, you wil got prompt 8 plcialty, 'Phone; 655, DAVID HALL, %

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