Couch 0, Eagiiar peice 37.50, a , $3 to $25. Sectional Bookcase, $2.50 to © $4.50 per section, Couches and Davanports, Spanish Leather, Early English - Finish ; Room Sizes 82, 84. Tweeds, regular $5.00, 6.00, 7.00, In Dark q fn i jh Lf at sie ii v2 77 sf FEELLfIEel fen 3, i : iz:veii Blais, of Bt. tome, Levis county, an old employee of the Intercolonial railway, was pre- sented with the imperial long service medal. Mr. Blais entered the employ of the road in 1878 as trackman, finally rising to the dignity of a sec- tion foreman, retiring from the ser- vice in 1905. The Very Latest Culled From All Over The World. Turgeon's majority is 772 in Belle- chasse. Harry Rowland, founder of the Ox- ford Tribune, died at Ingersoll. No more racing or athletic contests are to be allowed on Toronto streets. The 8S. Hungarian, Allan line, from London, inward, at Father Point. homie at Oyster Bay, this morning, and voted, The SS. Lake Michigan, C.P.R. line, from Antwerp, inward, at Father Point, with 345 } Edward Liptrott, St. Catharines, was caught in a shaft and had his leg torn off. ,He only lived a short time. Jabel Kobinson, ex-M.P., is reported seriously ill at his home in Middle march, and his recovery is not expect- 'The appeal of the Manitoba Free Press against a verdict of $1,000 for saying a house was haunted, has been dismissed by the supreme court. The quietest election in years, so far as goneral public interest is concern- od, is proceeding in Greater New York to-day, following a spiritless cam- paign. At Rochester, N.Y., Edwin J. Wil coxen, general superintendent of the Rochester Railway company, died,' on Monday, following an operation for appendicitis. Six men were arraigned in New York police court, charged with robberies from the Adams Express company which, it is alleged, will aggregate be- tween $30,000 and $00,000. ; At Versailles, Ind., Henry Hunting- ton escaped from the asylum where he was confined by climbing over a wall. After a fierce struggle he was caught before he got. away. At Cameron, Tex., following his in- dictment on a charge of criminal as- sault, Alexander Johnson, a negro, was taken from the jail by a mob and hanged to a tree in the court house yard. B. Cairns, Toronto, has instructed his solicitors to issue a writ against Ald. Saunderson for $10,000 for al- leged defamation of character and in- jury to his business. The suit is the outcome of a faction fight in the ranks of the conservative association of No. 1 ward, dern), from $2.50 to : surveying boo » Shoo Stores b. den, and carried by a m ty of one Woadrid and thirty-five Yotes. The conum! subsequently met ferred the of ol! W. P. Reeve, B.D.; second, Rev, J. H H. Coleman, M.A; third, Rev. R. J. Dumbrille, L.S.T. > Will Look Into Matter. Ottawa, Nov. 5.--G. M. Macdonnell, K.C., Kingston, was one of a large deputation that waited on Sir Wilirid Laurier and Hon, F. Oliver, minister of the interior, at noon, and asked that the laws relative to morality and against the sale of liquor to Indians he more rigidly enforced in the Yukon. The premier said the complaints would 'be "looked into, but pointed out diffi culties of carrving out law in the Yukon. . One Dollar Fountain Pen. We have Waterman's "Modern" foun. tain pens from $1 up. Also the seli- filling fountain pens (Waterman's Mo- $5, at Wade's calf, high cut, The Lockett * wo 4 VIVE deg store. . A few men's black $3.50, ET Toronto Breet Marwer. Toronto, Nov. 4 --Wheat, white, per to $1.07; wheat, red, per to $1.05; wheat, spring, wheat, per to a s, ush., Fou $1 to £23; seeds, Alsive, No. $8.75 to $9.15; Ne. 2, ressed ., 60c. to bush., 88e.; .; hay, ton, , per _ 17¢.; apples, per bbl., to $2.50; onions, per bag. $1.25 to $7; mutton, per cwt., k veal, prime, per cwt., $7.50 to $10; lamb, per ewt., #0 to $10. Quinces, Pears And Grapes. We have just received our last con- t for this season, consisting'of baskets red and blue grapes, 200 baskets eating and canning pears, and 50 baskets quinces, at Carnov- sky's, : A BOLD ROBBERY A young son of John McMaster, Al- vinston, was drowned in a pail of MAN RAN OFF WITH $35 water, East Kent conservatives nominated FROM A RESTAURANT. P. H. Bower, MP.P., for the legisla- ---- ture. : President © Roosevelt arrived at his] TW® Chinamen Engage in a Lively Chase Down the Main Streeti--Police Make An Arrest Later. There was great excitement aro nd the Chinese restaurant on King street about ten o'clock, Tuesday morning, when a young entered the res- lpyrant, relieved the till of #35 while proprietor of the place was not looking and made off. Two Chinamen saw the young man his hasty exit, and gave chase. The man ran along King street to Queen, and then tured down to Ontario street. The Celestials gave, him a hot chase for two blocks, and were compelled to give up. The man then made his es- cape, and from last accounts had not been seen. Quite a few people who were on the street at the time witnessed the race, but did not know what had happened until it was all over. It was Erught by some that the young man had misbehaved himself, and had been or- dered out of the restaurant The police were notified and given a description of the thief, and are now endeavoring to locate him. Later--Constables Arniel and Mul- linger who were notified about the case, arrested a young man, aged twenty-two, giving the name of Don H. Wilcox, of Watertown, N.Y., just as he was about to board a train at the Grand Trunk station. He admit- ted to the officers that he had stolen the money, and asked them to let him down easy. Wilcox is also alleged to have stolen money from the Chinese restaurant on Princess street, and it may be that he will have several charges to answer to. He came here from Watertown about two weeks ago, and according to all accounts, has been spending quite a sum of money and having a good time. HISICIISIICIIISITISISIISISICINIIR KEMPTVILLE . IR ANGLICANS § WOULD Nor SQUEAL. t N. g Presen i He the ¥ New York, N.Y. Nov. Kemptville, Ont., Nov. 5.--The meet- x Si pathes nan eine ing of the parishioners of Kemptville, ho induced him : by order of the Lord Bishop of | 3 Talsely in two" sion Ontario, to take action on the ap- (a districts, Joseph Heale pointment of a rector in ehatesion to |e yesterday, pied " the late Rev. Mr, may was © rely * prison sniense of Bot less Jeading 5 n four years a six ue chosen ay a | months and not more than Eligh, W. A. Bames, Dr. J. X. Sen-3f 108%, yoars and eleven ders. The appointment of this com- » . ee by et oral | IIIISIIIIINIIIOIIOINN seconded by G. Kerr, the 's war- SUING FOR DAMAGES. -- J*!A Woman Shut Out at 'Russell Hotel. Toronto, Nov. 5.--~The case of Mrs. Florence L. Appleyard, who is suing Milligan Bros., Jropiciet ors of * the Russell house, tawa, for $10,000 damages, was before the master, at Osgoode hall, today. The woman occupied two rooms at the hotel, fur- nished by herself and went on a trip to the old country. On her return Milligan Bros. refused to allow her to occupy the rooms, and she there- upon sued for damages. It was decid- ed by the master that the trial must be held on December 3rd at Brock- ville. The defendant desired a rider attached to the effect that Mrs. Apple vard must remove her furniture from the hotel and the master reserved judgment on this point. Queen's association foothall team is practically champions for this year, two pames with McGill, winning one and tieing one, giving Queen's five points. The team will accompany the A TERRIFIC DASH EEEFREREXXEXEEEER as it has defeated "Varsity and in the | RACES DOWN GRADE AT 90 MILES AN HOUR. Cars Hurled Into a River--Two Brakesmen Xilled and En- Cumberland, Md., Nov. 5.--Two men were. killed and a third is missing and one man was injured in a collision be- tween two freight trains, on the Balti- more and Ohio railroad, near MoMil- lian, W.Va., about seventy miles west of here. One of the trains had gotten control. The dead : Gerlach, brakeman, of Cumberland, Md. W. E. Fallon, engineer, of Keyser, W.Va. Missing .- Martin J. Fallon, engineer, Pied- mont, W.Va., supposed to be under the wreckage. Injured : J. H. Cornwell, of Grafton, W.Va., conductor. At the top of the grade at Terra Alta, W.Va. the air brake of the train which ran away was tested and it is said it was found in good order, but in going down the grade the train got beyond control, reaching a speed of ninety miles an hour and making a terrific , The collision occurred about two miles from the hottom of the grade af- ter the train had run about twenty miles. Cars were hurled in all direc tions. Fourteen cars, including. the ca- boose, were thrown down the embank- ment into the river. Eleven were steel cars loaded with coal. The fireman of the runaway train was thrown oppos- ite the river embankment and escaped injury. ------------------ Innocent Man In Prison. Pittsburg, Pa., Nov. ' 5.--After hav- ing served half of a ten-years' sen- tence in the Western Pennsylvania penitentiary for a crime committed by another, Robert Simpson, who 'was convicted of engaging in a safe rob- hery in the Irwin, Pa., post office, in Westmoreland county, about six years ago, will be given his freedom by the state pardon board. It has been dis- covered the robbery was committed by two men, both of whom are now dead. ---- Is Sentenced To Death. New York, Nov. 5--Bedros Ham- partjoomian, who shot and killed Hovhannes Tavshanjian, a wealthy Armenian merchant in Union Square, last July, was sentenced yp: die in the electric chair at Sing Sing prison dur- ing the week beginning December 16th. An appeal will be taken. -- gaiter dress A fine patent, cloth-top, pa 3.50. Lbe Lockett hoot, plain toe, $3.50. Shoe Store. Horses that have spent the past few months on Belle's Island have been brought ashore mere skeletons. It is said that other horses remain there. They camiot get anything to forage upon and are starving. The Humane Society's inspector might get a job by a trip to the island. The steamer Island Wanderer was half an hour late, to-day, in coming from Cape Vincent. On account of the rough weather the steamer had to come around the foot of the island. *Made-in-Canada" ammes, 15¢., each, two for 25¢. Also Quotation Calendars, 25c. Only a few of each left. Wade's drug store. There was no quorum at the special meeting of the board of education called for last evening, to discuss the financial requirements of next year. A few men's $3.30 Gold Bond, calf, heavy sole, hoots, sizes 9 to 11, at $2.95. The Lockett Shoe Store. Huyler's Washington Toffey, sold only at * son's Red Cross drug store. Phone 230. SOOSIOS SILVER TEA SERVICES! Wedding gifts of silver are always appropriate, and full or partial sets can be had as desired. WE CARRY CHOICE DESIGNS. Our quality is right. Our prices will appeal to you at onoe. Spangenberg <EWELLER Issuer of Marriage j Licenses. Make Your Home " Artistic By decorating each room with ALABASTINE powder, form, amd is simply to be mixed with cold water, and can be applied by any person. No dis- Sold in packages of 2} or 5 at 25c. and 40c. pkgs. all colors, 86 Princess Bt. To- Morrow BLACK SILKS 'We have just received one of the best Black Silk Bargains of the season and will place on sale To-Morrow Morning and Afternoon, the following : ; | 47 yds Black Peau de Soie Silk Guaranteed pure silk and a make that will not cut. ' This silk is just the right weight for Fall Waists and Skirts and would make a splendid lining silk. Tke value of this particular make is 90c a yard. Yours To-morrow, 55c Yard. Sale 9.30 to 11 o'clock morning and 2.30 to 5.30 afternoon. Broadcloths. We are showing particularly good values in English Broadcloths for Fall Suits and Skirts. The colors are navys, browns, myrtles, garnets, Black. Prices $1.00, 1.25, 1.49, 1.75. Fall Dress Goods In the most wanted shades and materials. - 25¢, 35¢, 45¢, 55¢, 75e¢, 95¢ and idler illo up. a ae oe | OUR SALE OF MEN'S STARTED SATURDAY. The weather was bad, but we sold a lot of shoes; and, in most cases, a pair of Rub- bers. Now, the Bargains are not all gone. We have some of the best left. It will pay every man wearing Boots to call in and see what we have, That part costs you nothing. If you can save one or two dollars, why not ? senior team to Toronto next Satur a Vou Le RRL CR AES Rit W. Mitchell, Hardware. Shoe FUR-LI} COATS AT Broadcloth Shell, ored, lined al with Grey and W rell ; or Hanster s and lapels of nats Sable, or Isabells garment of excelle: $60, in Black, Gres and Navy. On spe $45, John McKay Fu 189-155 BRO \ KINGSTON, TTT BTS BED "No Cause fo Although fruit was et this past season, am serves were made, worry. there We have just rec Crosse & Bla The largest consign Celebrated We ever imported at o ing several new varieties are the same as belore. 25c. Per Gla Special price by tl Jas, Redden Importers Of Fine FOR THE | INSURANCE ix branches, go to SWIFT'S i... GREAT BARG HEATEI Thirty Square Hall He guaranteed, perfedtiy soum Stoves, alo a lot of She Stoves. All those must month. Those that wis come and sed US, 'as We sell them, TURK'S Seco 398 Printess' St. Telepho LT-------------- To develop a bust get side of the market. eT ------ DAILY MEMO] ' Yacht Club Dance, 8 p. Cheese Board, 1.30 p.m Roller Rink every aften ing Wonderland Theatre, evening. "Mayor of Laughland," House, 8.15 p.m. Princess Theatre--Movin, Illustrated Songs. Men or Women out of w Whig Went Advis, Queen's Alumni Confe and to-morrow, See adv Benefit Performance fi Athletic Club, at New Pi 10 a.m. to 1 pun, to-mo This day in history :--F rliament, 1867 : Lady 809 : Abraham Lincoln | president, 1 Bijou Picture--*" also "The Magic Sportsman's Mishaps,' WHIG TELEPH 243--Business Office. 229--Editorial Rooms. 292--Jobbing Departmen Legal Forms, sll kinds, The Daily Whig is alwa Gibson's Drug ore, M Open till late each eveni WATE us Is very popular at time in oll lines of have ms Very pretty as Chocolate Pots Cracker Jars, Sugars and Crea Cups and Sauce A. D. Capper's Hair Receivers, Ramkins, . Marmalade Jars, Olive Spoon Tre Robertson