oi 8 £ - i I ifs iis 1 {UNDERWOOD le Typewriter Goa touch the button 1k does | SEE IT. . You will find it a vase of sight. (seks §:5% i i 7E§ i ¥ ; i i i f § : : E 1 FERED 355 £ i Ht ie FR r of g b i i i oF g H g fl 5 z a H eal ES fa i gis Es o i i LL 4 F Bt i 15 a great and prevent our get- Bo th wreck. one , for instance, the sand is from above the wreck, SERVANTS DEMAND "TIME OFF." Object t Be at Mistresses' Call Night and Day. | E gaF £5 i ii. E i | ; i of Wellington is to be reck- Soul rE De a I a Ee oy ad oa have been made to the Arbi- tration Court for an award, and a F is FisE Fle E 1! 3 law as necessary to It is ne- a : no acer i i £ £ § 1] £ ed ¥ Hi te f f 5 : i g : § § : i i } i i a i ii: £ 3 § EF 4 "f f : ] 3 E 5 4 fe : | and the a do ot do understand, instincts and' traditions you ted by your choice. For time for making: that choice you i i : i FEF Hr e il LS 5 fz if i I g 3 if H i fri fat : ] : : g g 3 Mr. J. A. Ruddick, Dominion Dairy Commissioner, has recently from a three months' tour LS ho The discussions at the 'congress turn- 3 Spon many matters regarding the Sai Studs oh sat wide of the wale t principally wi regard to prevention of the adulteration of but- ter for export, and also with matters ng tuberculosis in dairy nerds. n to Canada's with Britain Mr. Ruddick the Chambers of Commerce at Glasgow, and Manchester, and id a visit to various unloading nts. modation for some time, and the C. P. R. has recently erected cold sheds and equipments at Liv- There as at the Surrey dock unloaded right off the ship into cold storage. During his stay in England Mr. Ruddick heard many favorable com- ts on the plished by ; for Canada. Surgery to Cure Insanity. The question of curing insanity cal Spusuion was dealt wi wntly by Dr. Bernard Hollander, bet the Brin Phregclogen wh ore the . Some time ago Dr. Holland- er published details of a case of men- tal derangement which he had cured , since when he has éon- #1. § tobacco are sold in Kingston at GLib- son's Red Cross drug store. They are high class, ' y I pity the boy whose father is too religious to take him to the circus, | or T you mapect they re affected "How very Hibernian!" "Taffy was a Welshman, Tafly was a thief I" "To behave like a boor." John Bull has so many ententes on hand just now that Mr. Punch is living in momentary terror lest any of them should be imperiled by some chance and indiscreet allusion drop- at a Little Peddlington Penny ing. What if the Republic of Hayti, sqy, should get wind of the same?--Punch, Lord's Prayer On a Rock. One of the most striking exampies of scriptural words carved on a rock is that known as the Bristol Prayer Rock at Vermont, USA. It is a fa- mous landmark of the neighborhood, and it a huge boulder near the road- way, being as high as the top of an ordinary railway carriage. It bears on its face the Lord's Prayer, engraved in capital letters over an inch in height and painted white so that they will stand out from the surface of the rock. The story of the rock and its scrip- tural inscription is that Dr. J. C. Greene, now dead, but for many years a Frowinent physician of Buffalo, N.Y., formed a determination in his boyhood days of having the Lord's Prayer engraved on this boulder. He was a native of Starksborough. For many years the rock was disfigured with posters and other adyertising matter. Fince the Lord's Prayer has been eugraved on the rockithas not been used as a billboard. It is a com- mon object of respect and pride among the people, and to cover it with pos- ters now would be regarded as a de- secration. One feature of the story is that Dr. Green paid 25 cents a letter for the engraving of the prayer, and that in his will he made provision for the re- pain ting Bi the letters whenever they Fairy Princess Visits School. At the annual meeting of the Child- ren's Happy Evenings Association re- cently the Countess of Jersey told a story of the Princess of Wales paying a surprise visit to a school in West- minster and presenting a colored drawing to each of the children, who did not know until she had gone who their royal visitor was. Great interest was taken in the work of the association, added Lady Jersey, by the princess, who was sending them gifts of dolls and photo- graphs for distribution among the children. For the months of July, August and September an open-air school for 100 children will be held at Bostall, Plumstead, in the unds and wood which have been offered for the pur pose by the Royal Arsenal Co-opera- tive Society. A Chestnut. Ralph Waldo Emerson once told of a friend who always carried in his pocket a horse chestnut as a protec- tion against rheumatism, just as other people wear shields and other speci- fics. Emerson thus testifies to the re- sults in his friend's case: "He has never had the rheumatism since he began to carry it, and indeed it sp- pears to have had a retrospective operation, for he never had it before." Let us speak of men as we find them, And censure only what we can see, Remembering that none can be per fect Unless they use Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea. : The one who brags of ability ought not to object to having it tested. head work. Oon't Condemn Yourself to Bright's Disease TAKE GIN_PILLS NOW Bright's Disease claims its thousands yearly solely because people won't heed nature's warnings. Pain in the back and constant head. sches mean Kidney Trouble. Swollen hands and ankles, and in in the mean Kidney Trouble. Frequent to urinate--urine hot and scald Trouble. Negl ig Sitin iiney I e eglecting you know your kidneys are aff Fea 858 HET Tren ier nd was greatly benefitted them, 3 Ro pak Sion] oni they pained me nearly afl the time. I ha antee that they cure or refunded. Put them to the test with the understanding that you must be A stimalant and much more ! Mere stimulants give only fictitious help and are followed by a reaction that leaves one worse than before and stimulus than anything else. When run down or weary use Bovril. By Royal Warrant OVRIL & gives more permanent strength, energy Purveyors to The King the flue con- struction of most ranges it is a rather difficult feat to cook and bake successfully at the same time. the chimney. The Pandora bakes and cooks perfectly at the same time. Do you know of another range that does? It local dealer does not sell the Pandora write direct to us for Free Booklet McC o London, Toronto, Montreal, Winnipeg, Vancouver, St. John LEMMON & SONS. But the arrangement of the Pandora flues differs consider- ably from others. They are so constructed that the draft for baking is also the best for cooking, the heat circulating around the oven twice and under every pot hole before passing up Gathering cabbages is one kind of = Warm Slippers dren, in Plain and Fancy Colors and Plaids. Men's Warm House and Batlf Room Slippers, 75e¢., $1.00 to 1.50. Women's Slippers, 50, 75¢., $1.00 and 1.25. Children's Slippers, 25c¢., 35¢., 50c., 75¢. to $1.00. We have a Special Moccasin Slipper, Heavy Fleece Lining for Men at $1.25. We have just received a large assortment of Warm Lined Slippers for Men, Women and Chil- Abernethy's | Ingot Aluminum 99% PURE. GUARANTEED Immediate Delivery. Canada Metal Co., Ltd. WILLIAM ST. Toronto, Ont Synopsis of Canadian N BOMEST! Provinces, excepting 8 and served, be howesteaded ) son the sole head of a lamily over 18 years of age, Lo the Sim qurier section, of 160 a or pe LPliCation for homestead Dominion Lands Agency or Entry by proxy may, howeve at an Agency om certain cop the father, mother, son, daug er or sister of an intending h An application for entry © tion made persomally at office may be wired to the Sub-agent, at the expense Cau, ua if the land applied 1 on receipt of the telegram st tion is to have priority and t be held until the necessary complete the transaction are ) mail. In case of perscnation™ o) applicant will forfeit all prior or if entry has been grauted summarily cancelled. An application for cancellati made in person. The applican eligible for homestead entry, e application for cancellation ceived from en individual unt lication has been disposed of Where an entry is cancelled » institution of cancellation | eo applicant for Cancellation .tled to prior right of entry Applicant for cancellation m what particulars the homeste default. A homesteader whose entry subject of cancellation procee subject to approval ment, relinquish it in favor mother, son, daughter, brotl if eligible, but to no one els declaration of abandonment. DUTIES--A settler is requis form the duties under one of plans :-- ) At least six months' mn on and cultivation of the la: year during the term of three (2) A homesteader may, if sires, perform the requires duties by living on farming | solely by him, not less than acres in extent, in the wich homestead. Joint ownership | not meet this requirement. (8) If the father (or mot} father is deceased) of a home permanent residence on far owned solely by him, nc eighty (80) acres in extent, & ty of the homestead, or upo stead entered for by him ia t such homesteader may perfor residence duties by living wit er (or mother.) (4) The term "visinity" in preceding paragraphs is define ing not more than nine miles line, exclusive of the width o lowance crossed in the mcasw (5) A homesteader intending his residence duties in accor the above while living with on farming land owned by kh notify the Agent for the dist intention. Before making application | the settler must give six mo fn writing to the Commissior minion Lands at Ottawa, of tion to do so. SYNOPSIS OF CANADIAN WEST MINING REGUL COAL--Coul wining rights leased for a period of Lwenty at an annual rental of $1 per more than 2,560 acres shail | one individual or company. A the rate of five cents per ton collected on the merchantable ( QUARTZ--A person eightee age or over, having discovered place, may locate a claim ) eet. The fee for recording a clain At least $100 must be expe claim each year or pad to recorderin lieu thereof. 'Wher been expended or paid, the upon having a survey made, complying with other require chase the land at $1 per acre. The patent provides for th ol a royalty of 24 per cent on Placer mining claims gener: 'pot square : entry fee $5, rene y- An applicant may cbtain tv lredge for gold of five miles erm of twenty years, renewal discretion of the Minister terior. The lessee shall have a dred, ation within one season frou of the lease for each five mile $10 per annum for each mile leased. HKoyalty at the rate cent collected on the output a ceeds $10,000. WW. WC Deputy of the Minister of th N.B.--Upauthorized publicati advertisement will not be pak SEALED TENDERS AD to the undersigned, and eadon der for Astronomical Observat onto, Ont." will bo reteived a until Thursday, November 21, clusively, for the construction tronomical Observatory at To Plans and specification can forms of tender obtained at tl ment and at the office of Bu wood, Architects, Toronto, O Persons tendering are notifies ders will not be considered un on the printed form supplied, with their actual signatures. Each tender must be accom accepted cheque on a charter made payable to the order of ourable the Minister of Publ equal to ten per cent (10 p. amount of the tender, which w feited if the person tendering enter into a contract when © to do so, or if he fail to con work contracted for. If the ten accepted the cheque will be re The Department does not bi mcoept the lowest or any tend By Order, FRED. GELI Se Pepartment of Public Works, Ottawa, October 29, 19 Newspapers will not be paid advertisement if they insert authority from the Department HERE' SOMETHING NE POST CAR Greetings from ston, ¢ Life Models" Kingston View Come in and have a GASOLII Put in Your Ta at Our Doc A large stock of Dr teries, Spark Plug anc always on hand. SELBY & YouL LIMITED,