u in Your Tank at Our Dock. SALT. No other is so pure, 30 delicate. Best for the table. HIE £ ii i TH zk £ his own if i : FEE: H ; f i FL2898; tL tg F FgE7 38 pic tpig [ilps #acits H] fligdis 4 i : § money in the_ United of them do not come refusal to let a prin- pass over the line because he was in health js a new experience. the inference ? That no one is wanted in the United States who is physically unfit to pass medical exam- ination ? Evidently not. It would not be a good thing for the sanitariums if such a ruling wore established. The printer's case, however, raises the question that all people, under similar circumstances, i come more self-reliant, and loyal to their own institutions the better. Asm s-------- HE WOULD A-WOOING GO. fli | around-the-world trip for the benefit | cost of the materials going into it. "| recent. speech advocated the loaning of douma, and though a | len whe M , who bad eaten a hearty i a8 Hy i i Manitoba to be given a lot more ter titoty right away in order that it of commercial men. The bakers made a mistake in redue- ing the site of the loaf. A standard size should be maintained, and the cost of it should be regulated by the Hon. Bob Rogers, of Manitoba, in a the-mapiey on deposit in the post of- fice savings: banks to the people. On _ OCTOBER 25, 1907. ~ GALLANT ACTION OF O _ SICOTTE, BRAKEMAN. Stood on Cowcatcher of Engine and Picked Up Child From Be- tween the Rails. o Montreal, Oct. 25.-- When the Ot- tawa train from Montreal left Rigaud the other night, 0. Sicotte, brakeman of the Smith's Falls division, per , [formed an action which saved the life of a small child, who, but for his bravery and presence of mind, would certainly have been killed. When the train leaves Rigaud the brakeman stands on the front of the engine in order to be able to open the switch a short distance up the line. Sicotte, standing there, saw in front' of him a small gi.l right in the middle of the track. . He shouted to her, but could not at- tract her attention. There was no time to stop the train, so without a moment's hesitation and at the immi- nent risk of his own life, Sicotte gras) the cow-catcher with one , leaned forward, and as the en- gine reached the child he lifted her to sors, and the Methodists was [4 nlace of safety. the last to follow popular fashion in pa igious and appear in' trou- One of the founders of the Primi- remarked to a col: this respect. An Open Secret. mm It's an open secret that Campbell : Saturday. Bros. $2 and $2.50 derbies excel all Flanan hafta. ; others for style and quality, s See Bibby's $7 dressing gowns. Oka. cheese (new) "Pll bet a two-pound box of Me- Wild ducks, . {Conkey's candy Queen's will win on Grape fruit' = | Saturday," said a gentleman in ' Gib- {son's Red Cross drug store on Thurs- Roquefort cheese (new). jday. Sol only at Gibson's Red S 7 ef y | Cross drug store. Phone 230. ¥ weet po! : ; | . Last, Wednesday... Pascal Amell. and Oranges, ote., ete, © {Annie Eechlin, of Dalhousie, linked 5 bat | their fortunes for life. The drove to Flat B Dextics. = {anath and the ceremonv was per- The new shapes, at Campbell Bros. | formed in the manse. See Bibby's $8.75 dressing gowns. | John McMullen, who has been em- See Bibby's $6.30 smoking jackets. |ploved with John A. Darou, Lanark, Hendersoh Campbell and son have {a8 baker the past vear or so, has taken a contract of taking out timber {gone to Carleton Place to take a on the Canonto limit for the Clyde |Position. : * z Forks Lumbet company, and have | Fresh Huyler's | delicions candies at built a saug ty and started oper- Gibson's Red Cross drug store. Phone ations. 1 See Bibhy's $3 knitted coats. ! Willard A. Bond, eldest son of Mrs. |vears, William Anderson passed away J. Bond, Lanark, is in Mattawa hos- at Fallbrooke, on October 18th. He pital, suffering with an attack of [had a paralytic stroke, and from this typhoid fever. 4 {death resulted. | Having attained the age of seventy what security ? 'At what rate of in: terest ? The World has it from a conservative leader in London, Ont., that a "'per- fectly clean election" cannot be run in that city, without a cost to each side of between $8,000 and $10,000. Clean things come high in London. The Russians are electing a third percentage of the people are is it is doubtful if a docile and pligble assem- bly will be secifred. The people, even in Russia are too intelligetit to have government by dictation. Mr. Borden's big contract in the west is to prove that the government has nothing to do with the prosperity of Canada. But it was Mr. Borden's party that condemned the Mackenize government because it could not make good times by an act of parliament. Dr. Workman has been advised by the Wesleyan Theological College to re- sign. The marvel is that he was al lowed to remain so long on the staff of an iustitution whose theological standards do not change. The church does not rage its students to learn anything new or advanced. For Harmony's Sake. breakfast of ham and eggs, with the usual evidences of the meal on his shirt front and waistcoat--for Medders was a bit careless in his feeding--lean- ed back in his chair with serene satis- faction. - "Well," he said, "I feel better. I'll now and order that suit of clothes for the last go I have been in month or more to to my ward "If you will take my advice," sug- gested the feminine = autocrat of the breakfast table him with | W------------ The Diamond Cough Remedy. This remedv occupies the same rela- jon to cough cures that the diamond = FRRPRRERRRRRRRRRRERERR RRR RERR RRR | Season of Coughs and Colds is Upon Us. to purchase each separately and mix them at home. The geruine Virgin Oil of Pine is put up for dispensing, ounly in half ounce vials, each vial securely sealed in a round wooden case with an en- graved wrapper, showing plainly the |, name--Virgin Oil of Pine, prepared only by Leach Chemical Co., Windsor, Unt. Be sure to,get the genuine, as the oil sold in bulk and cheap imita- tions put out to resemble Virgin Gil of Pine in name and style of package are ineflective, being largely composed of a distillation of pine needles, or leaves, instead proper. These pine needle oils are not in- tended for internal use, and when taken internally usually cause nausea. Their use is mainly confined to the REEEYRRE | 2, Now that the séason is approaching when people are most subject to the unpleasant experience of colds, with the consequent wearing strain. of coughing, and the danger of more serious trouble apt to follow neglect, the following simple formula is most timely. It is said to break up a cold in twenty-four hours and cure any that is curable. 'Mix thorough- ly a half ounce of Virgin Oil of Pine with two ounces of glycerine and eirht ounces of good whiskey. Use in tea- spoonful doses every four hours. Five ounces of tincture Cinchona com- pound can be used in placé of the whiskey with the same effect. The ingredients are inexpensive and can he purchased without trouble at any good drug store. To avoid sub- of from the pine tree é good things to wear. be looking around. them if you can. See See Qur 25c See Our Nobhy $2 Hats. Robes. See Our Dainty 50c. Neck- wear. See Our 75¢. Flannel Night Heres Our Hand We extend a glad hand to every man or Boy looking for We are always pleased to show our good Clothes or any- thing you wish to see in our choice Headwear or Toggery. Stocks are full at this writing ind it's a splendid time to Don't forget to take a peep at our, $12, $15 and $18 Suits. And Our $10, $12, $14.50, $18 and $20 Overcoats--Match A List of Specials : Our $1 Wool Underwear. y Hose. See Our great $1 Fancy Shirts. Our great $1 Glove Mocka. Qur Boys' Caps, 15c. Our Nobby $1 Men's Sweat- ers. Our $1.50 Cardigan Jacket. Our $2 Club Sweaters. Our New Collars, 2 for 25¢c. "THE H. D. BIBBY CO. 78-80-82 PRINCESS STREET. --l a eme---- ---- HORE E PRT ISRRYET PeerRR EERE ERR RE CU 0 FB BE ERB A TC Oe 2 ol a BRE TE Te a a Te i Ie ERRRREEEERREENEERRR ERNIE ERRERRRERRRRERRRRRR stitution of some inferior pine product manufacture of soap and similar pur- * Mén's Boots : Built of Quality _ Smart, crisp shapes that impart rich tone to ene's apparel. As different from ordinary footwear as night from day. The economy in buying Invictus Shoes soon makes itself apparent to the most sceptical. The cost is but a trifie more than that of the lower grades. Men's, $4.00, 4.50 and 5.00. Ladies, $3.50, 3.75 and 4.00. dat - | Sugars, if you buy REDPATH'S. for the Virgin Oil of Pine, it is hettor | poses. Brass and Iron Bedsteads in great variety. The Sawyer Shoe Store. Bedding " Ne Pillows, Springs and Mat- tresses. ETS -- A nice line of imported Brussels, Tapestry and Union Squares at a price that sells. Phone, 147.--Yours, JAMES REID. You will get the best value possible, in High Grade QUICK FIRE Charcoal Toasting, Broiling, and Start- FOR! 52 Fires, it Has No "Here Pat up in good size Paper Sacks. 15 CENTS. . Special attention is called to Redpath Extra Granu- ated in 20-pound cotton bags. : oF » MALT EXTRACT For sale by H. WADE, Druggist, cor. King and Brock Sts,, Kingston is ri Ingot Aluminum 99% PURE. GUARANTEED Immediate Delivery. Apply to "Canada Metal Co. Li Toronto, Ont Grape Fruit, Seedless Lemons, Chestnuts, New Table Figs. A. J. REES, 166 Princess Street L Canada Life Assurance Want an AGENT for Belleville, also an AGENT for Kingston. Applications treated confidentially. pany. 18 Market St., J. O. HUTTON, Kingston, Ont STOP, WOMAN AND CONSIDER THE ALL- JMPORTANT FACT ou are confiding Jour private illstoa woman -- & Woman whose experience with {women's covers t many years. y fhe. a the Saughterin law of Lydia E Pinkham d many years under her direction, and since her decease, the ' has been advising sick women _free-< of harge. Many women suffer "in silence and drift from bad to worse, kn ing full well that they ought to have mediate assistance, but a natural mode jmpels them to shrink from expos themselves to the questions and probs examinations of even their family ph cian. It is unnecessary. Without mo or price_you can consult a woman wk knowledge fron actual experience great. Mrs. Pinkham's Standing lnvitati Women suffering from any form female weakness are invited to prom; communicate with Mrs. Pinkham, Lynn, Mass, All letters are rece: opened, read and and answered women only. A woman can freely of her private illness to a woman ; | has been established the eternal o dence between Mrs. Pinkham and women of America which has never broken. Out of the vast volume of jence which she has to draw fi Ks more than possible that she gained the very knowledge that will your case. She asks nothing in re except your good-will. and her ac has relieved thousands. Surely woman, rich or r, is very fooli she does mot take advantage of generous offer of assistance. If you are ill, don't hesitate to bottle of Lydia E. Pinkham"s Vege Compound at once, and write Pinkham, Lynn, Mass,, for special ad When a medicine has been suco in restoring to health eo many wo you cannot _well say, without tryil 'I do uot believe it will help me." | Stanfield's Unshrinkable Underwear for Women is a luxury, as well a winter necessity. It holds its shape wi unwrinkled grace -- a always fits perfect] because it is absolut unshrinkable. Stanfield's Underwe comes in 3 winter weig| --and all sizes from to 70" inch bust meas At all dealer's. ABSOLUTE ~ SECUR Genuine Carter' Little Liver k Must Bear Signature 702 See Fac-Simito Wrapper Be