Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 25 Oct 1907, p. 1

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skirts Il Suits. Surely there ortant as the present cessity of New, Under- r garments it is almost new under ones. The Underskirts is our cus- r prices are as usual the Sateen skirts 35, 1.49 and on up to 00. k Moreen skirts 3.75, 8,99, 4.99. Taffeta derskirts \Il Coats Fn Children be a great store for n's Coats. "Head- arents call us. This ns for their outfitting been greater than d in easy stages up a . oT ss for Ladies re¢ Them Back in Style We have several nite lines r fall. : Ladies' Dorothy Dodd gh Cut Patent Leather, LOU, | Ladies' Dorothy College it Patent Button, $4.50. Ladies' Vici Kid Dorothy itton, nice and dressy, dies' Fine Vici Kid Turn- Sole Dorothy Button, $4. Ladies' Empress Kid But- 1, comfqrtable kind, $3.00. styles. WY will be pleased Shoe S 0 ha SN he ly _ KINGSTON, ONTARIO. FRIDAY, OCTOBER 25, 1907. FUR LINED COATS This is the store for Fur-Lined Coats. We have so many to choose] from you're sure of finding something] to your taste. Every." Has A Thought of Furs Should See This And looking for desirable anyone Gifts ! If price were the standard of quality in FURS, we'd fill the paper with BUR prices--but it isn't. In these days of imitations and care- Jess statements, it is some satisfaction to know that McKAY FURS are ab- solutely reliable. This store has al ways: represented = the best, with a guarantee of perfection &g quality, fit, | style and workmanship. JOHN McKAY FUR HOUSE, : 149-155 Brock St. Fresh Cheese Arrivals NEUFCHATEL ROQUEFORT ORK Kreme" i TILSITER Jas, Redden & Co. Importers Of Fine Groceries. ---------------------------- Valuable Properties For Sale. RINGWOOD, magnificent grounds butldinga. ROSELAWN, beautiful residence and grounds, also other desirable at various prices. Full information SWIFT'S Real Estate and Insurance Agency, King amd Clarence streets. TAKE NOTICE. I bave the best Mne of Heaters I ever had, 1 have also an emormous stock of Furniture, that I wast to dispose of at wery low root for Heaters: 898 Miss Effie Mae Stewart, daughter of Colin C. Stewart, was united in mar- . | fOr (MALS BUSY Traffic Has Increased Rapidly on Them. PAILAOADS BUSY DOING MORE . TRADE THAN EVER BEFORE. Canadian Trade Commissioners-- As Such Will Dominion Com-| mercial Agents Abroad Be | Known in Future. Ottawa, Oct. 25.--As evidencing the general prosperity of trade and indus- try the amount of freight handled by the railway and other transpertation compdifiies in the past few weeks has been greater than at any previous period in the history of the dominion. | The extensive railway construction op- | erations at present in progress or 'pro- jected will ensure employment to many thousands of work people for some time to come, several large contracts being withheld until facilities. for car- rying out the work have been in-| creased. I'he department of railways and canals reports that during the past ten years the traffic through canals has increased much faster than that on the railways. | An Order-in-council has been passed | by which the principal Canadian com- mercial agents abroad will hereafter be known as Canadian trade commis- sioners so as to avoid the confusion which: at present arises between the regular government agents and agents of individual business houses who fre quently assume the title of Canadian | commercial agents as a means of gain- ing bysiness. The-report of the department of in- land revenues for the last fiscal year (nine months to March 31st) is issued. The revenue was $12 096,930, as com- ing twelve months. The quantity was 5,061,389 proof | spirits produced has to | gallons. All Canadian whiskey it can be sold. At the beginning of this year 17,034,420 gion of excise officers. months 303,504 as against cedifig twelve months. mand for Canadian distillery products is steadily increasing. The average quantity of tobacco taken for consumption during the past four years was 13,899,639 pounds; for the last nine months the total 12,101 678%, pounds, a substantial in- The number of cigars taken HO, as sceding crease. consumption was 154, the | against 182,178,436 im p vear. The annual consumption per head of spirits was 947 gallons, a 586 gallons, 092 gallons (no 2058 pounds, against 861; beer, against 5: increase as against 2,777 pounds. The report of the postmasier-gene ral for the fiscal period of mine months, endine March 3lst last, just issued, gives Montreal's revenue $660,217: Winnipeg, $374,020; tawa's, $125,059; Hamilton's, 711; Londan's, 869; Vancouver s, $111,975; Quebec's, $57 Halifax's, $77,691; St. John's, $78,595; Brant- ford's, $37,325; Guelph's, $29.226; Kingston's, £32,251; Peterboro's, wine, as {192 riage to Samuel J. Harkins, son of | Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Harkins, in Belle- ville, on Wednesday. Thomas Mills, Belleville, through the explosion of a hot water tank, was 172: Windsor's, $25,194; Wood 817,537; Toronto Juaction's Stratford $16,243; Sarn 821: St. Catharines', $19, Thomas', 819417; alt's, st $11.6 s badly scalded on his legs. He is|Brockville's, § 23,970; Berlin's, $20. thankful he did not get the water in| 490, Belleville's, $15,637. his face. - a a---- EE onl value boys' sweaters, 50c. | Doukhobor Pilgrims. toques, red, navy, white and black, | "port William, Ont., Oct. 25.--The 25¢c. New York Dress Reform. | advance guard of the Doukhobor pil- | grims, searching for the Messiah, have DAILY MEMORANDA. {left Ignace on the way to Fort Wil- Nowadays liam. The party consists of seven, six It's Campbell Bros'. New Hats. men and one woman. The party Roller Rink every afternoon #73 eV | amped for the night about twenty B miles east of there. The members of Wonflerland Theatre, afternoon and the party all appear to be in good evening. Young Company, 8.15 p.m. Princess Theatre--Moving Pictures and | Tllustrated Songs. : { Auction Sale of Mare, Market Square, | 11 a.m. to-morrow: % | Matinee, by Young Grand | Grand Opera House, Company, Opera House, 2.30 p.m., Saturday. a ; : This day in history --Ripg George II. Milwaukee, Wis, Dect. died, 1760 ; Battle of Balaclava, 1854 a 25 --The resignation of all - Battle of Agincourt, 1415. i here the first shape and should reach of next month. ---------- » & * ¥ ¥ ¥ ALL TO GET OUT. * x * ® ot ¥ members of the general ex- chasby fo-imorrow ;-;tiueen £ bn ets ecutive board and all Gill 1I., 10 @.m., Athletic Grounds. national officers of the mt. Telegraphers' Usion, save TELE: PHONES. one, is being deman v ae office. | the Chicago delegates, 299--Edilorial ROOMS. {% headed by Frank Likes. ' 202--J obbing Department, ' { : Legal Forms, all kindy, at Whig. ol PHA 5 CHEER The Daily Whig is always on sale at] Cheon a Aske Fouare==1 Is The Best Time. Open till late acl oveming Now . stl STUDENTS Neat Solid Nickle, with a green shade, Very easy en the eyes, and will make your work a pleasure. : No smoke. No smell Don't ruin your eyes. a ai isetpeti-- See them at Robertson Bros. | | | To select your furs while the ment is large 'and this is the store that saves you money on fine furs. See our choice Alaska sable scarfs, $7 up, muffs to match, $10 up; Russian mink muff and tie, $15; Persian lamb ties, $10 up, If not prepared to buy now we wiil place the article aside un- ten wanted. Campbell Bros., the manu- | facturing furriers. epee | Whiskey Killed Him. { Fredericton, N.B., Oct. 2 --Edward { Morgan, a well-known died { while sitting ina chair | mercial hotel. The coroner, | amination, decided that death was due to the excessive use © alcohol. De- ceased had been drinking heavily | 1ate. citizen, after ex- ei, Oysters, Oysters, Oysters. Bowards & Jenkin. * Cdk, ie cbs bo lin Great Britain, has been taken A DOCTOR'S MISHAP pared with $14,435,642 for the preced-| of | be kept in warehouse two years before] proof gallons | an in green, Dr. Clinton Kane, were in warehouse under the supervi-this city, In the nine|trying to find, out particulars of his gallons were exported, | parriage to - Mrs. Katherine McCoy 277.905 gallons in the pre-[Gylick, The foreign de- | was | as | Ot- | | Toronto, Oct. 25 at the Com-{ of | VIGOROUS ACTION Has Put the Stock Exchange on Firm Basis. : New York, Oct. 25.--The removal of abnormal and all but unprecedented conditions in the money market was the principal accomplishment, yester- day, of those bankers who are exert- ing their utmost endeavors to restore financial conditions to a sane and normal basis. A syndicate of Wall street banks, headed by J. P. Morg:n & Co., placed $20,000,000 in a lump for loan on stock exchange collateral. This action was taken at a critical time. The money was snapped . up within five minutes, but' more. was then offered and after the close of the exchange call money was offered abun- dantly at six per cent. The great dif- ficultv, left over from the preceding dav. when effective measures for trust companies relief were taken, was thus relieved. The Trust company of America got $9,000,000 worth of pounding during the day, but came up smiling at the end. Between $10,000,000 and £12,000, - 000 was paid out on Wednesday. mak- ing a total, so far, of £21.000.000, To-day is expected to sée the end of the run. WILL NOT AGREE To the Demands of the Union For Recognition. £ London, Oct. 25.--A step. which ap- parently increases the probability of a general strike of railway employees by the Great Eastern railway company. The chairman of the company has is- sued a Jlon~ explanatory statement, the kernel of which is that the com- pany absolutely refuses the union's demands for recognition. This is the | point on which the trouble turns. The | statement intimates that the other railway companies have made the same decision. | | HAS HAZY VISIONS OF HIS| BRIDE IN GREEN. | Fashionable Young Physician De-|impeached by any member Kidnapped ody. clares He Was While Intoxicated. Pittsburg, Get. 25.--Declaring {only recollection anything that {took place is a hazy vision of a wo- of Youngstown, Ohio, of is at the divorced wife of R. AM. | k, a millionaire theatrical man- lager of this city. The couple were married at Youngs- | town, October 4th, by the Rev. S. KR | Whitslar, and, to-day, Dr. Kane {sought the minister for particulars. To him he declared that he was in- |toxicated at the time of 'the wedding: {that, to the best of his knowledge and {belief, he was kidnapped, and that he {will institute proceedings for divorce His wife, he says, is in immediately. Philadelphia Dr. Kane is a young physician of this city, with a fashionable practice and lives at the Hotel Schenley. He {met Mrs. Gulick in the cafe of the | hotel two days before. She was at- {tired in green from head to foot, which costume, it is said, she wore on |the day of the weddine TO JAIL FOR CONTEMPT. | | iki | Used Union Cigar Label After In- junction Issued. | Hamilton, Oct --David Pearstein, cigar manufacturer, was taken lv by a cheriff's officer and "to jail for contempt | court on an order of Chief Justice | Mulock. The case is a peculiar 'one. | Last May the cigarmakers' union took | out an injunction to restrain Pearstein | from using the union Jabel on digars manufactured by him. Pearstein ignor- ed the court's order to the extent of placing half the union label on his cigars." The unions legal advisers through their agents in Toronto got the order for committment. Pearstein js to be locked up for twenty-four hours and he must apologize to the court and pay the | local | into custo committed sts. pS Resumed Operations. Contractor Tait yesterday afternoon resumed operations at the O'Kill street sewer. Thursday was the last day allowed by the city for resuming the work of constructing the concrete grit chamber and laying two lengths of pipe. Othe ise, the city engineer would have pro ed with the work and charged the cost against Mr. Tait's contract amount. When the grit chamber and two lengths of pipe have been completed, the rest of the. exten- gion pipe can remain until it can be { laid off the ice. BE Long Sault Development. --A proposition for |ihe development of water power at a jhe, de) ey millions of dollars, at {Mille Roche, on the St. Lawrence, was aid before the International Water- ways Commission by the St. Law- rence Power company of Canada and {the Long Sault Development com- pany, who are investing on the Ame- Irican side of the river. The Cana- dian company proposes to spend $5, {000,000, having already expended a million, and the American company ito invest $15,000,000. i ---- | Only One 'Bromo Quinine." That is Laxative Bromo Quinine Look for the signature of Ww. Grove. Use the a cold in oae day. 25e. | me | Six Months In-Prison. Ont., Oct.' 25.--Wil- this morning, ths in the Cen- | St. Catharines, liam Northrope was, lcentenced to six mon | ltral prison | ee Try Bibby's for knitted scarfs, 350, 00g B06: Toe Bla 4 iis \ DENES THE CHARGE Has Laymen With Him--Sympathy HE WILL STAY A Minister, of the Methodist Montreal, Oct, 25.- The trouble j at the Montreal Wesleyan College, caused by the dismissal of Rev. Dr. ; Workman as prof * Ghurch. had UNITARIAN TYPE. the : . uy of People on His Side, and He May Bé Offered a Montreal Pastorate. "6, created C. lessor, un- St. Were Bitten JUDGE CALLED HIM. Asked For It. ) Catharines, Ont. been sold. country with here is too much - of By a Oct. patented an apple peeler, which row yielding thotisands of dollars to his partners, while he has nothing. «The judge said he was glad the prisoner return to his senses, hat he was asking for meroy while he had shown none, having been going about another while his wife was prostrated at home. this thing going on," said the judge. "I'll con- sider what sentence I'll give you." Seven Months Ago. Northrope Showed No Mercy, But woman BOYS DEAD FROM RABIES. Dog Nearly usual interest in Methodist circles in | Wilkesbarre, Pa., Oct. 25.--Samuel Montreal. On almost evere side, es- | Burnett, aged seven years, of Malthy, pecially among the laymen, there is and John Zeemertis, of Dupont, near- the greatest sympathy for Dr. Work- | by mining settlements, are dead at man, and it would occasion little sur- | their homes from rabies, and Isaac prise if the pastorate of one of the | Burriétt, aged twelve years, a brother leading churches were offered him in | of Samuel, and George Rega, a neigh- the near future, f bor, were sent to Pasteur Roxtitute in Rev. Dr. Workman, while greatly | New York, yesterday, to be placed surprised at the ing body of the | taking | phically. As yet he has no fixed plan {for the {to continue his work ai a minister of { the ; Methodist church. When |action { him, Rev. Dr. Workman said : "My exposition of church doctrine is tion of the govern- | eslevan College, is | situation very philoso- | 1c the future, but he firmly intends regarding the | ago. geen, to-day, @ nssag of the governors di d tis and another in principle wholly in accordance with the standards of all evangelical | churches. The difference between my | statements and traditional stajements is only the difference between critical and uncritical statements jed in great agony. { under treatment for hydrophobia. The Burnett children and Rega were bitten nearly seven months ago by a Jog, but no symptoms of rabies de- veloped until a few days ago. Zeemer- boy ~ named Jose Oretto were bitten by a dog five weeks When symptoms of rabies developed Oretto was sent to the Pasteur Insti- tute, but Zeemertis refused to go and THE HEAVY SHOGKS 25.-- Walter Northrope was convicted before Judge Carman on a charge of the name of Crown Attorney McKay, Orangeville, to a chock for $10. The prisoner put in a plea for mercy on the ground that his wife was prostrat- od at home, that his mother was dy- ing, and that the house and furniture He claimed he had is to see "My expositions of doctrine. were men palate. Pham read a couple of times hefore the AM South Beuce liberals, hursday, EARTHQUAKE DID D. nominated M. R. E. Truax, for the members of the | thodist views. ianism arose from an uncritical stand- point in regard to have taken on certain matters." Principal Shaw, who has been ob- in Calabria, on Wednesday, tend to a terri experience the jecting for time past 10. Pr. [show that the damage Uh Latorm in which one of het men wes { Workman's aw; would only dikeuss more extended than at dona an + [swept overboard and never seen |the question in a weneral way {asked why the governors had arrived (© lat the decision they had. "The" weneral theologieal transition of | the the age is beginnine to aflect dian churches, and to mv mind, nroblem is how far should divercence | the h be allowed." { ter of the Montreal conference; The charge of Unitar- the views that 1 when He said: Cana- [were the |end leon "Apsolate conformity with the let. |buric standards is impossible, (and Towns Collapsed. Rome, Oct. 25.--The details yesterday, regarding the ea highest about especially C | ndmber of Killed about twenty, ! 120. The shocks severe in the southern J the Calabrian peninsula. Half ouses at Ferruzzane and Branca- {and mv evangelical orthodoxy was not AGE TO MANY TOWNS. legislature, and South Perth conser of that | vatives nominated Hon. Nelson ! " Monteith. point that I would like to j The Killed Not So Large in It is highly improbable that the {make perfectly elear is that I have Number As at First Supposed {Grand Trunk railway will secure his not in ang wav departed from Me- --Many Buildings in Various | Major's Hill park, Ottawa, for an received, rthouake but that the loss of life has not been reat. The lowest estimates place the and collapsed and many persons were «l in the ruins, and at Sinopoli St. lllarie many are said to have of ! world over to curs) most of the i and the demand for wider latitude is becoming more and more imperious Conformity with the standards can not be secured hy ecclesiastical au- thority alone but needs such a mea sure of spiritual life as vitalizes the creeds. | "J think the prevailing forces of the | it trines most effective for spiritual pur and, therefore, | | Who Holds the Chief Place in|! Porto Rico. { Regis Henri Post, the governor Porto Rico, and one of our chief insu- lar officials, was born in New York, |# etree. | | ls i from Harvard University in also studied law in New York city. | 6th, 1805. He was, sent to the as auditor to Porto Rico'in 1903, was | made secretary to the terfitorial re- gime there in executive. His home is in Porto Rico. Found With Throat Cut. Rochester, N.Y., Oct, 25.~The body of John Smart, a farmer of Wheat- lapd centre, was found by his sister in| | his lonely home yesterday, with his| throat cut. Murder is suspected with robbery as the | was fifty years old, sometime ago sold | the mineral rights of his property for| park as $73.4 miles; and of the Frenc landed | at Herbertsville, N.J., as 567.4 miles. £9 000 and is reported to have kept | money in his house. eee 1 Ons Dollar Fountain Pen. { We have Waterman's "Modgrn" foun- | {tain s from $1 up. Also the self- | |lling fountain pens (Waterman's. Mo- {dern), from $2.50 to , {drug store, een Campbell Bros' Ee lost rio, Palmi, VUAr | Kingston a } | city, anc ---------------------------------------- on January 2th, 1870, and graduated K.( 1891. He and Governor Post was married on March In New |T York legislature in 1800. He was sent taws, 1904, and later made |0.C I. boys are their lives. Gerica, Marina, and owns -------------- Rocella, Jonica. Ree Cosansen, Beracdio, Citta Nova, other also suffered from the shocks, but not severely. HER CHERRY LIPS. Pretty Customer. ives at 965 William street.' Miss Goopdenwandon does. not believe) 18 osculation. of | against the rules of health, especially when the principals are not acquaint. Zim- Joseph (i. Labello, 36 -s old, of 163 Main street, under ar- the She thinks th And that is why Detectiv C. norman | laced st, serletaay alternoon, rarge of assault, Miss Goodenwandon entered his store, fruit. the and fe says, and purchased some | She says he rushed from behind | cour ter, called her a sweet irl, kissed per, The girl © ran screaming lace A---- Methodist church are making its doe: | Storekeeper Arrested For Kissing poses, serious depar {Y. Oct. 25.--1t was only {ture from these creeds means spiritual ygulule, K-¥., DOL hy from the | cause some of their number were de decline." L lips of a son of Sunny Italy. It was tained on board by the sanitary in- | planted right on the lips of Bertha | SPectors of the port. Many of the A BRIGHT YOUNG MAN | Goodenwandon, young and pretty, who men are badly injured and some are 1 not expected to recover. at i ° on from the The fruit vendor says he meant {no harm. THE COLLEGIATE MATCH. nd Ottawa to To-Morrow. E. Carter, manager of the Kingston | Collegiate rugby team writes as fol- lows : As Kingston Collegiate Tosatitute 'we- this wesents all classes and ere -------------- Meet 1 vicinity, and the rugby team | represents the best players of the in- stitution, perhaps it is not presump- tion on mv part to ask Ringstonians lto see to it, that there will be at the '1. oame, to he held betwepn 1:15 1 2:30 o'clock, on the Queen's ath: | Jetic grounds to-morrow, & goodly | her father's ce, after umber to cheer for oa K.C1,, Soa |% which she shot he: if, wo weeks avo our boys were In t- where they were treated * death Teeulting nani. "white" by the 0.C.I. players, all of ¥ Miss Doughton was inh: iwhom are perfect gentlemen. Now the ¥ ola i here and let us all be teen gl Ke, Ae | ready to treat them right royally by ® Klinger ® years {heing liberal-minded enough to cheer . oF. {for all good plays, be they made by {either team. German Balloon Won. Washington, Oct. 25.--The footage ight motive. Smart, who! 0 "s¢ Louis of the German balloon survey compute the air lh Pommera which landed at baloon, Isle de. France, which Jatives in New York, J ne Ashu {The Pommern thus wins the atmos- . Libera race by sit-mi Out With Corns. lie Tass by sit miles. Don't trifle with Sees, don'y endiize See Bibby's $1 neck scarfs. them. No matte: t kind are Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Martin, or bv Jone you have had them, yb at Wade's | Cushendall, have returned to their home after a two weeks' ¥isit with my a murderous assault on t isl 80 Englishman, shot a [ATEST NEW + THE WORLD'S TONGS GIVEN IN THE BRIEVEST ¥OS- SIELE FORM, Alderman Geary will be a candidate for the Toronto mayoralty. Pictou, N.S., conservatives have nominated Sir Hibbert Tupper for the commons. London Stock Exchange rgmained calm and steady throughout the panic in New York, . At Port Arthur, Ont., Duncan Cam- eron was fined $100 and costs of court for assaulting C. Hendrickson. W. F. McLean, M.P., addressed a la- bor meeting at London, Thursday night, in support of Mr. Jacobs' can- didature. Dr. Gillette, former vice-president of the Mutual Life Insurance cgmpany was found guilty of perjury at New York, There is no truth in the rumor that Prince Arthur of Connaught will be present at the Champlain tercenten- ary at ebec next year. Mulai Hafig, the sultan of the south of Morocco, says he is fighting, not against foreigners, but against the sultan of the north, Abdul Aziz, who is giving his country over to them. The pope will hold a consistory in December, at which the Right Rev, Francis Bourne, archbishop of West- minster, will be raised to the cardi hotel site, despite the solicitude of Sir. Wilfrid Laurier, The Titania, of the Gloucester fish ing fleet, which put into Sydner, CR. again. At Cobourg, Chief Justice Sir Wil liam Mulock, here for the assizes, re fused to enter the Columbian hotel, until a United States flag which had hung over the door for years, had been removed, = At Brantford, Collector Donohue, of the inland revenue department, and a posse of county constables seized an illicit tobacco and cigar-making plant on the outskirts of the city. Rowdy students from Toronto were given a lesson in Hamilton. They bad been invited to visit the plant of the Cataract Power company, but so out- rageous was their behavior in the city that the invitation was cancelled. Four hundred Chinese on H.MS. Woolwich, at Santa Cruz, ma a tho crew be At Vancouver, B.C., E. P. Bowen, Hindoo in the chest, and he may die. Bowen claims two Hindoos asked him to go to their room to show him something, and once there they attempted to assault him. He pulled a revolver, and in de fence fired. He gave himsell up. HOME DESTROYED. ¢ Ramsay Farmer Lost House and Furniture. Almonte, Ont., Oct. 25. ~The resi- dence of Elijah Giles, of the Fourth Line of Ramsay, was destrayed by fire yesterday afternoon. An overheated stove caused the flue to set fire to the building, and owing to the high wind that was blowing at the time, it was impossible to save the house. Nearly all the furniture and wearing apparel was destroyed also. The building was insured only for a small sum, and the Joss will be considerable. DOUBLE - TRAGEDY. Shawokin, Pa., Oct. 25.-- Wililamm Klinger, of Locust Cap, near here, was shot dead by his lover, Miss Lucy Doughton, in front of residen: HEXRERER FEXEEEEFEREERREES ------ Nancy Hanks To Be Sold. Boston, Mass.» Oct. 25.1. M. John- son, owner of Nancy Hanks, 2.04 and Todd, 2.143, has consigned all his trotting stock to the auction sale to be held at M on Square Garden, in New Yor! lowing the National horse show. Mr. Johnson is the presi- dent of the grand circuit. Safve will take them out. boxés, 18¢., at Wade's drug store, cold. ie Matters That Interest Everybody |$ heavy frost in moraing, fai HERE ARE SPECIALS FOR SATURDAY Special Sale Ladies' Kid Gloves In small sizes only. We offer them in colors, also Black, All are damaged, some only: B slightly. Prices were Irom § $1 to $1.35, On Sale at 25¢. Ladies' Gauntlet Gloves Made of good leather, in Tans, Browns, also Black, with soft or stiff gauntlet cuffs, Every Glove in the Jot perfect. Smell sizes only, regular price was nthly Style Books Are Ready for November ? They are very attractive, and with every book we give planations of the needle work stitch, They are Free to All } Call and receive one at SeIRIIISIIIIIIUY MARRIED. LIDDLE~DBUCK.--On Oct. 24th, 1907, Joseph Liddle, Portamouth, to Martha Buck, Harrowsinith. [oo | "Soaking" The Government. Vancouwyr, B.C., Oct, 25.--Commis= sioner King, investigating the Japa: nese 'riot' claims, elicited from the see retary of the Japanese News Publish ing company that the companys chp was double what it should be. There was a charge of twenty dollars for two days' loss of job printing. The socpe yesterday said the loss win ten dollars. "Why did you put it in the sworn bill at twenty 2' was asks ed. "Charge twice," was the answer, "heeatise the government paid the bill." Mr. rebuked the witness ° ----------------

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