Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 24 Oct 1907, p. 1

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© The Daily 1 Toads ns YEAR 74. NO. 249, KINGSTON, ONTARIO. T ITS THE WHOLE Bopy b-BEVERAGE DOES THAT Mucy, ------ eople in' a thousand (and those sj ither diabetes or gouty tendenci, 0) anything but real good from the yee dbeer with their meals. Because 1 no other kind is brewed in Ontario) ody of the nermal adult,--enriches the stomach, makes kidneys ang lesh and betters nerves. Not A Mere Tonic meals and at bedtime, is not merely 5 ly gets one part of the system to work imylating its activity, while beer, rightly STRING BA == LATEST IS GOOD MONEY - == Gifford Pinchot of the United States bureau of forestry and one of the pio- using incident d 2 y a1 city council meeting on Monday even- Gi neers in the scientific work' intended i: : 3 2 ing recital of which was over ven by Cortelyou to|to preserve the fast diminishing wood Would Hang Men With looked. Alderman Nickle had heen eric Degpatches From Near And 4 ' reserves of this country, was born - at ; ¢ tics Aldé Toye, : National Banks. Sunsbury, Conn., on August oe Affiglties. height Te ites Distant Places. 8. 1865. He graduated at Yale Universi- the unsatisfactory street lighting, and ty in 1889 and aftggwards pursued the| declared that the chairman was trying to protect. himself by throwing the : ; ---- ; study 'of scientific "forestry in many) : OOP OF DANERS BURNING. WORDS EE er > . | man Nickle said that as he under $ stood the agreement, the chairmen | { | vi | | | 1 i had full power to order the lights on . and off. stem permanent good. | ; i ad | HEADED BY :MORGAN, BACK CHICAGO PREACHER AGAINST| AM. Toye then quated City Solieitor| SIBLE FORM: | THE TRUST CO. VIOLATORS OF VOWS McIntyre as saying that only the chief ---- | 3 PE . "1 of police had that authority; by reas-| pgtters That Interest Everybody lds Up Thin Folks \ is such a notable flesh-builder, and why anging the too-white blood of aenemic ng, healthy blood of the vigorous. It ry valuable to women, especially. It is xicant, nor a hurtful stimulant. Ask uldn't be good for you as an item of : ? on of the agreement made, and declar- Hits at the Divpree Evil and ed that he was not trying to throw Notes From All Over--Littls Suggests a Method of Cure--A |any of his responsibilities on the chief of Everything Great Ei ? Pure Life. of police. and Remembered. Chicago, Oct "Of all the 1 Mayor Mowat followed, and read the | The French parliament opened Wed- ble oe is of A a the base| glauses of the: agreement bearing on [pesday. their Toa ion ov . slipped the point at issue. He agreed with the | Liberals of Alberta have organized Compared with: Alia the e meanest. | oo galicitor that the chairman had for- the provincial campaign. . deren woald maketh B good Christina | NCL Jhe authority. That was clear. | Sir Thomas Shaughnessy denies that ee id ot good Christian | «with all his ingenuity," said the | the Angus shops at Montreal will be Enflsuvar, i That was the | aver, "Alderman Nickle has sot at- | closed recently figur-| gampted to show why he should throw | The king has approved of Theodo- But No Violent Crash in Prices As Yesterday--Buyers at All Tines. New York, Oct. 24.--Secrotary of the {tial sums of government money in i national . banks, yesterday and a | group of bankers, 'headed by Je. PF. | Morgan, stood behind the Trust com- : chencterizntion gd 3 ery i {pany of America, while this institu- : . of r a. --- ------ [tion stoutly, withstood the stronwest ing in the news offthe day as "aflini-| {jo blame on Alderman Tove." sius Botkin, United States consul at -- -- {run tlmt any banking house in this ty seekers voiced Rev a James T.!| <FHow can I" replied Alderman Nie | Campbellton, NB. fr ales, Fortes. and stout ; Jud, in the practise of {city has encountered since the run on & ? Marshall in the nd Preshyterian kle. laughing. ' Lawrence Gowland was sentenced at -- ygiedic tions Ontario barley {the {Union Trust company and two na- fa church, Oak Park.' : And the aldermen understood fully | Morden, Man., to be hanged for mur | tional banks in 1884, Wius He also bad ng to say ahout | what Alderman Nickle had been trying | dering Georgina Brown. - | Trading on the stock exchange was | = - - | the Prevalence of @ivorce in the Unit-| {5 do. Tt was just a political attack | Hundreds of Montrealers were very > {still fithul -and- excited, but there was | European countries, especially in Ger-| ed States, and that the only| op gn alderman who is likely to be a | heavy losers as a result of the big many and Switzerland, where the work | solution of the di evil would be! navoralte ma dn' reflect | slamp in the Wall street ket, no such violent crash in prices as. on ; : : te Binet { a: : De my cantlidate | the preceding dav, and banks which along this line is far advanced over | 10' restrict the nce of marriage! ony credit upon Alderman Nickle, who | St. Petersbury is fining Westing- | were calling loans thus had a mar- | this country. He began the first prac- | licenses. | Shouldn't stoop to ach tactics. house company $500,000 for failine to % |ket on which to place securities. It tical scientific forestry work in this | "We have been Daring a great deal | ---- i -------- complete its street railway lines in the 5 lwas a weak market, but at all times country in North Carolina in 1892, lately about J" said Rev. Mr. : » Mink Muifs, city. . STIFF PRICES ON MARKET. Prince Arthur of Connaught, it da -------- He was one of the organizers of the | Marshall, "The papers are reporting Caperi > [there were buyers for the standard : ES Stoles, |investments, stocks and' bonds: national department of forestry, and | cases of men who suddenly discover | said, will represent the kine at the ies, Coats. x | Besides the run on the Trust com- | has published a number of books on | affinities in the wives of other men | Eggs Sell at 35c., and Butter at Champlain tertentenary in. Quebeo AS [pany of America, there was a run, | his specialty. Mr. Pinchot is a bache- and put their discoveries into prac 80e. next year. * We invite your inspection. though of much less magnitude on | lor. tice. " : The price of butter oil is the! Canada has agreed to the submis: It costs nothing to look. ¥ | the Lincoln I rust company located m---------- Then, following 3 characterization | 4.iq of much conversation al the | sion of the Magdalen - Island fisheries No obligations to buy. ® lin close proximity to the suspended | PREFERENCE TO MOTHER. [of "affnities,' he @blitinucd : [opie of theme days. And there | dispute with the United States to The 5 ® | Knickerbbeker Trust company. but | "For the © who in hunger | 5 ample exense for all the talk On Hague tribunal, ------------------------ 6 in ges strikes a| {ho market this morning eggs sold at 3 s under the| as. por dozen and butter at 300 a V det ue have char pound. Last Saturday some farmers \ FOR MAYOR 2 E Ridinous leper received Me. for their butter, and re whom he | i ite hock wh flored onl njved] quite a sho en offe only Toronto, Oct. 24.-It is up AHA) An Melbourne, Oct. 24.--In the House|. , AHSAN SHAHN HASH %f Commons, yesterday, the preference ity. But for the n safety. out Division. | blow; for him + John McKay Fur House, iy or who deserts his i company weathered the storm in | Australia Adopts Proposals With- | steals; for him - WK MM inroposals, regarding Britam, - were ak aid F Red y 149-155 Brock St. » |& WILL CARRY T M. HELE ed without a division. } Sworn lernal lovy secks to cov-lag. Dr. Beattie m gi ty it- orm values. i» & y » | | Discussing - the proposals Premier er up is nasti such adulter-| phat man had the nerve to offer now said that . KINGSTON, ® | 8 New York, Oct. 24.-- ¥ Deakin said the recent imperial con- ous sentimentali us keep noth-| only 30c.," one lady was heard to Nesbitt, in the event of rth of Suits ] Ov I ia eS Ses. SE » Secretary of the Treasury ¥ Horence made it clear that 'no recipro- ing but' vials triolic wrath, I! romark. losing his government job, 'ercoats have been FEIT FvIv oer vevvvvyvrae Cortelyou decided, last Mi ity was possible, at present, with the would hang every of these foil ws. | Phere has boon such an increase in which event he is said to night, to deposit $2,500,- Mi other country. The present pro-| They are the ther than of fear, plans to sweep the other conserva tive candidates out of the wv and order and uid be lashed 10 hoarding house keepers have raised the uttcef limit the law. I i8 10 (he price of board, and it looks as i ve hoped that our judges will realize] (ho advance will he a general one, their privileges. 000 of government money | ,osals, therefore, offered the gift of a | in the national banks of | reference as a tentative one, to be New York. It was also de- | oxtended and adapted according to cided, late last night, that BE cxperience so as to render it more ef- wreath has lived up to its reputation. ve carried it with them--and have ty field and return trium tly to public life magistrate of . * » » » Ww » » » » if the present state of afiairs does not | *® » * w ¥ WE * 4 ies of decen-| ghe cost of living that some of the = view 'with feelings © w W ¥ Ww Q 5 0 0 7 S $ importance. the bankers would carry the | foctive. Rev. Mr. Marshall's sermon was on|iake a change for the better. 3 trust companies through %| The premier strongly urged the gift he seventh commandment. From a k for, and a mighty good thing to find. Fresh shipment just arrived of |W the present crisis. B|of a preference as a means of divert. | diseussion of the eglamandment heled| TETTERS TO THE EDITOR. Ming trade from foreign to British up thus to the @k, of divorce : ' Oka Cheese ARSE estation © t- AEIISIIEEIESISIRISIIRIIRICIIK | goodr, and as a manifestation of a i everything that tends to degrade fa- Tilsiter Cheese | tachment to the mother country. * hail i oY NE . acted 8 The Ealtag ATiity of a LE La : - ---------------------- is Questioned. Miss Addie Dougherty, an actress, s find it in the inside pocket of rerything | d Canada Cream Cheese Fear Of The Big Stick. mily life. The lowering of our moral Kingston. Oct 24-={(To ths Editor) songs is Ovi ba wrlyi ale ¥ n, . M.--(Tc iditor): | pve i ) Primrose Cream Cheese } lb. Boston, Mass., Oct. 24.--Major Henry SOLD TO THE INDIANS. Seuss is evident from the way in which | In vs rc ¥ notion? & lett sovetely burned in a Obicago Pri L. Higginson, a leading banker of this | 1 our divorces. We have the 3 N oo theatre by hot grease paint while she $15 up. lmross feats Chaese, Ibs, city re regarding the financial con- | Bishop Requests Government to worst record of any nation upon the |from "Housekeeper" telling how the | ywas "making up." S 214 Imperial Cream Cheese i " 2 He Sr earth. In twenty years we in the Un-|POOT suffer from the increased cost of | Phe surplus of the post office for the (Small, medium and large). "The 'financial conditions are due to 5 lores ws . |ited States divorced 328,000 couples, bread. 1 agree thoroughly with her on | ine months ending on March 3st, | "Toronto, Oct. 24.--Right Rev. G.| {hus affecting the destinies of 656 000 | that point, but think her illustration | wag $1,082,301. Toronto furnished the 4 woo of 0 at J i O82, ah Tes ther beautiful of i8 a little overdrawn. According 10 | jargest revenue of any city in Can 1 f the large operators her statement a mother and five] ada thods of some of the large operalors| i... with the complaint that an| (00 couples yearly. In ten years Chj- | children, of whom one is an infant of | While attempting to tross the rail- g "| two months, have to now use eight] road track, at Douglas, Hl, Sunday -- and the fear endengered by the big}. : ole of} ren s + 3. 38 increasing sale ol intoxicants, to- | ' 9 W g Jas, Redden & Co. stick" policy of the administration. It fer ng a distibution: of tices Shey has divorced 10 couples. Now wo monthe, have to nou ee he ane) and track, ob Toumlas, § Au ; J I i is hard to say what the effect will be. containing alcohol, is 'going 'on among ge Stance next \o' COW Cites With (feav ing out the infant this would } y mig % AR rack 1 > a tral d sagorters Of Fim Groceries. [ have not heard of a Boston bank iy, ojihway and Cree Indians, and the 323] eed f [two pounds of bread each. Even # the Killed oi, 'ua i 8 1H on -- - : e ; og . 3 WM ¥ is By "We need more uniformity in our J . illed. that is expecting the slightest trou-|p in his dioces be Readat € y ou . fie ble We aio right in the midst now | ¥ timos in his ' ce e, the headq a state laws. We need an effort to limit family ay nothing else than bread | Officers of the Asiatic Exclusion . ters of which are at Chapleau, on the| he number of marriage licenses is=u they would bardly require that much. | League, Vancouver, B.C., have writ- Valuable Properties For Sale : tha ie of a panic worst n the panic of |p pr and extend as far north as| oh "| Surely they must be terrific eaters if enri Bourassa, M.P,, askin led. Do we not begin our reformation 3 ten to Henri rasasa, y Ig they consume ten pounds of bread, [him to join them as eastern leader of terials, in all the very a combination of causes. Chief among | . Nia , q them is the publicity given the we. | Holmes, Pishop of Moosonee, : SAlled married persons and thousands ) | upon Hon. Mr. Hanna, provincial se-| children. This is on an average af 16,- LSIIGNOOD, maguiosmt grounds igus, so far es MWe stock market is | y ay J E N K I N S EARN i pd It has fosted longer. 1 look the Arctic circle. The. provincial se. at the wrong end of the line ? Should : : : 3 2 ROSBLA Ne ivutit usigeucs Sm * affect industrial Res ditions {cretary promised to see what could | one who is sure to transmit disease, besides porridge, milk and meat. Such {the exclusionists. ston, Ontario. Feaidincos, at various prices. Full It may not eo to the extremes of be done towards regulating the sale of | or one who is mentally deficient, or eating is not conducive to the best of| The experimental farm at Fort Vor All Tovely to look upon. -- information _ at SWIFT'S Real hard Times, but I Jook Sto see busi. | these liquors among the semi-civilized one who is sure to remain a pauper or alth --~READER, million, on the Peace river, reports Come and see ti - pm-- - A Agency, Cor, arc Sg ast 00 $ 7 . 3 peoples of the Northern Ontario wilds. | habitual 'drunkard be allowed to con: | excellent specimens of pumpkins, es larence streets. ness dull an imes slack. ere 8 | . . ¢ i ' ER ------ [not enough money to carry on busi- | tract such a relationship as marriage | ENGINEERS COMING squash, citron and cucumbers ard STEACY'S RAG ness in the country at the rate it is $25,000 FOR NEGLECT. implies ? 6 grains grown 450 miles north of Ed- HN VS p o | < { > ENS FAKE BOTIOH. progressing to-day. The amount of : "On the other hand, a great enemy To Give Information un the (maton. h h ten th tT also a ve money and the amount of business Heavy Damages For Being Ad-|of pure life is found in the increasing Water Power Questiofi. | Lady Set gna a ea e 3 . f Eo | que on . ¢ o 0 Queer | ---------------- 4 ARIES Furniture, that I want to dispose of at must be equalized, no matter how | New ¥ judged Insane, . tendency on. the part of those. eligible | is motuing, Alderman Toye, chair- | Bo td one-tenth of the amount ; y Hom low ions, wa J Sent H T°%t oF | 1 ainful the process, if we want the| New York, Oct. 24.--The jury in the | to remain single and to live in clubs of the light, heat and power commit- | ih : NE] a DIED. UHH V i 898 Pri Juris, Besond: Store, | {1 ncial a straightened out." |case of Mrs. Ellen E. Kenvon-Warner, | or boarding houses, rather than in| tee, received word that the engineers of | 1 - Apalied Jor he hanes elit aor ut ow he a aft construction of the ED ---- who sued Dr. Flavius Packer and Dr. homes. Our stores and offices. are be-| the Hydro-Electric commission of t °| to % one nt P. B . Rector of Kemptviile, sol i idney r o reme | ing i « 'helors rove . init King] VS. TL BATS Baal . p ¢ steel range insures Conductor Adelard Mahien, of the | Sidney B. Wilgus in the supreme | mg filled with_th aiid of bachelors | Ontario government would visit Kiog- | Ontario hrewers, distillers, and ho- Styuna years a Prigas of Aw. Sati THROWN DOWN STAIRS {court at New City, Rockland county, | and maidens. The inordinate gxpenses | ston during the first week in Novem. aria hen in Toronto. have | Intermant #8 Rewptrille, Oct: ith on, om Oct. Fh, gst: © i Canadian Northern railway, was sen- Ki fred John Raven, og £50,000 res because ww ad- iving, the vexati y ser | bei i i i : Rt 3 \ { for 850,000 damages because they ad-| of living, the vexations of the ser-| ber to give all information as to the decided unanimously to raise the price | RAVEN, ~1a vant problem, keep persons from mar-| cost of bringing water power for elec of v. and to fight local option. The a a perfect regularity of heat-- ev: 3 tenced to one month in jail for being | §a , ii GREAT IDEA is fitted drunk while in charge of a freight | In Ferment Over Reinstatement of | judged her insane and caused her 1 0 ! " wit an oven thermometer train | Detective. | commitment to the Middletown Insane | rving. Yet there can be no happiness | trical purposes to this city. At the best way to do the latter, they con. fty-poven years. that will prove this. The tem- . | Winnipeg, Oct. 21.--Detective Smith { Asylum, rendered a verdict for the | like that described as four feet asa city council 'meoting two weeks ago, sider, is for each of them to keop the Fungral from hia Jute resldepes; 2 perature is always in DAILY MEMORANDA. | at liberty on $20,000 bail for hoot. | Plaintiff for $25.00) They were ound | fender." Nor can morals be kept as | the commission was asked to take up laws at present in force. to Untaraqui Cemetery. Friends and exact . a 8 | king their © 9 od | control. Nowadays ling to death a suspected thief fleeing negligent in making their examina-| pure as in the married state. | the matter as it concerned Kingston. ---------- acquaintances respectfully invited to | ing $ : tion. In response, it is sending ite engineers WHO WON THE RACE? attend REID. --At Gienburnie, Oct 23rd, 1907, | from arrest, was restored to his of-| People are buyin, ficial position by the chief of police: | vd » Their Furs at Campbell Bros'. DELMAR BEAT SWEET MARIE. here. and they will first confer with ---- { Sadie, daughter of James George, © The baffle plates fitted to all -- { J. M. Campbell and the eivic light| The War Department Will Give Sunbury, sod wife of Wiliam Rest oven bottoms in the GREAT S. S. Normal Class, Y.M.C.A,, 8 p.m.| | : : ia Maa Etre + BP 3 at once made two arrests. The Be Master Of Pain. . \ end the quarter-inch pa Rink every afternoon and even- papers editorially denounce the chief's| Any pain, little 'or big, exhausts vi- Crack Trotters Meet in Match at committee. Dec.sion. Townsidp of Kiogstons, aged thirty air space Wonderland Theatre, afternoon and] action as high-handed, and call on the | tality. It causes both suffering and Poughkeepsie. > th OF John Ta ih New York, Oct. 20.--The ~reat in al om har VANE youlden Vedaye tween the cast evening. : police commission for immediate ac- | germanent injury. = Cure aches and| Poughkeepsie, N.Y., Oct. 23.--Major eath ohn Raven. ternational balloon race for the Ben- at 3 p.m. Friendy and acqiindntances iron oven top Young Company, Grand Opera House, | tion. The whole city is in a ferment | pains promptly. anytime by - using | Delmar defeated Sweet Marie in al Alired John Raven, 333 Montreal nett cup, ended yesterday. with the Saspectiuliy invited au ke = and the steel 815. pn. . . . over the incident. So bitter are the | gy ith's White Liniment. match race here for a purse of $2,500, street, passed peacefully away o at the|co von the Pommern and the French ov x Orphan's Home Jubilee Anniversary, 4 lice that an officer threw the assist-| Jt finds the deepest ache and cures| winning two out of three heats. The Hotel Dieu, this morning, after aij. of France cars so equally divided TT eh top he Pit Friday. : : ant editor of the Free Press down a lit. Best remedy for Neuralgia or|race was the three fastest heats ever| long iliness. The deceased, who was | 0 to honors that it will be necessary The 4.8810, sures an even distribution of heat. Illustrated ThentisMoving Pictures and ph of stairs at a fire, though he | Rheumatism, or for any inflammation | trotted on the track ih a mace. Major | sixty. years old, was well known inthe i) await a decision from the war de- Phone §77, 337 Princess St The flues throughoui-- even the flues AL. Tie Bijou Theatro--A thrilling | knew the man and his duty. | or congestion. You should never be! Delmar drew the pole and had a city and vicinity. He was formerly partment, at Washington, to tell ---- under the oven--are protected with drama--*The Factory Girl," also "Bill tt | without it. 2c. at Wade's Drug|length's advantage at the quarter. night clerk at the Randolph Hotel, \ypich wins. Oscar ¥rbsloch and three thick ed wil Squires," the Australan heavy-weight Legacy For Orphan Girls. | Store. The Major lod all the way led by | and was a bookkeeper and getount- Henry H. Clayton, skippers of the Train Crew Suspended. esses, ons 8} asbestos champion treiniug for a feht. Philadelphia, Oct. 24.--It is announe- | a neck. | ant for many leading houses lore his | Pomymern, landed their craft at mine | qs Ot. 34.--The Grand Trunk 1 A Rich Yarn. fn the second heat Delmar broke on| health demanded that he give up office o'clock, yesterday morning hall 8 |) 00) superintendent has suspended thio and two of steel, thus preventing This day in history :--Queen Victoria, a AML rom' 81 1 that the will of Robert N. Carson, escape of heat from 'the range body. qf ed that the ; Florid : ; of Svan bom, 1007 Aer died, | who died last week, provides for a Dublin, Oct. M.--There is much in-| the word and lost ten lengths. He was work. 5 mile south of Asbury Park, N.J. The entire crew of the Cobalt express for 490: r fast, however, when he caught, and| The lite Mr. Raven was an Anglican Isle of France, with A. Lablane and neglecting to obey their running of 85,000 institution for orphan girls, pat-| gignation throughout the north of Ire- | | . : 3 o We ; : ; | was a little more than a length back in religion and a liberal in polities. AE. W. Mix at the valves swooped dots. It that they were gives The Guelph Stove Co., Limited Branches at Mootreal, Winnipex ax ----rk terned af Girard College. The will 3 eme k yortion of x { terned. after (nrarc ollege. land: at a statement that a portion o 3 4 t . inka ad Caliuey WHIG TELEPHONES. provides that the institution shall not | the world famed Giant's Causeway is | at the half. Sweet Ma led by two wife and four children are left to down finally at Huberiaville; Doses inetrictions 'to cross, the down train f \ 243-- Business Office. be controlled hy any religious denomi- | ahout to be removed to 'America. The | lengths at the upper turn, and main- | mourn Nis loss. For several years Mr. county. N.J., four hours later. It was ot Hunteville, of. the 229-- Editorial Rooms. y ; Ifirst consignment weighing two hun- | tained the distance to the finish. | Raven was engaged as clerk in Hen- [said at the Aero Club, last nivht, fact that they al ki 3 10 t the \ derson's grocery, and was well known |that. each had covered approximatel- Sther train any time after Ymseing 292-"Jobbing Department. | nation. it is stated, will be shipped | McDonald stole the pole for the third | dred tons, . + T re throughout the city. He came to King- [between 530 and 890 miles. The re Hantaville, they ran ) miles. 4 These wonderful | heat on the turn, and was two lengths : A Legal Forms, all kinds, at Whig. 1 ------------ n : ticular People. to Philadelphia ! Partd ® though: in private [in the lead at the quarter, | ston from Brockville, where he was cord flight is 1,193 miles. and by to a gravel pit, before they could: he & {mT one Daily Whig ls ea So hi Persian |b tic columr ae ! | [RM Gihgom's Di tore, Ar Square-- >, ae their 'new Persian | basaltic co Is, ! i ! | e X . Ss ' a Open Hil Tats each evening. lL Pr have! here because our {ownership, are regarded. as a national | moved up a little on the back stretel | engaged in business. Count De La Vaulx jn 1900, stopped. 3 these two 'trains had. mel ole Agents For Kingston. SE ------------ Io r rience in the manufacture of | possession. and was only a length back at the | ---------------------- . 1he result would have meant death to | long expel half. Af the three-quarters the horses Illustrated Lecture. The number of trade disputes in ex- many. . of New|istence during September was one 2 sased cus-! these and our hundreds of Pleoacr 0 «Three Swallows." oe on even terms, but entering" the | Travel in the Hinterland by J. Mackintosh Bell, M.A. than in the previous month, and there R.G.S., in Convocation | was a decrease of approximately 37, a i= an absolute guarantee of en- | | y SO dation. it will pay you to! Sir John Power & Sons, stretch the mare broke, and Dele ar | Zealand, I OHR S RE Realy tices. Campbell Bros., the | "Three Swallows" Trish Whiskey, won easily by two lengths. times-- '90, Ph, D., F. , i ; : : , the of TA : ge P i | Famous for over a century, 2.074, 2.06, 2.00}. : {| Hall, on Friday evening, at 8 p.m. 060 in the number of working days CORE Th A ry rdettul Medicine bver dif, : [Tickets 28c. Under the auspices of | lost. id. 1 manufacturers of reliable furs. Do you feel the cold wind ? ' Cha- is astounding the medical ---------------------------- ------------ {Of highest standard of purity, : 250, 1 gp, hid 3 oue month i The National : h i sti is Majesty the King. ; Don't Wait. {the Ladies' Residence Association. h ! in Tasane Asylu mended Vuis Remedy for ee WE HAVE THE STUDY Twenty Years For Greeuhill, } | Pintilfere oo lon Until you catch cold before you buy | em ; mois vests keep out the wind and of the male Inmate aes Sas. js» E " Sherbrooke, Que., Oct. .- In the Jail Unsanitarxy, {your furs, Buy them now and buy| Specialists are gong back to na-|keep you snug and warm. So at in its most terrible form. lu nas Yun LAMP Y ou WANT. king's bench, George Albert Green- Woodstock, Ont., Oct. 24. Turnkey | them here, where good furs cost leas: | ture's remedies as being the best. Gibson's Red Cross drug store. n : ; : : Dr. Bruce | and everything guaranteed, at Camp-| Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea has Industrial actidents, occurring to | been Dafure's best remedy for thirty | 340 individual work people, in Cana- | years. Recommended und used by | da. during the month of September. Mary Edith, three-year-old daughter | specialists. 35c.. Tea or Tablets. Ma- | 1907, were reported to the department . . 1 Jug Store. of labor. Of these sinety-six were fatal $ all governments | hi ite f attempting to 4 8: he and is mow . hill, found guilty ol ping | 0d - aed. orp Lg Stoss Sanding & ea of both Frintg Neat Solid Nickle, with a murder Lilly Linn, at Melbourne, on | James Fotbes hae peaignied i he | bell B the store of quality that frend » green shade Very easy en July 3rd Iast, was seat anced fo twen- | Smith, inepe ctor of prisons, said the bell luros., 110 8 07 9 ¥ a few trea . . July drd 'ast, i Fie i: , . rale viring the turnkey to gleep in| y Ay" eatment. The skin the eyes, and will make your ty years in the penitentiary. the aga be enforced. The county | bright. C nce returns, st bowels i . Headaches Te weak me work a pleasure. $ v1 {council decided to fix up a roo Jf H. J. Motuger, died, Tuesdny, at |hood's I SSX were mo. the mind becomes bright and active, A Food Stomach troubles, Heart and Kid- couneil, decid oo Sy ot wall ima, Ohio, of burns received when | dt is estimated that in Montreal, | and 244 resulted in serious injuries. how chronic the case. fal Sen us today pt mm No smoke. No smell: ney ailments, can be quickly corrected jw 8 en r : Rather than endanger his | she ran into a bonfire of dead leaves, | alone, an additional expenditure of | Have Chinese lilies in bloom for LET Plainly written and a days treatment Don't ruin your eyes. with a prescription known to druggists) Ant A turnkey resigned. | I's Shah of Persia has dismissed | over $100,000 would be entailed by| Xmas by planting your bulbs now. Ey at hesitate a TREE ain soled packs ---------------------- | everywhere as De. Skoop's Restora-| 5 a---- | his cabinet, creating a crisis which | the advance in hread, milk and fuel | 100: eneh at Chown's. With sccecas and with honest confidence. ™ tive. The prompt and 1 Ep Mrs. Ada Girard was taken to a| may call for the joint interference of | during the fomifig_ winter. 1» Jt ja=n that the government 1 Ses them at lief which this remecy gM | frariom. N.Y.. hospital, suffering from | 6 eat Britain and Russia. "Made jn-Canada™ programines, (0c., should into the Ontario hrewers' | - P.O. DRAWER L, "2341, brings is entirely due to iis BEB: § or I : hid Save from thirty to forty per cent. leach, two for 25%. Also Quatation | combine. » : MONTREAL. J ? bertson Bros. tive - action upon the controlling} poisoning hy stryehnine, whit ht lug going to D. EF. Fraser's wall paper] Calendars, 25c. Oily a few of each] Ganong's, Stewari's and Lowney'sj: 0 a rp of the Stomach, etc. Sold by | alleged » w had taken to [rig | sak ai this mouth; a gel Wade's drug store, oA box chocolates, Edwards & Jonkin, --e--

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