sf gzidt street, near William street, ijou theatre, It is Chown, Bay football team succeeded in putting it over the Wa- . Chown': tore. css Chon he rentinrs are AY, OCTOBER 23, .1907. | 3) WM | ERT] | | UH IT LANDED AT CALEDONIA ON TUESDAY. mand of "B" battery, | pads the Best Record or Any Te Balloon Yet Sent Up---There © Grant, Verona; returned Pp from : Winnipeg after visiting| Were No Incidents or i e a dents, Says Major Hersey. ilton; Ont., at 6.15 p.m., last night. » Montreal, | "The distance from: St. Louis to Ha. at the: British. milton, on an air line, is approxi- x Se ately a ios Thaetore the Unit George Princess street y tg travel about 610 miles, + k ha ia eh is far ahead of the record made cighty-two years, thinks he is the old- in the European races by Lieut. Lahm of the hat store, and seventy-five feet from the main entrance, is the fur show room. Por manent wall cases give a good effect ok id nailities for dis- ol "Well" allows a view of the wholesale department and Their fur factory is on the second floor, above the hat store. Particular tention has been given the t - beneath: 'From: hunter and Rion, Hawes, Woodrow, Piceadil- s ina. They also , | exceptionally large assortment " large and spacious show sable setts at $300, Hudson Bay In the division court case of the|®able setts at $235 Chinchilla and Oil com, » of Toronto, Riliott Bros. for & plain Ermine setts at $100, and fine Cana- Th wall cases on ie side wore fill- : of and black cloth coats lined with kets ae. | muskrat. What they call their "famous special," is made of black broadcloth, with collar and revers of 'Alaska sa- ble, and lined with muskrat. They also make a specialty of fine Persian lambooats at $150. was a great showing of Alaska Sable scarfs 'and muffs, pret- tily arranged in the centre of the show room, going to show that this izing firm do an enormous busi. ness in this line. Scarfs from 88 to $35, and muffs from $10 to $15 were shown in great variety, ¢ > The Whig man' was' particulasly: in J terested in the coon coat display. n such a delapitated condi- Dozens of these popular fur coats for so long, arc undergoing ex- of Cod Liver 0il," Red Cross oh > is sold at Gibson's Red Cross|of all kinds. i-| "Rill" Squires, the Australian heavy ight champion, boxes th with hig ty minutes at the a wonderfully impressive sight. Hudnut's perfumes, cold cream and waters at Chown's drag store. The old blocks from the walk along the market square were around among a number of citizens, to- are so rotten that they practically useless for fire "Rrick's Tasteless" is sold at Gib- son's Red Cross drug store, 2 sizes, men were all made up readv to wear. These are shown in their show room is not altogether dependent on the city trade, for their furs have the reputation of being the standard of They are distributing their handsome and anyone desirine a copy can have one for the asking, Apart from the music supplied by many into the store. Everybody was pleased with the new and. commo- dious buildin~ and seemod interested in the furs. Any Kingstonians who have yet to see this modern store of 8 " in tion Hall, Sublect of George Mills & Co., should now ta "Appreciation of Music." |The Daisy advantage of the opportunit-- given, firm does not expect that every- one will buy, but invites you to come and see what is known far and near as "Kingston's Famous Fur Store." Married This Morning. A very pretty wedding was solem- nized this morning, in St. Mary's cathedral, when Miss Lena Garrigan a Thomas 8 Walsh re vin} bak in the s of matrimony. young bate. who looked very well in a white silk dress with picture hat to match, was given away by her broth. er James. Hor sister, Miss Nellie, who was bridesmaid, wore a white silk £ j| dress with satin trimmings. E. Geary groomsman. After the ceremony, the, kaprY couple procended to Droakiash mar nartehon of Their oan k he ved, join. in wishing them a i through life. up residence at No. 32 Duf- t z 5f : £ I A Alaska Sable. | This durable and popular fur is shown in all the mew styles in both nook pieces and muffs, We call par. ticular attention. to our 'handsomie Liquid court tor, for cuts and scratches, pln 8. Fry's chocolate covered almonds, in Ib. boxes, at' Gibson's Red Cross store. » "bull st Kirkpatrick's Art Store and Where a paramount--Chown's month with her sister, Mrs, Smith, | nine balloons that started frem St. ; ham street. at lich of the store and facto: both." secticity ang gos being vr Hundreds electric' lamps in their windows and entrance and throughout the store make night ag light as day. A large illuminated sign Bas been Placed over the entrance|y showing their trade-mark in the centre. This, exceptionally attractive one; » »" J 3 direct to 'you, "Kingston's Famous Store," "Furs and . Hats," A word now as to the goods. Thei bat department is filled with aotny styles of the very latest shapes, and Sune from the best makers, such as Bre. and show over g hundred pat- rooms, which are not surpassed In Ontario, contain a very rich stock of Cross | Migh-class and well made furs. Russian dian mink setts at $10 up to $200 Selpea to make up the magnificent djs ed exclusively with ladies' fur and fur- lined garments. Special mation might their exceptionally large ladies' fine Persian lamb jac- ¥) i daughter of - Mr. and Mrs. George the second floor, with sleigh robes Eade, of Brooklyn, N.¥., to George [of court, People 'wonder 'how Kingston oan Fenwick Fenwick, M.D., son of the A motion in Osgoode Hall to quash support such a large and modern es. [late George Fenwick, and of Mrs. tablishment, but this well-known firm | Fenwick, = University avenue, took Place in Grant hall, Brooklyn, on |ORtion by-law, was dismissed. It was quality throughout the dominion. [and American Beauty roses, the two new catalogues to their manv patrons (ago, and Miss Dorothy Gwynne, - of Orange, N.J,, carrying baskets of th Millan & Hopkirk's orchestra, last |Piguante picture, in her wedding gown [large crowd cheerine him on his way. ine, "Teddy "wo of white chiffon cloth, lace trimmed, evenine. the Teddv Bears" attracted her bouquet being of white roses and pphire ring, i irel and face badly cut by the Jexplosion pe Tug: sey Ina side of of pop bottles he was attempting to The matron of honor, Mrs. George | Pen. He is in the hospital in a pre- ", Mahood, wore a lovely robe of spang- carious condition. 3 led lace, the bridesmaid, the bride's The C.P.R. milwag Spiny will sister, Miss Daisy Eade, bei in [enforce a vigorous police of retrench- Ji white silk olin sparkling 0 tL ment in expenses at the big Angus ZL" groom's gift, a pearl pendant, and ral thousand men are employed. New who crossed the ocean for the occa. | Quebec, and was married four times. sion, aud thé ushers were Arthur Eade | Her, remains will be taken to Brock- 'was shown by the presents | had was born here in 1825. | whose balloon won: the international Henry Woodman, of Toronto, was a| SP by sailing from Paris to a point isi i " a in hd, 402 miles distant. Miss Lyla i returned to New Without Incident. York, to-day, after spending .the past Hamilton, Ont., Oct. 23.--One of the R Louis, in the international balloon Dean; Farthing, R.\V. Rogers and E.| race, a couple of days ago, landed, J. B. Pense went, to-day, to Toron- last night at Caledonia. As far as the to, to attend the mission board of | known facts it was the first of the the Anglican church. balloons to land, but before doing so G. K. Martin retdrned to the city, | it had covered about ®0 miles and yesterday, after spending the- sumer | had broken the world's record. in charge of the news department of| The balloon was commanded hy the Northern Navigation company. |Major Hersey, of the United States John McKnight, aged iy-two | weather bureau, Washington, and was years, died suddenly, in Detroit, onfknown as the United States. With Sunday. He was born in Kingston, | Major Hersey was Mr. Atherholt. The but went west twenty-five years ago. | landing was made without accident on Next Sunday morning, St. Mark's|the farm of Thomas Berry, and after church, Barriefield, will have as|secing that their balloon was safely preacher, Right Rev. Dr. C. L. Wor quartered, Major Hersey and: his com- rel, bishop of Nova Scotia, its form: | panjon drove to Caledonia where they oor a Arthur McParland: has resigned his| Major Hersey, when spoken to over position in the car accountant's of-| the long distance telephone, this morn. fice, of the C.P.R., at Montreal, and ing, said the voyage had been accom- will probably go on the road for a | plished without accidént or incident. ontreal firm. Their balloon was not damaged in the Mes. F. C. Miller, who, for the past | slightest. They had not encountered twp months has been visiting her|any storms, and had seen very little mother, Mrs. James Lee, Johnsen of the other contestants, Strget, who has Besu ill, returned to er home, in treal, to-day. Landing Of Balloons. The condition of Myles Burns, Bar- Ashbury Park, N.J., Oet. 23. --The rigfield, was re] as being much 3 better to-day. 'A. ob for the ue Gutman balloon Pomeron has landed nlp dy fi oh and his friends | "Detroit, Oct. 23.--A balloon is re T. 8. Wells, relieving dispatcher for| 207ied anchored, this morning, at the. Kingston and Brok iivay Anchorville, in Lake St. Clair, forty arvived in Shah Rom in AY. | miles above Detroit. Godfrey, to Ee irs Zanezville, Ohio, Oct. 23.--The Am. Clark, who is taking his vacation. a allooty Ariorica, Tasted over av Alexapder Semphell, - Tetined Dover, Del, Oct. 23.--The German Palmerston a RE is seri.| Palloan Abercorn landed near here this venue, . 4 ously ill. He: formerly was a member | ROPING. of the Montreal Methodist conference Baltimore, Ma, et. 25 The bal- and is well known in this city. loon St. Louis lan near Westmin- Henry - Mooney, advance agent for|®ter, this moming. the Ernest Marks' Dramatic compavy, is ite city, making arrangements PITH OF THE NEWS. or the appearance of the company in Se---- Kingston on Monday, Tuesday aond| The Very Latest Culled From Al Wednesday evening next week. Over The World. Ernest Beaufort, dramatic editor of| Detective Greer has left for the Uni- the Ninhiveg Free Press, and man-|(ed States, to-day, on the trail of the ager of Miss Edna Sutherland's trans- | men, believed to have robbed the post Totol Rendon" i The at the office at' Brussels, Ont., on Sunday , making arrangements | |,st. for, she appearance of this well-known at Marion, Ohio, one passenger was dramatic reciter in the city, under the | killed and a dozen others were Jin aus, of a local society. jured in a head-on collision of a pass- e death _ occurred, on Tuesday | enger train and a freight train on the evening, ul Miss Jang 3 ith, ho her Bre raflway. i > : residence, Gore street. » decenas- e Hamburg liner Borussa, foun- ed, in her forty-second year, had been |dered in the harbor at Lisbon, Tues. a acaiiem mi fx mary a han: day | Wight, while 'cong, vi » S| n O88, Sse rs esca) ua remains will be taken there for buri- three sailors are, prot drowned. al. A brother and sister of the de-| A¢ North Bay, Ont., John Bell aged Underskirt To wear with new Fall Suits. Surely there is no other time so important as the present for considering 'the necessity of New Undei- With new outer garments it is almost compulsory to wear new under ones. The quality of these New Underskirts is our cus- tomary good grade. Our prices. are as usual the Black Sateen Underskirts 59¢, 5c, 99¢, $1.25, 1.35, 1.49 and on up to 3.00. Black Silk Moreen Underskirts 3 special values at $3.75, 3.99, 4.99. Black Taffeta Silk Underskirts Our special at $4.75. % ceased reside in Chicago, and are ex-| fourteen years, employed in the C.P.R. pected: in the city to-day. station, while playing on top of a ------------* box car, fell and was instantly killed. MARRIED AT BROOKLYN. The wheels cut his body in two. * In Quebéc, Oliver Asselin was ad- An Interesting Event to Many |mitted to bail, this morning, as he Kingstonians. had i fareed jlo Pies Juuke Hey iage H E, twenty-four hours in jail, he ha nm The warriage of Wiss Pear] Eads, sufficiently punished for his contempt a resolution of Hensall council not to oppose an action to upset the local wesday evening, October 15th. The [declared business had failed because ™ A sof the law's enforcement. hall was decked with palms and ferns "Jimmy" Reynolds reached Courtice : i Eade, *hi- |on his return trip at 10:52 a.m., and Bower gitls, Mise Ati pol Ohi arrived at Bowmanville, at 12:08 o'clock. He stopped at the Bennett ese queens among the flowers. house for a few minutes. He was The bride herself made a very pretty | Walking briskly, accompanied by a At Stratford, George Cheovigton, of the Grand Trunk cailway news depart- lilics of the valley and her ornament | ment, had one of his eyes shattered spangles. The latter wore the [shop of the company, at which seve Pretty Fall Coats --FOR-- Girls and Children Yes, this has come to be a great store for Children's Coats. "Head- quarters" as many parents call us. This "Season our preparations for their outfitting proper style has been greater than Misses' and $2.50, 3.50, 4.75, and in easy stages up - work will be stopped and a consider a] Bi ie "mother, {able force of men will be laid off. wore black silk colienne, with white | Mrs. Lucinda Berrishaw died, Wed- ide' ther, 3 grey silk [eW. in Hamilton. Had she lived un- Wilds " Min Nas in bie 8 in til the last day of the year she would white embroidered net. The best man | have been 100 years old. Mrs. Ber wae Willian Ende, of London, Eng., rishaw was born in the province of and George Parkinson, of Brooklyn. | ville for interment. Dr. and Mre. Fenwick have gone to ne Bermuda on their wedding trip, and on their return will live in Toronto, Out With Corns. Don't trifle with corns, don't endure them. No matter what id they are Record Grain Receipts or how long you have had m, Peck's Corn Salve will take them out. In big I ioht J Te ul las, Saturday NE Where boxes, 15e., at Wade's drug store. pany elevator, eleven million bushels grain, since navigation opened last! For medicinal or table use our im- April. This is the largest Santity of | ported olive oil is unexcelled. A. P. grain the elevator ever received. It is Chown, druggist. expected that fully two million bush-| "gy "Roeland, B.C., Miner, the old. Se more will 'conte' before navigation f oy daily in the interior of British Co- . lumbia, hae. supe nded publication be- f tronage. : Veterans turning Out. Everything for "the Siok room at F. Milo, the former crack centre|Chown's drug store. serimmager of the champiop Granites! Rev. W. D. Lee, Waterloo, has heen of 1890, will turn out with the Lime-|invited to become the pastor of Queen stones. His will strengthen! Street Presbyterian church, Toronto. the line greatly. Davie, a former husky| 'Delicious after dinner mints,' fresh wing player, is also tuining out to at Gibson's Red Cros drug store. help the locals win the O.R.F.U.sen-| SS. Tunisian, Allan line, from Liv- ior championship, erpool, for Moutreal, inward, 125 miles cast of Belle Isle. at 1 a.m, Reliable fountain pens, $1, at! The Allan steamér Tunisian, from Chown's drug store. Liverpool for Moutresi, was bubonic pleague has aopeared | 130 miles east of Belle Isle a lace and sequins, and Mrs. Eade, the | nesday, at the residence of her neph- ; Every One Glad to Have Them Back in Style for fall, : High Cut Patent Leather, Cut Patent Button, $4.50. at Seattle, sizty fod tds dni addi Lt x wiles from Vancou- | For salad : retake iimad bah bata & ped es fo rLadi We have several nice lines Ladies' Dorothy Doda Ladies' Derothy College ! Ladies' Vici Kid Dorothy Button, nice and dressy, $4.50. Ladies' Fine Vici Kid Turn- ed Sole Dorothy Button, $4. Ladies' Empress Kid But- ton, comfortable kind, $3.00. ; Also numerous other styles. We will be pleased to show them, . _ Lockett Shoe Store. New Trunks just received. EADURES ECZEM FOR IE EIR Treated Continually by Best Doctt --Sores Behind Ears Spread Cheeks--Could Hardly Bear Itc \ ing -- Medicines Fail--Insta Relief by "Magic Three" a WORDS CAN NOT EXPRES GRATITUDE TO CUTICUF sn pen | "Words are inadequate to expr m titude for Cuticura Remedi 1 been troubled with eczema . five years on my andit beganto exte on mycheek. 1b been doctoring w the best physicia but found no ré whatever. When forming them tha could not bear | itching I was told one of our best d tors," not toxcratc! As the medicines 8 salves did me no ge I thought I wo et : e "May Three," Cuticura doug, 'uticura Oj ment, and. Cuticura Pills, costing one-half of one visit to my physici After using as directed, with ple: of hot water, I can truthfully st that I found instant relief, her had used three boxes of Cuticura Oi ment and two cakes of Cuticura S¢ I found my skin as soft and fine a baby's. y circle of frifnds is v large, and I am persuading them to , Cuticura Soap and give up the ki they were using." I find no trou as my case has proven to them tha Cuticura Ointment is good, Cutic 8a must be likewise, "1 hesitate to send you the enclo picture as it has been lying aro in my desk for two years and very soiled. At the time it was tal my ears were scaly and you find some remnants of Cuticura Oj ment on it, and, to me, it is very cious, as I can now say when loo at it that Cuticura is a blessing, 1 that is why I nave kept it even tho it was soiled. Miss Netta Ayers, Franklin Ave., Brooklyn, N. X., S 1 and 15, 1906." Every Tumor of Janse Chern ang Ams sists of Cuticura Soap to Cleanse the Skin, Cut) Owiment to Heal the Skin, and Cuticufa Reso! tor In She form of Chocolate Coated Pills, in vi sixty) 0 Purity the Blood. Sold throtghout world, Tier Drug & Chem. Corp., Sole Pr Bh Free. Cuticurs Book on the ¢ --No Streich --No Shrink The way Stanfield' Underwear is, when yo buy it--is the way it stay until you are ready to sto ------ wearing it. Stanfield's Unshrinkable Underwear can't shrink because tl shrink is taken out of tl wool, befo garments a woven. 1. natura "spring" the wool pr vents stretc ing out shape. ¢ Stanfield's the Unde wear | fit ar comfor SOLD EVERYWHERE, W.GILLETT fh TORONTQ.ONT Ma je! a © * of soap that dyes! With Maypole Tuc vow Soap No mess, no trou fp uncertain tes pT MAYPOLE SOAP 0c. for Colows--isc. for Black. Frank L. Benedict G Co., Montres Er -------------------- Men may be as deceitfal as in some thipgs, but no man © tends to be having a good um he ism'ty aia