CTIVE, PALATABLE. NT ovens, AL PURGATIVE WATER, v n Overcoats. ready to-try-on-finished. der in two hours. . Bibby Co., LE CLOTHIERS. 4 © BO ITEPCIPPOPOPTOPOIPS S06 Adhd GOOD SHOE VALUE | $4, $4.50, $5 The makers of the INVIC SHOES realize the Able naking a good shoe. They know hat nothing pays better than a atisfied customer. They employ he best labor. They select the est leathers for their uppers. Fhey use genuine oak oles. They nake their shoes on the best itting and newest fashioned lasts. Ve are showing man t elect from. 2 y. ayes to In Ladies, $3.50, $3.75 and $4. a, * Shoe Store | A AAAAAANNAAA NANPA PAD . Brass and Iron Bed See our up-to-date Fur- nished rooms : : Parlor, Library, Din- ing Room and Bedroom on ground floor, . CARPETS --See our lineofimported squares, unions, tapestry, Brus- -% sels. All the latest de- signs. Prices moderate. >S Reid's. vine Compound It HAS NO EQUAL for STOMACH /'s and Bowels Canada. Hundreds in Kingston can emand and TAKE NO OTHER. or B for $1.00, IMminum RED Immediate Delivery. \ Lid. is KIDNEY TROUBLES Increasing Women, But Sufferers Need Not Despair THE BEST ADVICE IS FREE Of all the diseases kno with which the female organism is aflivted, an i is the most fatal, and statistics disease } MO show that this disease ison the increase among women. Unless early and correct treatment it applied the patient seldom survives when once the disease is fastened upon her. We believe Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound is the most efficient treatment for chronic kidney troubles of women, and is the only medicine especially pre) for this purpose. When a woman is troubled with pain or weight in loins, backache, uent, inful or scaiding urination, swelling of imbe or feet, swelling under the eyes, an uneasy, tired feeling in the region of the kidneys or notices a sediment in the urine, she should lose pg time in com- mending treatment witigfl,ydia E Pink. hain's Vegetable Compound, as it may be the means of saving life. For ham's Vegetable Compound did for Mrs | Sawyer. "I cannot express the terrible suffering I had to endure. A derangement of the female organs developed nervous prostration and a serious kidney trouble. The doctor attended me for a year, but I kept getting worse, until 1 was unable to do anything, and I made u; my mind I could not live. 1 finally decid to try Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com- pound as a last resort, and I am to-day a well woman. I eannot praise it too highly, and I tell every suffering woman about my case" Mrs. Emma Sawyer, Conyers, Ga. Mra Pinkham gives free advice to women ; address in confidence, Lynn, Masa rm The Man And His Job. Keep your mind on your job and 1 lon't watch the clock. The most hope-| © less kind of an employee is the man who goes home on time, but comes down to the office ten or fifteen min- utes late. Casey was once cating his lunch next to an open keg of dynamite, when Clan'y, a fellow workman of the same nationality, knocked out his pipe on the rim of the keg. When the boss came out to the canse of the explosion, he found only one Irish- man where he had expected to see two and immediately asked where Casey was, and how long he would he gone. "If he comes back as fast as he went away replied ~Claney, "he won't lang." This story was told by a prominent manufacturer in. St. Louis to a num- ber of employes who were in the habit of not coming back as fast as they away. The effect was phenomen- al. as the next morning everybody was on the job at hali-past eight. ascertain When after big game don't forget that your ammunition is as important as your aim. To get the best §] results use Dominion ij Certridges. They are clean, accurate and reliable. Made in Canada for all popular rifles and Bil sold at a "less-the-duly price." 8 If your dealer won't ) supply you--write us. as-o7 {_ Dominion Cartridge Co. Lid, Montreal. J INVESTORS. Every person with money to invest should have our li sok oa investing hints. It is a sure guide to fin Send us 25¢. for a copy- 1 SUCCESS. roof, read what Lydia E. Pink- | * THE DAILY BRITISH PELEE 15 PROMOTED A DIVISION COURT NOW ESTABLISHED THERE. Widrton and Port Hope Hotel- Keepers Fined For Selling Liquor in Local Option Muni- cipality, and on Sunday. Toronto, Oct. 21.--The provincial license department has been notified of the conviction, at Wiarton, of two hotel-keepers, who sold liguor in Tara, which is a local option munici- pality, and the men were each fined X50 and costs, At Port Hope, two hotel-keepers, who -- sold liquor, "on Sunday, were each fined $55 and costs. Pelee lsland's first = division court has been established 'by the .govern- ment, which has appointed as the first clerk M. John Matt, a Ngsdent of the Island. The new court is to be known as the tenth division court of Essex county. An appeal is to be made in Osgoode Hall in the case of Joseph Besyoise, who was twice. eonvieted of "selling liquor illegally in 'New Ontario. Tor the offence. Besvoise was fined $100, and he is mow serving a sentence of four months in jail on the second case. It is claimed that the last case should have been tried under the new law, which makes it illegal to sell {hauor within three miles of any pub- lic works. The "second offence would carry a fine only and not imprison- ment, * | 5% GEN. BOOTH IS ILL. '% New York, Oct. 21.-- | 3K Gen. William Booth, found- i er and head of the Salva- tion Army, was reported last night, to be seriously ill in Chicago. | ¥ | FEAF HHI | -- SOMEWHAT INTENSE. FEEEX HERE $ | May -Have Started in Southern | Indian Ocean. D.C., Oct. 21.--The Washington, announced weather buréau, to-day, that its instruments recorded an earthquake beginning at 11 o'clock, Just night, and lasting until early this morning, and that the origin of tue quake may have heen at a point west f Australia, in the Southern Indian | ocean. It is believed to have been of intensity at its origin. considerable ONE THOUSAND HOMELESS | After a Fire in Hoboken To- . Day. | New York, Oct. 21.--One thousand { persons were rendered homeless by a | fire which swept the triangle, bounded {by Grand, Perry and Newark streets, | Hoboken, this morning, and destroy- led seventeen buildings. Many had | narrow escapes. The loss will not. Le | great owing to fact that most of the buildings were old. | Death Of Mrs. Way. | On Tuesday, October lst; death en- | tered and bore from among us one of | the ;most respected and best loved of our residents, in the person of Mrs. |P. Way, aged fifty-three. Although in | poor health for some time, her death {came suddenly. Deceased was a de- Avout member of the Roman Catholic ! 3hurch, whose pastor, Rev. Father | Carey. administered the last consola- tion the church can give in its"sacra- { ments: Her funeral, which took place {on the 3rd, "was largely attended from her late residénce to Erinsville church, where solemn requiem mass was ccle- brated. Afterwards her remains were placed inthe vault to await inter- ment fa the family plot in White Lake cemetery, October 11th. The traits of her _chayacter, kindness and piety, which characterized her, were striking and captivating, Her life was ex- emplary to her family, to whom much sympathy is extended, edifying to her neighbors and consistent with religion. Deserted His Family. Brockville Recorder. Abram Mosher, a former resident of Athens and Gananoque, but who has | been living in Brockville for the past | three or four years, left his wife and { two small children, two weeks ago, | and with a Kingston woman of al- | 30:. | leged guestiondble character, decamp- | His whereabouts but if the law Mosher may to the other side. i are not exactly known, in motion { can bho set London Stock Company, Limited | count on getting his just dues, Masonic Temple, London, Ont. EDUCATIONAL. | His wife he left penniless, but worse than this was the care of a child | one week old and the other cighteen months. She ix Mosher's second wife, | his first having been drowned at Gan- ee -------------------------- RLARACPLLLILLALLALLELS | anoque six years'ago. & It you wish to be successful at- $ tend The { utation, it jo sald yours. apd : | wherever ha lived it was not a st Kingston Business ret He is about forty years & College | old. tn -------- & Limited, head of Queen street. 1 Washburn Jems $ CANADA'S HIGHEST GRADE §| Westbum ftems. { Washburn, Oct. 19.--The potato] business school, - ackieeping, | & Shgrinand, wt oN oS al { high as five hundred bushels. Xisitore * Subjoots Ely taught by | Xr. and Nes, i Growler, at : Bua ~ competent & + ler's: Mr. and Mrs. Woods and daugh- § Day and oygnt close. Baier At 8 er, Mamie, and Jr. and Mrs. W. Co- 3 'Phone, 440. | chrane fi Savghter, Pern, "" 1 HH. F. METCALFE, President. LOre's, W burn; Mr. and Mrs. Fre : J. B. CUNNINGHAY, Secretary. 81 flalis, Battorsea, at Thomas Ball STII IPII PIII Nr. and Mrs. Helferty and daughter een. | [OV AL, BL W. Woods'. RANGEL ALL60000000¢8 i -- , IMPROVE YOUR EDUCATION , INCREASE YOUR EARNING & POWER Day and Evening Classes at the Frontenac Business + College, Barrie and Clergy Ste. T. N. STOOEDALE, "Phone, 680. Principal. CORLL L L004 000884 | | ; Mosher has borne an unenviable rep- for | Undertake Lonz Walk. { Port Hope, Oct. nolds, the fifty-seven-year-oid barbe pedestrian of the town, will, day, | Toronto, and return | same {rip hours. JRE \ | inoenfives of life. : "Oysters." The Red Star. 20.--James Rey- A 20. --Jatnes RE and when taken young makes attempt to make the now fam] ous walking trip from Port" Hope to} in thirty-six | | hours. Reynolds failed to make this last June in thirty-eight] oor st. To help some one is oue of the best | cents, CONDEMNED OF MENELIK. Pope Makes Plea For Old Abyssi- ian Priest. the Abyssinian chief, Aba Sukeli, was condemned to death by King Menelik for becoming a' convert to Uatholi- cism. The chief escaped from prison and joined the ' Capuchin missionary, Bishop Massaia, who ordained him a priest and brought him to. Rome, where he has lived ever since. One of the chiefs accompanying the Alys- sinian mission, which recently had an audience with the pope and Methi's father. The pope, on hearing of the Pathetie meeting, sent am autograph o for the old chief and permission fof hime to return to Abyssinia, where his wife and child, "who had believed him dead, are still living, 2 PROP OF CANADA. . * it' Wood Industry in Movi Pictures At The Bijou. Do vou happen to know that the chief factor in the earlier prosperity of Canada was the wood industry and that to-day it is the second most im portant pillar of' Canada's-~reatness. Knowing this, don't you want to know just how this vast industyy is carried on ? If you do, visibThe Bijou to-day or to-morrow, and see the whole" thing in moving pictures from the felling of the big trees to their departure from the 'wharves for abroad. It will only cost om five and the education in the pie tures is worth a dollar. "The Gen- darme's Boots," which follows, only affords a laugh. Deserts Palace For Hut. To woo nature and win his 'wife back to health, -G. Kennedy Tod, a banker and civic rejprmer, has lived outdoors this last summer at his country estate at Sound Beach, on Long Island. Pv 2 His splendid ome; Innis Arden, is one of the show places of that sec- tion of the country. But he deserted it entirely for two small huts, only a little over six leet irom flaor to roof. Mm one he roomed himself. In the oth- er lived his wife with a trained nurse, A cot and a few pictures were the only furniture, In addition, a small tent served as a dining room and another as a kitch- en. More than a year ago Mrs Tod, who was Maria Howard niece of Bishop Potter, was forced to undergo a surgical operation. Her re covery was slow. Last autumn Mr. weeks in the Canadian wilds. How much good the trip would have done his wife, had she been strong en- ough to take it, he thought. So, as the next best thing, the plan of living in the open at home occurred to him. It was thoroughly congenial to both of them, and they enjoyed their huts more than they did their palace. Harlowe Happenings. Harlowe, Oct. 15.-Mr. and (G. Wood and Master Percy spent Mon- day and Tuesday at T. Perry's, Myers' Cave. Mrs. A. Gray has sone to visit at 'Ardoch for a few days. Miss -G. Thompson left on Wednesday for the hospital, Kingston. Mrs. Cook and Master Harvey have return- ed 'to' their. home at Forest Mills, af- ter visiting her mother, Mrs. R. Gray. Mrs. A. Palmateer spent Monday at R. Gray's. Miss Olive Bishop has returned home after spending a few months with her sister, in Kingston. with J. Perry, Myers' Cave. Mrs, Smith, who has been spendine a num- ber 'of weeks with ber mother, Mrs. J. Critchley has gone to Kingston. 2. Bishop and daurhter, Violet, are visiting: at Tweed. Mr. Bott spent Wednesday at Beaver Creek. W. Pipe has his "house about completed. Miss M. Bishop hgs gone to Kingston. Mrs. Parks and Mrs. Moucks, Arden, visit- ed at Mrs. J. Black's this week. The Movement church is having a district convention this week. G. DBradshaw spent to-day at S. Wheeler's. Parry Road. . Scott made a trip to North- brooke to-day. -- per bushel, $1.10 to 8L12; wheat, per, bushel, $1; oats, per bushel, 65¢.; bafley, per bushel, 8Sc.; peas, bushel, 87c. to 90c.; hay, per ton, $21 hogs, $8 30:. to 32¢.; butter, dairy, 28¢. to butter, creamery, 30c. to32c.; geese, dressed, per chickens, per lb., Ye. to lle; to $1.35; £1; cabbage, potatoes, per bag, 80c. to forequarters, 24.50 to $5.50; dium, curcase, 86 to ¥7: mutton, cewt., $8 'to $0.50; veal, prime, ewt., $7.50 to $10; lambs, per 210 to $11.50. | The Bible Coney. | rock rabbit. and is really the "coney" of the bible {goats and the rocks for the conies, { while in the Book of Proverbs we read, | "The conies are but a feeble folk, ye {make they their on Tues-| charming pet. es ------------ The King's Birthday. Ottawa, Oct. 21.--Royal military sa {Jutes are ordered to be of that event is by {tion, deferred till "1908, Rpme, Oct. 21.--~Thirty-six years ago, Potter, a! Tod spent six | F. Wood spent Saturday and Sunday | Toronto Str arket. Toronto, Oct. 21 (heat, white, per bushel, $1.10 toS¥12; wheat, red, spring, per bushel, $1.05; wheat, goose, per to $23; straw, per ton, $15; seeds, Alsike, No. 1, per bushel, $8.60 to 89; seeds, No. 2, $7.50 to $5; dressed to $8.75; eggs, per dozen, ib., 9c. to lle; ducks, dressed, pee Ib., 10c. to lle; turkeys, per lb., 16e. to 19¢.; apples, per bbl., £1.25 to $2.25; onions, per bag, $1.25 per dozen, 40c. to Hc; beef, hindquarters, 88.50 to $10; beef, beef, choice, carcase, $7.50 to $8; beef, me- per per ewt., | A queer little rock animal is found in | tunately crops are large. Some farmers hawe as | thousands in Cape Colony, South Africa, | court, and | land called by the Dutch "daasje" (pro-|my power to do nounced in English "dassie"). This lit- it." tle creature has many other mames, such | |as the coney, daman, rock badger and "It is found also in Syria One of the psalms contains this verse, "The high hills are a refuge for the wild |) ce. houses in the rocks." |The South African daasje is a pretly| | gray, furry creature, merry and sun lov- | a {Sarre has fired at all] store. ations in Canada, on Nov:{ The Catiraqui bridge { ember Oth, the birthday y King Ed- been repaired. | ward VILL, but the genera observance | royal proclama- | be outlawed. Monday, May 25th, | HE BLEN OUT THE 64S THE MORNING. John Mitchell, of Brewer's Mills, Met His Death in Baltimore-- He Had Gone Away on a Holiday. On October. Sth Jolin Mitchell, the adopted son * of Mr. and Mrs. Michael Manion, Brewer's Mills, left for New York and Baltimore ou the New York 3 ved on the Cape $oat and was taken to his late residence for burial. The late Mr, Mitchell was adopted by Michael Manion, whon he was lwo years old, or twenty-four years ago the exact day he died. Dur- ing that time he had never been away from home, having spent all his time at the farm living a simple far. mer's life. This fall he wanted tp travel and see part of the country, so he left for New York. After spending a few days in the above city he went to Balti move, where he engaged rooms in a private Woarding house. When he came back to his boaraing house on Thurs. day night the gas was lit in his room. Being tired, he quickly undressed and prepa "for bed, and in a thought~ less moment blew out the gas. He was found dead in bed the next morning when his landlady went to awaken him. His foster parents were heart-broken when they yeceived the sad intelligence as they had broaght the deceased up from a child and loved and cared for him as if "he had been their own child, The rémains were laid in their last resting place on Sunday ° morn. ing. 5 A oA * AMBUSHED ; KILLED. ' BFL HFEF EF HENS |% Paris. Oct. 21.--A de- ¥ spatch from Gen. Drude {% says that a French recon- |¥ noitering party was recent- | # ly ambushed and Capt. {4% Jandey and one prisoner | ¥ were killed and six | % were wounded. | | RSIS. PITH OF THE NEWS. The Very Latest Culled From All Over The World. Emperor Francis - Jospeh passed a men | | slightly better night. | | Charles Tremeer died from heart feil-| | ure while shooting near St. Cathar-| | ines, {" Eleven lunatics who have been in ('a- | nada for less than two years are to he | deported. | The Brussels postoffice was robbed of | over in cash and stamps. The | safe was blown. | The Dragside block, at Brandon, | Man., was damaged by fire to the amountof $10,000, A fire at Edmindston, N.B., des- troyed Herbert's Hotel and Murchie & Burpee's store. and a number of dwell- ings. Loss ¥25,000. - A dispatch from Birmingham, Ala., says fifteen prisoners escaped from the | South Side prison, Sunday night, and | are still* at large. { John Temple Graves, editor of the Atlanta Georgia and News, has nc- cepted the chief editorship of the New York American. Rev. Mr. and Mrs. Howland, alleged spiritualists, were remanded, at To- ronto, till Friday on a charge of at tempting to defraud the public. It is reported to-day, that Mr. Lawrence, "M.P., for Colchester, will be appointed to the supreme court bench of Nova Scotia this week. Capt. Bernier has annexed a number of islands in the far north, and Canada's domain is now enlarged by the addition of some 500,000 square miles. Dr. Allan McLane Hamilton, the well-known alienist whose testimony formed an important part in the trial of Harry K. Thaw, is. preparing to sue { the Thaw family for his services. | The Fish and Harriman factions reached an agreement to postpone the Nlinois Central meeting to December 18th. In the meantime the right to vote the 286,731 shares will be found out in court ier A proposal has been submitted to Secretary Metcalie, of the United States navy, to increase the width of the Panama canal on account of the recent rapid increase of beam in naval construction. An Ungrateful Son. Susan Fretgs, a widow residing in the township of Frederickburg, coun- ty of Lennox, brought an action against her fon, William George Fletts, for a declaration of the court, that she was entitled to dower in cer- tain lands left by her husband to their son. Judge Riddell, who tried the case, in dismissing the action without costs, at the conclusion of his | judgment thus exprested himself : "The conduct of a son who refuses to contribute a dollar to the support and comfort of his Sged mother when he has received and still enjoys the benefit of her seli-abnegation, and that upon the excuse that he thinks she does not need it, is such as for- seldom comes before the regret that it is rot in more than refer to At Police Court. Three dranks faced the macistrate, "lto-day. William Black was fined $2 and costs, with the option of fifteen James Moore was fined #1 and loosts, and a first appearance man + was riven a chance. | Mrs. Sage Gives $85,000. New York, Oct. 21.--Nirs. Russell given £85,000 ro the Long Island railroad branch of the Y.M. C.A. for n new building. { - mr ------ | Chamois vests and chest protectons -lare sold at Gibson's Red Cross drug has not yet A debt of kindness ought never to To- AND WAS FOUND DEAD IN| n excursion. Saturday, October 19th, | DO ter to King Menelik, asking pardon |his body Oo { the local force, there is soon news DOG S17 PED STEAMBOAT. 2 ------ wv Corunna Held Up. While Vessel have been busy . :] p empty ng hand. The purser med . and pockets came aboard at Ogdensburg and that have to | It had been given to a man in To- ronto, The purser sent word *o re- turn the dog to its owner in Pres. cott, and the steamer was allowed to continue its journey through the le do Ba canal, A MOTORMAN KILLED. And Many Hurt in' Traction Cir 3 " AY | reached here, early this morning, of a prisons, head-on collision between two troe- afters. tion cars, on the Cleveland and Bed: avail {ord line, in the vicinity of Cuyahoga able figures; is as follows: Falls, in which a motor man was lice a £1,900,000; rail. killed, tnd a large number are re Toot property, £400,000; loss by injar | "Ori? Prt 57 jot aud assaults, £300, ns r of criminals, £330,000; a total of £3,010,000. The London Husking Bees The Go. Fair View, Oct. 21:=-George Bennett, Riverside, spent Sunday at John Ben: i up this ado lay bill 3 no --y nett's. Stacey Vanalstive is packing with a lump sum to the apples for Mr. Parks. Mra. Switzer in of the of a town [visiting at A. D. Snider's. Bertram thé size of ton. Vanalstine is teaching school ~~ at Daily Warfare. Sendiuet. aianiey | File had a Sean \ ing on Wednesday. Rol art a Under =n 8 Syes of fhe ablie ever) ey. has! a bee husking corn on Mon- ay tant is being Miss Maggie Lowery is able to day. le be around again. Miss Briden, King- ston, is visiting her uncle, Charles a robbery, pays little attention to the Lowery. g fg f between the police Life Cleveland, Oct. 31. --Tafonmation | | a ~ Kingston View: Come in and have a maprasmn OLLETT Sa eb srs sd REFUSE SUBSTITUTES, | LR MEPUSE SUBETITUTES, but at every great rail station and One Dollar Fountain Pen. . race meeting, and in all streets, | We have Waterman's 'Modern' foun. | the daily drama is played. tain pens from $1 up. Also the sell- A spruce, well-groomed man, in [filling fountain pens (Waterman's Mo- fashionable clothing, be seen en- | dern), from $2.50 to 85, at Wade's tering a firs! , while a | drug store. quiet, sturdy looking man in a bowler hat Wasehat him out of &8| John A. Johnson, near Cabringe corner e. 8 d by a runaway horse an Travelers who are not "inthe know" ron dragged by y "Your money refunded' "if Gibson's Red Cross Cough Syrup does not cure your cough. gentlemanly appearance nosori- ous "crook," and the lounger on the platform a detective, who has just re- | w ized him cognis R Unless there is a warrant for the arrest of the crook," or he is caught in the act of theft, the detes tive can do nothing but keep a watch- ful ays on his man, and find out, if possi ion. M can then be sent to the local Roe | adven- | of the town where it is likely "crook" will search for tures, but, if they are too late to warn - of some robbed mansion or daring theft. Robberies Prevented. | Hundreds of robberies are nipped | in the bud by the mere presence of | detectives in crowded places, for the man will engage man in conversation for a moment, The man thus hurriedly leaves, and none who are not in the secret suspect that a Beotland: Yard officer has recognized a well-known pickpocket or confidence trickster and warned him off. These little scenes--incidents in the great battle for the on of the public--are enacted dozens of times a day, and "crooks" learn to their cost that their bestlaid Scholes, Joy be upset in a momen e intervem- tion of some affable plain-olothes po- liceman who knows them by their Christian names even! ly Scotland Yard detectives are daily supplied with photographs and par ticulars of all the known thieves who are out of prison, and Shey know the habits and customs of all the most notorious offenders, |= The average observer cannot dis- tinguish the lawbreakers in the bus- tling crowds from those who are there to see that the law is not broken, but the two forces ize each oth- er. Bach side is trying to outwit the other, and just at 1 the "crooks" are having slightly the bet- tar of the contest, because of their numbers. tax i best va Soon ot & "Wake You will get the bes An extraordinary stosy comes from Youghal, County Cork. A mad named O'Donnell, who had been an inmate in a charitable 'institution there, died a short time ago, and ar- rangements were made for his_inter- ment at Ferrypoint, Oounty Water- ford. A coffin was , and for warded to the institution. Next motn- ing the relatives 'removed it to the young man's former residence, CArry- ing it all the way on their shoulders. the back will not be a ay an] January 16th and 20th, names of winners wi N.B.=Cecupons will be of contest for all who ha ated in 20-pound cotton bag a A aa » A bearers about the li of the cof- fin, but, as the young man's illness " ust pointment of a receiver ard Oil company. Cassie. Chadwick as a large depositor, 50 Cash Prizes FIRST PRIZE, $25.00. SECOND PRIZE, $15.00. = =. CRUMLEY BROS., as a special inducement to Fall and Winter shoppers, are offering these THREE CASH PRIZES to the ones who held dated October 16th, t in this store. . Coupons not holding these dates stamped on counted in this contest, thieves know the police ight just . whe Pri BA Jot ro Cash Copan, at criminals. : January 15th, 19 re the ri tall ' y I nn a ne ye amount of money spen amined and the lucky winners announced. The daily and weekly Sapess. any who may not enter contest, and at the end Crumley ET BROWN'S BUTTERSCOTCH and EVERTON TAFFY, 20c. Ib, at a desire to see his face. The desire ' was opposed, but, in face of 8 TOU A. J. REES, 166 Princess Street sistent request, the lid of the i » was allowed to be unscrewed. All ' ; a ing the "wake" bad FIFPPSVIVTIVIIIAIEINGS g rdand to take a last view of A bat to their, sstonishment E.W.GILLETT Sora TORONTO, ONT. A bill has been filed in the superar court, at Chicago, asking for the ap- for. the Stand. Rix bank ks, representing Mrs. have come. into tho possession of reforee in bankruptey. . 1907, to yresenting 'the lirgest as usual. "Keep . send to us between when they will be ex- II be published inthe © redeemed. as usual for. ve entered. Bros. lue Sugars, if you buy REDPATH'S. Special attention is called to Redpath Extra Grand possible, in High Grade LH rrived ae wos F following - Manufacturers of the ch REFINED ~The verserable judge of the county doesn't fine the ee for speeding like he used to," remarked the man in Sugar. Be sure you ask for The 8t. Lawrence Sugar Refining Go; Ltd MONTREAL . : Granulated ant Xeljows. Made entirely from cant 3 i . © oicest I SUGARS g i 3 "St. Lawrence." the big greed: touring car. "By heck, no!" : constable. ""You see, the judge took in so much in fines that, swing ding it, he's gone and bought & racing automobile Jor himself I" paid -holders 005 1906 RY best BiVibEND PAYING O MPANY. "Zymole "Trokeys" for husky throat.|, iders. The Sold in Kingston at Gibson's places, BELLEVILLE, Si Cross drug store. ARNPRIOR, also anotber Thomas A. Richardson, Owen tricts, 18 Market street, K Lieut »Col. Galloway is ill in ronto, Sound's alleged bigamist, was eaptur- | ed at London, Ont. ee -- for AG 8. AGENTS H'S FALLS, CARLETON Sdentially. 3. 0. RUTTON, Mgr., Central Optario sed Ottaws Valley, iw ingetong x OVET civnrim smissssnionm 'wanted for PLAOE, Applications J. R. URQUHART, Special Agent,