Lay VAN] barator-Le an NN Fort Bothy Rey two million hectolitres are Turkey, in cluding Cyprus, Argentina, the United States and Switzerland. Greece with {its inlands supplies (00 000 hectorlitres jand Servia 500,000. | Austria is credited with 265.000, as are Tunis and Brazil. There is 190, 000 hectolitres of cape wine produced every year; Corsica vields 146,000 and Luxemburg 120,000 hectolitres. Peru, Uragnay, Bolivia and Mexico follow in this order with small quantities. -------- Baby And Motter. A 'few doses of Baby's Own Tablets relieves and cures constipation, indi- gestion, colic, diarrhoea and simple fevers. The Tablets break u colds, [expel worms and bring little teeth through painlessly. They bring health to the se one and comfort ito the mother. And you have the guarantee of 8 government analyst {that this medicine does not contain one particle of opiate or poisonous herr, El- Ont., says: "Baby's Own Tab- lets is the best medicine 1 have ever ased for stomach and bowel troubles and destroying worms." Sold by all medicine dealers or by mail at 95¢c. a {soothing stuf. Mrs. C. F, lor | gin, box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine |C 0., Brockville, Ont. -------- An Impression. "Ah. I have an impression !" ex- claimed Dr, McCosh, the president of Princeton College, to the mental philosophy ciass, according to Judge. ow, «young gentlemen,' continued the doctor, as he touched his head with his forefinoer, "can vou tell me what an impression is?' : O answer, ¥ "W hat; no ond knows? No one can tell me what an mmpression js ¥ ex- claimed the doctor, lookine " and down the class. "I know," said Mr. Arthur, "ern Impres: s a dent in a soft. place,' "Young gentleman," said the doctor, removing his hand from his forehead, and growing red in the face, "youn are excased for the day." : S -------- KBpenicay One Way Out. he teacher of a Sunday school class in Wilkesbarre once put the i. e follo juestion 10 a new scholar : "What did Moses do for a living while he vas with Jethro ? There was a long nee, which the ower mem- rs n et Lute took: occasion to "e new comer. The latter, lowever, was undismay eff Aftel due oflection "he answered : © "Please ma'am, he married , one of Jethro's langhters." ilence, during INE DEALERS SELL IT. RT gives relief in thirty minutes see i ly Shine i, WADE, pe wr _YEAR 74. NO. Bio. rata ah We wish to call the atten- © tion of the most critical v observer to JUR display of Fine Canadian Furs, at the { Made-in-Canada Exhibition ¢ now being held in the Arm- P ouries, and to bring before the jublic the fact that our Exhibit is not onlv made in Canada, but, is the product ¥ of >ur own Workrooms, de- ¥ signed and manufactured in & Kingston. 2 HONEY Is scarce this year, but we have plenty, both Comb and Extracted Pure White Clover Honey Jas, Redden & Co. IMPORTERS OF FINE GROCERIES, Harlowe Lispings. Harlowe, Oct. 11.--Mr. and Wheeler, and little Rachel, Parry Road, spent Sunday at Mrs. A. Pal mateer"s. Mac and Asa Thompson and Harold Ne left, on Monday, ior] Rainy Lake. G. Bradshaw. and N Mills each took a load of cheese to Arden yesferday. Mr. Detlor and Mr Avery, M.P., were in town on Wednes-| day. Corn husking Bees seem to be | the order of the 'day just now. J. Perry, Myer's Cave, visited day, at his sister's, Mrs. Mrs. 8 Woods. Relief was but temporary, and utter collapse preceded the calm ending of a life. of public usefulness and per- sonal honor eldest Hamilton, ston; late died at Colleg Sir student the seat « bell, to the ¥ trict Macpherson Hamilton of the late Hon. senatdér of Canada, his mother®vas a Sir David John was John Kino of *the He son sister Macpherson Upper Canada and Queen's , then entered the office of Macdonald as a aw Sir John's to government, he became nder Alexander ( ston also. He was called 1833. and practised in Mr. Philpotts, at Toronto, till in IS61 appointed dis- attorney and clerk of the peace n the newly-organized judicial district sta John upon removal a student Sir in Kin bar. in artnership with amp Zhe Daily Britis BIteaIN ONTARIO. MONDAY, ---------- HAD SWINDLED MUCH. Obtained Mon#y By Forgery and False Pretences. Orangeville, Oct. 14. William 3 : : tlon, who was arrested at Stanberg, i * |Ont., last Saturday morning, and « He Passed Ay at Clifton brought here for trial on charges of 3 ¥ obtaining money by forgery and false! 3 pretences, pleaded guilty before Magis- St prings N. Y. trate Patullo. 3 _-- ? The charges were of o ving $100 3 j and £200 from the Orangeville branch- 3 of the Sterling Bank and the Rank of Commerce respectively ¥ Deceased Was a "Son of the Late Hon. John|*omse. Heber wuuager . J. M. Duff, of the Bank of Commerce, t| ~~ Hamilton---Was a Judge at Port and CT Netias of the Notropolitas Yr Bank of Guelph, as the man who fleec- $ A th d Milt ed six Guelph banks out of $1,400 x | roar an ution. \ | some six a lis ago by obtaining the > : money under falsa preter and forg 4 ing cheques, P| Announcement of the death of |of Algoma; in 1881 was made a! -- ase » Judge Hamilton will be received with [queen's counsel and called to be judge | PID NOT COMPLY | very sincere regret by those who, in lof Thunder Bay district, with besi- ew : » | many places, were his warm friends. !dence at Port Arthur. In 1895 his | With Edict to Give Up Use of > | He has, since retiring from active du- |transference to the county judereship Opium & ties, been enjoving, his summers in 'of Halton was at his own desire, as | Shanghai. 'Uet. 14.--By . an imperial ® Kingston, either in the old home- he had spent over thirty vears, in | decree, Prince Shuan, Prince Jui and fe stead or in a residence adjoining, for- pioneer sections. Five years ' Since [| others in high office are suspended for > merly owned by his sister. His win- |superannuation was granted, in View | failure to give Up the use of opium > ters were spent in. England & Just be- of long and effective service { during the six months' period of pro- * f lore Jeavioy for anads this spring, | Judge Hamilton had the calm, clear |Lation allowed by decreg order od pro "ey rn, lectin, uci minors mere | inthe Simmptimuanes of So oe # | constitution has gore 'down before an -- nm le a ou He O1¢ | the drug in China. The period has + tot more consi erate or humane le was | haan extended three months, and oth. © unconquerable complaint. Less than intellectually a credit to. the Cana- or ofiicers are- warped that ut the epd { 'a month since, with . Mrs. Hamilton, 'dian bar and bench. A charming com- } " v 2 i i ; " ' e lof that time the decree will be strictly + he sought spec ial care at the sani- |panion, he had friends in the United forced : p> | tarium, Clifton Springs, New York, States who frequently sourht his hen oroec 2 companv-in their fishing and sporting clubs, and to whom his death will be no ordinary -shock. As a member of the Church of England, he was help ful in several parishes. His marriace to Mary Eliza, daughter of the late Chief Justice Draper; brought ha vears of devoted companionship, a pleasing incident being their wedding anniversary two years Mrs. Hamilton is attended br sympathetic wighes in her sad journey back to the old for the inter golden ago deen! home, ment at Cateraawi- cemeter Two brothers survive--Clark Hamilton, col- lector of customs, Kingston, and Dr David Hamilton, Batavia, N.Y. --and three sisters, Mrs. | vate KING IN BAD WAY. Doctors Won't Sign Optimistic Bulletins. | London, Oct. 14.--1he Vienna corres- | pondent of the Dr. Neuesser, a thro b on Sun-|y hey have refused bulletins Telegraph states that | at specialist, and| Kerzl, we cmperts private phy- | n, are in constant consultation. | | | | | EMPEROR FRANCIS JOSEPH ee | to sign optimistic which are issued by the Jacob and William Miller are spending official news. agency. and are not sign- afew days at Enterprise. A large! number of our Arden this week. od. Harloweites visited chial The inflammation of the bron-| tubes has spread downwards,! o and is said to have caused cong = - of the lungs. His majesty's st DAILY MEMORANDA. has diminished, owing to lack of ap Division Court, 9 a.m., Tuesday petite, coupled with his insistence up Amusement advts., on Page Three. on doing a certain amount of werk Roller Rink every afternoom amd ever | is catarrh has made t talsing very dif- | ficult. Queew's Track inect, Athletic Grounds, |" 1 pm. | 3 "Side-Tracked," Grand Opera House, Heavy Loss Of Life. 8.15 p.m. Detroit, Mich., Oct, 12.--A despatch Light and Power Committee, 4 p-m.| from Grand Marais reports that the Tuesday. Ame ws, owned he ka- W rand Theatre, aMornoon and) Steamer Sypre owned by the Lacka evening. | wanna ransportation company, of Princess Theatre--Moving Pictures and Cleveland, was lost on Friday night, lllustrated Songs. | in Lake Superior, off Deer Park, twen- Queen's Track niet, 1 to 3 p.m, to-| ty miles from Grand Marais. One sur- worrow, Athletic Grounds | vivor' was washed ashore and is now At the Bijou--"The Ghost's Holiday" |. witics ndition. He said he was and "Liquid Mlectricity."' ! na Titi tventy-thires persons Rememier Recital at Princess Street | 50% : : Methodist Church, toRnOrIoW evening This day in history :--Hattle of Hast-| prevailed on Lake Superior that n ings, 1066 ; Mafeking besieged by Boers, | 1599 ; Battle of Jena, 1806. WHIG TELEPHONES. 243--Business Offices, le t on the hoat. A fierce north-west g Must Reduce Expenses. San Francisco, Oct. 14.--E. H. Hav riman has telegraphed the general managers of all his roads and am | ers will be Toronto's next postmaster PITH OF THE NEWS. The Very Latest Culled From All Over The World. The revivalists Torrey and Alexan- | gpauisk der have decidea to separate. | The remains of Mrs. Cassie Chad-| wick have bé¥h brought to Wagusiock for burial by relatives. Grand Trunk KING ALFONSO. Physicians fear he may be sullering from consumption. A STRIKE IS ON ---- Pacific officials report And Trains Are Tied Up About| valuable coal fields on the company's Milan roperty at Telqua, B.C. " . j Prope oq 4 Milan, Oct. 14.--At a meeting, o A prominent liberal, in touch with | & turd the workme n st ke e workmey . his party managers, says W. B. Rog a Ys a : non. strike | this city decided to continue the strike | The Oceanic finer Mariposa, with 118 | and to invite workmen throughout jerew and passenger, is lying helples | Italy to join them. The railway men| |and without fuel in the Pacific, ninety | have already done so, No izes are {leaving or arriving at Milan. Trains wiles off Monterey. { approaching the city are stopped out The liberal campaign in Britain, for | | side. Tl iroet Iso have ce i the restriction of the power of the | side he roe tate also aa 4 50.000 House of Lords, is now in full swing running, BE A er I and banks are A genera] strike offices | All "the public throughout the country. A 3 guarded by military Mrs. Bertha Maud, Buffalo, N.Y who strangled her three children three hue bee m proclaimed at tRologna. and weeks ago, was committed to the | Leg IT. state hospital for the insane day. Miss Sarah Purcell has peturned | to the city after visiting friends. Mrs. Made a Man Remember His Mon- 229--Editorial_Rooma. . : 5 2 dela ov | W. S. McAdoo has returned after a ' 202--Jobbing Department. ship fines Sat, ithout hg fay, Shay few days at her home, Wolfe Island. A treal Family. = gal Forms, all Kits, at Whig. pmust ut uf to x control. vn ac! number attended. FE. McMaster"s sale, | Galveston, Tex., Oct. 4 James K. JThe Daily Whig is always om sale mt partment under a ¢ > . and report good prices, hay selling at Hazelton, living at San Annita, Tex Gibson's Drug Store, Market Sguare-- count of the stringency of the money gue yepart: To he tt on hie planta: a Ha Tash conti Sviueiugs market gh tion, on Saturday, and was rendered | - i so si a ~ lanconscious After two hours of un- } consciousness his mind cleared and " | he remembered having left his wife STUDENTS | WE HAVE THE STUDY LAMP YOU WANT. Neat Solid Nickle, with a green shade. Very easy en the eyes, and will make your work a pleasure. No smoke. No smell. Don't ruin your eyes. See them at Robertson Bros. pibalism and famine among natives of KILLED AND ATE CHILDREN 'Famine Drives Indians to Eat Human Flesh According to Canadian Editor's Reports. Winnipeg, Oct. 14. --Tales of "cap Northeastern Canada, between the shores of James Bay and Labrador, are brought back by J. A. Osborn, | editor of the Fort Pra Times, who has completed a trip of exploration in that country While at Moose Factory the ex | plorer met a& young man whe fled thither in tefror of his uncle, whom he said had killed and eaten eight haan | | beings. There, too, he saw a worani ¥ and four children near Montreal, Que. twenty-two vears ago, following an attack of typhoid fever. A brief mes- sage informed him his wife is living after spendin~ a fortune searching for him. Hazelton has lived fifteen years on the Texas plantation. NEW TYPE OF DESTROYER. 1 who last winter killed and ate her | Being Built For the Japanese two children, so great was the famine Navy This lack of food primarily was Tokio, Oct. 14.--A new type of de- brought about by the fact that the gtroyer is being built for the Japa- woods seemed 'almost entirely without | ese navy. It will the biggest, as the usunl number of deer and alr well as the swiftest. afloat. It will bits upon which anim the natives hs a tonnage of 1,100, and a speed ordinarily subsist occurrences | of thitty-five wots. The armament did not seem to cause any stir in| will be one five-inch, aad eight four- that country. Mr. Osborn has come to | inch guns, and the vessel will have| the conclusion that cannitmlism 1% | four torpedo tubes. It "is intended | practiced openly on many occasions | that it shall be able to accompany among the Indians and half: breeds." | battleships in any weather, | UCIOBER 14, " turday reported that she had passed | land wife. {the Cypress late yesterday. A nred| The Cypress was loaded with iron streak was distinguishable in the water jore, bbund for Buffalo. She left Su A TERRIBLE DISAS TER | Steamer Cypress ess Sinks and Twenty- | One Lives are Lost. : Survivor Floats Ashore on Life Raft---He Was | Picked up in an Exhausted Condition---The Steamer Was a New Boat. Sault Ste. Marie, Mich, Oct. The sfecl steamer Cypress,owned Led that the | H--- through the hatches so rapidly by [the pumps were unable to keep the Lackawanva Transportation com | vessel afloat. Late at night the lights | pany, and carrying a carge of ore, 'of the vessel, near Deer Park, were! was wracked, on Friday nignt, in Lake, visible to the Stephenson's crew' and! off Deer Park, about thirty | then suddenly disappeared. Grand Marais, and all of of twenty-two, excepting the | | Superior, miles from the crew second mute, were lost, Some Of The Vietims. The latter was washed ashore near] Cleveland, ©, Oct. I4.--~The lust Deer Park, lashed to a life raft and [payroll of the steamer Uypress was barely alive. in a critical - con- | aboard the boat and probably was lost dition, aud thus far has been able only | This alone can give the names of the to tell that the steamer was the Cy-|members of the crew, according to the! press and that he is the sole survivor. flicials of the Lackawanna Trans He suffered terribly from pold, { portation Co. The Septewber payroll | posure and the battering of the 'gives little information, as there ave] waves. Two bodies have also washed [usually many changes on lake vessels | ashore at Deer Park, | between trips, and especiglly among! The disaster was due to a sudden | the firemen and déckhands, leak, through which the waves rushed The captain was F. B. Huyck, of with such volume aé to overcome all | Sheridan, N.Y.; first mate, John! efforts to keep the vessel afloat. The { Smith, Cleveland; second mate, . ol steamer George Stephenson, of the | I'itt, engineer, J. J Norcross, of Ton- Pittsburg Steamship company, on Sa- | awanda, N.Y.; cooks, W. M. Dundon her, at nine o'clock, Thursday behind indicating that her plates | perior, Wis., been had sprung and that her iron morning, cargo was disenloring the water. Capt. | The Uypress was a new boat, #40 Harbottle, of the Stephenson, says |foet long, with a capacity of 7,500 tons. that the hatches of the Cypress were | She had made but one trip to the head | not covered to keep out the water. A |]of the lakes, and was bound down on heavy sea was running and the Cyp- [her second trip. 1t is believed here ross" decks were continually awash. that the machinery of the Cypress! : Fn . uy ' o > never « riment toe are The water poured into "the hold | must have met with an accident, now ete "oO Tome ani ae has { we' a bought from all avr ve | . ---- -------- ET ---- world for your choosing. i i i 1 NEWS OF DISTRICT. | A LEADING SENATOR Tite Brine the Vetoes" of wt Nitks and ress Good parts | i | ment. Shelves and counters full Local Note sud Things in! Was Governor of Sinnsmota at| of fuported movelties: gorweans nerail. One Tim i quite iy ve | At Rockport on Friday, Mes. David Hon. Knute Nelson, Ubited States | TE i -- MO eve Andress, an old and respected resi- | fenator from Minnesota, was born in things is reflected fn our wounsler- {dent of Leeds county, passed away Norway on Feb. 2nd, 1843, and came ful exhibition of after an illness extending over the |'© the United States in 1849. He re- sided in Chicago from 1849 until 1851 and then removed to Wisconsin where he remained until. 1871, Ww) he final. ly settled in Minnesota. He served in | past year. Thursday morning, James Perry, a well-known resident of Kemptville, shot a young female eagle, which had Shpareatly strayed farther north than ae its wont rs : | Mr. Snell of Alexandria Bay. is in n| Brockville hospital. He was fooling | with a gun, it went off and a bullet struck his right arm. It came out near the shoulder A voung couple ofl Merrickville were united in marriage on Wednesday, when Miss Myrtle Mills, daughtér of | Mrs. Thomas Mills, became the bride jof Judson Watchorn. | At Morrisburg, {Alexandra Buntin of the late Dir John on Wednesday, Miss Blacklock, daughter Blacklock, was married Colin MacMillan; son of MacMillan, Alexandria. | Calvin Hughes and evapora- to | Senator Sons At Tuniéa, Miss., three negroes were Police Chief Resigns. [tor at Waupoos, has been burned. The [ lynched for a series of burglaries. Two| St. Catharines. Oct. 1.--Chief Shee | 11 destroged a large quantity of were hanged to a telegraph pole and] of the Thorold police force, has sent nat, together with the warhinery: the other was shot to death in his resignation to Mayor Millar. ! T bse 1s estimated: at A450 a Prince Albert bye-election, the first| He declines to give the reasons, but it H 4 Bw fal Conseevatives of East ld in Saskatchewan asa new pro-|js understood to be on account of the | "NE" have re-nominated their pre- : ce, . resulted in the return of nr NS not sustaining him in his ac. | nt member, W. B. Northrup, M.P., Knute Nelson' | Brads haw, the equal righter, by onel tion in suspending Nightwatchman to contest the riding as their candi- -- majority. > Reuter, whom "he claimed to have! for the Dominion government the Union army, and alter the war Miss Elizabeth McDonald, aged thir- | found drunk while on duty. pussel] rr Matilda town: studied law, being admitted to the ty-four, was stricken, at her home, HH was Rue 00 Jor, pope bar of Washington ' in Ae. Ho Creighton street. Ottaw dri | obtaining and selling Ld i ved an the state legislature in oo] with a wun. ou Friday, | EASON AAA Joung gr 3 He wae tried before 8 fury Land. was a slate senator from, id 1s in ten minutes % o oss | * a | And an option as mven of eg En | unty NIN © was governor o in- than twer Ty on iii pln BURNED TO DEATH. a months in the common Jail , | pesota from 1892 until 1895. His home | she ever bad a stroke | . J. Albert Scobell, Cape Vincent, is isin Alexandria, Minn. * Gloversville, N.Y. Oct. * | cuing the New York Central railway # 14.--Half an hour after a ¥ f,; HD for a warehouse burned, Plenty Of Water. i Ballantyne Notes. # party of mnierry-makers, * and holding much personal property Glend rag . y ¥ early yesterday, had eft #¥ Th. fire Mr. Scobell ol TAR CAus. alendower, Oct. 11.--~There is plenty Ballantyne, Oct. 7.--Much sympathy | Solomon Frank's. home, ¥ hd RE Ek a a no of water in the wells now. Thaddeus is extended to George Vanhorn anda where they had celebrated ® a ~ vy Fru Snpme i. "eing 14 | Babeock hot = much better. Mrs | family in the loss of a kind wife and % the approaching nuptials of ¥ the plan throwing Spar Amos Tyo is better, There was preach. | loving mother. Mr Wilkinson has Frank' s daughter, Dora, % | Cha D McC 1 ing in the Friends ehurch last Sunday. | erected a new windmill. R. 0. Patter- Sr Swept through the | May Change Dr. McCallum, Charles Babcock and wide, Glendower, son has moved to Point toad. 'W. Pat. | & ty ix embers | Jordon. Ont. Oct. M.--It is stated | visiting at his father's, Long Lake. | terson shipped three carloads of cat- | eo unily ineludin: * that the Ontario government is eon- | The heavy frost last night killed the | tle and pigs last week, George Eaton | % th Lotr a woman 1 ag gE mpleting r the removal to Brockville| garden stuff. Mrs. Julia Timmerman | is breaking his colt. T. Weir has re- 1% t A TO Only the eo Asylum of Dr. McCallum, superinten- | visiting at Sanford Leemon's, turned Michigan accompanied by Mrs, |. their lives. Only mot ner * det of the London lusane Asylum -- C. Bennett 1 gi *|% and two infants sonseseap- ||). Roome. of this city. will he ap = ; and little Miss Hall. Oli- | % ed. The dead are Solomon * L api At Buffalo, N.Y., John Vas a Hun ver Bullick is again shipping pigs to is fi dauzh ¥ | pointed superintendent of the London garian, attacked Alexander Borza with Montreal. 0. McAdoo, Sr., is on the #¥ Frank and his five URD- FF | [neane Asylum ia butcher knife Several well-«directed | sick list. A number have colds. Mrs. | ters. They were suffocated *| slashes with the murderous weapon W. Bulloch, Gananoque, and niec * by smoke = To Meet At Copenhagen. : | disembowled Borza and he sank dying | Miss Aggie McAdoo, left for Montreal a Abra Copenhagen, Oct H he poli- | to the pavement i Todaro bos they Jolt fi to trent, NEAHIGHISIISERICEAINIIIK | (Lon Be correspondent wires | The dt of the wireless svstem | for a short time visiting friends. Mrs. that a me tween the czar and | between Canada and Great Britain, | W. Wilton visiting her parents Sun-| WHAT A FALL DID. King Edw: at Copenhagen, has been | fixed for Monday, has been postponed | i in consequence of unreadiness at Canadian station An odd name for a dairy and detective is Cheatham pronounced: Cheat-em, arranged the | When having a piano see the Nord. in Kirkpatrick's Art Gallery, street, instructor | heimer shee it is Princess SCIENCE "FINDS A CURE. Dr. Keating Hart's Cancer Discovery Shows | Wonderful Results---Electrical Process. Paris, Oct. H.--Dr. Keating Hart! This eleétrical process, which rot] | of Marseilles, gave a practical demon- | heen named ""fulgnration." can be ap! stration, here, on Saturday, of the plied also to cancer in the head, ! new electrosurgical cure for cancer, | where onerations are impossible Hs which up to the present time has | application causes the growth ta dis! shown the most w wderful results, { appear gradually and puts a Stop to The system consists of applying in| ghe dreadful pains that accompany ! a special man hizh Jension inter | cancer. eh sharks: $0 the CAROSTOMS nn 1 he se are oleae by the! eof. Samuel Pozi and a number of | {electricity and their cutting out is, ot eminent French surgeons, as | made most. easy. At the Same time well ds several of the foreign delegates | the electricity causes the wound to! to the surgical congress mow in ses-| heal with magical rapidity, kills all | sion here, witnessed the demonsica- Hoe. and declared it to bo of the test value, pain and prevents a recurrence of the growths, . Beautiful Silks, Dress Goods, Laces, i : Velvets, Ribbons, Ete. © Women's Coats, Suits and Skirts. Our Kid Gloves This store has always been famous for Gloves. We bave collected even Letter stocks (his season, and we Ask you to eall wed see the ebrated BY- NIER" KID LOVES, nd "DENTS WASHING KID GLOVES, in White and Tans, We are offering. The Best 81 Kid Gloves In The City. STEACY'S For Frome Journal Patterns. . Agents to WALDIE ~ At Gananoque, Oct. Sth Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Waldie, a son RUTTAN.--At Dorlamd, on Sept. 23nd, to Mr. and Mrs, Geo. A. Rutten, son. WISKIN Ad Pelerburo', to Mr. and Mrs, J. D. a daoghter MARRIED. CAIRNS--FENWICK .--On Saturday, October Tub, 1VO7, at 184 sity Avenue, Kingston, Outarnio, residence of the bride's mother, the Rev. KR. J, Craig, univ daughter of the late Fenwick, to Delorme Citrus, ME, of the of Out. Oth, {Deb,) Wiskia, by Florence Mary, Pr. T. M. Donaldson Geologital DIED. Kingston, gs Kivell, Bh, fitry~ Oot KRIVELI In aged 1907, John MN, years 5 Punetad tous place to Bowmanville. Ont. 3 " he SHEARS Entered into rest at "Heath Beil, on Momday, Oct. I4th, 1907, Fadyth Hepburn, peloved wife of Winthrop Sears, in her twenty-ninth yoar of het age. HAMILTON ~At CHfton Springs, N.Y October 14th, 1907, John Macpher- son Hamilton, late Judge the Condity of Holton. > Funeral private. i HARLES. ~in Vancouver. B.C , on Sept 20th, 1907, John Edwin Charles, soa of Edwin Charies, this y. Ronen took place this afternoon from the & P. Station, on arrival of 4,20 train, for Ustaragui Cemetery | _Pbons 877, $27 Beinasns ot | ------------------------ ------------------ Valuable Properties For Sale. RINGWOOD, magaificent grounds -~