Yiwol he ary am no one wants an old-fash- ol ioned cod liver oil prepara- Jah | tion or emulsion, because ne | Vinol is a much better body- om. | builder and strength creator eau | for old people; weak children, ape! | we and for F Cournh, colds, bron- an- | Chitis, etc it does no good ains | we will return your money. Mr. | GEORGE W. MAHOOD, rain | DRUGGIST. the | Lone | king | hun- | ains | alth | ten- | wed { ned | ard | tile | | hal | Watermans Ideal Pens, in me all standard sizes. ood Fitted with *'Ulip Cans' the it is mext to imposible to dn't lose _thesp from the pocket city ¥ The. points are assorted did | wit wl users, and guar- ho | > ard | thi | «| [I SMITH BROS. | Jewellers & Optician city | 350 King Street. "an { Issuers of Marriage ld { Licenses. one | 'Phone 866 Mr. | tter or | = Somme comm-- "| wo BE SURE AND VISIT ty «in tter the | the hat per ary nat- en- rost | ised in hey aid. ort in- Ping lied ith- of be | MADE-IN-CANADA Also visit GOURDIER'S FUR STORE. Being so busy, find it im- possible to make an Exhibit in the Armouries. W. F. Gourdier, Brock St Wm. Murray, Auctioneer 27 BROCK ST. New Carriages, Cutters, Harness etc., for sale. Sale of Horses every Saturday. RAV SEASICK ints | and | Jen- ing y's $ then look at our display. iMade in Canada Almost every Coat in our swell range was made in Canada, the beauty, elegance and 1ichness of these gar- ments speak volumes for the high standard of efficiency that our own Canadian de- ¥ Children's Coats to fit all ages, $1.98 and up. Misses Coats, all ; sizes, W $3.50 and up. ' If Jou want the newest, noooiest and most up-te- § date garments in thé city 8 The Rarments sell them- RERARBLE STORY They Are Saying And Doing. Fas TO THE THEFT OF RE.| Sir Richard Cartwright left for Ot. LICS FROM CHURCHES. Youthful . Old Age is the result of a healthful middle life. "If there is a tendency towards' Consti- pation, Indigestion, Biliousness, Nervousness --CURE IT NOW with a ». tawa on Tuesday. Ex-Alderman Joseph Tait is ill in --Thomas, Went Into Business| {this morning to attend a millinery on Own Acc¢ount. opening in Mew York. Paris, Oct. 9.--A sensation has been| Christopher Robinson, Jr., returned caused by the remarkable confession | | fram Cobalt, to-day, and is visiting of Antonine Thomas, who was arrest-| his parents, Stuart street. ed, with his motner and sister, charg- | Rev. D. C. Sanderson, late of King- jd with complicity in - the theft of the stom, is now the editor of a news. {famous cope of Orth, valued at $120,- paper at Freewater, Oregon. | ovo, from the church of Ambasea, near| Mr. Harrington, the well-known { Limoges. Thomas declares-that after | horse trainer, went to Poughkeepsie, | | the' passage of the separation law | N.Y, this afternoon, where he will re-| | antiquaies of Paris, some of them side, es} | millionaires, hired hini 'and others to Miss Kathleen Parlow, the musician | {bribe the parish priest to surrender Who has Europe by the ears, is known | the relies and substitute counterfeits, in Kingston. Her' father, now de- which could be later turned over to the state. -'This plan continued for months, Cr Jie and Thomas finally went boiuy into | A m. makes mow wholesale burglary. Thomas estimat- J Went Into the Busi-! he city, to-day, removing a patient quois. \Y Sunday SVORIHE, alter church, Mrs: number of friends to have a cup. uf) Si ness to Recover Valued Articles | to the Rockwood asylum. aupporied BY By in Mrs. Fulford, of Crumley Bros., left {and Fredric Romki's "Happyland" : Prices--25¢., 50¢., Seats now on Monduy, Oct, BIJOU THEATRE TO-DAY AND THURSDHAY. gands of Macedonia {AN SriSobi DE WAR BETWEEN SRE: 1 Re AND LG | Lawless fs Plotting to raid a ceased, was a former resident of Iro- | Greek ea hery igo" | House of the {lans fire the Greek LW | ohn Hughes, Centre street, invited a the Grecks--A runing thfough wu picturesg return | G recks--The final Wat Te "Biflgarians | Punished. [ed the ant of bberie | BRAS oe i he robe ao ul Chl hl, se, yf 4 ! { R. Leathem, New Yor! sse8, { wirke agnate WN { oussor ax ane respected local magnate to the Sheriff T. C. Dawson, of St. Cath-| ris! nblic stems p . cd i pam i Hy lic, but . it seems that, privately { arines, and County Constable A. B. P was a practitioner of illegal opera- . Ips ; Toronto, On: | tions, and even, it is alleged, | Tufford, of St. Catharines, were in the | alleged, a_mur-| tv, on ' October 9th, delivering the !derer. In his bouse'the police found prisoner, Wadsworth, to the Kingston | lan array of deadly poisons, a blood- a kucrion SALE OF HOUSE- [stained stiletto, illegal surgical in-(PPURUSGHO, bane: tuner for Nord. ~~ HOLD FURNITURE (struments, and.a mass of correspond- a Piano' company; - Toronto, rt | xh FRIDAY, et 11th, at sy rooms, ence implicating some of © the best | [be in the city nmtil Friday. Orders Marke quare, ousehold | Furn e, T Bedding, Springs, Mattresses. re. known famities ifi France. | left at Kirkpatrick's art store, Tele: E Curtains and Poles, Crockery, Glassware Ay phone 452, will receive prompt atten- Bell Organ, Grand Duchess Range, rg tion. Kitchen Utensils, New _ Home Seiwi Machine, Matting, also olls cof Cid 4 Leigon Pie Without Milk. Tailor-Made Ladies Suits, Button Hole | Hughes took place, Wednesday after Machinery, Sewing Machine. A lot ol Pulps of two letnons, cut very fine, {noon, to Sand Hill cemetery, Sun- othet artifles Come and see. Ivery | yolks of three eggs, one and a half lury, Services were conducted at the hing mus he sold. want the room Ss sug ~ S * ar ThE. 1 cups sugar, hal cup melted butter, [hovise by the Rev. C. A. Svkes, pas- Sale at 10 o'clock. Terms cash | three small crackers: softened in a lit-{tor of Sydenham Street Methodist WM. MURRAY, | tle water, or one small biscuit soften- joes Auctioneer. ed in water, pinch of salt, all thor- ew rrirey=e=n: | qughly mixed together. If not. sweet | MARINE NEWS. Band ( oncert enough add more sugar. Put in el plate which has been lined with crust {The Items Gathered About the | ] Thursday Ev'g,, Oct. 10th. [and bake until a rich brown. Remove | Harbour. Two Bands. | from oven and cool, then cover with | Steamer Westport = arrived, light, | j | the: whites of the three eggs which | trom Cape Vincent 8 ROLLER | RINK | been beaten to a stiff froth | The sloop Maggie L. arrived from amine c------ | Breaky's Bay, with a cargo of oats, {for Richardsons'. er cn xem m-- Sa---- The schooner Mary Ann Lydon ar- THE ORIGINAL AND GENUINE WORCESTERSHIRE rived "at Garden lsland, from Char- lotte, with coal, The Calvin company took the barge Granton to Montreal, to-day, to used as a lighter for the steamer Ber, muda, aground there Swift's : Steamer Belleville, down, to-day; steamer Hamilton, up, to-day; steamer - Aletha, from bay points, to conl. The steamer Westport cleared from Richardsons' elevator, this afternoon {with grain, for Napanee. She will then proceed to Toronto, and load lumber, for Clayton, N.Y. The work of raising the sunken thirty feet of water at the Western | gap, near Toronto, last autumn, hos | been commenced. § al P. O'Hara, second officer on the on the'red*laBe¥ and black on tne outside wrapper. steamer Noth King for many years has been appointed to the position of {first mate on the car ferry, Ontario | No. 1, and will report for duty the latter part of next week. Look for the signature of Lea & Perrins' in white ASK ANY HONEST GROCER FOR THE BEST SAUCE. Jessie Hall, up, light; steamer Wah-! condah, from Fort William, with 50, 000 bushels of wheat; sug Emerson cleared for Charlotte, with two coal . M. DOUGLAS & CO., CANADIAN AGENTS, MONTREAL. ARIANA -- = barges; tug Thomson * cleared for | dell, " A NA pr . p . ef Montreal, with four grain-laden | and five barges; steamer John Sharpless clear- | church ed for Oswego, to load coal for Lake cleared for Fort William. "ag The Lieutenant-Governor Visited It To-Day. $4, $4.50, $5 | Upon invitation of Col. Taylor, com- of hospital board were invited to share the best labor. They select the in the visit, The buildings were in- best leathers for their uppers. They use genuine oak soles. They spected, make their shoes on the best parade, and seniors and juniors fitting and newest fashioned lasts. gymnastic exhibitions of the very best We are showing. many. styles to order, with a precision that seemoc select from. faultless. Sir Mortimer complimented | Ladi Fis. them in warm terms, commended In os, $3.80 5, apd $4. admirable discipline, a valuable as- wot in after life, and felt that the com-| proud of the Royal Military college, and why its graduates were distinguish- ed! in many walks of life for ability, courage and judgment. He asked for a special favor for the cadets, as a per-| somal concession. At noon His Honor returned to Toronto, without having BEAR OFFICE; TORUNTY visited the pstitentiary, the only thing | tn | RE Bt Ci il, $10000000 I orn, A. H. IRELAND, Superintandentof | moo of Accets "= 113 '000,000 Wil be Torgisen. Branches throughout Canada, and in the United States and England "Made-In-Canada' Notes. A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED THE i CANAD Mrs. Herrington, Mrs. Macnaughton, current rates and paid quarterly. The depositor is subject to no | Express. delay whatever in the withdrawal of the whole or any portion of The Napanee people at the fair are the deposit. | very liberal every other way. Promin- CORNER OF KING AND PRINCESS STS P. C. STEVEN SON; Manager. ee eee th of him at thirty years of age. '"'Made-In-Canada." Convocation Hall on Tuesday evening to hear a distinguished Canadian tel of his travels in, New Zealand, The new machinery at the locomo- tive works is nearly all installed and the buildings are fast nearing com pletion. The new power house i The Best Milwaukee Beer. . -- For sale by James McParlafd, Kisigston. have the steam turned on. | switch bogrd. eing installed by the 1 | Canas lian Westinghouse company, | installed jn the city, TH L P | At M. T. Co's elevator : Tug Thom- | EIS SURE TO GIVE YOU EA & ERRINS' son, up, with two light barges; tug] WON DERLA N "+ PASSION PLAY Wednesday and Thursday, Ww. Gi JORGE will ag " and for one hour | The funeral of the late Mrs. John'l Crucifixiouos, omy earth; today, Bar t {Ca Fado | Judas Betraying Ubrist, the Mound, Jesus Preaching ta he Malti | tude. PRINGESS THEATRE = Amateur Hunter , pin ( onvict One of the mot coitical piet shown in the cit, * HAMMOND Sing Te m id : QUEER $ FOOTBALL EXCURSION TO. OTTAWA ------ Special G.T: R Train Leaves 12th barge Resolute, which went down in| | Ottawa, $1.70 return, Oct. /QUEEN'S IL vs. RM.C SATURDAY, Qc, 12 Queen's Ath ate Srgund. Grand | Bleachers, | rt -------- BATTERSEA LOSES PASTOR. day; schooner Clara, from Sodus, with \ Rev. J. A. ! with GOOD SHOE Superior ports; steamer Donnacona took his departure lege, two Yours to comple jing VALUE a noxar wirrany coizrer If tin he fully tion! his reputation as an zealous and faithful | and his departure is Heol regretted. joey | Joseph Moorchouse, who rived last week and began his at earnest, | | mandant, Sir Mortimer Clark to-day The makers of the INVICTUS {visited the Royal Military college, SHOES realize the importance of {being received by the military and making a good shoe. They know civil staff in a body. The mayor, { { that nothing pays befter than a Col. Gordon and the Eastern District | settle satisfied customer. They employ staff, the local member and chairman the senior cadets reviewed on communi gave of her, de: & sincere pitty of a large circle K. Lake and Mr Lake have retinoid from an extended | the tour among field and Bellev lle. Batte ren' ule adi 1g horsemen, Messrs, { | friends here. and D. The Sawyer Shoei Store bination of close intellectual and phy-| J. sical courses were the acme of benefi- cial education. Arter the visit he (At t could understand why Canada was and i The following Napanee people, re-| presenting U. E. Loyalists, were in| [rally » grand march at Made-in-Canada, last | There pus a | COMMERCIAL AND FARMERS' PAPER DISCOUNTED night : | Mxs. Ward, Mrs, Croskery | chpreh wag ben flowers and autumn leaves. ME Mr. Allis Mr. Brisco. Mr. K Lidstone, SAVINGS BANK DEPART NT " acd a ite Miss Williams Rev, oe: Sven the "pulpit. De; ts of $1 and upwards received; interest allowed at |.nd Miss Ashley were the Beaver and liam Davis, | cellar way [not only liberal in their polities; but |Freds Mrs. practically completed and ready to par! The new | Recon, living J is {to id J place, and is one of- the best ever | home after {Browaville, N, Y, He cdniek "Sam S. end rape i 3 Fe offer : perl biel ence, ver | DE WOLF Hopper MARGUERITE CLARK najd CONDENSED MD ADy ERTISING Sale. 14th, Side > Pek.' " "LADIES ES' HOUR" Fanorandie scene of the Holylamd, the moming alter the enur | ection, the Ascénsion ahd Last Appearante the tomb of Bethiehwm as it is the. Manger where | the Beautiful Ohurch of Annuncia- the Tomb of Christ, ted eitnimg "wilt le ave Tichuts 'woud to: return to Waddell Goes Jietodia College. years Methodist | connec tion | and for' Victoria Col ra" a pastorate of two The People's | WANTED--GENERAL. SITUATION AS ,000K IN RESTAUR- ant, board use or private howe by, 3 First insertion lc. & word. Fach con- Chinaman - eapeRence. Nowiy secutive insertion thereafter half cent I'rincess street. a word. Minimum charge for one in A JOB CLEANING dsurs ouUT OF vion, 25e. » J > red." Pri Hehe. vf ly to rices Pp) . HELP WANTED--MALE, Lytle, General Carver, 85 Main St. -------------------------------- TO ; IMMEDIATELY, TWO STRONG Jou NG ARCHITECTS. men hel ers, in WE ¥ . tied! & apprentices "& desired. | ARTHUR ELLIS, AromiTEOT, oF- Apply to McKelvey & Birch, 69 and fice, Cor. Queen and Bagot streets. 71 Brock street. BENRY P. SMITH, ARCHITECT, Square. ete. Anchor Building; Market SPECIAL SALESMEN FOR EASTERN 'Phone, 345 Ontario. Must be good talkers and | bard workers. liberal pay weekly. POWER & SONS, ARCHITECTS, MER u A . chant's Bank Building, corner Brock write Luke Brothers, Company, Mon- and Wellington streets. Phone, 313. Veal re -------------- he eh er ATT -- NM. se ENLANDS. ARCHITECT, or r FALL BUITS Aon OVERCOATS TO or Prt shoad's Drug and » gl 5 ane . ct hee on Bagot pt well, "prio Calloway. A ------------ The Tailor, 181 ock St, pext to - Bivoy's Livery. DPWELLINGS, FURNISHED AND UN, MAKE $25 WEEKLY SELLING-THE furnished, Stores, Offices, ote. Me- Low of Financial Succ J the peok Cann, 51 Brock, street, that tells how to succeed and make a money ; quick © sales and repeater : STORAGE SPACE FOR FURNITURE ; Lig firms buy quantities . everybody clean and dry, Frost, City Storage, wants it. 100 per cont Beofit. Send 200 Queen street. "Phone, 526. 200, for sample and agen The -- gi ------------ Fiduciary Press, 1.452 Tacoma Bull: | x" CoOPLE OF OFFICES OVER THE img, Chicago, G. N. W, Telegraph Compan 'a office, Clarence St. Apply tod + By alkem. HELP WANTED--FEMALE, OFFICE "OVER WADE'S pRuUe i --------------_ . store, Cor. King end Brock Sts., hot A \ GB NER SRVANT. APPLY MRS. water heating. Apply at McCann's Low, 169 Union street. 51 Brock st . GENERAL SERVANT, AT ONCE. AP: TWO DWELLINGS, NOS, 44 AND ply, 157 Sydenham street. i ---- ---- | other small, -contaiming bath, ele. A GOOD PLAIN COOK. APPLY TO Apply 249 Brock » . Mrs. Tandy, 88 Jobhmson street. | -------------------------- NINE-ROOMED HOUSE, 8338 EARL! St opposite Collegiate Institute, ------------------ A GENERAL SERVANT, OR NURSE. | __ Amy to Mrs. Dawson, 125 King St ---------------------- Apply at 381 Earl street. THIRTY GIRLS, GOOD WAGES, AP: s-- -- | ply W. J, Crothurs & Lo, Wellington FURNISHED. FLAT, CENTRAL LOOCA-| tion, all conveniences, bath and closet street. -- a ------------ ws } Heht reasonable to right parties. | A GENERAL SERVANT, NO WASII- Particulars, 203 Wallington street. ing or cooking. Apply at 61 Union| === tm=C --- -------- street West. DEFACHED FRAME NOUS 1 AR ER -------------- | good repair, in close proximity to tos I ATE Cotton Mill," Tannery and Fromt-| APPRENTICES. FOR LADIES TAIL | ld Boho. seven foo Rent. Prices stheet 4 | $9 per month. Apply to R. Chas Rell, Real Estate Agent, 1713 Well | ington street ora. | A , 3 ILI BELONGS TO A NEWS. end A Foader leave at Whig office. on Saturday eveni finder kindly Jaave 4l SPLENID OPER A SPLENDID OPEORVONITY 10 ME- pea, who SEER A Sr us i on a 'rico and particulars see COMMODIOUS: BRICK RESINENCE, Hh spacious "sitiated at coftier Johnson il Snodden, 229 A ---------------------------------------- "=| VALUABLE PROPERTY FOR SALE~ he' property of the late Joseph son, now used as a dwelling and » slutiber's shop. Apply Kem 3 434 -------------------------------------------------- Princess St, one large, and the' | OUT STONE FRONT RESIDENCE, No, 87 George St. hduse 28 84, two stories ah. comaining kitchen, containing all modern improvements. | dining room, dow Horary and seven room all convenience. tien aad hot and cold wafer in bedrooms: house heated by hol water. Lesslie, on the premises. MONEY AND BUSINESS. ' | -------------------- Iding sad soptenty than ny that A COOK. APPLY TO MRS A Dn. 4 - ober! sol 6 Sw ha i Stewart. ._Rolirison, J ydenham | y agp STRAYED OR STOLEN. St., Cor. of West LEARNERS AND IMPROVERS AT Mime. Elder's Djess-naking Parlors, | iia AT AIR OF HOUNDS MARKED WITH | brand (*K.') on hips. Any person | holding #fter this advt, will be prose | cuted. F. A. Bibby | BOARD AND ROOMS. 253 Princess street. AN EXPERIENCED VEST-MAKER, to go to Picton. Apply from 1 p.m I -- to 8 pom., to FP. CU Maund, Str | t 3 . a FURNISHED ROOMS, WITH BOARD, Aletha, Swift's Whar t also. front parlor. Apply 187 Tor tee eeee-------- borne street. Sgr} Insurance Papbriom, Mark: RPOOL, LONDON AND ALORS Farm and city pro- ing old or giving w Dusiness eet rates from Strange gents. NERAL SER-!pHp THRIFTY LANDLADY SENDS | EXPERIENCED G vaut.. Apply at J . Uildersleeve's. | he Whi tL dave, ke one of RA i wien 7 ante nl fhe Wig a lt me Jive ous ot the evening. No washing. No worrying, and Kittle expense. A CENERAL SERVANT MUST NWF 1 MARRIAGE LICENSES. good, plain ook, Might wages rb rete Rd 6a The right person: Apply, ati, 8. KIRKPATRICK. ISSUER or 162 Jobmstin St., Cor. Sydenhean 81, | Marriage Licenses, 42 Clarence St THE PARAGRAPH PULPIT. Unitarian. REV. C. W. CASSON. OTTAWA. | The Free Soul. Surely God can take no pleasure in | a slave soul, whose servile obedience | is only the outcome of its selfish, fear. Surely God desires man to assert their freedom; and to act at. least the manly part. 'The coward is just as te | V duties came up with him Jt they peeve already in the parsonage. John Hughes, of Kingston, re for manyyears muh pained" to hear Ames secures ol many : first prizes he surrounding fairs. Fred. Mattias alio Sarre second prizes. ¥ Ottawa exhibition The following vis for havesbéwn in lour midst of at land wife, Buck, I. Yostusin |Tuven, Kingston: Blakesley and; esi | Miller, ji CAH Rapids, Mich.; ig Spann, Wipele hi their best--pickled fruit packed in he a and wife, a | News Badger From Murvale. LWA dryd Ycthagis abd the lat Curtis Walker's, Visitors: Wil Eduder his house, a portiofi- bf his foof with dyi rick. Boyle has had a new {drilled and Struck NGSTON BRANCH a ent in their hooth are photographs of forty ets Kl ' the old chieftain, the late Sir John | A. Macdonald, taken from. portraits operation hot x | tal, | remaing were ake Ae Yaarker amin | te rment, The best of everything. Come to | painful Ashley, 1 ity operatigg at! son of Nr. and | an ings ton, General hospi- dre by falling. = Irish os lat of Yarkef, dre Jim nie Wikia. | street, and see Canada s stapdard their stone lifter. | Youngs has returned efter spending a Few town, N.Y Lee is vigiting Les and Stella | for short time. eh bor The Two Day's Receipts. 4 ured the contemptible in religion as he is any- ere else. He only is worthy of our HL ect who is brave enough and | strong enough to assert his right to | | his own belief. He only is able to ac- | | e anything in life worth the do- | ing. 'Bo be free is to be forceful. Re fuse to be fettered. Stand up and as ert your right to liberty. It is your privilege. Claim it. Address, Mr. Casson for free litera ture. A Unique Table Delicacy . Real Fruit is ripe fruit, whether Ripe Olives. Those who know Olives only as a green pickle do not know Olives at all. vyvolo Ripe Olives are Olives at sterilized packages. This process practically gives to tae world a New Fruit Food remarkable for { its beauty, tempting to the palate and exceedingly nutritious. For Sale only at 341.343 Princess St. "Phone, 76. | ry ---------------------- a valuable heifer drop dead last week. FOR SALE OR TU LET. CORNER KING ANF carriage foo va Take No Chiasice, Buy the ROYAL SHOE FOR MEN. PRICE $5.00 The highest class of Men's Footwear made in the 'United States. Th Union Made material. Via Kid, Gun Metal Calf and Velour Calf that can be bought. class finish, superior fitting, comfortable and shape- retaining are the characteristics of the Royal Shoes. Widths from B to EE. Reid & Charles, Sole Agents 111 Princess St., - Successors to D. J. McDermott. Colt Skin, wie a Olive or Orange, Real Olives are| ou00008esetthteteetettsetsttssttptttistetsss Chocolates Buy Ganong's G. B. Chocolates. They are the Best. oe ee ¥ A. J. REES, 166 Princess Street D. Coupe tS, |2e0995054333303000400 BISIFSIIVIIIIINIIISIGS Me Erpess, Randal Lake, is visiting fd pm Sowwsby and family, Glenvale, at Mrs. J. Taggart's; Mr. and Mrs. E. "= Day, Harrowsmith, at B. Guess'; My. ba Mrs. Manuel Orser and niece, / | felon Digsworth, Kepler, and Miss . + Muriel Grant, at William Wallace's; |° uid Irwin and Miss Minnie Tag- % gart, at Miss Annie Purdy's; Earl Jee, Harrowsmith,' at C. Walker's; Mrs. W. Moon anw daughter, Kingston, at J, Lee's, is too hot, you can open the damper and keep on adjusting The To Made-In-Canada Patrons. until you get | the proper temperature. Visitors to the Made-in-Canada ex j;hibitie ym are cordially invited to call Kirkpatrick's Art Store, Princess high grade piano, the "Nordheimer. | A special price is ofiered for one of these pianos, which has been rented the temperature drops too rapidly.' Prop § Oven Door, Daylight Oven, tage over other stoves, are pro- 2 The proceods of the Made-inCanada air for Monday sand Tuesday amount. ' A wa y been | ed to $2,800, There are about 8800 ex- . 3 STYLES | ~~ ved | pense. The four days the fair has still ned | to run should pring in a good pile of at | precious coin. Everybody should help)! dogce had | | along the good cause, 4 Most aven dampers have only two positions. are either wide open or The "Peerless" dampers are adjustable. If the oven With the ordinary oven This means economy in fuel consumption. heat must be all thrown damper to keep the oven from getting too bat, the up the chimney. Then the drafis have to be turned on again, b per. Also the " Peeriess Grates. These points of Ask your dealer to show you this special dam and Duplex exclusive. Write for catalogue. "Peerless Peninsular" Ranges Clare Bros. & Go. Limited, Preston, Ont.