RK ¥ HAAN HAH 4 HACK lorrow Proper Time to ire Your inter Coat aR HH ~ oH yo # Muffs and Neckwear, is re- 3 Jendent with novelties and ~ fal FHHSEISIIIINE HCH ot Quite Ready you coming, as you may have it placed aside until Up-to=Date Coat inches long, and we have 1.50, 11.75, 12.75, 13.50, on up to 21.50. ~embody the very last or: this season, and should ling to purchase a Winter fa just as welcome to come ther prepared to buy or dren's ats! | warm and moderately POWITIFIGVTVTHOTIVPOHI0IFD » HOOL SHOES: SCHOOL CHILDREN Prices That You Would - School Shoes for the solid, counters, heels and- s, buy a pair and see for values here kets Shoe Store. I= = 3 S KAA "McKAY FURS | The Furs we manufacture have the style, quality and workmanship of the highest order, and are generally :e- cognized as the finest gar ments of the kind. It pays to be particular where you buy expensive furs, or furs of any sort This is a store for people who know something about "qualities. There are "stores aplenty for careless folk, for those who swallow the chaff of advertising. zy Our assortment of Coats, HHA HAA appeals at once to those who want the best. Each and every one is fashioned 'ac- cording to individual ve- quirements, to enhance the appearance of the 'wearer. The choicest will go first 2s a matter, of course. John McKay Fur House, 149-155 Brock ST. OLIVES! We waré fortunate in buying a large stock of Olives hefore the recent PANY advance in price, and for the present our customers can have them at the 1 Prices -- Olives at 10c. per bottle, Olives at 15c. per bottle, Olives at 25¢. per bottle, Olives at 35c. per bottg, Olives at 40c. per bottle, Olives at 50c. per bottle, Olives at 75c. per bottle. And a full gallon bottle at $3. Jas. Redden & Co. IMPORTERS OF FINE "GROCERIES: -------------------------------- ee ce Yalugble Properties For Sale. RINGWOOD, magnificent grounds and buildi ROSELAV beautiful residence and grounds, also other desirable residences, at various prices. Ful information at SWIFT'S Real Estate and Insurance Agency, Cor. King amd Clarence streets. TAKE NOTICE. 1 have the best line of Heaters 1 eve had, 1 have also an enormous stock Furniture, that very low prices, 898 Princess street. Taylor Will Make Flags. Toronto, Oct. 3 The contract for the supply of Union Jacks, for the rural schools .of the province, has J. Taylor, Peter- heen awarded to J. boro.. The government voted £5,000, last session, for these flags, which must be wed inside the sc hools during and outside on any speyial day decided upon by the trus tees, -------- Bibby's display of English :. $1, £1.25, $1.50 apd 82 fodils single and double, Chown's drug store, DAILY MEMORANDA. It pays best 'io buy Fine Furs At Campbell Bros'. the manufacturers Amusement advts., on Page Three Cooke's Church Organ Recital to-night. Oygan Recital, Cooke's Church, 8 p.m. Roller Rink every afternoon amd even ng Fire and Light Compmittee, 4 Friday : Court Frontpnac, No. 59, 1.O.F., meet on Thursday eveming Loyle Club Tance! Pg 8.30 p.m. Car after LL Rummage Sale, 'at 2 on Saturday, Oct, ath, by Princess od. Wonderland, - New Bijou Theatre New Prinos Theatre, ever fternocn " \ ew Vencss every afternoch 4 pijkestone, on the and evening. This day in history --Treaty limerick, withdrew from Pekin, 1900. WHIG TELEPHONES. 243-- Business Office. v -- Editorial Rooms. 202--Johbing Pepartment. Legal Forms, all kinds, at Whig. Open till late each eveming. Work of the i tion Army. of which he is the head, in et case of his death. General Booth said : have heen made, so far as legal acumen and praygl could announce ment because of a growing anxiety on [the part of his loyal followers. address no fare well tour and 1 have never given the matter of discontinuing active work a thought, for present as long as my the firing a help line, fighting vice and lending + wretchedness and pos General William HAH HINA HK seven: PITH OF THE NEWS. vester The Very Latest Culled From All Over The World. reed mechanies quit insane drowned herseli and her daughter, old . ol and ll « : ed up, and wil Education Made Compulsory. imperi ef decree Clowry harried Mist Caroline A evervhody 'in | Estabrook, on August 2h, 1865, at furthermore, that |Omaha, she died in April, 1596. His homie is in New York eity and His wealth is calcuinted as amounting to He is one of the powers in and telephone corpora o and was fatally A China, and declares, taught the prin government In be better fitted | millions. when a parlia- | the telegraph The throne expresses tions not only in the United States, in- | but abroad. Mr. Clowry served in the the success | Union army and made 2 gallant re y and cord during his sefvi the people are to be iples of constitutional City. Ovegon, 'who died from the bomb explosion, made an 1t is reported in Lond establish parlian | formal announcement ment of Prince Francis of e- upon-the education knowledge, possesse 1 thy upon te' govern. called ! will soon be made ; Judge Found In 1 want to dispose of at as 1 want the room for Heaters. TURK'S Second-Hand Store, Helped Son. also procured something to eat them- comfortable Wallace arrested, charged as he absence of the father and Ryan, his com Id. was insufficient to cou ROSS STILL LOST. WERE CONSPIRATORS. They Have Been Indicted--Cannot railway insists Several indictments | gixteen hours have been found by the special judge (can be posted conspiracy cases and the men ja rest, and being held in default of | these instructions indict | circular admits pirators of "hav- | tion; it being Sirectsville, proves to mysterious than at first ments accuse the cons lan to overthrow pent of the Un- {leave possible hy . motored from the Berkely Hotel : ling agreed upon a | Bank of England hid the provisional governw ited States as quickly as bridges, burning the pro- Il foreigners excepting the Americans and do- pom, with a friend to the tstnouth Hall, Spaniards, killing ing everything possible t St. Luke's|the bank for five and a hall wae moved on by the his disappearance 1691 tipited States troops ing twenty four there, and leaving More oases of sick headache, hilious- | poss, constipation, can be cured in less | behind, Absolutely | Ross is discov erable, and the { disseminating description The Daily Whig is always on sale ut | Gibson's Drug Store, Market Square-- store, market square. office; a $2 pen for $1.50. Quaint Jugs, ete. EVERY DAY. things. EXPORTS SH( 'Shipments From Mo Over Last Season. from the ing 12,000,000 bushels, R600 600 bushels period a yedr ago. China We. are. showing some pretty odd articles in Plates, have more than held their as campared with the same dat As Montreal exports upw ards of & entire produce of La trade of the port NEW ARRIVALS 3,782,000 bushels, compared with 2 421,000 bushels for a corresponding period & year ago. Oats also show a eorvesponding Comé and ses the pretty Canada's butter 1 vee rade ell off very that during. during the present season, as an increase in while thers |uking the population 63,756 jncrcnsé in assessment of 81. country's business. -- " Front the apemn Robertson Bros. icompared with a year ago shipinents of was an i pared with a year ago, igures be { effece ay a Share. New York, Oct." 3--While a fervent . 3 : : WHERE (prayer mesting Was going on last ev- {ening in the Macedonia classroom, in 0 the basement Sif Rig Bethel, a colored Salvation Army t | Go On. After the General Has Passed Away There Will be Another General to Take His Place Booth is Vigorous. ith street, church -on West Twe shares in an African gold mine were {sold at ten cents a share on the pul {pit platform of the edifice. The sub seription was so liberal that announce: © to {ment was made of an {twenty-five cents a share mid The mining property staggers under the formidable title of the Arkansu | Usuwar & Dompem Syndicate, and is situated on the gold coast of West Af rica. where the tribal chiefs granted a concession 10 a New York company. incorporated in South Dakota Alfred ( Cowan, the colored lawyer, is been made chairman of the company « commitive Salva. [of exploitation. ONE OF THE POWERS of the I {Western Union Telegraph * company, ary public school education Mr the re $100,000 FOR OPERA BOX. ------------------ | Frick's. Record Price For Metro politan Seats. UP FOR AIDING ESCAPE 7% Tian: d horseshoe in the Metropolitan Opera House has : . famous "diamon changed owners sufficient Evidence That Hei ro «lr. itu iw Henry Clay Frick, millionaire iron master and long-time friend and as cociate of Andrew (Carnegie, has pur chased a coveted place, in the par terre row, box No. 19, 'which, since was built, had been e¢ Henry 1. Barbey } the opera hous owned by the who died last McKeown | © yp Frick, who has long desired after a time told the, ot the Metropolitan, had the first ln a-short time he was! yu on the box On prom- | his is the first outright sale of his son 10 SUE | ou erre box in the Metropolitan sine on bail. Ly nuary, 1903, to come | Rp Rishop's box was bought by James Melntyre |B Hagyin for $36,000. brought out, a Rest. Toronto, Oct. 3.--In a: circular sued to all tray the train should be taken off. o prevent the Vessel, When Cut in Two, Not sugar Buoyant. Quebec, Oct 3 1t was discovered, that the new CP.R Assiniboia, canals to do As soon at this vessel leaves port | Keewntin, will un- | service on. the lake A Train Héld Up. mail car by exploding dynamite badly burned. The tacked hy gendarmes, but the former ret police dis sovered dred pounds of dynamite at a | railroad station, in this sty. The ex- as compared | piogive was label the same escaped. The ses two hun was being being 2 Humilten's Assessment. of the work of the assessors has population of 160,120. mem A MEETING OF WIN A Tragic 'Scene at the Morgue In Where the Body of Captain Nicholson Was Lying--.One of the Women Swooned _0., Oct. 3.--After hearing } 7 from the lips of Mrs. Roxanna Stew- (Before the elder Mrs, Nicholson. of this city, that wd | though 'they: had separated, she and {comely said that she and Captain | o ro Tomes W. Nichols killed Nicholson had been married four years aptam . James icholson, killed She was a widow then and" a In the Telegraph and Telephone Saturday by falling into the hold of {child by a former marriage accom- | . ' at 8s | Corporations: » Salvation Army Robert ©. Clowry, ear off the stage of action another president and general mane general shall step.on to-night, the message that was born in Will 'county, IN. on Sep- around the world would | tember Sth, 1538 He reevived an or long live the (4; sever had been divorced; - Mrs. Nichol son, No. 2, of Buffalo, toppled over in a | know he had ween married, but 1 fine In weave and' so well adopted thought him a widower," sobbed Mrs. for the making of those very The women met beside the body of {Nicholson No. 2. "1 never dreamed inaisiouble long tant Suits. Xe { there "» offer a range of these very de here was another. woman. | sirable 'Fabrics second to noue in Nicholson in Saxton's | The «lider. who had not lived | The elder Mrs. Nicholson said she with the captain for younger collapsed when - the coffin opened. {| Mrs. Alice Coffinberry, Franklin ave-| husband." she "cried; then fell {nue and Hicks street. "1 shall have | to the floor, "Poor child," the other said fo her. | nounced Mrs. Nicholson No. 1. while | "He was my hushand. He couldn't be | the other widow prepared to return We never were divoroed." | to her home in Buffalo. ' AUSTRALIA'S NEW TARIFF. | 10 per cent; writing paper, on Some of the Principal | © lings each. * Imports. {The preference to the mother countre| Oct. 3.--A copy of the new {apparently ranges from 5 to 10 per Australian tarifi, recently introduced | cont { | in the Commonwealth parliament; hos | mn me Rg, | wen recdived by the department of | All Ill-Fated Name. and commerce, The tariff has New York, Oct. 3.«The owners of not been passed, and it is admitted | (po hull of the excursion steamboat changes are likely to be | General Slocum, which was burned in For the information of busi- | i}. harbor, here, in Juné, 1904, caus the full tariff will be pub- | ing the death of more than 1,000 per- lished in the next monthly report of | on. have meeived permission to the department. : iia | change the name of the emaft to the I'he tarifi on some of the principal | yp, cland The hull has heen convert items which Canada exports to Aus od into a barge and will i tralia will be : Smoked or dried fish, | transporting coal and lumber between 14d per Ib stripped harvesters, 16! Atlantic const ports each: agricultural and horticultural | : implements in general, from 20 to 23} ad valorem; furniture, except | of metal, wicker, bamboo and valorem: rubber hoots and "shoes, 25 | ly vegetable, used exclusively for newspapers, LAW OVER THE CHILDR Action For Sending Children to A Separate Trudell. 17 "Alexander street, West, fradell, a man aged forty, is a Pro- lof the public school. tant and his wife, aged thirty-five, | sent for two weeks for sixteen vears and eight is the result of the union. issued when the late Heber Trouble arose SIXTEEN HOURS THE LIMIT Will Compel Trainmen to Take -------- Geaclars; | When Facts Revealed. | en the younger woman swooned. Nicholson joined | her the vounger woman, fair and | ago. panied her bere and cared for her} Caledonia, in Escanaba, when she. swooned. i Rich in dolor, beautiful in finish, Canada in all new colors, includ- nine vears, was | married the captain in 1871, and never | tug, Nattiers, Blues, Plame, Wines, her eyes red with i had been divorced. She %ived with one | Browns Crome and Black. Tews her journey from Buffalo, of two children born 'of the union. pees will attract you. very price will please. * | the body of my husband buried," an-| cent: hrown paper, 6s 6d per owt. waggons and buggies, 9 and 18 shil be used in VENETIAN BROADULOTHS-- All Wool, #4 Se. : 1f you feel run down, fagged oul; cane, | take Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea, he greatest restorative known; pure- no alcohol or minéral or Tablets. Ma: inches wide PANNE FROADULOTHN-- Peau ul finish. Eo --- desirable color] - Hats wide, @ at ¥1. SEDAN BROAMEOTHS-In range of beautiful exclusive shades, 52 inches wide, at $1.25. CHIFFON + HROADOLOTHS-- The best French nakes, teautiful finish, fine weaves and jovely color tones, O4 fnches; wide, at $1.50, $1.75 to $3.50. WA SPROIAL RANGE: of those » good wearing All Wool Cheviots, in new i Reds, Blues, Browns, etc, s06 suitable for Misses Suits. or DD . The dyes are perfectly fast, Fabrics worth 85¢. Selling at 30e. Try Early Shopping unfinished, 40 per cent. adit ad valorem: printing paper! | poison. 6c. Téa hoods: Drage Store. i go (LEE i School. Oct. 3.--The home of Wil |allow the girl and three others to go {to the separate school, the 'trustecs of : {the latter agreeing to this although has been broken wp. lhe husband was rated as a supporter The children were to the separate We advise it. You'll hike it. Catholic. They have lived (school, before Trudell was aware ol | | the fact. Ax a result U. A Buchier has | Steacy's | { r the sending of the {straining Mrs. Trudell from pending | FPP SIIIRIIIINISNINNG arate school. ' The {the children to the separate school ---------------------------------- n, the Grand Trunk that all train crews shall take their eight hours' rest alter ¢ the road. No man spain until he has had the penalty for neglecting is dismissal. The no misinterpreia in one paragraph that rather than allow trainmen | a station without sufficient rest children to the schools were not considered suf- |', J Murphy defended Mrs Trudell. | BORN. iently good and the oldest git] was | Justice Magee heard the application SIMMONS. .--1n Kingston, , Oct. 1 to remmin at home wnul the {and took Murphys View of the case 1907, to Mr. and Mrs Fred. 5 officer compelled her to go to and refused to make an order for th mons, 148 Moneregl St. a dauglt Pressure was brought to haar injun tion. The case will come up In ------------------ the mother and she consented 16 ihe assize court on Mondiy wext. DIED, SLAVIN. --At Bediord, on Sept 27th, - - - 1907, at the residence of bis sister, I : Mrs I. B. Howes, J. J. Slavin TELEGRAPH RATES RAISED. SOLOMON'S SONGS. formerly of Sydenham. ---- i -- { et Puts Up Tariff--Press Urges Coms- | Declares They Were Not Written | ROBE % REID mission to Act. | By Solomon. i The na { - | Oct. 3.--dohn Haupt, | | Phone 877. 857 FEIRSSEE oe Winnipeg, Oct. 3 In retaliation, it Baltimore, _ for the efforts of the news- | pr publichers to organize a news | Johns distributing 'association known as the increased the rates from Ontario westward by 114 per cent. for songs; the and 100 per cent, night rate: { written fully Alberta by 100 per oent., and | which was 950 B.C. all other points in the west 100 | jection of love HALVES WOULD NOT FLOAT. ' notice { in existence from in two at the graving dock here for | the purpose of taking her through the time. with less medicine, and for less | id : Ha The Anke, | money. by -using Cartes's Little Liver iby : . i od ih : £ w shillex , than by any other means ave lo i The rtudentsl swe inl fountain pen is {Lor sister ship. the cold only at Gibson's Red Urose drag | jupo the same operatiod of being opposite. Whig | ooared in tw withdrew 4 ruth witch bad beet [the neighborhood of Damascus toy be cravelling 40 ang from irom Xistonee (io 1010 matuac") the United States to Fogland CC Fei. die Th: eon | Do not suffer from sick headache alcompany is now planning sperially six days The Free Press| not necessary. | designed halls for plays and concerts hose facty as i oe 4 : . : i th facty as a baxis for immx Carter's Little Liver Pills will eurelon hoard of three action by the railway commis a Dose, one little pil. Small | Tine. Other trans: | price. Small dose, Small pill. jare considering Frohman's propos: 3 : t is rumored that the 'Turbine | ion, Bad hreath is a most offensive ail- Steamship company, of Hamilton, will | -------------------- irritates you as well as vour | two new boats on the I oronto- French Ship Wrecked. ,. and also leave to do Tea takes £. 3 A train haviag an two hundred passen Odessa, ( d board more th { gers, was held up, Tuestay night, by a band of robbers who opened the | NI mans trying to vead AS A GHASTLY MURDER =x = ntreal Nearly. 50 Per. Cent 'ui toe vie -- robbers were d N : edd "hardware" shipped to the interior. « h . : arn also: shows 8 mt mam------ Albany, N.Y. Oct. 3 Believing that | John A. Dargatz, a farmer, w lmurder, committed ut Loudonville, on | hine-year old adopted som. . . Bn i 8 the outskirts of Albany. the police of he neck and | medintely departs. . Write, Dr. Shooh, he can throw some light on a double tron a rafter in 4 various places in this vicinity, are {of her home. Nearby was the body of | "Don't forget," Jue pm rubber : hott fountain Hamilton, Ont., Oct. 3.~ The result handed out fou pibMtation and shows the year Hamilton gaived searching for Jacob Besche, directly after | | bodies of Katherine Dargatz, wife of man, is in custody. ofessor of Semitic languages in the | Hopkins University, who has finished a translation of the Songs © Solomon, is credited with saying shat | eipecial Arrangements on the Solomon never wrote the on Ve P Cunatd Steamship professor said, vere - . am id 600 vears after his reign, (Liverpool, Oct. 3h--1t a8 agnouni {fiat the Ciinard Steamship company [he book is a 'col tha nares. dealing. por- 188 accepted the offer Charles songs, dealing | | Frohman to give theatrical performan- {ces on the big Custard liners by fegu- lar players who, MAY HAVE THEATRICALS. Associated Press, the C.P.R. with love of Christ, who was This was done on twelve | tiendark : It was written | The month previous the | Lo come, for man. for the time being, | moment longey. It is : of he ships of the Atlantic companies The French ship, Hollister's Rocky Mountain | yesterday, on Lewiston route next season. { London, Oct. 3 the had taste from thei The First Presbyterian ahurchs 2 Jon, Det. 3 oes renoves $ ao gen J purifies of | Galt, has invited Rev. J. H. Priteh- | {he const of Ireland. Huge seas ara Druir THe or - Tabieth, J Biantiord, to be their pastor. | pounding her. The crew of twenty five ub 5 {men have been in the fore-rigging for hours, The coast gunnds are h the ship, which (ard, PR | Pain anywhere, pain | painful periods, Neuralgia, toothache, {all pains can be promptly stopped by Alban | where as Dr. Shoop's Headyche Tab- y. {lets. Pain simply means congestion---- | undue blood pressure at the point { where pain exists. Dr, Shoop & Head- ¢ith their | gehe Tablets quickly equalize this un- The wo- | patural blood pressure, and pain im- {man was bound about t x {arms with ropes, her body suspended ! Racine, Wis., and got a free trinl packs 5 he barn in the rear | age. Large box, 35¢. Alb druggists. a farm {the boy, lying in a pool of blood, hot water n A in The search began yesterday, with his skull crushed, with an aze. syringes are sold at Gi Rew the discovery of the |John A. Datgatz, hushand of the wo- | Crass Die a opposite i 'Phone 2 J fee