Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 1 Oct 1907, p. 13

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, 50 an Umbrella is certain to come olks need two, one at home and one an extra one to lend. ® ave your umbrella ready. $1.50 Umbrellas. Others at 50c., > $5. S conds or trash in - Umbrellas, in or English ncoats ingston for the Celebrated 'Rain- $12.50. BIBBY GO. SLE CLOTHIERS. < 747)7/.%% ent pur- upon big vo. Take eputation v dollars, Can the me upon ? Can ? You That's Women's pair. land & Bro, iood Shoemaking. Ddorless s and Gast \ters en gas is so cheap, to and mornings. See ir Gas Fitting Depart- Y & BIRCH | OCK STREET. ng Chairs and tension Tables rave a large assortment of solid ¢ Chair Frames. We are making leather or pantesol this week. a new line of Solid Polish Oak Extension Tables, in round or - ts and China Closets with all im- as of an up-to-date dibing room \MES REID. 'PHONR 137 s THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 1, 1907. Cough drops, throat » lozenges, or cough syrups may relieve a cold but they don't cure it. Scot's RESULTS AT QUEENS Those Who Passed un, A. B. Turner, J. €. Pomeroy, D. ._ Doyle. Mental Philosophy--Div, II, W. W. Warnock, Mary W. McMichael, G. E, McKinnon. Div. 111, G. Greer, R. W, QUITE A NUMBER OF DE- Neely. . Mental Philosophy (extramural)-- GREES AWARDED. { Div. 1, M. ©, Nelson, W. T. Hall. Div. 11, J. Robinson, M. W. Mott. . Moral Philosophy--Div. I, Jessie E. Matthews, F. J. Hughes, Mima A. the Supple- mental Examinations in Arts, Emulsion not only Medicine and Science Mls. Div. III, John Brennan, Allan « ¥ The Yesdlts of t} * Jilmour, Edith Compton, W, H. immediately relieves of the supplemental ox: |i kpatrick, Joseph McNabb, J. aminations at Queen's University were 1)' Brien, C. E. Jamieson, J, H. Doug- posted this afternoon as follows : las, H.R. Parker. NT ug , | Junior Mathematics--Div. III, R, D. M.D, C.M. {Collier, A. D. Colquhoun, T. R. Kerr. L..L. McCambridge, Kingston. Senior Mathematics--Div. I, = M. Lu: it off. Take .Scoffs R. F. Nicholls, Kingston, cilla, Sister. Div, 111, M. Gertrude Emulsion for Steele, John Aqdorsiy, C. R. Macln- Degree Of B. Paed. tosh, W. Beggs, V. K. Greer, D. Jor- W. J. Karr, B.A., Sarnia, Ont. lan, G. W. Hofferd, coughs and J. H. Putman, Ottawa, Ont. Pass . Animal Biology--Div. 1, John colds. we F. Sullivan, Div. 11, R, FH. Leighton. or Degree Of M. A. "iv. II, Laura Nicholle, Stuart Liv- i George McMi aC wngston. . 0c. AND $1.00. { Ont. McMillan, B.A., Glennlian, 'WELEL oo mistey-Div. 1. WB. | Sharpe, J. C. Pomeroy, C. M. Mon- William Beggs, C. S. Dunham, Fraukville, Ont. our, J. ter. Div. Senior Chemistry--Div. trude Steele, W. M. Crawford, K. Greer, M. Marguerite, Sis- Il, J. Norris Scott. 111, Degree Of B. A, Hallville, Ont. M. Ger- R. H. J. W. Eaglish, Him mjco, ont. Leighton. x R Hughes, ¢ jue] ph, owt. |" Junior Physies--Div. I, A. M. Pat- RR Kick Portsmouth, Ont. terson. Div, II, M. Lucilla, Sister, R. | W. H. Kirkpatrick, Bradford, Ont. |, Leighton. Div, III, Sister Mount | Jessie 'Muir, Almonte, Ont. Carmel, A White. i : | Eva F. McConkey, Brockville, Ont. Senior Physics--Diy 11] A.M | J. C. Pomeroy, Kincardine, Ont. Patterson. 1 re F. J. Pound, Kingston: D, odin M: Reynolds: Kempivilie; | 5 Lose, Teology-_Die, 4 e Hap, nt. | ' kr Di oY * Fy W. E_ Sprague, M.D.. Belleville, Ont. {io CP. Bouck, Div. 'II, J. J. 1 ' A. Wilson, Warkworth," Ont. "Junior French--Bessie H Wilson, ree Sister Bathilde, Sister Carmelita, Degree of B. Se. | Marguerite Jenkins, Sister Miriam, Three Reason Leo J. Gleeson, Kingston, Ont. |Sister Estelle, B. P. Overholt, T. R, S 3: A phy, Partinid, Out. A 1 | Ross, Madeline Henderson, Gladys : iw andidates whose degrees depended Yule, T. 'W. Tay! J. W Gibson Why it will pay you to buy upon Senior Latin or Senior Grewk, |) Lr Fee. yo * iyens, have not vet Teen considered. | Senior French-- Harriet Watson, Sis- OUR BOYS' BOOTS. | for Constantia, Gertrude Lachance, J. Large: stock, right prices; and Scjsuce Supplemental. [¥7. English, F. A. Jones, J. D. Denny, quality second to none. Mathemati 1" As tronomy-_Div. Gertrude Elliott, Lillian Bri J Boys' Box Calf Blucher Cut all |S. A. 3 ie. 1, Bateman, Rowland, A. i. Dorland, Agnes Far- solid, $1.75. Div. TH, A. Wop. WF Luckett, | £2, Beatrice Lambert, i. Greer, V. J. Youths' Box Calf Blucher Cut,| Algehra--Diy. HI, F. Ransom, W. G. | Evans. $1.25 and $1.50. Bain, B. Asselstine, E.. Cook, J. F.| Senior French--Div. I, Harriet W. Boys' Dongola -Blucher Cut, | Warner. [ Watson, Sister M. Constantia, Ger $1.50. Trigonometry--Div. 1, N. B. Davis, | trude Lachance. Div. 11, PF. A joi IF. B. Goedike, FE. Cook, J. tones, J. W. English, J. D. Denny, H. JENNINGS, KING ST: wer Div. 11, W. G. Bain. B. | Gertrude Elliott, A. G. Dorland, Ag- Asselstine Fargey, Lillian M. Reynolds, --_-- em | Geometry--Div, 1H, M. S. Madden, | r, Beatrice N. Lambert, J, J Visible Typewriter. 16 UNDERWOOD You touch the button it does M. Ferguson, A. M. | Reyes, A Mathematics 11, , W. Agassiz, 0. M. McGinnis. Conics antl Calenlus--Div. 11, J. N.|H. A. Seott. Williams, | Physies 1 (A)--Div. I, 8. A. Bateman, IP. J. Rowland. B. Saint Spherical Trigo- . 8. Nicholl. Div. J. B. Saint. Div. Perry, T. A, A. McKay, J. Medical Supplemental. Junior Anatomy--C. J. McPherson. Junior Practice--H. A. Connolly, J. A. Charlebois, T. Little, J. Alla Junior Obstevrics and Paedictrics-- Connolly, J. A. Charlebois. Junior Chemistry, G. E. White, J. F. McDermott, A. H. Gannon, J. T. Power. Div. IIT, C. 1. Peeling, T. B. | Purvis. | Dowsley, { the rest. f Div. TL, W. Go Bain, H.'D. Junior Surgery--H. A. Connolly, 7 SEE IT. [FASS my sor Sn se - *hygsics iv J. L. Stan-| Senjor Su -H. E. Bond, C. A. ; : : ley; Be Al'@atvallen, E. P. Murphy, | Threadgale. ey on You will find it a case o© ¥. 'A. McGinnis, P. Reyes Junior Physiology--Gordon Camp- "Love at first sight." Physics H1--Div. ' Ahan IV ith Fo: G. Baker. Senior Physiology--C. TH Ryan. bell. S. Dunham, J. R. C. Dobbs & Co., Div IP. 8 Young, W. H. Craig. 171 Ww i St i nerplogy 1-Div. mir, T. B. Wil- | Junior Medicine and Surgical Ana- e ington reet. hs ior . Chemistey--Di m. 1 | tomy--H. A. Connolly, C. A. Patter- a ---- Glan, A. Bo Beat LAO (sen J. A, Charlebois. sleeson, JJ. B. @ . ay, J Von nri -- PIO OIPIVOOCOIOOS®® | Mineralogy II-Div. HI, W. Agree] Cog) Surgery. F. A. Cays, L. Me Le tallirsv obit 1 Leo. Glesetn Junior Materia Medica--J. Polson, COAL! | bi ge apie iL Leo. lesion ly "yy Cole: > Div. III, A. G. Fleming, J. H. Mar- S ted y & The sudden changes in Weather @ |shall. cnior Applied Anatomy--A Y. ought to suggest the wisdom of Surveying 1--Div, 1, F. B. Goedike, | Thompson, H. E. Bond. putting tu some ood Coal. ne S Purvis. Div. 11. A. M. Bate. |. Jurisprudence--H. A. Connolly, J. de ut, the ue Sy - man, J. F. Warner. Div. 111, D E. | ¥, Lape, J. Allaire, . makes the home comfortable ; it's Keeley; G. M. Ferguson, L. V. Trim-| 5 chor Practice of Medicine--R. F. the best momey cam buy, and ble. 1. Reves Nicholls, H. E. Bond, J. E. B. Gal- ery fa ache better mised, De criptiv "Geométry--Div. 1, S. A.|loway. We deliver it t } id - e Lieometry--inv, 1, 5, A, Thi soa x WHEY ite, ri ag BR Woods. Div. III, H. C. Saunders. Clinical Medicine--J. F. McDermott, prices |" General Eagiveering 1-Div. 11, 0.| | L. McCambridge, R. F. Nicholls. [M. Perry. Div: UI, E. S. Malloch, 8. | Fye. Ear, Nose and Throat--H. E. BOOTH & CO., | A. Woods, J. B. Saint. | Bond, J. F. McDermott. Phone 133. Foot of West St | Surveying 11--Div. 11, J. _N. Scott. | Senior Obstetrics and Gynaeology-- ; Div. JIL'A. C. Young. ° |F. A. Cays," L. McCambridge, J. F POSSI OSHReH a Thermodynamics 11--Div. 111, T. A. | McDermott. i Sms McGinnis. | Third Year Pathology--H. A. Con- Geology I--Div. 1II, N. Newlands, | nolly, J. A. Charlebois, .J. R. Hurtu- FARMS Ww TED. W. H. Roberts. | bise, B. H. Thompson, J. E. B. Gal- Electrical Engineering IV--Div. 11,|loway, A. Y. Thompson, C. A. Pat- EXPERIENCE, ABSOLUTE RELIA.| A A. Murphy. jlemon, "bility and good jpdgment in values | Electrical Engineering V=Div. 11k} Fourth Year Pathology--H. E. Bond, have gained for us an enviable repu-{ A, A. Murphy. | F. 8. Young. lation ta the ied Estate ya Hydraulic Engineering I-Div. III, | -- an ou us in ouc i a 18! ro 2: 1 : : of prospective buyers. If hou wish bh. B. Fleming. s x y . : Matriculation. > to place any Real Estate on the Hechanital Engineering V--Div. HI, Latin Authors--C., 8S. Worrell, Real Estate Agent, 159 Wellington President--Sir Richard Cartwright Money loaned on City and Farm Pro-| Watson. market, you will find it lo. your ad- || vantage to commumicate with us. We want at present a Choice farm of 75 or 100 acres, near Kingston, also a large dairy farm with good build- J. Lockhart, |: ESTABLISHED 1863. | son. Nectuntonl Engineering VI--Div. 111, | E. W. NM: Hatding, H. Mechanical Engineering 11 ings in good locality. DB Secuon Clarke, J. Section, B., F. H. Senior M. A. Carmichael, J. William B. Clark, G. Maclver, C. C. Li- | Glance Wilson, Carmichael, Cardifi, J. IF. Gleeson. 0. Dempster. Div, VE. Hi, | | | goure. a Latin Composition--C. 8S. Karr, T. | M. A. |E | | | w orrell . Ligoure, J. . Fleming. A, B. Poed-W. J. A. Speers, J. C. Spence, Lingwood, J. H. Carmichael, C. C Garmichael. German--Glance Wilson. Puteem; Wo J. Karr. Section C., W. | English Grammar--A. <L. Morgen, _, Bt, Ringtton Ont. J. Karr, 8. J. Keys. S. Worrell, M. McLean, C. Ligoure, § g-- J. F. Beete. Réeeesatettsssessesses $ Ayta'Supplenental | "English Literature--C. S. Worrell, } & : : . | Staebler A. Carmichacl, C. C. ¢« When You Buy Junior Latiu--Div. IL, Sister M. | Ticoure' J. F. Bette, C. F. Fitzger. $ Carmelita, Sister M. Bathilde, Sk | ald, Glance Wilson, W. G. Cameron. Estelle; Jesgie 1, Stenhouse, J. i. | English Composition--Glance Wilson, : COAL Bagh Sates. 4. Miriam, D. J. | 5 Mclean, C. S. Worrell, E. M. Dav- $ From Do¥ ih josie Jiiechell, Madeline W. | idson, J. F. Beete, C. C. Liggre, A. x ? eptlersoaty Sifter x Gone mn L. Morgan, M. A. Carmichael + Ju Beek Div. IIL, J. R. Webb. . Me <H. te, g Eat Eat Di 7 Sar. | Cri. _L, Morea, W, Fare hf P. WALSH Estelle. Div. 11, Sister Bathilde. Ger- on CG. 8. ad. E J Beete, E. Staeb- ® trude Lachance. Div, 111., Annie Jer Haight. \ri j0 EM : You ge t genuin € Senior Germau--Div. IIL, Harriet po Hitietity A bog J. F. ¢® Scranton, as he J|w. Watop, Sister Constantia, A. B. Robe. ary 3 & dl ' TNrher. . Beete, H. Farle, M. Ravary, A. C. 3 er. ' QW <4 handles nothin g | Junior Raglish-ie. , M. Isabella Bat MMe) ean, eo, G. + else. i Gourlay. Div. 11, J. Tiny Sis- Fenith my uo) 4 2 & ter M. Miviam, Ii. J. So T. R. | Wilson, L. Pierce. Prose Xam positiony BIRR IIRIIIIIIIIIIINS | Ross; Myrtle Jenkins, Mary Naismith, L. Pierce, Glance Wilson, ( + Asse}: Margaret doing! Div. IIL, Jessie 1. Sarle. J THE FRONTERAC {Stenhouse, JJ. W. Corrigall, Sister M, | Algebra--A. L. Morgans. n fasted | Jerome, 3. Dickson, H. A. Cars; T. Beete, C. Fitzgera £ : 'LOAN AND INVESTMENT SOCIETY | { IIA C. Neilson. R. B. Richards | + F.C ardiff,C. S. Worrell LE. Staeb- A, C. ter, B. Daéh. History Fe Staebler, A. I. Mor- . Ravary, Glance Wilson, C. S. Dash. English--Div. 1., Harriet I. | Div. 1I., Sister M. Alberta, sd gan, M | Worrell, B. perties. Municipal and County Deben-1.loba ¥Brien, Frank Hughes, W. { fr : Te ¥ . Jures. d Montages purchased, 8] Mc! Lean, H. V. Laughton, Helena G. | oie History ~t S. Worrell, G. 8. C McGill, Managing Director. | alli Biv. 111, Gertrude Lachance, { Phe ill, " r a L. Morgen, A Office, 87 Clarence street, Kingston. BR. Webis) Dy Tz Walkom, W.. H. | PuwvsinR. Earl, A. L. Morgan, A. | Sharpe, Ethel Wellinger, R. W. Neely, |C. Bate, C. Fitegerald. | Win: ABerhart, | Chemistry--H. Earle, W. gs Came- Medieval History--Div. Xk, Jessie ron, Jepnic MacKinnon, A. Bates | Muir, M. O. Nelson: Div. IIL, Jessie | A, L. Horta, E. M. Davidson, M. W. | Matthews, I. Doyle. Diy, JIL, B. | Musgrove, E. Reyes, E. F. Elliott, C, A , d in DEW | pb (Overholt, ( CR MacIntosh, J. H. |Fitzgerald. ous Dit Mencal and Brain Worry, Des | Douglas, W. L. Armitage, Myrtle Jen- | so Bay Mer 2 megs, Eni Huiseions. ons Sper kins, Effie Belfry, Gertrude Lachance, | Tt is reported that the Optario gov- one 0 als | U. Jamieson. lernment has bean relieved. of $250,000 Bien Arig vA English Constitutional History--Div, lof the Soo loan, retaining $1,000,000 mailed Fee ER Ro panei | Mabel Wilson. Div. H., Sister | jof the loan. The guarantee of the re- Yormerly Wi Madicing O% ant [ote Sister Hartease, Div. 1H., L.4 | mainder has been renewed for a short allen, W. 00 ke | period Eeonomice_INv. L,. J. C. Pomeroy, |" The Toronto grand jury, this morn- Forty-two persons, including thirty | [Div , BE. Hampson, A. . R. Doan, !in~ returned a true hill against the J jured by the derailment bound train apanese soldieds, were killed or, in- of a south- | early on - Pp from Seoul, ay. Ed le, A. Gilmour. 3 dvi Bert Agnes Fargey, W. R.| kb w Politics--Div. IL, H. R. Parker. Div, Grand Trunk and Canadian Pacific {railwavs for conducting a nuisance on the esplanade at the foot of . Bay street, Div. TH STRUCK PORTUGAL, SPAIN, FRANCE AND MOROCCO. Part of Lisbon Inundated--Some Twelve Feet and Many Persons Were Drowned. London, Oct. 1.--England," . which has = sufiered throughout September from the exaggerated clemency a the weather, is now receiving reports of a vast. cyclone, chiefly affecting West.rn Europe. 'Atlantic steamships bring ac- counts of much warse experiences than these met with by the Lusitania's pas- sengers. Lisbon was overswept by wind, rain and thunder last Tuesday. The Yornado _ travelled southward, striking Malaga, and even extoadalito sablanca, on the Moorish where the French camp was wip kod on Thursday. The main body of he ;cv- clone meanwhile went further east and slightly north, and burst over the south of France on Friday morning, unheralded by storm signs. There the | centre of the disturbance seems to have halted, and the downpour continued to-day. Th& damage to the vintage in the department of Heranlt i« now enormous. The valleys are flooded and whole towns are under water. Some of | the rivers have risen twelve feet, where they have receded human hodijes | have been ~found in the branches of trees. President Fallieres is visitin, continue incessantly On the plain of Montpelier, where Plorensac, near President Fallieres arrived last night, 'over 2,000 vintag- ers, men, women and children, were|™ gathering grapes; when panting gend- | armes rushed wpon them, crying: "Run for your lives." All dashed for] high ground and in less than ten min- utes 'a swirling mass of water swept | across the plain. Thirty women and | twenty men took re Muge in one small} farmhouse, where they remained for | thirty-six hours without food, ili tary engineeers in nontoons and hoats| are scouting the district rescuing peo- | ple who have heen imprisoned for days. The river Herault, which has | flooded the entire plain of Agde, still rising. Toulon has also aRored] and communication broken There have | been many deaths, but the precise! number cannot he ascertained vet There were torrential rains in Lie hon, on the occasion of the return of | the evawn pines from his Airican operating voom of St. pital. and two patients died of fright, At the theatres, vrocending, the artists fell wn their knees and offered wild prayers. NOT BY HIM. Kipling Will Not Write Canadian Book. Montéoal. Sept. 30.--Rudyard Kip- ling seems almost sorry he wrote "Our Lady of the Snows." In an in- terview he wouldn't mind it laughed and changed the conversation but ke proved his repentence by his earnest and forcible praise of Canada, her resources, her progress, and even mentioned a few marks about the atmosphere and cli mate gineally? But he is'a hard man | to interview--this short, with large head and through and through athirit for information, stocky man | eyes that go you. He is and asks more knew nothing of it, and had heard] nothing of it, 1 am going west and will see him at home, but that is if ferent." Asked as to his writing a Canadian book, he rep lied he might, but could not say. "Bat ' he said, "the great Capadian book will not be by me or any outsider. It will be by dian. You are a young country, are growing. Go on growing, go +n developing your Jesources, and some day in the fullness of time will come the great Canadian book." vou TO HEAR BANWELL. The Crown Bank After Guarantee Company. Toronto, Oct. 1.--The robbery of £18,000 from the Crown Bank, hy Ed- win St. George Banwell, a clerk in the bank, who is now serving a three-year term in Kingston penitentiary is 1c called by a Hall, to-day, action of the Crown Bank against the | London Accident and Guarantee com- pany. An order was made by the court on the warden of Kingston pehitenti ary; to produce Banwell, in order that bank is suing the guarantee company Of the $48,000 stolen by Bamw.'l, ell but. $1,700 was recovered, but the ex- nenses Lo recovery were $8,000. The do-| fendants paid £1,700 and $860 which the guarintee company considor «its shares of the costs of the -ecovery, shares of the costs of the recover on the bonds given on Maunsell DUPLICATE THE NAVY. And So Cope With Japan Advises Admiral. *Oct. 1.~Rear Admiral Coughlin, recently retired after anore | than forty-six vears active service, said, in an interview, yesterday "Washington is well pan is straining every resource in pre- paration for war, despite the protesta- tions of friendship we hear from cer- tain sources. The plan to mobilize a] great fleet, in Pacific waters, is the} most strategic move for peace which | could possibly have been taken, and shows the necessity for more ships. | To "duplicate the United States nav would cost far less than to maintain a gis months' war with Japan, or any formidable foreign power." Ww aiid: $2 hair brushes for 81.25, at Best's. Hickory nuts. arnavehy ». CYCLONE IN EUROPE, of the Rivers Rose at Least; coast, i and' | [ the Quebec judiciary the stricken district. Rain and thunder | twenty-one years, ow | company is planning to tour. Nevertheless the queen ran out from a pavilion and embraced Fim! under the delure, One-anarter of Lis: bon i= inundated. Lightning struck the | Joseph's Hos | where rehearsals vere | aii officially announced that the fish- 8 He | complimentary ve-| questions than the interviewer over| thougtht of. He wouldn't talk of Hin- doo immigration, for he said, "be! a Cana-! motion made in Osg) re; in connection with the he may give evidence in the case. The | on two bonds one on Banwell for $5, | 000 and the other on F. M. Maun«all. | the accountant of the hank. for &¢ 000 | aware that Ja-| -- The Very Latest st Culled From All Over The World. The late Auguste Bolte left an es: tate valued at over $85,000. Sardinian cleared from Havre for Montreal with 251 passengers. Robert Blackburn, fireman, was kill- od in a rear-end collision &t Allan. dale. The Lake Marion Lumber company, Ottawa, has assigned, with lahilities of $45,000. The two-year-old: son of Alosro Johnston, West Zorra, was killed by a kick from a horse. Brantiord's population increased S04 during the year; Woodstock 179, and ( Faslphe s about 400. Charles Ellingsworth, a Toronto railway conductor, was killed by be- ing struck by another car. Hon. Jean Prevost, minister of colonization, mines 'and fisheries, in Quebec, resigned his portfolio. The admiralty denies rumors that it intended to re-establish a naval base at Esquimalt, British Columbia, Collingwood has organized a Cana- dian club, with over fifty members. { David Williams, of the Bulletin, is pre- sident. Lee Jolmetae, a young Englishman, | died . an accident veceived while anki at the John Inglis foundry, 'Toronto. Alice Waddington, five years of age, was run over by a Grand Trunk train at Swansea and died in Grace hos pital, Toronto. {= How. Judge Larue, during the past will shortly resign ving to ill' health. The Syracuse Independent Telephone spend $4350, 000 in extending and . improving its system in Syracuse NY James Righy, a Scotchman, four months in the country, was killed, {and Robert Dawson injured by the col- lapse of a scafiold in Toronto, It is suggested that Chinese be ad- mitted to Canada free; being cheap they would drive out Japanese and Hindoos who seek high wages. Strong forces of troops are hurry- ing to Kang Chow Fu, province of iang Si, to suppress the Boxer up- rising which began there last week, The liberals of South Brant will ? | make an earnest effort to get T. | Preston, M.P.P., to reconsider his de | ei ion to retire at the end of his pres. ent term. { The trial * of Ceell R. Elliott and Norman and Albert J. Hopkins, joint {ly charged' with conspiring to defraud, was, to-day, traversed to December. | The crown was not ready to go on. { Hon. A. G, McKay, the new liberal leader, is announced to deliver three | addresses throughout Brockville riding this. week, concluding with one in Brockville on Saturday evening. | The body of a foreigner named Olga Whinungan, presumably a Hollander, {was found in the river near Varennes, |Que. He was a man of more than {ordinary circumstances, The police | are investigating. The marine department at St. Pierre of the French islands, both coastal and banks, are away ahead of | former years, even eclipsing the fishery {of 1808, the best on record. Albert C. Parker, of Boston,.Mass., who eloped with Mrs. Nellie Foster, of Homer, N.Y., three weeks ago, went | to Syracuse, WY and lived at a North-West street house, posing as her | husband, was arrested, on a warrant from Cortland, N.Y., charging him with stealing a horse, Leeds University was the. scene of an enthusiastic demonstration, last week, when the honorary degree of ridyctor of » was conferred on [yet Robert New York. Dr. Collyer worked blacksmith in Yorkshire before he emi grated to the United States, Eva Tanguay, New artiste, has been named as co-respon dent in a divorce suit. brought Mrs. Martha B. Zittell, wife of C [Florian Zittell, dramati€ critic of the New York Evening Mail, and also sued by the 'anere wife for £50,000 on i alienating C. Florian's affections. Difficult To Get Into Port. Oswego, N.Y., Sept. 30=High wind | {on the lake this afternoon caused disaster to two vessels enter- ing the port. Expert seamanship say- led the schooner Oliver Mitchell from accident in spite of the fact that the jib and staysail were carried away in {the gale. The steamer Fairmount, { landed with coal, and the two barge | Ben Henderson, loaded with puipwood, had extreme _difliculty in making the dock. ---- Baseball On Monday. Exhibition Game--At Columbus,' 1; Toronto, 7. \ American Leaguie--At 0. Detroit, 9 (17 innings). At Bos | ton, 3; Chicago, 3 (14 lhmingx). At | Washington, 6; At New B York, 1; St. Louis, National Leag Philadelphia, leveland, 0 a 5! t Chicago, 6; New York, 0 At . Louis, 5: Bos- At Pittshury, 2; Philadelphia, ; Brooklyn, - {ton, 1. 3. At Cincinnati, Never Missed In 19 Years. | Watertown, N.Y., Oct. k--Leaving | behind him the unique distinction of having attended Sunday school. for | nineteen years straight without miss- ing a single session, Whitney died at his home, | of thirty-eight years. He at the age was a book- | Banwell and keeper and well known throughout the | =p | city i The will of Miss Anna T. Jones, Philade Iphia, an eccentric Quaker, who died last Tuesday, hequeaths pro- perty valued at $3,000,000 and up- {wards to Swarthmore College, upon { condition that all participation in inter-college sports be abandoned. In | case of refusal the money will go to new hospital. Tolpagin, the revolutionist, who, on {September 21st was, for the third ime, sentepced to death hy court. | martial - for participating in a series lof robberies and other crimes commit. [ted as an agent of the secret police, was executed at Moscow, this morn- |ing. | Some one put alive rabbit into the | post office box at the corner of On: | taric and Princess . streets. « tained no address, and Postmaster | Stewart would like to know where the | bunny is to be sent. George Fry was crushed to death in bam elevator at Clinthus. { PITH OF THE NEWS. 3 who has graced | for many vears as al York vaudeville | by | nearly | George Leland | It con- |, i The Standard Bank pays interest four times a year on all Savings Bank deposits. Savings Bank Department « Cit a Bigs ; KINGSTON BRANCH "J. 8. Turner, COR. PRINCESS AND BAGOT STA, New Duchess Underskirts Angella Underskirts, $1.50. : KS Heatherbloom Underskirts, $3.75 and 1.50. Franklin Silk Underskirts, $2.75. These materials rustle like the richest- taffeta or gros grain, does not crush or crack, and is much more duruble. # Mantles, Mantles. Make - your selectio. a Ry The Coat rush is on. now at SPENCE'S ™ Legg anes THE E. B. EDDYGOMPANY, LIMITED, HULL, CANADA. Always Everywhere in Canada. Ask for Eddy's Matches. TRADE IMPERIAL » nderwear Kingston Hosiery s manufactured only by The on Ltd., Kingston, Canada. iIs--- Comfortable Durable : Unshrinkable and will fit you. Ask for 200 Line Crown Brand. Every gar- 3 ment guaranteed. Ci & ; cosssssesteeesscsststetessesess: is the food 'of health and strength. It is Shredded Whole Wheat, compressed into a wafer, and is immeasurably superior to white flour bread, or pastries. It is delightfully satistying Delicious with cheese. as a toast. MORE WHOLESOME AND NUTRITIOUS THAN MEAT. All Grocers--13¢c. a carton, 2 for 25e. Buy Ganong's G. B. Chocolates. They are the Best. Chm : i A. J. REES, 166 Princess Street ALL GRADES. WRITE THE METAL MAN. "+ Canada Metal Co. Ltd. fen. ou.

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