orrow roper Time to e Your inter Coat are now here and in 0 you have a choice nd later, Quite Ready ou coming, as you may we it placed aside until p-to=Date Coat whes long, and we have | values. 0, 11.75, 13.50, up to 21.50. embody the very last "This season, and should ig to purchase a Winter 12.75, justas welcome to come er prepared to buy or Iren's ats ! arm and moderately » also we have all THOPDIPVOOOPOOODIPHIOHFD 100L SHOES "HOOL CHILDREN ces That You Would school Shoes for the id, counters, Heels and buy a pair and see for values here than any- 2D : ® 8 ily Fox { MUFF, $11. « STOLE, $15. 4 ¥ Issobeila Fox is one of our 4 specialitidbs. We buy the skins Raw, Dress and manu- facture them in our work- rooms, in two beautiful Jde- signs. Come in and inspect our Gemuine Furs. No obli- gation to buy. 444 LADD LNe John McKay Fur House, 149-1556 Brock St. TIVITY 3 FIV VT III IIT We were fortunate in buying a large | stock of Olives beiore the recent heavy | advance in price, and for the present our | customers can have them at the old prices :-- Olives Olives Olives Olives Olives ASATA™ BEAN As 4 4 bottle, bottle, bottle, bottle, bottle, bottle, bottle. at $3. & Co. GROCERIES. at at at at at 10c, per 15¢. per 25¢c. per 35c. per 40¢. per Olives at 50c. per Olives at 75c. per And a full gallon bottle Jas, Redden IMPORTERS OF FINE Auction Sale of Hotel Furniture WEDNESDAY, Oct. 2nd, 10 am. Grand Union Hotel, Brock #74 Ontario Sts., 18 Bedroom Dressers, Washstands, Bedding, Springs, dattresses Parlor Suite, Wardrobes, Omee Chairs, Tables, Six Dining Tables, Cutlery, 36 Chairs, Stools, Side Tables, Electric Fan, King and Lion Heaters, Coso Mat- ting, Rugs¥ Swing Doors, Very Fine Hotel Steel Range, Pictures, Crockery and Glasswdre. ALLEN, 243 Sydenham St. The Telephone, Auctioneer. 252. ------------ Valuable Properties For Sale, RINGWOOD, magnificent grounds and buildings. ROSELAWN, beautiful residence and grounds, also other desirable residences, at various prices. Full information at SWIFT'S Real Estate and Insurance Agency, Cor. vl | © Minneapolis, > cdstoads, | King and Ularcnce streets. Ee ------------ A -------------- Roller Rink. Skating at 2.30 and 7.30 p.m. BAND EVERY EVENING. Select Patronage. 5 Tickets $1. TAKE NOTICE. had, 1 bave also enormous stock an. that I want to dispose of at BARE) 165 PRIN- NEAR BAGOT ST. and this evening there will be repeated for the last time the magwificent colored English Pantomime, which has delighted Kingston audiences for two days. A "The Mysterious Castle," or "Harlequin's Triumph'* With all the gorgeous stage set- tings and accpsyores to be seen in thasgrédtest theatres of Lon- don and Paris. The opportumty of a lifetime. Tion"t To-Morrow Three Clean, Bright, Comedies. TOMMY ATKINS AND THE BABIES, NHEIGHBORS" AND "LENA AND THE LOVERS." BlJOU CE Today miss it. The first shows how a Soldier Boy played purge and 'mixed the babies up' : the second depicts the family feud caused by an in nootmt boxing match ; the third shows bow a good natured parlor- madd played Pupid in the = Jow afisir of her mistress. i Je. THE BIJOU. be. I have the best Mne of Heaters I ever Furniture, very low prices, as 1 want the room for Hewters. URK'S Second-Hand Store, | RAILWAY Minn., Oct. 1.--"Why! {do I think that railway building in the United Stages is a thing of the j past 7 said James J. Hill, of the Great Northern railroad, in an inter- view, "I, don't think anything about it. JAMES J. HILL. ad that the ston yisited stay long, for great. The cading I know inland I certainly am ¢ waterways comi here, even if it did not the after effects will be guestion of transportation iv a KINGSTON, Ian TUESDAY, OCTOBER 1, 1907. Bi ILDING one in this country, on account of { great distdnces. Investment in facilities is next to the value of soil on which we live. "Twenty five thought that, like the India, no profane hand would be on them, but profane hands were on them. years ~ ago, railw "This country, to-day, is in n imminent danger" from want of tre portation. Business has grown 'that -the railroads cannot handle If, from the 1st to the 15th of vember, you undertake to you cannot get a bill of New York in thirty the goods will not be is a physical erpool, ing in you get it, livered, It iy. : Hill Declares : I is a Thing of th Past 1 United States in Great t. Danger From Want o Transportation---Proposes Canal from St. Louis to New Orleans. the the ays, sacred cows of laid laid | & quart, D: 1081 RNs 80 it No- ship a car- load of flour from Minneapolis to Liv Jad days, or impossibil PITH OF THE NEWS. {The Very Latest Culled From All Over The World. Women are now permitted to enter Austrian universities. The investigation into the Mongo- lian-Hurona collision is likely to {held in England. | Reports from Boston suy { ally large number | tering Yollege this fall | It is announced that the Duchess of | Marlborough will sail irom England | | an unusu- on October 13th for New York: Elihu Root, the United States spc- | retary of state, is at present in Mon | | terey, Mexico, the guest of the re- public. The moose head and horns present. led by W. I. R. Preston to the Em. at Tokio. The great floods in Spain have de-| such | stroyed property valued at » million dollars and have left a host of people starving. Montreal milk dealers have reduced their price owing to the public kick, from -ten vents a quart to nine cents and five cents a pint Thomas LL. Rowland, , and his' second wif , charged with poisoning his first | so that they might marry The yellow fever has not spread in Cuba and there appears no danger of Raleigh, are on a general epidemic, as cs are com- paratively few up to the present time. The new Dominion of New Zealand has sent to Sir®Wilirid Laurier greet ings-to her 'elder sister," and says she "'hopes to follow in her foot stops. A réport has come to Vancouver "The trouble is, there are not suffi- {hat a crew from a Japanese schooner cient terminals. Terminals are like jas pillaged the yillage on Litak Bay, hands and feet to men. The head may | Alaska, and killed cattle on the save him, hut he will make a poor ranges on Shelikofi Island race without feet Trunk lines are! The International Skating. Union of mortgaged to the fifth time; and mon- | America annourices that championship ey cannot be raised ' contests this scason will be held at When ° asked for a remedy. Mr. Hill Newburg, Saranac Lake, Pitsburg, replied : "There is water enough from | Verona Lake, N.J., Saratoga Park St. Louis down to make a channel. All/and Montreal the movement wahits is a man with in-| F. C. Wade, interviewed hy the Lon tellect and money to pay the bills. [don Chronic lo, declares race prejudice Such a channel owould save from |was not the chuse of the trouble in three to five cents on every bushel of | Vancouver. Violence came from the grain exported. Such a canal, from St labor element alone, engineered from Louis to New Orleans will be worth the United States. as w Panama canals as you can| Canadian interests are constantly | imag heing sacrificed hy British diplomacy, the London Globe decls , and not those . of Canada only, but of every other colony through the whole em pire. REMARKABLE EXPLOIT Brave Engine Fireman Gets Medal From | King. James W of Buffalo, At Essanaba, Mich., Capt icholson, aged sixty-two, oh through an open hatch into the | hold of his boat, the Caledonia, of the Corrigan-McKinley fleet, and was in- {stantly killed. His neck was broken. | Joseph Lyons, {eatorer, noted Tor annual Jord mayor's banguet and | having among his many famous cz { one where ti not allowed, Lee ware is in London, Oct. 1.--The London Ga- [he was exposed to all the force of the | New York, to publish a story he has | zetie intimates that the Albert medal | ®8© aping Steam, pes arce managed at leeady issued in ngland, called x . re. = N > n pve hy . » --the highest civil reward for braver) great bee oa) 5 > Hike the injurcd | The Master Crime A Y ionve o a place of salety. | duel between Editer Mazier, of ~has been copferred by the king on A. dune ] ater: Alazer, e > y Lap inp | "After he had failed to. close the | the Reveil, and Dr. Dupuy, was fought William Henry Pearce. of Islington, {throttle valve, he climbed over) cab |i the rink at St. Pierre Miquelon sar Newcastle ow 8 'ales. for | of » engine » boiler 3 "Reade wi near Newt astle, New & outh Wale , for | of the engine along the boiler," expos- | Jagt week. Swords were chosen as the one of the most remarkable exploits in {ing himsclf again to the caping | weapons. After ten mjuutes of fierce | the history of railway travelling { steam and water. Having reached the fighting the editor received a bac Pearce was the fireman of a passen- | footplate and placed one leg on the! ghrust of the sword in the right ger train, which was running between | draw hook for support, he reached un- | preast. It is reported that Mazier {Maitland and Sydney at forty-five | der the buffer plank for a distance of | will be compelled to accept another | miles an hour, when a boilerplate col- | about eighteen inches and opened the | challenge. lapsed. The driver was scalded so !cock of the airpipe, thus applying the | severely that he died of his injuries, | automatic brake and bringing train | A LEADING RAILROADER. and Pearce was also scalded. Though | to a standstill. | - - He Began Back About Forty Years. i S DAILY MEMORANDA. { TERRIFIED MURDERER. : ; Hurrah 1 | --- For Queen 3 And Damped! Bros'. New Fall Hats | Waved Bloody Clothing and Roller Rink every afternoon and even- | Crucifix in His Face. 8: ' . W Pittsburg, Oct. 1.--Waving over her | drope ommittee ym o . ae Property mimiten, 1 Pan, | head a crucifix and two blood-stained AU Sports, ¥ ain. nd 2.80 pm, | Shirts. that had been worn by her to. morrow sons when they were murdered, Mrs o.m Queen's Arts and Science Classes 'be Marie Rizzo enacted a gruesome scene gin to-morrow. in the coroner's court during the in- Wonderland. New Bijou Theatre and | quest in connection with the murder of New Princess 'Theatre, every afternoin john and Pasquale Rizzo i wd evening i . mateticktier ii Chis day i history :=United = States ( owering under the _accusing look of the enraged woman, Frederico Jordan, Spanish peace commission in Paris, 1808 McKinley tarill passed, 1890 Peace of Amiens, 1501 Rev. Mr. Pack, Missionary from Baffin's Bay, will give an wddress on his work, | in the Northetn Lands, in St. Johns' Sunday School House, to-morrow, Wed- wening, at 8 o'clock. WHIG TELEPHONES. | 243--Business Office. 229--Ixditorial Rooms. 202--J obbing Departinen Legal Forms, all kinds, ty Whig. Quaint China We are showing some pretty odd articles in Plates, i Jugs, etc. | NEW ARRIVALS | EVERY DAY. the pretty 'Come and see things. to the his hands held as an accessory | turned pale, held out pealingly to the in a dead faint in the court recom. Coroner Armstrong adjourned murders, ! woman and then fell the session andafordan 'was taken back to jail. The men were sldin on fer 12th, as the result of a | feud, it is said 1 ------ Boy Killed At Arnprior. Robertson Bros. NOTICE oF PARTNERSHIP, this: City, as general cloth Manufacturer, have {my two sons, F. Walter and R ridge, ito my style of the firm boing in future, P ridge & Sons, the pew firm assuming otigations of my business and Lo whom all debts are to bo paid F. PARTRIDGY Crescent Wire Works 1907. i § © October 1st FOR THE HOUSEKEEPER. Roll Bacon, 12jc. per Ib. dinner try our Pudding, this day taken H. Part- business as partners. "the wick mburg Steak or Blood H. J, MYERS, 00 Brock St, Septem family A of students are en-| | < Antipodes. peror of Japan now adorn the palace | arly four} famous London | s charge of the for $5,000 F OR CAPTOR : Hiding In London; Reward For a Detectives and Police are Busy Hunting for / a Murderer Fresh From the ry ---- | ~A close search is) believe point to the identity of the London for the! assassin, the Melbourne police have Bauer, a London | draw n up a detailed description of the London, Oct. 1 now being made in { murderer of Bernard and Melbourne diamond merchant. | man suspected, and an international Scotland Yard has received news that | quest for him is proceeding. Mr, Bauer was one of the best known dia- the criminal--for information leading | dealers in London and Mel to whose conviction $6 000 reward will | { mond he paid by the Victorian gov ernment- { bourne 10 a.m. Five - ): to-duy éod on Welner din- last week. "and is now] On the victim's desk were his the! reached London; mond-weighing seales. On them in hiding here, The murder was committed on June | police saw a single small stone, That! 7th. Mr. Bauer, us member of the well-| gave the clue from which the murder! known firm of Bauer & Shaumer, of could be reconstructed, It was plain | | Audrey House, Ely Place, Hatton Gar-| that an unknown man had gained ac: | den, was found in his Melbourne office, | cos to him 'on pretense of being a Modern Chambers, Collins street, with | bayer, and had struck him down while bis skull smashed, and the murderer | the victim was selecting stones to be escaped with a wallet containing yor: | weighed on the machine. Iv $20,000 worth of diamonds and un! A piece of the assassin's weapon lay gold hunter watch worth $5 The li in the vietim's blood--a bit of 'heavy watch bore the initials "B.l * and | fron tubing, apparently broken from a had a blue enameled face. | greater length by the force: of * 4 Having discovered clues which they | blows. i gL CANADA TOO PR OSPEROUS. THANKSGIVING DAY. 3 Explains Reason For Money Stringency. Banker Winnipeg, Oct. L--"Don't look for | #% The proclamation of aly easy money until next summer at | Thursday, October 31st, as least said C. A. - Bogart, general | Thanksgiving Day, appears manager of the Dominion Bank. { in the Canadian Gagzette, in "What do you think is the cause of the following terms : the money stringeocy ?' Mr, Bogart «Whereas, it has pleased was asked Almighty' God, in His great "Over prosperity. There is not | goodness, to vouchsafe enough money in Canada. We have al this year to our Dominion wonderful country here and we want | 38 of Canada a bountiful new money .to develop it. 1 think the | harvest and other bless- | Canadian banks are adopting a very ings ; wise policy in endeavoring to restrict | "We, therefore, consider- speculation of every de scription and | Joking after the legitimate wants of | legitimate borrowers Just now they i ing that these blessings éen- joyed by ople through- out the said Dominion, do here can do a great deal to assist the | banks in' petting the crops out, This last year a wd many things kept us back. The season opened late and the are and have been making every effort | call for a solemn and public to get the crop moved quickly, or get | acknowledgment, have lit out of the country and got tho | thought #t, by and with | money back in. It's money that we {ae the advice of our Privy want. and no doubt the people put | \ Council for Canada, to aps point, and we do appoint, Thursday, the thirty-first day of October next. as a day of general Thanksgiv- EERE REF REA E EEX EEN ERATE strike of the longshoremen in on- |W treal delayed a good deal. {¥ ing to Almighty God for "What do vou think of the crop ¥' * aH Yountifal BATVSSt on asked the reporter ¥ other blessi "Now, that' < where T want to in- |# Canada has been favored terview you, remarked the general |¥ this year, and we do invite 3 manage! From what we hear down | #8 all our loving subjects ¥¥ east There is not going to be so large |¥ throughout Canada to ¥ a crop as last year and not of as |¥ observe the said day as a good quality. 1 should say it will be (3 day of general Thanks- ¥ about seventy-five per cent. of last |§ giving i i Jgvi = year." # pred all which our loving 3% Mr. Bogart also said that Euro- | 4 subjects and all others pean capital was turning gradually 3 whom these presents may w more and more to Canadian invest- | 3 concern, are hereby required ¥ ments. "1 was in Europe early in the | 4 to take notice and to gov- ¥ vear. and everywhere you hear of % em themselves according- Canada and its prospects. All we have | ¥* ly." Ww lo is to be patient a little while Ww evervthing ix going to come." HEIN ISIN { WANTS [HEM 10 MARRY. | prices Of Nova Scotia Apples. : EE . | London, Oct. 1.--Mr. Howard, (he | HOPETIIFIVIFIIIFINGIG Million Jffered £s Iacucement 0]... tpeneral for Nova Scotia, .re- is Tro Young ol | ports that the steamer Rappabanock, | MARRIED. Pittsburg, Oct. 1.--The late Paul I. | with the first shipment of Nova Scotia | | mADER=PRIUE.~At Port Hope. Sept Hacke, a w y art connoisseur and apples has arrived The fruit. which 23rd, 1907, by Rev. W. Bo darks, an old bachelor, leaves $1,000,000 as {arrived cool, being mostly Graven- | viel. Ards Jy aler, ingyion, ui inducement to his two male rela- | steins, was of small sizes. Many ram } ne Ca WIL MOT.~At 244 Brock tives to mars provided they have | ples were clea but some were badly | street, on Oct. Jat, by the Ven. hil He leit his maiden ®ister, | spotted. The prices obtained were for Archdeacon J. K. Macmo wale Sarah, an annuity of $3,000 per year. | Gravensteing, 1s. to ..; No. 2, : com) unger fo! yrs I'o his cousin, Mre. Joseph George, | 11s.: Ribstons, 208. to 10-5 olin 4. y wud to her two sons, he leaves an iT ennuity of $1,000 per year each. It | Two Lives Lost. § cnnase N.--At EL, Oct. 1st, ir to the latter the entire residue of | Rome, N.Y., Oct, 1.--Mr. and Mrs i 1007, Fiza Jae, danghter of John estate will go if they have "chil- | william Sisbower," of New London, | __UCStson, aged twenty-nine i rig but if not, it is to be divided | eight miles west of here, were drowned Fumeral, on 'Thursday, Oct. ee i wn the Westmoreland hospital, . pan, to Sand Hill Cemetery. Friends Bs -- in the Eiie canal, yesterday." A man, and acquaintances respectfully fnvited Hospital of Greenburg, St, Paul's Or- | fishing some distance away, saw the to attend. i phan Asylum, of Butler, - and the | woman run out of the house for the tite Grace Reformed church, of this city. | canal and jump in. She was immedi- | atelt followed by her husband, who i { Arnprior, Oct. 1.--Frederick J. Gutz- Box Cars Smashed. attempted to Foscue her, 'but failed. man, sixteen-year-old son of Charles Charles S. Mellen Renfrew, Oct, 1. --T'wo ompty CPR. ' thutsman, a Pramment Jome near | (parjes Sanger Mellen, president of {box cars werd smashed Saturday, by He Shot Himself. i el BStANY and friday. the N. ¥. NH. & H. railroad, yas an meomng e P.R. freight from the Ros hester, N.Y., Oct. 1 Ambrose C, ¥ eninge 1 Cand ibiape born at Lowell, Mass. on. August (west. The empties were leit on the | McGlachlin, city treasurer of Roches tributing "soil fertilizer, when, on ac-|ie 1a3l. He started in the railway main line while shunting was being | tor from 1581 io 1884, was found in count of the hor ses making an unex-| ov C00 back in 1869. He began | carried on in the flour mill siding. The | },is bed, in a dying condition, yester- pected start, he wi thrown over the is a clerk in t cashier's department tarted bn the down grade and {dav from the effect of a bullet front of the waggon and literglly but had become auditor of the B. & increasing spond met the freight day, | RO i or ail {ground to death beneath the heavy L. KR in 1881; Mr. Mellen rose ie. WA omawhat damaged. | wheels. {rapidly in railroad work and was the ars were smashed to pieces | AL Bronte, Ont., John Armstrong | ol traffic auditor of the Union ee ! accidentally killed himseli. He found | | ASIII Pacific railroad from 1359 until 1892 The president of the Automobile As-|a shotgun and started to examine it, | ¥6 { He was called had the esislency of the sociation has ealled a special commit- | evide ntly not knowing it was loaded. | %. A NATIONAL LEAGUE. pe | Northern Pacifis rat ros Eo rid rod tee to consider the restriction shin The gun went off, and Armstrong's 1 held this an porta 1 Poe ii Io to. specially built tracks. i he rad was « literally blown to pieces. ov he VW was elecie « » een ----a---- | ME New York, Oct. 1.--fne ¥ ition Hie home is in New een] 3% organization of a national 'k position fammmeass i™ Co COFFINS ON DOORSTEPS {# been decided upon py repre- iE The Marriage Denied. % sentatives of state Inde | yy Oct. 1.-Miss Catharine. xp leagues and others = Wood, yesterday brought action in { er © he supreme court for absolute di- nt BE ores from United States Senator 7. | 'M C T: Rei A R id as outlined in state or local " ee Eig "alleging = Ee Tend acer, lysteries ause error ign mong esl € S$ platiorms. The : national married to. him in the Fiith Avenue f Ei lish Tou | body will be a solidification #¥ New York, in 1901. John RB ' 0 gh Own. i of minor leagues existing or # Quanchiield, for Senator Platt," asked yet to be formed. Its aims are political and in opposi- tion to the republican and democratic parties, which, the. league promoters de- clare are dominated by cor- SH REREARRRAE i poration interests and no 4 longer represent the people. * H 'hat the matter heard in private Senator Platt said by reiefee. He ¥ never married Miss Wood. * Failed To $ppear. * Joseph Ewart, remanded by Justice #if the Peace Hunter on two charges, # failed to appear his ease was on Monday when called, at Portsmouth, AE afternoon, awl a warrant was issued -------------- A group of Canadian and i States financiers offered yario for one million dollars. United 'he has left to purchase Thomas Ewart, { one million acres of land in New On- drunk, avd It: is understood that the city. charged with being disorderly, paid his fine, jand was allowed his liberty, for hix arrest His brother, | ago to do some shopping, but before of a miniature: xhe had gone far was seized with the i fear that hamn was going to come to doorsteps o ouses | loorsteps of two Roddes her. Meing terrified she returned home. London, Oct 1. The mystery sur rounding the finding coffin on the in Furber street, Crewe, has caused 8[7he next morning she received a let | cohsideralie amount of alarm. The | tor stating that she was wise in turn- coffins are perfect models, and, ae ling hack, as otherwise she would have | cording to an undegtaker, must have | lost her liie. Only & short time ago the same | neighborhood was thrown into a state | In the meantime another mystery | of terror by the finding of what was bas arisen. Mes. Allman, a young described as a bomb, attached to a widow, resc.ng in the locality, . says|fuse, in & yard at the back 'of Fur: that she icft her home nu fou days ber street, . rare { been constructed © by a competetit per- | son. { Now Tweed Cloths § for Coats § | AA Greys, woven in pretty con- ¥ trasting shades will please you at -- Two great lines, 54 and 56 inches ) wide, Specially Priced, at $1. ss, ) and $1.75. wn great lines, at $1 to B® Ed hy 4 Noss Rival the Ssssrrrvevsverssinine they were made to sell at the prices, Great heavy Wool Tweeds, in a score of at- tractive patterns of stripes, plaids, overchecks, etc., in Browns, Greens, Reds and Dress Goods Section New Pattern Suit Lengths.. New Pattern Dress Lengths. New Dress Silks. New Silk Marquisettes. New Chiffon Ninons. New French Delaines. New French Flannels. New Laces. New Trimmings Come and see them. You'll : be delighted. Steacy's WEDNESDAY, OCT. : od Sefin 8. and lee Shubert (Inc) offer James T. Powers In the Musial Comedy Success ~ of Two Continents. THE 'BLUE MOON Biggest Musical Comedy Com- bination ever conceived. Company of 'unusual 'excellence. Chorus of exceptional o voeal efliciency. 3 Dancers of world-repuwned fame. Gorgeous scenery, Dazaling cos tues. kalarged orchestra. + 20 BIG SONG HITS 20 320 PRETTY GIRLS 20 Prices--20c., Hiei, T6e., $1, $1.50. Seats now om sale. Voople avi wats held at Box Oflico "are oll to call for same Wednesday aftergoon. OOH ON ROAR OMERY, + iris and a ympathy, at brother MRS. AND MISS Sox | Yarker, wish, thro | express thanks to their --_ neighthors for kindness | the death of their ; | Haery ; also fot' "the beautiful « flowers | given 'and clas the C.0.F, Lodge, % of which he was a member. % Best's "Short Stop" has coughs than any other cough costs but 15 od «