like to Nave you drop | Pes ale C Bo Morrow of )- and Ghree Piece "Suits d, to get the Boys' 'good warm Up- | Fo dai} Only--20 Per or All Boys Bwo and : 3 hee Piece Suils 127 Princess St. re That Sets the Pace FURNITURE. GOODS ARRIVING EVERY DAY FOR THE FALL TRADE. latest in Artistic Furniture, Early 'Maple and' Golden Finish, gis, it EY desk attached, headed glass, all Anishes. Buffet and China Cabinets at 'ROBERT J. REID, Leading Undertaker and Furniture Dealer : 230Prinoess Street, 7 . o Life Assurance Company 10 force, Cover) ~~~» > =~ « - - - 115.000,000.00. (Over) - « -~ « ~- sc «x cu .v.a.... $8,000,000.00. Buia policyhalders 1005.6, (over) a 1,420,000.00. pent is wanted in Kingston district by this Com- contract to the fight man. ADPly at the office--18 Market street. J. R. URQUHART, . Special Agent. J. 0. HUTTON, Manager. WILLIAM ST. Toronto, Ont \ ja Metal Co., Ltd. Chocolates Buy Ganong's G. B. Chocolates. tL. They are the Best.. A. J. REES, 168 Princess Street ter, of Weymouth, which has been main- tained in its 'present condition for of their relatives on sole possession of stretch of water to which they have been accus family," THE DATLY swrrIsH wate, SATURDAY. SEPTEMBER 28, 1007. re Salt Ve. the system gets run down, stomach upset or for delivery at Windsor Castle. Prob- ably, if young birds are chosen, the commonly eaten duck or goose; but, having regard to the great age to The Bump of Locality. In the early spring of each year, the Swan Masters take a preliminary trip up the river, making notes both from their own observation and from in- formatioy given to them by the lock- keepers, various. broods of 2m 5 Thus, when later in year the mark is 0 be done, they ibn with them a list of the numbers of birds wans frequently do, and does ROL 28 2 Sake Jenee ie Own part of the river. . They nest, year year, at the same spot, and regard the particular reach which they frequent as their own exclusive property, driving away any fresh-comer who may, by chance, have wandered there. After the lapse of the first season, when their own cygnets have assumed the white plu- mage of the adult bird, even they are looked on as intruders by their pro- genitors, who will force them to seek fresh quarters for themselves. Enforced Distribution. Sometimes a redistribution may have to be made by the swan-keepers. When a bird is found which is obvi- ously one too many in one part of the river, they will carry it in their boat through the next lock and leave it where the struggle for life is not so keen. If this were not done, it is quite possible that a bird might be starved to death, so jealous of intru- sion and so determined to prevent any newcomer from obtaining food are the original swans of the distriet. In ancient times, says the writer, the rearing of swans in all parts of the country seems to have been much more general than it is at the present day, He office of swanherd being ap- . parently as indispensable to the com- plete establishment of a nobleman's herd. Few large swanneries now re- main within the bounds of the Rrit- ich haten. the best owl rohably being that belonging to ches- in the immediate neighborhood more than 800 years. The Swans of Abbetsbury Tn striking contrast to the | habits the Thames, where swans are very seldom gregar- fous, and as a rule will fight for the particular the "swans of Ab- bhotsbury live in one large "happy num over taste may be very similar to the more" household as that of cowherd or shep- | i } { 1,000--a remarkable sight noe the nesting season in the early spring. Another large collection of swans was formerly to be found on the River Yare and the broads of Norfolk, a similar festival to that known as swan upping on the Thames taking place HERE'S SOMETHING NEW IN POST CARDS | reeti from King- nnually in the presence of the mayor G - tings a of Norwich, is ston, practice has now, however, been al- lowed. like many "another old custom, to fall into and the cere mony and festivities "which marked the occasion in the days of our fore fathers are no longer attractive to [= more highly-educated descen- ants 3 'Life Models" and Kingston Views. Come in and have a look. Why She Wailed. Ted ani sloud in, Trent of a ain doves threw weird lights on her, nde eried 'wrung piteous "What is the matter with Your a fireman asked. "You don't own the bd Somp iied. ? sad pein wailed, "But my_old man's up spout, SEndN put 12 s When the of the 1 mint at eal ma ale ned, abort 31.00 worth of gold is taken from the soot. pole ae avant 1,530 theatres in possesses th re ie 13 Fo more than "The vs : bowels irregular -- they aon Sue BC ht halo of know that a morning glass mance yuh aivays surrounds he | | of Abbey's Salt quickly dears them to the hearts of all who | | Puts them in their best vein. have not lost their 'reverence for the 150 good old a Jone ita, h the | "we -- 4 , or wan . RE I [Ee watermen who have " he ot Uepy swans : respectively, to the : King and intners' -- Dyers' Companies, {0 the purpose of mark: ing the sengrship to the young birds Jor, Aen he dasa of King Baward 10 M3 MAJESTY THE KING » ~L y t hy rr Lee THREE SWALLOWS IRISH WHISKEY .- Famous for over a century for its delicacy of flavor. or highest standard of It is especially fecommended by the Medical Profession or account of its peculiar "DRYNESS" BABYS VEER > § every toilet purpose as good a soap as "Baby's Own" cannot be bought for as little money. rey Albért Soaps Ltd. Mfrs. Mohtreal. Beware of imitations and substitutes accept mane but the genuine ** Baby's | Dr. Brock's Enwiion® Female ) Pariodial PhS thly medicine i. ie a prs in Kingston, at the 8 BEST DRUG STORE, 124 Prin- J Se get, Muiled on receipt "8 Pew ede vdanes EDUCATIONAL. BATES-COURT SCHOOL. Re-opens Sept. 3rd, in Old Collegiate |, uilding, corner of Barrie and Clergy 18. All branches of English thoro taught in all grades. Boys accepted "in oWer Classes. 'l'cachers imolude gradu- tes of Queen's University and others fo Jecial subjucts. Physical Culture, Praw- ing, Sewing. Special classes in Litera- ture and Languages for young ladies. Music in connection. Manners and morals carefully attended to. For further particu- J BLRLLLLL20000000000000 I! you wish to be successful at- tend The Kingston Business College. Limited, head of CANADA'S HIGHEST GRADE busi A school, B, shorthand, graphy, subjects competent and thoroughly taught experienced teachers. Day amd night clisses. Enter at any time. Rates very moderate. 'Phone, 440. IF. METOC ALFE, President: J. B. CUNNINGHAM, Secretary. IMPROVE YOUR EDUCATION and INCREASE YOUR EARNING © POWER Day and Evening Classes at the Frontenac Business College, Barrie and Clergy Sts. T. NJ STOCKDALE, "Phone, 680. Principal. KINGSTON, - ONTARIO. Under the regulations of the Ontario Education Department Courses for :-- I. First Class Public School Cer-| tificates II High School Certificates. II. Specialists Certifitates. First Session open October 1st. : Chgwn, Kingston, Ont. For Calendar, address Geo. Y. 8 lin Centreville. At lars, apply to ADA ATES, | Principal, 5 Hales' Cottages, King St. West. VIIIVIVI IIPS PUPS PPPS church here special services are heing PLAS L0000000000000000 Friday evening. SIFFVIIIIIVIISIOIIIINS | == Queen's University" . iChown's, A BUSINESS MAN Who Now Finds Place in the | Hon. ilohn Kean, United States so 'ator fron New was bom in | Ursino, Union county, N..I.. on De | cember ith, 1852. Nr. Kean gradua | ted from the College of Law Scheol of New York and was admitted to the ipractice of law Tn his own state in 11877. He made a great success as a {practitioner and also became heavily interested in commercial institutions {in his own state. He was elected pre {shdent of the National State Bank of {New Jersey of Elizabeth, N.J., and {still holds this position. He is also | vice-president of the Manhattan Trust icompany, and is interested in many other corporations. He was a member of congress when elected to the senate in 1899, { Jersey, NEWS OF NEWBURGH. Literary and Athletic Societies of i the High School. Newburgh, Sept. 26.--The Literary Society was organized in the high i school this week. The officers. elected | were : President, John Perry; viee { president, Miss Tressa Boice: tary, Miss Cicely Kennedy: treasurer. {Roland Duke. It is very likely the {high school will give m concert near | the end of the term. An athletic {ciety has also been formed and th {field day of sports will he held on the {football field, on October 11th. Prizes {will be given to the successful content jants. Mrs. secre. Brennan is visiting Mrs. Hinch ! the Epworth | League, on Monday evening, Mrs. J. IS. Yeomans was elected president. A | missionary debate is to be held in the | line at the second meeting in Qo Merrickville, is vis {iting his family here. Miss Florence {Schryver, Napanee, spent Sunday with Miss Aleta Scriver. Mrs. Ryan land Mrs. Aylesworth entertained on | Saturday afternoon. Mrs. Swayne, {Oxford Mills, spent Sunday with her sister, Mrs. G. A. Avlesworth. Rev, C, E. S. Radclifie preaches his {iarewell sermon in St. John's church {on Sunday evening next. During his pastorate here Mr. Radclifie has won a warm place mmong his coneregation who will be sorry indeed to lose him. {He goes "to Brandon, Man., followed { by the best wishes of a host of friends in Newburgh. A second case of books furnished by S| the government was received, at the public library this week. J. W. Yeq mans returned. on Tuesday from an ex tended visit to his sister near Ottawa. Joseph Gandier is visiting Ww. Stickney, his sistir, Mrs. Falconer, in Toronto: Master i Falconer, who has spent the summer {with his grandfather. Rev. J. Gandier, j secompanied him. Jacob Clancy is visiting Cornelins anev. Frank Miller, Kingston, is Chaney. his sister, Mrs. .Jereminh y | Remo. The high school football team played a return match with the Na panee modelites in Napanee on Wed nesday, but neither team scored, and the game ended in a tie. 0-0 The high and public schools will he closed on Thursday and Friday of next week, on account of the teach 'ers' convention being held in Napanee. Several from the village are on the {pre ogramme. J E. Shorey and wife and family, Canifton, and na Mrs. James Benn and Hammel Benn spent Sundav with Mrs. 8. She [Miss Marion Sutton spent Sunda Napanee at D A. {Detlar, of London, is visiting her sis |ter. Mrs. G. B. Thomson | The annual rally service of the {day schools of the Methodist ehurch lon the Newhurgh circuit will pe wld there on Sunday. morning next Sun Think About Winter. % Perth, Sept. 25. This has been the dest day this fall and we aré be {ginning to think about winter. This {being rally week in . the Methodist {conducted and the ladies are giving {Congregational tea in the lecture room Mrs. DL M. McGregor {and her daughter, Miss Elsie, will {leave shortly for the west. Millinery {openings this week. "Uncle Tom's IC abin," the old reliable play, will pe given here Friday ~vening. Mrs. J. ih McMillan and children paid a short visit, to Smith's Falls JJricude last week, Mr. and Mrs. P. J. Garry are {spending a few days in Biaares Miss | Mabel 'Fournier, Althao wpe, was a visi tor 10 Perth last week. The Perth | Gtizens band is attending Renfrew Hair this week. | { Storrington Notes. Storrington, Sept. 1. --Digging po [ tatoes is the onder of the day, alsp The Brick and Tile 2 | cutting corn, | pany has erected a hoarding house Mr. and Mrs. Pri have moved from' Sunbury t9 Rea where Mr. Pringle is en- gaged in the brick yard. Mrs. J. Ton jer has gone to Rochester to visit her | dangher. Miss Jessie McBroom has | returned to 'Gananoque. Miss Mamie | Woods visited Miss ook, Jovesville. 'Miss Jennie Mundell has returned to {the eity, their own hmits, é Jr., who last season was "Ben Hur," has been en | aaged ho principal roles in the Rol: {ert Mantell company. Chinese Spered Lily bulbs, 10c, at So je COP 000000 900000000 THAT COMFORTABLE, SATISFIED FEEL- ING COMES FROM THE USE OF It contains the great- est amount of musecle- building, brain-work- ing material' for the least money. Whole- some 'and nutritious. TRY IT WITH FRESH FRUITS. All Grocers--13¢, a carton, 2 for 25c. | Cassel Odorless ; Gas Logs and Gas! Heaters - or > . Just the thing, W®hen gas is so cheap, to use chilly nights and mornings. See sample at work in our Gas Fitting Depart- ® ment. McKELVEY & BIRCH 69 and 71-BROCK STREET. p= = | Dining Chairs and Extension Tables We have "a large assortment of solid oak Dining Chair Frames... We are making in genuine leather or pantesol this week. Also a new line of Solid Polish Oak Pedestals Extension Tables, round or square styles. Buffets and China Closets with all im- proved ideas of an up-to-date dining room JAMES REID. PHONE 137 in [SA hi li MILWAUKEE MALT EXTRACY THE BES For sale by H. WADE, Drug- gist, corner King & Brock Sts., Kingston. Sen TRY K.D.C. Most Famous Prepara- tion in the Sphere of Medicine. It ranks first in curative power. Indigestion Flees before It. IT been established, and can be used with perfect IS A PURE HOUSEHOLD REMEDY whose merits safety have long from the FATHER TO THE INFANT. Price 35¢, and $1.00. K.D.C. Company, Ltd., New Glasgow, N.S. nm 0000000000 0000000000000000000000000000ctse THE WELL KNOWN INVICTUS aAstsesiversrsrersetes e000 SHOE The Invictus Shoes wear better than most all other shoes. They look better. T hey are the most comfortable fitting shoes. Nothing but the best grades of leather used: Highest ¢ lass workmanship in every pair of them. $3.50 All the Newest We bave them in Vidi Kids, Box and Velour Calf, Gun Metal and Patent ( 'olt. $4, 4.50, 5 and 5.50 for Men and 4 for Boys. $3.50, 3.75, 4 and 4.50 for Women. Fall Styles are now reg dy. § Abernethy's 0000000¢0000000000000000000000000000000000 . SE0E04E0aes0eetenstsr ss sIRe iTS reheat serie terror tbe tise Rheumatism mea A? poisoned blood. T My kidpeys, bowels and sk should rid th system . waste matter. If eit} of these vital organs become weakened or diseased, the | "Fru body cannot throw off this waste fast enough. almo. One of these body of R poisons is UREA, » which is eliminated . both by the kidneys N and skin. If the Re skin action is poor --if the kidney s are inflamm --urea stays in the System is changed into uric acid carried by the blood to t nerves and joints--and caus Rheumatism. "Fruit-a-tives"' cure Rhe matism because they elimin: urea, by increasing the acti Just a V to Ren + When the Pandor send for the plumber. to take the stove to p grates, as was the case The Pandora is The removal manner. (many just grates to be easily drawn out, as shown. Just a minute or two to do the trick. No plamb- er's mess to clean up. No bill to pay. Notice, too, that the Pan- dora grates are stronger, will last grates. Less to Spaces between narrower than between ore Baryower good fuel slipping down wi is wasted effort. And that simple ge: makes the "rocking down shaking" ne It your local dealer d to us for free hooklet. C London, Toronto, Méntreal, W LEMMO to. the heavy * Wet and the life of » just about 50' In the PER range, the beautiful nickel is entirely re able--you don't have looseh any nuts, screv or bolts, but simply rai: it up and it lifts off : easily as a lid from the stovel top. Consequent-. ly the PER- FECT IDEA retains 118s new appearance fully twice as long as any i range not having re- movable nickel Ne The Guelph Stove Co. = anches #t himited| Winnipeg 1 3 ~ and Coigery-