| PRESENTED BY THE YEAR OF GRACE, 1907, toric Events. C wh Letter No. 1,582. J amended . census, made 'Every Overcoat, bearing the Te Fit-Reform label, is up to the Fit-Reform standard of value. And we show our confidence in Fit-Reform quality, by our guarantee to refund money should any purchase prove ! 215 | adits advancing civilization--or Rus ~ are the best you can buy. They are classified according to prevailing styles 'of architecture, thus rfect h y in d ion. Our 1 com : plans make it easy to erect a ceiling with -- cy invisible joints--one which you'll be proud of all your life, TEVIOTDALE, OnT., Nov. 3, 1908. 2 ATR SRC ly Ty 'Yours truly, Signed) W. G. NICHOLSON. ( Write uf and we will gladly give you complete and send you our handsome ga catalogue and " Book of References." The Metal Shingle & Siding Co. Limited, Preston, Ont. i was Snished and New York, Sept. 27.--The year 1907 contrast in the centuries. From the Equator, south and west, | land bristles with - bayonets. The | accurate by | command of the dowager empress places the population of the Clestial | empire at 500,000,000 instead of 300,- | 000,000, which had been received as | the official enumeration ever wince the days of Confucius, view of this hard, granite fact the "yellow peril" | looms up with a significance 3 realized before, but which sooner or | later the most advanced wisdom and stern courage of civilization will be called upon to meet. Notwithstanding her troubles at home Russia looks with greedy eyes "Pou shanchuria yet, and both China and. Japan will dispute her posses- ion; and a conflict may not be far off | that may alter the map of the east- | em world. Japan has taken Korea un- der her wings, and proposes to give her the protection of which she stands | in such perilous need. With no army | sad no navy she might become the | helpless thrall of Russia, whose su- vremacy 'would mean a more complete | degradation than the Russian ser! en- | dures and suffers on his native soil for there he realizes after all that truth of the old proverb "blood is | thicker than water." In Korea's case there is but the choice of Javan with a stable government, its noble ideals sia with ite barbarous despotism, which tramples under its iron heel every vestige of human rights and places the power of life and death for millions of people in the hands of an | absolute tyrant who acknowledges vo | accountability to God or man. While no official notice has yet beem given out it fs the common talk on the streets of Tokio that the Marquis Ito is lo be crowned king of Korea with the teed protectorate of the emvire of Japan. A savage, predatory warfare is be ing carried on hv.voving bands of re- volutionary Koreans, who resist the invasion of the Japanese. No rrison- ers are taken with a view of exchange the fichts have heen one horrid and sickening scene of indiscriminate mas- snore and the hodies of nrisoners have |, heen mortilated hevond the nower 5 recoenition. At first the Japanese pro- tested acainst. such barbarous war- fare. hut the Koreans maid no heed to their protests and they wonld not even alliw the Jans to bury their dead, which in Jabpn is revarded as one of the most sacred of all morta! duties:at last the Japanese cartured sixteen Koreans, who were eaweht in the act of tearing wo the rails at a ene of the road where the fast trnin would have been drshed over a rocky rrecivion to be buried in a ronring tide below. The train carried a large narty of distinowished -Taveneee, snd a» novmher of eminent and wealthy Ko- reans, who were in faver of the Tama- nese protectorate. Thess wvmirderons Koreans were made ta die their own ovaves, they were told to kpeel. and their hands wore tied behind them: then they were vlaced on the edge of the graves to he executed, but were net allowed to face their executioners, which form of death is reganded as the most honorable that ean he accorded a sohler condemned to die for any cavital offence You will call to mind the ease of Mai. Andre in the revolutionary war; he had been up the Hudson river and negotiated the surrender of Welt Point with the traitor, Benedict Ar- nold: he was "tried by a drumhead court-martial and condemned to be hung as a spy. Gen. Israel Putnam was in command. Mai. Andre was a voung and brave soldier. beloved by hie comrades, and all who knew him: he was not afraid to die, but he beg- ged Gen. Putnam to accord him a soldier's death--mnot to be blind-fold- ad and that he be allowed to die facing his executioners. This the general positively refused, remember- ing, with bitterness, the treatment of his dear voung friend and officer, Nathan Hale, whose statue stands in immortal bronze on the spot where he was hanged, over a century and a quartér ago. When Sir Henry Clinton heard thot Maj. Andre was condom: ad to be hangwl, he sent a reauest to Gen. Putnam that the major: be ,ac corded a soldier's death, intimatine . that if this were not done he would institute a course of reprisals on every Yankee prisoner that fell into his hands. Gen. Putnam was a hard- shell Christian, who believed in the old Mosaic law, "An eye for an eye and a tooth -for a tooth." Sir Henry adjusting the black cap. Gen. Put- nam just as the improvised -allows the hangman was adjussing the black cap. Gen. Put- nam sat gown on a fallen tre and wrote lowing note, whith has yme historic : "Sir Henry Clinton: Mai. Andre, an officer in his majesty's service wad captured within the lines held by our forees. having documents ow his nerson which proved him ito be a spy: he was tried as a spr. con demned as a so and he will he hanged as a spy." and signed hie name and wank. Before sendine the letter he added "this: "P.S.--He is hanoed " £ with a semi-barbarous In dea for vou must conform to his ideas of GREAT CONTRASTS one of remarkable contrasts, 'other side: jt is may Say. the most remark- millions of American vioney has heen {restored me to 'SEPTEMBER 28, 1907. © and the soldiers resolved to kill their ives and children rather than let hem fall "into of their erocious foe and their {own lives as dearly as possible. When Compholl and his brave Hirhlanders fighting was desperate. took fifty Indian officers jod them to the muzzles of fifty on," and blew them to picces. were. no mare outrages after The Japs can be trusted in orea. i By contrast, while all has been war on this side of the globe, there has been nothing but enjoyment on the said that thirty-six arrived Sir Colin and the watering spent in Europe. All other resorts were cram- oes and though no immediate battle is on, the Med, and it is safe to tay that all of $50,000,000 have been dropped there by' plensure-seekers. The "yellow peril" will not be met on the battlefield, but in the factories, where the creations of China and Japan are sold, on the counters in London, Paris, Berlin and New York, there is where the "yellow peril" lies, for which eivilisation must prepare, for t we must watch and wait. but be prepared. --BROADBRIM. MONTHS OF AGONY. A Severe Case of Rheumatism Cured By Pink Pills. "For many weary months 1 suffer- untold agony. T Eoild not walk; I could érarcely. raise mysell to a sit ting posture.) I was under medical care, but \in-vain. Finally I tried Dr. Wiliams" Pink Pills and they have my former healthy conditign." . This strong statement was made to a reporter recently' by Charles 8S. Koddey, formerly of Kingston, N.S, but now diving at Port Maitland. Mr. Koddey is a carpenter by trade, and is now able to work every 'day. He adds: "I canmot speak to highly of Dr. Wiliams' Pink Pills, as they cured me after other medicines failed. While 1 was living at Riagston.--N. 8, I was seized with rheumatism in its most violent form. I was com- pelled to take to my hed and for months was an Govalid. 1 was so weak that'it was difficult for me to raise myself to a sitfing posture. It is impossible to tell how much 1 suf- fered day and might, week in and week out. The pains were like pierc- ing swords. I bad medical attend ance, but it failed. Then 1 tried medicines advertised to cure rheu- matism, but with the same result-- money wasted. One day when hope had almost gone a friend advised me to try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. | told him my experience with other medicines, but be assured me that these pills would cure rheumatism, so I sent for 5 supply. After using a few boxes 1 was able to leave my bed, and from that on my restors- tion to 'health was rapid. 1 am now as well as ever | was, and have not had the slightest touch of rheuma- tism since. The change they have wrought in my case is simply mir aculous, and | can strongly recom- mend Dr. Williams' Pink Pills to any one suffering from any form of rheu matism." Rheumatism is rooted in the blood Rubbing the aching limbs with lini ments and outward remedies cannot possibly cure it. You must get the rheumatic acid out of the blood and Dr. Williuus' Pink Pills is the sure medicine to do this, they actually make new blood. 18 why these pills cure headaches and backaches, neuralgia, indigestion and the seeret ailments that make miserable the lives of s, many women and growing girls. Sold hy all medicine dealers or by mail at Se. a box or six boxes for $2.50 rom the Pr. Williyms® jeine Co. Becobviib. Ont. ams" Medicine Co., one because That anemia, Kansas citize man Tho pla, and day. Can't « didn't finish the job, European military engineers are working on a form of automobile to draw artillery. : Et -------- Samaria Stopped His Drinking A London Lady cures her husband * permanently of the drink habit s nearly lynched a the trombone night forstand why they "How glad I am that Iover- hesitatica about and price seat in plain sealed enve! , sacredly confident SAMARIA X! St. Toronto. Also For. Sale By HENRY WADE. NEWS OF NEIGHBORS WHAT WHIG CORRESPOND- ENTS TELL US Occurrences In The City And Interest Easily Read And Died From Brain Fever. Lombardy, Sept. 26-Miss Mary (Grady returned, last week, to her home in Westport, after spending the st few months with her niece, Mrs. . Dooher. Miss Sarah Sinnott left, on Friday last, for an extended 'visit with friends in Fmmet, Mich. Mrs. Edward O'Meara has returned from a' week's stay at Eastman's Springs. The infant sow of Mrs. Balie died, on the 19th inet, of brain fever, after a few days' illness. Much sympathy is felt for Mrs. Balfe, as. only a few months ago, she was bereaved of her husband. Melvin Monroe has moved his family to the village. from Smith's Falls. Miss Mary Jordan is visiting her aunt, in Carleton Place. Report A Good Time. Leo Lake, Sept. 26; --Threshing is about completed. - The barn raising at J. Sutherland's, last week, was well attended, also the Bee at P. Webb's John Sutherland, Jr., spent Sunday at Battersea. T. T. Bower, St. Cath- arines, has returned, accompanied by Mrs. oJ. P. Bower. A. Mclean and H. Sleeth, Battersea, are doing the work on J. Sutherland's new barn. Visi- tors: C. Webb and wife and Miss M. Webb, Belleviile, at Mrs. M. Webb's Mrs. W. Fawdery, Watertown, ~N.Y., at +}. Sutherland's; Mr. and Mrs R. Maxwell spent a. week at Athens. A number from here attended Inverary and Lyndhurst fairs and report' a good times ie Bath Brevities. Bath, Sept. 26. our citizens 'took: in the Stella fair on Thursday of this week. Owing to the heavy winds on Tuesday and Wednes- day, the Aletha did not make her re- gular trip here on those days On Sunday next the steamer Caspian makes here last trip to Rochester, N.Y., and no doubt quite a number will take advantage of the excursion to that city... Mr. Barron, who has been assistant to Dentist Nash, left, on Tuesday, for Toronto to wttend the deal college (there. Preparations are being made for a cement sidewalk on a portion of Main street. Maggie Forrester has tion as assistant prineipe school at St. Thomas. Overton Ball, also William H. Hall, have had their Quite a number of Vicinity--Other Brief Items of { ESTABLISHED 1873 THE STANDARD BANK $1.00 OPENS AN ACCOUNT In our Savings Department. Deposits of $1 and upwards are receiver, on which the highest current rate of interest is allowed, No Delays in mifing Withdrawals Interest added four times a year Savings Bank Department in Connection 'with all Branches, " v KINGSTON BRANCH J. S. Turner, Madager COR. PRINCESS AND BAGOT STS. TWENTY-SECOND ANNUAL NEW YORK CENTRAL EXCURSION er as Yin NEW YORK _ OCTOBER 8 and 9, 1907 $6.00 Round Trip $6.00 From Points in Northern New York (R.W. & O. DIVISION) TICKETS GOOD TEN DAYS. Apply to nearest New York Central Ticket Agent for folder or to H, S. FOLGER, Ticket Agent, Kingston; Ont., for fur- ther information. Steamer leaves Kingston at 5.45 am., Oct 8th only, to connect with special train, ldaving Cape Vincent at 7.50 2 m. stores repainted. $60,000 Canning Factory. Ameliasburg, Sept. 26.~The Inde- pendent Order of Foresters has more than doubled its membership here, and new interest has been created in all its lines of work. ! The town hall has been rented for its meetings. The late rains and warm weather have helped tomatoes and later corn and pasture. The meeting of the council, called for granting a franchise for the electric road, through Prince Fdward, b The water is Apples are, in as been postpendl. very low in the lake some places, quite small, on account of the summer's drought; plums and pears are plentiful, but high-priced The new canning factory. at Hillier, which will cost $60.000 will not be finished for this year's work. There has been considerable fall rve and wheat sowed in this neighborhood. A new organ has been installed in the Methodist church. Mr nd Mrs. Don ald Roblin and childr return: ed to their home in ( on Miss Jewel, Fenclon Falls, has been visit ing her unele, Irvine Coleman rv have Evening Gown. COAL OIL! The Best is The Cheapest. We carry in stock three grades of OIL, and will deliver to any part of the city, the best American Oil that is manufactured, for 20c. Per Gallon. . Try the Brilliant. ELLIOTT BROS. 77 Princess St. Telephone, 35. - cH0000e The Ideal Beverage ASH _rOR , A Pale Ale, pslata- ble, full of the virtues of malt end hops, and in sparkling condition, is (LONDON) the ideal beverage. Now, when chemists 'announce its purity, and judges its merit, one need look no further. Unusual grace is revealed in the line of the costume here shown. The skirt of this charming gown is made of rose-colored tafieea, having a row of princess lace three inches, from the bottom and two more rows about half way up the skirt. The surplice décol- lete bodice is trimmed with princess lace to matoh the skirt. ~ The sleeves are made of embroidered mull, and reach to the elbows, a The Paper Om Lippiucott's. The paper ory my nursery wall Shows mesdows bright and green ; A marrow, winding road runs ou The little hills between There, crook in hand, roams sad Bo-peep My Nursery Wall. JAMES McPARLAND, Sales Agent. THE POWDER wrTE A QUARANTER Will positively exterminate Roaches and Water Bugs JACKSONIAN ROACH POWDER (NON-POLIONOUS) xm Cans at Sic. for Honeehold vse, and in aad Join bas for Motels, Restaucants tories. your Drugyist docs not handle \ WRITS KSON Ki "KINGSTON AGENCY, FRANK J. HOAG." 4 THE Trying dard to pd her sheep, I wish that she could turn and look Around the nursery -wall She'll find them then, as plain as day, Waiting to hear her call ! IUs mean she cannot understand Her sheep are there, so ntar at hand ! At night I lie in bed and think How jolly it would be if 'shes could only turn her As easily as me; Then. While I'm thinking of Bo-pecp, f generally go Fast asleep ! With face of Indian brown, with J sparkling eyes, he's 'back Surgical Aids to the Afflicted Authors & Cox Artificial Whether you have had the Limbs Misfortune to lose one or al 3 th legs--either above or Uiow the knees -- our Artificial Limbs will prove perfect substitutes. We can create artificial limbs to suit the require- ments of each individual case. So perfect is the fit, and so exact is 0 Rtg of what these hel should be, that hundreds Sand i walk and fun with the AS: a nd su ) p of our Artifi- For 48 years, we have applied. brains, ingenuity, sad 3 naturkT i3lent to per fecting helps for theafilicted. We make not ouly Artifi- cial Limbs--but also Spinal Supports, Trusses, Abdomi. nal Supports, Elastic Stock. ings, etc. If yoharedeform- ed in auy way, write us fully I about your case, and we will fit you with the proper appliances, "4 from his long fishing tip, loaded d from Xith Bes ahott the "hoppers hat he. hooked of record-breaking sie. A-------------------- A Te REESCLE TL RAILWAY IN CONNECTION WITH Canadian Pacific Rail CHEAP RATES 3 Class from Kingston, Sept Second to Oct. 81st, 1907, » ~ Vancouver, vi $46.00 Seattle, Portland. ' --Spokane, $43.50 dpoken 5 pet -- Missoula, $43.00 Helena, Proportionately low points. KINGSTON 70 OTTAW, ea ¢ Kingston at 12.10 pa fn Ottawa 4.45 p.m. Direct co at Reudrew with C.P.R No i. Henfrew at 4.15 p.m. "tor Pen Port Arthur, Winuipeg Coast points: 4 Full particulars at K. & P., and R. Ticket Office, Ontario S F. CONWAY, Gen. Pass. A Bay of Quinte Rail New short line for Tweed, Ni Deseromto, and all local ts. leave City Hall Pepot at 4p Ww. DICKSON, Agent B.Q.Ry., Ku Tacoma, Nelson, Salt Butte. Tutes to and RAIL [WTR ERE RE REDUCED FARE Sept. 1st to Oct 1907, - Class Colomist Fares [rom khingst Victoria, Vancouver riland 1 31st Nelson, Trail, Robsor Anacontdits:> Butie. . Helens S lake Low Rates to many other pon! Branch Local Time Tal rains Will leave and arrive Depot, Foot of Johnson street. GOING WEST L ei local ¢ 1 intern') Ltd.12.16 noon 12 7 Mail eee, 3.19 p.m. 3 15 lool mew 7.08pm 7 GOING Eao: Lve. City A No. 8 Mal) _ 4s 2 « 2 Fast Exp, 3 10. 3 *~ 14 Local f r 6 Mail 2 " 4 Fast Exp. 1.00pm » 12 Loeal -7.03 p.m. Nos. 1,2,8,4,5 and 8 run da pther trains daily except Sunday For full particulars, apply U HANLEY, Corner Johnson and streets. Quebec Steamship Cor > LIMITED River and Gulf of St. La Summer Cruises in Cool L Twin Screw Iron SS. "yl with electric lights, electric bel wodera comfort. Sails from Montreal on Mo and 23rd September, for Pict calling at Quebec, Gaspe, Perce, Grand River, Suminersid and Charlottetown, P.E.L BERMUI Summer Excursions, $33 and he mew Twin Screw 55. toa. 5,500 tons. Sailing Xr York 4th, 14th ad ¥5ih S ture cpole '§ se a rises avove BO degre finest trips of the season for he comfort. ARTHUR AHERN, Secretar) For tickets aud staterooms, P. HANLEY, or od. F SLEEVE, Ticket Agents, ~ BIG GAME SEASON OPE peste 4054-5 Now Bru + MOOSE T Sept. | CARIBOU Quek : DEER ¥ Septem! 3 BEAR. Nova Beas ipais 25 Qetobe Write for Public Containing Latest Infc About Fishing and Hunt in the Canaan Woods, Grounds of the Micma Game of the Southwest M 'Districts , Guides, | INTERCOLO RAILWA Montreal Office, 141 St. J Toronto Office, 51 King Central Passenger | ment, Moneton, ER Lake Ontario & Bayo Steamboat Co.. Lin 1000 ISLAND - ROCHESTE CASP] s hingston S Thousand Is King . Str. Steamer leave: 0.15 .m., for J Ene. Returning leaves for Rochester, N.Y. vis tf Quinte, calling at intermedia Steamer Aletha lcaves da Sunday, at 8 p.m. for Pict termediate ports Full inform Rg GILDERSLEEVE & 1 Ticket Agents. JAMES Swi Freight Agents. MONTREAL TO LIVE Corsleisn sails, Fri, Sept. : Virginian sails, Fri. Sept. « Tunisian - sails Fri, Oct. Victorian sails Fri, Oct. ] . MONTREAL TO GLAS Corinth sails Thurs., Sept - an satis Thurs., Oct. of and full m 4. © CILDY