Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 26 Sep 1907, p. 7

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BANK - Toronte eee nk pays interest r on all Savings Connection with all Branches, » BRANCH at BAGOT 7s. se0cpecccesscecscsscce The Invictus Shoes wear better than most all other shoes. They look better. They are the most. comfortable fitting shoes. grades of leather used. pin every pair of them. ci Kids, Box and Velour t Colt. 5.50 for Men | for Boys. 4.50 for Women. tyles are now ready. | 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000060 ethy"s eécccccccssscscconcee ND ANNUAL AL EXCURSION a thern New York IVISION) ) TEN DAYS. atral Tickes Agent for folders ation or write to | Agent, Watertown, N.Y. i e Cheapest. e grades of OIL, art of the city, the bis manufactured, rilliant, BROS. 77 Princess St." Babbitt [HE METAL MAN, Ltd. WILLIAM ST. N - | synopsis of Canadian Northwest HOMESTEAD REGULATIONS. even numbered section of Dominios ht in Manitoba or the North-West I'ro " excepting 8 and 26, not reserved, may Ee bomesteaded by" any person the sole head a family, of male over 18 years of age, to the extent of omexquarter section, of 160 acres, or Application for homestead eatry must be pade in person by the applicant at the office of the local Agent or Sub-Agent. Entry by y may, however, be made on certain con Boas by the father, mother, son, daughter brother or sister of an intending homesteader An 2 for _eatry or inspection made rsonally at any SurAgent's office may be wired togthe loci Agent by the Sub-Agent, at the ex of wae applicant, and if the land applied fof'is 'seamt on receipt of the tele au sch anplicanion 1s to have priority and Sie land will be held until the necessary pa rs to complete the transaction are received mail. In case of * ation" the entrys will be summarily cancelled and the applicant will forfeit all priority of ciaim. r An application for inspection must be made in person. The applicant must be eligible for homestead entry, anu only .one application for inspection will be received from an ind «dual until that application has been dis of. A homesteader whose entry is in good stand jag and mot liable to cancellation, may, sub ject to approval ot Department, relinquish it m favor of father, mother, son, daughter, brother or sister, if eligible, but to no one else, on hung declaration of abandonment. Where an entry is summarily canceled or voluntarily abandoned, subsequent to institu tion of cancellation proceedings, the applicant yor inspection will be entitled to prior right of entry. A Applicants for inspection must state in what particulars the homesteader is in default, and if subsequently the statement is found to be incorrect in material particulars, the apph cant will lose any prr right ef reentry should the land become vacant, or if entry bas been granted it may be summarily can Duties--A settler is wired to perform the tondisions under one of the following plans: (1) At least six months' residence upor snd cultivation of the land in each year dur ing the term of three years. (2) If the father (or mother, if the father is dec ) of a homesteader resides upon a farm in the vicinity of the land entered for by such homesteader the requirement as to residence may be satisfied by such person re siding. with the father or mother. (3) If the settler has his permanent res dence upon farming land owned by him in the vicinity of his homestead, the requirement mav be satisfied by residence upon such land Réfore making aPplication for patent the #eitler must give six months' notice in writ ire to the Commissioner of Dominion Lands st Ottawa, of his intention to do so. SYNOPSIS OF CANADIAN NORTH-WEST MINING REGULATIONS. Coal.--Coal mining rights may be leased for a period of twenty-one years at an annual rental of $1 per acre. 'Not more than 2,560 acres shall be leased to one individual or com pany. A royalty at the rate of five cents pe: ton shall be collected on the merchantable coal mined. Quartz.--A person eighteen years of age, o over, having discovered mineral in place, may locate a claim, 1,500x1,500 feet. The fee for recording a claim" is $5. / , At least $100 must be expended on the claim each year or paid to the mining recorder in lieu thereof. When $500 has been expena ed or paid, the locator may, upon having » survey made, and upon complying with other requirements, purchase the land at $1 per acre. , The patent provides for the payment of a royalty of 2 1.2 r cent. on the sales. lacer mining claims generally are 100 feet square, entry fee $5, rencwable yearly. An applicant may obtain two leases: te dredge for gold of five miles each for a term of treaty years, renewable at the discretion of the Minister of the Interior. The lessee shall have a dredge in operation within one season from the date of the least for e five miles. Rental, $10 per annum for each mile of river leased. Royalty at the rate of 2 1-2 per cent. cillected on the output after it exceeds $10,000. W. W. CORY. Deputy of the Minister of the Interior N.B.--Unauthorized publication of this ad vertisement will not be paid fi HERE'S SOMETHING NEW IN POST CARDS Greetings from King- ston, " Life Models" Kingston Views. Come in and have a look. T. McAuley. GASOLINE Put in Your Tank at Our Dock. A large stock of Dry Bat- teries, Spark Plug and Coils always on hand. SELBY & YOULDEN, LIMITED. Besessessassentettctes Mh stroy the cause vou remove the & . 3 B® Nowbro's Herpicide will do this $ w ben You Buy 3 o -- ad yt is also a delightful ¢ ~ { dressing : : Sold by leading druggists. Send 10¢ : C oO A L : in stamps for sample to The Herpicide 4 ; Co.. Detroit, Mich. Two "sizes. 50c. : From . 3 and £1. G. W. Mahood. special agent 4 -- P WALSH 3 After reading some of the speeches : : 3 at fairs, you will agree with an old 3 farmer who said that "oratory to-d : You ge t genuine * a of getting up and making 3 + Scranton, as he 3 vise." ¢ handles nothing 8 ----------u---00% $ else. 3 FTTPn30vaneenissevseeies, PIFIIIIVIIIIIIIIIIIIIY WORTH TAKING SUMMER WANTS One ounce Fluid Extract Dandelion; 4 Screen Doors and Windows, Ice Cream Freezers, Lawn Mowers and Charcoal Irons. > STRACHAN'S NewNorkChinese Restaurant 83 Princess Street. Open from 10.30 a.m. to 3.00 a.m. The best place to get an all Lunch im the cixy. Meals of all on shortest notic Dishes a specialty. kinds Wm. Murray. Auctioneer 27 BROCK ST. New Carriages, Cutters, Harness ' ete., for sale. Sale of Horses every Saturday C. H. Powel], . Carpenter and Jobber 103 Raglan and round English and Chinese St.. Three Reasons Why it will pay you to buy OUR BOYS' BOO TS. Large stock, right prices, and foal at side, F. quality second to none. : Boys' Box Calf Blucher Cut all |>: Ferguson, J. roland. One-year-oid |guson, Howard Lake. solid, $1.75. Youths' Box Calf Blucher Cut, $1.25 and $1.50. Boys' Dongola $1.50. H. JENNINGS, KING ST FARMS WANTED. EXPERIENCE, ABSOLUTE RELA: bility and good judgment in values have gained for us an enviable repu- tation in the Real kstate Busines and put us in touch with a long list of prospective buyers. If you wish to place any Real Estate on the market, you will find it to your ad- vantage to communicate with us. We want at present a choice farm of 75 or 100 acres, near Kingston, also a large dairy farm with good build- ings in -gooo locality. T. J. Lockhart, Real Estate Agent, 159 Wellington St., Kingstop, Ont 3 {UNDERWOOD Visible Typewriter.. You touch the button it does the rest. SEE IT. it a case of Blucher = Cut, You will find "Love at first sight." J. R. C. Dobbs & Co., 171 Wellington Street. GILLETTS PURE POWDERED LYE Ready for Use in Any Quantity. Por making SOAP, softeting water, remov= ing old paint, Glsintecting sinks, closets and drains and for many other purpescs. A can equals 20 pounds Sal Sods. SOLD EVERYWHERE. E.W.GILLETT fiiives TORONTO.ONT. AN OLD IDEA. {Shown to Be Absolutely False By Modern Science. to think that baldness things which are People used was one of those banded down from generation to gen eration, from father to son juft like a family heirloom. Science has shown the falseness ol this belief by proving that baldues tself is not a constitutional disease, but the result of a germ invasion ul which only Herpicide can effectually vid the scalp. - Washing only cleans the scalp of Dandruff, it doesn't kill the germs One ounce Compound Salatone ; Four ounces Compound Syrup Sarsaparilla ; Mixed and taken in teaspoonful doses after cach mest and at bedtime, is pronounced by a prominent physi- cian to be the best mixture for the cure of the kidney, bladder, and all urinary troubles. This says the doctor, is the most simple though remarkable prescrip: tion ever written to cleanse the system of impurities and waste matter. It acts as a powerful tonic to the kidneys, forcing them to filter out the acids and poisons, overcom- ing rheumatism, lame back, 'sciatica and other afflictions arising from sour, impure blood. The ingredients can be procured at any good drug store, and being purely vegetable and entirely harmless, can casily be mixed at home. If you have a suffering friend show this to him, as he will undoubtedly be pleased io | of highly recom POV POOP OPPO PPO PPIPPIIIPOPOPV IOP so simple and ed a remedy. AT THE STORRINGTON FAIR : is as follows : colt, draught, J. THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, THURSDAY, SEPTEM -- - | Best threo stalks ensilage corn, Noble| James Reid, Kingston: Dest turn- 3 ES vein out, lady driver, one pair pictures, Judges, J. A. Wiknot and H. J. AR valued at 88.50, to W. J. Merriman. Simpson. - -- {uta AT INVERARY. Fine Art And Ladies Work Fine Crayon, P. Edwards. Painting on| 30: T i alle oremtin; Miss Kells, 6. Avrroye. Condition powders, to Joseph To: Those Exhibitors Who Won | Painting in oils, 8S. Ferguson, M. land. Awards For the Excellence of |B- Traves, G. Aykroyd. Painting in g on china, - F. S. Ferguson, Miss Ihe prize list of the Storrington | Traves. Specimen lady's ornamental Berlin wool work | royd, J. Taylor. ody To von m-- 1 raised, How ort Lake. G. Leatherland. , to 8. A. von; Rest quilt (crazy), Horses. | Sofa cushion, 8. B. Traves, G. Shep- 81. ho W. G. Brats. ton i Host short Stallion, draught, John Anglin, herd, S. A. Lyon. Pair slippers work- T. E. Hughes, ne on or) ai Robt. Shannon. Stallion, roadster, |ed,?S. A. Lyon. Pair slippers crochet wool, aged ewe, $1, to . wa he Chas. Anglin. Brood mare, roadster, lor knitted, G.- Leatherland, F. S. Fer- | bvst ten yards rag pet, a (0 .. Holmes, J. Anglin. |guson, Miss Kells. Specimen of G. Brute, best ag an ; omemade Brood mare, draught, foal at side, F. | worsted work, S. A. Lyon, F. 8. Fer Banud, 31, line cans c Test Tudy in cot- H. Gordon; Chas. ton, W. G, Bruee, Charles Loney, G. Smith. One-year-old colt, roadster, | Leatherland. Tidy, any kind but cots M. B. Traves, ¥. Holmes. Two-year- | ton, Miss Kells, W., G. Bruce. old "colt, draught, M. B. Traves, | ing on cotton, 8. A. Lyon, P. Ed A. Lyon. Two-year-old colt; roadster, Twards, Mrs. R. Lyon. Collection S. A. Lyon. General purpose team, | crochet edging, Charles Loney, W. G. Geo. Shepherd, J. Toland,~W. More | Bruce, J. Taylor. ~Collection knitted lund.- leam, draught horses, F. 3. ledgng, M. B. Traves, G. Leather- Ferguson, Mv DB. lraves, T. 'Arthur. land. Plain crochet work, Miss Kells, Colt of 1907, general purpcs:, G. C. Loney, . . Traves. Table Shepherd, Ho Seout, F. Hoimes. Colt | doylies, F. 8. Ferguson, G. Aykrovd, ot 1907, roadster, John Anghn, F. |W. G. Bruce. Embroidery, F. 8. Fer Holmes. Colt of 1907, draught, - J. | guscn, M. B. Traves. J. Tavior. Bat! Toland, - H. Scott, I. 8S. Ferguson. | tenburg lace, M. B. Traves, G. Leath-| brood mare, general purpose, foal at lerland. Point lace, F..S. Ferguson, side, H. Scott, I. Holmes, Geo. Shep | M. B. Traveg. Set of table linen, com- herd. Carriage team, 154 hands and | prising centrepiece, tray and side over, Newton Ames, T. 'thompson, W. cloth, and doylies, M. B. Traves, F. H. Ormsbee. Carriage team, under |S. Ferguson, W. G. Bruce. 154 hands, Wm. Wood, Chas. Loney, | Judges, Miss Maud Sproule, Kings- Howard Lake. Buggy horse, 154 | ton; Miss Ethel Hay. Glenburnie. hands and over, W. J. Merriman, Wm -- Moreland, Fred. Matthews. Buggy Useful Work. horse, under 1 hands, F. Holmes, Family machine sewing, G Loi ther- John Reig, Morcland. Saddle {4,4 8S. A. Lyon. Flanuel shirt, hand- horse, E.'S. Ferguson, Newton Ames, ' Taylor, G. Leatherland. Chas. Slecth. : { Quilt, patch work, hand made, GG. Judges, W. J. Franklin, Jas. Bax { Shepherd, Chas. . Louey, C. Sleeth. ter, Pittsburg. Quilt, log cabin, silk, Miss Kels. Quilt, log cabin, woollen, G. Aykroyd, Cattle Pure Bred. | Chas. Loney, KE. 8S, Ferguson. Quilt, Bull tno years and over, S, A. knitted, Miss Kells, G. Avkroyd, M. Lyon: Yearling bull, ¥. 8S. Ferguson, II. Traves. Quilt, crochet, CU. Loney, Robert Shannon, Charles Smith. Bull |W. G. Bruce, J. Taylor. Quilt, crazy, | made, J. Scott; best colt of . PQ s dster), whip, value 81, to John * the Goods Shown--The Special | Faber colors, F. 8. Ferguson. Paint- at ov of 1907 Mraughths Prizes Given By Kingstonians. | te, Tatting, G. Leatherland, M. B. whip, value $1, to Joseph Toland. fair, held at Inverary, September 1oth, |needle work, F. 8. Ferguson, G. Ayk- made bread, made $1 half dozen mangold; sack of flour, to Braid- | dozen fruit jar racks, $1.75, to 3B ton. | Hays, Kingston. {ESPECIALLY VALUED BY BER 26, 1907. ET . Bell, V.8,, Kingston : Best brood are and foal (general purpose). four tiles Veterinary Wonder, to Henry 1907, six packages A. Strachan, Kingston : Best colt C. Donaghue, Kingston : Best home- of Sdkirk flour, to J. Taylor; best coarwe socks, J. Taylor; best sot table linen, one Traves. o W. F. Nickle, Kingston: Best five pounds butter, in prints, registered Jersey heifer calf, value $25, to Jos eph Duff. . Trotting race-- Trial of speed, Y.-L Merriman, Bethuel Clark. Prize, given by McCue Bros., Windsor hotel, Kings: Running race--W Brooks, J, Perry. Simpson, W. Prize, given by D. HOME MADE REMEDY THE ELDERLY PEOPLE. Easily Overcomes the Worst Forms of Kidney and Bladder Trouble and Said to Be Cer- tairi Cure For Rhewmatism. A large health pettiention tebs its readers of a number of simple and sure prescriptions that can be made at home. The following, however, for the 'cure of "rheumatism and Kidney erguson. Heifer calf Lyon. Pair knitted stockings, coarse, Ferguson, IW. G. Bruce. Pair knitted stockings RE ,, line, S. A. Lyom, J. Taylor, S Grade Cattle. 1 son. Pair woollen socks, Sourae, Milch cow, Robert Shannon, S. A. A. Lyon, . Lentherland, 3 Tay: Lyon, George Leatherland. Two-year- lor. Fait 1 knitted Th yd a Von old heifer, P. Edwards, F. 3. Fergu. | Lratherlatt, 3 oy OE Ee TT A . | Pair woollen mittens, coarse, x son. Robert Shannon. Yearling heifer, |y pi qand, W. G. Bruce, 8 Bl FS Carries: P. | Pair woollen mittens, fine, dwards, Heifer -calf of 1907, 5. land, S. A.. Lyon, Lyon, F. 8. Ferguson. ., | yards carpet, ail wool Judges, Byron Gordon, Bower Wil- 1p (jor W, G. Bruce. n yards car mot. ; | pet, rag, home-made, W. G.. Bruce, J. Tavlor, 8. : A. Lyon. Ten yards flan- Sheep, Long Wool. nel, home-made, W. G. Bruce, S. A Rum, two shears 'and over, G. Lyon. Rag mat, G. Avkroyd, M. B. Leatherland. Ram lamb, George Leath. | Traves, C. Loney. erland. One breeding ewe having lambs | Judges, Mes. W. J. n 1107, M. B. Traves, George Leath- | C. Trotter, Pittsburg. a erland. One shearling ewe, MN. B.| Together with the usual prizes the Traves, G. Leatherland. One ewe | following prizes were awarded : lamb of 1907, George Leatherland, M.{ W. J. Franklin, Joyceville : Bost B. Traves. | carriage team, 15} hands gnd over, . {82.50 to Newton Ame Hest yearling bull, £2.50 to F.' 8. Ferguson. | Spoor 8 Cosgrove, Kingston Best horse, 13} hands and over, ing heifer; F, ? cf 1907, F. 8. A. Lyon, . Leather- Pruce. Ten yme-made, J. Franklin, Nrs. Sheep, Short Wool Shearling ram, S. A. kyon, H. Scott. Ram Lamb, S. A. Lyon, P Ed | bunks I Nor 2 : wv. One breeding ewe | T= to W, JJ, °C erriman, est we Bunter Edwards, 3 horse; under 153 hands, $2.50 to F. A ier J Holts, John McKay. Kingston: Dest ram, wards, T. r having lambs in 1907, yr. A. Lvon, T. Hunter. Une shearling | cali. of 107, J. H. Gordon, George{W. G. Bruce, J: Taylor, M. B. Traves ius . » , 2 : : 0 ables receives the Aykroyd. Mileh cow, Robert Shannon, Quilt, quilted, hand-made, G. Avk- and al Ee Fluid Extract George Avkroyd, F. 3. Ferguson. Two: |royd, S. A. Lyon, J. Taylor. Coverlet, [Bree oh pra half "ounce: Compound sar-old heifer, F Ferguson. Yearl-|W. 'G. Bruce, 'G. Aykroyd, 3 A. | Dandelion, onehall © : P year-old , . gu ari-| a. > s Kargon, one ounce; Compound Syrap Sarsaparilla, three ounces. These simple, harmless ingredients can be obtained at any good prescription'phar macy at little cost and are mixed by shaking well in a hottie, The dose for adults is a teaspoonful after each meal and at bedtime, drink {ing a full tumblerful® of wated after leach dose, Tt is further stated that this | prescription is a positive remedy for kidney trouble and lame back, weak bladder and urinary diflicultios, espe- cially of the elderly people, and one « the best things to be used in rheuma tic afflictions, relieving the aches and pains and reducing swellings in Just a short while. 8 A "well-known 1 Ral druggist states that this mixture acts directly upon the eliminative tissues of the Kidneys; cleanses these spongelike organs and gives them power to sift and strain the poiapnous waste matter and uric acid roms tha blood which is the cause of rheumatism. Cut this out and hand to some suf ferer which would certainly be an act of humanity. Frock For Girl Of Sixteen. mn PP 2 ewe, S. A. Lyon, I. Hunjes Ed { (long wool), ¥2 to (i. Letherland wards, One ewe lamb, P. Edwards, 5-1 p75 Armstrong, Kingston: Best A. Lyon T. Hunter. pure bred cow, Laep rug, $2.75, to R Serer | Shannon. Hogs. | James Redden, Kingston: Best hali Boar, one Year and over, NM B. dozen buns, 4 lbs. tea, to Joseph Duff, Traves, Charles Smith, S. A. Lyon,| W. PP. Peters, Kingston: Best home Boar of 1907. 8. A. Lyon, M. B.| made bread, sack Five' Rose flour to Traves. Brood sow, one year and |G. Leatherland aver. NM. I. Traves; 8. A Lyon, G.!| E. J. B. Pense, Kingston: Best of 1907, M. B.|fine stockings, $1 to 8. A. Lyon. Best Leatherland. Sow Leaves, P. Edwards, T. Hunter. Pest [10 yards carpet wool, $lto J. Taylor export bacon hoy weighing 160 to L. W Marphy, - Kingston Best a0 1hs., Alf. Garrett, T. Hunter, P.{cheese(white), $2 to F. Thompson. Fdwards. SM Newton, Kingston : Best -- quart maple syrup, one year's subscrip Fowls. tion to Kingston News to W. GG. Brued Fughovs, pair, mule and femnle,] W. A al hp 17, 6G Leatherland, S.A Lyon brood nar and foal (draught). $1 t., Furkovs. pair," male and female, aged F.S. Ferguson. Best brood mare and S A. Lyon, G Leatherland, ¥ foul (roadster), $l to F. Holmes. Holmes. Geese, pair, H. Scott, F. Corbett's Hardware, Kingston : Best Holmes, hath Ducks, G. Lenth: {log cabins \yuilt Jallki 1 onus scisars, le "H. Scott, S. A. Lyon; fowls, | value £2.50, to Mise. Kolls, 3 ear Gibson s Red Cross drug store, S. A. Lyon, G Zeatherland Byron Gordon 'and | Kingston : Best sofa ecashion,, 1 bottle James . perfume, to M. B. Traves. Dawson. Lemmon & Son, Kingston: Best -- {quilt patch work, fruit chopper, value Manufactures. {81.25, to G. Shepherd. #ct of horse shoes, Ira Darling. | Crumley Bros. Kingston : Best col Paice of clovices, Tra Darling. lection canned fruit, #2 to J. Taylor u | Best collection faney work, $2 to G ps, Javey, Sydenham. Jucgs, 'W. H. Da ! a ] George Mille & Co., Ki 4 Fruit Dairy Produce. | mifeh Be rll Hingston f Bont Ten pounds butter, Joseph Duff, S.|Shannou. . A. Lyon, Howard Lake. Loaf home| Roney & Uo., Kifglon: Bot hail made bread, G. Leatherland, F. 8S. abples. $1.50 in gootk ta Hours Soot Ferguson, J. Taylor Six buns, Jos. Best winter apples, 81.50 in goods in Duff. ason, (. Leatherland. | R. Shannon. 8 ) 'Pan pounds cheese, T, 'Thompson. 3! "Aperpethv's shos store, Kins : Yatioties winter. apples, 4 of each, | Best bushel potatoes Bey igpaton Robert Shannon, S. A. Lyon, T. | Charles Smith "h Thompson, 3 varieties fall apples, "4| Campbell Bros., Kingston : Best pair of cach, H. Scott, Robert Shannon, | turkeys (aged) 31.50 to 'S. A. Lyon Ira Darling. Hali dozen pairs, P.f J. H. Sutherland & Bro.. Kingston: Edwards. R. Shannon, W. Moreland. | Best brooill sow, one pair hard knock Best 3 clusters of grapes, R. Shan: [boots to M. B. Traves. non, S. A. uyon, P. Edwards Bovey Lockett's shoe store, Kingston, hest in comb; Ira Darling. 1 quart Fasp-|ten libs butter, valise valued at $2.50 berry vinegar, W. G, Bruce, J. Tay-{to Joseph Duff. Lvon, G. Leatherland, MM. B. Traves.| 1 guart jam, G. Legtherland, P Ed- | ornamental needle. work, wards, J. Taylor. Judges, Messrs. D. D. purg, and "John® Draper, Glenburnie, Newman & Shaw, Kingston : Best white quilt ; Ivatue $2 to F. 8. Ferguson, logers, Pitts-| FP. W. Vyn Luven, Kingston : Best boar over one year, 2 The. Lipton's {tea 81. to M. B. Traves, Grain' And Vegetables. | WMeKelvev & Birch, Kingston: Best Fall wheat, H. Scott, G. Leather | ram (short wool), £1 to G. Leather- Jand. Spring wheat, i. Avkrovd, G.|land : % Leatherland. rye, J. Tavlor. Oats, Robert J. Reid, Kingston : Best two (3. Leatherland Corn in ear, Noble! year-old heifer (grade), one pair pie Darling Timothy seed, M. B. tures to P. Edwards. Traves, -J. Tavlor. Hali bushel po-!| Thomas Mills & Co., Kingston : Best tatoes, colored. 8 A. Lyon, "John aged bull, hat valued at 2 to S.A. Gordon, Charles Smith Half bushel | Lyon, potatoes, white, ( hacles Smith, John| F. W. Coates, Kingston : Best saddle Gordon, Noble Darling. Edwards, William Simpson. Turnips, | guson, J. Tavior, P. Edwards. Blood beets, W, PP, J emon. Kingston : Best turn- S.A. Lyon, P. vards. Sugar beets, | out (single), laprug, valued at $2.50 lohert Shannon , P. Edwards. Man to W. J, Merriman. 5 cold wurtzel, J. Taylor, R. Shannon. | W. Carev, Albion Hotel, Kingston : Cabbage, Dr. Freeman, Ira Darling. | Best draught team, whip valued at $2 Canlifiower. J. Taylor, P. Edwards. [to F. 8. Ferguson. hr Pumpkin, William: Simpson. Squash, A {. Chown &: {o.. Best three-year J. Tavlor. Celery, P. Edwards. To old ealt (draught), wool laprig, valn vv vr TTPO PVP0I0000000 0000000000000 000000000 0000000000000 0000000000¢ 00800 matoes, Ten Darling. 8. A. Lyon.ied $2, to F. 8 Ferguson, lor, G. Leatherland. 1 quart maple| Steacy & Steacv, Kingston : Best syrup, W. G. Bruce, G Leatherland, crayon picture, sitk umbrells, 32.30 to i M. B. Traves. 1 quart jelly, S. Alp. Edwards Carrots, P. horse, $1.50 in goods, to F. S. Fer-| | | {A charming little frock of light blue serge is shown in the cut. The bodice had the edge of the open sleeves, and the form which outlined the yoke or namented with scrolls and loops of light blue soutache braid, and there | were a yoke and under-sleeves of fine {embroidered batiste and valenciennes lace. The skirt was plaited and trim- lmed with a four-inch stitched fold. Fast Going. Metropolitan Magarine. | One oi the most singular wagers, which might be taken to be the oat come of un growing industrial age, was | mado and decided in IS11. Sir Joha Throckmorton at that time bet one | thousand guineas that he could have a coat made in a day, from the first shearing of the sheep to the last stitch | of the tailors needle. According to the | agreement, at five in the morning Sir | John gave two Southdown sheep to {a Mr. Coxeter. The sheep were shorn, the wool "spun." The yarn "spooled warped, loomed and wove." The cloth | "burred, milled, rowed, dyed, dried, sheared and pressed." At four o'clock in the afternoon it was in the hands of a tailor. At exactly twenty minutes | past six that workman finished his Lask and the completed coat was pre- {sented by Mr. Coxeter to Sir 'ohn who put it on and appeared in it he- {fore a crowd of five thousand ap- | plauding spectators. 1,000 Islands--Rochester. Steamer Caspian leaves 10:15 am. {for 1,000 Island points on Sundays. | Returning leaves at 5 p.m. for Bay of | Quinte ports and Rochester; N.Y. J. P. Hanley, agent, ' | When noting the list of collegs stu- {dents laid up with broken arms and {legs and dislocated collarboues; one eels that it is time to protest against overstudy. | Always avoid harsh purgative pills. They first make you sick and then eave von eonktipated. Carter's Little ver Pills regulate the howels and Sale | Children's FallCoats . Saturday Morning. 318 New Fall Coats Made of High Class lmported Tweeds and Cloths, in Dark and Light Designs, * perfectly tailored and finished. Regular vahies $3.50 to 10.00 each. To be sold in two lots, 1, 5, 6, 7 years Each To fit ages, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14 years For $2.98 Each See Window Display. R. WALDRON. To fit ages 2, 3, For $1. S------------H-------- ) " THE RAZOR OF PERFECTION EVERLASTING SHAVING COMFORT NO RAZOR TROUBLES POSSIBLE These razors are tempered as hard as flint by our exclusive secret process of tien You can obtain one on 80 days trial 4 from your dealer without obligation to purchase. : 5 DURING THE WARM WEATHER YOU WILL FIND A REAL COMFORT IN TRISCUIT Delicious as a toast, it contains all the nourishing qualities of whole wheat, steam-cooked, shredded, baked, an compressed into a wafer. Keeps the stomach sweet and the bowels healthy and active. 2 ' TOAST, AND TRY IT WITH BUTTER OR FRUIT FOR LUNCHEON. All Grocers--13¢c. a carton, 2 for 25c. ' srk et The Best Milwaukee Beer. For sale by James McParland, Kingston, make you well, Dose, one pill,

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