Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 14 Sep 1907, p. 2

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A large variety rich in ANOLA ring done promptly and well. §R. McFaul Carpet Warehouse 3 ments, beautifully situated, facing City Park. RUGS color; , all sizes nod aualities, ail Puport- il djpoct from manufacturers IMAL Widths god pit terns. + . stock feeding experiments "at Brook rian, Lace, Srumgs Newt, Tape. mont fapms, Adeboht, lowa, where: he J country, notably the Louisiana accept the newly-created pro of animal husbha of Pennsylvania required the appointment of auinlified instructor to take up Prof. Marshall. I'rof. Marshall of animal husbandry educators. Bor lego at Guelph, ronto University, He © went. to th time on to 1903, he was assistant Craig, at the Towa College. In. 1903 he resigned to take charge of remained pome months, but latir signed to go to Texas; wwith © Prof Craig to of animal husbandry in t Agricultural and Mechanical College. Upon the resignation of Prof. Craig Prol. Marshall assumed full charge of the animal husbandry work in was made a full professor, in rank. Prof. Mardhall is looked wpon as a teacher of more than usual ability. He has taken a keen and symputhetic interest in voung men, and has most principles and. practices of judging farm animale. As an investigator, be has conducted a number of interesting feeding experiments in Towa and Texan. Asa judge he has officiated in some of the great stock shows of the Pur: Exposition, the Interna tiongl {Live Stock exposition, at' Chicago, and at various other gate fairs. The Ohio"? ate Universify jie at present making rapid 'strides in developing its course Ih animal husbandry, and in f lcieney of Prof. Marshall, + them Polson's Nerviline. Will sell cheap to a quick | / the strengthening of this work, the wniversity is indeed very fortunate in Securing a man of the recogmized effi- Married In New York City. On Tuesday, September 10th, at noon, Miss Helena Hogan, daughter of Michael Hogan, of this city, and Frederick H. Simpson, son of Charles Sithpson, also of this city, were mar- vied, by the Rev. C. T. Murphy, at | the church, on West Seventy-first street and Broadway. After the cere- mony Mr. and Mrs. Simpson left for Atlantic City. On their return the happy couple will reside in New York. The bride and groom received num- erous presents, showing the esteem in which they are held by the friends at home and in New York. Death Of A Child. derold Fry, infant son' of Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Fry, Concession stroet? died, this morning, of cholera infan- tum. The sorrowing parents, who are strangers in the oity, only coming here from the states a few months ago, have the sympathy of friends. The funeral will be held to 'Cataraqui cemetery this afternoon. Fine Saturday Market. Tho fine weather hrought out a large number of farmers, to. the market, Saturday morning. The square pre sented a regular vegetable market, thera being u grund display of every kind of vegetables. A fine lot of pota- toes sold at $1 per bushel. An extra large supply of tomatoes were on hand, and were quickly disposed off, -------------- Wanted. hg very member of the Society expected to exhibit at the show on- Wednesday and Thursday next. Get you prize lists and entry forms from Secretary McLean, 91 Clarence strect. "Make it is hummer!" Horticultural I-------- Hyacinth bulbs at Chown's. Bibby's $2 hats are it. On Suriday in case of sickness, Gib- scn's Red Cross Drug Store is open all day. A meeting of the Frontenac Teach- ers' Association executive was held, Saturday, in the court house, to make arrangements f® the annual conven- tion to be held this autumn. Dutch flowering bulbs at Chown's. Cures Little Children. When they get sick with cramps, in- digestion and bowel trouble, give ! Cure is im- mediate. Sold everywhere in 25c. bot- thes. a a -------- Cured of Drunkenness How a Montreal lady cored het husband of drunken with a hos F 7 i: i Ii i Fi Lat] i . "hey 4#: i Fromenae ip in the University wterinary College, a well the work in Dhio, so the trustees selected is one of the more prominent of the vounger generation on this pide of the line, he was edu- cated at the Ontario Agrienltural Col- graduating in 1599, and was also given a degree of bache for of science in ayriculture from To Towa Agricaltural College, where he "pursued post-graduate work in ani- mad husbandry, 'sid received a degree | ofl bachelor of science in agriculture [ments. Pupils prepared for examina- tmattine and holy communion, preach- from that college in 1900. From that [tion in theory of music, harmony, ete. er Dean in (0. F. Telgmann, 358 Brock street. animal husbandry to Prof. John W, live | Miss King -will also take orders Lao act as associate professor Texas successfully taught many students the pour druggist. | THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 14, 1907. / . INCIDENTS OF THE DAY. Newsy a 'suits oy Looks like summer at last. Rowering "bulbs rs Chown's. A rousing Saturday market indecd Stylish meckwear. Livingston's. Fine band concert at flower show, Why did Lake before summer began i received gt McAuley's. "Phone 775. The ears killed a cat on King street Red Cross Drug Store. "Phone 230, Bibby's $12 suits ave fine. in the rity. maica and the West Indies to attend Queen's Medical College. points. Moutreal advices are of n weather and good crops. Duteh flowering bulbs at Chown's. street railway will go into effect Monday next. This will mean the tak e | of twelve men. Bibby's clothing always satisfies. banjo, piano amd all stringed instru- King's re-open. on the 17th "inst. for - | advertisements and book illustration. Apply at Alice street. Bibby's suits are splendidly tailored Some Kingston horses part in They are held over a day of bad weather. g , | were expected this afternoon. | Mes Margaret class will ing a good home in he country (Prince Edward county) can hear something to her advantage by call- ng at the Whig office. Bibby's top coats look swell. me MARINE NEWS. The Items Gathered About the : Harbour. The steamer Alexandria was: at Fol- gers, Friday night and discharged a heavy eargo. The steambarge Navajo, cleared for Prescott, with lighthouse suppiies, and will po on to Montreal, with wheat. The schooner Bertha Kalking arriv- i*d Saturday morning, from Charlotte, with coal for the a & Pém- broke railway wharf. TF. company's elevator : Steamer Rosemount and parge Hamilton, from { Fort William, with 210,000 bushels of wheat; tag Thomson from Montreal, with two grain barges, i The sloop Granger arrived from Belleville, with cement for John Lem- mon & Sons. The Maggie I. is due, Ao-day, from Belleville, with another cargo of cement for this firm. The government steamer Scout, is at the Kingston and Pembroke wharf today. She has been engaged fixing the buoys at the foot of Woife Island, and leaves to-morrow for down the nver, Swifts Steamer Kingston, down and up, to-day: Steamer Hamilton down this morning, twenty-four hours late; steamer Belleville, up, to-night: steamer Rideau King, from Ottawa, to-night; steamer Aletha, from bay ports; schooner Clara cleared for Sodus Point, for coal. The large and palatial steamer King- ston in charge of Capt. Esford makes her last trip of the season to-day, ty- ing up at Toronto for good to-mor row morning. The season just closed has heen ome of the best, if not the | record one, since the two big boats | were placed in commission. During the | summer the Kingston has heen fortun- ate as far as accidents are concerned. only missing one day, or one half trip, on account of blowing out her evlinder head. Many of the orew on this steamer are Kingstonians, mos! of the boys and waiters, being Queen's stidents, who selected this "way of putting in the summer. The boat car- ried large crowds of people, some- times. all that she could comfortabiy accommodate. ------------ CASES FOR POLICE COURT. Charge Made Against Men the "Indian List." Inspector Clark Wright will hve two liquor cases hefore Magistrate Farrell, at the police court, on Mon- day. Two Kingstonians, who are on the "Indian list," will be arraigned before the magistrate, on a charge of having asked for liquor at some of the hotels. The first case of this kind came belére - the court several weeks ago, when a young man was fined $10 and; costs, It is stated that the case was the first of that character, which has come before any of the courts in Ontario, sinee the new ligiior regula- tions were put into force, Men on the "Indian list" try all sorts of tricks in their attempt to got liquor. They often give their friends the money to go and buy the liquor for th When this is .done, it can be plainly seen how difficult it would he to deal with such a case. At this rate, a constant watch 'would on agraphs Picked Up By Jhapn i close ' Get busy at church again. Do you help in the Sunday school ? illiam Swaine, piano tuner. Orders Nine more colored students arfived the \past week from Ja- [at morning serviee, 11 Can we believe the crop reports from: the west ? It sent up wheat several fine ing off of four cars and the dismissal [evening service. Sunday school Tuition in violin, mandolin, guitar, | St. are taking | rector. 'Services| 11 a.m. the Brockville races to-day. | Holy communion %t § on account {Canon Starr Some good contests [and the dean IN ST. LUKE'S be preacher morning and' evening. Chalmers, Presbyterian, corner Bor of near West, last night, and the dead (Rev. Prof. Ross, D.D.: evening ser- the College of Agri- animal is still lying in the middle of [viee, Rev. R. P. Nelles, M.A. Sunday feulture Ohio State University. [the tracks. : school, 3 p.m.; prayer meeting, Wed- The resignation of Dr. C. W. Gay, to | New violet sachet power at Gibson's nesday, 7:30 p.m. Strangers cordially invited to all the services. T. E. Barke, B.D. pastor, will preach i service, at 7 p.m., preacher Rev, Mr. Bartlett: class meetings, 10 a.m: S, S. and Bible class, 3 p.m.; Wednesday evening service, 8 pan. | made welcome, | First Baptist church Rev | Laing, pastor. Serviecs, 11 a.m. and The twenty-minute schedule of the |7 pm, Rev. Jaymes Frazer will preach on {in the "morniy and the pastor in the - levening. Mrs. Simpson will sing at and Everybody | Bible class at 2:45 p.m SUNDRY: SERVICES HARVEST THANKSGIVING Rev. James Fraser in Baptist! Steamer Caspian rie and Earl streets--Morning service, Brock Street Mathodist church-- Rev, a.m.; evening Strangers Nonglas CITY AND VICINITY. On Thursday, Oct. 31st. per what day Thanksgiving falls on 1,000 Islands--Rochester. Chu School Ad- [for 1,000 id Points » Sundays, : Queen ck | Returnin aves a p.m. for Bay Yoeate, if ; and' Breck Quinte ree and Rochester, N.Y, Street Churches. ., | P. Hanley, agent, Bethel Church, ~The pastor will Choosing A Hat. you will choose it from Kingston. All the best manufacturer are represented there. . To Add To Post Office. Yesterday afternoon, 3 took several laree photogtaphs of the Kingston post office for the postmas ter-general's - department at Ottawa addition to the rear of the building. Pile Sufferers, Attention ! It isn't relief but lasting cure vo ing Dr. Hamilton's Dine ment. healing, soothing and" penetrating welcome to all services « ton's Ointment from. your druggist. ! George's Cathedral -8 am., . holy communion; 11 a.m., shortened The Game Laws. Farthing. 3 p.m., p.w., Sunday school; 7 evensong, +| Saturday, | thew's Day tmunion. I St. Luke's church--Hurvest thanks . giving service Rev. R. S. Forneri, anit-7 p.m. and 11 a.m. will preach in morning of Ontario in: evening. nmsgie by the choir. A 10.30 a.m," holy com | Appropriate f| Any girl willing to work, and wish- {#pecial free-will thank offering will be the Texas College experiment station, and | taken by both services. | First Congregational Church, corner lof Wellington i and Johnson streets.-- | Pastor, Rev. J. Charles Villiers. Div- ine worship at 11 am. and at 7 p.m, | "Our Troubles in Vancouver." Sundsdy |#chool at 3 p.m. Mid-week service, | Wednesday evening, at € pm: A eor | dial inyithtion to all, especially to {strangérs wnd the newly | the city. All seafs are free. | Cooke's Presbyterian chwch, Prock {street--The pastor, Rev. W. 8, Mae {Tavish, Ph.D., will preach at both ser- (vices. Sunday school and Bible class at 3 pm. A i resident in mission study class is | being-orgamized by the pastor and the {first meeting will be held in the church |at three o'clock. Text-hook to be {used, "The - Uplift = €; China." The {class will be undenominational and all are welcome to attend. Sydenham Street Methodist church-- 11 a.m. service, Rev. W. H. Sparling, [B.A., preacher; 7 p.m. service, Rev. |'T. E. Burke, B.I)., preacher. Sunday school, 2.45§p.m.. Epworth League | Monday, 8 p.m. Rev. S. T. Bartlett, {associate secretary of Epworth {Leagues and Sunday schools, "will be |present and give an address at the mid-week service, - Wednesday evening, Junior League, Sunday at 10 a.m. | Queen Street Methodist Church--At {11 am., Rev. S. TT, Bartlett, field sec | retary, will preach; 7 p.m., Rev, W. | H. Sparling, pastor, will discuss | "Does Godliness Pay." Morning an | them, "Hig Loving Kindness"; evening | anthem, "He Wipes ' the Tear From Every Eye"; solo, Miss Sparling; mal quartette, Messrs. Shea, Knowles {Bradley and Manhard. 2.45 p.m., Sun {day school; 8 p.m., Wednesday, mid- week gervice. Thirty-Five Deaths From A Razor. A physician in Chicago states thir ty-five deaths have resulted from par ing corns with a razor. Avoid blood poisoning by applying Putnam's Corr and Wart Extractor. Purely vegetable. Painless and sure is Putnam's, Croquet Tournament. Mise Maud Betts beat Mrs. W. Pierre Hughes in Friday's croquet singles in the city park. St. See our fall importations. ton's. Lines that will hold fish and catch them, at' J. Routley's, 173, 175 Prin- cess street branch, 354 King street See Bibby's display fall caps. Livings Kingston's Famous Fur Store. BUY YOUR NEW FALL HAT ON SATURDAY. All theshapes are ready. If you want to tone up yod® appearance begin with%a a new hat. The kinds. we sell are not easy affected by weather or climate, and retain through all stages of need to be kept upon the man on the "Indian list." He would need a detec: tive on his tracke all the time, | Special Excursion.' _ Rates have. been "Made in Canada" fair. On the | CPR. and the steamboats, and the | Grand Trunk will give return tickets | secured for the at simgle fair. all points between Trenton and below Prefcott. Good | from October 7th to 12th; good to! return up to 14th. é | Guaranteed Cure For Hay Fever. | Nothing op record is so certain as | "Catarrhozone," recommended by physicians everywhere. For sure cure get 81 outfit of Catarrhozone from | Clothes Of Character. ! . MH. you want something different | from the ordinary run of clothes, try | Livingston's. wear the noticeable elegance of style which characterizes our hats. . We keep all the best makers hats and are sole Kingston ageats for : Hawes $3 00 hats, Waverl y $2 v0 hats, Woodrow $3.50 hats. Picciadilly $2.50 hats, It's a pleasure for us to show you our hats whether you buy or not. " Importers Of Fine Hats. | preacher, . dketching | Canon Starr, Matting daily at 9.30. 21gt September, St. Mat- "| There has been uncertainty in the the rumor having gone abroad several changes had been made. 's not "vorrect, as the law so far as the September 1st to December 15th: part vidoe, September 15th 15th; deer, November 1st muskrat, December lst to Beaver and otter are not to be kill ed before 1910. Iron Defends From Disease. conditions . the lacking in iron. run down, build with Wade's Iron If you are weak o Tonie Pills (Laxa tive). They are a great nerve strengthener and. blood maker. In Yoxts, MWc., at Wade's Drug Store Money back if not satisfactory. At Harrowsmith Fair. The Hatrowsmith fair was well at tended, large numbers going from the city. Although there were no horse races; there was plenty to keep one busy. The live stock exhibit was one of the best in nals being shown. L817 Young and J, MeAdoo. were the judges of the horses. ae number of horses were shown nfl some of them were splendid ani nals, a few ttention. The exhibit of farm George A. Easton, Jr., W. C. Buck- ey, Montreal; S. C. MacGowan and wife, Toronto: B. G. Ostrom, A. Allen ind' wife, Belleville; R. Henderson, Barrie: E. Woolverton, Grimshy: O Henne and wife, Gananoque. His Nerve Failed Him. Some time ago, a wedtling beremony was to have taken place in the city, and all was in readiness on the eve 'ng set for the event. The groom. however, failed to appear, and there vas great consternation. The guests leparted, wondering, and the bri 'eelings can be imagined. It scoms awhile," and, accordingly, was ont of town when, the eventful voung bride. " ¥ To-Night Isabel Irving America's foremost comedienne, Mis: Isabel Irving, will appear at The Grand to-night, in Clyde Fiteh's lat st sdecess, "The ' Girl Who Has Evry thing." Miss Teving is one of the blest actresses on the American stage, with g varied experienc 2 voung woman of beauty and tem- nerament, who has succeeded ino tablishing herself in the affections o the theatre-goers of this country with v lasting regard. In the presmtation of this latest Clyde Fitch play, Miss Trving will havp the advantage of support which includes. among others, Harry Hilliard, H. R. Roberts, vold Lane, Emily Wakeman, Weathershy and Miraaret Fuller. Leo- Helen Looking After An Estate. Chief Engineer ston penitentiary, is investigating the estate of the late Edward Derry, who was murdered in South Afries. The estate is very valuable. Mr. Dorey claims to be one of the heirs of Fdward Derry, a one-time Milwaukee man, who became a dia- mond king in South Africa, and was afterwards murder. Mia estate been valued at 85.000,000, and for vedrs efforts have been made by the British covernment to find the right- ful heirs to this fortune. | Derry was murdered hy an English | man who sought to. get possession of In latee diamond found by the former, * The diamond was afterwards found, where it. was dropped during the fight. his 3 ---- The Trusts and Guarantee company administrator of the estate of Charles Fdward Turner, late of The estate consists of mining claims, Save money by buying vour fail bulbs at Chown's drive store. . Only all-cream ice cream in the city Lo Hailovbhury a great, many at P, "A Whig Reader" eriquires : Would leaves 10:15 Aw He ou 0 it at Campbell Bros'. KE you dhoete Bt ut Campbell Bes | ite ke ill toh Top AAD, and most up-t8-fate stock of hats in |A. rughy team. "Chaucer" looks as R. Hemderson | Plans are about to be prepared for an | want, and that comes quickest "by us-| Very Quick relief from pain, results guaran- | teed and all for 50c. Get Dr: Hamil] minds of some as to the game laws, ) that (* This | remains practically the same as in other years dates of open sedsons | i gre conterned. Duck shooting is from the rink. Fourteen men were out] and [if the walk i were put through a good hour's wosk to December | It is surprising how soon the mem- |! May Ist. The moment the red, iron corpuscles | of the blood fall helow a certain standard the system is defenseless igainst disease. In blood is found to he! miles. up vitality at once fresh as when they that the groom hadn't plaved a trick, | but was bashful. His coming mar viage so unnerved him that he hied | himself "into the wilderness to think evening ar- rived. Aftérwards, his nerve came back, and he has now claimed his | Derry, of the King: | limited, Toronto, hae been anpointed | | 7) DAYS REST. Goes to Montreal Monday Talks About Rugby--Roll ) ig Harriers. Elliott is artived yesterday to spend a "Chaucer" | He | as ever, despi o'| hale and as hearty { hi landed t {his hard fight before he | Empire State baseball [namt. Mr. Elliott says that team were the snappiest bunch in t { league, being always full | and playing the game for all that was | in it from start to finish. Montreal, Toronto and Hamiltc were all after the services of the far ous football coach, and he decided to | {go to Montreal, and wil' leave on | Monday to commence his duties., He| u |says that Hamilton will have much | | the same line-up as last year, but do a walk over to the championship. al right here in Kingston to put © | 4* bunch for the Junior or intermedia | series,< that™ would any oth town a right, is what "Chaucer" thinks, av | many others agree with him. give good Roller Hockey Team. another good practice last evening side teams will likely play here, Y.M.C.A. Harriers. The Y.M.C.A. Harriers had a goc all debilitated [tn last evening, coVering about thre Twelve runners excellent were out, ar rl showed form, arted. The next -jrum will be held on Monday night, | | when some new runners are expected | | out. --_-- | Meeting Of Curlers. | { A large and enthusiastic meeting-of { the Kingston Curling Club, was held | in the British-American hotel, last | |evening, with Viee-President T. M.| The meeting ws the question' of Farrell in the chair. called to consider new rink, HINGSTON'S HADGER" yu kindly tell me through your pa-|IS BACK HOME FOR A FEW Hockey Practice--¥Y. M. C. A. home again. few | days at home before leaving for Mont- league pen- | Oswego | not think they will by any means have] | ; { There is plenty of good fast materi ip te go, if only started | or of enlarging the old one years, many fine 'ani- | The matter was fully, discussed by the er When the system gets run down, stomach upset or ne bowels irregular -- they he know that a morning glass of Abbey's Salt quickly he| | putsthemin theirbest vein. 150 nm m- | fe ------------------ | Excuse Our Crowing.2 | es | £ er | I The Yacht Chub roller poly club had] ' at realize that we are really 'cock as regards both high quali wed low prices. Claims may be, and » by our competitors, hut experi But we ties it 1a A has taught the shrewdest buyers that to 15th; | bers have' picked up the game. The| if they want to get the full worth of their rules are practically the same as ice | money coupled with prompt and polite [hockey and it is played with fegular| Jv cur stom is the' place to Vin hockey sticks. Two practices a week [ut lieve regular custofuers will will be held in future and some out-| justify us in saving this 'W. F. GOURDIER, "| ad | 'Phone 700. ' finishing as! As | a Bronve Pa | France | Figures tmembers, and it was finally decided 5 a : 0 | These are sold either, to enlarge the present rink to twice| singly or im pairs, are | 1ts 'present size, making room for al 1 good height, and | platform and five sheets of jee. The | not necessarily expensive, & Clydes attracting much | rink will be thoroughly refitted in first | pro- | class order, making one of the finest | that the rink will be ready for | ginning of this season { | Autumn Coat. [ ------ ES ------ the be | | | | An illustration of a smart. plaid cont witha plain taitorad finish is here: shown. It is in seven-cights length. The side sections®are attached to the front and back under a hroad tuck, which is stitched to depth. An inverted hox 'plait is form- | Bi ¢ | ' \ i 1g ran i ed in the centre of the back; this is | re ie ange of Wool . Plaids |also stitched to the waitt. The collar | DE Siany of the is made to turn over. The sleeves are | yard Price, 0c. and 75¢. a made large and full, being tucked at | * {the lower edge, and have a turnback | | band cuff, trimmed with buttons cov- | See the range of Scotch {ered with the ninterial. } Puitings, extra heavy, and | : : ' i me | in dainty patterns, wide THE ONLY - COMFORTABLE Way to visit the i JAMESTOWN . EXPOSITION - isto stop at | J The ONLY HOTEL INSIDE The GROUNDS Why stay at Norfolk--ten mile. Have your room within five any part of the Exposition at | | ' | } ' EUROPEAN PLAN $1.50 per day. opular Priced Resta 3 Pergola Porch Cafe facing Historic Hamptons Sons Add $2.00 for AMERICAN PLAN. Rate provides for re-ad: grounds at any hous. mission to the | Concerts by 23rd U. s. Regiment Band. | All Conveniences of a first-class hotel, com- A } bined with the ut dations for IS pa fort: BF Chee': your DagEaEe i Tre fli to Exposition {J ice or Nora cath at the entrance-- | { HAPRY WATCHAM, Manager. i | I you are thinking of : "A DIAMOND," luce was also up to the standard, but | rinks in the provine 'wo rooms the fruit exhibit was very small. | will be fitted up on the main floor | SEE OURS. =n | one for the ladies and one for the | . Arrivals At The B. A, Hotel. | gentlemen Upstairs an observation | J. J. Bradshaw, W. J. Harvey, R.|room will be built, with a glass front | SMITH BROS E. Cushman and wife; J. F. Ran-|to accommodate spectators and mem- | " dolph, New York; William Kalter, [bers not playing. The improvements | Jewellers & Optician Edwin Kalter, George .J. Kalter, A { will be quite expensive, hut curling | v H. Laubrach. Rochester, N.Y.: Mrs. [has picked up wonderful lately, and Phone 666 'Reynolds, Cleveland, Ohio; J. Stern- | the membership should reach the one Issuers of Marriage rs. George, F. George, Col-| hundred and fifty mark shortly \t James Gill,' Newark, N G, [present the list of members, not | 0. McHeigh, Wetoskeurn, Alta; E. E. [counting the ladies, is ninety. Work | Engelhardt and wife, Toledo, Ohio: | will be commenced immediately, so | i Dress iGoods | Elegance; TO BE HAD 3 AT THIS STORE. and attractive and popular 5 with leaders of fashion to | ¥ found her in *¥ i Everything that is new X e in great variety. width, A 69c. | at this store for | Wonderful value. Cloth selling 50c. a yard. The best range 3 | > 'of Vene- | ¥ tians, in the city. All - the | wanted shades, in Navy, Brown, Red, Green, Black, ie, 75¢c. a yard and up. Something swell in Henri- ettas, Panamas, Satin Cloths and Poplins, all shades, at 50¢. a yard. i For the best vdlue in'Dress Goods or the most Up-to- Date line " of Coats' in the 'city. Come direct to this store. Newman & Shaw All oronny too flavor, Price's. Try Crawfor suit, i Cream, in bricks, any delivered at any hour, at 1 & Walsh for your next TRAVELLING. --E um NTC NLR: L A RAILWAY A CONNEGTION WITE RATES froin Kingston, Sept . IN Canaiien Pacific Rail CE Secona iass to, Oct. 31st, 1907, -- er, $46.00 Beata, Tacoma, Portland. : --Spokane, Nelson, $43.50 Sytem. Nelson --Miesoula, Salt $43.00 Helena, Butte. Proportionately low rates to points. OTTAWA EXHIBITIO| Sept. 17th, 19th, 20th ..... --.. sept. 18th to 21st, dnclusive ... Sept den Yimit, Sept. 28rd, 1¢ FARM LABORERS EXCUR: Second Class to Manitoba, Sa wan and Alberta, Moosejaw and $12. Proportionately low rates to and including Macleod, Calga oot going from NW Full partis & 1 P. R. "Picket Off ne St, Fy GONWAY,. Ge Agent. Bay of Quinte Rai New short Nme- for Tweed, ! Descronto, and all loedl points leave City Hall Depot® at 4) W. DICKSON, Agent B.Q.Ry., K ---- RAND TRUN Annual Western Exc Sept. 19th, 20th & At the Mllowing fares from 1} Ont. Bay City, Mra. . Chicago, Ill. Cleveland Ohio Detroit, Mich. . sai Grand Rapids, Mich. . Minneapolis, Minn Port Huron, Mich Saginaw, Mich. st. Paul, Minn i : All tickets good to return fr ation on or before Uct. Tih, 1 Central Canada Exhibitio wa, 13th to 21st, 180 Tickets will be gold, at $2 td ing Sept. 17, 19 and 20, and ong Sept. 18, 14, 15, 16, 18 all ui ts good returning on Sept. , 1907. 'or full particulars JLLEY, Corner Johnson st S : pu Quebec Steamship Go LIMITED River and Gulf of St. Le: -- apply | and Summer Cruises in Cool | Screw Irom SS. any or lights, electric be modern, comfort. Sails Jrom Montreal 2 Seple y and 20 Quebec, Gaspe, Perce, Grand River, Summersi and Oharlottetown, P.IS.L BERMU Summer Excursions, Jas sa on Mc for Pic ow Twin Screw bY, ie E00 tons. Sailing York 4th, 14th and 25th ¢ Temperature cooled BY seldom rises above 80 ¢ finest trips of the season for wmfort. ARTHUR AHERN, Secreta " jckets and staterooms, Fog CU ANLISY, ord. P. SLEISVE, Ticket Agents, Kin ALLA ROYAL MAIL MONTREAL TO LIVE! Corsician sails, Fri Sept. Virginian sails, Seid Tunisian sails ¥ 4 ' x 5 Victorian Fri., « sails MONTREAL IO Gal hurs., Carinthian sails Sept Pret may be GTR Clarence Women cause maybe day. it might come The NEW ] This will be suf these. Shirts: T well! come and s It will certa are hard to fit in in the neckband, short or too lon fit. Any style y Price: |E.P.JEN

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