Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 13 Sep 1907, p. 3

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ee ee -- Wa cmp m--se: ---- Store, PERSIAN JF Exclusive Fur LAMB JACKETS TO ORDER. fv, red to ger' the the ken me ith| wal 76, 78 and 80 Brock «'Phone 700. k St. Bronze Statuettes We have ceived. a Bronze Frauce. regently shipurent Figures res - of. from These are sold either, pairs, are height, and necessarily expevsive, singly or in of a good not If you 'are thinking of "A DIAMOND," « SEE OURS. SMITH BROS. Jewellers & Optician 'Phone 666 Wssuers of Marriage Licenses. 'W. F. GOURDIER, ' Weak Women weak and ailing women. there is at least one fan to help. But with that way, two treatments, One is local, one is constitu- essential. must be combined. | tional, but both are important, both , | . Dr. Shoop's Night Cure is the Local. . | Dr. Shoop's Restorative, the Constitutional. tive reaches entire system. seeking the all issue, and all blood ailments. | - The "Nig | work while you's: ech. It ks o r mucous surfaces, heals local weal discharges, while the vigor, and en y Dr. Restorative-- Tablets or or Lani: general tonle '} to the system. For positive local help, use as well Dr. Shoop's Ni ght il 8h DEALERS" THE FRONTEN AC | LOAN AND INVESTMENT SOCIETY | ESTABLISHED 1863. | President--Sir Rickard Cartwright | Money loaned on City and | perties. Municipal and County tures, ortgages purchased. "eceived and interest allowed | 8. C. McGill, Managing Director. Office, 87 Clarence street, Kingston, Deposits | NEW G00DS in the Ready-to-Wear Department, Ladies' Fast Black Sateen Waists, made in the latest style, 98¢. and Ladies' Fast Black Sateen U nderskirts, ex- tra good quality, well made, 98¢, and: up. Big range of Ladies' Skirts, in V enetians, Panama. and other ow weaves, : A ps Walking Tweeds, pop- $2.50 to $9.50 each. Ladies' Silk Ww aists, black or white, beau-, ties, at $2.50 and up. Ladies' Flanunélette Gowns;-50c and up. Ladies' White Lawn 3 Aprons, with embroi- dery bib, 25¢c, each. - Hundreds of the me w- est Coats for ladies, from $4.50 to $25 eac h. ~~ Childre 0's Coats, to fit all ages, $1.98 ana up Can you wear 34 Waists ? Here is a snap --b6 only Ladies' W hite Waists, 95¢. and $1.25 each, size 31, Tpurday, | one price to clear, 50c. each, ) 3 ] IIIA : oa forme pr--Dr. Shoop's Night Cure--isa topical membrane suppository remedy, while Dr. ho Bhar' Restorative is wholly an internal treat The throughout the repair of all nerve, ht Cure" +38 lis name Be anplies, dose its soreand inflam. Farm Pro- Deben< THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 13, 1907. 4 EDUCATIONAL. ma ---------------------------------------------- 1 a § A Paying lovestment TUE RHEUMATISM MUNYON'S 3X CURES -- ee THE SPORT REVIEW. 2 Gougt now May Become Valu- eo Ad 'HOW ENGLISH CHILDREN visor at Binge. { orlin, Sept. 13~--Count luouye, the rn, Snbdssador to Germany, » 3 y ara i } oll of the Amperial bo iy FOR SALE. er TO SWIM. has taken his farew:! HELP WANTED-FEMALE, | To = A Noddn, Business Education | { LEARN chantellor, Prince Vou Buelow, '; CONDENSED ADVERTISING w. : wi TT AS HORSE necessary requirement for | | 4 s+! Norderney, . preparatory to returning COOK. APPLY TO MRS. LAFF ER- | A 20 3 os S| SUCCESS inAbis progressive age. | More Bouquets' For 'Chaucer' | Wy gis "suctessor has pot yet! AO Royal Miiitary Colivgs. d Sear: Can be rn a | { ball x Tt. ---------------------- time pply Wi © 'Frontenac Business | Elliott--Montreal Base been appointed, Mithoush X poi First lnsertion 1c. a word Each eon | orn Sir NG. WASHING, |" Kl le ofS College | Sewn Hag Beem Badly Man-leg shut 5 ep Washington, will be| sscutive insertion theralie a | API Mrs. Macpherson, 163 Bari St. | Som ESRTy EE dO nae Bo 4 ' of Japan a inimum cha! r et mai ---------------- ; KINGSTON, - ONT. 3 | aged For Some on tried SO a word. Fg ye A COUK, NO WASHING OR IRONING. hid Bt Ail , Water fumes. ahr aut resenta- | LU shout gitiy new, ple | Count Inouye is reputed to haye aj ser Apply to Mrs. Mrownfien, Cor. We! 1 to A. B. I Stgiuxs Sup 4 Thidk $13 remedy that reliores, sharh.fout inthe Eustern Base hall er) thor knowledge of Ge rman Mann) ington and Umion streets; i kX ue 3 shooting paisis in any part of U y HO hore ian tue ld in. a ANTED---MALE, « N, b Our connection With the United : Ir OLE Pails in.SRY, Dart 9 a edects ofthis year, no and politics, which would wake 4 HELP W. COOK AND HOUSEMAID, hoy ove HEAVY BRING AO Buwployent Bureaus in the large roo: cure in a few. days. | god iw Bort adviser" at hope ol ee t-------- - ing or wi AD HUEY! jy one ¥ ght af Canada asd the Unies It puriiis the blood: It neutralises the | Rube Waddell is still pitching won-| va for which he will principally be SOU IGT pop PRENSWORK. AP-| 06 OF O 352 King street. ir sledghs, (medium 56 An States enables us to place every a ee IE apd | oriul ball for the Philadephia Ath-|bute fo Germany is the extreme | BO te "0 Brivigh Whig, . cutter, all in good : uate in a good situation. We ® (og away. Have you a lame or 1! his last four |remen in . TO roel AS OLERK. APPLY bert street, city. ne I Tt Ho Martin. © lacking back, -lumbago or sciatica ? Haties.. He 'haz won B amicability with which he has over| EARN MANUFACTURING | GIRL, BU AS Se ocers, comer Prin: 3 tes. Write for particu- a! ve you Stiff or swollen joints, 0 | meg ' . ments. inoy, TO L ical busines : 3 vision stieets BRICK JIOUSE. 33 WELLING. ernte Bal 3 | Have g Natl- jcome all embarrass! . apd pharmaceut cess and Divisi SOLID path, ete. lars and large catalogue. @ matter how chronic? Ask your dru Wagner is not only the best" Nat | t notable diplomatic | GR to advance. Require 'Colegl} , 7% OW "7000 CL ton St., te for Munyon's 3x Rheumatism Cure end | » hitter, but also leads in} His mos Berl rabably Chan Apply NB. G. Polson & SERVANT, TO GO Tol Desirable 2 ns * Jocality, s Fall Term Opens September Sn * wer how quickly Jou Will be he adog 20d o . Mth 46 and extra base | lachievement while in Der nv , aniy] ate reiting GF NRA Apply at ounce, to' Mrs. | Oity Park. Jy to R. D.Angling 3 ® 8 If you have any kidney or la stolen bases wi a 3; that of impressing the foreign o °. 2 Cor. King and Princess Sts. | 144 Undom W. H. SHAW, T. N. STOCKDALE @ | route get Munyon's Special Kidney | 2% Aan N that Japan was a 1 Sullivan, i President, Principal. § | Cure. "Money buck i' it fails. Munyons| U0et: | Witness strongly op hice with the Foy Germany should re- | SMART BOT TO ASSIST IN MATL TONFIAL SERVANT: SMALL | A BARGAIN-PROPHRTY ON COR. Vitmlizer makes weak men strong an AAU. rule that a man quite willing that G the I pertinent, on and | Saturday | GOOD GENER ashing Or droning. Ap of Clergy and Division Sts. incliding FIIPPIP PIPPI IPI IU | wores lost powers. : poses the C. Kiaochau, the territory in th | ursday lorenoons i no Ww ng A. Maclean, 30 Cor. store and ' ten dwellings { for 4 ------ twho plays with or against a Profig; in Tung Peninsula leased by fier. | givernooms. Apply Business Manager, ply in the evening to A. Me i Neo and particulars Geo, Cliff, HS | sional makes Hime] a professions. a from China iin 1598, because, Whig oflice. g A A era} eat Estwtoe Agent. > - iis > x RT wer-pain ol Hl 3 ™ DELI | ees If you wish to" be successful at- ® | 3 fe Chwaieye, sls laigus] a n that won| from the ° Japimese Sandpint, wi VOCALIST, WHO CAN READ |YGUNG LADY TO QPERATE & BELL | reer -- el inion tend The » ihe Bra gg - ior league| long as Germany retains { tar be ual By © readily Good voice Nitto, ed a pte, painstaking modern improvements, with hopin] re. : the championship of the sei n|terests in the 'far east she can be | music mmdiv URN TO fatial De educated. Four tours daily. Ad-| or situated at Cormnr J ress educated. to Alex, Kingston Business [== Lin 1880 is still playing the game i [oon rT dealt with after the An-| State qualifications is in fll. hat Sued "larnest,"' Whig office. i Alfred stwis. BLY | : A E | Vancouver. . lod nese allignoe expires, i "Singer, ig CADY | Muodden, 200 A + College : { Toronto Telegram : "Chawsir'"' Fl | j glo-Japal | LADY PIANIST | ALSO 1 PRORT RES) DENCE Limited, head of Queen street { [ii Tt hs Ee returned from the seaside . of Husbands. {FALL SUITS AND OVE RCOA" Is ~ 1 'needs 3° respestatanty | UV Ro. STORE LL FEL . CANADA'S HIGHEST RABE * and reauiivd his pusitioh in. the sport-| Consigumiun Of E : viaka, iso A pair work done H hh. Stites ve Be. Hours very Ne and d "poruiand Root wo. {ing eolumns, it is safe to presume; Rev. Dr elu hily demands more clean, DERas) le prices. Galloway. enti Address 'X.Y; ¥." Whig] two stories high. 3 latindry, business school, Bookkeepi ing €o ni 1. Today WOES He husband than | Sindh Seon 181 Brock St, mext to he | Soh: Sontag a: ib 1 i Vet sr husbang Pail . iy office. 3 lar, billia room, shorthand, typewriting, {that fall hes arri the New | consideration from he E Livery. - = cel drawing rooms, : Lith ; . 1 . o on in the N« hundred vears ago. | Bibby's ' dining room, do graphy, and all comm = $ VERY | | "A pretty race is going on » did fifty or a hi 3 = or and subjoots thoroughly Jaugh va fms gig hed use| York State Baseball League. Oniy | | dhe ok Jearned to know herself bet, | SMEN FOR EASTERN | GIRL WITH EXPERIENCE, 30 ace : dio : room, Murary uo d Totten pe Pn ses » HOt et w + s +. ss» shleloven points separate Scranton, a ter, and she is pa longer sqntented. |gp BOIAL SALES be good talkers and ten yrapher Lol and accurate-- convenience. Stationry Wah Stan 4 any time. Rates Very, m moderate. ! . | bany, Troy and Utica. 2 The ¥ | with a-grood- -natured man of the worl | hard wébrkers. ldberal Roy Agen | e 0 apply. Nu a he a Water. lot oe, ALFE, TF lent Tagic Baking Powder. |stand in the order Te played in | who perhaps treats het ia hot Reliasle Hie, cn. ary Box * 0 vi thee. i with _stabling, room, Address a. H. F. STCALFE, President. . tt's Perfumed Two more games to -be } nly a small plat ar srk Nf Ro | cm-------------------- | : 3. CUNNING eta Qllie { 3 apoassa lendr all with [gives her ol t treal { i s . A J. E. CUNNING as Taperid Baie Powdur. jie big Jnerossy age. Corua ddd] i thoughts. She Satnane sot ly at | s---- = GENERAL LessMe, on the Qillett's Cream Tartar. ntreal on 8 and generc { | BUSINESS. i ebb od Royal Yeast Cakes. | tater Montreal and National teams] he ue ipl understand her, and to | TO-LET. | BLL BOY AKD DINING ROOM GIRL. | MONEY AND Otftett's Mammoth Blue. | will wind up the season at Maison ['ooct her chamgitp moods. She de | -------- en | f 'ot once, Apply British AE re POLICIES CovER M MORE aor Baking Soda. ve him that tendons and | SHED ROOMS, WITH Hotel Office. | : and contents thas any ot! ® re neuve, . Langue { mands from hig FURNISH Appl ce building Qillett's Washing { tro: ads e¢ American ange from | ents. pply Exam them $ COAL y °t rr phar comaderntanens + that pring from | prs re | Jom PAINS Ae Clary | Ga infuranee Ragone, Mak 3 o {in team h u : ht about her, an | r wit ars, ARS. i ARG TE : @ rk. | thengh al H | yards of ot © The sudden changel In weather ¢ WADE FOR OVER 50 ve { phia, 252; St. Louis, J Row You. deavor to fully py Ter a OUPLE OF OFFICES OVER THE| lurid. Pe om Feb. Apis to! | a > Sa oy Tiguon the wim 0 3 fenvusrsuse ve i Washington, 24 '298. In |ture. Then there is an Ywbrd shat A COUPLE OF Oris Company's ofc office, | Lytle, Geter . iain | LIVERPOOL, Loxpox AND eave putting in soe good Coa e { 3: Boston, 2356; Chicago, . ke to say to the wives ere " y St. Apply to J Fire losura mpa ell god 'oul. It's the kind that COMPANY | | ? \ 066: [should like to { Ularunce ARCHITECTS. 5. In addition well jig Tg at od > W.GILLETT LIMITED | fie ding Chicago is on tgp with : ho: are gome women who appear to re qued | Niuean he ppty ot Ts Nath. | ets Wier iders = have no H > wakes the home comfortable ; it's TORONTO.ONT. | Detroit, 961: with New York las th husbands simply 'from the point! FFICE OVER [WARES DRUG cmTECT, OF] teurity. ibe Puntitnited Tavis" ot al of all the best money cun buy, and : | 016 A hear They say of them |© Cor. King and Brock Sts., hot ARTHUR. Lag oe 8 Ab streets. | the stookhalders. § there is none better mined. -_ hk sand he Philadelphia | of view of business. 1aev sav of FN} ater heating. Apply. at igcame . 'Queen Bag |. perty insured at lowest: peat possible | § ree RO i ol g -- Albert Bender, a i) 3 e maj} that they are "'excellint prox ' | = rock street. RCHITECT, I rates, Hefire renewing © Prgpiing without slute, at the very bottom $ PS YW § Tndian, pitcher, holds. th con-| They look upon thet simply as "ma le li lil ee =| NRY SMITH, shies Square. | a pvt rates from prices. < {or league tan vee ot Somes chines to gather money and the Cor [Two DWELLINGS, NOS. 44 AND ™ ste. Anchor Building, | £ uur Apoms. > é tive. Migtorieganieven al Lo * la av represents of course Princess §t., one large, and | one, « BOOTH & CO buna, | that money to ake 3] Diem Sh lh: du 0 ewe M8 | -- y s It N rae} | streak of tritmph began - Fe mbition is to make =a other small, cum ug S ARCHITECTS, M 3 Phone 133. Foot of Weat St 4 : Ss Nu De fond Tasted ill ~August 21st. hwiorehe By de But, on the ther hand: {Apply 249 Broek street. row 4 Buildime, commer' Brock FOR SALE OR @ Beaver Flour contains nutriment at defent 1-0 game, the smallest | ha really is worth, his Sr st----tm-------------- and Wellington streets. o - ER KING AND © ROCCO SDE HS 1 the blood, brain and muscle-building § | a u whith a pitcher could lose. [every man whe . 2 rded as some | BRICK DWELLING, NO. 181 DIVI pied | | PREMISES. COR RKER | carringe acs & -_ O 3 sn wants : street, twelv » OM ol . »- a beat kernel. Segre Shy ; not won the cham- {salt wants to he rega in his | od Kitchen, hot Water NEWLANDS, ARCHITECT, OF tory. WIll rent in sections ule; propery; alithein Montzeal has iy Fa tern Baseball| thing worth himself, apart E at) img Yoom ang bit asession. | Ap- | WM fice, "second floor over Mahood" a Dra tory. The house would Eh = ni shi the aste ¥ a. ds ot fine at | he 79 ; a tenants. eo | nionship . at She an ui aie | business. And if he does ne ie hel - vfs ¥ rederick Welch, No. 179 or eorner Finca ot ateset. | class house. Manin Lg aver League, sine IS bad | he is thus appreciated hy his | NY aoa street. or Eatrance Bex oe | rent. ™ Jaties_Laturnay wit {of the costliest in" the league, ell in| lis obliged to look for that apprecia- | -- mime, | lags Makar, $00, Princes rest" rT 1 § in| 1 ~ ~ MET * T__ | Manitoba $ management has caused it to la ¥ rwhere. 31 JOHNSON STREET, 9-ROO { up ase ois |] intimin BESTE, CE Ll is coh ak tn |" Ee a S| 3097 | VETERIIARY. SEALER 3 TRE S ) { oars tree ws ro - 10 hn undersigned, and endorsed Tens The grade of wheats weet wain J| lace. fn "thre poh b rT Ader al | School Frock Of Serge. Bae, A Tony ta WILL, THE PERSON, WHO gE a. BELL, V.8., HAS RE- der for Sand Point Wharf," will be re Flour-- being the finest gro: {heen at the bottom of the la all} | Apply [R. W. Nesbitt, 537 Jobuson six Weeks ago, found wu bla oth DR. Bo wo ou brick block on C ceived at uns of until Friday, Ney Canada-- require no bleaching Fvrough the series . = | street. 1 cardease, containing Some oa hart, just above the Pust Tn uot at oggehy a d or electrical treatment. If Rochester Herald "| aki Bt rig) a ro the sane | Calls 3 Tr =" suruction of a Pub a" q at Bread, {2a xe Saudi bunch deserve an . : promptly a 'oint. Julectoral Mistrict of South Ren ou want ideal Bre Phot and his Oswego In . Whig office. -- Otani ucturding to a plan and yk snd Padiry, just ty Lal the Fiadit que can give them for FOUND. to the i | TiCENREE. specitication to be seen on application y Flour | th hill fight for the pennant, © FOS MUSIC. MARRIAGE o the Postmaster of Sand Pot, Ont Beiver . | their uphil . TOLD RIMMED NOSE A Ui Postmuster at Aroprior, Out ad Your grocer {all the teams in the league, the Stash} DAL ser Monwemn Fart aud Wikia | Sr. 0. 8 KIRKPATRICK, teaver oF bolls a et I Ha eur g | makers show the least frequent chang | Stan ow rowd. Owner cen have same! SECTOR TING, ALICE > Marriage Licouses. a Ottawa % ual supply you. Lin Yipeubs d this through the sea hy applying at Whig office «and | 17 has re-opened her Piano Class. ! Fenders will not ve consideree unless Dealers, write Fim ig Sad largely toward team 1 Seg for this dvd mude on o d form R( O | | signed with the tual signatures en: play. . { UT OFF RAPH PULPIT \ v ager { | KET TRAIN '€ . sigue : W. A. Hewitt, the able manager of | 5 M NEWBURGH. MAR Accepted thegue on a eharterad hank, : ronaut Rugby: Club of NEWS FRO he v 1 Foronto Argonaut Rug - payable to the order of the I th 1 to Aha rn + Does "Away With Thurs thi. Minister of Public 1906, has been reappointed to 1 he High School | Company w. A oTr a . ro | ¥ : 8 tion to the K Ss. REV. C. . hundred dollars (3700 tion. The Argos will enter scn'or | A Recep day Excursion 2 sany each tender a. > 3 i i ils. \ pany each. tender geams' in both the dInter-Provine int Soin 19: Tie. swception'y Th Winget. & Pembroke rellway The Reality Of God. the comtract oc T'nion and O.RF.U. if the former « { Newburgh, Sept. 1=. | students | have cut off their markot train diwiqus: faith. given 18 contracted fe ranizntion goes , through. Tn case it {to the high school stafl anc N lay | cheap exgursions werd run to the city Has your relig ness of the reality "Phe Dpactare Foald not, the Oursmen will tee ani {at the Epworth League iy Th oo | every Thursday mogning, and have you, sho A you to read . iy « : o er reg Meee o el PATS p * Bea He ye ar \ intermediate. team in the { ni Ne ne a ge numbers and [been in vogue for nrerl Fo milar »; ns of His presenco in all the com- Yolen, - h addition to a senior team its were there in « C.P.R,amd GT. ran ul i sof life ? Is FRED. GELINA ', Rughy Club he 'evening's enter but eut mon and familiar thing Secretary Wood's The Toronto Argonaut ughy inl greatly enjoyed the = vemng wu?' | excursions in ather cities, Nn 5. 5 real to vou as vour father or Department of Public Works F PY The. Great English firey {are anxious for the igterprovincial| tainment. Cards with "Who are yo Iv | them off some time ago, and the Iii ny 1% If not, thewe is that in Ottawa, September 14, 1392 b Tonesand in¥igurates thew new | rugby league to go through, but in-| on them were given ont and everybody & i is the last to take such action. | your friend A hye su have not ats she il pot he paid for this tem, makes ne . = : " ' of pos 4 3 > to which y¢ 4 SIR bY) ir in --_t it without Hood in 0 2 Votns, Cures Nerr sist that the players must he. ama spent. the hour at Soci Jina -l bik Merchants in the smaller towns have religion There is a splendid convie- ny the Department ility, Mental and Brain Worry, Des ar I classes of sport. However, setting each other's name. An ex ngly against the exer: | tain The lib- hority from the T ous Debility, Fmissions S { teur in al i ot the a « 3 f a quar protested strongly ag " n that it holds for you. m-- g Dondenctl, Deut lye figs Sows Ercesses | it is rumored that in order to get the | lent programme consisting ol a qu sions, claiming. that it. kept business | Hon faith has given to many this fina HAVE YOU TRIED Brice ti per bor, six fur 8 Une will Bluse sh new league going, the club will Tuy tette hy Misses Wood, wl Sia away from them, and it is also held pun ' ii reality of 'God. What ¢ al y » { : _ 5 . ). a 0 Our. Home-Mude Pork Sausage? Hf not | willcute. Sold by all drufiste Or Wo + little regarding the standing of a Nothing is mere satisfactory for | Messrs. Denyes and Runt, soln: bit, | that the railways haveno right to} sos asoning faith could * not bestow, vou don't know what you are missing ol Tree The. Medicine Go. iow players inthe east, whose status | ! oth "ar than dark blue serge, and | Miss Aleta Seriver and Percy Seal, issue chenp tickets and then earry | 1 what reiteration could not con- a Pound. SINAYS 2 fresh. B Formerly Windaor bd * 1s av be questioned ; oh gd] we nying drawing shows an {md recitations by Mrs. J. 8. Yeo freight in the way they have bean Rs demonstrate, freedom of en- MYERS, 60° Brock s pm ectrtugtateemmensal re ===1 What stand the Montreal Rughy|the accompurying, (BEWNR BARN Cp I = and Miss Florence Wager, 'were doing for the ticket holders | quiry has, grandly given, ------ People who implore the boys to res | pon Cluhy will take regarding the ai nt k }vendered. . and short specchts N These excursions have been patron: | quit) ) . Ex uld get the world to | hain on the farm dont know any- |e 0 which developed over the a : The skirt of the little model was {ode by Rev. R Duke, * ed wsh- [ized very largely. all summer, 'and the | Address, Mr. Casson for free litera We feel if we could g . } bo tops etween the eastern anc ! ; . the | " d J. M. Denyes fre ¥ ill not mest E i ronch th « would not' | thing about' bugging tater teur question bet to have | side-plaited, with a Box plait in | Neshit, an i's enter: | doing away with them w "| ture. pratiice a {of . ther reform His breach of promi Sau ee ne western clubs, which were 1 La middle of the front and hack, and was |e brought the evening 8 « fo anproy al of focal merchants, a | PS -------------------- be aly need « i to eng in imme- | that a young man would r r ne formed the new -interprovineial le a x attached to the waist, the joint being | 00 ont to a close British | Thursday is always looked upon as al Unless you wi ont criticise-a wo [lnve pressed | was definitely decided npori last Nigh concealed by a separate strap girdle. | Sppo opnugl meeting of the etl! "regular harvest day" with them, a Beautiful hanimacks cheap, At Foul { when a meeting of the ha A 3 oe The bodice wos trimnwid. with lores and Foreign. Bible SR Satur when so many of the country people | R p I } «manger isn't generous, | v's, 173, 173 Princess street; braneh, | setors gave forth their fiat. This wa i dark blue crochet buttems and ox "Lin the Presb, «rian chur i De I. | gre in town, and all of them do con v A dog in theo weg '351 King street. | to the effect 'that -the Noni) Rughy oops, and had a scarf fe ol Sark lav evening. The secstary will a siderable shopping when they do ut. he is doy BE UN , a cad and do dot he C Foothall Club could go ah Uhiue silk, with large polka ress the meeting -- -- -- : me in just as they saw fit in the matter, so| bodice was worn with a guimpe of Miss Mary: Beeman leit on Thursday come in | is , pp they did not violate tHe con Jstie 7 he NEW FALL SAMPLES have arrived. This will be sufficient to our many. c¢ ustomers for these Shirts. To those who. have not seen them, well! come and see them. It will certainly be, to your advantage if Sou are hard to fit in any way, suc h as having Sie in the neckband, too on in the body, s os ves Se short or too long, etc. Made to your measure, fit. Any style you wish. Prices $2.50, $3.00. E. P.JENKINS CLOTHING GO that the Bay will be remembered Nolen jasists normal school at] It OLIVES i tocked too heavy this week, ling his | #hurch hee Thursday, by the Rov. Missionary Society of the Meth-| Lambs, Choice Young Pork. Having s Wo've heard him telling his fehurch here, on . ; ust be cleared out. en's angen | GA ds, including many other lines m tting quick ito do it ( i Mrs. Strider he ad been church em Wednesda afternoon | the" above goods, ou can depend on ge qui med r 2 go into the basemen and the 9 A. MeCamus 5 Showed foe | ols che matic Giving." The manting | We have secured extra cutters, so ¥ catcher spikes bret ot her of the Canadian Order of Chosen | Co 40g 2 the home of Be ie service. arabian: This is not aun evidence of # u : ) was largely a > Best: Cu ot all at thiggery and rowdy- |Frieats. cays es of the congregations. Mr. |g jpg. Steak = « = = « = = ~ oe. 0 a Ou - = se =r 16e ism." a iio ah od suits 815. {and P. D. Shorey and children, | gp 0 uider Roast Beef - - gy Ib. 25 Mn . =e = 1830: Hb : " . | See Rik " Saito 3 ha, his post: Tord a Clara Sho! ee sent Funny Rib Roast Beef - - ~*~ fagje. Mb Pickled Meats of all kinds, Poked Joh onng has res of | NE . : drive Be of Cannifton. Harole arhai " | Best i. kinds, all kin thon as git § eH ne eid to ta al i= spending his holidays | gt ony Lm» ine = on 2a iv Bleats of M1 stock, nas oinke. al be hae accepted a '|with his father Peter Fairbairn. Ins | ROASt Lamb - = ~ = = Ble. ib.| Grbceries, . Fruits, Farmers' our air Pinciuink | whe cugine yoom of the | George Shorey retumed on Tuesday yon) Front Quarter - = - 1le 1. | resh Eggs, Cheice Creamery Jpaiticn in Ik 4 Cpment company fter spending the summer on the Hind Quarter - « - - -- 12{c. Ib. Fresh Eggs, Port!and. oy i : Sausages, Our Own Brand, Butter, etc. g smite, | 500 ny ' oxder early. Bee wl dors fox iiiuety vant. 8 i vi not later than 8 pam., 1,000. 1bs. Stew Beef . - - 6. Elis NIGHT. ie lion 4 » Coi Io Young has been iwith the B. Q. steamer Caspion | railway for the rest pina years. | . €e S are: 1 Chaunesy Rodgers, reeently trans 1.25 Watertown Return $1.25. A little time devoted to the care of the § iy. q t,, the Tweed 'afl Kingston run Vicks going Saturday, 5 am. end . | Pork - = - - 10c., 12jc. works wonders. JustuseAyer's®| ih. lav of Quinte railway as driv urning 'Monday. | Fresh haw NO, ysenite | bo py Hh ved from Bannockburn io 2 pm r annap - | nscientiously, and see thed #5 to keep a good | on ros. i! aly 4» Stops failing hair, cures dan- i au A. P. Chonn has" fst received { A otha ie wise do keep Eel 1 nN <r * | aru, makes the hair grow.. Ask your wis fall importation' of Duteh fower- [supply on - of temper. { * 458, about this tlhe from the eilebrated grow-'Thandgcte ont of dANE CL LL LL sor. Division & Princess Streets. 'Phone doctor . 8 Ca {ing hy ha Sn " Nand | Queer pegple are e gor! a | Cor. Div sion the formulas - R fur x Ol t . i i %." 3 N Tour preparations: ' |S Bibby's special $12 suite. jmost unlike ua m2; mi 2 i yr * - Joni en lett last to attend the of Quinte recently cut off their mar i stitution and bydaws of the M.AA A. { Toronto. Miss Pearl Wood hott Hor] gs Julut § ik The teaching of swimming i he! Budget From: Odessa. : dav to attend the finden! College ut. TiN, © tenn Slit Ao willbe Contains third of a pin [i sciols has ben greatiy facility ch| Odetsa, Sept. 12--Fr. & Io Nash { Whitby Rev, R Mii. ot Sie A no particular rush on say cee Sat lot Pure Olive Oil to each led bv an ingenious .in ) nth wached here, Sanday, both | (ill preach in the 3 I To thr he tral- | [sion falsified she od FEE | rr amd vam wh. tw Sethorict | ur) Ghomdmy evening watt, J. RA te tireghout the | quart ; but nature has dis- He oe water. From a stout. waodon (church, in tho abe af Rev. J "A: [ike taking Rev. Mr. Allin' Cineet:| different days. raised it so that it is extre- he water. From a stout waoden | has 1 smdding the wise. The financial distric m |g [fame { siinga--one [Neal nia Bets ig listrict is being | lv pleasant to the taste. [irume hung =o series of sting r- past week in Taronka. "Seviral from 4 of the Napanee Gitrict , to | Ren Ribby's silkdnond overcoats mely plea oi | broad one for the bods snd two par o [here attendst the | of ate held in the Methodist. chu " jo Bog Cotoh the mibbler, out fish hooks. 'A gure preve ntive of appen- | row hands for the ankles o! © 1 Methodist church a ast Sun | day. Twenty-five ministers anc 4) oh She nibblar, S473 Prk | : Fe ee mn. The SH | of H a Emmons, 'aged | {five laymen ars to trp: Rl ie street | dicitis. pnd dvd wotivie of dw h | The funeral o = AD age Helen Williams, apanee, | jee cream, in bricks, any | ----- te og slings are halanced on, weights and | six years, and only Lehildi of Je. fit day with Wiss Helen Finkle, a ting tA end at any hour, at FOR BALE ONLY AT | pulleys so as to allow wed wig Mrs Calvin Emmett weld at he We Knight, Najanee. . ne Anwar, or' sating motion The inventic [Fron Sothot " chara a 4 Faranins {relative 3 hn Joun The bey by the| Lowney 'e Jor chocolates avr 1D. C y OL 1p Ss, IH 2 3 1 ire ne r - Ps siree | uch Ironinee, wetlide Son's; do [were \uken to Cotutadui toometaty for | a to the divisional court, Toron- | - Ribs Bw ate top eonts, 841-3 Princess St. 'Phone ne. lin the American League Phila Fok | burial. Death 'was due to spinal lo in the arbitration pre lings. | A %_Su4e3 Princess hone 18. fers o catche f the iladelphia | odie. 4 4 a : din. held Cort. Of TOVISION | mmm------ corms p--p-- | Aehletion. "Hen training his men to FRR LE of, Miss Kile) Sivap- frien There. were about | p ) emi | here © ondav. Br Ba layers every time they |pioo ond Dwight" Frink was so 1 W cs Ma pall io moving dy He, oti .m nto them, spikes {ized - Morven on Wednesday, Sep- into XW als. William Be Bak on] -F v r iz i ive them the elbow "amd the | tember 11th. R. Amey and sister, Miss jim LN ind Nex - ce Oo a u i Cat avery oppuriusiyy, Cotchee [V. Runs. of Ee ay ¥ ao Ne lit i : te . hing a school (in Fredericks { | knee 4 » ; i Koldwi ax | "8 he plate, | randiather' itham mith. bi {Payne dove into me att £ 1 li f Amstee- | burch ' rs ick . th el 1 Mrs. Robert Hillier, o ms jb toazis . | kivked, cut sod ils wy pi Tr irs, Soe visit The | The deothall shi Tap be yoo gan x . hows, knees, sur =" s = It's. Jen: [funeral of Mrs. Albert M. Snider. who [gd in the high se 300 Es Goi tear Jens covered with Pr th orders to died at her son's. at Portsmouth. on | was in Napanee dn 2 ir ased the Wo Thousands of lbs. of Choices og Fat Lninae that gives : tellin his meng Monday, was held at the: Methodist ar, 0 Renl, Napanee, addre i ido ite We heard him: telling | aR

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