Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 31 Aug 1907, p. 5

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Sv ---- pn i mii Cold Settles in Kidneys Pe-ru. na Restores Health Catarrh of the Ki the Kidneys A Insidious Disease, ad Many Peopie Have it in Si; ght Form and Do Not ee It. " Mr. Isaac Rosenzveig, 9 Dumarais 4 syresl Montreal, "Can, writes: "About three years 1 suf with a bad cold. It --ried i bladder and k causi serious troudle. eys, ug "I tried several advertised reme- dies, but it was Peruna which finally el me, and I had taken only a few bottles, "I feel that it saved me, and it cer- tainly resfored me to suc health as 1 had not known in years. "I have good reason to give your remedy my highest endorsement. It cleaned out the system, leaving me well and strong and feeling better than 1 have in years." CATARRA of the kidneys is a very | much neglected disease, | It is nof until the disease has a firm | bold upol the kidneys that the patie nt | begine to realize that there is some de-1 rangement of these organs. | The slight backaches, the fee elings of | lassitude, and other warning sy mptoms i of kidney disease ave overtook. . They are not serious enough to detain | 13 the patient from his regular work. { Even when he discovers that the kidneys are | affected, he does 'tion of Union 'Laborw-the ay and tore at Noon Monday il to Go to the OR DAY PICNIC A Store for Everyone. INTERNAL CATARRH REACHES THE KIDNEYS. MR. 1SAAC ROSENZVEIG, New Fall Suits, $10, $12 and $14.50. not recognize the difficulty as being where it may be located in the body Hats, caused by catarrh, = ¥ he ¢ A the more exposed mem- rts Catarrh is sometimes so very gradual ihn Fo - oy ; lie oms | oe RAG throat, § pE.Ru-NA AN INTERNAL vr Neckwear. in its approach and its earlier symptoms | NE Cthes INT in test part cause such slight discomfort that it is not noticed. > : of the Kidneys. Howevdy, when itisonce firmly seated | 7Tiat Peru in the kidneys it becomes a difficult | most re disease to exterminate } Indeed, catarrh of the kidnevs is more serious than eatarrh affecting some of the other organs of the body. In the kidneys it is liable to Serminate in Bright's Diseaseror diabetes, both of which are recognized as very serious ailments, if not fatal. The thing to be done, when catarrh of the kidneys is discovered, is to take! Mr. Samuel A. Paxton, 1118 Troost some internal, systemicc rhremedy, | Ave, Td City, Mo., member one that reaches the very source of the | I+ 0.0. P. dnd National Annuity As- eatarrh and removes the cause of the | S0¢iation, writes: "I am a well man to- difficulty day, thanks to Peruna. 1 was troubled . - with catarrh and k'dney dise ase of long Such a remedy has been found in yy tanding when 1 first began using Peruna. It reaches catarrhiha ATARR slish Raincoats, $12.50 c HN REMEDY. all Underwear. yw Fall Gloves. School Suits and Toggery. . BIBBY GO. Price Clothing House. there at once the safest and »dy for catarrh of the 1 by the many testi- ¥ those who have ex- peri 1ifs bene The testimonial ren here are only cimens of the many testimonials on our records, pertaining to the relief af- forded by Peruna in severe cases of kid: ney trouble Kidney Disease of Long St 0 matter | Peruna. irniture Saie of cent, od a large selection. See 1.58 'worth $25, reduced to $20. Suits worth $48, reduced to $40. $ Suits worth $80 (special), reduced to - A ------------------c---- CORSET AND HOSIERY | SPECIALS. 18 to 23, 25¢. Batist Girdles, with Hose Supportefs, ; ges Tape Girdles, sizes, Lounges, reduced to $5. 50¢ Lounges, reduced to $9.50. Long and Medium Length Corsets, all the best styles of s, all reduced. the Leading Manufacturers, 50c., 75c., $1, $1.25, $1.50, $2. D LEADING UNDERTAKER. Foster's American Hose Support'rs, 25c., 50c., 75¢. to 4 "PHONE 577. $1.50. . mr . Children's and Ladies' Tan Hose, 10c. to ¥5¢ oie Children's and Ladies' Open-Work Hose, 15¢. to 25. ' . : Children's and Ladies' Plain Hose, 7c., 8c. and 10c ) . Women's Special Fast Black German Hose, 5c. BARGAI Women's Fast Black Cashmere Hose, 25c. . > Boys' Ribbed Cotton Hose, 8c. and 10c . Boys" Best Fast Black Ribbed Hose, l0c., 12}¢ 3... 20¢ sizes, 5 to 10. SPENCE'S 11S WEEK. n sale, in our window, all The Leading Millinery and Mantle Store in Women's Oxfords and 200000000 00VIVEOIO0000 5, in/Patent Colt, Vici Kid. regilar prices from $3.50 GOOD LIG H ! them out at once for ; G8 Whether youn have only ene Lamp in the ® ® them, you require house or twenty good oil. Our Best Coal Oil is the highes grade money will buv. If not already ising it, try a SAMPLE LOT. Delivery made to any part of the city. ol dow we have placed all stent Colt, Viei Kid, Gun 1 Box Calf High and Low 50 and 5.00.values. ' For 5.45. ds in Our Windows. 000000000 $54099449. MCKELVEY & BIRCH - 6% and 71 BROCK STREET. AA AAA AAAS SO Roller Rink. ~ OPENING LABOR. DAY. 14th Band Afternoon and Evéning. 'Select Patronage. VOLPPVO0GTOLO0VH00000 5] TAYLOR & HAMILTON JING MERNOON,: | EVENING, i Tinsmiths, Plumbers and 8 MORNING, oY 2.30. 7.30. Gas Fitters. | -- Most Famous Prepara- tion in the Sphere TRY K.D.C. "= It ranks first in curative power. Indigestion Flees before It. IT IS A PURE HOUSEHOLD REMEDY whose merits have lng been established, and can be used with perfect safety . from tl FATHER TO THE INFANT. Price 35c. and $1.00. K.D.C. Company. Ltd., New Glasgow. rr Sole agents for Burrow, Stew art and Aiines Jowei Stoves and Ranges. | and 91 "Princess St. PHONE 318. NS. * to § of September at § Gold i FET = i 5 i on Bay. s old tn » | es Henry and Misa Nan < | Skinner have to postpone their 'a G 0 | trip to Honolulu for about a month : wilig §- 3 So to get & berth $ before that bs | The Rev. Salem Bland, of Wesley | Gollege, » was . the guest of Nr. Hubert Osborne came back from | wn, ut her Summer Toronto, yesterday morning, and jeit, | oe for a few dys this week, today, for New ork, to begin his | and a E H ¥orvin have re- theatrical life a Russeil's company. May . the fates| which have been singularly kind in the past continne to help him in career, » l ye owe tm Invitations to wedding have been received this week. | - It will take place in the home af the | Mis. James Mines, Bagotestreet, bride-to-be, Mest street. | amd her family, came in from their : : | summer cottage yesterday. Miss Loretta Walsh, Princess street, | Miss Ida Lee returned home from will be marcied to Mr. Keaney, in St. | Tweed, after 1 ;yflensant, little visit Mary's cathedral, "-on- Tuesday next: with Mrs. Newton. at five o'clock, and they will take the! Mrs E. Watt, lip: He has been visiting 30 boat d b 5. hot down the river, { her sister, Mrs. Charles Low. Union The marriabe of Miss Kathleen Ma- at gee Hill to Mr. Arthur Easteott takes! place in Ottawa on" Siptember 1th. { Mr. H. Bates, Mr. Reyes, Mr. Gordon Mics Hill i & niece of Yea Hb; | Merrick and Nr. Shores went down, in Ribbyv » : | the Lockett yacht to Gananoque, last : .- a ew | might, for the last yacht club dance Mrs. F. V. Samwell will hold her of the season. ; postnuptial reception on Tuesday, 1, James Cochrane, Brock srvet, September 3rd, at 4% Frontenac street, | [oft yesterday for Toronto, to mee Mrs. Safiiwell will be at home on the | son, John, of Vietoria, B.C., and lat- aa first and third Tuesdays of the month oe tagethee visit- at Perth and Lan- ! re, in the future { a I WER yey TOMS "HED Cooke! professional Miss Mary Regan has heen feted in | Bere, from Alleghany, Pa., is visit. a small way. constantly. since her] her brother, on Princess street. confing to town, but the luncheons, | iss Margaret Darragh returned to teas and card parties, though very | New "York, to-day, after visiting her enjoyable, have all been too tiny to | Parents, Mr. and Mrs George Dar speak of in detail. ragh, King street. » - - » - . * Mrs. Arthur . Klugh, Wellington | Mrs. William I. Lane, of St. Paul, street, gave another of her delightful { Minn., is the guest of her father and musicales, on Wednesday evening, with | m Mrs. Gardiner Harvey and Miss | Division street. Blanche Tibbitts as the chief musi-| Mr. and Mes. G. R. Oram, on their cians, Miss Mildred Macmorine, Mr. | way down from the Muskoka * Lakes Klugh ang Mr. Robert Harvey also to Atlantic City, paid Mrs. Oram's doing the it share towands thi real | mother, Mrs. John Dunbar, Universi pleasure of the evening ty avenne, a flying visit, this week, , s = Me. and Mrs. Arthur Cunningham, Mrs. H.W. Richardson, Stuart! Beverley stot. and Miss Florence street, asked a few "of Mise Bessie | Cinningham, ha¥e'-gone down the Ri-| Richardson's girl friends to meet Miss Julia Horsey, - on Thursday. They | gain 'with Miss Annie! -- to | whe has been touring the Rritish Isles his | and the continent for the past three | Porter and Mrs. Hyman of Belle ille, Miss Belle Craig's | will ho home next week. de Mrs. J. bi Smith, Johnson street, onths, with Mr, and Mrs. BE. Gus tor Aylmer, Mr. Garnet and Mr. Warren Lookett, rect, returned yesterday, other; Mr. and Mrs. H.W. Snelling, an on n hrief fishing expedition. Miss Ethel Tindal, Rochesthr, N.| re IV'SE TE LOCAL NOTES AND T | amusement, IN GENERAL Occurrences Ian The City And U0 Vicinity--Other Brief Items of "Interest Easily Read Ana Box chocolates. & Jenkin. Ald. R. F. Blliott Nn to-day, | 40 from Toronto. Miss Dreeman is visiting Miss Rdna [8 Whitemarsh, Westport, Mrs. M. Rousseau and family re retused from Petawawa camp. Willi , of the firm of Sul- Nunn & 1 on, isin thy city. . 0, F. picnic, Deseronto, ~ visitors mvited. Single fare. All-cream ice cream, in bricks, any Javas, delivered at any bour, gt William Mackie left to-day for Oba wa, to spend his holidays | riends, W. E. Hopkinson will leave to-mor- row, on 5 business trip to Toronto and Hamilton, Leo Singleton and Arthur Willie left for Cornwall last night to attend the lacrosse game. Special summer corsets, '80. and Vv, -- 6bc.; and Hc. irdle corsets for 8c. New York Dros » Reform. Miss Hattie Dorland, W street, Jegves to-morrow for Toronto, to spend a week visiting friends, We Bc Austin, leaves, on Monday; for Gananoque, where he will take over the management of the Star the atre. Fancy belts, of every - ion. White wash belts, with pretty buckles, 0c. New York Dress orm. A. Wallace Dunlop and family, have returned to the city, after spending the summer dowii the St. Lawrence, Capt. P. NeGlade, Clergy street, left, last week, for Toronto, where Le has secured a good position as cap: tain of a steamboat. Stockings that will wear, for chil- dren, all sizes, from 10c. up: See our fine stocki two pairs 350. New York Dress Reform. Miss Annie Crindale was hostess at a small party at her home last, even- ing: dancing and cards were the Refreshments wese served at midnight, ibd gi i 22nd inst., two little sons of Mr. Mar- cel Charetle, sof Black Bay settlement, on the Petawawa fiver, went out in the woods berry picking. While wan- around in fruit ir way, En) enevalion hy . lost four miles" before they met some lum. | ber" mén Coding down from their camp who directed on their way home. 'They obtained enough berries to satis: iy their hunger, bet bad to keep Sree aruing rall night to frighten away organized | search parties and had "almost given up hope of their 'safety when the joy. ful news of their arrival home op Wednesday, 28th, was received, The Late Mrs. Corrigan. The death reed at the Hotel ica, at five o'clock - Friday after noon, of Mary Hawley, wife of Pat rick Se} an, Bagot street. The de- ceased 0 was fifty years old, was born in pron wealnty of Mayo, Ireland, and was a nieco ial the late Rev. Father Hi Jexides the sorrow- ing haha ; ia i Te a % a : four sons, Francis, Bern. had tea, informally, on the verandah. | V., is visiting her aunt, Mrz. Edward] Stewart Wilson, of the Crown . Teen, Crollian. Princess' street Bank, at Enterprise, entered the Gen- xd. Jauick dud Mickel, Survive, The | Mrs: Miardiner Harvey has been the Mrs. W. Kavanagh of Toronto, is] eral Hospital, this morning, where he nein A. e place from Jate Faison d'etre of several pleasant little | the guest of Miss Kathleen Hurty, Ba-| will undergo an operation for ap 'lier i t sy oe -- teas, but all too small to mention | got street. {' pendicitis. Nad - ral chock, to Nt, Particularly, = © Lie Mr. Saha, Bl Sasruihers aa her! Mrs, « hisholm, and fouaily, who dt" 8 femetery. Young people wi rin from the farm | heen visiting relatives a riends a '. : { Miss Anna Rigney was a guest ata! on. Monday or Tuesday, and "Annan- | owa vie i Collingwood for the pmst 0 su Wittiid's SYmpathy. | recent : nnis sub dance, in Y aio dale" will be open once more, Mish two months, returned to ther home An, pag hm Wile Lau: ver or sister, Mrs glter Walsh, | Marie Carruthers will be back then! on Queen street, on Friday morn has been entertaining a gaod deal! from Muskoka. Bu ~2 short. time Kingston ing. message : Intély. and with her husband, has! Mrs. Waiter Macnee, Union street,! ness College placed twenty-eight of "aver Garnean, Quebec. $ i to Snatue for a teil ret. . and. her children, are home from Little] ite students as # and one pray you to 0 Supt to the ge. , TR Sole ol ram, © von street. | Metis, bookkeepers with three companies gt Quebee and to those : ho Li sbirbiin Jaye with, Mra, | Miss Mabel Gildersieeve came hook] wari rmging from $35 to 860 per selutives or friends my y profound od aya ), R C.D Park retard to, town with her] 10 00un, Yeslerny, Wis Gildersloove) manth, term bogine Tuoslap: Lil cenrted last sven 1 Be returning today, . i. bp Teteminty 3rd. Rates moderate, H duty of all ro-lose i seiia] Metcalfe, principal. 3 Mise Purest, Wie thas hen siting Miss Jean Craig, Princess street, is] The bers of St. 'Andrew's High- Sut mi ediduly bly Ja ove oC ] Pe wen » Trenton. A _repara home to Toronto, on Monday. | hoe. from of Ontari and Mrs: J. € pl land Ee ry ho project with " L - a «Mr. and Mrs. Robert Carson, Brock | pit og: King od and their hoys, 'Some of "the bovs say. thay| _. . % op -- a [TREE TNA "home from theitbseaSidel une home, foslay, : from. their have been promised a trip every year| Car 5 Waggon. "Captain and Mrs. John Cochrane, [hliday in the Studies. Miss Emily {or some Fears bust A: very Mma _-- oN Sogn Seton, KINGSTON, - ONTARID. Gore street, Miss Christine and Miss | - {rave not received it. a 0. 4, in charge otor A i . ' Smythe and Mrs. Stanley's two snail Two thousand five hundred of On-| men Hourrigan, ran down a 'waggon areshome from their summer | | boys, George Jud Taldy, left, to-day, | yario's best farm help loft, Friday af-| ot the Sore, of Clarence and Ontar TR | for Shntags ter their summer noon, for the west, to gather the |io streets e waggon was a lo Hutjatie Pe Ring streets fot "The Xvonmare." The household | Wheat 4 of the western ---- It re-| four-wheeled one, belonging Po onan th pinion oft, yesterday, for Tomnto, to pay will miss them greatly. _ | quired five special (fain t@ carry| farmer, and contained a ton of eal. o ' n HH obs hog _ og here from | Foe W. . Sands, Bagot Slrect them. It is timaiod that Juring the Fhe fer axle Nua (vlan, the yee Courses for :-- re es Tel 8 Tape ome from Port Carling. ushok st week at least 10 ave gone a coal scat Core Snir "ee {she and her hahy Snjoved a i nto ihe grain districts to work, aver the fond, Both man and horses x Firs Clase Publis Setiun) ( ' immensely * aidran has| "During the year nine-tenths the | escaped without injury. : : Mrs. H. Sa am, Clem Streep: come down from Huntsville to Cart} Trees filled by the pupils of the uy II. High School Certificates. and Min on hy I ; pr terdag, Karting, but wil hab Sturm to Rings- | Kingston Business College, were filled ™~ Without Foundation. ) Spent a wee kor so 1 aronto, ton for some days yi | by undergraduates, sin ly because we 0 ort in last nigh Ms Se ph BC Sun 4 University There will soon be an exodus of theiogug oo get eda ready fast | a football team would} ght's Wi hig that from Indian Lake, one of the lovely | Tchgol gitls to Toronte, Sa last dave | ough to meet the colls made. Fall| der management. of * McDermott | Ride u chain, Inst night. of holidays are being erowded with! term begine Tuesday, September 3rd. | brothers, is without, foundation. - The rand irs H.W Richardson, | 8! She bin possif * an hls Rates moderate. H. F. Metcalle, prin: | firm has never had anything to do Stuart street. are hack from Bedford, | ME Se ed ie same days| oo with, suck maces SARS Ud A where they have had a summer out . | mh tof the rm thas eesl invesirl Mrs. A. F. Chown and Miss Daisy | GANANOQUE TIDINGS. : Produce And rican. I and he desires it stated that the firm Chown, University avenue, have gone wity | [ingston, Aug. 31.--The following | does not interfere in such matters, NN Tinie | Two Young Men Charged Ih | prices prevailed fn the city to-dmy: Miss Mabel Mills, University av- Stealitry Vegetables. Flour § and feed --~Flour, bakers', * Baseball On Friday. \ \ {3 Gananoque, Aug, 31.--The Christ sirong, 8 to $2.10; farmers, $2.10, F enw vs with her Mrs. George Smith h hich ake: Yi : tent, $2.30 to lastern League~Toronto, 2: Mont: {Miss Ethel Johnston, of Inger- church Sabbath school pienie, 'which io $2. ungarian Patent, Ss real, 0, Buffalo, 7: Rochester, 2. Pro- Rh They sag all going up to To- was to have taken place at the river | $2.50; oatmeal and rolled oats, $4.40 videnee, 1 Baltimore, 2, nto together on Monday front on the Charles Macdonald pro- 10 $4.30; cornmeal, $1.50 to 31.05; A a0 Langue. - Boston, 4. Wash: Misses Minnie and Rate Dunn, 'for |perty, Friday afternoon, was interfered jran, $19 to $20 a ton; shorts, $22 to * ngton, 3. Philadelphia, 6; New York, Bes residents of this city, but now Juith hy rain and will be held at 33 a a shrew 30 0 as loose, 2 residing in Syracuse, are paving go later date. L yo kt Presse, Vie to - National 1 visit to their many friends here, Work on the repairs are getting! Eggs--New laid, 18c. to 20e. per do Brooklyn, Roy ie 3 NewYork, Mrs James Elliott, visiting her par- (along quite favorably and wt present cp. i. | Pittsburg, 2.0; Chicago, 1 ents for several months past, will | indications point to the water being in| Grain--Oats, 100. whet, 90c. (dif- i wm Monday; for her home in!for use on Tuesday next. new ferent grades); buckwheat, 50. bar An Error. Co Wis iasiy steel flume, however, is not ex-lley, 48¢. to OS5¢; rye, Dc, peas, Soc; In ivi the di rected. A ye ay pected to be ready for 'use till a few! corn, Ge, to 650. plese Tony aasumion ie Jolt . a1 i days later. Butter--Choice, 'creamery, 26¢. a Ib; or part of Son Mr. and. Mes. 8 = Laie nw, "1 In the police court two young wen farmers' butter, in prints, 26c. a 'Ib; Whig credited Ald, esting: Lindsay, unsounte me marriage wr named Brennan and O'Brien were ar | packed, 24e.; rolls, Ho. bog emia Te Rote wit 4aying fleet Sanghnar, ] by uizice, to 3 raigned, on a harge of Sealing vege. | gy Sareans, pio we x ot ot Hanghe Sov the ye AN ER De o ables from the ga r, Genge, cwt.; choice cuts, 12¢. to ; | report, ul resign o take place in September. Stone street. The cafe wus athjourned | pork, 9je. 6 10c, a ewts. veal, by council. This was an error, as the Dr. and Mrs. A.J. Campbell, of ly) bormis the sommoning of import- 5. to Yc. per Ib; cuts, Ge. to Statement, a. may by Akl. Gaskin, Rrooklir Gn} " announce the engage- ant witnesses. [104c.; by earcase, Se. to Sc, per Ib; as da well known. It was just a mere I of iT ] AL rd ORT { Mrs. VanCamp, of Lansdowne, who per cwt.; carcase, $9 to $10 per ewt ; | WIP. folas, 9 n hon a take place has hon ent ol u hak, tie in nets, He; hag, ive weights ws i ronto he Wee Fw C place] town © guest wis rs. cuts, e. to a y e arly n Se her Margaret E {Joseph C. Coro Al, has returned home. | pound, 12jec.; chops, 20e. a Mb.; mut A ig Joh var Hack Bass, 0 Rogees to Mr. Fvan Hamilton Me- Hi and Mrs. N. Darks » and son, ton, Sr Ye.. per Is 134c, Ib. ob Sigh ae Dannt : ® Srer.. Newcastle. 'hat' bien ictor, who wat a days during | Fish--Salmen tront, iC. a oi an rn 1 war Dovusg Lean. barrister, wea on the past week in Philadelphia, N.Y., whitefish, 124c. a ib; pike, 10c. 5 black age largest arranged to take place quietly early have returned home.. »; Chinook salmon, 30c. a The uh here Jn man September | Mrs, Janies Brophy and vhiliven. of | smelts, 20c. u Ib. kippered herring, Ys oh weighed " . ro { Toronto, are spending a short time Yarmouth bloaters, 40c. a doz; At pro re Rehan be vo for Miss Katie Craig, Princess street, | with relatives bere and the 'is- | lantic sahmon, 30c. a lp; salt codfish, a All MC a ys ir has gone out to Harrowsmith lands. Mr. and Mrs. Brodt, of Bufia- 7c. to 15¢. a Ib; hali t, We. » ib. Hitcheook Hoi 1 iss Ethel Reynolds, Nelson street (lo. N.Y., are spending a couple of . fresh haddock, 0c. a 3 sland, vill leave, Monday, for Ottawa, to | weeks on Tremont Park: - 10e, 8 Th; Id hereing, 15¢. 5 enter the ne hool as a kinder- | Miss Mary Donovan oronto, Is mack a tb; trout, 124¢c. a ok athe nt R. Revnolds will tspen: ling a vouple of wetks holidaying | 1b.; perch, 30c.. a dozen; la Eheotad By Acclamation. A wccompun her dnd spend a few days with ber parents, Nr. and Mrs. Rob | 40c. a Ib; Ciscoes; 5c. o 1b.) oysters; | At helio of the ag uy the capita fert Dopevan, Leeds "township. Mr. 40c, 5be. and 60¢. per qt.: bluefish, | this week, the fol ure ted Miss Noval Macionald. University | Walker, of Chicago, is spending some | 13¢. a lb; butterfish, 15c. 3 Th; lake by acclamation : Hon FP. Hackett, ' came home. to-day. from her time in town, the guest of his wife's | herr 10c. a lb. grand. president; J : Behan, grand jait among the Thousaid Islands. {parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Reid! otioey--Cithens, Te. to $1.25 per|*eeretary, and W. if McKee, grand, Mr© Josesh Walkem will be back [Charles &treet. G Compton, of | ® turkess, 81 to $2 each: treasurer. | 4 from his trip to the coast by Thurs Brockville, was looking up old friends |- Fruit--Lemons, 25¢. to 3c. a° dor. jav next at the lat st in town yesterday. loranes, 30c, to 0c. per doz; banan- Fall Informations. Mr. and Nps. Richard Franklin, of | Arthar Rogers; of the stall of the as, 0c. to 25. a doz.; Malaga grapes, Prevost, Brock street, has received Houston, Te ave staying with Mes. [Rank of Toronto, in Montreal, who lic. to Mec. per lo. thrée cases imported goods; great var- Houston's sod sther. Mr. 'has heen spending a short" 'vacation |. Vegetables--Potatoes, new, $1 .per|iety. His $18 suiting made to order awd Mins. J Pate Sat "the -Ran- with' his parents. Mr. amd Mrs. C. bush; new cabbage, '8c. to $1 per do. | beats anything of previous years. Jodrh Stone Shred Lans- lettuce, 40c, a doz; radishes, $06. 4 | Wear and fit guaranteed. Mr: James Richardson, is 'hOmeiowne, = has returned idozen; celery, Je. un head, or 50. a { from Toronto, and is with his people Ralph | Timberlake, of Montreal, | doz.; Parsips, Toe. bush, Surwips, Je. ' Last Of The Season. Fok n University avenue. whe ha® been enjoyi a short oul {peck; beets, 20c. peck; onions, he Tuesday makes Miss Gertrude Connolly, of Yarker, fon Boatie i with his ag ek. American and Can channels, 2:30 { has been in town this w ents, Rev. and Mrs. , has| Beef hides, No. 1, Se. per Ib; No. 2, [pm. Home early. Only 50c. =". . ey jreturned to his duties. Mrs. A. L.jand balls, Je. per Ib; sheep pelts, - Rev. Willigm Shortt and Mra. {Fredenburg, Lansdowne. who has been | freshly taken of, $1 to $1.2% 'calf! Miss Laing, BA. an hon Sa who have been visiting Mrs. spending a short holiday. season with skins, 10c. a Ib; dairy skins, S0c. each; | or graduste of Queen's, 1904, has gout ul Shortt, at "Otterburn." will | relatives jn. town; retummed home (ga | rendernd tallow, Sic. Ih: heem wax, | appointed to the teaching of } on Toesday, for Brockville. | | Wedassdny. iNo. 1,27. ali; red fox, No. 1, Feller Institute, Grande Ligne, Que- Robert Sutherland, Sydenham [8 mink, fine and dark, 33 te 7; ras bee. The institute October 1st. ) ireot. and her children, are hoek in Conked ham, ec. 5 '. Edwards &; cob, 30c. to #2, according to beauty| A. E. Hunt and wile, Princess street, town agdin. Jenkin, 'of same; skunk, Be. to ie, from Torouto, to-day.

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