Foieede FF BE Hi i ; : fi i i ! 7 f i | : { be "of a leaning towards 'the =| liberals, and it touches om' the Ga- {| mstte's offence ia a proper way. 'It | does not take any stock in the offici- al residence rumor, but assuming that a change in the location of the pre- £2 2% ct if Fil a2 g 2 be arch d J is ht ties F : : : : + it. understood, that * | should be a definite, sure and cons lant fund, one that could be drawn upon at the right moment for 2 purposes." His idea was £95 i i I | out i | TLFEF it pid 3r2! 1 He E £5. leet {al i 8d f it, if I gi £ . | i the United States. The rest were from 'Europe, nearly all defectives or de generates, having the taint of idiocy 'or crime. 'Some could not be deported, and some were - submitted to - this ex- perience since their cases came within the law regarding immigration. . The exhibition is startling in its character and lessons. It js a reflec- ments upon the fet that our ~immi- grants very naturally include a large proportion of those who have failed in the.old world because of want of capacity, hut there is a suspicion that mane degenerates are "deliberately shipped to Canada with the idea of getting rid of them." There is some the deportation of the wrecks if they show signe of collapse within two years, but those who paes the proba- tionary period become a menace the seriousnesd of which is not under wtood by thy masses. Twenty-one cases nt one institution Sond I Canada, jails and penitentiaries and poor hous- es ure taken into account. * The Palletin says the United States long since took special precautions tof prevent the admission to their country! of ental weaklings, and Cabada can- relief from the law which permits of |; who made that drove a coach and ©! The Intercolonial 'railway to Geor- glan Bay is 'the latest. Will the people back that idea? They ought to. The Intercolonial will never be the pride -| of the country until it ceases' to be a mere maritime province venture. oe . Marriage with deceased wife's gis- ter in all Higt--in the opinion of the They used to 'think otherwise, the change. is hard to under Some ofthe honorables have been again and--they could not ant ates precise, . -- The Canadian Courier says that Mr. Borden has mot won a victory, and may never win one, but if he ever ment his lack of fighting force will be licking his shoes. The man in power has always his worshippers. ISPIRIT OF THE PRESS They'll Get In. rd Advertiser, With Foster hh front seat it is in order. t precious irid, Popo, Fowler, aud Lefurgey, to climb into Mr. Borden's band-waggon. A Wasted Pull. Toronto ute Stars : tist broke a patient' neck while' ing a tooth. A dentist with, a pull like that has missed his vocation. He. should be in politics. No Reason At All, Te Baran sot di \ t dnto office it is probable that us spoilmnen would make as short of his civil ser- vice reform plank as of Mr. Whitney's lgity professions of fair play. But this is no reason why a liberal government showld not be on the right side of the question. pets Fethaps It-Is That. A sergeant in the perma : in permanent militia of Canada is paid at the rate of a dollar a day, while a man of the same rank in the United States army gets only $16 per month. Is the ex- planation admissible that the figures mentioned are a measure the rela- tive value of the two men? * Figures Can't Lie. Ottawa J ouraal. The Ottawa Journal declares that +The Gazette does mot know that is the only civilized country world, the United States, in which the telegraph service Is not gq successful national business, dike the postal service." And the Journal is right. Moreover, the Jour- nal itself does not know what it says the Gazette is 'ignovant of. In Great Britain, for instance, where the tele- graph service has been part of the national administration since 1868, the income falls short of the expendi- ture by some $1,000.000 a year. That is not the record of a "successful na- tional Business," at least to people whose brain convolations dre unaffect- ed by the public ownership bug. Mr. Borden's Weak Following. Ternto News, ' . moment may be given to' the On taro Situation in' Gb respect oh | the most hopeful, in another it is a particularly disoc conservative party. Borden 'but fy the bers, as he is a na other men of eminence e. prem- ier province send to Ottawa? It sends one for the 'e may leave Mr. t of Ontario mem- i| Mr. Foster, who" has been a disap- intent; who ~ was cowed hy Mr. Sifton before the commis- sion ings came along to shake his acceptance with the public; whose attack has lost its cogemey; who, in : woud, has | 'ome cruel, but necessary h ; Jt Die usefulness. It sends W. F. » who has definitely left the Conservative party, and who t for his own i peor oie, Barker and Ne. np are goo . We » students of detail snd faithiul servants of local interests, sich as leader. What | § it. This healing | purifying skin balm has penetrating qualities that enable it to reach the very root of the trouble. By at once i eon the cause of the irritation, --by restori ng natural activity to the lands, speedily "hecomes Health , Wor m-clean; soft, well tint- ed skin, annoint frequently with Dr. Hamilton's Ointment, 50c., at all deal- ers, the skin PREFERENCE TO CANADA. Australian Government Will =n- sider Laurier Request, Melbourne, Aug. 29.--Sir - Wiffrid Laurier's request for preferential treatinent on fifty-nine items of lead- ing Canadian exports, including hary- esters, furs, various timbers, printers paper, books, furniture and agricul- tural machinery, 'will be considered by the cabinet next week. Jt is rumored that the government will probably postpone preference to Britain for a few years.or tramsfer it to a separate bill to be introduced subsequently to the passage of the general tariff through parliament. Settlers' Low Ratés West. The Chicago and North-Western rail- way will sell low one-way second-class settlers' tickets, Aaib.. from September 1st to October 31st, to many points in Western States and British Columbia. Rate, Toronto to San Francisco and Los Angeles, $43.70; to Vancouver and Victoria, B.C., Portland, Ore., and Seattle, Wash., $41.95. Tourist sleep- ing cars daily from Chicago. 'Corres- pondingly low rates from all points im Canada. For full particulars and folders write or call on B. H. Ben- nett, general agent, 2 East King street, Toronto, Ont. mE MONTREAL JOCKEY CLUB, in. --~AUTUMN MEETING-- Blue Bonnets Course Aug. 31to Sept. 14 Inclusive Racing and "Steeplechasing every day, rain or shine Reduced Railroad Rates LABOR DAY EXCURSIONS": class swagle fare for the round trip, good go- ing on all trains, Saturday, Aug. 81. to Monday, Sept. 2nd, inclusive. Re turning, 'leaving Montreal om all trains up to Tuesday, Sept. 8rd. ADMISSION --(including Stand)--$1.00. Grand - SHOVEL IT IN. Fill up your coal-cellar with our famous Scranton ) Coal ; every shoveliul is a shovelful of satisfaction ; in every pound. there ; are six- teen ounces of the 'best of coal goodness. ~ Our Scranton Coal will ) give you. the mest heat for your. farthest The FrontenacLumber and Coal Company. "best and goes » i aw In honor of the Federation of Union the Union Workingman, 'We'll Close Qur Store at Noon Monday Don't Fail to Go to the GREAT LABOR DAY PICNIC A Good Time in Store for Everyone. 0 Labon--the Day and Don't miss seeing Our New Fall Suits, $10, $12 and $14.50. See Our New $2 Derby Hats. Try Our Dainty $1 Shirts. See Our Handsome New Neckwear. Try Our Grosvenor English Raincoats, $12.50 New Fall Caps, New Fall Underwear. New Fall Dvercoats, New Fall Gloves. Headguarters for Boys' School Suits and Toggery. Cash and One-Price Clothing House. Summer Furniture Saie ! Reductions from 18 to. pet cent, 3 a large selection. Ses our stock before buying: ° PARLOR SUITS-5-Piece Suts worth $25, reduced to $20. 4 PARLOR SUITS--2 3%icte Buits worth $48; Teduced to $40. 2 . PARLOR SUITS--1 5-Pikce Suits worth $80 (special), reduced to $60. ; LOUNGES--Our $7 Velour Lounges, reduced to $5. LOUNGES--Our $12 Velour Lounges, reduced to $9.50. Bed Lounges and Davenports, all reduced. R J REID LEADING UNDERTAKER. - . e "2 SHOE BARGAINS FOR THIS WEEK. EE X We have placed on sale, in our window, all the broken sizes in Women's Oxfords and High Laced.Shees, in/Patent Colt, Vicikid. and Velour f; regidar prices from $3.50 to 4.50. To clear them out at once for $2.98. 3 In our Men's Window we have placed all broken sizes in Patent Colt, Viei Kid, Gun Metal, Velour and Box Calf High and Low Shoes, regular $4.50 and 5.00.values. ' For this week only TAYLOR & HAMILTON Tinsmiths, Plumbers and Gas Fitters. H. Nicholson GRANITE AND MARBLE Sole agents for Burrow, Stew art and Aliines Jewel Stoves WORKS: |nancnge. : 149 SYDENHAM ST. |89 - and i ping di gh i» an 9 Princess St. -------- i Cold Sett! _ Pe-ru Catarrh of the Ki Insidious Disease Many Peopie Have i * Form and Do No -- PANINI INASP Mr. Issac Rosenzveg, | street, Montreal, Can, w "About three years ag: with a bad cold. It get bladder and kidneys serious trouble. "I tried several adver dies, but it was Pe, w cured me, and I ung ta few bottles, "I feel that it saved me. tainly restored me to s health as 1 had not know "I have good reason tc remedy my highest endo cleaned out the system, well and strong and fee than 1 have in years." armen orn, ATARRA of the kidne much neglected disease It is not until the disease hold upon the kidneys tha begine to realize that there rangement of these organs The slight backaches, th lassitude, and other warni: of kidney disease ave over] They are not serious eno the patient from his regula Ev INTERNAL CATARRM dise REACHES THE KIDNEYS] the affe. not recognize the difficu caused by eatarrh, Catarrh is sometimes so in its approach and its earli cause such slight" discomfc not noticed. > Howe , When itisonce in the kidneys it becom: disease to exterminate Indeed, catarrh of the kic serious than eatarrh affe the other organs of the In the kidneys it is liahle in Bright's Diseaseor dia! which are recognized as ailments, if not fatal. The thing to be done, wh the kidneys is discovered some internal, systemic cat one that reaches the very : ecatarrh and removes the difficulty. Such a remedy has be Peruna. It reaches catar: CORSE' S Tape Girdles, siz Batist Girdles, w Long and Mediu the Leading Manuifac Foster's America; $1.50 Children's and IL Children's and La Children's and Ls » Women's Special Women's Fast Bl Boys' Ribbed Cot: Boys" Best Fast I Sizes, 5 to 10. SPENCI | | } 0 © Oo Whether you house or tw: good oil. Our | is the highes not already fi: ! Delivery madi 000000000 000000000 McKEL 'G9 and 14th Band Si MORNING, = TRY K.D. It ranks first in curati IT IS A PURE HOUSEH been' established, and can FATHER TO THE INFAN K.D.C. Compar