IN CONNECTION WITH Canadian Pacific Railway LABOR DAY Round Trip Tickets will » P SINGLE! FARE, EXHIBITIONS 2°zerae & RETURN Se 27th aad Sept. 20d Good to return mntil Sept. Toth: Dos, Farm Laborers' Excursions Second-Ulass to Mamitob, a Alberta, Moowjaw nl hee and including Mucleod, Calgary and rdmonton. f K rot Good i rom i on, 3 ath, 2907, © Ange =m Sept. Full particulars at XK. & P., and C. P. R. Ticket Office, Ontario street, - F. CONWAY, Gen. Pass. Agent. New short line fon Tweed, Napanee, Deseromto, and all local points. W. DICKSON, Agent B.Q.Ry., ANNUAL EXHIBITION, TORONTO. Tickets will Te old & $4.90. ~ Good on 81, Sept. 1, 3, 4,5, 6 and 7, and at $3.55. 2nd, all uickete good returning wn or before Sept. 10th, 1907. bo! Labor Day. Sept.2nd, 1907 before Sept. 3rd. dian Northwest, good going Sept, 4th. Tickets, $12. For full particulars, apply to J. I. streets. o-- Screw Iron SS. "Campian,'" modern comfort. and 23rd September, for Pictou, N.S calling at Quebec; Gaspe, Mal Perce, Grand River, Summerside, P.E.L and Charlottetown, P.E.L Summer - Excursions, $35 and upwards by the new Twin Screw SS. "Bermud- | tan,*" 5.500 tons. Sailing from New York 4th, 14th and 25th ° September. Temperature cooled by sea breczes sel rises above 80 degrees. The finest trips of the season for health and comfort. ARTHUR AHERN, Secretary, Quebec. For tickets and staterooms, 1, 0 J. P. HANLEY, or J. P. Sm SLEEVE, Ticket Agents, Kingston, Ont. BIG GAME SEASON OPENS. Set wt Now Brunswick » MOOSE Sept. 15th. § CARIBOU : (Quebec 3 DEER E September 1st | BEAR i Nova Scotia = a ama October 1st. 'Write for Publications Containing Latest Informati About Fishing and Hunting Week in the Canaan Woods, Hunting Grounds of the Micmacs, Big Game of the Southwest MirAmich: Districts ,Guides, Routes INTERCOLONIAL RAILWAY Montreal Office, 141 St. James St. Torento Office, 51 King St. East. Central" Passenger Depart- ment, Moncton, N.B. Lake Ontario & Bay Quinte Steamboat Co.. Limited. ------ 1000 ISLAND - ROCHESTER ROUIE : -- 9 Caspia Steamer leaves Kir S x os ston Sunda 015 a.m., for Thousand Ta ins Sanuocque. Returning leaves at 5 p.m od Rochester, N.Y., -via the Bay of te, Caulking ut intermudiate ports. So tend i) t Aletha. leav duily except termodinte eo fou Picton i JFull imfornmtion from J. P LEY GILDERSLEEVE & RINK PATRICK. Mick gents. JAMES P 20. Freight Agents. © os SWIFT 4 C0. A is Pri, Au 80 2. for Young and Old cot Diininion) says of Abbey's ; hiss ingredients have been repeatedly - analyzed by expert chemists, and have been pro- pounced fully up to thé*requirements « of the test for purity as laid down in tite latest edition of the British Phar- We consider Abbey's the best effervescing salt made in any be sold at Good going August 31st and S . ber Sd ;* good to outta Plain 264h, to Sept. Tth wee. $4.90 Get well and keep well by taking 2 morning glass of Abbey's Effervescent Salt 25c. and 6oc. a bottle. At all Druggists, Proportionately low. rates beyond, to 8ay of Quinte Railway leave City Hall Depot at 4pm R. ingston Aug. 26th to Sept. 10th, 1907 Aug. 26, 28, 19, 30, Just a Mi nute or Two to Remove Grates When the Pandora grates refuife removing don't His kit #f tools,are not needed to take the .stove to pieces inforder to get out the grates; as was the case with yout former ranges. ' Good going on Aug. #Tth and Spt. ts will not be accepted on trains 1, 2,3 and 4. Tickets will be sold at single first-class fare ry going Aug. 31st, Sept. 1st and 2nd. Tickets good retwrning on or send for the plumber. Farm Laborer: Excursions to "Oana- HANLEY, Coruer Johnson aod Ontario The Pandora is .uot constructed in the usual The removal of a button with a 'hammer use their fingers) allows the Pandora Quebec Steamship Company LIMITED grates to be & River and Gulf of St. Lawrence % Summer Cruises in Cool Latitude 'win with'! electric lights, electric bells and all Sails from Montreal on' Monday, 9th BERMUDA triple, and are much heavier, longer than the or pay out for reaewals. the Pandora 'triple grates are stronger, will last narrower than between ordinary double grates, which prevents ---- good fuel slipping down with the ashes. Sifting' Pandora ashes is wasted effort. And that simple gearing ara of the ashes just play compared cement on the Pandora makes the "rocking down - to the heavy "shaking" necessary with- ordinary ranges. If your local dealer does nat sell the Pandora write direct to us for free booklet. 'M<Cla London, Toronto, Montreal, Winnipeg, Vancouver, St. Joba, Hamilton LEMMON &..SONS. The Ideal Beverage A Pale Ale, palata- ble, full of the virtues of malt and hops, and i sparkling condition, is the ideal beverage. Now, when chernists arinounce its purity, and judges its 'merit, one need look no further. JAMES McPARLAND, Sales Agént. stamps, instead of eight as on this let- Jf ter, and think of Uncle Sam's mail in: 4mean in revenue to finance the cause that creeps along where it ought to run? § But, much mere than that, what might' ALLAN "2X4" LINE - ie \ CHRISTHAS STANP {THE STORY ON OUTSIDE OF A LETTER About Tt--The Sale of . the Stamps Reared & Fine Hos- pital. ; In my Christmas 'mail, three years ago, there 'came' a letter with a stoly to tell of lit. And I guess everybody who saw it 'did just that and was heartily wel- comé. For, in truth, that was the ins terition, or part of it. And yet there was but a single word to read, the wore kChristmas--Jul, 'as they still call it where they "speak - Santa Claus' own tongue, 'At least that is | the way it sofinds to me when I think of my child- hood under those northern skies. Ever sirice, the holiday mail from Denmark {has rehearééd'to me that story with the clear intent that I should pass it on. And here it is now, at last. 1 did not mean to-wait-so-long. It was in October, 1904, that a Com- Timittee of Fifteenaget in Copenhagen to devise ways of puffing in practice the idea of a Christmas stamp, adxanced by a postal official, Mr. Holboell. T do not know how 'much of it was original with him. There had been charity stamps be- fore. + They are Sed in Austria, and in Holland whence there came recently a wail : ple to buy them for stamp 'colléctions. And 1 know that they were considered in Germany, but for some reason, 1 believe, did not find favor. - 1 think I can guess the reason. They didnt have the Tight spokesman: It remained for Hans Christian Ander- sens countrymen to enlist Santa Claus. With hinr a8 their champiofi they -don't Bl | have to ask anybody to buy the stamps in Denmark. Their only trouble is how to print enough. « The people, the king, and "thie post office think of nothing else than how they can best help along the cause. 2 This was the upshot of the 'commut- tee's work: that two million stamps were to be printed, and sold through the post offices at two oere each (about half a pent) during the Christmas seasqn----to exact, from December 9 to January 6-- the procecds to be used in building a hospital for tubercular children, some: The government stipulated only that the stamps should. be different in size an shape from the ordinary postage stamps, <0 as to be easily distinguishable from them. The Christmas stamp. is not for postage; every other way it is good for the man who buys it and puts on his letter; for thé clerk who cancels. it with a glad thought for the little waifs with every whack; for the postman wha delivers the letter with a smile as broad and as good as Christmas itself. The proof that they like it is this: that they refused to a man to take anything for their work. In the plan of the commit- tee there was provided a small 'profit of 1&1 oere on each sheet of fifty stamps, , for the local post offices, but it was re- fused. They all wanted to, help. I'he newspapers joined hands; that was another part of the plan. Posters ing of it were put up everywhere, Menmark is a small country, and a thing gets quickly 'to he talked of from one end of it ta the other. There was a run on the post office as soon as the stamps were out. - The two million became four, then six. Business houses asked the privilege of retailing the stamps; but that was refused. They were told to buy them at the post offices, and they did. Many twmjiness houses let no letter or kage pass out in the holiday season without the Christmas stamp. The exe- cutive committee of four that was ap- pointed to manage things had their hands full giving out stamps. They were %ot allowed to give out much else. Labor, office rent, furnittire--everything outside of the actual printing of the stamps--was given 10 them. When it whs all over, 1t was shown that 4,113,000 stamps had been sold and paid for--- about two for every man, woman, and child in the country.: The children's hospital had to its account in the sgvs anes, bank 68,000 kroner throtgh this penny subscription. a That was the first year's showing, when the matter had been talked of only pa month or two. 'I saw in the Danish papers that last year's receipts--the third season's--were nearly four times as big. The hospital is built, 1 suppose, by this | time, or under way, and ou} of a small heginning has grown a gfeat benefaction, But that 1 not the greagest thing about it, to my mind. The thought itself, with iteZpower of getting everybody to think- hrighted through everybody's thinking of it, deserves that place. What else is the tuberculosis scourge than such a wrong? Nothing in all the world is better proven to-day than that it is a preventable dis- ease, and therefore needless. And yet in our own country, to bring the matter Nome, it goes on year after year killing an army of one hundred and fifty thous- and persons, and desolating countless homes in which half a million men and women are always wearily di i themselves to graves dug by this single enemy. Perhaps 1 feel strongly about it; and no wonder. It killed six of my brothers, and I guess I know. That was in the days when there wis no help for it. There is now. What T want to know is why we can- not here borrow a leaf from. Santi Clans's Danish yer hook, and do_as they have done. LL) have a Christmas stamp, printed by a Tuberculosis Committee, and sold he Lata not for the purposé town build its own--but for the purpose of rousing up and educating the people on- this (host. important . matter? Look at, the photograph of the three-yedrs-old letter here, It is just as it came to me, except that in the tr fow, whence of last i Irave been pasted in ins stéad, while in the lower right-hand corner 1 haye placed one of the 190s kind, so that all .the three years are there esented. Assume that the ctice general of putting on etters even ome "or two . Christmas the same breath! What nuight it not it Bethe Jade aa ean as an educating meédipm in | ung e white, plague Practically every man who. saw this sta un. lgtter, or on. a postal car To on both in Denmatk--would want to know what it meant. And when ple want to know, half that fight is wan. It is because they .do not know a. Everybody Read It and Told a that was queer in this that it was all on HIPS of Homer tsi f it, where no postmaster, a ) ore Sam himself, could re- atest. X Jhained, it should | vent anybody from reading and ne thing like our Sea Breeze in New York: ing of a great wrong that can only be y should We not] uilding a hospital--let - eacli state or. collectors had pirated threq stamps, threed THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, SATURDAY, AUGUST 313 1007. ° few AAR - Sinfple things' that people dic of tuberc Sd "Why s be done? Is the A ould y cqunry 100. a dimer the mor- ality from th eh 3 0 er the results ule il thit Kind of duc; 3 emails too heavy? dea wld nor Be Any mo ers beck of it, Ang' Ve if the nifier of $ s fetter Weft limited fo sive s the objet would' be theré be a rush on the fhe charities in the lege > That could be notice at the outlet the mails for this for the one chase he At any time it mi 4 'the fate 'of a natidhal émet- in Denmark _to provide a hospital for tubercular children, the National Asso- ciation for the Stady and Prevention of Jubetculoghs was forified iNew York. Upon basis of careRl and conseryative computation, jts Jresiae estimated that dic mere 1osS © revenne to the comntty arse and BubVing tuberculosis vié- gms was three hufidfed and thirty mi jonscof ~ dollars & year. The society, often spoken of as "the Tuberculosis Committee," his 1050} fourteen hum. red thembets, doctors © and laymen. duchtion Is its" Shibboleth, The three points it tries early and late fo infpress upon the conscidushess of the people dre: (1) that tnberculosis is infections; (2) that, #f infectiofls) it is preventable; and (3) tirit, taken in the carly stages, if is, as a rule, curable. It has orgamii- &l assocltions fiftéen States and seventy-four _t& and "msinfains a the coupe exhibition that 'trivels ghout t e country, from city fo city, Yavin a ave of aroused, intefligent jfrerest in its wake, * A-campdign' js fiow being planned for the south, whefe it is badly fneeded, but money 38 lacking. ThE séc- retarve tells me that if instead of one there were & dozén, two dozen, stich ex- hibitions, the country might be aroused from one 'end to the dthier to ution that would result in the passing of proper sanitary laws arid the building of a forra and dispensaries for the sufférers, and so speedily ih a greatly diminished mortality from this cause. Last year the fonds at the disposition of the associa- jon aggregated $12,000, no 'more. It hight have spent, $100,000 to advantage, but no milligaup Pame forth 16 en- dow it. £ 4 J No mitlcfibrest Wand todlh it. It y \ iy the 'pgople them- fling it so will they Jof moré ydlue than oritig--namely, Now s Why) should nat the lected for thig' the "Tubercu- y Danish losis Committee" J plan next ay ln 3 iv other season, if if Were Yt! Hough | do not think that would be best. The season of will ens hearts and selves, for on minds and fas nothing else can, and takes fl out of it, if there is any. JFivel Of that sort of campaigning..afid %. be on the home-stretc i & ir, I hold $id brief for the "Tuberculosis Committee, 8d 1 am not plending. for it, But Ym pleading for the half- million poor souls all over the Tand whose faces are set to toward an inevitable grave hecause ®f ignorance, 'heedless ignorance; and. féb the fricads who grieve with them agyl for them. BI YELLOW AND BLACK BEARLS. ASE | Wovelties That Appeal to English- Women. There afe some-gems of which wo- men never grow tired or mever can have suficient--of these the diamond and the pearl rank among the first favorites. The atter, however, is the most sought after, and the craze for strings of perfect pearls is ever on the increase. Yellow, and black peatls are also much appretiated So much has this craze taken hold of the fafhionable wd- nen that the jewellers Have prepared most tasteful little jewel caskets to hold one, two or three of these gems, with birthday wishes complete. "The Tate gold safety pin bidoch with a large colored store in the centre is also very Jeneral, turquoise, rabies, ame- thysts and topaz being chosen dccording to the tone of the gown worn. These pints are also sold in'grafiumred sizes for the front of blouses stead of buttons. Purses in platinum, gold and silver follow the modes of chetks and stripes, and are so cleverly made that they Have the appearance of a tissue; even to the flexible fringes at 'the: bottom. Tiny rses are beirig made ii" gold' ia the shape of a small tobdceo pouch with a shamrock leaf in diamonds or pearls-- also crest or monogram, in colored stones on the dutside.--Londdn Triblne, Don't Invite Rhetimatism. phinful affections cannot come as long as your blood is pure and abundant. he affections aré 'dle 0 poisons in the blood which thust be expelled. p your vitality hiph and your od rich and rod HP use of Wade's Tron Touic Pills (Lakptive)." They are a great nerve streligthener and blood Lmaker. In boses;-20¢;, at Wade's drug store. Money AOE EL A The 'excitement Was = so intense amongst & mob of fans in front of a Detroit baseball bullétid,, that one of the crowd took heart, failure And col- lapsed, having to be removed to au hospital in an ambulance. A pint bottle of beef, iron, our own make, only DUc., at Wade's Rheumatism und a variety of other [7 # TE CCE TEL TE TE TE 12 inch [No. 31650) I Love You Ma Cherie Florencio All vocil seleftions dre accompanied by the Victor Orchestra. 8-irich RECOrIs 20 cts. each. os Bind. Atioy MAR (Ka. si97) | Lusk] Yenkee Talk by Cal. Stewart Walter . ogre, Contd Uncle Josh oii Street Car 1640) Steir A ion odd Boar» Récords , ? -- SH Victor : Ie Banger . $193) ' W " Yodel By Georie P. Watso: Two Yrs rr Sour is Bully (No. 5129) i Profic of the Sea ¥ Duet by Miss Jones and Mr. Mufray Sted thom Riki! Yh Bear's Pichlc® It's Nice to Have » Sweetheart (No. st17 ¥ (Played by ra.) Descriptive by § Harlin The Teddy Pears Tailkby (NO. stor) Two Rubes in & Tavern (No. 1720) | Standey Sung by Mr. Macde , With orchestra. 10 inch 75 cts. each--i2 inch $1.25 each. Arthitr Pryor's Band pes Songs by Billy: . Comedizn's March 10 inch (No, 5207) Swictanay with orchestra. ; rom * Bartered ride.' ) . 1.THfak 1 Oughtn't Auto Any More, 10 ingh(No. 5195) £3 Austrian Army Bug Calls Walls Tiusty | In the 1. and the Rn Withams-Van Ablyne : 10n, 0 in. , $198) On the Belvidere. Two-Step, 10 jth (No. £206) Faster Harrigan trom 3 ty Miles from Boston") Collan Lona 19 inch (No. $197) © Daughter of the Regiment Overiute The of Custer" 12 Inch (Ng, 3165) Hato \ Red Mill Selection 12 inch (No, 31652) Herdal | prother Gave Out Chiétks for Rain Zokgivale Victor Orchestra walter B, Ropers, Conductor Trion The Mintite Mén (March and Two Sep) #inbwrn| Duet by Stanley aiid Macdonough ith 10 inch (No. 518s wil Merry Widow Waits soinch (No. sf) Lebar | 0 samy cles : NO. Victor Dance Drehiestra hs 10 IW . : r rel r i ER re ro ro Rett eV Bell Solo by Chris Chapmsn Fe Era with orchestras Waiting at the 10 (No. : Medley Disice inch (No. iY Kaveh oH r dior MRP FR SEAR el of Meee Tenor Solo by Heard : Laughs You Hive Met 10 Juch {Ng shone) Se ~ German Specialty by Joss snd Spicer Tenor Solo by Harry Micdonough J Minnie and Herman. soinch{ie. ibe) : Dreaming » oa Dailey Lyric a "i 3 Ee EE 31650) be x Torah rik] Cok Duet by . Over the Lise 10 inch (No. 594) hy Fra Co y There's Room for Ts All an the Trolley | Bee Chorus, Gentlemen! 13 inch (No. 31653) x FIVE NEW NIELSEN-CONSTANTINOG RECORDS TWO 12 inci 1.75. - 7 Mario coms: Baritone svinch--Suamenth. Barblere--U fa (No. 74078) Rousiwt | Minti yr! na voce poco a 4078 Natta a AR Fe RECORDS 16-inch--§1.28. yal TWO NEW WITHERSPOON Rigoletto--La donna & mobile (No. 6ee77) Verdi} Herbert Witherspaog, Bass 12dnch~§1.75. irdmch--81.7% Barbiere--Roco ridente (No. 74973) Kassini | agiet Me by t Adome (No. Jers) 'Wade Duets by Nielsen and Constantino Messiah--Wiy Do the Nations (Ne. joss Sesils? - it thineh--g1.78. | rua ORATORIO NUMBER BY DE GOGOREA Traviata--Parigi o cara (No, 74978 ye T edn FR Samm anrof (No. 24976) Goi] ot sy Pathed Firom: Seven Tall Worlsof {Let Me Gaze on Thy Beauty') iris) i No. yeoba) ,. Any Berliner and Victor Dealer will gladly play these records for you. "Coon" Song by Arthut Colirs No. s2047) site) Leigh | 30 inh (No, 11 : Cink dhe Hob 'wrchestoa, Lobr§ ~ ww inch (No. Sp) RED SEAL RECORDS : fo i BY ANCONA , Tenor Go and bear them 10-day { A CUTE corr DOG. Story of a London Pet Who Got Hungry. butcher in the great meat market has a customer who owns a fine colliedog. The dog arrived one day at the market with a slip of paper in his mouth. The dog droppéd the piece of paper, which proved to be an order from the collie's master for a small piece of meat. He ve the dog the meat. Day after day the dog came with like orders, until at fast the butcher took them for granted, and each time sent the animal home with a piece of meat. After two months the butcher sent his customer a bill for the meat whigh he had supplied the dog. But the collie's master informed the butcher that he had given the dog ohly a dozen orders, whereas the animal md received at least € pieces of meat. I ched, and it was discovered that dy unning beast, when he was hungry, would lay hold of ahy pieces of whité paper he could find and run off with it to" the meat market, obtaining for each bogus "order" 3 hearty meal. Edison's Poor Start. | Windsor Record. . 'Edison is a Canadian and learned his bésiness of telegraphy in Canada. He whs a night railroad operatof in the "dovecot" in the 'Stratford yard at tel? shillings a day, when during a period of inventive mooning he tried to have two trains cross on the same track. After sending a train east out of Stratford while another had left Shakespeare, the ext station, he endeavored to overtake He train, but failed. © A collision was averted, however, although the mistake cost him-his job. He was called to To- ronto to interview Traffic Superintend- | ent Whyte, but fost His nerve while wait- | ing his turn in the ante-roomgand never | faced the great man, who might have forgiven him and deprived the world of a genius. Wade's tooth paste, in. tubes, 1c. at Wade's dyug store. i re TR aia wewviornsers The Hopliner Grameo-phone Company Wee for free Here's a dog story from London: A catalogue of over 8000 Records. of Canada, Limited, Nontreal cases cured in : Medical Board is er.di d by all Specific th the great sa and Geriavy. Stops. £, So hat they "never return... Drs es Confidence retufns, step el regular, Headaches disappear. No guory, the mind becomes bright » Do net t } Yih success na hobest Bent contidence. oi De KOMR MEDICINE CO... P 0. DRAWER L, 2341. MONTREAL. | Sast t