Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 15 Aug 1907, p. 3

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3 [ v ~ "ems i Tmo Bs "Pena TAR aT Ls od wd | V's Ny he er he he 1st he | 18 t- oe Lh, EXCLUSIV p---------- i | er | Al h, | be | FUR STORE " Latest Designs for Braidihg Persian Lamb Jackets and | Fancy Efons. W. F GOUDIER, 76, 78 & 80 Brock St. Phone 700. i 3 . "97 Optical Work "Carefully and promptly ex- eouted mew style, mounts and specially shaped lenses made to onder. Repairs of all kinds. Eyes Examined and Glasses Fitted. Q W Jewelers and Opticians Issuers of Marriage f SL xpnervous & stom, ki new | ous Dobitiny, Meni Get Brain Worry: Deo i vondency, al We Emissions, Sper- matorriea, and Fffects 3 Lipp Excesses. Price §1 per box, six for One will please, si | will cure. Sola. b cuz plain pkg. | mail sy 1 Wi Toronto; Ont. Great Reductions: In Prices All Through ~The Store. The price cutting knife "nt- | . . ha has been put into all sum- da | mer materials with a view e., | 5 i *1to a quick clearance. 5 {". Dress Ginghams reduced. | [ Chambrays reduced: TS | se wv i | Fancy Muslins reduced. e.| White Spot Muslins re- .¢ (duced. ; o) Ladies' Whitewear re- duced. =! Children's Dresses re- 1 duced. od | nt! a. { © | d | bs | i * Ladies' White Waists re- |duced, Ladies' Wash Suits re- ac ash Suits re Ladies' -- Lac iery Li: Lace Hosiery, White, Tan or Black, spe- ial 19 c. a pair. ; Ladies' Embroidered r. {Hose, Black, White or Tan 125¢. a pair and up. S| | 50 . per cent. on many lines | - . | | Reductions of fiom 20 to Come and see. -- NEWMAN & SHAW TOLD BY LIEUT.-GOV. CHAN- "LER TO GET TOGETHER {Co-operation Declared to Be Their Safety From Unscrupulous We carry in stock a nice assortment of the . ' ; Speculators--Grange Day at Chicago "Jewel" Gas Stoves, which are {, Thousand Island Park. : v ialinds | secutive or he Io acknowledged the best stoves manufactur- I Thousand: Island Park, N.X., Aug. 12 on ane reports' re candi lates & - : ed. Examine them before purchasing else- | Advocating co-operation and WOR in the juniok ation Axum HELP WAN] where p gise zation among formers as tho best | dong now at hand show Gananoyue ho = 2 fies of Rhine smcaions re | Lh be fo bg the ros of (oo WE 0 VL, AREAS 11 All orders Tor di . a 5 i 3his after , spoke before sovemnl 1 ot Try of Detroit, ass Sons isconnecting Gas Meters {hundred farmers of Northern and 'Cen a a BY Jtzgis. anh AT ONCE, TWO OR THREE DOCD) spend tof Hiral New York, assembled here at" ho i qinual state Grange day. Fora hall 'hour he spoke fram the platform at {ihe Tabernacle, his address holding the {attention of everyone in the vast | building. Politics, except in a genes | val sort of way, did not enter to-day's "promptly attended to. ¢ ELLIOTT BROS. 77 Princess Street. { doings, all the speeches being along bor home yesterday. Thomas Colwell, {other than political lines, of New. York, who has 'been spending| Spining, SEREY, Salary . of. Somry A Previous to the - address of Mr | ihe past month guest of his sis: Desk "B.." ttord, Ont. 1 0.0 /B. Walkem. . Chanlur, Frank M. Godfrey, master of | tor, Mrs: Victor Miranda, Sydenham : | ARCHITECTS. ' : : the New York state Grange, respond- : left for home resterday: ' ; ' on d wa TY 5 3 = = lid to. the address of welcome delivered | "Ne" and Mew. Oe rey dfs HELP WANTED-FEMALE, | ormgn SLLIS, AROHITEQT. on | TE ceome: mney == | 0% Rev. Ju D. Phelps. Hon. J. O.! mil' and Mes. William Groy and son, EE AD ARTHUR BL An Box Disa: | | Trou, rome, extension din | Hadley, master of the New Hampshire Walter, who. have: been enjoying & YOUNG SIRL FOR HOUS FORK. 204 " beating ; . . AR § | State Grange, also spoke. cruise up the Rideau in Mr. Wilson's| Knight, Alics street. : | IWNRY Pu Sr. ARCHITEOT Bison: street. 1 0 I: While today's gathering bas been |junch, have zetiphed home. Mrs. -- | sta Anshor Market : -- {surpassed in previous years so far as | (harles Root, South street, and son, [GIRL, TO ASSIST IN 'GENERAL | , S oo < v + 3 y [nb go, there seemed to be a Claude, are spending a few weeks "in housework. One ho sleeps ob home) CO WEA & BON, A FOR SALE, greater interest in the addresses and Almonte and Carleton Place. Mrs. Iet- preferred. Apply 2235 Bagot St. | a ee { i 3 > XF . -------------------------------- " -4 i ge: | pxercises than in past years, when the | on Amo, of Buffalo, N.Y., arrived i0|LADY BOOK-KEEPBER, FOR CITY | , | SOLID Buck WiuBE. Te SypEN {crowds wandered about in preference | {oawn, and has a cottage on store ; one With some experience | memes hats Mt Tot water furnace. s Apply {to spending the afternoon at the Ta- | Tremont Park for a month's outing. fered. Address Box. 5. L.,' care WM. NEWLANDS, AR 5 or AE. Cunuinghams, 9 Clarence | bernacle. Her husband 'with .a' party of tron ~ Wig wilits. | on eorher Shes Beatt street. {| The weather was perfect. = A conser- | ro expected hy 'the end of thewook. [A GENERAL SERVANT, FOR Al strests. trans on Bagot Street -------- -y Iyative getiuagte placed the crowd to-| Ernest Atking Cornwall, 'who has] * family of three, Ro the int ol Sep- | Phone " ; GAL. X : {day at 2,000, any of the visitors ar- |} send 0. past , two weeks tember. Apply Mrs. W. ii arson, | PHL {rived on last night's boat and will en- a. ap oo a William, Pratt, 338 Sohn on street. ate WANTED--GENERAL. PR. MeOAREH Yor: QUEL od RLY : $ | joy a three days" vacation at the is-|King street, left for home last even | etree or trend 'ad Brock streets. ote. : x ll lands. The bulk of the crowd ar- ing. Mrs. Jabez Coombes and. child- [ANY LADY SAN EARN TWO DOL- [A * STORE, ON TT ------------------------------ rived during the morning: hours, every | ren, who have been spending a short re on share i oe my 4 bo Borg ATs on to Box "A. B.." MARRIAGE LICENSES. {boat carrying the limit. In the early | {ime with friends in Picton, 'retury if can devote full' time. Plea | Whig office. 8 a |part of the afternoon the Watertown | home last evening. Miss -- Ed work ' calling on ladies. - Mrs. David. 0. 8. REA is ISSUER ee {band arrived and enlivened, things, and | Coombes will remain for another two son, Delivery "K.' Hgpnttord, On: | vA CHER, FOR GLENBURNIE Marriag |later the ofum corps .of Company H|yeeks. Miss Ella Stewart left yeater- sari, School Ne. 3s, Toya 3 ar) ------------------------------ . - ETE ET RET | of Rockport, came over from the en-|dav for Montreal, where she will spepd : ase ag oe 3. Piackiock, Seay VETERINARY Lgl) Ba LIRR [4 ori at Rishse § Louding snd a a few weeks the = guest, of Mr. an PERSONAL. G lenburnie. | a . | Yi ~~ parade was held, the two baseball | Mrs. Cater. . ---- Te c 43 | AND -UNIFORMITY Phe marching with the bands: ot] Mrs Goarge Thiiall, "of Lyn, is spend: [PROFESSOR HALSTEAD, PSYCHO. A GOOD _ SBCONDHAND HOY BIDR, GW RL ter BA their head. ino some time. im town the giest of Toipt sd Takinist, leaving city Tues- | Micycle, tires mist De TL RU oon | at ahare i Post ; ek | Licutcnant-Governor Chanler's ad: | Mr. and Mes. A. Malcan, Oak street day mekt. The Protester having given | dition, I ot, Mio Hp. Meare | CR cop Sing ; ton, thanks supporters. 58 'Bari St. | Whig office. 4 prompiiy. a : {dress follows in part: The relation of the farmer to the state is the subject upon which I shall speak to-day. In the word "farmer" 1 CLEL0LLEDLLLPL20000000 2000000000000 000000000 linclude aM who gain a livelihood by cultivating the land on a larger scale than is. made use of by the man who has a truck garden near a town. The = Buy ~Ganong's--G-B.--~ Chocolates: They are the Best. man who cultivates fifty, 100 or 250 acres or more is a farmer from the {point of view I take to-day, whether Ye raises Hops, fruit, crops, cattle or sheep or milk or any combination of these natural products that by care or cultivation become the profit of man at the hand of nature and find their source of being 'cither in the soil or from it. 3 A. J. REES, 166 Princess Street We are, as a nation, commercial, BIPVIPIIP IIIS SIP ISIP II IGV ITI IIVIFSVIFEFSe mechanical and agricultural, Our na- > {tion, in a commercial and agricultural ------------ way, may be divided into two parts. {Those who live by developing nature and those who make fortunes },, spee- |ulating 'in nature's annual development GORE KINGSTON, THE CITY OF THE DEAD. 10 FARMERS === her aunt and unele, Mr. and Wil liam Salter, vorser of Garden and who have been Visiting trig io, Glay- d Fark, giving a Caton, also a short time beie, the .- Herman ndmother; - 'M$. John Bulli, "left carpentegs, men with sone ? t iE rom, Washburn. Apply et ---------------- GOOD STRONG i A ---------------- AGENTS_STARTLING HOUSEHOLD invention. on BOY TO 'WORK. N rument. vey & pr Brock St. sight. Agents (NTERN ONAL CoAT St. Office 9 am to 8 a, 1 Batiiriay. eve 7 3 : y : Tain A PES ST SrRIOER SATE Clarente Mr. and Mrs. John Jobnson, Toron- to. old residents of Gananoque, are spending a short time wit riends here. Miss Alice Bevans, King street, loft yesterday, for a week's visit with friends at Orlean's Corners pear De- Ganapogue, Aug, 15, The steamer Mississiquol ran an excursion to Brookville and urg, N.Y., yes: terday, . under Xe aiispioes of the Church of Faglal Rockport, leaving here at S a.m. With quite a Tare number on board. ' The meeting of the A.CA. at Suear Island, a fow. miles down the river, brings large numbers of the canoeists t6 town. There are at the present time about 150, under canvme. The date for the annual races has been sot for Saturday next. Un Sunday a special religious service will be held on the camp groumds, conducted by Rev. H. H. Bedford-Jones, of Brock: e mean Kingston, Jamaica), but Kingston, Canada, is yracti- cally.dead, as far as push and energy 'is con Twenty thousand people when it should be a its natural advantages, but contr acted officials, who make by-laws to thwart the best interest of the ratepayers, with their brainless jdeas will never boom jt. Our ad vice (if you . cannot do better) is to import sonie good shrewd Amer jcans, pay them decently, bury the dead men, give everyone who com es to your city, on the market or commodities sideded Is it right de in hundred, with all [info] commercial by 'the world at large. that the man who spends his drawing from the substance of the soil by hard and unremitting labor those products of nature, whether of elsewhere, who are willing to pay for the privilege, a chance to do |¢nimal development or Vegetable BE, WG A I ros, growth that are, after all, the mne- busin cessaries of life; is it right that the and EDWARD'S Red ED- Then a blessing will come instead of a. curse, NERVINE will have a sale it never had before. Cross Drug Store and at all Drug gists, or direct WARDS' Medical Co., London. Every 50c. package contains 2} o=., 25¢. | m---- reward for this toil should depend in eny part upon the speculations of men | who never saw a farm 'except through the window of a train and to whom the scacons mean little more than heat 35 and cold, light and darkness? The products of the soil are t's basis upon whith is built the fonnda tion of human existence. Human ex- istence alone renders possible - commer- cigl and national progress. Why, then should our wonderful increase along these lines leave far behind, if not en- tirely ignore, the basis of our exis tence, the corner stone of our develop- ment and the kevstone in the arch of our national and international = suc cess 7 1 do not pretend to be a practical farmer. have never really worked for a whole day in the fields, plow- » ing, sowing, reaping or stacking. 1 have, however, lived on and taken Still continues to attract the wise buyers who § id a rena know where and how to save money. The time to 3 wat, twenty, and F think T can speak save is just now, and how to save is by coming to ; with some personal- kmowledge of the Gibson's from the LL00400400004000000000000080¢ iNoReserve! JOHNSTON'S RETIRING FROM § BUSINESS SALE . trials snd the hardships and the fleeting this Sale writmphs of a farmer's life. And 1 : 5 may say this: The trials and the : : hardships are dose at hand and the : : triumphs and revards are also' al- y wayk fleeting by. | This is an age of centralization and of co-operation. The farmers must centralize their power by means of co | operation if they are to held their own. 'This is an age of organization and unions. 'Thé farmers must or- ganize and form stronger unions or remain the prey of the unscrupulous {speculator. The man who, before Below we quote a few Money-Savers : DRESS GOODS. CASHMERE HOSE All 50c. and 60c. Dress All 50¢c. Hose, for 874c. pair, Now 874¢. yard. All 48¢. Hose, for 85c« pair. All 75¢c. and 85c. Dress All 40c. Hose, for 80c. pair. Now B85¢..¥ AH 85¢c. Hose, fo s. pair. re rd. All $1 and $1.25 Dress Goods Goous. r GC. Al 30¢c. and 25c. Hose, for 20c. Goods w 76e. 850. rd. pair ; ¥ or. re nt $2 ress Goods. PD rhis includes Ohildren's sizes Thenkseiving Day, buys up vour tur y as well<in Plain ard Rivbed. | kevs; the man who, in the jell, specu Now $1 and $1.25. SILKS 506. Jap Silk, in all shades, 27 wide, worth &Y%c. yard. . Sale Price, 8Yc. yard Double Leg Cotton Hose, Boys" wears, regular the kind that price, 25¢. Sale Priced 15¢. UNDERWEAR Ladies' Health Brand and Pen but the feeble imitator of the man who {makes millions out of the beef trust and makes or loses a fortune in the daily fuctations in the price of wheat. ¥ 50c., for 85c. yard. and ' and - makes, at 15c., 20¢. 25¢. each. 3 A Can NAPKINS your Winter Underwear lasts other kinds; and i sold with a Buy $3. for $23: $2.50, for' $1.90; | POW ' | that insures you against any 4 $2, for $1:40; other lines at 95c¢., ------------------ A ETSI, voc, 8se. and Soe per dozen: wt WHITE SILK WAISTS | Trade-marked' like this * noh Gre in L a : + and Dark Shades of Grey, Al REDUCED or | inred as wre sgnol Wool, regular value 25¢. sud 30¢ $5 Waists, for '$3.50. | vue. Made'in' Sale Price, 18c. yard. $4 Waits, for $3.0 F ovics sand ha $3.50 Waists, {orl by manufacturing nature's products' | lates "on your apples, vet unpicked, is toge, Belleville, occupied 'the . Method- » lour own make, only He. Charles Wesley Shingler, CHL) ENGEL. MOVES AUDIENCESINPENN.| © "SYLVANIA TOWN. B.C. had the misfortune to have a : valuable span of "Heven | unusual manner, JIN -- received the fol Lewiston, Pa: ler, seven years hoy evangelist, delivered a sermon Charles Wealey Shing: old, known as the come in te the wharf wit soveral voung. ladies nnd gentjomen on board, n attempting to step ta shore, one of the young ladies was thrown into the water by the sail jibing. She was romptly pulled oud, little, the worse or her ducking. x id The steamer Dlfockville brought up y large excursion fram Brockville, it being the merchants régular Wedncs lay half-holiday. Prof. Hemstreet, hypnotist, gave an mind reader and exhibition of his skill at the Uolamial theatre, last evening. 4 In%the police court, H. Pierce was arraigned before Magistrate Philip Heaslip, on a charge of furious driv- nde. At first (hey took nl a al interest in his remarks, but hé Was | soon swaying their emotions at will. Charles Wesley Shingler was born at Jacks Creek seven years ago of poor parents. He war never inside. a school: room in hig life, and does not know | A from 2. Te cannot even spell his | own namie, unless to repeat it after- another. > { i The Way To Keep Well. Always have some surplus vitality. | Have more energy than you use, Have that sort of vigor which enables you to work and still keep your own body in perfect repair, Such ocondi- i ing on the public streets of the town xl wass taxed two dollars and costs for his offence. 4 . | Mrs. Ross Thomson, of Cardinal, | wrrived in town, vesterday,, to spend { , short time with her sister, Mrs. D. Horne, Oak street. Miss Ora Rog- gers, ~ Sydenham, street, is spending some time with friends in Kingston. Frederick J. Skinner, King street, is soenching a fow days in Geneva, N.Y. | Miss Ethel Pennett, Sydenham street, | s spending a short time in Kingston | the guest of Mrs William Gillespie. Princess street. Mrs. Williahy Wilson, i of Ottawa, is spending a short time | in town the guest of her sister, Mrs. | A. D. Howe, Oak street. | Bloomfield Boy Dead. Bloomfield, Aug. 14~Nery hot, dry weather prevails and "this county is experiencing the worst drought for many years. There will not be suffi- cient feed to winter all: 'the live stock now on hand, and many*will have to | be sold for a smoll percentage of their | original value. - Robert « Roundell and 1 wife, of Toronto, have. been visiting friends here. Dr. Noxon, wife and daughter arrived . here om Saturday, on 'the old boys' excursion, and are visiting * friends. Miss Purdy, King- ston, spent several _ days' at George Christy's. Ptof, Ooxsee,' Albert Col ist pulpit on Sunday. $ A tologram was received om Sunday morning by Mrs. Arthur Carter, con- taining the sad news of 'the death of ard. Black and White and Blue and 4 i Vests and o + 3 White Check Silks. regular. value NE ers. $1.25, for: 85¢: each. And alt the time te farmer dous the her son in Toronto, from" diphtheria. g9¢. Salo Price, 40c." yard, Other makes, at $1. for 75c. work and the man who never w Bdward Carter was a young man © 86 inch Black ~ Chiffon Taffeta Other makes, at 736, for 50c. about soventeensyears of 'age, "and had Finn 85¢. RE Jadut $35. Dal i" gone to Torontth about three weeks $1 ocuality, for 76c. yard. MEN'S UNDERWEAR Underwear made-to-oidet, for you couldn't | ago, where he da job His re- T5c. quality, for 50c. yard. REDUCED bly éscel in "fit por equal mains were inte in that icity the $1.95 Kid Gloves, guarpnteed, ¢ in value 3 same day itd. Mrs. Baird of Tren Sa Black, White end Colors. Sale piL00, Suina and 'Dfawers. Sale i ton and Alena Losee' of Boston, TICO, he ir. ch. 2 n > - ¥ % | PsT05 Shirts wt Prawers. Sale ' P : were guests at 'E. P. Stanton/s, 'this TABLE LINEN & NAPKINS | "51> Sifeaand Drawers. Sale ~~ " week Jp 5 a 1 79 inch Bleached Doubles Satin Pris, Be. a D we Sale Guarantee: The street eats: are running ' some- Pamask Table | Liven. roesier Pry are rawers, Sale ¢ { : "| what slower down = the , itentiary | oh RE ri EE paren se 8 UIA CY WEAR fr situs i he Foriamonts as for 81; 75c.. for 30c.; Pro A ear. in all sizes ¢ Prats was Fegigtered a : e pickling progeeving season is.now. om. Buy' your rings, corks, sealing" wax, ete.. at EL A pint tottle of beeks Hoag's. fron amd 'Wine, at. Wade's drug store. The slow going more coin than dray horse lands the average race great nerve i . | maker, In boxes, 26c., at Wade's drug store. | finished haying, which is a very light | Mv, Luker _ (strong, tions can bo insured by usine Wade's fron Tonie Tills (laxative) to enrich and purify. your blood. They are a strengthener and blood em ------ News From Maple Dale. Maple Dale, Aug, 14.--Farmers have crop this year, and have commenced their grain. Raspberries are over nOw, the crop being quite plentiful. W. C. Campbell, who was seriously injured in a runaway accident, about three wheks ago, is improving slowly. The! schoolhouse is nearly completed by and son, and ready for the 19th. J. Gurrott has erccted an addi- house is nearly completed. Visitors: Mrs. J. Scott, and daughter, Luella, are visiting her mother, Mrs. H. Gil- lespie, Frank pnd J. Johnston spent Sunday at~P,' Kirkwood's Frederick Cummings has returned after vigiting friends at : Hartington, Mrs. R.-P. Hagerman, Toronto, and tittle daugh- tor. Elsie, is visiting Her mother, Mrs. J. Gordon. Mr. and Mrs. Henty Knight, of Westhrook, and James Dil- Jon, spent Sunday and Monday af ¥- Thompson's. Mr. and Mrs, Ww. ods and danghter, Mamie, spent 'Sunday at W. Thompson's. Nerves In Order. Nerves Unstrung. | This i a nerveracking age. No man in on offiee or behind the counter striving hard to get on in ihe world, | that does not feel the strain. If nérves aré in order a man is] cats and deeps well" Un ftrung nerves mean weakniss, worry, sloeplessness and a general decay of {bodily str-nzth, inability to do good 'work or doit long. : : Most men are carcleas of their ealth, trust to luck and that kind of a few weeks when they feel dull in| the morning, sleep poorly or lose ap- petite. Forrozone quickly brightens up -- the mind. It creates an appetite, and improves digestion. ~ Ferrozone makes blood, quiets the merves, makes muecle like steel and induces refreshing sleep. Ferrozons is a body builder, thou- sands have proved it. If you dre ick, 'or even only out of sorts, use It's always the under dog that yells Hosiery Bargains. |you Can Save Monoyby $ [ri Also Underwear. Attending This Sale. | mead Ee SE800000008060E0S0R0E000REREEREREE | 3 3 3 3 Other makes, at 50¢,, for 37 jc. | * 3 : 3 : : < - for fair play. i Fifteen days' sale of dry goods at | Corrigan's. € gt Try Dibby's new Tal-Bate Fetrozons and enjoy the splendid re- ward iv affards. | Years 01d and Unable to Read, i i ory high wind, was ig tall lendoaver, if they do not Said 'to Have Delivered Able | ov pine. troe, . which had Been leit | adhere to the Address to Large Audience. standing; when the tree was blown ligion thoy cannot be Il across the horses, kill 'religiously sane. New York, Aug, 16.--~The Herald has | down, and fel fowing despatch from jing one in other so that it died soon alter. lover ¢ A much greater misfortune bolel Mr. thority is not the 29th ult: that makes for on | Melbourne Rose on the orucifixion of Christ t large | About o ifixion § © Bent |awak ry tion to his barn, and R. Whyte's new 1a [ihing, instead of taking Ferrozongfor | ~pomvos at pewmow. (THE 'PARAGRAPH PULPIT |REV. 0. W. CASSON, OTTAWA. Religious Sanity. id ult i yooh ht 2p BES in all other realms 'of 15. --~James Irvine, Denbigh, Aug. " i visit to Vancouver, away on a horses killed in an Irawing hay into the 'barn during a stantly, and injuring th midnight the family were | 8 n EY ether. whusual noise, | rational method, ville. audience in a 8thool building 3 . a - i i to the city line last night. Thosdwho ond on getting up foun house gious sanity. aie at flkee_of sxeitesnt or hie address say it jes able, {afire, and the flames so far ne | : -------- . sailhog i ov Aor! t i . that théy had A + y noon, A having von evangelist of w expacie Jy their night -- ic dieers, Me ing collapegd, "and had no save any of the contents, As they had no . inkurance on either building or contents, the (toss ia very heavy and include® a new organ; a.oréam separ ator, a sewing . machine and what money there, was in the house, as well as all the provisions, clothing and building, ete] Theodom Thompson: is very ill Jn the absence of the local doctors whol, ix away on a visit, Dr. Adam of Plevna, was sent for to attend; him, and considers" th case a véry, off one. ¥ Rov. Mt, and Mes. J. Ro Butler. of, Courtice, Durhmm éoymiy, are enjoys ing a visit at the Intler's father's, John Lane, Mr. flutter' ans ofice sta tioned héve and loft many friends who aro. ple to meet him again. Miss Ida John, of Napanee, is spending a month home with her parents, Mr, and Mrs, Adolf John. - Albert Stein. Brookville, Matilda Stein, of Donglas, and Emma Stein, of Renfrew, son and daughters of P. Stein, are enjoy ng a good visit at A Paying Investment A Modern, Business Bducation their old home, while Miss Martha | Jo' a necessary requirement Rtein is enjoying a couple of weeks | BUCCHSH in this progressive age. visiting at her sister Louise's In 0-1 Frontenac Business taws. Mrs; W. D, Bryan, of Roches ter, N.Y., who has favored her friends | here with a pleasant visit, is about | to return home. Mr. Bryan who had College, KINGSTON, - ONT. accompanied her had to return. ow- | Canada's Representa: ing to urgent business the week before | uss Slocern Snmiy dons United st. | Sophos us Denhich has been advanced bv the | sities of and United establishment of a division court, the | ninth for the county of Lennox and | Addington. Walter Slater was ap-! pointed clerk and Charles P. RKiein, bailiff of said cowrt, and his honor Judge Price of Kingston, held the first court here on the 31st ult. ~ * Fall Term Opens September 3r W. B. SHAW, T. N. STOCKDALE ------------ © Rare Old Coins. The Perth Expositor says that Ara Robert Mitchell, of that town, Vas in her possession. a rare coin, of the year 1781, On one side appears the bust and title of: Cardlus i., hei Gratial 781, and on the reverse wide the letters K.M.F.F,, with some 3panish lettering - and an insignia on which appears two. unicorns and. some other arms, surmounted by a crown. The coin was. scratelied up' from amongst] thé earth in her yard. Seeing {is jtom George Gi Brockville, drew our aitention to it, and pro: duced two" somewhat similar coins. One is a little larger than a Hity- ornt piece, and is dated 1790. 'nn one side is the bust of Carolus TIL, Dei Gratia. On the reverse the initials as the Perth coin, Mr. ham also has a secoml one, dated 1504, with the same ruler's head, Lut {he coin is double the size, as large or larger than an American dollar. The latter has been in the Graham family. for years, being received from a Seoteh] emigrant a long time ago. > Abm---------- .... Notice To Caspian Patrons. On Friday, August 16th, the steamer Caspian will handle a large excursion party! to 1,000 Islands, from G.T.R. points, and on this. account will not i Permanent in ils regolts, the great- ést healtirgiver in the Woblds ~ be able to accommodate Kingston ex-

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