¢ i i He hi fj i il : il ii ie ip i. i A § pay you to ct to 'your nd Winter requirements iy Bs F H 5 1 i i i : bel 1 He feed ¥F : i H fi ih Baht AT iE i f it J £ i i iF E vhf F L ¥ 1 y ; fl i ' § 2 § SEAR EERE in Spl of 21s : Hi fells Hi £ f5Taer STERE g i I F sf ! fF fl i i k ih i ! 2 £ i £ i i ® ¥ i £ gk Fez i £2 itl : a iE J £ lis hh Hi pi Hat Ll BT i i £ 8 E g F 57 Lai JR Ry x m. SOc. A retreat in ing beld at the Hotel Dieu for the sisters. It is being ocom- ducted by a Niagara Falls father, and ude {i £ 7st i FiE i fi 3% it Ni bl Hi Hi 2 A hls Hd fs 5 iz : : fl : ii o i fst I ! h "Te ia stot dd £ i and the i At the hall-yearly meeting of the C. P. R. and K & P. railway direc tors, held in this city, Wednesday, it was announced that improvements along the line were progressing nice r. The work of improvement will be. . . Ran Away With Purse. A young lady from New York, who ' around had just started back, when she saw p and run. The small silk one, it a Somtaining ing $2. and two postage stanps. thief is known. : About Street Watering. It is said that the new Watering jeart was doing duty on outer King istreet with the steam roller yester- {day, instead of being in operation down town to lay the fearful dust. Contractor McFadden is not to blame for the inadequate watering. The city must supply him with enough carts or he cannot do more than at presemt. Ald. Rigney, the street watering champion, should give the board of works another "dressing down" for its OUTRAGE IN Clonmel, Ireland, Aug. 14.--Lord death at his residence, Loage, early this morning. He was where a terrible explosion caused by a apartment, and destroyed most of the furniture, "but did not injure had trou tate, god outrage is attributed to them. DRUNKEN INDIANS RIOT. Estervin steamer Estervin, returning - with ing Lindsay "and Sturgeon Point was the scene of a disgraceful row. Some drunken Indians for a time terrorised © the passengers and as- lted the ship's officers. A magis- constables, and after a hard struggle the intoxicated Indians were put off the steamer. While the steamer ly, and hiberally with whiskey, pant at the breach of the law, and the license authorities are called wpon to take action. Coumty Attorney Wood was among the passengers and prosecutions will likely ensue. *® SAFE FOR SOME TIME. * Aug * thought to be safe for two at least. The Cana- ian yachtsmen will prob- holders will not go hunting challengers to come the trophy. FEAEREERR FEAR § . §Ra REE HEER THE ANNUAL PICNIC ---- Was Held on Rogers' Farm on was provided by the of the oh , which was done justice to by all who partook of it. The the first to reach the goals at the rac es are here appended: Boys under tweive--L. Staples, H. Tolan. i Girls under ten years old--Isabella Gre over' ten--Annie Gillespie, L. of | Matters That Interest Everybody The government will receive $24,615 asleep in a room on the ground floor | Adirondack bomi, shattered one of the walls of his | low Newburg. Steamer | Peterboro, Aug. 14.--Monday, the cheering people from the Stony Lake regatta, | trate on board swore in some special | was | ing through the double locks at | igh the Indians were served opt | ble passengers aré highly indig- | who were taples. Garis over fourteen--Jean Bawden, on the sick list. Mise" Ma: } an and Howard Morrow an - married to-morrow ing at the lamily residence. There been es {Pastures are entirely burnt up: peta- nie «Notes From all Over--Little of Everything Easily Read and Remembered. steamers for the service. estate of the late John Wal- die; Toronto. : Rov. P. S. Owens, parish priest of Ayton, died in the House of Provi- i JOHN LAIDLAW & not taka place until Jénuary. { George Mclonald was arrested for | being implicated in the highway rob- | bery of br. Kose, at Toronto. | while by no means done away with, is considerably less than it was. is on foot in Nowa Séotia to appoint Sir Hibbert Tupper leader of the conservative party. The scarcity of teachers in Ontario |} Exceptionally good value in Children's White Summer Dresses, all sizes, from the little tot of 2 years up to the young girl of 16. From the plain little White Mother Hubbard to the dainty White Lace Trimmed Dress. A great gathering of the best styles shown in the The C.P.R. has let contracts for a | high bridge over the Belly river that | will be a mile long. | _Amblus Apopeka, «fractured skull. | David Levin, aged fourteen, was crushed to death in an elevator acei- New York shops at prices that will surely convince you it does not repay you for the trouble you take in making Children's White Dresses. - Prices range from dent at the Bryant Prees building, Toronto. . W. C. Ferguson, of London Collegi- ate Institute, is recommended for mo- | dern lnsgwage master of Riverdale | high sch | cDermott, the ringleader of the five | men who escaped from the Kenora | jail on July 3lst, has been captured at Dryden. . | Daniel O'Leary, aged sixty-three, of Cincinnggi, will attempt to walk 1. 000 miles in as many hours on a local track, | { At the investigation into the Essex | |disaster an expert in explosives said | {the dynamite was not properly cured if it leaked. | Burglars entered » the post office at | SS REEF A A | oodstock, NOY "ind dynamited the | 1 IRISH LO. {safe. The amount of booty. taken is {not known. | In an interview, F, H. McGuigan, former vice-president of the Great | Ashtown had a Barrow escape from Northern, refused to discuss his plans | Glenabiry [for the future. i At Poughkeepsie, N.Y., the steamer | caught fire, on Tuesday | night. The vessel was run ashore be- i } The International Typographical | Lord | Union is considering the question of | Ashuown, who only arrived at Jodo! STanine Pensions last night. The game-keopers recently | ablg with pachers on the es-| to incapacitated | The secretary of the Husivhakist, a {Greek organization in New York, has {confessed to directing a. number of | murders. | An engincer in East Java claims to {have invented an implement ' with | which two men gan cut eighteen tons o mgr cane a day. « B. Copeland, engineer, is a pointed to succeed J. B. Hobson > manager of all the Guggenheim inter ests in Cariboo, B.C. A direct appeal to President Roose: {velt has been made by the Chicago {Board of Trade to take official action {to end the telegraphers' strike. | Monster hailstones broke the head- lights of railway engines and smash- | ed the windows at the Molsovis and { Rennie C.P.R. railway stations. Drunken Indians caused a riot on a steamer . pear Sturgeon Point, and a {number of special constables were |swom in and put them off the boat. | E. H. Harriman has been ordered {by the department of justice to an- {Swer certain questions which he de {clined before the inter-state commerce commission. { At Watertown, N.Y. Jesse M. {Adamd, widely known as an analyst {and chemist, died after an illness {which had confined him to the house {for one day. t C. E. Lalonde, chief inspector of | ueintunte, who is at Longueuil, Que., | ! been instructed to proceed to | Ease. to hold an investigation into | 0 disastrops explosion of dynamite there on, Saturday. % 3. H. Craig has resigned the pastorate of the Congregational church at Waterville, Que., to accept that of the united churches at Mel bourne and Ulverton. The post office department is investi- gating the operations of an alleged lottery company at Fort Erie, Ont. It ia charg that the company is using 'the mails for fraudulent purpos- eg Application has been made for* ro- motal of Col. John F. Gaynor, a Tisoner i Springs would The new Australian tariff places row duties on° i y adver. printed matter contained within out- side covers, also - om price lists, trade catalogues and all: printed and litho: eraphic matter for. purpose of adver: tising' of si i's Charles M. Hayes sil Frank Morse, vresident and vi idint respective ly of the Grand Pacific . ecom- pany, will, in all probability, -aRcouyer i 0 i seer "ch forward he! content ion - framseont ine i the Pacific Const Sinn nl: ine in > Maberly Notes. Mabetly, Aug: 13.Mosers. a dav. Mrs, Jr. her mother, Mrs. Willinm 'Ritehie are in the county jail to | pool: indinn Springs, Ga. Physiciang sy hoof | and Ca whi Erwin tps, some Blu- cattle a ped Aa nee By [cher cuty:- regular Josoph -- pei 2 75¢c Up to $5.50. CHILDREN'S WHITE NIGHTGOWNS, from 49c on up to 1.25. CHILDREN'S WHITE to 1.25. CHILDREN'S WHITE to 49¢c, SKIRTS, from 49c up DRAWERS, Trom 20¢ Ladies' Nightgowns A number of pretty styles presents a selection to satisfy every taste, Prices vary from 75¢, 99¢, 1.25, 1.49, 1.69, L175, 1.90, 2.25, 2.49 and on up to 4.50. - 80 Pairs Ladies' 18 Pairs jagsorted FinejDongola Kid kinds 3 .! Lace Low Shoes, nds ; Ladies {light soles, patent Dorothy Oxfords, Patents & Heavy Goat Oxfords, regular $3.50 and $3.00 for : 3.75, now 32.25. $2.25. scarcely any rain. here since June. toes will be a pooricrop. Most of the farmers will have to buv hav to keep their stock. Mr. Mo¥ | dow ps at My, Biggs' ams "ail de spending a g The 'Lockett Shoe Store. > SON. OO00000 (as YEAR 74. NO QO OO &F PEE :. $8. A SNAP We make everything w and guarantee everyth make. John McKay Fur Hi 149-155 BROCK § NOON DOC OVO 0,8 (S101 e 0 2A CIEIEEEOIIE @® . . > © ee eet Our store is filled wit things especial.y suited f« Campers Fishing Part Picnic Parti Mail orders carefully pe promptly. shipped. Jas, Redden & Importers Of Fine Gro ee ------------ Daily Steamer S From Kingston, TO THE 1000 iS Clayton, T. I. Park, Alexar and all River points. Capt Line leaves Swift's Whari, dal excepted, 2.45 p.m, -retu lowing day. Round Trip, $1 WALTER L. VISGER, IT IS A FACT. Whe! " t stuf and you wil do that your Stoves, Furniture TURK'S Second-Hand Store cess street, C.P.R. GIFT TO KEI $30,000 For Construc Railroad Y.M.C.. Kenora, Aug. 15. --Anno made of the first git mi Canadian Pacific railway to Men's Christian Association 00 with which sum an exce ture will be put up here. I will have a large number tories, restaurant, bath 1 possibly a gymnasium. It storeys in height and will the features considered va work 'ameng railway men sent grant of $30,000 is 1 be made to the associab Canadian Pacific, with th of a grant of S100 per mo rent expenses in Revelstok ticipated that other large follow and that the gompe in erecting buildin; t o where large numbers bf the emploved. Work on the b will be begun at once, ar pected that a considers will be completed this yes They Rely On Wade's Wade's Ointment is dep in hundred of homes for 1 all injuries to the skin 'as various skip diseases. The family that would not fin ment invaluable. Cures ecrema, salt rheur tching erauptiont of the sl Motches, dandruff, ete. ir 25¢., at Wade's drug stor tan Cheap Excursion To Going Saturday, 5 a.m returning Monday. Only ----p-------- L Fifteen days' sale of di *_ Corrigan's. It 18 denjed hanged himself. Try Bibby's special $2 i that Sir Compa el Has it ever occur how much it would YOURS was the one advertisement in tl The low rate we ma made possible by © to many and this com with the rea the same daily G readers " of circulars or othe ing devices, is sure the largest. net retu newspaper advertis experiment and hat advertisers to' MEDIUM that nets "net cash returns,