Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 14 Aug 1907, p. 5

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ssing he Boys Rightly, and Economically. "the absurd" statement | that our | r out. We will say that we have. wer to make the task of wearing the Young Fellow as possible. tra good Fabrics, durable linings | ndid Suits for Boys, 50, 4, 4.50, 5, 6, 0, 8.50 and 10, ize. we can meet your every desire in . BIBBY CO. | Print Wrappers This is "a good assort ment of patterns and every size in the lot at 25 per cent. off , Means: A $1.00 Wrapper for : ae pre ~ $1.25 Wrapper for 94c., INERY ! ry at big reductions. Every ld if price will do it. For in- 0 up to 10.00 Hats for $2.50 ), 12.00, 15.00, 18.00 to clear all 2y Bros. 2 SHOES IN | /ARIETIES. Gibson Ties. Jne-Tie Pumps, late Blucher Oxfords. olt and Blucher Oxfords. Buttoned Oxford Pumps. { 4 letal Gibson Ties and Pumps. ~ er Shoe Store fo ASSURANCE CO'Y Sic me ra, TORONTO, ONT. © us 'Cannda's for you cheerfully given at the office, a J, O. HUTTON, pr Manager: ABBITT METALS WILLIAM ST. A PELVIC DISEASE 'WAS SAPPING MY LIFE, [PON JUAN DE AUSTRIA DE- "try the remedy that saved her. Ro he Imo « Of Whick Peruna Cured Me In a THE Very Short Time : "TAINED y { | Had to Pay a Bill of $150~Same "Sum, Will Be Required to Re- pair Minor Damages to the Vessel. Windsor, Ont., Aug. 14.--It -has nu «+ Aug, 14. ; just igaked olf tho thé new Don e Austria, which arrived at Butealty Sutiduy oping, "from the coast, was tied up for sever- +f al hours 'at = Port Colores pending the payment of a bill of $150, for amages done to the Welland canal passitly through. The fine was er Paid and the boat proceeded om her Pair the boat in consequence of minor tained in passi h the many locks of the canal, ma ------ ON TO NEW YORK. The "Holy Jumpers" Prepare to : 'Invade. _ New York, Aug. 14.--New York city ; 3 is threatened with an invasion of the MRS, SOPHIA CALDWELL. "Holy Jumpers," despite the sad faté NE of the Dowi¢ conquest which seemed RS. SOPHIA OALDWELL, 1193-0 have 'been forgotten. There is a col- MeGsvock St, Nashville, Penn, ony of the "jumpers" at a place which writes: : they call Zarepath, near Somerville,U, "After dostoring for a year and find. J» 80d "the Rev." C. W. Birdwell, who ing no relief from leucorrhea resulting presides. says that he is going to pring from prolapsus uteri, and which was bet io Brook Wn, Just, 8 sapping my life forces away, I finally "Yes i: an De bis a tried Peruna, and when I found that it |, 0 eo wt a 5 ed was helping me every day, it seemed jo. der. * "I am aware that we are po 00 good to be true. Iclagsed as fanatics, and derisively call- pi not only helped me, it cured ed holy jumpers, but we do.not care me, nn & very short time. twhat people say or think about us % am now enjoying the bestof health. |, 4 keep' Night on our way. Our re- I am strong and free from pain, and Jigious dante is neither that of a whirl- 1 certainly feel that all praise and honor ing dervish |nor a society two-step, but are due to Peruna." it is the exultant hope of one inspired Thousands of women will read the with due religious fervor." . testimonial of Mrs. Caldwell as sbove | Of gourse, tie. jumpers will seek .con- given, verts. . Every person who joins their Thousands of them will be induced to society mut turn over all of his earthly pofsessions and devote his life Thousands of them will have the to their uliar work. Birdwell said same experience she had. that he feared he'd have a hard time Peruna is the remedy such women fn New York, "because," he said, "we need. Peruna comes like a boon to suf- believe in the sacred hond of matri- fering womankind. {mony, but not in divorce." Mrs. John Hopp, Webster Ave., Glen- | ™ ; dnle, L. 1, N. Y., has'also been relieved | CHASING INDIAN. MURDERER. ol pelvie eatarrh by Peruns. Constables Set on Trail of Gun-a el Noob. | Victoria, B.C. Aug. 14.--Simon | Gunia-noot, the Indian who killed two white men near Haelton about twen- ty months ago because they offered {violence to his klootch, is to be again hunted by 'the provincial police. Last svigteri Constables "Munro and Wilkie; | respectively of Vancouver and New - A Paying Investment A Modern, Business Bducation is a necessary requirement for SUCCESS in this progresatye age. Frontenac Business "College, KINGSTON, - ONT. Is one of Canadd's Representa: tive Modern Institutions. Our connection with the United Employment Bureaus. in. the large cities of Canada and the United _ States enables us to place every Freine in a good situation. We ave never failed to do it. Mod erate' . Write for . tars and large cataloguel : Fall Term Opens September 3r W. H. SHAW, T. N. STOCKDALE *restdent. Principal. PIFAIIIPIIIIISIIININR | bring Simon to justice, but they fail- | scoured the country for _ several months, ° Attopne§ General Bowser has just Indian must be. Wilkie. ett eet STEEPLE JACK KILLED. \ . Feet. » ew York, Aug. 14.--After din; H. Nicholson, ... s.. nn the greater jpart of his life in climb- ing<tall stedples and flag poles, Wil- GRANITE liam Anderson, fifty-two years old, 5 ow stosgle Jack, was killed, yesterday, by Ts a of gix feet. He was employed oR AND MARBLE TG gild the ball on top ofthe flag- gr 5 pole on the Belmont hotel, Forty- EE 1 WORKS | pole rises from a small "deck house" re | on the oo} of She building, Ander- Sere Mr {son clim| to top of this "dec. y 149 SYDENHAM ST. house," and losing his balance fell to (COR. PRINCESS.) the rpof, a distance of six feet. He - was picked up unconscious and died on the Jay to a hospital. DIAMONDS We have made every prepar- tion to have @ complete as- sortment. We buy direct from the cutters, Every stone has ge antes. *Solftaire Diamond Rings, $10 wp. Twin Diamond Rings," $60 Ottawa, Aug. 14--The phantasy from Port Arthur, telling of the ex: pedition of a few pleasure seekers to take Isle Royale from the United States sand annex it to the British crown, had been taken seriously in some quarters. Hon. R. W. Scott has received a cable from Lord Elgin ask- ing: for _ an' puthoritative statement, abbut the matter. It 'appears that a member of the British house has given notice of an enuiry regarding the truth of the cabled despatches. Baseball On Tuesday. Eastern league--At Rochester, 8; Gobo 0000040 Baltimore, 7. At Buffalo, 8; Newark, 2. At Providence, 6; Montreal, 4. At Toronto, 12; Jersey City, 7 American league--Cleveland, 15: New ed dC e York, 6. At Detroit, 10; Philadelphia, a. 'At St. Louis, 6; Washington, 5. Anson isting At Boston, 6; Chicago, 4. wtiter, 8.4 Cui, the "Zutoo tablets National league-- At St. Louis, 9; cure my headaches soquickly that 1 don't |Boston, 4. At Chicago, 6; Philadél- mind having them any more." {phia, 3. At New York, 5: Cincinnati, Mrs. (Dr.) Shurtleff, of Coaticook, |3. At Brooklyn, &; Pittsburg, 0. says: "I have probably taken a thous- : wr var and Zutoo tablets, They cure my head- 1§ «5 Will Go, To Washington. ache. quickly > leave no bad after | "Mohtreal, Aug. 14.--Rev. G. W. H. y up. Fihree Stone Rings, {rom $25 up. Call and examine our stock for yourself. . Kinnear & d'Esterre, Jewelers, 100 Princess Bt of the good Charge of St. Martin's church, of are - things said about Zutootabiets, the $12 te- [which his father, Rev. G. Osborne ments of two from Troop is-reetor, will leave this city -headaches are now ! n---------- The Wealthiest Novelist. 0000000600000 Rockefeller's Answer, Roosevelt's anti-trust litigation eam | novels' must bring him in a much big- paign is 4 prophecy of financial dis- | ger income. aster that will sweep the cquntry | = apm, |the estate of tl "Morris, M.A., D.CL.; to found an ex-' the university hi bition in the faculty of law, to be was found, yes knowns the "Alexadder Morris Ex- the Midland from end to end. The runaway policy | An All Day Outing. of the preset administration, said Nr. | For 3 id 'ake the steamer America to Rrock- Rockefeller toward great business | . os J ile and Ogdensburg, Friday, 8 am. Res dni, 3:20 combinations 'of all kinds: can have - only one result. It: means disaster to pRetarmeg leave ' the country, financial depression, and pn. yo 08. | J 2) ; ------------ The pickling end preserving season is sow, on. Buy your rings, corks, |e. Yo! . sealing way, ete., at Hoag's. | Paps. way. It will cost-the same sum to re | Westminster, were dispatched north to {ed to ru him down, though thev issued" ihgtractions to Superintendent of Provincial Police Hussey to immedi- ately Jrganizé three parties for _ the 'chase, Tt has been determined that the ured. It is intend- ed place these ~ patties under the direction of Constables' Munro~ and Second street and Park Avenue. The Isle Royale Yarn Taken Seriously. Troop, whe. has since May been in at the end. of the 'month to go to Washington, D.C., where he has been A > prt Cured by Zutoo |i ie woes sans : : urch. - London, -Asg. .}4.--Hall Caine, it is belleved, is the wealthiest novelist . : | and playwright in the world. In thea- New York, Aug. 11.--The World, in | trical 'royalties alone, he has received a 'copyrighted article, says that John | up to now $450,000 from England and D.. Rockelellér"s answer to President | America, and the huge sale of his 'BAYONETS USED. Two Men and One Woman Are Belfast, Aug. 13.--During the riot] last night, a woman end two ny) Kitled, . A recurrence of the dis- Reinforcements are coming wire to_entangle the cavalry and the gas mains were cut last night. The conflict, between the soldiers and the 'rioters took place in the vicinity of the comstabular barracks in Culling Tree Road. The trouble be came acute about six o'clock, when a mob of men and women attacked a police inspector, Soldiers were at once sumone jo je scene, but they were met a hail of paving stones, which resulted in emptying some of the saddles. The riot act was read, but the maddened mob refused to die. stones, broken bottles and brickbat Some of the streets were strung with ! perse and kept up a terrific fusilade of | da YOUNG SWEDE IN OSWEGO "THINKS HE IS DOOMED delusion that he is eternally doomed, John Ohmen,.a Swede, twenty-five the | voars old, is locked up here awaiting ital for the insane at he will be taken for treat- questions has so | unbalanc- Mhat his friends were led arged. . Bayonet and baton charges failed to rout the frenzied rioters, and ultimately the order to fire was given. The number wounded from the rifle fire and in the bayonet charge and otherwise injured is very great and Rioting continued until Midnight. The rioters stretched chains across the streets to impede the movement ° of troops, who charged the mob many times. Six volleys were fired into the mob, and official reports state that three were killed, six seriously wound- ed and hundreds slightly wounded. STRIKE CONDITIONS. pmb New York, Aug. 14.-- From the t of view of the employers of telegraph operators the strike situa- tion last night was declar- ed to be improving hourly and the officials of both the Western Union and the Postal companies announc- ed themselves to be more than satisfied with the pro- gress that had been made toward the restoration of wire communications throughout the country. «It is now not so much a question of restoring com-~ munications," declared one official, "as it is of re- establishing normal condi- tions." The officials of the tele- graphers' union, on the other hand, express con- fidence and satisfaction withthe. progress of the strike. They point to the cities in which a number of operators of both the big companies had left their keys, and predicted their example would influence other offices in which the fen have been wavering to join the ranks of the Me strikers. BERLE FRARAEA TRAE FREER EEX FXIM ERR REX RX EX ER OPERATION UNDER ENGINE. Him Out. New York, Aug. 14.--In plain view By a Fall of Only Six | of two train loads of persons for the Empire City race track, yes- terday, Dr. Case, of the Flower hos- pital, crawled under a locomotive at- tached to one of the trains, and am- putated the leg of Thomas Riley, whose limb was crushed under the track walker, was run down opposite Forty-sixth street. It was impossible to extricate Riley in time to. give him any chance for his life, except by am- instruments, crawled under the engine and performed the operation. His nerve prompted the spectators to cheer as Riley was taken away in an ambulance; At the hospital it was od Riley stood a good chance of re- overy. WAS WORTH $00,000. Town. asserts he is worth $90,000, of the county. ---------------- : CATS TO FIGHT PLAGUE. > Rats. have been provided for them. ee Legacy For McGill. (hibition." = The late Mr. Morris {ceived the degree of B.A. from Ohl is supposed that he was sun over while {university in 1849 and the degree of Five new rooms will be fitted up in| B.C.L. in 1850. i {ing Edw blie school, Tor- tent the, Fie Rava te high school | Bathing caps and wate | Hoag's. ZZ Again the police and the militia | ore to-night the hospitals are overcrowd- | HERE AERA ERFEF REE FLEE KEN KE RIFE AK EEERR HRIBBIIIIIIIIIIIIINOIK Amputated Leg in Order to Get great driving wheels. Riley, who is putation, so Dr. Case, with a bag of Miser Cared For at Expense of Fresno, Cal., Aug. 14.--Although he Vu O'Lynn, ninety years of age, fell un- conscious from starvation and exces: sive heat af Mis shanty in this city, where he mended umbrellas for eight years. O"Lynn had lived alone and subsisted on coffee for some time. He would s... himself in front of his place of business. a - tor told O'Lynn he would have *; go io the hospital, but O'Lynn retorted that he_h $90,000 and refused at first to go to the in- stitution. He finally became too weak for further opposition, and will be given medical attention at the expense Taken to India to Exterminate London, Aug. 14.--The Salvation Army is inaugurating at jts colony at Muktipa, India, as anti-plogue opm paign with cats. Accepting the Indian a i io commissions' diet that the | them a couple of grips packed . with plague is spread by rats, the members clothes. of the army there are importing Eng- Jish cats to suppress the rodents. The first batch of twelve feline mission Saturday in charge of a Salvation of- ficer, If they escape nausea, they will have a good time aboard. -- A liberal store of canned sardines, herrings, condensed - milk and other delicacies " Montreal, Aug. 14.+MeGill university intentions, Den. Ww Kidder and 4. W. Irwin. The y papers for his itt lived here about 3 from New York, where he is said to have loft his mother, He kas worked as a laborer in the cit; ~"Revently Vy. he expressed himself in favor of ending his career by self-des- truction, Fearing that he would do himself some harm his friends peti- tioned for his committment. His case is of a mild form. -- ADVICE TO MOTOR BOATS. The Harbormaster Should Enforce the Light Law. There are many people who would be obliged to the owners of gasoline boats il they would keep them quiet during the band concerts in Macdon- ald Park. The continual puffing of some of these crafts is a decided nuis- owners should use a little common sooner-a by-law is passed making - it time. good service by such action. --tepoaet Club. Kingston, der to be retail shipment : that' over left King ston as far as I know, viz, to Kobe, church, having a severe headache boro Lake to escape the heat of the city and have a chat with my uncle, and breathe the pure, sweet air of the lake. Yes, I had to be driven home by a good team of horses I own, for I didn't care to walk. 1 may, like all grocers, have financial cramps some times, but seldom ever get overcome with heat or cold.--J. GILBERT. Two Disgraceful Meetings. who sold out his bi chairman of the he gave Alderman Farrar the lie. Xo present the civie address to his ex- have begn highly edified. Wife And Daughter Gone. Kincardine, Omt., Aug. 14.--When James Shelton, a Tespeotable granger of Armow, six miles from Kincardine, returned to his house, after being out in the fields only found a note pi to the table cloth : "We bawe gore for s Shelton's wife and his daughter had left - the house and farm, taking with Appeals Liquor Cases. kille. ee ---------- 3 Dead In English Tunnel. has received a legacy of $1,000 from'| he late Hon. Alexander 'of Ur. Henry D. Gibbins, at Lennoxville," Canada, | terday, in a tunuel of | railroad. Dr.' Gibbins | Segul, Korea, Aug. 14.--After two ts and it days of hard fighting with Korean sol- r wings al { flavor, deliverédd at any hour, | Prices. LE i 'was on a visit ta his {walking on the railroad track. BT TE SN Oswego, N.Y., Aug. 14.--Nursing the the arrival of officers from the state g over the weli- ance when the band is playing, and Further it might be mentioned for the benefit of small ownerd"that the law requires every craft to carry a light. a i Ne tha | canoe tip to Ottawa and Brookville. e Ll a A HE 0 Co ie | re, Jags She a Gh a band night he could have quite alday, after spending some time. in the Tow police court cases. It would be city. z = well if he made an example of a fow | Nr and Mrs. William McKee and owners who put people in danzer by |Miss Mabel MoKee, Rochester, N.Y., running their boats about nlighied. | are visiting Mrs. David Harris, Cherry He would be rendering the public a !street. Aug. 14.--(To the Edit- born in Kingston in 1845. Her maid- or) : Whoever informed you-that 1 was out fishing Monday and was prostrated with the heat and had to be brought home, must have had Wd nightmare. 1 was in my store Mon- i inh apd helped to of ns. a rity or. | Miss May Hiscock left, to-day, for ipped - farther' than any Ottawa and Braeside, where she will Japan. 1 will acknowledge that the Miss Eleanor Holland arrived from day before I felt unable to go to Montreal, on Saturday, to od a Hamilton, Aug. 13.~Last night the city council was turned into a bear garden, rules requiring dignity in de bate being thrown to the winds. The| | mild and inoffensive city engineer, who {Campbell arrived from Ottawa. on the has been baited for some time, turned on his critics, lashing them right and left. Alderman Dickson insinuated that Alderman Farrar, was a "'grafter," od the jaiter retaliated by saying that his collea 3 a grit flopper oy rib ¥ to become committee. Engineer Harrow was given permis- sion to defend himself inst attacks | ad and the aldermen re ded when | McMullen, spent most of their time St, John, N.B., Aug 13.--When the city council met this morning to ap- prove of the address to Earl Grey, oc curred one of the most disgraceful exhibitions ever seen here. One after another of the aldermen censure May- or Sears for engaging the opera hpuse cellency. - The meeting developed into a literal bear garden. Captain New- ton, A.D.C., who was present, must half an hour he gine Brockville; Ont., Aug. 14 -Ationey. sont ribs sailed on the steamer Kincraig|General Foy has entered an appeal | Ty Coc he veri i S h against, the decision of Messrs. Moshor | Ipiey pt the Various mines Hinks and Baker, J.'s., Merrickville, | oy dily, and good: oss is bei who, two wooks ago, dismisssd charges | ude "with aw, sangloyed. : aid br a SPOLVS | fut no sensational developments are a otelke Messrs. on.as | ted, everything being i i arren and Robert Willis, of Kempls {of olctive. work, Henoo in. the ie Bradford, Eng., Aug. 14.--The hod br. 5 5 naipal of {of the local' properties Movements Of The Pecple--What They Are Saying And Doing. Harold Anderson, Belleville, is visit- ing in the oi gn ah Day. Daysland, Alta., is visiting in the. city. Samuel St. James, Montreal, is in | the city on business, . Revels left for a few days visit in Ottawa to-day, : . E. W. Gibson, Cobourg, is paying a business visit to the city Frederick Reid is ing a few dye fishing in a : arold J. Alexander, Montreal, is visiting friends in the city. Ernest Hogan, Chicago, is visiting his parents at Portamouth. rohbi Gauthier is at Mount Clemens," Mich., recuperating. ; Leonard Gardiner left, , for Alexandria Bay, to visit fri h Ronald Skinner is on a visit to his Mrs. W. Skinner, Gore street. mother, i | William Nokes, Montreal, is spend- ° ing a few days' visit in the city. John Henry, New York, is spending his vacation with his parents in this city. Miss Irene Derbyshire is home after visiting her aunt, in North Au- gusta, Mrs. W. Smith, Toronto, is visiting her mother, Mrs, Sturgess, Princess street, Miss Irene Peel, Ottawa, visiting here for several weeks, 'returned home t , Toronto, is o-day. Miss Willa W w' visit with her spending a few parents. Hamilton Edgar, left for Ottawa, this morning, to spend a short visit with friends. ; Misa Catherine Furlong, Rochester, N.Y., is visiting Mts. C. Millan, at the Iroquois, Mr. and Mrs. E. Green, Fulton, N. Y., are visiting Mrs. William MoCul- lough, Maig street. : A. Lieberman, Princens street, loft this morning for Toronto. His family will join him next week. sense and keep them still. Again, the Miss Sarah Derbyshire aml Miss Lila B. Healey, have been camping among necessary for all gasoline boats to | islands with friends have mufflers the hetter. The noise i the cheap, unmuffled ones make is pl Miss Tena Jackson, Queen street, is great nuisance. They could enter a noise competition at some specified | Charles W. Livingston, Jr., returned upending her vacation in Toronto, tha {guest of relatives and fri ds, { from Brockville, to-day, after spend- | ing the weekend cruising in his yacht. Irving Martin and Harry Uglow re- turned, yesterday, after a pleasant Miss Rose Gleason who has been the guest of Miss Sadie Campbell, 153 last evening. John Gilbert is Out With a Large| Mrs. Margaret McGuire, died in Os- wogo, N.Y., on Bunday. She was en namo was Collins. Mrs. John Carson and daughter, Miss Alice Carson, who have been vis- iting in Kingston, have returned their home in Cleveland. wpend somé time visiting friends. Miss Rita Hiscock accompanied her. few weeks with her parents, Mr. and owing to the la trade wo did, Sa- | Mrs. J. A. Holland, Ordnance street. turday, so betook myself to Lough- Miss Hazel MoCormack, Centre street, has left for Watertown, N.Y., accompanied by her guest, Miss Eva Young, Washington street, to spend a few days. 5 Mrs. J. A. C. Thompson and Master Hugh, Gananoque, have returned home after spending the past two weeks with Mrs. T. W. Suddaby, 321 Uni- versity avenue. The engagement is announced of Miss Jennie Friemap, second daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. Freiman, Ottawa, to M. Epstein, of Hamilton. The wed- ding will take place in October, steamer Rideau King, on Tuesday, and were guests of Mr. and Mye. J. Clarke Bennett. They left Wednesday for Toronto and other western points. Miss E. McMullen, of a business col- lege staff in Montreal, left on Wednes- day to resume her duties after go five weeks' visit with her sister, Mra. J. A. Killoran and other friends in Tam- worth. Mrs. J. A. Killoran and Miss at their beautiful old farm "Lake side," . JAPAN TO EUROPE. Route Via Siberia Will Greatly Reduce Time. Ottawa, Aug. 14.--It is current news says Alexander Maclean, the Cana- dian commercial agent in Japan, that negotiations for a through mail ser vice from Japan to Europe via Si- beria have been in progress for some time past, the Japanese powtal anth- | orities being most anxious to utili Europe. The agreement with Russia is ment hopes to reach a settlement at to be already completed. Got To Actual Work. Cobalt, Aug. 14--Prof. Miller's statement that "the mines have now got down to actual mining,"' about sums up the situation as it is at pre lout the fact that all are working the declara- tion of Prof. Miller, who bly | keeps in closer touch with the situa-- [tion here than any man. not actually engaged in the management. of soe Capture Kangwha Island. {diers and the mob, Japanese troops | succeeded, yesterday, id capturing Kangwha Island, at the mouth of the All-cream ice cream, in bricks, any Han river. Kongwha is tho site of the |xmall garrison. J ---- J: For the Sumr Season. particular time of the year our stock of as Shoes, for : Sat "All the Members of the Family," is in excellent shape. All the newest kinksin "Wa Weather" Footwear can be bad herd; -- «| Tan Shoes, Bathing Shoes, Canvas $ (an shades) Barefoot Sandals, tc. In fact tiie pick of the Canadian and American fac= tories await your inspection. i J. H. Sutherland & Bro., "THE HOUSE OF GOOD SHOE MAKING | Suitable Burnishine Polishes All Metals. Janitors, Engineers, on Steamships, Auto- mobiles, and by anyone desiring a brilliant lustre on metal. Sizes of tins: : Half Pint, Pint, Quart, Half _ : Tre Used by Yachtsmen, Fire: departments, : # -- - A cd ---- Gallon and Gallon. § MoKELVEY Pine. steset, lett for Rochester, N.Y., |. -8 SSR ~ SALE OF , :GOUCHES | THIS WEEK. 4 Wire Constructed Leather Couches. § 5 Wire Constructed Imitation of Leather Couches. 8 Wilton Rug Couches. : 8 Velours in Fancy Patterns. This week at sale prices. James Pure, Strong, Rich in flavor. 40 cts. a Ib.--2 Ibs, for 75 cts. FOR SALE EVERYWHERE. THE'E. D. MARCEAU ©O., LIMITED, Wholesale Teas, Coffees, Bpices, 281.288 ST. PAUL ST., MONTREAL, Canada. Mrs. Lorne Poapst and Miss Elsie | JUNIOR TEACHERS' RESULTS. Names of Those Who May Enter Normal Schools. Below are given th Tn ict minath Ii: | Rappell; R. E. Rogers honor Ww This is the examination which quali- : R. by ow fies for entrance to the model Nope Rapa: M. E. Slack; W. D. Steveéns, mal school, and is the academic test|M. G. Saffel, H. Stitt, R. Strathern; of fitness to take up the work of the{C. G. 'ackaberry public school teacher, The certificates of successful students and the marks | Webster of those who failed will be sent to Wilso néipals of high schools or to White ------------ tor results should bemode:| Golden Wedding Anniversary. ¥rontenge--L. V. Asselstine, S. W.| Dr. and Mrs. 8. L. Nash, of Bath, Bresse, L. M. Casey, G. D. Chown; J, |Ont., on W. Darling, honors; honors; L. G. Hinton, R. A. Hunter; town. L. A. H. Lawrence, honors; G. F. Me-| Aibster, 'A. McDermott, M. A. Mac-, kenvie, J. Mundell, A. M. Neilson, M. were V. Quinlan, E. B. Van Luven, E. L. W. Darling, the rapid means of communication to Lennox and Addington--W. C. Ca- E. Charters, + G. Cliff, M. G. C. Clancy, K. Cleall, N. , H. J. Gleeon, ] , Johnson, honors ; K. P. oohnston, honors; E. McCut- cheon, T. MeNeill; | Martin; M. S. Mitchell, honors; J. B. | O'Hara, F. B. Rendell; . Riley, honors; J. Sills, honors; K. Shaver, honors; M. E. Stevens; Prince Edward----R. "Christie, GE. 'Cunningham, N. Stewart, F. Titus; V. now under discussion and the depart" an early date. Arrangements with the | Close, other governments concerned are said | Detlor, M. E, Leeds and Grenville--L. E. Arnold, M. V. Argue, J. P. Allen; E: G. Barr, M. Brigganshaw, 8, E. Bilton, Li Bechler, honors; F. . Bailey, H. W. Brownlee, E. P. Boyd, D. C. Cauley; N. A, Cockrill, honors; J. H. Christie, honors; ~ A, #. Curtin, ester, M. Li Derbyshire, E. Dir: onors; J. BE.. Davis, honors; Ry 0.%Farl, honors; J. "E. Greve honors: 1. Girardine, ~E. A. Glazier, | Hy L. Hamilton; H. I. Haskin, honors; L Folingmarth; No Hanna, he onors: ¥. L. Holmes; M. Hyndman, family, 'oronto, are ¥ A A. F. Imerson, honors; C. Kelly: . E.' Nix M. Kerr; A. I. Kendall, honors; M. ; i K. Kilbourn, honors; : at [famous old forts and 'was held by a |Lake. L. Loney; as J. I G. Maxwell, honors; C. E} HE PPP PPP VPI TPR T ERT RY. & BIRCH, 69-71 Brook Lesdiog Undertaber . 'Phone 147. -- : honors; H. Mofiatt, M. Mitchell, honors; E. MpoMillan, J. GC 8. \ 3 , J. ok 3k KE. Nel results of the , honors; M, A, Nelson; E. fr inati cival, bh R. Percival honors; B. W. Watts, honors; B.: , honors; E. D. Waterson, ."M. E. White, honors; M. R. ED OROES; 8. M: Young. N officials ap- Thursday, celebrated thew thei home in that M. E. Mills, R.|York J, H. Riley, A. E. Wart vd, R. ; Willetsholihe Wafts. Willishole Aug. 14.--E. Peo ad wook at D. Rea's. Mr. and Mrs. Wenborn v at Pul Ne

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