3 i FORNER_ RESET DIED IN LOS ANGELES FEW s i t Don't Fo ge choy: Hany | DAYS AGO. p see him again. + --_ . tok "| QO Don't Delay During Sarss Toronto Dental College, and | What's the use ? Every corn you ed in Los Angeles Fifteen have can in a few days be entirely re- Low moved with little trouble and no sore: oars. 3 4 the | ness by use of Peck's corn salve. In|Los Angeles' Times. : % leave for | big boxes, 15c., at Wade's Drug Store.| The funeral of the late Dr. Barabas | oo oooy corongth for aged, 16th inst. Ww. Day, who expired of apoplexy > ; aan en» Cause For Anxiety. Saturday night, August 10th, San | and strengthens weak lungs. w the Ring-| Rev. Rural Dean Beamish, Belleville,| was about to board a train for an & sking forward | has left for Cacouna. The Intel -| Diego, took place on Monday, follow: | ¥inol is a Cod Liver preparation " i Ing er regrets to learn that, while at od hy cremation. id J rue--thar's why it Is valuable ] ; > , the 2 8 deceased was sevenity-four years | hut jt comtaine no oil and is [Rg Taw who has lon oi health was such as to cause his " spe; oud a bative of Canada, tom delicious in warm . \ ER i i ly i . : A the camp, has Nota a to ' a. Fiala sch AY. years. He - a graduated physician GEORGE NX: SSAHOOP: many Fg one. AN the Kingston Corns Are Like Boots. Scena, sam), jing hin Brauats - : he are well, and the| year by year they grow harder and tist, and after i I -- Ee Ey eT ERA Ibe out | "0g he some. ded, as * A" Vetter [Ta Plone. Cor Brteactor. ity States, fllowibg ome or the other of h - drop + his professions in Chicago a ans- - at the [leaves for Kingston A" squadron of |vears in use and guaranteed to cure. T 0" he moved to making {ihe Royal Cenadian ne will Sasum-- as, Twemy years ago. he moved; i ug alifornia, and for five years served a league |, och back to St. Johns. "B" bet- C. P. R. Officials Here. ria, ervey Jo 0 im wb orcmta wll Je oc he oe | w, 3k, gent manager of [21 57cm and surgeon fr dh Son ne N sity, and the of the ROR the C.P.R. and James Oboe, general |) "of that period he remaved to ; 'the New York World, er {rind to the various *iations, superintendent, arrived in the city this Ho as Je artical durtietry ~ that ad |, Sergt. Law is statisvd ot Sian poring over 'the K. & P. railway in | Lo%, Angeles and _prus raslle, ae Beery catia) to the ee de" Fant bag, | thee special car, to attend the regu | "gy J" Val large man, weighing Latest Designs for water. | ? om a : | lar monthly meeting of the directors. ve or Bs Sing he ha | fumes a Clio Park, (£weke some lon months asc. TER | Tho oficiale alto made a tour of the 00) bounty ud Uf SN | Braiding Persian : > |a most sal ana ilw, ard. . i > i to cling fo a sheemile [Mis return lo Kingston sow ombet ear. | TUNEY : jacked bv 3 Sight oil of gripee ob Lamb Jackets and this- way time lier than bis comeades, as nis m Another Slack Day. ¥, and by 3 oriovs a n "A wane: se. The tie "9% lage, to a Kingston adv, takes lave 5 FOC CE LG or | wr going to" Coronado to spend wn Fancy Etons. : of Rd so-night. ined a bim police court business. Everything was| go awaiting him. was in, of fries %s : wt wh quite orderly yesterday, and as a re-| gio children are George W. Day and | his bride, thei: hest wishes Willi ga rears of Boppy wedded fle. [ult no cases were entered on the | \pyhy Day of Los Angeles. Mrs. take Many y blotter. There will be a session to lwricht 'of Kansas City, and Herbert Ww F GOUDIE k : pe ; morrow, and the acting magistrate] y pC of Bishee, Ariz, The aced Mrs.| VV © ' a] hey B. A. Hotel Arrivals. will then bo called upon. Ald." Elliott | tn bearing up well under ber at | 76. 78 & 80 Brock St launch, hry' J Murray, W. R. BR. Muich, L. Cole- j will likely be on the bench. fliction and there is no cause for an ' . W. Mitchell : I : h af ° F iF y az ge . , H. C. Douglass, Montréal; J. C. Blake, Torono; Sam. Myers, W. Roberts, Ottawa; Dr. Prit-. chard, Rhea Pritchard, W. C. Jac Laren, Brockville; L. A. Williams, J. , Oshawa; Ben. Reynolds, a Miss L. Reynolds, Miss , Mrs. Was One Before Him. We were in 'error in saying that Cadet Frederick Carson is the first Kingstonian to bé battalion Sergeant H. {major at the Royal Military College. r in He had a most brilliant Fehrenhamps, ~~ Milwaukee, Wis; G.|Capt. William Lesslie, son of W. B. course, the motor Whetsler and wife, Youngstown, Obio; | Lesslie, George street, who is at pre- ram, which had Walter Waldron and wife, Council |sent on a visit to his parents, saving of a himan Blufis, Ta.; Mrs, J. Goulet, Mrs. E. " C. Goulet, Sorte: Barbary, Ook 3 Kop ASIII rather eloome Munro, Charl , J. 0. dost, 4 the hae for his A. Stewart, Montreal; George Owen; » TO BE RETIRED. sailboat 'was : towed Winthrop, Mass; A. T. Moran, A, B. | i Gilmour, Detroit, Mich; W. 3. Mela It is understood that the ' was Caskey, St. Paul, Minn; S. 5. Hen [3 wardens of the penitentiar- ning and 'wife, Louise Ohl, Kate "°C. 3 jes at Kingston, Dorchester Senders, Peoria, Ill; R. Sheldon ard |g¢ and Stoney Mountain are wife, V. S. Phillips and wile, Cicego; | 3 shortly to be retired on ac- L. K. Porter, Virginia Porter, Pitts |i count of age. Dr. Platt, of 's - Cove, | | burg, Pa; A. M. Tubbs, Osceola; C. 8 the local penitentiary, has _ibat the Riggs, Hartford, Conn. Fred. Whit- Ly yen in_office... seven years. "hat bas | ney and "wile, MT Me . ¥ Fon the past six months he this ter, N.Y.; Q. MeoAdams, Utica, N.Y; 3% has been in ill-health. Mis. D. J Rogers, J. J. Rogers, Eli- {3g Zabeth ¢ Ee Mtn | HEISISIIIINIISIICIIIISIIOISOR Dainty, light blue lawn will produce Blakeley, Cheney, R. McCutcheon, i 3 I It : i z F 2 7 i i LF is BF ® : i | : VU. C. People in Canada Lose . Their Rights. new Sta United | village Has I E Tr Fl i i i F hi i - i . | received in * {very marrow escape fra 5 it : i i t i Fg ® solve, The Indian was gathered in by In- spector Arniel, and when arrested was ing for a real old time war ay of the side streets. He was taken to the cells, and, will be able to appear before the court to- motrow morning. 2 Of course, the Indian never told where he was served the liquor. They never do. If you should ask a man where he got his liovor, he would most certainly shake his head and say, "out of the bottle." And if any further information was ed, you would be a good one. : However; it is believed that the In- dian was served _ the liavor in King- ston, and an investigation will now be in order. FIERCE FOREST FIRES. Narrow Escape From on Tuesday, near C1 and at Wagerville. At the Iatter place it is ® that a barn and all its contents were consumed in the fire. very heavy. It that the fire started quite a the day, and it Seas stim burning late Tuesday ) re particulars have been ingston, but it is' stated that the village of a nu ville had a Salli ED J alling a prey The origin of the fire is unknown. The stroét car servi oe was brought to a sudden , this morning, by an-acdident > machinery. One 5 he < the ing arms broke in two, In the' new shapes are very due to a flaw in the casti popular just now The fash- } cars were tied up for an hour, until [J } ble 1 | shad hoy t Tr vail by phe Sd brows god yal w the city 1 fox hoi Yarponee, Thos, im are Nor sl late fall and 20 exPable of carrying the big long. they always ve a dressy ap- So four cars were taken off, thus vask- (| pearance. We are sole agents be Be day, ky oa wil for Hawes, Piccadilly, Town- be made in time to handle the crowd {| end, Waverly and also carry a to-night, and if not, the company will la : { . receive power from the city. ge variety o styles in the ; ------ || famous Stetson and Borsalina a ne Fimied Coty + || uber * Prince County bas its head | ese come - howed. It posed as a model of pro- discount under te As i sperity and all that was beautiful and [J SU * . i righteous. Now one of its farmers has. been caught ing water in his : milk and fined $35 by Dr. Publow, of | § Kingston, the cheese inspector, -. Frop- | i deed 1 wouldn't be guilty of such , a | $ nA and wife, New Ta V | He was this morni excursion the auspices of the Napanee 1.0.0.F. i . Pil tuner, reorived at MoAuley's. 'Phone 778. | The It is stated that the damage will be |digest. N.Y: P. J, Kahler, John Bodene, | A. iss 'Hole, H. W. Bach Mr. DR. BRIEN'S DEATH. Prominent Physician and Queen's Graduate. . Dr. James Brien, ex-M.P., Essex one of the most respected citizens, ® | passed away at his residence on Sat- urday moming last, same time of the explosion. He was member from South in 1887, having defeated Lewis Wigle, ex-M.P.. in one of the closest the He retired from politics at liberal contested elections ever held in county. the expiration of the term ang devot ed all his time to the practice of hi profession, which had grown so 1 ¢ Pp idly as to demand all his en, twice elected mayor of the " a satisfactory manner, having introduc ed many new. ideas that were of last- ng At the time of his death Dr. Brien town and fulfilled the position in & to the town, was considered one of the wealthies men in the county. i --a---- Daniel Derbyshire, M.P., Brockville, has been elected to the grand warden About 250 on the Being Wiped Out. In Toronto Monday, J. A foport received in the city Wed- | Dunn, 0, Was Tad to Yhes morning stated that a fierce | Ethel R Nas 0 Mins forest fire within six miles of | William Swaine, ano ity seems to have rum out sireet watering carts. dust is very bad for visitors to -- BE -------------- Kingston's Famous Fur Store. EE ------------------------ COLORED SOFT BATS. York; Mr. and Mrs. Mo Grath, Brooklyn; Fred. Murray, wife and family, Dr. Claire, wife and son, Geary, Miss Mr. and Mrs. Osler, almost at the Jesition of of the 1.0.0.F. people went to Ottawa i under of Tore Up The Boardwalk. Two jor three complaints have been made by ters. Early this morning one ay loud laughing outside, accompanied w investigating, of young people, mostly his lawn. The same thing ha the morning before at the same point. The Board Of Health. A meeting of the Board of Healih was called En yesterday afternoon hut '| Dr. Etherington, who hadn't time » ral of whom filed in hali an hour late. can" easily be left to the board's offi cers and the chief of police. Street Railway Accident. Another accident The car was going down Barrie street at quite trolley came off, iron bars holding t wire was torn down for a feet and the service was Fi) quite a time till it was repaired. Many Choice Quotations. In commection with the "Mude-In- Canada" exhibition ta be given in the Armouries in October for the benefit of the Kingston hospital, a Kingston quotation calendar ix being prepared.- It will contain twenty-four pages of choice quotations, contributed by tonians, and will, in a measure, reflect Kingston's literary taste and feeling. As the contributions must be in. the hands of the printer by Septem- Ist, subscriptions will greatly lessen the work if sent with selections ,|to the Whig "office or 317 University avenue. "A Wife'§ Secret." One of the biggest comedy-dramatic hits of the last three seasons ushered in wag Spencer and Ahern's splendid vroduction of the emotional play, "A Wile's Secret," which has been win- ning many laurels in other cities and meeting with most encouraging finan- cial support again this year. It comes to the Grand on Saturday, August 17th, matinee and night. The story of the play tells. of a young wife and or trials and sufferings under wrong- ~acoasation, her eviction from her husband's home, subsequent hardships and | temptations, and final triumph amid thrilling adventures against her heartless enemies and scandalizers. _ Capt. Henry Russell, master of the steamer Samuel Marshall, Brockville, has aoouired an interest in the steam. barge Russell ,Sage, plying between Quebec ports 'and Oswego in the pulp wood trade, and has assumed com- mand of the Sage. ; Married, on Saturday, at her home in Holloway, Miss Iveh Clare Upoad- worth to Samuel 8. Chamhers, of Newpasen, Yor. The couple were un- Laura, the widow of Hi By Brockville, died Monday night hep ool C BH 2 TON I ~ by residents, on Albert street, concerning damage done to their lawns strange noises. Upon found that a crowd girls, had torn up some of the loose boards in the walk and were throwing them on the only member present on time was to wait on his delinquent comrades, seve- Medical Health Officer Bell and &ani- tary Inspector McCammon were pre sent. "There is no big question bxiore the hoard. Any of the small matters : occurréd. on the street railway, yesterday, and consid- erable damage was done to the wires. a rate of speed when the hitting '@pé of the the trolley wire, off short, and iT came crashing to the ground, The trolley ood many aved for alarming report ¢oncerning her. MARINE NEWS. °* | The Items Gathered About the! Harbor. The schooner Bertha Kalkins cleared from Crawford's, to-day, for Oswego. A few necessary alterations are be- ing made to the ferry wharf, at Foi- gers'. The schooner Charlie Marshall is vnloading coal from Sodus Point, at thé" penitentiary wharf, The steamer America carried four hundred . excursionists to Kingston, vesterday; from Thousand Island ark, At Richiirdson's: The steamer Phoe- nix cleared for Chicago, the tug Kate cleared for Montreal, with. three grain laden barges, the Klondyke, Maggie ond-Onondava: 8 re The tug Shanley, in charge of Cap- tain German, has left Toronto, for Parry Sound. The Shanley, doing gov- ernment service on the 'Rideau canal, bas been purchased by the Parry Sovhd Lumber company, and will be used for towing timber. : M. T. company : The steamer ' Jessie Spalding arrived from Duluth, with 63.000 bushels of flax: the tug Thom- son cleared for Montreal, with four grain laden barges; the steamer Wal- lace cleared for Prescott, with 79,800 bushels of flax. Swift's: Steamer Hamilton, up, last night; -steamer Belleville, down, to- day; steamer Dundurn, down, to-day; steamer Caspian, down and up, to- day; steamer Toronto, down and up, to-day; steamer Corunna, from Fort William with flour; .steamer Aletha, from Gananoque, to Ottawa. The extent of the damage done to the steamer Nevada, which ran aground near Farrans' Point, is not known, but marine men say that it will take some time to make all the necessary repairs, and put her in shape for traffic again. Her bottom will have to undergo very extensive repairs. The work of unloading the steamer of --its grain, has not yet heen completed. The Grand Trunk placed cars on the siding at Richard- eon's and the grain is being placed direct into 'them. Just as soon as possible the steamer will be taken to Cleveland, where, she will enter the | dry dock there. Navigation History. The steamer Niagura, shown to be lying 'at' the wharf, in one of 'the old i plane of Kingston, on exhibition dur- ing the meeting of the Ontario His- torical Society, was built at Old Niagara, for Hon. John Hamilton, of Kingston, by Robert Gilkison, fourth | son of Capt. William Gilkison, and | launched on December 24th, 1839. Mr. milton and his two brothers, | Archibuld and Col. Jasper Fough Gil- | kison, and many Old Niagara friends, wete at' the launch, which passed off without accident. Robert Gilkison also built the steamer Traveller, 1835, for Hon. John Hamilton, and follow- ed with three more, for James Lock- hart, the Experiment, 1837: the Queen Victoria, and the Gore, 1338. He also produced the gunboat Draught in 1839, besides other boats before and iT. * Have you seen Lowney's latest .in chocolates, Tedd Bear; Sears arrived, last evening, from" the Adirondacks, coming via Cape Vin cent, on the steamer America, whick romained at the Cape for a couple of hours awaiting train bearing them, "My tather had been ; ear ascarets do what them ill give you the privilege of ust E-AL Dickson, 1% Resiner S¢., W.1dinoapoiie soa. Best for | The Dowels home of her daughter, Mrs. A. Bates, Watertown, N.Y." x ¥ | i Ha q > > afte ---------- 3 , and King-| ston views, at Hoag's ¥ | The remains of the late George M. | Newman & Shaw Phone 700. a Optical Work Carefully and promptly ex- ecuted mew style, mounts and specially shaped lenses made to order. Repairs of all kinds. EXanminet and CTasses Fitted. Eyes only oy Monthly Regulatoron w 'Women oan P= depond. Sold in three #8 of strength--No. 1, +: o. 2, fox special dase §8 por box' Soid br ah or sent an es 3 Clearing Of Summer Drags Ma~ terials on Thurs- day Morning. White Spot Muslins, 20c., 25c., 30c. a yard. Fancy Pattern Muslins, 20c. to 40c. a yard. Black and White Mus- lins, 20c., 25¢c., 85c. a yard. White Mercerized Goods up to 30c. a yd. Dress Ginghams, 20c. to 30c. a yard. : Wednesday all the above lines on the Bar- gain Counter for only 15c. a Yard. We must have room for FALL GOODS, hence the necessity of clearing out all Sum- mer Goods. * L $ | %* CAA) < ais A man is as old as he feels. The niin; who feels ol the ran who neglects his | and stomath. Every man can be 500 years YOUNG, by kee his stomach ' clear--I active--and bowels reguls A dessert spoonful of water every morning, is th ----t Sa is made in ninety-one di three types,-- the plain, ! The P: structic thus © oven door are also fu if desired. - Call catalogue. . RECORD FOU gE EE AY ii rarcies at MORCTC WINNIPEG. MAN. CAL TAYL on our loc =) JAC == RO/ (NON FO 3 A a Cum Sand 1 un "KINGSTON A : Cho | Buy Ganon They A. J. REES SHIIIIFIIIIIIIISY = IRR TR ohnsfon: We have all W and To=N Underwear, Wot Dress Goods, } Flannels, Tweec and Gloves. You Can Sa . Winter Goods . | i