Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 14 Aug 1907, p. 1

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Children's Dresses value in Children's White Il sizes, from the little tot young girl of 16, le "White Mother Hubbard » Lace Trimmed Dress. A he best styles shown in the at prices tat surely pes not repay you for the 1 making Children's White nge from .to $5.50. ITE NIGHTGOWNS, from 25. ITE SKIRTS, from 49c up [ITE DRAWERS, from 20c Ladies' ightgowns number of pretty styles sents a selection to satisfy every taste. es vary from 75c, 99¢, 1.25, 1.69, 1.75, 1.90, on up to 4.50. 2,25, 2.49 18 Pairslassortcd inds Ladie's rothy Oxfords, Patents & Heavy Goat Oxfords, regular $3.50 and 3.75, now $2.25. tt- Shoe--Sfore. Best Trunks in the city for $5, YEAR 74. NO. 189, "ALASKA SEALS From Our Dresser ARRIVED. 0 Bundles. SELECTS. lagnificent Skins for ur USTOM TRADE John McKay Fur House, 149-156 Brock ST. (®) ® CF ® ® | ® | Our store is filled with good things especial.y suited for Catapers Fishing Parties Picnic Parties Mail orders carefully packed and. promptly shipped. "Jas. Redden & Co. Importers Of Fine Groceries. Daily Steamer Service From Kingston, TO THE 1000 ISLANDS Clayton, T. I. Park, Alexandria Bay! and all River points. Captain yisger | Line leaves Swift's Wharf, daily, Su A excepted, 2.45 p.m., returning noon toi} lowing day. ! Round Trip, $1. WALTER L. VISGER, Manager. County of Frontenac. TENDERS WILL BE RECEIVED BY the undersigned up to moom of August 15¢h, 1907, for cvnstructing the Abut- ments and Concrete Floor for the new Steel - Bridge, to be erected at Grass' Creek, in the Township of Kingston. Plans and specifications may be seen by applying at my Office, in the Court House. W. J. FRANKLIN, Chairmen of oads and Bridges Committee. . W. EDWARDS, County Clerk. J. W -------------------------------- ECELWAT & GEORGE H. For charter, by day trip or week fishing and camping excursion at short notice. Address Capt, Geo. Hammond, . Grand Union Hotel, Kingston, Ont. AUCTION SALE On THURSDAY, at 11 o'clock, 294 Ontario Sts, opposite Donoghue"s Mills, Waggotis of all kinds, Harness, Sleighs, Horses, ete. Owner leaving town. WM. MURRAY, Auctioneer. IT IS A FACT. Where you get good stuff you gain money amd you will do that by buying your Stoves, Furniture and - Carpets at THRK'S Second-Hand Store; 3958-Frin- cess street, They Go To The Central. Broekville, Ont., Aug. 14.--At police court, James Marshall and Terence Vane, young men who pleaded guilty to stealing two suit cases, each con- taining a quantity of valuable ladies the steamer wearing apparel om Rapids King at Prescott, on July 26th, came up for sentence. Marshall the elder of the two, was given five, and Vane four months, each sentence to be served in the Central. = -- Special offiers this week, a 25¢. bot- {le of Florida water and jar of cold cream 25¢c., a 50c. bottle of Florida water and a 15c. tin of talcumi\50c., at Hoag's. AREINDANGER | MISSIONARIES. {rod range. {Bear steak will be served to tourists | sand-acre game x Turkish Government Asked To Act. } BY THE AMBASSAD TURKISH TROOPS ARE NEAR Who Are at Work at Urmiah, Near | the Persian Frontier--The Land | is in Dispute Between the { Nations--Affairs ~ Would Calm | Dpwn if Troops Recalled. | { Constantinople, Aug. dor Leishman has called the 'atten-| tion of the Turkish government to} possible "danger to the American. mis-| sionaries who are at Urmiah, near! the Persian frontier, in connection | with the invasion of Persian terri! tory by a mixed force of Turkish | troovs and Kurd irregulars, the lat- ter being reported to have occupied the town of Sujbulak. i Mr. Leishman urged the adoption of! measures to prevent the extension of the trouble, pointing out the cons quences that might ensue should - the American .missionaries suffer 'from the Kurdish invasion. It is considered here that should the Porté sehd precise orders to the Turk- ish commander to withdraw his troops affairs would calm down, aithough as long as the long pending delimitation of the Turko-Persian frontier remains {in suspense such incidents as the Tur- | kish invasion unavoidable. The territory which the Turks have occupied is the land that is in dis pute between the two nations. boundary commission is now supposed to. be at work on the desired delimi- tation. which has been in controversy | for {50 years. are » BRUINS BERRY FEAST. Ended Disastrously For Him October Mountains. Lenox, Mass., Aug. 14.-- Mrs. Charles Witham, of October mountain, is the bravest young woman in the Berk- shires. looking out of her Kitchen | window she saw a black hear, weigh- ing two hundred pounds, eating her raspberries. - She calmly took down from the wall her husband's shotgun | in and blazed away at Bruin at a two- |contained a ring - of The bear fell over dead. the Mrs. on the mountain this week, and skin will be made into-a rug; Witham's husband is a boss farmer on the William C. Whitney sixteen thou preserve om October mountain, aml this is the first time in the history of the reservation that a Ibear has been killed. Mrs. Witham is twenty-five years old. She is an expert rifle*shot. In the Witham arsenal are a rifle, save ral shotguns and revolvers, any one of which she can use adroitlv. She was alone in the house when she killed the bear to-day. # the French cruiser Gloire. ¥ # % ASIISIIISICIGISIISISIIIIIIIIN Alfred Taylor, of East Toronto, was killed in the C. P. R. yards. DAILY MEMORANDA. Vaudeville, Ontario Park, 8.30 p.m: Wonderland gvery afternoon and even- ing. Steamer Capt. Visger line leaves 2.45 p.m., daily, for Thousand Islands. Remember LO.F Excursion, Str North King, on Thursday, Aug. 15th. 10.15 a.m. St. James' Choir Senrchlight Fx= cursion Tuesday Aug. 20th, Str America, 35a This day in history --Montealm took Oswego, 1756; Battle of Fort 1814 : Inventiom--of printing. 1437. Cheese Bard, 1.30 p.m. Thursday rass Ureek Bridge re County - Committes ti 1 noon Tenders fo ceived by Hurrah ' For the News- paper A statistician Te- cently conceded 'first papw as for which the largest returns in net cash aré retuined to the advertiser. The figures were compiled from a mass of actual written experience of various advertisers and the accuracy is indubitable, therefore we say 'Hurrah for the in! Newspapers" and the WH particilar. That advertising pays, few question, very to feel absolutely Hs the news-| the medium | but that the hews- paper pays best is a fact we are ae cer- tain about and in this way We; pasa the gdod pews along fo yoU: Thursday. nent WIG TELEPHONES. 24>--Busi Office. { 229---Editgrial Rooms. | 292--Jobbing Department. | Color Printing a Specialty. ------ The Daily is always ow sale at Gihson's Drug 1 arket Square-- till late each evening. "Royal y i ' | Doulton.' We have just open- ed alot of very _ pretty ODD JUGS, "PLATES, TE A- "POTS, ete., of this celebrated maker. Prices Right. Robertson Bros... ! | | i OR | 14.--Ambassa-| * SON OF PEASANTS. His Family Were Deeply Relig- L Pope Pius X. the head of the Ro- man Catholic church, was born Jo- seph Sarto, the son of a poor Italian peasant folk but of deeply religious family, He was born on. June 2nd, 1835, in the Venetian proviace of Tre- viso, at Riese. He was sent from the village school to the college at Cas- tel, France; and then to the central seminary at Padua, and was finally ordained a priest at twenty-three years of age. For eight years he was a ecvrgte and then he was the head of a parish. Eight years lat- er he became the Bishop of Treviso. In 1584 he was created Bishop of Mantua. For nine years he held this post 'with conspicuous success and the Pope Leo made 'him ga cardinal, and almost immediately afterward he be- came the Patriarch of Venice, which dignity he retained until elected the head of the church. a , BERESFORD'S VICTORY BRITISH CHANNEL FLEET TO BE STRENGTHENED. Final Fling at Fisher--Lord Charles, in Liverpool Speeches, Indirectly Refers to His Victory Over First Sea Lord. London, "Aug. 14.--Lord Charles Berestord made. a speech at Liverpool last Thursday, the true inwardmess of which is unknown to the general pub- lie. To those behind the scemes it triumph, which murks the wvctory of Lerd Charles in his contest. with the present lords of the admiralty, and, notably, Sir John Fisher, the first lond : : These two sea dogs have the same object in view, the strengthening and the most effective disposition of the dritish navy; but they do not see evestogeye in regard to the methods by which these. ends can be attained. Their quaretl as well-known in Ame rica, and the developments which od curred during Admiral Beresiord's visit to' America at the beginning of the year were bruitod throughout the world. What is not so well-known is the personal bitterness, 'which entered into the controversy. Neither 'Charlie' Beresford mutual irritation, but they were not, so far as I can leam, preventing anything but a public out: break. i Lord Charles Beresford's main con- tention was that which he ventilated in America, viz., that Sir John Fish- ex's policy of strengthening the home fleet weakeficd the "navy 's striking force.. He 'kept hammering away at this on every possible occasion, and his popularity in the country is so great that Admiral! Fisher, whether on his own initiative or under advice, I cannot sav, has at last given way. and within a short time the channel fleet, which Admiral Beresford com- mands, will be strengthened * by the this has not yet been made public, and the intimation has been conveyed to Admiral Beresford that his wishes will be followad out on condition that he creates no further friction. Evidently, however, Lord could notg resist the temptation to have a final fling at his adversary and in! several speeches, he delivered this week at * Liverpool, "where the channel fleet has been paying a wvasit, he refereed to . the subject in terms 'that, while only meaning what they 'appeared to mean to the ordinary au- dience. had a special significance in naval affairs. Op one occasion Admiral Beresford | -------------------------------------- Le ears of those behind the scenes in | lie guetions and making alterations in Voltaire"s mordant "pour admiral, who, in phrase,' was autres." He charge (under the miralty, he put in, 'of the defends of home waters. les orders of the v. H there was anvthing defce ive in. the awthods' hy which the du t wer out it wag hix 'busi nds 16 report it to the and the latter's busi the defget. TF there wae hiz hits to report to the govern ment, he could he depended upon tc v only because of the ro carried government rot v ihe Beng. al Sir John fe-anid when he heard of his rival' speech is not recorded, SE BK LAT made | successful in | Charles | compared himscli to Byng, the British | 1 ter arrested the bill poster, PM . That {when he could iposition involved enormous responsi gs to remedy | was anything it example take, not nl he talkative man at any time. sgd what | " s | miserliness, starved. 'his horses i , ki on AREQ What The Telegraphers |" Fight For. far al i ---- | THEY SAY IT WORKS DISAD- { ADVANTAGES. The Canadian Pacific Operators] Will Not Handle Non-Union| Businesg--There Are Forty | |" 1. Cities in h& United States | | Concerned im the Strike. ° | Toronto, Aug. M.--The strike of the] commercial telogtaphers, which start: { { | { t ¥ Led last Friday, in Los Angeles reach- | . jed Toronto yesterday morning, when | sixty-three operators inthe G. N. W. | offic:s refused to handle messages sent | jin_by non-union operators. | The first intingbion the men. receiv ed here that they would be expeated to handle what. they term 'scab' | messages was about midnight, when | the chief operator was instructed to | | dismiss any mam who refused to han- | dle the messages. 1 only mired ome man. to gum when the acted, and declared they would not handle the work. The sixty-three operators, including about thirty women, followed the example of Operator Barber, and leit the build-| i _NO GENERAL STRIKE. -------- Aug. 14.--Gen- eral Russell, of the ' Union, says there be no call ¥ issued for a general strike Mi until after the arrival of ¥ President Small in this » city. President Small can- ¥ not peach here before te- % night. ; * FEE HIICIASIIBICIACAA ROR eee eer ing, declaring that they would not comply with the 'order issued by the management, 4 : There are two Wery important mat-| ters that now enter the fight since il started and on. these two issues the | battle will be fought, and there will | be many a silent, ficker * #»* Chicago, * * ¥ EER EERE KKK KE The first demand now is for a uni- versal eight-hour work-day instead of the present hours which are nine in the day and eight and eight and one- half at might. The second concession asked by the men is the abolition of what is known as the black list. "The list is kept over the United States and Canada, ac cording to the operators, and pame of an opetator who may be dis- missed is listed on it, and prevents him or her from obtaining a posi: tion. i The men say that a chief despatch- er if he takes a dislike to an opera- tor ean practically put him out of SISISISIIISISICISIOISIIIIoR nor 3 lt ab 0 "Jacky" Fishér fia accustomed to | SINC, gr: ib othe words, deprive 4 TTACKED SUNDAY. > mince words in expressing his firm con- | PUR ofa Le od. : ie : A 3 victions, amd "the Ianguage in which The C.P.R. service i al has] it ¥ Tangier, Aug. 14.--Four each expressed his opinion of the other | Men met their > i s last ne : ni ¥ thousand Moors attacked 3 Was at: tuncs redolent rather of the | C3Me Jy wideestanding, w ae oa % Casa Blanca on Sunday, quarterdeck, not to say of the fo': | that 1 the Combe 4 an Se Ta Saw ¥ bufSwere repulsed. Sibou- ¥ castle, than of the drawing-room. | 3Gree not 19 handle any Cyaxin i Dy of Casa 4 Beresiord made specific accusations | sent ont by aon union operas i 4 ¥ Blanca has been dismissed § [against Fisher, who responded in kind, | The eastern Uniom ts = ol n ¥ for having abetted the ¥ and in neither case, be it said, did | the following oitinns Clee and itts ® massacre of Europeans. at 3 the subject matter have the remotes | burg, Charlotte, re . Ty Shing | that place. Siboubeker is %* connection with the navy. Influences | and Juskmouville Fla, osta non po : board ¥ of a most potent character have been | Men struck at ashington, } ¥ Dow 8 PHIOREF a a * brought to bear to smooth down the | ville, Baltimore, Buffalo and Cleve: { land, Pittsburg and Los. Angeles, At { Minneapolis the ppataton of the | North American Telegraph eompany | quit work in sympathy with their con- | frores of the other lines. This is in | addition to the four thousand men at { Chicago, Houston, Kansas City, To- |peka, Oklahoma City, Pueblo, New Orlear®;" Nashville, Columbus, 0. Memphis, Dallas, Meridian, Jackson, Miss., Minscapolis, Milwaukee, St. Louis, Mont., Salt Lake City, Coloras do Springs, Denver, Fort Worth, Tex., El Paso, St. Paul, Los Angeles, Far- oo. Omaha, Sionx City, Knoxville, | Birmingham, Jackson, Tenn., and Au- gusta, Ga., who went out yesterday. Af Pittsburg fifteen W.UT. men Erie, addition of several vessels. 'Notice of | were discharged for refusing 2. oper- ato with cities where the strike ex- lists. The others sb in sympathy, and were joined by the postal men. \ ign | CLEVER SWINDLER CAUGHT. tam" | The Only Buyer at a Public { Auction. { Moscow, Aug. 13.~The police have ~caught 'an enlerprising swindler who {invented a new method of making a living. An inspector of police, in casu- tally paséing down -a street, noticed a man pasting slivs over notices of pub theie dates. } { At first he did not interfere, but who fi nally confessed that for @ cons derable encouragen | time he had been, altering the dates of he sad, in : ad- parenthetically), sales in thi fashion. This engbled him to attend the sales at the proper | dates as. practically the only buyer, sectire goods at his in the ahsenee of competi- rp -------- Satisfactory . Cure For i Complaint. Nothing D and sold everywhere in bottles. g we thy ling of early {family they filled a five-gallon tin can until the mat. | horse ter is adjusted. | Cody, the stop, Jackson- of the reports 8s to his name and Summer scante of is so certain and prompt * _ | as Polson's Nerviline. Used for yeard. : with unfailing success. | Pleasant \ ts | A ew firmer of Baristadt, in iis HUMANITY VS. DISCIPLINE, German Sentry Saves Life and . warded. Berlin, Aug. 14.--Humanity has pre vailed over the strict German discip- line in the case of a sentry on guard at Katsba | opposite the barracks, richt, undeterred hy the ishment that aw; post, saved the youth, y turned 'with a soked skin, took wp his rifle, and avai relief. Arrested on the charge of devia- tion from duty} Rohricht was paraded before his regiment to recelve sentence. The commander in the meanwhile became acquainted with the circum- stances, and instead of a t he presented a large sum to Rohricht and accorded him a furlough after holding him up as an example of cour age to his comrades. LIVES IN PERIL. Two Testing Steam. Ogdensburg, N.Y., Aug. 14--~Harold Wilson, and Frank Simonds, two of twelve yeats'and sons of well well-known 'railroad men, after read: expe 'with steam, made by James. Watt, the inventor, decide! to make some practical tests of their own. Building a five in the 'stove in Wil- son's house, during the absence of the with 'water and placed it on the stove. They hud it tightly corked. they were to make their tests the can explc and both boys were terribdy scalded, -: Doctors Benton and = McEwen, who attended them, say they will recover, though their escape was a very nar row one. a - BOY. DROVE STOLEN A FROM ELORA TO GUE nissan -- Culprit Sixteen Years Old--Says ~ His Name is Eugene Schuithers | of Mildmay~Has Been Com- mitted For Trial. vuelph, Ont, Aug. 13.~Eugéne gosh, a "bright little dugk-haived dark-eyed boy, who claims to be six- teen years old, bat really looks to be scarcely fourteen, was in cells recently, charged with i from n Hold in Elora a - oh buggy 0 r. of Pilkington. The outfit is valued at $275. + Yegterday Magistrate Saunders took the evidence of Mr. Cody, the Pil Kington farmer who owned the horse, and also the evidemce of his: brother, who stated that he met the - young prisoner driving the horse, which he recognized at once fo be his brother's, Raising his hand he told the boy to But the little lad took mo no- him gnd drove past, Cody there must be someth amiss, and, wheeling around, start after the boy. When young Schulters saw he was being pursued he freely applied the whip and the chise only lasted for half a mile, when the su- periority of the horse the boy was driving was so evident that his pur- suer turned his pony and drove back w Elora. Here he met his brother, who was famenting the loss of his beautiful driver, They at once tele phoned the police here) which resulted in the lad getting the reception that he did as he drove into the Royal City. The boy was not asked any questions this morning, the magistrate. merely committing him for trial. Some tice of thought home which the little fellow gave: the holice have been rather conflicting. On Saturday night he claimed to be 5 son of Mr. Clifford, a shoemaker in Harriston, bat this morning he said his name was Eugene Schulthers, and that his father ix a blacksmith at Mildmay. "The lad says he was work- ing for George Herbert White, & far- {mer dbout five miles from Mildmay, land while picking stones on a was having a talk with a neighbor's hoy when Mrs. White, seeing him idle, told him he was no longer wanted about the place. He was afraid to {go home, so be walked to Elora and {there got the horse, Send One In Three. i ronmdon, Aug. 11.--Frederick. John. son, clerk of the Céntral Unemployed Body for London, informs the Cana- din press that the emigration com- mittee has séectod 5,000 persons out of 15,000 applicants, those ov od being unskilled laborers and fami- lies. All cases were most cavelully in- vestigated. Practically every man ob- tain] work immediately on arrival. Fhe chairman of theqchmmittee, Wal-, Lter Hazell, -and Rov, J.C. Morris, have sailed for Canada to make in: quirks as to the best methods of denling with questions of emigration. ------------ Positive About Mormons. Gr " Youngsters Nearly Killed | Roa scho- lar from MeGill "university, Montreal, | has been ed toy tutorial feb | athletic champions, was married to Frank W, Warren, Newark pointed a committee to discover means of inducing grants to Camada and United States to return. a made the citizens of M what apprehensive and nervous, With in a compasatively houses have been entered. ly abandoned the the committee on imperial defence ? 3 unless anything extraordinary 3 p arise no further mee aN will be held: OLEN lograph operators olsim the {against the telegraph com be Western Union and Poatal Welogra companies state that they are handl- ing their business rapidly and No disorders have been reported hy the police. ! Matters That Iateres t st. Everybody Notes From All Over--Littls of Everything Eesily Read and Remembered. f Dt. Goldwin Smith, the sage of the celebrated his - eightydourth Hq was born st Herbert J comings' Bose, Rhodes 5 Ned The Swedish: government -has ap the better elafs of emis A serips of house burglaries have rg somo: short time six The British ment has definite: idea of continui i shold tings 'of that hedy At New York, while the striking te- strike fen will successful, the offiei of the that numbers 5 men are retaining to WoRk, ALCOHOL BATTLE CONTINUES, ---- < Question Whether it is Poison Dis. sonton, Aug Th ln oll reipabia ug. I.--~In ul the ing of the British As for the As t of o, closed last week at Leicester, has beet a success. Over 1,600 members attend od and several papers of a high stand ard were read. : After-the discussion to which Sir William Ramsay's refiart of his ex: periments with radium examination gave rise and from which report, as the Lancet says to-day, there rs to be distinct reason for belioving that the energy of the examination had degraded copper into lithium, the tention was the vexed question wheth- er alcohol is a poison of not. Nir Victor) Horsley, a sur and physiologist of the highest inotion, held that it is. Dr, an. an Squally distinguished anthority, deela ae smphatically hat alcohol was equi- valent to sugar, therefore food. Then HAIHNANDIORINIHNONS » * % CAID MACLEAN FREE. ¥ R ------ * x Tangier, Aug. 14.--Caid ¥ Sir Maclean has ¥ ¥ been released by the bandit 3 # Raisuli to the es ¥ tribesmen, who shortly ¥ % afterwards set him at £ ¥ liberty. ¥ Nn * HAHA oR R Dr. Cushny insisted that it was so bad a poison that it was never ex- pelled from the system, and that it affected the brain hours after it was administered. And so the débate went on, both. sides apparently being satis- Dr. Waller, president of the section in which the theme was discussed, be- lieves that by next year, when the to- pic will be revived some, definite re- sults will be reached, and by that time. there is certainly a probability. that what -is meant by "a oh quantity" or "a moderate dose," alchol will be quantitatively defined, and that we shall have. active mea surements of the disturbance or stimu- fation which a. given quantity of al- eohol produces in the system. The dif- ficulty in reaching this result lies in the fact that. though there are stand- ard weights and no standard subject which attracted the most at- jy DLit1e an OF taw Ie! ny le} line, only. 165s che th lat 8% all daintily trimmed With Swiss Insertion, 8 dozen in the lo A tegular snap at 20c. CHILDREN', RAWER Ma ie ot Bue White Cotton, price, 15¢, . : ' SUITS--Made of hog, ony or Norfolk Style Coats, | well lined with Mercerette. 7- fords, only 5 left, rd clearing price, x he No Exchange. No Approval. Steacy's} The Gatewny to Satisfaction. LL. ~Tn Kingston, Avg. 1907, William McConnell, "at er TS 5 Being; TY This Metinoe® Fritay; at 3.80. HIGH-CLASS VAUDEVI The Shepard-Duo, in Solos and a 'Colburn. and Greno, Comedians, of the human system exists, Z One yoy interesting payer wad read by Prof. Spencer of United States. Thie-quarters of n century ago the English gealoyist;, Lyell, - computed that Niagara had taken over 30,000 véars foot ji rocky 'precipice to its present tion. Prol. Spencer many vears ago came to the conclusion in ! Ottawa, Aug." 14.~Rev. Re M. {Ceaig, of New York, home mission se- {eretary of the American Presbyterian church, made some sirong statements regarding the Mormons in a sermon | here. He stated positively that, des- | pite denials, polygamy was still quite | common among the Mormons, and said {that that was avell known. "Nowhere hape I found that de nied," said Dr. Craig, "except in the Washington, and 1 believe it 'hae always been detifed in the par- lament of Camada." King Honors Sir A. Géikie. London, Aug. 1.--The . kisg Boe comlerred the knighthood of the Most | Hondrable { der of ihe Bath, civil diy definitely that Niagara had taken at least 32,000 years to this re- sult, and now, with still more min- period at 3 06 i + 39, a MARS. ute investigation and he calculates the | years, i A ---------------- } i Investigate Charges. | Montren), Ang. 14--The intima- {tion that there wonld be no Qupbeo iprovintial election this vear was cof {firmed by. a member of the legisla- {ture close to the premicr and one of {Wis strongest supporters. This gentle {man states that it had now heen fully | decided to have an investigation into {the Baron Lepine charges, and then leadl a session of the Tegislature. from. Musical Act, Slack . 's 1 Cent Day on is i "MOTHHR-IN-LAW'S - RACE." LOST IN AN ARIZONA DES |vidtom, updn: Sit 'Archibald Geile, em. | H. Cunningham, piand. funer, to |in°nt geologist and - cousin of + | Chickering s. Orders at y's * IGeikie, of Toronto, . .i Ibook store, Phome 778,

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