) KNOW COME JR CLOTHES. --AND ---- users finished to your order lobby $15 Blue lack Suits. , $12.50 to $20. R SHOES IN VARIETIES. , Gibson "Ties. p One-Tie Pumps. olate Blucher Oxfords. 'olt and Blucher Oxfords. « Buttoned Oxford Pamps. Metal Gibson Ties and Pumps. [ er Shoe Store | nt Naini RLAND, Sales Agent. 1er Sale! is a money saver for you. \d Extension Tables. , reduced to $24. reduced to $16.50. : ' 50, reduced to $14. rth $25, reduced to $21. orth $6.50, reduced to $5. rediiced 'from 10 to 25 per cent. Over tes range froun $8, $3 25, $3.75, $4 np. REID, taker, © = 'Phone 577. olates + G. B. Chocolates. ire. the Best. 66 Princess Street . | Jact unfit to use. © THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, MONDAY, AUGUST 12th, 1907. THE "PRENTICE. BOYS... rer rece we =| IN (YAGHTING CIRCLES =: 2 B= = "= ; : in fia ILRHILE: | Newsy .aragraphs Picked Up By i gu Satupday : Cg -- Reporters On Their Rounds, J 12, -- 25; Nationals, §- Montrzals, 5; Capi (WENT. TO ST. PAUL'S| Kitchen Bouquet at Gilbert's. THE SENECA THOUGHT TO| Heavy los of life is reported from CHURCH ON SUNDAY. [jyyay ¥® o hot de Sunday. BE THEBETTER BOAT. | Central Japon because of floods and Ammunition you not of Yl -- "William Swaine, 'piano tuner, Orders eT Sore Canadian ay Sermon By the Vicar Rev. W, F.|received at McAuley's. 'Phone 798.. ° | Watertown Arranging Labor Day With Lajoie; Flick and Bradley out 3 i we ] of the Cleveland hasn't a ors Tare Fitsgerald--The Text Applied] The coolest spot in Kingston at fmnton to) Have 3'Gake fimehe American Dascholl enc] : ty te Canada in a Very Fodgible iton's Ned Cros drug store foun: Day, of --U. S. Consul Van-lgus peanant. : \ You also get am-. Way. ¢ . i Sane Saree. ph, the Capitals' star defence munition that is ¥y ine results in the - -n » man, has hung up his stick, and bis adapted toCanada's St. Paul's church is becoming a | tions will od] A number of Kingston yvachtsmen los on the Capital line-up will bo climate, centre for jal services, 'because. of Wednesday. . were at Charlotte on Saturday, %0/hard to fill. He has been sick ever No imported Ammunition old affections for the venerable edifice, Jf U want que dealing stop run: | witness the first race between Seneca the the Old pen | SESS Lb EAB | ag, wl The, BE of i inky over the oldest h i ' ood 2-8. : in the contest y » ! » & do inspected as inion ouse in town and the |e pick] p ving nr S ol aha 8 Soot to quit the game, il Made to fit all ular fire-arms. Pop Fémous for over a century for its delicacy recommended by the Medical Profession or account of its peculiar "DRYNESS" GILLETTS ABSOLUTELY PURE CREAM TARTAR. goods in this line at the present time are adulterated and in GILLETT'S is used by the best bakers and caterers everywhere. REFUSE. SUBSTITUTES. ILLETT"S costs no more than the inferior adulterated goods. REFUSE SUBSTITUTES, JEW.GILLETT We TORONTO, ONT. iid A Paying Investment A Modern, Business Education is a necessary . requirement for SUCCHSH in this progressive age. Frontenac Business College, KINGSTON, '- ONT. Is one of Canada's Representar tive Modern Iastitutions. Our connection with the United Employment Bureaus in the large cities of Canada and the United States enables us to place in eiiuation. We do it. Mod- for particu Fall Term Opens September 3r W. H. SHAW, T'N. STOCKDALE Veasident. Principal: SEIRISIISIIINIFIIIINR 'H. Nicholson #8 GRANITE AND MARBLE WORKS - 149 SYDENHAM ST.. (COR. PRINCESS.) a awe never failed to . Write DIAMONDS. We have made every prepar- ation to have a complete an sortment. We buy direct fro the 'cuttel Every stone hea our guarantee. " Solitaire Diamiond Rings, 0 he Diamond Rings, $60 hres Stone Rings, from = i and examine our stock for yourself. : Kinnear! & d'Esterre, Jewelers, 100 Princess St i In Delicate Health. _ Paris, Aug. from San Sebastan, King 'Alfonso and Quecn one with the oldest public association, the home of Lord Simeoe in the 'win- ter of 179293, and which shares with Fitagerald is meeting with very dial acceptance and su gates of Derry was fittingly ce of flavor. {by the 'Prentico Boys who, with théir| The men of the Ith Regiment have 3 : Of highest standard of friends, attended service in St. Paul's | not yet received their money, and are | IDg races on the 21st, and invite the | Purity. yesterday morning... The beautiful ser- wondering when they are going to get Kingston boats to enter. Nope, how-| iy {vice 'of the Church of England was im- | it. Some claim that it is already in| ®Ver will go, from here, as Trenton's It Is especially | pressively, conducted by~ the vicar. | the city, and if this is the case, they course 'is . very ~ unsatisfactory, being {The singing was hearty and congrega- | would like a little loose change. | unsuitable for deep draught boats. tional. {ful one, abounding in choice and for- | boxes at Gibson's Rad Cross drag led. 0 ople at this.time. hunglfty thopugh adversity. vealed to them their nbed of a strong {men a few weeks ago did not do them hidse by pointing out to them a sense any harm and they might: give them ol their Thdse who would not have been chosen | by the people were chosen by and God 0 heeause-they-were-conscions-of- sibility. who were ddigent and strong in ome sphere werg, capable of exercising dili- | 12.---Special despatches [across & dr ' Spaih, wheréiman arrest Victoria are is now 'on. Buy your rings, corks, sealing wax, etc, at Hoag's. 3 be the bette . On gecount of a number of to . x. one, and the local, Guaranteed by the that portion of the city a real his- £ .. calf jikely to win the series. On the- first, people that ustralians Dominion Cartridge Co. id, toric interest. The church contribifed yachtsmen going to Charlotte on Sa- | joy ip ran a from the Adele, and pot he Jone oat the ie team out MONTREAL. 1e-07 through its graveyard not a little to |turday the cruising race scheduled was | held its on the second. .The|ihere to stack up aguinst them. They {thie old-time interest. Many of 'not held. i y int was in windiard ask r P inter: | y of the n 2 d Adele's st \ ard asked for and t an intermediate names engraven on stone there re- | Ww. P. Archibald, parole officer work, but the Seneca proved itself twelve, and i Tn the Australians ea---------- called early struggles in politics or the dominion government, went Of poiior jn this. The American design: | cannot hold them, - oo oisy, civic advancement, or told of a brave Montreal, from Kingston, with _ #8} ory, Ljeut.-Col. Strange said, worked) Ever since Bonhag defeated Long ov Uepy officer's 'last roll call. These resting | eX-convicy who was returning to under a new rule' which the Englishinoat at Buffalo last winter in a \ places of the once-honored dead have land. designers: didn't #o have found mile race indoors the Indian has been {been rescued this summer irom tangle For scalded feet, or when they are | ,u4° yet. are still two rades looking for a chance to get revenge, lof weeds, the tombstones have been hot and burning, taloum owder gives | yore "to be , and perhaps the hut he has given up hope. is ; repaired, and the credit of the pre (instant relief. Sold at Gibson's Red | Adele may do Better. As to the skip afraid to meet the Indian, who would : sent geperatign preserved. St. Paul's Cogn drop store, { the bigwest| PO they seems to be about of equal now beat him at any short distance. 10 MS MAJESTY. THE KING: is again paying decent respect to the er ay was one of the biggest| "ln TA tie* Jarvis on the Canal St. Mary's and Stratford will in- " remains of - those entrusted to its | days of the year among the islands. | 5.0" a4 Hanan of New York, augurate i-annual SirJohn Power & Son Led. Jl [care. Cement walks have been laid to 'The steamers of the Thousand Island} "8%, M0 co eralt. aug a By nba oa ~~ STABLISHED ABO. the church and school hall, and Steunbaut Sompany handled over| "ay was great difficulty experienc come a leading athletic event in Can: - " around the church. at large-heart- ree tl ousand e. ad 8 ed in getting the measurements of the ada. A large tankard will be offered edness has no depressing effect is [° Buy Fowler's Extract of Wild Straw- | g nea, the Herreshofis refusing to for the winner of the and al THREE SWALLOWS shown in the renting. of almost every | berry, 35c., and our own wild straws| jus the plans or figures. Mr. OW-| ready ten cups and his. have been . eligible pew in St. Paul's, and in the berry compound, 25c., at Hoag's. en, formerly of Hamilton, who de- | promised by citizens of the two places IRISH w w Fesulve to soon renovate and, decorate Two youl men from the county signed the Kathleen of Kingston, was| Major Del Mar, 2013, the fastest Hl KEY Y he interior of the edifice. Rev. W. F, | were tried ore Col. Hunter, on, y.4 in and he succeeded in setting trotter in training, will start for the Saturday afternoon, for a breach of t bosk. the Ontario fish' protection act. After] ters right. v---- % oe closing of the | hearing the evidence the case was ad- | . a x i "Won't Go To Trenton. reek P . | Ali forated journed for a week for a verdict | The T ¥acht Club are hold cor- The anniversary of Take a seidlitz powder in the morn- | before To Play Lacrosse. The sermon, an eloquent and power- [ing breakfast. Sold in tin i n The Kingston lacrosse team left this terday, stated that the Yankee boat'y al and their "Australian tour, While a lot of people t the "All-Canadign" lacrosse team, first time this seabon at the Grand Circuit meeting, to be held in Pough- i He is to go an ex- inst time. worked a milely few days ago in} 2:04}, which is faster than any other trotter has shown this season. ' racies is over another ilistic scandal rivaling thé O'Brien Burns fiasco of some months ago. in connection with the practical offi" of thé twenty-round go be- Gans, lightweight jon, "Jimmy" Burns, scheduled to teke club leible language, was preached by Mr. |store. morning for Picton, where they will Fitagerald, who choose for his text| The steamer America Will bring an play Trenton this afternoon. The Joshua 1,-13: "The Lord your God | excursion from Thousand Istand Park following players will represent the {hath given you rest; and hath given | to the city, to-morrow morning, give city : Boyd, Puck, Willie, Bohem, {you this land." The circumstances in | ing the passengers three hours in the Gardiner, Huxley, Pierce, Bryson, eonnection with the text were review- | City. | Cousins, Dalby and Barry. The locals should be able #6 trim- 'the lads frond parks aro beginning to of rain. The e_fire- God taught many lessons to the| The city He taught them {look He re [sprinkling need badly in received by Trenton if they ave given a show. they ee Sailor VanSant. Enited States Consul H. D. "Van Sant is quite a yachtsman. He has atready sailed, the new Kingston boat Kathleen, and defeated E. C. Gilder sleeve"s Tezpi ih-a. race round Cedar insufficiency. | another flooding. ** 1 Sunday was a big day with tour God, | ists among the Thousand Islands and showed that he chose them | 8% Alexandria Bay. The following | steamers carried big crowds: The [ Kingston, Caspian, New Island Wan | derer, St. Lawrence, America, River | side, Ramona, Capt. Visger. The gasoline yacht What Next left, weakness and Island. ¢ leen's stockholders, having subscribed to the craft built to try and lick the Yankee Crescent, but the latter has ) respon. He taught them that those gence and strength in another. So | 5 i Hoke: the "stammerer," was chosen; | this mie uing, or Chippewa Buy, 1 Wo ee ould like to sea thertreol to-day. ? Joshua, the: diligent ste 1, was [take part in e races thére to-day. oR" . Britai Pr. Wh 8 chosen; Ehud, "the \eft-handed an |All the fast yachts down the river America § op be! by Britain. a he day on a to SySnghom _ Yo was chosen; Gideon, the humble farm-| Vill be on hand for the contests. The would re he cing A hort! S. 8. Corbett is spendin, few worker, was chosen; Deborah, a moth- fastest boat among the islands is the | co lo Encland iy tks would | days fishing at Collins Pring : : * » 2% i oon » . t a . ia YE oma ei Fr TH ot of imme | [SE La Sl a, J ond Nem, Je The preacher ho a oi t " t Residents on 'Barrie st have been FE » rah tod x a vais "in Sr. ing sketch of the gave En interest-{ yu bled lately by people stealing Glad Of Kingston's Entry. | RM ay i 3 on - d t nama i oh and its | irs from their lawns, and it is al- Commodore Reeves, of the Water-| | if -- was in Detertiate aver Sun, Joshu nn Jneaning. ¢ Name | mogt mpossible to leave a chair out-| town, N.Y. yacht club, has written a *h route to the LO.OF. grand 1 Jesus were synonymous. | gg, for any length of time. One fami-| Lieut.-Col. Strange, expressing his "O/% at Orillia. He next emphasized the power of the | i ¢ tat i | ly have lost two. chairs ; J 8 , od FY : text ous 2* Guang) wd dessibed | week or two from their front door- | the oa adn in Jictorial coll step. These thefts should be investi-| ertown club's harrassod people. He then alae gated by the; pelice und she offenders pute on hy rae the *Prenti Bow . . | puni he i { on Labor Day, Sept. tore its: Boy B mlenng into the! "mo voung men not used to sailing | that arrangements " : 3 ege and Comparing iy, 4 quite a time down the river yes- | made for the events, and invites Kingston Yacht Club of the Wat invitation to partici at Chaumont 2nd. oe oF Jail. hele DouaciOREN Le congratulating themselves on | peovle to go over for the races. God's presence wys the 'secret of tvifiheing such good masters. Upon _the | Five Kingstch, bate will Likely Som descrined asd 1h € Sh e gates wab| oturn trip things changed consider- | peto--the Kathleen, Chiriya, Thistle osey «dan e' awful pathos of lahly, every time they w6uld tack, | Tezpi and Baby Grand. the long siege and ultimate relief and | they would hit the shore, have to get | triumph. To-day, added the speaker,isut and push the boat out again. | we enjoy in Canady rest, and a good-| When last scen they were str geling | Ay Charlotte, on Saturday ly heritage is ours in this growing bravely for home, making fully three | > op y . . d . noon, the Yankee boat Seneca defeat young dominion, throbbing with life, feet every tack. led thé Adele, of Toronto, 10) the first uid wherever in this' fair land we go ) a a Ce aus a! h there meets our eves a veritable pano- livery stables and the boat liveries. | a s lirio 8 > ramal of unparalleled" Beauty; our | After two o'clock it was impossible to jeronand ght ln ot hms 5. Adele. Shain of lakes, owrsmoble rivers and|get a horse and rig in the city. i hout: Lot les an_ho glorious mountains and our rollingisten Mills was the point of attrac- Shes ' Senec, i challengevthe world to sur-|tion, and was Visited by hundreds of g, drifting match. The 3 8 Pointed Seneca Beat Adele. us: hy our lives help to build up this canoes and launches. great voung-nation. Next the preacher] A young man had a joke played on the second buoy. emphast the blessings of sviritual | him, Saturday nicht, as a result | ' liberty. "Religion." 'he said, "is realized relationship to Jesus Christ] off short. He was seated in a barber's _ 44s managed to drift home in time. end liberty is to suspect vet reverence | chair, when one of his friends took |; finish was: S . self: to suspect that tendency which| the clippers and ran them from his| 000 6.13.15. ever leaves is on the brink of a fali} neck: to his forehead, leaving a mice :: and to reverence that within us which | furrow where the hair should have] is nllied to God. redeemed hy God the | been. The young man was not Son, and Sanctified by God the Holy| too pleased at the treatment. but | August Ghost." sill he-had to have his head clipped | uiner, will : ose. Sdn---- Sporting Notes. e-------- nsS------ Forty Years Behind Bars. A iy - - Geneva, Aug. 10--A Bavarian named Schurer holds the. Swiss record for hav- 3 3 | ing spent the longest time in prison. ! Since he was 18 years of age Schurer, i who is a cook by trade and a burglar by choice, has seen the inside of nearly every prison in the north and centre of Switzerland. He is now nearly 70 years 3 of age, and has just completed a long Start on Burglar S Career. tern at the prison of Thoune; but he has ill' two more years to serve at St. Gall Jor a daring robbery, and when freed iscill have spent forty-two years of his life in: Swiss prisons. 'He is not a dangerous criminal, but a small, wizemed man, who says burglary Ea was trying to escape arrest, Bayard 4 Te Edward Pierce, of No. 439 North Eleventh street, was almost instently| of jer nominal survel his death, Mrs. Pierce's ten days. Impoverished by his insati Fders thet copie his way will be hand- ed over to the police. While out on his rounds: Sunday: afternodm, he ran runk, and he had a police- him. When. questioned, the offender claimed that he pur: chased the liquor near Farrand Point. his first known crime, en the pstablishnient where he was formerly employed and stealing $5 worth of brass fittings. Captured a few minutes later by Stevenson, he broke away from the policeman, and when scarce- | wel. tinued troubfe. Before been sober and industrious, but and never wos he able Sajeuraing Say that her majesty, who i inspector is hot on the trail of to a som on May 10th, "gave birth state of health. again in delicate -------- "A Cotn 'Any Roots? ¢ Has "Fes; and branthes ant stems as well. | : Yes, by applying the cause of an Es 3 cent; tiles, lout from the old: land, losing his _ kit Can it be cured? ) Putnam's corn extractor: is pain} safe 'apd invariably satisfactory. sist on only Putnam's. ets "he Korean supreme court has pass-|of the theft. ei sentence upon the members of the} -- hin obiles | will not in 'be forced to become an rt Sol has] Two large fing automobiles came] will not again 'be i Yisang Sol i ferfepon and 3 { - been ¢. 'The owners thei to} wndoubtedly } hao . Le fr - Yor - | coroner, but his herves have been com-| trict. Hague been to : be a 38 deputation. In-lof tools, Iv a block from his home was shot): » he would bring on his fam * | down, leaving a poverty-stricken wife and child. Heartbroken and penniless, Mrs. Pierce would not believe that her hus- band had degraded himself by com- mitting larceny. Stevenson has collapsed, declaring that he did not intend hit shot to be fatal. and that as "soon as the coroner's inquest is} ishings. Touched over -he will resign from the police | ing- i force 'and seek a livelihood where he; ficer rvin, thrust several and a collection made among {Sunday whiskey sellers. Ton 2 Of Tools. His Tove Ede of beer, was wglishman, recently and has left us without a penny. live depicts its poverty. Monday morning. While he '% plass, someone made off i tak wi Fhe police were notified {with the kit. bv her appeal, of ha Wi-hth t to-| involuntary murderer. To-dav he will be exonerated by + the over on the steamer P officers of the di » 4 Toronto, from New York, : | Francisco sporting men and {are in league and is accused of havi | offered large sums of money to ren in the past| satisfaction over the acceptance by! -- dead. Bay | He says are now beng] bist ON ox both Russell Derry, Barrie street, who has alker and Murray to the old lead: torday. They went down all right and | the Kingston boats and the Kingston after- | Yesterday was a good day for the | f the Canada's cup yaces. The yachts | King- | bout four miles an hour and the race | ,praigies iches » A pass their majestic grandeur. Ours, | people during 'the day. The river be- higher than the Adele and outreached for we have entered like-the Israelites|low the locks was alive with small '| The first buoy was turned thus: of old into out land of promise, let boats of every description, skiffs, Is a, 2.35.20; Adele, 242.38. This {load the Adele reduced by a minute at yi It was doubtful if | " x TN the race would be finished within the | a| which he had to have his hair clipped time limit of five hours, but the 5.58.13; any| Ay the Toronto police athletic games 21st Longboat, the Indian attempt to beat the workl's record for a four-mile run. He Policeman's- Bullet Kills Young Man After His "a inv op, Pioneen mit probably Philadelphia, Aug. 12.--Shot as he; pletely 'shattered. Until after the in- west the police have ordered him wn | oddiellows' Will Meet at Orilliaion Breaking down completely when told firat moming by | thought was of her child and the dis- | oPen 118 has so great a fascination for him that | piled early yesterday when free hé cannot control himself. Policeman Wesley W. Robinson, of the! grace brought upon him by the fath- I ER Fith district, who has been comnected| er's crime. She could scarcely bring Inspector On The Job. with the Eighth district for the past] herseli to believe = that her husband had been guilty of larceny, but final Sunday drunks will have to keep x i : y t clear of License I tor Wright. He | able desire for cigarettes and liquor, | I¥, when the proof of his guilt was js out $n the bh, and all offen- |'and without funds to pravide for his| shown her, she declared * family, Pierce was driven to commit "Drink ruined him Ever ¥ince our] . FEncamph marriage my life hat Hors one of con-| Fast Grands F. Kilpatrick and - 3. then he had Drom. for nearly five years he has been drinkin to satisfy him- Repeatedly 1 warned him of the Iv and now he has gone to a disrepu-| table grave. He has disgraced our boy| = The A 'hich the tittle fr ihe | W. F. Huffman, he foam. in whe le of visited friends in Kingston on Satur ! connected also| ornaments, rell-worn on th , fora bed, » bureau ro washatand, | With railway work in South Africa for and a few chairs were the onlv forn- | the pout six -yeers, and was under Act-| Sir " sx jentemant Austin and Special Of. [months leave. cetrict. | Vancouver. ars into. her hands, | ? ---- for her relief will be place before the Pacific Athletic on August 16th. Prominent San tatives of the alieged "fighting trust" {up the match. The reason for . this Iwas that it interfered in various ways {with the Britt-Gans match, scheduled to take place early in September, PERSONAL MENTION. | Winnie Dowsley, Ottawa, is visiting lin the city. | Russell Hewton returned from Mon: Deacon, of Lindsay, is ¢ He used to spend many days in camp at Barriefield. Dr. Edward C.: Wawsomn, of Detroit, spent the past few days with his pa- rents, Prof. gnd Mrs. Watson. Lieut. Col. been spending his holidays at Shar bot Lake," retursied home to-day. "This' moming James Bute, Dr. Mor- gan and W. W. Gibson leit in the latter's automebile on a fishing trip {to Collins Lake, Hon. M. F. Hackett, K.C., Stan i stead, Que., who has been the guest of Mr. and Mrs, J. J. Behan, Sydenham 1tace, left for home this afternoon. The many friends of Henry Wand, {who has been confined to the general {hospital with a severe illness, will be {glad to learn that he is improving nicely. : J. P. Robertson, provincial libear- ian, Winnipeg, Man., is the guest of {H. M. Ruttan, Brock street. He ie {father-inlaw of ~ Mr. Ruttan's gn { Charles, of Winni . Mr. and Mrs. D. B. Gage, 308 Mon- trea! stregt, mnmounce the marriage of their only daughter, Miss Ada L. Gage, to Sergt. H. E. Law, Toronto, the marriage to take place on the evening of August 14th. Capt. Vincent Murray left his boat | here this morning in order to see his son, why, is ill in the Howl Dieu. Vin- cent Murray has been ailing for some time past and his friends wid be sorry to hear that grave hopes are held out for his recovery. |" Mrs. James McMillan, 'widow of the {late United States Senator James Me- | Millan, Detroit, announces the eng iment of her daughter, Miss Amy Ne [Millan, to Lieut.-Col. Sir John Har- {rington, 'British envoy entraordinary, take place at FEaglehead, Manchester- by-the-Sea, in October. : > | DELEGATES TO GRAND LODGE Tuesday. : The grand lodge of Oddfellows will i session at Orillia, on Tues day, and the Kingston lodges have elected the following delegates to at- tend : : | "Kingston lodge, No. 59--Past. Urunds | William Patterson, ¥. Kilpatrick and | William Hamilton. is in excellent shape. All the newest kinks in Weather" Footwear can be had here. Tan Shoes, Batiig Shoss, Canvas. tories await your inspection. $ mmm |] H, Sutherl c J as Shoes, for Sutherlands Shoe Suggestion: Suitable ues 1 At this particular time of the year our stock of Ca "All the Members au shades) -Barefoot Sandals, Ete. ) In fact the pick of the Canadian and American. - -- a Rb a RO ET "THE HOUSE OF GOOD SHOE MAKING Burnishine Polishes All Metals. Used by Yachtsmen, Fire departments, Janitors, Engineers, on Steamships, Auto- "mobiles, and by anyone desiring a brilliant lustre on metal. Sizes of tins: ad Half Pint, Pint, Quart, Half MoKELVEY & BIRCH, 69-71 Brook § SALE OF OUCHES THISWEEK. 48ire Constructed Leather Couches. 5 Wire Constructed Imitation of Leather Couches. 3 Wilton Rug Couches. fa e 8 Velours in Fancy Patterns. i This week at sale prices. ; The. Leading Undertaker. ames Reid, ™ hea. ¥ CANADA]LIF statetpent of recei From its HEAD OFFICE ........i How well have the aflairs af and expenditure is zation to the ewd of 1906, from Pol Py Limestone City Ei mt, No. 10 No. TO--Past Cataraqui lodge, Arthur Single Grands Robert Meek, {ton and 8. N. Watts. Granite lodge --Past Grand PP 2 id. s Rebekah--Miss Marshall, - ys "Left For Vancouver. . of Montreal, who {day and Sunday, has been Girouurd. He i» on Last night he left for For summer «Condor" Mustard \ Te Sumer Ate STRICTLY | 1 appetite and helps It contains all Oh stite snd helps digestion. eh PURE | nt all its yi] complaint, extract of a (wild strawberry. Id at Gibson's